Notre Dame de Paris reminds us of Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo, bell ringer. Quasimodo is the personification of idolatry of Catholic church. Rioting Huguenots damaged parts of Church building in the mid of 16th Century. "Yellow Vest" uprisings in the present time is then rioting Huguenots that believed Notre Dame to be Cathedral adorned with devilish gargoyles. Is it accidental that the date Notre Dame Cathedral was on fire, the date Titanic was sunken and the date Sewol ferry was sunken, the date Abraham Lincoln was assasinated, the date Boston marathon was bombed---the date is on April 15th, Friday? It is not accidental but it is by design of the Knights of Malta of the Jesuit Order. There are 16 or more Korean members of Knights of Malta in Korea. These members are loyal to the Vatican---dual citizens of Korea and the Vatican. The Vatican is City State, a sovereign country.
아름다운 건축물이였는데
너무 아쉽네요
우리나라 숭례문 불에 탈때 저절로 눈물이 흐르더라구요
쥐바기집귄초기 남대문이 불태위졌지요.
그 참담함이..
남의 일 같지가 않네요.
소싯적에 본 영화, 안소니 퀸의
콰지모도 종지기가 아직도 기억에 생생한데,
프랑스의 쾌유를 빕니다.
근데 아쩌다 화재가 난거에요??
천년이나 잘 견뎌 왔는데 2019년에 후세들은 못 보게 되겠네역사적인 시간이네
되게 예뻤었는데 다시는 못 보겠죠...ㅠㅠㅠ
내가 다 슬프네 고딕양식의 진수인데
사기쳐서 상장한회사는 상장폐지 사유가 아니라는데......
병인양요때 우리나라 문화재 강탈해간것 반환하라.
손석희는 아직인가?
남의 나라 문화재 약탈한 놈들. 병인양요를 잊었는가. 우리 숭례문은 안 각별한가?
Notre Dame de Paris reminds us of Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo, bell ringer.
Quasimodo is the personification of idolatry of Catholic church. Rioting Huguenots damaged parts of Church building in the mid of 16th Century. "Yellow Vest" uprisings in the present time is then rioting Huguenots that believed Notre Dame to be Cathedral adorned with devilish gargoyles.
Is it accidental that the date Notre Dame Cathedral was on fire, the date Titanic was sunken and the date
Sewol ferry was sunken, the date Abraham Lincoln was assasinated, the date Boston marathon was bombed---the date is on April 15th, Friday? It is not accidental but it is by design of the Knights of Malta of the Jesuit Order. There are 16 or more Korean members of Knights of Malta in Korea. These members are loyal to the Vatican---dual citizens of Korea and the Vatican. The Vatican is City State, a sovereign country.
남의 나라 문화재나 돌려 줘라.
프랑스 돈줄하나가 탔네
다 하나님의 뜻인데 뭐가 슬픔?? 축복이든 재앙이든 다 하나님이 내려주시는건데 슬플 이유가 뭐가 있음. 성당이 불탄거면 그것도 하나님 뜻인데;; 이해가 안되네