What you said is true! I have been here almost 40 years, no police ever asks me one penny when we are stopped, all we have to do is following the law then we are safe.
@@CamboXchange Thank you Khmuoy for your wishes! One point to note and share here. , whenever we are stopped by police if we don't agree with the police about the charge the police will give us a citation and it is required by law that we need to sign but we can go to the court later for the contest not to pay the fine. Signing the citation does not mean we are guilty. Law also allow the police to arrest us if we refuse to sign. The system is fair, no abuse from the authority by having a required cam on the police.
Hello Vang! Happy to see you and the family safe back home. You are the good man and you learn about the laws in the U S to protect yourself and the family and some people had been here most of their life and they no nothing about the law. They cannot help themselves with anything at all. You had been here for a short period and you had accomplished a lot compared to some people had been here for a long time. And it’s pissed them off! But please don’t pay attention to them. They are nothing but hater! And you are right about carrying your green card with you at all times and if you don’t want carry your green card you can carry your driver license or the I D Card from your State. You can get one from your D N V and you can use to cash your check for travel into the other State if you want to fly. And you can use for your identity for the bank and you don’t need to change the address on your green card and you can save money to file for changing address on your green card. But when it comes to the ID Card and the driver license it is a must you need to have the right address and if you don’t just tell them you just got to new place and you will get it done soon. And the reason why governments want us to carry the ID to protect us ,examples if were in the car accident or some sort or get hurt some where they need our ID to identify our family. And Vang sometimes these peoples don’t know what they are talking about and if you augur with them it’s just like you are auguring with a rock! It’s best to leave them alone.
Thank you so much for sharing ❤
thanks for visit
❤❤ thanks so much 🙏
Thanks for sharing your video🙏🙏😘😘
@@CamboXchange 🙏🙏🙏
thank you!
អរគុណនូវការចែករំលែកវីដេអូ សូមលោកបានសេចក្តីសុខរៀងរហូត
What you said is true! I have been here almost 40 years, no police ever asks me one penny when we are stopped, all we have to do is following the law then we are safe.
@@CamboXchange Thank you Khmuoy for your wishes! One point to note and share here. , whenever we are stopped by police if we don't agree with the police about the charge the police will give us a citation and it is required by law that we need to sign but we can go to the court later for the contest not to pay the fine. Signing the citation does not mean we are guilty. Law also allow the police to arrest us if we refuse to sign. The system is fair, no abuse from the authority by having a required cam on the police.
thank you!
Good job brother ❤️👍👏
អរគុណដែលចូលចិត្ត និង តែងតែគាំទ្រកន្លងមក 🙏
សួស្តីបងប្រុស ខ្ញុំនៅកាណាដា បងមានប្រសាសន័ត្រូវ សំរាប់ច្បាប់នៅទីនេះដូចគ្នា រួមទាំងការបេីកបរ និងដូរអាស័យដ្នាន
ពិតណាស់រឿងអតសញ្ញាត្រូវតែមានបរចាំបេីយេីងមិនមែនជាសញ្ជាតិគេ តែបេីយេីងមិនបេីកបរមិនបាច់ដាក់តាមក៏បានតែត្រូវមានកាតសម្គាល់ជាប្រចាំពូែររៀបរាប់ណាស់ក្មួយមីងចូលចិត្តស្តាប់នៅពាក្យពិតៗ
Good law brother *😍*
thank you!
ដូរអាស័យដ្ឋាន មុនគេបំផុត ទៅបុយរ៉ូ ដូរបណ្ណបើកបរ ដាក់អាស័យដ្ឋានថ្មី
អរគុណបងដែលបានប្រាប់ 🙏
ជម្រាបសួរបង! បើយើងចិញ្ចឹមមាន់នៅអាមេរិកមិនថាមាន់ជល់ ឬមាន់សម្លរ តើសុំច្បាប់គេត្រូវចំណាយប៉ុន្មានបង?
@@CamboXchange ចុះបើកជាកសិដ្ឋានវិញមេចដែរបង?
Hello Vang! Happy to see you and the family safe back home. You are the good man and you learn about the laws in the U S to protect yourself and the family and some people had been here most of their life and they no nothing about the law. They cannot help themselves with anything at all. You had been here for a short period and you had accomplished a lot compared to some people had been here for a long time. And it’s pissed them off! But please don’t pay attention to them. They are nothing but hater! And you are right about carrying your green card with you at all times and if you don’t want carry your green card you can carry your driver license or the I D Card from your State. You can get one from your D N V and you can use to cash your check for travel into the other State if you want to fly. And you can use for your identity for the bank and you don’t need to change the address on your green card and you can save money to file for changing address on your green card. But when it comes to the ID Card and the driver license it is a must you need to have the right address and if you don’t just tell them you just got to new place and you will get it done soon. And the reason why governments want us to carry the ID to protect us ,examples if were in the car accident or some sort or get hurt some where they need our ID to identify our family. And Vang sometimes these peoples don’t know what they are talking about and if you augur with them it’s just like you are auguring with a rock! It’s best to leave them alone.
thank you!
ស្រុកគេច្បាប់ធំ តែស្រុកខ្នែរវិញលុយធំជាងច្បាប់
thank you!
I recommend take the pictures of your Green card and Driver’s Licenses in your phone. All they need is the number on it.
thank you!
បើប៉ូលិសហៅឈប់ ប្រាប់គាត់ថា mind your own business
thank you!
thank you!
thank you!
Body cam*
thank you!
ខ្ញុំនៅCalifornia ខ្ញុំធ្វើការយប់ប៉ូលីសកាក់ខ្ញុំម្ដងដែរគឺករណីដូចគ្នានឹងប្អួនដែរពេលប៉ូលីសកាក់ខ្ញុំម៉ោង១២ យប់គេថាខ្ញុំបើកឡានរេតាមថ្នល់តែខ្ញុំអត់ដឺងខ្លួនសោះតែគេអត់សុំមើលប័ណ្ណបើកបរខ្ញុំទេគ្រាន់តែប្រាប់ថាឲ្យយើងប្រយ័ត្នពេលបើកបរក្រែងមានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ហើយគេសួរថាមានពិសារស្រាទេ? ខ្ញុំថាអត់ប៉ុន្តែប៉ូលីសឈរសួរកៀកកញ្ចក់ឡានបើសិនយើងផឺកស្រាក៏មិនអាចកុហកគេបានដែរពេលយើងនិយាយនឹងមានក្លិនជះទៅគេហើយៗគេសួរថាទើបមកពីធ្វើការឬ? ព្រោះឃើញសម្លៀកបំពាក់យូណៃហ្វមរបស់ខ្ញុំ ក្រោយមកគេឲ្យខ្ញុំមកផ្ទះវិញថែមទាំងសួរថារកផ្លូវឡើងfreeway មកផ្ទះវិញបានទេ? ប្រហែលជាប៉ូលីសគិតថាខ្ញុំភ័យរកផ្លូវមកផ្ទះវិញមិនបាន ចំណុចនេះខ្ញុំចង់សើចណាស ។ ខ្ញុំធ្លាប់បានប៉ូលីសពិន័យម្ដងហើយកាលឆ្នាំ២០០៤ ពេលយប់ដែរគឺភ្លេចបើកភ្លើងឡានមកពីយើងសូយព្រោះទើបចេញពីក្រុមហ៊ុនបានប្រហែល២០០ម៉ែត្រសោះមិនទាន់បានបើកភ្លើងត្រឹមត្រូវផង៕
thank you!
ប៉ូលិសមាន Computer ក្នុងឡានសម្រាប់ឆែក