Captain Nemo: Just Add Water . . . Or Else - FGO Servant Guide

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 97

  • @Finotaisen
    @Finotaisen  Год назад +122

    Correction: The field buff is tied to Zhang Jue. If he dies, the buff goes with him. So you may not want to put a taunt CE on him after all.

  • @RyouEmerald
    @RyouEmerald Год назад +269

    And they could have buffed him today in jp with the IS MI but no. Nothing. Absolutely insane.

    • @Starsoulklr
      @Starsoulklr Год назад +1

      I just don't get it. Last year it felt like they were handing out sweet upgrades left and right. Doesn't help that the anni set this year didn't offer many wowing upgrades.

  • @barneypurple3435
    @barneypurple3435 Год назад +97

    Meanwhile Nemo became a Grand Servant in Arcade.

    • @owo4288
      @owo4288 Год назад +22

      Which happen because Mother Harlot is too much for Noah.

    • @boxorak
      @boxorak Год назад +5

      Another reason everyone involved with Arcade can go straight to hell.

    • @joshuagross3151
      @joshuagross3151 Год назад +16

      @@boxorak Don't send them to Hell. Then they'll steal all the underworld-themed servants!
      Dante, Persephone, a Dionysus demiservant, Azazel -- good god, imagine if we got an Angel...

    • @Emiya491
      @Emiya491 Год назад +1

      @@joshuagross3151 No..dont do that..

  • @thepersonwhocomentz
    @thepersonwhocomentz Год назад +113

    Something worth mentioning that wasn't in the video:
    Zhang Jiao, when he comes out, has a Bond CE that increases party buff success rate by 20% (and party NP dmg by 10%), which is enough to 100% guarantee his field type effects. So, if you do plan to go that route, know that you won't be saddled with shitty RNG forever -- just until you can max-bond the guy.
    (Also worth noting is that the 20% buff succ is enough to guarantee buffs from Hans, in case you're ever working with limited party cost for some reason).

    • @CharlesChaldea
      @CharlesChaldea Год назад +17

      I'm not working with limited party cost but I'm not about to turn down a way to finally guarantee Mr. Andersen's NP buffs for everyone instead of just himself, thanks much

    • @kamenraider1175
      @kamenraider1175 Год назад +8

      @@CharlesChaldea I mean, there's Ozy and Lanling

    • @emresshayesgaile2257
      @emresshayesgaile2257 Год назад +6

      If you're working toward that, you can use the Beauty by the Window CE and the Lanling CC to increase his buff success rate. The CE is only +15% buff success rate however, while the CC needs him to face card on the first turn but gives +20% buff success rate for two turns.

    • @thepersonwhocomentz
      @thepersonwhocomentz Год назад +5

      @@emresshayesgaile2257 Yeah, Window is definitely the most reliable stopgap measure in the interim, and the Lanling CC WOULD be good if you didn't have to attack with it first in order to benefit from it -- something you might not even get the chance to do until turn 3.

    • @CharlesChaldea
      @CharlesChaldea Год назад +3

      @@kamenraider1175 Defo like those guys, but I'm looking for slightly more reliability... Mr. Andersen gets a lot of manuscripts done over the course of a longer fight like I tend to get into, and making it so that all of his buffs go off (potentially with Overcharge!) would be a big boon!

  • @MrMK109
    @MrMK109 Год назад +42

    Fun fact: Nemo's kit is basically Columbus' kit with extra bells and whistles, just that Nemo is ST Arts.

  • @1wayroad935
    @1wayroad935 Год назад +127

    All I know is that Musashi already has Nemo at NP5

    • @Kimu3657
      @Kimu3657 Год назад +4

      I can see her grinning..

  • @voideddragon9104
    @voideddragon9104 Год назад +12

    what the hecks with that first skill? 12% buffs? didn't know we time traveled into year one.

  • @owo4288
    @owo4288 Год назад +19

    TLDR: Just shove your grail into Mandricado

  • @PlushieMistress
    @PlushieMistress Год назад +15

    Yeahhhh i think summer caenis is a better implementation of the water field gimmick, nemo has too much stuff tied to it.

  • @thecloakedschemer1897
    @thecloakedschemer1897 Год назад +40

    "As of this video Nemo's not officially out on the English server yet, so skill names may differ."
    Said for a skill that already has an official translation (Herc's upgraded BatCon), rip

    • @johantank5631
      @johantank5631 Год назад +5

      Kinda interesting that herc has the only skill upgrade I know of which shares a name with a servants starting skill

  • @Taiki_Kago_X
    @Taiki_Kago_X Год назад +19

    The Captain can spook me anytime even after Imaginary Scramble.
    How about that Servant Guide for MY FRIEND King Mandricardo?

    • @Taiki_Kago_X
      @Taiki_Kago_X Год назад +4

      Update: I needed some necessary Event CEs, and he came home.
      Oh Captain, my Captain! 🤣🤣🤣

    • @jest5837
      @jest5837 Год назад +1

      Is he permanent?

    • @Taiki_Kago_X
      @Taiki_Kago_X Год назад +2

      Yes, when the Event ends, the Captain will be available in Story Summon 👍

  • @mrhbombman
    @mrhbombman Год назад +11

    I'm still getting him when his solo banner comes up since, despite being Permament, I've haven't seen him any Lucky Bag or any Free 5 Star ticket so far in JP or NA. Also I think he's kind of neat despite his apparent flaws. Nice to know there are options to help mitigate some of his issues.

  • @CalderaWolf
    @CalderaWolf Год назад +12

    I love Nemo's design, but I love Ryouma more... except i started playing back with nightingale Christmas and will never have Ryouma

  • @leow193
    @leow193 Год назад +9

    I'm surprised he doesn't have a skill with something like "modify terrain to water for 3 turns"

  • @EmeraldAcid6133
    @EmeraldAcid6133 Год назад +15

    I'm still getting him 100%. He's a great character, I love the crew (and the implications), and he's a Shibafu-tier potato design, which is delicious.
    I was going to go for the full NP5, but the loss of job income back in July saw against that, so at most I just have to pray for NP2 (or getting him at all with what remains).

  • @vincecomuna
    @vincecomuna Год назад +3

    I have to protect my best child.
    Don't worry son, Papa will give u grails so your stats will be decent.

  • @loone3100
    @loone3100 Год назад +7

    As a certified Nemo simp I’m rolling for him either way, tho I always knew that without his terrain buffs it was always going to be rough lmao
    At least now there are ways to make him work. A bit scuffed, but work

  • @vollied4865
    @vollied4865 Год назад +3

    Nemo the pseudo arts support that's helping my lady avalon in jp be a castoria with 2 broken legs lol

  • @RockOrso2
    @RockOrso2 Год назад +6

    Ah yes, more Wotah for Nemo.

  • @HellecticMojo
    @HellecticMojo Год назад +5

    If he's this bad, I guess I'm guaranteed to pull one soon

  • @ivanbluecool
    @ivanbluecool Год назад +5

    Add water? Sure in Pokemon when picking mudkip. I choose the fire type starter yang at np 5 instead.

  • @Starsoulklr
    @Starsoulklr Год назад +8

    I knew a part of his kit was tied to having water terrain. Just not everything but one skill.
    Man you would think they would have gave him something with how this event is a main interlude now in JP but hey at least your guide isn't out of date in less then a day. I guess?

  • @WeatherRein
    @WeatherRein Год назад +4

    In conclusion: Just... don't.

  • @Devil935
    @Devil935 Год назад +4

    The pain of my Ryouma being NP 4, to this day i refuse to use him because of it. Petty I know

    • @durgo5759
      @durgo5759 Год назад +4

      Yeah I have a similar situation with assassin Shisou np1 and rider Kintoki who is stuck at ascension 2 and I kick my self for it everything I think about them

    • @marianchovych
      @marianchovych Год назад

      Say that to my Chacha that is stuck at 2nd accession because I don’t have the accession mat

  • @ShiraFuyu2022
    @ShiraFuyu2022 Год назад +7

    There's needing a certain gimmick to get the big bonus and there's being overreliant on a gimmick to work. God, you'd think they learn their lesson of how making a Servant reliant on Terrain would end up when they release Gawain. Lore's Lore but is that really an excuse to gimp someone ?

    • @kamirikuo8945
      @kamirikuo8945 Год назад +6

      They could have easily given him a skill that grants him water terrain

    • @lookingforlove839
      @lookingforlove839 Год назад +4

      Or upgrade his np to give him water terrain. It is especially useful for him because 1) upgraded np damage 2) the np giving him water terrain means more big boy damage 3) it's pretty easy to spam his np. Like super easy. His np gain on cards is pretty poggers

  • @AloyImpact
    @AloyImpact Год назад +2

    this Navy sailor will bring him and Van Gogh home

  • @Kiraidi720
    @Kiraidi720 Год назад +3

    Let's not forget that Summer Murasaki got an NP buff before Nemo dared get anything for himself (themselves?), that's actually really silly for what's effectively the exact same role, hell, if she lands those debuffs she handily outdamages Nemo within his gimmick.
    Which I find kinda sad, it's good that our yellow card enthusiast came along because Nemo had it really rough beforehand, and even then I'd rather just use Mandricardo.

  • @dudsummon3803
    @dudsummon3803 Год назад +5

    It's like they decided ahead of time that some servants were always going yo be disappointing to roll esp in the general pool.
    Anastasia (was ok but no buffs leaves her on the bench)
    All spring to mind.

  • @aigisariadust9056
    @aigisariadust9056 Месяц назад

    some good news with new upgrade nito summer you can that add waterside field after nito np, you can swap her cause the buff icon is on top right corner and not gone after swaping nito summer

  • @rifqihermawan1301
    @rifqihermawan1301 Год назад +2

    I still skip all single target rider because of my grail kintoki rider

  • @frds_skce
    @frds_skce Год назад +3

    Sigh, Nemo could've been at higher tier if he can change the field type. That's all it is.

  • @baritonetenor
    @baritonetenor Год назад +4

    I was wondering if its worth going double rider pairing ozy w/ nemo so ozy can boost the 80% field chance and then both of them can get bonus effects at once. And then you can swap into crane to go into a support next turn

  • @tsumukarimuramasa
    @tsumukarimuramasa Год назад +2

    Just give him field effect buff already like Nobu

  • @Azure_fae
    @Azure_fae Год назад

    I got into FGO pretty recently, like a month ago and Nemo happened to be the first 5 star servant I rolled, now ofc at first I thought he was pretty damn good, especially for okeanos, be he started falling off after that pretty hard without alot of buffs or terrain advantage. his one niche however is against super giants, he carried me through alot of the bosses throughout the story and especially saved my ass against amun in Camelot. He gets effective bonus and super giant bonus against it which let me deal about 100K damage with his NP with minimal buffs, in addition to a level 120 saber astolfo support I managed to kill it before it spammed it's 100k healing skill too much. As someone who only has two 5 star servants right now, he's one of my better picks.

  • @wiryantirta
    @wiryantirta Год назад +1

    But but but he's hecking adorable!

  • @JohnDoe-mr6cz
    @JohnDoe-mr6cz Год назад +1

    Using him right now in Camelot.👍

  • @CharlesChaldea
    @CharlesChaldea Год назад +5

    I want him. I want him a lot. I'm a big water fan, love his whole crew and count Summer Leviathan-sama among our registry, but I'm saving now and I'm not sure if I can fit him in since Ibuki-Douji might be coming out within a year. Aaagh. If I had known he was coming out so soon, I might've decided to give up on her and hope she gets a rate up later...!

    • @FalseRoads
      @FalseRoads Год назад +6

      I'm pretty sure Ibuki comes out later this yeat

    • @CharlesChaldea
      @CharlesChaldea Год назад +2

      @@FalseRoads Hoooooooooooooooo boy, thanks comrade!
      I am... unconvinced that I have enough saved up...

    • @DragonKnight90001
      @DragonKnight90001 Год назад +1

      I got him earlier so I’m passing my gacha luck too you, best of luck.

    • @CharlesChaldea
      @CharlesChaldea Год назад

      @@DragonKnight90001 thank you you majestic stallion

    • @DragonKnight90001
      @DragonKnight90001 Год назад

      @@CharlesChaldea 👍

  • @klausarmanius2639
    @klausarmanius2639 Год назад +1

    Just a NP buff that gives water field buff and he's solid. It's so simple. Unfortunately, they haven't done it yet.

  • @adz4528
    @adz4528 Год назад +1

    The Void terrain is so bad already since you're unlikely to even come across it outside the event. But seeing the % on his terrain buff like damn they really are low... Also, if I had him I'd definitely pair him with S.Melt. I get it may seem odd but she's seems like his go to partner. Poor Nemo I thought he was an absolute canon. I'd still love to have him tho ngl.

  • @MaidKnightNoelle
    @MaidKnightNoelle Год назад +1

    I rolled for him because I love him

  • @maskedheretic9629
    @maskedheretic9629 Год назад

    The captain can spook me anytime. I will gladly take the Nemo Series especially the nurse anytime. I wish he did get a buff though.

  • @badbbl9392
    @badbbl9392 Год назад +2

    Hello I’m new and I spent my 30 sq for a roll I got Nemo did I waste my sq ? Or he (she) ? Is still worth it I’m at London story

  • @Emiya491
    @Emiya491 Год назад

    Damn you Mandricardo..! i love you but Nemo..!

  • @j.c.5245
    @j.c.5245 Год назад +3

    I´m only going to say... OZY SUPREMACY!!!!

  • @belphy205
    @belphy205 Год назад +3

    (Hears that Mandricardo works better) yus

  • @ThatFateGuy69
    @ThatFateGuy69 Год назад +1

    In Short if you Ryouma,Best Friend and Hot Ratia Mlif is better than shots sailor

  • @100pwndragons
    @100pwndragons Год назад

    he? have i been bamboozled again?

  • @YMwould
    @YMwould Год назад +1

    Ok is it just me or the summons isn't opening? Fgo isn't giving stuff correctly

  • @skycladobserver9246
    @skycladobserver9246 Год назад +2

    Yeah. Think I'll pass.

  • @anderu2384
    @anderu2384 Год назад

    The closest this game can get to a playable U boat

  • @kazekori9593
    @kazekori9593 Год назад

    Im stuck on a specific fight in lb5.2 and have summer melt so im really tempted but i want mhxx more

  • @board5454
    @board5454 Год назад +1

    he's cute, and that's all that matters.

  • @lavandieredenoz
    @lavandieredenoz Год назад +1

    I whale 200€ to get him np 3 and he's on his way to lv 120 10/10/10 AND I'LL REGRET NOTHING IF I GET MELT LANCER OR THIS OLD MAN

  • @nea3875
    @nea3875 Год назад

    Damn I kinda regret rolling for him if he’s a worse Mandi and ryouma lol

  • @solitare4602
    @solitare4602 Год назад +3

    Here's the real question: can Nemo out-damage Georgios as a ST Arts Rider? And can my stupid Lv90 George do more damage than NP1 Nemo? Ugh, I really want those grails back.

  • @DragonKnight90001
    @DragonKnight90001 Год назад

    “Did you watch an anime called boku”
    Me: I know of it but I have never seen it and it will stay that way.

  • @TheLolrider
    @TheLolrider Год назад +1

    I know you trash Ryoma constantly, but he's been a part of my Rider team and farming team since I got him

  • @beamknight87
    @beamknight87 Год назад +3

    Hard skip for Gogh, even more so when freaking welfare Ryoma is miles better lmao.

  • @Kimu3657
    @Kimu3657 Год назад

    My van gogh is weird... ;-;

  • @Astin-D
    @Astin-D Год назад

    I only got him because of RNG don't care but will still lvl him up lol

  • @water_color
    @water_color Год назад +1


  • @listof3662
    @listof3662 Год назад

    bro is thirsty

  • @mythicalskeleton1546
    @mythicalskeleton1546 Год назад

    Most np 1 sucks

  • @anonjohn9760
    @anonjohn9760 Год назад

    Got Nemo to NP3 while trying to roll for Gogh, two of them being in the same roll. Burnt _all_ of them, 'cause I don't want him and he's not getting a ride in my Chaldea for how much he cost me. Knew I shouldn't have rolled on the split banner, but my impatience got the better of me.