I've observed that when some folks train intervals they come to full stop during the rest period. I do my intense interval paddling period then follow that up with active rest where I keep paddling but at a aerobic level and pace. My thought is that I'll never be in a race and need to go hard then stop paddling after sprinting. Any thoughts on which way is best to do intervals.
It depends what your target system is. It's very difficult to hit anaerobic zones with out full rest periods, but if your merely trying to improve VO2 and high end aerobic capacity then active rests are just as good 😊
My goal is too have more stamina during long distance 😂
3 days to qualifying!!!!!!
I've observed that when some folks train intervals they come to full stop during the rest period. I do my intense interval paddling period then follow that up with active rest where I keep paddling but at a aerobic level and pace. My thought is that I'll never be in a race and need to go hard then stop paddling after sprinting. Any thoughts on which way is best to do intervals.
It depends what your target system is. It's very difficult to hit anaerobic zones with out full rest periods, but if your merely trying to improve VO2 and high end aerobic capacity then active rests are just as good 😊
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Thanks for spotting this! The links have been corrected 🤙