Having seen how good your sculpting is, please make a converted Lucius with the changes you outlined! I’d love to see him with a creepy Venom-esque smile…
Respect for always crediting the artists! Can’t wait to see your take on the Emperor's Children and that awesome new Nurgle model. Wishing your new channel tons of success-you’ve got this!
It feels weird to say but I like that the new models seem more reserved. One of my issues with modern sculpts especially with marines is details for details sake and so many fiddly bits to paint. They look good under macro photography, but on the table they just turn into a blob. These the details and embellishments dont come across as getting in the way or be annoying to paint. And i think thats a trend that we're seeing more and more and I hope to continue. I will say that I like the feet and that the higher up the ranks or specialization it goes, the more cloven they become until theyre just straight up hooves. But if we're using the 5th edition art as a guiding light, the hooves definitely like something ported over from fantasy and that make me more mixed on them.
I feel like people are overlooking the fact that the 2 Fulgrim models appear to share the same silhoette and size of base, which means if somebody prefers the Forge World sculpt, they can just use that instead of the new one for their 40k army!
@ it would be especially weird for him to be on a 130mm base since every single other demon primarch so far (including the honking big magnus) has been on a 100mm base
@ Fire up the Warhammer Preview Show from LVO 2025, go to 31:50. There is a Disharmonist (Noise Marines are on 40mm bases now) in the front right of Fulgrim, where you can clearly see both sides of his base. How many of this Disharmonist can you fit inside Fulgrim's base behind? At least 3, so we're already at 120mm here.
@@mathieuboe9128 that aint really good evidence though, since the perspective could be skewed, i think its better to just wait til we see the models on the store front then compare the bases then
16:49 FW and GW both use 3D CAD sculpting on their miniatures now. The difference between GW and FW now is mostly casting. GW uses plastic injection moulds that create flat sprues, while FW casts its minis in liquid resin in a silicone mould. As a result the casting of the components are different, one methods lends to more durable and perfectly fitting components at the cost of detail.
11:13 I'm guessing the canister contains some sort of warp energy as you can see the painter added the swirl freehand details on them. I love the attention to the lore as their armor is full of vox grills. Here is some excerpt from the novel Renegade: Lord of Excess: "Vavisk stepped forward, calling five of his Noise Marines into formation alongside him with a burst of screeched static." "As one, they levelled their sonic blasters - ornate golden things that were more ancient instrument than weapon - and began to call forth their infernal sound. The air thrummed as the weapons spooled up, finding a shared frequency and harmonising their tone with the music of obliteration."... "One of Vavisk’s coterie took a heavy stubber shell to the throat, and the pitch of the chorus changed slightly as he staggered. The wound was deep, but Torachon watched in real-time as the wound closed over with fibrous strands, the stringy ligaments criss-crossing until they had formed a vox-grille in the Noise Marine’s neck." "‘Begin!’ Vavisk roared, and the Noise Marines’ sonic blasters erupted in turn. The wave of noise was so powerful that Torachon could see it: a visible bow shock that travelled the length of the void port at the speed of sound." "The sonic blasters called forth the sound of the warp, and with their sustained fire, the distance between material existence and the empyrean narrowed. Tongues and tendrils poked and probed through tiny tears in reality, aching to find the source of this profane noise. Some slipped through entirely, wrapping themselves around the limbs of Vavisk and his Noise Marines as they maintained their volley of sound."
Thanks for the video Trovarion, I enjoy the conversational types of video likes this one, as well as your painting videos. I quite like the new look for the Emperors Children, some of these I think will look better once we get our hands on them.
Im very happy with these models. I can't wait for a noise marine focused Detachment. EC are the reason I got into 40k around 8 years ago due to lore videos and books. I'm really happy with them. Here's a fun little fact about liquid. Sound actually travels better through water (around 1500 meters per second) compared to air (around 340 meters per second).
They actually showed off the combat patrol during the livestream, and it will have 2 kits of the Flawless Blades. They showed 3 models with a dual wield build and different heads, and one of them looks exactly like the Adrian Smith art. Around 42:51 in the LVO video on their channel.
I’ve been playing now and modeling my chaos space army for over 24 years now. I loveLucius on the battlefield when they first came out with his pewter model, had a rule that he matched the weapon skill of the enemy he is fighting against.. because of his twisted form of Marshall pride. That basically allows him to underestimate the best experience, the excess of death rebirth, and do it all over again. I can’t wait to build and paint this model.❤
To be fair I don't think shaanesh necessarily hates the eldar, arguably they love them. Arguably that favour is the whole issue xD. I will say, the snakelike mouth makes me wonder if it is a reference to the laer or at least slanneshes idea of perfection that the flawless blades are pushing twords, a form that seems to be quite snake like. Also side point I love that we get to see slaanesh having an animal theme like how khorne has bulls, nurgle has flies, and tzeench has birds.
It's a shame youtubers do it, I find it quite offputting but it's understandable, it obviously works or they wouldn't do it and their livelihood often depend upon their videos doing well. As long as the actual video content is good it is what it is.
Cant wait for these. I just started getting into warhammer in the last six months or so and started CSM for 40k and Gitz for AoS and I can't wait for the noise marines. I mean... Screamer pistol. Come on. That's so sick.
Hell yeah a new channel! I was originally thinking I would do the 30k scheme or maybe magneta with black trim. But I actually think I’m gonna do the box art scheme, which I really didn’t expect Dang you were very critical 😅
I know the parts on the weapons for noise marines kind of look like the injectors on the backpacks but I'm pretty sure they're going for tubes like you would see on old school amps for audio equipment. I maybe think they should have made them rounded to look like glass tubes but it would be tough to paint an audio tube with heated interior coil so the decision to go with a more scifi thing where it's able to be painted as a "warp amp" tube is pretty neat.
I have to say that I still enjoy the First Born Marines from the Horus Heresy. I wish we would see people using those models more often to make modern chapters instead of just the Legions.
I love the bit about kitbashing the excess bits from the lord. That’s what I did with my Chaos Lord. Grabbed a spare Dark Angels head with a hood to make him a Fallen and used the power fist on a regular Legionnaire to create a cool pose. The Noise Marines as the heavy weapons squad make a lot of sense to me. They’re carrying pretty massive weapons after all.
I thought you actually received an early box from GW. I don't have particularly strong feelings regarding clickbait but you should have chosen a different thumbnail I think... Regarding the range, I love it. I'm just confused by the addition of regular troops. We have generic chaos legionnaires for that role. Not to mention the other 3 god specific armies don't have replacements for basic bolter dudes in their lineup. I would have much preferred if they released a terminator unit instead. I don't care if they maybe release slaaneshi termies in 6 months. I wanted them now.
i feel similarly about the base troops. i love the look and i definitely want some, but did we need these instead of a new Sonic Walker unit..? DG got new base troops and they look amazing, but in moving the Nois Bois to an elite style slot, we could have used something else. at least we didn't get saddled with yet another superfluous cultists unit. i don't think we really needed new Termies though. i am getting a bit suspicious of the new "3-man elite unit that every armoured army must now have" as some weird decree from the hierarchy in GW. it just seems like a cash-grab they're trying to push on every faction they think they can get away with it. overall, i don't think you'll be seeing as much movement on the CP as people think, but the Army Box and the new Kakophonist Lord will be gone before you know it.
Paint job is gonna help. But as a fan since 3rd edition. Pretty much agree. Also I think the pipes on the guns are like bagpip spokes or something. Would’ve liked to see more variety in the noise marines. They look like one model to me.
I think the Forge world version of Fulgrim is before RYLANOR’s Last Stand the new one is after and the effect and his twisted depravity it put him through.
11:16 you have to remember that sound is basically oscillation of air pressure. the tanks maybe like a fuel that needs to be burned to create air pressure. like how an explosion makes a large bang but also a shock wave with air that can destroy objects. maybe thats now these weapons work. thats now i like to think about it.
Hello Trovarion, Do you think you're going to make some conversion of those ? Maybe a video of a sleek slanesh mini, with cooler faces and paint in your grimdark style ?
Great review! Maybe it's just the two-tone manner in which they're painted, but some of the helmets look like wrestling masks. Like I'm expecting them to have a cameo in "Nacho Libre" opposite Jack Black 😂.
The nurgle guy looks like a throw back to the nurgle demon prince from the early 00s as he has a similar sword design as well as the backpack looks similar to the back of the old demon prince
As much as I love the new Emperors Children, I do think it’s kind of weird that the literal God of Excess has the least excessively detailed miniatures now
I prefer to think of it as a literal blank canvas for the painter to do what they want. Someone's going to do some incredible freehand on that paneling.
Those containers are probably some kind of power source and rather not liquid but some kind of energy. On the other hand we can always paint them plain metal colour. And I agree about heads, in my opinion those elongatet heads do not look good, especially on Flawless Blades. I hope for more helmeted heads.
I have a Pre heresy full 3000 points Emperors Children army in resin, it cost me about 2500 euro and took me 2 years to Finnish, it is my favorite thing that i own and i will keep it for the rest of my life
I very much appreciate this kind of content, for what it's worth. Love to see into the mind of a painter I admire. Also, there is an account on bsky using your name. Is that you or an impersonator?
For the cone head ones( I can’t remember their names) I’m not a fan but as I love to kit bash I would just use spare helmets or something for it, tho I hate bare head marines anyway. Your on a battle field and snipers exsist
Thanks for mentioning who painted the original Lucius artwork, was trying to find it since Im working on a video doing my own version of Lucius based on that artwork
Then he would permanently be dead. Lucius isn’t simply reborn out of whoever kills him, he is reborn out of the egotistical pride or pleasure they take in doing so. This gives Slaanesh an entry into their soul, and a way to morph them into a new Lucius. If someone would kill Lucius and then be selfless enough to commit suicide to prevent him from ever returning, Slaanesh would be powerless to stop it. This reflects how Slaanesh works. They could easily be defeated, if only mortals could resist temptation.
I’ve never been a fan of emperor’s children and I’ve never wanted to rush out to buy any of the new release stuff in the last several year but I cannot wait to pick some of these guys up to make a war band
so im fully in loved, ill be going deep into this faction. mostly the only thing i HATE is tactical rocks, I also really wish fulgrims wings were a little different,. but overall so in!!
Love this type of video, please make more, if you are out of content you can also do reviews of current ranges, like kiriothTV did, great content that one
Why do you think it’s an accident? That’s just Games Workshop for you! They make you wait 20 years for your favorite army to come back, or make the Beastmen just disappear overnight, without warning… for years, they gave big monsters & new battle machines, Kragnos, etc. to kruelboyz/ orcs and goblins, and Skaven- but gave the beastmen nothing new making them undesirable
Good eye. . . I agree with everything you said. . . But i do like the more elete showing more details. . . I dont like the cone heads and hope there are STLs made ro mimic hellraiser
As a Emperor's Children collector for 40K I was sooo excited for this release and I was a bit let down by the sculpts. There's lots of things I like but there's details that just seem to miss the mark a bit, like some of the heads. I think when we start to see these models painted up in the different styles of EC colors they'll start to feel more right.
I was excited for this update, mostly for Lucius, as it is a model I've looked at since I was very young, and now knowing the lore of his character I really wanted a 10/10 but the face has ruined it for me if I'm honest and I'm very glad someone else has pointed this out
I love the new Emperor's Children models. I think GW nailed it with this update. I will get a character model just to paint, but I won't be collecting an army of these guys. They are just way too complicated and busy. It would take me a life time to complete them.
Fulgrim wurde von einer Schlange zu einem Aal degradiert! XD ich glaub ich werde mir Morathi von AOS holen und die zum Fulgrim umbauen die EC sehen echt hübsch aus bis auf die Helme eben.
I just cant vibe with these Sculpts. Every time I look at the noise marines, my mind thinks they are carrying leaf blowers :) The plague marine on the other hand looks great. Is the problem with the Emperors Children the overlap with Dark Eldar style? It's like they both shop at the same store but the Dark Eldar already bought all the cool outfits.
The basic troop armour look is based on the Mk6 armour from 30k thats why they have less trim I think. Anyway I like them. Never did like the decision for chaos marines to be covered in trim and mutations. Some is fine, DG level even though I love them lore wise, is not. The new Khorne Bereserkers also look great, the eightbound do not. In my opinion though
Everybody doesn’t understand their heads I hear it all the time. Please look at the keeper of secrets and all the head variance. That’s where it’s coming from.
I was very excited for noise marines to get a refresh but I was afraid they were going to get primarised. I was right. Not getting any of these “things”
I *hate* that Noise Marines are now Havocs, and that the EC are mostly regular Marines. This is one of the biggest blunder is my opinion. Design wise I love the minis tho. Except for my regular complaints about the proportions, but that's neither here nor there
Hiya. Do you feel like all EC (and maybe all Slaanesh devoted renegades) would become noise marines? I know what you mean, but wonder if that's a hangover from an under developed faction.
8:15 you forget that slaanesh is an eldar god in effect this is perfect and exactly what you would expect, they try to model themselves after their own perfect god an eldar
I'm not a fan of the EC release as a whole. A lot of really nice single models, but the basic units legs (particularly the thighs) are just way too skinny looking for my liking. While on the surface that seems to make sense because they're meant to be these lithe and agile fighters and also kind of harking back to the old beakies, they're still space marines. They look like they have regular human sized thighs pasted onto a space marine, even within the context of 40k scale and it looks horrible. Some of the parts are really good, but the forgotten half of the models really drags them down. It's only locomotion, who needs it anyway?
8:23 slaanesh hating eldar? the way i see the eldar-ish heads is that slaanesh was born of eldarstuffs, and so this aspect will have some reflection in the EC army
The Emperors Children are nothing new, they been a faction I collected over 20 Years ago because I love Noise Marines. So glad they have now expanded upon Emperors Children to have Noise Marines, Flawless Blades, Tormentors, Infractors, fully detailed models and full new Codex The cloven hoof boots are a nod to the first Noise Marine model
Having seen how good your sculpting is, please make a converted Lucius with the changes you outlined! I’d love to see him with a creepy Venom-esque smile…
Respect for always crediting the artists! Can’t wait to see your take on the Emperor's Children and that awesome new Nurgle model. Wishing your new channel tons of success-you’ve got this!
It feels weird to say but I like that the new models seem more reserved. One of my issues with modern sculpts especially with marines is details for details sake and so many fiddly bits to paint. They look good under macro photography, but on the table they just turn into a blob. These the details and embellishments dont come across as getting in the way or be annoying to paint. And i think thats a trend that we're seeing more and more and I hope to continue.
I will say that I like the feet and that the higher up the ranks or specialization it goes, the more cloven they become until theyre just straight up hooves. But if we're using the 5th edition art as a guiding light, the hooves definitely like something ported over from fantasy and that make me more mixed on them.
I feel like people are overlooking the fact that the 2 Fulgrim models appear to share the same silhoette and size of base, which means if somebody prefers the Forge World sculpt, they can just use that instead of the new one for their 40k army!
40K Fulgrim is on a 130mm round base.
@@mathieuboe9128 sources ive read have said that both models are on 100mm bases, where was it said that the new one is on a 130?
@ it would be especially weird for him to be on a 130mm base since every single other demon primarch so far (including the honking big magnus) has been on a 100mm base
@ Fire up the Warhammer Preview Show from LVO 2025, go to 31:50.
There is a Disharmonist (Noise Marines are on 40mm bases now) in the front right of Fulgrim, where you can clearly see both sides of his base. How many of this Disharmonist can you fit inside Fulgrim's base behind? At least 3, so we're already at 120mm here.
@@mathieuboe9128 that aint really good evidence though, since the perspective could be skewed, i think its better to just wait til we see the models on the store front then compare the bases then
16:49 FW and GW both use 3D CAD sculpting on their miniatures now. The difference between GW and FW now is mostly casting. GW uses plastic injection moulds that create flat sprues, while FW casts its minis in liquid resin in a silicone mould. As a result the casting of the components are different, one methods lends to more durable and perfectly fitting components at the cost of detail.
Yeah i had that part in but cut it out because i feel it dragged the video on too long.
Hopefully we’ll get a Trovarified Lucius on the main channel
Oh hell yeah
11:13 I'm guessing the canister contains some sort of warp energy as you can see the painter added the swirl freehand details on them. I love the attention to the lore as their armor is full of vox grills.
Here is some excerpt from the novel Renegade: Lord of Excess:
"Vavisk stepped forward, calling five of his Noise Marines into formation alongside him with a burst of screeched static."
"As one, they levelled their sonic blasters - ornate golden things that were more ancient instrument than weapon - and began to call forth their infernal sound. The air thrummed as the weapons spooled up, finding a shared frequency and harmonising their tone with the music of obliteration."...
"One of Vavisk’s coterie took a heavy stubber shell to the throat, and the pitch of the chorus changed slightly as he staggered. The wound was deep, but Torachon watched in real-time as the wound closed over with fibrous strands, the stringy ligaments criss-crossing until they had formed a vox-grille in the Noise Marine’s neck."
"‘Begin!’ Vavisk roared, and the Noise Marines’ sonic blasters erupted in turn. The wave of noise was so powerful that Torachon could see it: a visible bow shock that travelled the length of the void port at the speed of sound."
"The sonic blasters called forth the sound of the warp, and with their sustained fire, the distance between material existence and the empyrean narrowed. Tongues and tendrils poked and probed through tiny tears in reality, aching to find the source of this profane noise. Some slipped through entirely, wrapping themselves around the limbs of Vavisk and his Noise Marines as they maintained their volley of sound."
Thanks for the video Trovarion, I enjoy the conversational types of video likes this one, as well as your painting videos. I quite like the new look for the Emperors Children, some of these I think will look better once we get our hands on them.
"What this tells you, is that i'm really old"
Bother, i FELT that one in my soul 🤣
7:50 That top guy looks dope. He is menacing and utterly Slaaneshi.
Im very happy with these models. I can't wait for a noise marine focused Detachment. EC are the reason I got into 40k around 8 years ago due to lore videos and books. I'm really happy with them. Here's a fun little fact about liquid. Sound actually travels better through water (around 1500 meters per second) compared to air (around 340 meters per second).
They actually showed off the combat patrol during the livestream, and it will have 2 kits of the Flawless Blades. They showed 3 models with a dual wield build and different heads, and one of them looks exactly like the Adrian Smith art. Around 42:51 in the LVO video on their channel.
The only choas marines i ever enjoyed painting was the noise marines. I still have the metal one with the megaphone coming from his face.
I’ve been playing now and modeling my chaos space army for over 24 years now. I loveLucius on the battlefield when they first came out with his pewter model, had a rule that he matched the weapon skill of the enemy he is fighting against.. because of his twisted form of Marshall pride. That basically allows him to underestimate the best experience, the excess of death rebirth, and do it all over again. I can’t wait to build and paint this model.❤
Paint him like that single Noise Marines model. Colors and patterns? YES PLEASE.
It's nice to see rust and battle damage painted more and more from the 'Eavy Metal team (Nurgle model).
yeh I loved the 3rd edition EC. the plague marine 3rd edish first born were nice models too.
To be fair I don't think shaanesh necessarily hates the eldar, arguably they love them. Arguably that favour is the whole issue xD.
I will say, the snakelike mouth makes me wonder if it is a reference to the laer or at least slanneshes idea of perfection that the flawless blades are pushing twords, a form that seems to be quite snake like.
Also side point I love that we get to see slaanesh having an animal theme like how khorne has bulls, nurgle has flies, and tzeench has birds.
I was expecting at least one to be carrying eldritch octopus grenades that kill you by filling every orifice in your body, with its tentacles.
Would love to see how you mod and paint this set to make it as you would love to see them appear
Super excited about this. I've been playing EC since 2nd.
Ehhh the thumbnail is misleading and clickbaity.
Welcome to 90% of youtube videos
Who cares?
How so tho
It's a shame youtubers do it, I find it quite offputting but it's understandable, it obviously works or they wouldn't do it and their livelihood often depend upon their videos doing well.
As long as the actual video content is good it is what it is.
@@crapit1807he makes it look as tho he actually has a review copy already how is that not
You're right, this was all some crazy blending of coincidences
A day with more Trovarion is a good day - all aboard the Trovarion-Cinematic-Universe-train 🚂 🎉
Anyone that prefers first born to primaris has terminal incurable nostalgia
Cant wait for these. I just started getting into warhammer in the last six months or so and started CSM for 40k and Gitz for AoS and I can't wait for the noise marines. I mean... Screamer pistol. Come on. That's so sick.
I've been painting GW minis for 30+ years, I have some cool 90's metal modals.
Hell yeah a new channel! I was originally thinking I would do the 30k scheme or maybe magneta with black trim. But I actually think I’m gonna do the box art scheme, which I really didn’t expect
Dang you were very critical 😅
I know the parts on the weapons for noise marines kind of look like the injectors on the backpacks but I'm pretty sure they're going for tubes like you would see on old school amps for audio equipment. I maybe think they should have made them rounded to look like glass tubes but it would be tough to paint an audio tube with heated interior coil so the decision to go with a more scifi thing where it's able to be painted as a "warp amp" tube is pretty neat.
I have to say that I still enjoy the First Born Marines from the Horus Heresy. I wish we would see people using those models more often to make modern chapters instead of just the Legions.
I have interest in Emperors Children but man I love the poses on these sculpts. I hope this sculpting style spills over to other armies/games at GW.
Love it! Can't wait to see more from this new channel. Hope it allows you some more freedom to express yourself!
I love the bit about kitbashing the excess bits from the lord. That’s what I did with my Chaos Lord. Grabbed a spare Dark Angels head with a hood to make him a Fallen and used the power fist on a regular Legionnaire to create a cool pose.
The Noise Marines as the heavy weapons squad make a lot of sense to me. They’re carrying pretty massive weapons after all.
I thought you actually received an early box from GW. I don't have particularly strong feelings regarding clickbait but you should have chosen a different thumbnail I think...
Regarding the range, I love it. I'm just confused by the addition of regular troops. We have generic chaos legionnaires for that role. Not to mention the other 3 god specific armies don't have replacements for basic bolter dudes in their lineup. I would have much preferred if they released a terminator unit instead. I don't care if they maybe release slaaneshi termies in 6 months. I wanted them now.
i feel similarly about the base troops. i love the look and i definitely want some, but did we need these instead of a new Sonic Walker unit..? DG got new base troops and they look amazing, but in moving the Nois Bois to an elite style slot, we could have used something else. at least we didn't get saddled with yet another superfluous cultists unit. i don't think we really needed new Termies though.
i am getting a bit suspicious of the new "3-man elite unit that every armoured army must now have" as some weird decree from the hierarchy in GW. it just seems like a cash-grab they're trying to push on every faction they think they can get away with it. overall, i don't think you'll be seeing as much movement on the CP as people think, but the Army Box and the new Kakophonist Lord will be gone before you know it.
Really appreciate you making this channel. Instant subscribe :)
we all know that noise marines blasts Rick Astley - Never gonna Give You up
let's go.......
Great first video on the new channel. Looking forward to more.
The real champions of Slanesh have flags in their bio.
Paint job is gonna help. But as a fan since 3rd edition. Pretty much agree. Also I think the pipes on the guns are like bagpip spokes or something. Would’ve liked to see more variety in the noise marines. They look like one model to me.
I think the Forge world version of Fulgrim is before RYLANOR’s Last Stand the new one is after and the effect and his twisted depravity it put him through.
11:16 you have to remember that sound is basically oscillation of air pressure. the tanks maybe like a fuel that needs to be burned to create air pressure. like how an explosion makes a large bang but also a shock wave with air that can destroy objects. maybe thats now these weapons work. thats now i like to think about it.
I think it's raw warp energy.
This will sell out quickly. I don’t buy GW releases very often but the army box will go on my buy list!
Eager to see what you do with them, as always!
Lucius needs a better paintjob but the rest of the range is an absolute banger and a great homage to the old models.
Hello Trovarion,
Do you think you're going to make some conversion of those ?
Maybe a video of a sleek slanesh mini, with cooler faces and paint in your grimdark style ?
I'll definitely do a couple of videos for these
@trovarion_unfiltered great ! Can't wait to see those ^^
You're not older Trov, simply more experienced and wiser. Thank you!
Really enjoyed the video! I personally can't wait to get my hands on the new EC range.
Good vid always great getting views from someone with lots of experience and knowledge about our hobbie.
Lord Cacophonist always reminds me of BattleToads :D
Great review! Maybe it's just the two-tone manner in which they're painted, but some of the helmets look like wrestling masks. Like I'm expecting them to have a cameo in "Nacho Libre" opposite Jack Black 😂.
The nurgle guy looks like a throw back to the nurgle demon prince from the early 00s as he has a similar sword design as well as the backpack looks similar to the back of the old demon prince
Your pink tee completes the message.
As far as Lucius head sculpt goes, I figure you can scratch it up with your exacto knife to give it more scars
And then* highlight
The flawless blade models have a few other head options that are super cool.
Been in the game since 3rd. It's a great time to be a 40k fan mate.
As much as I love the new Emperors Children, I do think it’s kind of weird that the literal God of Excess has the least excessively detailed miniatures now
I prefer to think of it as a literal blank canvas for the painter to do what they want. Someone's going to do some incredible freehand on that paneling.
Those containers are probably some kind of power source and rather not liquid but some kind of energy. On the other hand we can always paint them plain metal colour. And I agree about heads, in my opinion those elongatet heads do not look good, especially on Flawless Blades. I hope for more helmeted heads.
I think the theme of the Emperor's Children is very well catched. I can't wait to paint the new Noise Marines. (Throwing money towards Nottingham)
Hairblower... couldn't agree more.
I have a Pre heresy full 3000 points Emperors Children army in resin, it cost me about 2500 euro and took me 2 years to Finnish, it is my favorite thing that i own and i will keep it for the rest of my life
If you go heavy grimdark painting, they can look as grimdark as the concept art, it's great - 8/10. Otherwise they're above fine. 6/10.
Maybuggames Lucius looks just like that artwork we both enjoy. I agree and came to all the same conclusions you did on this release
I very much appreciate this kind of content, for what it's worth. Love to see into the mind of a painter I admire.
Also, there is an account on bsky using your name. Is that you or an impersonator?
Got in on the ground floor on the second channel! Stoked for this
For the cone head ones( I can’t remember their names) I’m not a fan but as I love to kit bash I would just use spare helmets or something for it, tho I hate bare head marines anyway. Your on a battle field and snipers exsist
Thanks for mentioning who painted the original Lucius artwork, was trying to find it since Im working on a video doing my own version of Lucius based on that artwork
The Games Workshop version has too much going on you say? Maybe it's a bit excessive? Like a certain prince?
What Happend when Lucius Gets killed but the guy who killed him kills himself
Lucius possesses the guy who proposed that idea/made that guy so depressed. EZ
Then he would permanently be dead. Lucius isn’t simply reborn out of whoever kills him, he is reborn out of the egotistical pride or pleasure they take in doing so. This gives Slaanesh an entry into their soul, and a way to morph them into a new Lucius. If someone would kill Lucius and then be selfless enough to commit suicide to prevent him from ever returning, Slaanesh would be powerless to stop it. This reflects how Slaanesh works. They could easily be defeated, if only mortals could resist temptation.
I’ve never been a fan of emperor’s children and I’ve never wanted to rush out to buy any of the new release stuff in the last several year but I cannot wait to pick some of these guys up to make a war band
Nice video 👍
so im fully in loved, ill be going deep into this faction. mostly the only thing i HATE is tactical rocks, I also really wish fulgrims wings were a little different,. but overall so in!!
Love this type of video, please make more, if you are out of content you can also do reviews of current ranges, like kiriothTV did, great content that one
Warp power sonic weapons I would use a purple
Why do you think it’s an accident? That’s just Games Workshop for you! They make you wait 20 years for your favorite army to come back, or make the Beastmen just disappear overnight, without warning… for years, they gave big monsters & new battle machines, Kragnos, etc. to kruelboyz/ orcs and goblins, and Skaven- but gave the beastmen nothing new making them undesirable
They're speakers on the noise marines
yay, second channel!
Good eye. . . I agree with everything you said. . . But i do like the more elete showing more details. . . I dont like the cone heads and hope there are STLs made ro mimic hellraiser
As a Emperor's Children collector for 40K I was sooo excited for this release and I was a bit let down by the sculpts. There's lots of things I like but there's details that just seem to miss the mark a bit, like some of the heads. I think when we start to see these models painted up in the different styles of EC colors they'll start to feel more right.
Headswaps are an easy fix
Dolby surround confirmed
I really want these new models but I see a lot of details that will take me forever to paint and so I know it will sit in my pile of shame.
I was excited for this update, mostly for Lucius, as it is a model I've looked at since I was very young, and now knowing the lore of his character I really wanted a 10/10 but the face has ruined it for me if I'm honest and I'm very glad someone else has pointed this out
New channel? Subscribed!
I love the new Emperor's Children models. I think GW nailed it with this update. I will get a character model just to paint, but I won't be collecting an army of these guys. They are just way too complicated and busy. It would take me a life time to complete them.
Fulgrim wurde von einer Schlange zu einem Aal degradiert! XD ich glaub ich werde mir Morathi von AOS holen und die zum Fulgrim umbauen die EC sehen echt hübsch aus bis auf die Helme eben.
"Reminds me of Xerxes in 300", I think he means Leonidas. Oh, what? The Emperors Children you say? No, fine, fine, Xerxes it is
Umm, ackshually the noise marines have Dolby Atmos weapons 🤓
Not my style, but I’m sure others will like them !
They dont even finish league of V or world eaters and yall eat this up?
Yeah, but you see, unlike Starcraft squats and Khorne flakes, the Emperor's children are an actually cool faction.
@@PraetorGixStarCraft squats is the best derisive term for Votann I’ve seen so far 😆
What are you yapping about
@87mstockwe It’s literally an in-universe slur for them and that used to be their faction name.
Votann are getting a wave 2 this ED.
Please don’t be negative towards this super cool release by using Votann as a weapon.
That's the thing about Kucius. He is great in his mind, not on the field.
Coneheads I think are a direct insult at the Eldar?
I just cant vibe with these Sculpts. Every time I look at the noise marines, my mind thinks they are carrying leaf blowers :) The plague marine on the other hand looks great. Is the problem with the Emperors Children the overlap with Dark Eldar style? It's like they both shop at the same store but the Dark Eldar already bought all the cool outfits.
The basic troop armour look is based on the Mk6 armour from 30k thats why they have less trim I think. Anyway I like them. Never did like the decision for chaos marines to be covered in trim and mutations. Some is fine, DG level even though I love them lore wise, is not. The new Khorne Bereserkers also look great, the eightbound do not. In my opinion though
Everybody doesn’t understand their heads I hear it all the time. Please look at the keeper of secrets and all the head variance. That’s where it’s coming from.
9:03 busy? For a chaos unit they seem about average with the amount of detail on them.
I was very excited for noise marines to get a refresh but I was afraid they were going to get primarised. I was right. Not getting any of these “things”
I *hate* that Noise Marines are now Havocs, and that the EC are mostly regular Marines.
This is one of the biggest blunder is my opinion.
Design wise I love the minis tho. Except for my regular complaints about the proportions, but that's neither here nor there
Hiya. Do you feel like all EC (and maybe all Slaanesh devoted renegades) would become noise marines? I know what you mean, but wonder if that's a hangover from an under developed faction.
8:15 you forget that slaanesh is an eldar god
in effect this is perfect and exactly what you would expect, they try to model themselves after their own perfect god
an eldar
Slaanesh is a Chaos god, yes it was created by the Eldar but it is as far as GW says is a Chaos god...
I'm not a fan of the EC release as a whole. A lot of really nice single models, but the basic units legs (particularly the thighs) are just way too skinny looking for my liking. While on the surface that seems to make sense because they're meant to be these lithe and agile fighters and also kind of harking back to the old beakies, they're still space marines. They look like they have regular human sized thighs pasted onto a space marine, even within the context of 40k scale and it looks horrible. Some of the parts are really good, but the forgotten half of the models really drags them down. It's only locomotion, who needs it anyway?
8:23 slaanesh hating eldar? the way i see the eldar-ish heads is that slaanesh was born of eldarstuffs, and so this aspect will have some reflection in the EC army
slaanesh literally eats eldar souls
The Emperors Children are nothing new, they been a faction I collected over 20 Years ago because I love Noise Marines. So glad they have now expanded upon Emperors Children to have Noise Marines, Flawless Blades, Tormentors, Infractors, fully detailed models and full new Codex
The cloven hoof boots are a nod to the first Noise Marine model
Lord Lucius :)