I think it would be cool if elrond and gandalf both go to the undieing lands, And then they call upon the valar and elves to beat galadriel. Or if Gandalf went and called upon farmer maggot to save the world by defeating galadriel with his great dogs.
This makes it clear why their actual plan of having Frodo sneak into Mordor with the Ring was so ridiculous that Sauron did not even contemplate it. They could have had virtual assurance of victory.
Tolkien talked explicitly multiple times about the fact that one of Sauron's biggest blindspots was his utter inability to even conceptualize a scenario where the new owners of the One Ring would NOT attempt to size its power for themselves.
Yes. Just reverse the sides. What if Sauron got the Ring and, instead of using it to inexorably conquer all his enemies, instead gave it to a small Orc, or a creature like Gollum, to sneak into Rivendell where it could be destroyed for good (assuming doing so would somehow ruin the Elves' plans). It's just not even a plausible scenario.
No.. he didnt contemplate it bc it was bound to fail. And he was right. Noone could resist the ring. Only by the intervention of Eru was the ring destroyed. The mission itsself failed when Frodo claimed the ring
One of my favorite parts of the saga was that Frodo put on the ring and Sauron felt it and in a flash, understood what had happened. He had a good minute or two to sit there in a crazed, rabid panic at how badly he had been outplayed and to understand how everyone got together to defeat him in a way that they thought he wouldnt see coming, and they were totally correct. No quick, surprise end for him, he got a fantastic view of all his folly before he died. I suspect Eru illuvatar had a hand in that one
@@TucoBenedicto And he was right. No one could bear the Ring without succumbing to its power. Frodo was perhaps the one being in all of the history of Middle-earth who could have brought it to Orodruin without seizing it... and even he failed at the end.
I think it speaks to the absolute brilliance of Tolkien's work in crafting the One Ring as an artefact, and the quest to destroy it that even merely asking the question: "what if Gandalf or Galadriel had taken it?" Immediately fills one with such a strong sense of despair.
What happens next? Celeborn files for divorce citing, irreconcilable differences. "I did NOT marry Sauron!!!!" He disappears and is never seen again. Arwen sails for the Undying West telling her dad and Aragorn, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING LETTING GRANDMA HAVE THAT THING!"
As I rewatch both the Galadriel and Gandalf taking the ring videos, it seems both fall into the trap of Sauron: not having a motivation of evil like Morgoth but desiring order and security above all else which leads to evil being done.
Sauron was noted as being just as evil as Morgoth except in that he served another, not himself above all other beings. In some ways he was even more threatening, because Morgoth ultimately wanted to crush everything into dust and then hate the dust, while as basically an efficiency expert, Sauron could actually establish an empire to accomplish his goals -- such as they were.
If that's order and security; give me chaos and danger. All eventual tyrants promise order and security in the beginning. Does this sound familiar to you? As I said, give me chaos and danger.
Before Jackson did the movies, I couldn't imagine an actress who could do the part of Galadriel justice. Someone once suggested Greta Garbo could have done it. But since the movies, Cate Blanchett *IS* Galadriel. I can't imagine anyone else doing it successfully.
Elrond sighs, "not this shit again" he says, before stabbing Galadriel in the back, finally throwing that damned ring into the fires of Mount Doom from whence it came.
He would kill him, but the moment to toss the ring he would fail, as all do, the One uses all his power to make the person stop, and Elrond would be Isildur 2.0 Wich is why Gollum is the one whom really saved Middle Earth.
He’s not as old as she is and he’s a half breed. His powers do not compare to her. He would be her most ardent supporter. Thranduil would be more likely to rebel, but no elf would rebel.
My theory: Galadriel would dwell in her palace in Lorien for some time, and then she would have thoughts, a voice in her head: "men and dwarves admire thy beauty and power, but crave for it, as they wither as autumn leafs - they cannot be trusted". And so she would prohibit any man o dwarf to enter her palace. After some time she would hear "elves of Rivendell and Woodland Realm admire your splendor and regality, but they known of their inferiority to thy and thy people - they cannot be trusted". And so she would prohibit any other elves to enter her palace, except for Lorien elves. After some more time she would hear "elves of Lorien worship you, as they always did, but they see that their service will have no end; could you trust in those who know there is no other way to live but to serve? - they cannot be trusted ". And so she would prohibit anyone besides her husband, and closest family members, or king of Woodland Realm to visit her in her palace. After even more time she would hear "Kings and queens have their own domains, but they still bend their knees, could pride of a monarch withstand such humiliation for long? - they cannot be trusted ". And so she would prohibit anyone to visit her in her palace, except for urgent matters, like war. So she would stay alone in her palace, for long. At last she would hear "No man walks, no bird sings, no beast hunts in your forest, but could you banish trees? You know that forest has mind and strength of its own? Can you can hear as it grows day by day? - it cannot be trusted. So what can be trusted? The answer: mute stone". And so Galadriel would find a mountain high, very same mountain on which Gandalf slew the Barlog. And there, climbing on the place when she hopes to find peace at least, she would find a throne, and a Dark Lord himself sitting atop. "My voice thy heard, for my property you wear, «no one besides me» you thought, that is peace; and so you came and see «no one besides ME» and so I will grant you what thy hart desire: peace at last; I give it to you, as I take my own.". Tolkien wrote if the ring is not destroyed: there are only two options: Gandalf becomes new Dark Lord, or the ring returns to Sauron, eventually.
@@galef1986 I once read that Stalin was constantly afraid for his life. He had many doubles, many gourmets to check for poisoned dishes on the table. The point is, the person who was feared by all, lived in constant fear. So Galadriel wouldn’t be able to stand presence of other free individuals, while Sauron surrounded himself only with those, who can fear him, but not be able of treason (both weak orcs and powerful Nazguls were incapable of rebelling against his will, because they depended on it). Celeborn was not a slave-Nazgul, and however implausible it can sound, he could take the ring from her and use it, as many others she lover. She would eventually distrust even him, and walk into the mountains with palantir to see world, while not being seen herself. As Sauron had his tower, she would have her mountain, after degrading slowly to become more and more alike him. But before she would be as cruel as him, he would came to her, after her fear grow to such extend, that her plain of loneness was so great, that only barrier preventing others to enter it, would be fear, and Sauron was not afraid. As Tolkien said, she alone with The Ring wouldn’t be able to defeat him. In my opinion, in her first years of having The One Ring on her hand she would be able to use its power against its creator, but this is only one edge of double-edged sword. Second edge is true allegiance of The Ring. When facing Sauron after many years, The Ring’s hold over its bearer would be so strong, that Galadriel may not be even be able to raise her hand against Dark Lord (As Frodo felt growing weight of The Ring, the closer he was getting to do something against its will). Those two edges were described by Tolkien while he was writing about eventual clash between Sauron and Gandalf with the ring. He used words "delicate balance", Gandalf would had advantage in being more powerful, but Sauron was True Lord of The Ring, so he had its allegiance. If Gandalf had The One Ring for long enough, he wouldn’t stand a chance against Sauron either. Tolkien wanted to make it clear: destroying The Ring was the best possible option.
Epic theory, this is really thrilling. I can see only one weakness in the beginning: I don't think Denethor or even the people of Minas Tirith would accept Aragorn as king such easily, without the presence of Gandalf and the victory in Pelennor fields. Galadriel would surely need to come herself to Minas Tirith to "convince" Denethor to crown Aragorn.
I agree this needs to be accounted for - Denethor wouldn't go down without a fight...also, Faramir wouldn't have met Frodo, what subtle ripple effect does that have? Men fear and distrust the Elves, Faramir says, so what would happen if Galadriel did show up?
@@laurenbernstein621 Yeah Galadriel might have a hard time helping Aragorn getting crowned, she would probably be tempted to use the ring to convince or defeat Denethor, which would accelerate the prcess of her descent into the ring's control (sorry if this is not clear i'm french).
Yep, Aragorn was deemed worthy partially because he has brought ships with the southern armies and had more armies to come later by land after he defeated Umbar pirates using shades
Nope. Let me remind you that Frodo said to Faramir that Boromir had no doubts about Aragorn claims. If (very stubborn) Boromir had no doubts, then the whole Minas Tirith wouldn't. Maybe Denethor would try to oppose at first, he has very strong will, but he wouldn't be able to resist the will of Aragorn, 2 of his sons, and the whole Minas Tirith.
I really enjoy and appreciate these theories because a lot of people don't give Sauron enough credit for how foolproof the Ring was and how close he came to winning.
@@dr.masiaka7048not really. It was by chance that he fell.. or as in some writings it was by intervention of eru that gollum fell. Saurons plan was in fact perfect
@@dr.masiaka7048 had gollum not been pushed by eru and put on the ring, sauron would have won. There's a quote from Tolkien that more or less stated there was no one in middle earth who could resist the ring so close to its forge home
I think that we can expand upon: "All Shall Love Me And Despair!" And the men of Gondor, and Rohan, and those who survived of the defeated Easterlings, and Southronds, seeing the fair lady of Lorien in splendor so great as to eclipse mere moral concepts of beauty, were sick within their hearts. Some, despairing of their own worth and strength threw themselves upon their swords rather than live in the knowledge that such beauty existed and yet did not condescend to consider or smile upon them. Others groveled before her and perished unable to muster the will to feed or sustain themselves if not in the service of her grace. But the stronger of them, including many of Numenorian blood, while greatly moved, seamed still to be possessed of themselves. But amongst this number, many nurtured the memory of her terrible glory in their hearts and it slowly worked upon them, that they might not see as fair other. And so they turned their hand with hatred upon all their fellow men, and upon even their own women and children and the works of their fathers in bitter disappointment and secret envy. So did the ring's power engorge and twist even so fair a thing as the beauty of the lady of Lorien into a malice that poisoned all, but those of the strongest character who beheld it. And the lady Galadriel herself came to see such unrestrained adoration as her due and would delight in the subjection of her enemies upon seeing her majesty.
Understandably, I find that interpretations of theoretical ring bearers greatly exceeded what would’ve realistically happened. After all Sauron himself was soundly defeated multiple times while in possession of the ring. Weaker characters would not take on complete domination of the world just cause they had the ring. They would just be the clear dominant force in the world, a middle earth superpower like the modern United States
@@tristankinnamon3181 Probably, however, unlike Sauron, they begin with the general trust/respect of the men, elves, and dwarves of middle earth. They don't begin by being hunted by Men, Elves, and Dwarves wherever they go. This gives them far more opportunity to establish power before true opposition (likely from the southrons and easterlings) can form. Not to mention that the Elves would almost certainly never enter open conflict with Galadriel or Gandalf, and the men (at least those of Rohan and Gondor) likely wouldn't as well, at least not initially. The Dwarves, like the elves are less powerful than they were in ages past, and while they, of all the races, would be most willing to enter conflict with Galadriel, not many people actually know of the ring other than the fellowship and a few select others. So why would they immediately enter conflict?
Love how this theory plays out. I think Aragorn would be pretty easy to persuade into trusting Galadriel, as she was one of the oldest and wisest beings in Middle Earth, not to mention his beloved Arwen's grandmother. There are two X-Factors that come to mind, though. The first is Galadriel's husband, Celeborn. He doesn't get as much attention in the books, so it's hard to judge his personality and strength. I'm not entirely certain, but I do think he was younger than Galadriel, and she was stronger, aided by virtue of possessing Nenya. Still, I don't think either was subservient to the other, and I cannot help but wonder what his thoughts would be, once he knew his wife held the One Ring. The other, and I think even bigger factor, is Glorfindel. He often gets overlooked, as he's not in the films and only has a minor role in LOTR. But if you read the Silmarillion and the Appendices, you know that he is insanely powerful. As he was born during the Years of the Trees, he is possibly the only elf in all Middle Earth older than Galadriel, and may have been even stronger than her, Celeborn, and Elrond. He is also one of the only elves ever sent back after his death; and like Gandalf, this came when slaying a balrog! Heck, the Witch King was terrified of him. At the Council of Elrond in the books, he is adamant that the ring must be destroyed. Because of this, I could see Galadriel wanting to keep her possession of the Ring a secret from Glorfindel, but I cannot see him taking it well once she revealed she had it.
Agree - Cirdan is probably older than Galadriel. Both Aragorn & Gandalf state at different points that "the (one) ring is wholly evil." Do not think either of them would have trusted her after learning she'd taken it from Frodo. Even if they win against Sauron, they'll doom Middle Earth to another evil empire down the road. That's really the whole point of Frodo's mission - the Ring HAD to be destroyed, no ifs, ands or buts.
This is a great point. I wonder if Galadriel possessing the ring would have had the same effect? Sauron putting on the ring gave them the indication of his intentions (the ring verse), but Galadriel's motivations would be different. Perhaps this would lead to a different perception? Great point you have here!
This… This really is it. Elrond and Gandalf would have known immediately, and Elrond is far too wise to allow the elves to support her in the ways this video theorizes. Otherwise, they'd have never known with Sauron putting it on and would have fallen to HIM. The infighting after Galadriel putting it on would have torn the alliance completely apart leaving Galadriel completely open and vulnerable to the Nazgul, Saruman, and Sauron. I also think this video grossly overestimates her abilities with the ring. If she could accomplish all of that, Sauron could have accomplished far more with it and would have crushed the Last Alliance millennia ago. She would have been captured, tortured, and ruined. She likely knew all of this when she refused the ring, for she herself was one who sensed Sauron's presence from the moment he put it on. She knew they would oppose her in the way she opposed him. She would be a queen but alone, except perhaps luring men and dwarves into supporting her due to her beauty. But the elves would have turned on her like they turned on Sauron. Lest we forget that in those days Sauron had a fair form of his own of his own making, and they still defied him.
@The Program I disagree that the elves would unite against the cause of Sauron so readily. Especially in light of the circumstances. They had no intentions of moving at all until Elrond decided it so, being convinced by Arwen because of Aragon. With Sauron now turning his eye to Galadriel and the elves. Men would be even less likely to come to thier aid and join them. I also think that Aragon may try and unite men but not necessarily be able to bring them together to help Galadriel carrying the ring. I could see them consolidating power for a war that could come. But not knowing who would bring them war. Galadriel would have had problems drawing in large forces early on and Rivendell may have refused to aid. My guess is Gandalf would have tried to stay Aragon from joining with Galadriel as well til they could formulate a plan and staving off war as long as possible. I could see Gandalf putting the ring back on as a form of self sacrifice at some point. To find some way to sway her to be rid of the ring. I doubt she would let him near without it on. I simply think Elrond and his people would just go to the West once she was under the control of the ring. Lorien is harder to gauge. Their proximity might move them to be more concerned about self preservation.
Gandalf employs some hobbits, maybe the same hobbits, to steal the ring from galadriel while he feins surrendering his own ring. Then the quest begins anew, but from a position without sauron or sauromon to interfere, and with allies (like aragorn) in strategic positions. The race is on to destroy the ring before galadriel, and those still loyal to her, can catch up with them.
@@sageofcaledor8188 All those civil wars they had? How about how they looked down on dwarves? How about how they worked with Sauron to create the rings of power out of their greed for power.
I don't think Galadriel would lose her mind so quickly nor so thoroughly. The final product of her symbiosis with the Ring would probably be a grey figure, someone with a personality that mixes the old Galadriel with Sauron.
Yeah, especially for people with a strong mind, the corruptive power of the ring was a far more gradual and subtle affair. Not really "mind controlling people from the get go", but very slowly and gradually nudging their hearts in a certain direction. In a "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" kind of way.
I have to say this, while not a LotR fan (I like it, but I just wouldn't call myself a fan), I love the lore, and I normally hate "What If?" theories because they're usually just a bunch of mindless fanfictions thought up by people stanning for their favorites. You really put a lot of thought & heart into these theories & support your evidence for them, especially using Tolkien's own words above all. I really respect that. Thank you for making these great videos that I love to keep in my "Watch Later" list when I need something to watch.
I can think of a lot more captivating women then Kate blanchet though lol. Shakira comes first to mind but I Barbara Streisand has the diva quality. I don't know if mira sorvino has the elegant wise qualities but she's got the height and beauty. I wouldve liked to see an older caucasian celebrity who stands for civil rights etc but I can't think of any I admire now lol
@@Infinitebrandon haha I'd LOVE to see Barbara as Galadriel haha!! She would be so freakin extra! Instead of a dark lord you shall have a LITERALL Queen! Haha!
I have a thought about this: The Ring was nearish to Lothlorien for hundred of years (Gladden Fields and under the Misty Mountains with Gollum), perhaps the reason Galadriel had thought so much about the Ring was that it was, relatively speaking, in close proximity to her? That way her temptation becomes more a result of the active agency of the Ring not just some personal introspection.
This is an interesting thought! Idk if it would be near enough to affect her, as it was still probably a day’s journey away, but who knows? Galadriel was presumably able to perceive the Eotheod coming to pass by Lothlorien. This is a very interesting theory!
@@NerdoftheRings we do know that the Ring is 'looking' for a wearer, "it want's to be found". Also Galadriel has profound abilities of divination (the Mirror for example shows things that might or might not come to pass) it could be that they both subtly interacted with each other on an unconscious level?
Someone like Galadriel or Gandalf are the lest likely types that the ring would want to find or wear it. Both would have done something destructive - Gandalf taking it to Manwe, Galadriel bossing her way into Mordor and Mount Doom. It would have stayed quite, biding it's time, until a way to find another weak mind (hello, Gollum) came close that would take it to Sauron. Any Elf that found and identified it would have raced to take it to one of the elders - Galadriel, Celeborn, Thranduel; for them to take charge of it and destroy it. It wanted a man, or even an animal; as it's bearer. Unfortunately, it got a hobbit.
I’m saving this for later but wanted to say, thank you. The theory videos are my personal favorite and I want to acknowledge the work it takes to create them. Huzzah and well done.
This video deserves to EXPLODE!! Words fail me Sire, at the sheer magnificence of your illustrations.. the music and the beautifully satisfactory storyline in this video.. Im amazed!!
Your outline is probably correct and follows the lines of Galadriel's own predictions. Im not sure about the endless forests, the Noldor at their most powerful didnt all live in forests. Yeah, her woodland realm would flourish and maybe grow, but massive cities, fortresses and towers would be built too: in the style of Finrod's Minas Tirith on Tol Sirion, Nargothrond or Gondolin. Maybe some more Sindar influence would lead to a new Menegroth, i.e. expansion of the existing halls in the woodland realm. There's a few more things I believe could be different: 1- Aragorn on the throne... might be difficult. The men of Gondor accept him after he defeated the pirates and delivered to the capital an army that turned the tide of battle. Also, he fullfilled prophecy by being a healer post-battle. With the battle still ahead and no march through the paths of the dead, it might prove difficult for him to assume rule - despite Boromir's help. 2- Resistance from Sauron may make this whole thing slower and more difficult than you present it. Sauron attacked the dwarvens and men in the north, the woodland realm and Lorien, sent an army to block Rohan AND assaulted Gondor - all of this, without depleting his land. Lorien would be destroyed from Dol Guldur if Galadriel just went to the Black Gate and the woodland elves could just join right away... so it'd probably take a lengthy campaign with lots of uses of the ring's power. 3- More ironic tragedy would probably happen, as she may find herself forced to do things she doesnt want to. She controls the ring, Sauron used that power to control his minions. While not as extreme as in the movies, without the ring or Sauron's spirit to hold them, the orcs would be leaderless. It'd be plausible for Galadriel to have to take control of some evil forces, formerly loyal to Sauron, with the power of the ring - orcs, maybe the nazgul themselves. Instead of destroying them as wouldve been her first intent, her tragic doom would be to use the very evil Sauron created to destroy him. It'd be ironic for evil to destroy evil, which would fit Tolkien lore, but also for good to use evil whilst becoming evil, with the intent of doing good. Good intention leading to evil -> Turin Turambar anyone? ;) 4- Lastly, I think resistance from the other leaders would be stronger from the start and even more so in the aftermath of victory, if we assume they just had to accept the fact she had the ring. Id say the like of Aragorn, Gandalf or Elrond would still prioritize unity and the destruction of Sauron over trying to defeat the most powerful force against him, which would lead to weakening them all, Sauron winning and taking the ring. They dont want that, so what choice but to aid Galadriel win?! However, once this is accomplished, they would show their disagreement more dramatically than just going home I believe. Aragorn would have compelling reasons beyond knowing her path is evil: his rule is directly challenged by her claim to lordship over all free people with the ring. Elrond might want to just sail west, but this is made more complicated by Arwen's situation. Sauron not being destroyed utterly but Aragorn being king... would she be allowed to marry him? And if so, would Elrond want to leave her alone in middle Earth with Sauron's shadow still lurking and Galadriel being what she now would have become? And if he stays, wouldnt he oppose her in all things? And of course, Gandalf... he wouldnt stand for this, clearly not. As a maia with a ring of power, he could challenge the witch king or Sauron himself and be their equal or superior (screw you, movies). So why not challenge a Noldor queen... granted, she has the one ring, which wouldnt bode well for his own... but he might still try, he's hot tempered after all. I think there's a good chance the aftermath of this scenario would involve some first-age worthy tragedy where friend slays friend, great things are lost and evil is strengthened because of the doom of the Noldor... Galadriel, after all, would be a perfect candidate to revive that ancient curse, as one who came into middle earth with Fingolfin, heeding Feanor's words.
"Galadriel, after all, would be a perfect candidate to revive that ancient curse, as one who came into middle earth with Fingolfin, heeding Feanor's words." Indeed...
3:13 Arragorn would never accept it. He talked back to Gandalf the White without hesitation. He even mad-dogged Sauron in the Palantir as a great king of Numenór while dressed like a ragged ranger. Arragorns vision and mind is not easily deceived.
So I know this channel has been active for years and I’ve been subscribed for years, but can we just appreciate how good the editing matches the commentary👍🏼 Great job and keep it up 🤙🏼
The thing about Sauron is that his soul is tied to the one ring. Eventually Galadriel's spirit would be corrupted and weakened enough for Sauron to just take over her body. Sauron is a crafter, a manipulator, and a dictator. Sauron as Galadriel would create and gift the rulers of the realms new rings, but in a different form, be it a sword, a crown, a necklace, etc. She would make all the other kings a puppet to her. I would think she'd have learned from her ring time, and create items to give to all outstanding people, so that she would have control over them. Because unlike Melkor, Sauron has grand sweeping goals. Goals which require him to rule over the whole realm.
I suspect Galadriel with the One Ring might have ended up like the Thalmor in the Elder Scrolls. Instead of diminishing, she might lead an Elven faction determined to return the elves to the glory days of the First Age, even at the price of human, dwarf, and hobbit blood.
Fantastic as always! Now we need the complete travels of Túrin Turambar, Maeglin, Maedhros (or a combined Sons of Feanor), the rise and fall of Gondolin….I could go on, but I’ll stop there for now! Keep up the great work. This is probably my favorite RUclips channel!!!
Simply phenomenal! The research for this topic is definitely great so huge kudos to you! 👏👏 A “what if Faramir replaced Boromir in the fellowship” video is definitely a good idea too!
No matter who has the ring one thing I know for sure, after reading is the ring only has one master. The ring & its master/ creator, Dark Lord Sauron are one. In spirit & in power. which is why I feel that anyone who has this ring will eventually fall to corruption. Going on to carry his will rather they want to or not. The Ring will only recognize one master. You did a beautiful job on this video. Absolutely love it. New subscriber as of today.🥰
Man i love your story telling voice and epic style! Suits LOTR immensely well. Im so happy i found your channel. This kind of epic stories is what may bring tears to a grown mans eyes :D
Your speculation videos are amazing. I admit, at first, I blew them off a more lame clickbait with a lot of time filling. But no... these are amazingly well researched and well-reasoned. I am really glad I took a chance on your channel. This is just... amazing in its depth. Kudos!
Galadriel: "It's a gift, eh that is it is your parting gift, in that it will part you. Part of you here, part of you there, part of you waaaaaaayy over there, STAINING THE WALL!!!"
Tolkien's perception of moral law is flawless. Showing the temptation that even the fairest and most nobel leaders have to weild their power through control. Even with the best intentions, wrapped up in their own ideals, corruption is inevitable. It takes real moral courage and perception to know what you are capable of, but instead deciding to trust others in the purity of their innocence to make the right decisions. Its an archetypal narrative that reminds me of parents having to trust their teenagers, despite their naivety; not trying to control them. Or of governments staying out of business and allowing economies to grow natrually, rather than thinking they can force a good outcome. Or us, in ourselves, being aware of our potential, both for good and for evil. Powerful stuff, that guy never ceases to amaze me 🙌
Being a ring bearer himself, wouldn't Gandalf have known that Galadriel used the One Ring to destroy Isengard and dropped everything else to confront her?
Both he and Elrond would know instantly if she put on the one ring, never mind use it, and probably take off their rings to prevent being submitted to her power, as the original bearers of the elven rings did when Sauron first put on the one ring.
@@viv12348 I am not sure, but hobbits don’t have a strong will to dominate, instead just wishing to go unnoticed, one of the reasons why they turn invisible. Galadriel wanted power and revenge against Feanor and Morgoth. I think because Bilbo and Frodo didn’t want power, they wouldn’t send out the same influence as other beings
@@jacobnesbitt824 "one of the reasons why they [hobbits] turn invisible." Isildur turned invisible when he put on the Ring, and he was a Numenorean Man who _did_ have a strong will to dominate.
@@jamesgravil9162 - Elves (as well as physical manifestations of the Maiar) live partly in the unseen world, while men/hobbits (except those wearing Rings of Power) live completely in the seen world. That is why men/hobbits are turned invisible by the rings, but other beings who already live partly in the unseen world are not. (Not sure is we are ever told if the Rings of Power make Dwarves invisible or not.)
Galadriel would be worshipped by all of Middle Earth, but I think her next target would be Valinor. Her desire to dominate the world with her beauty and majesty would not suffer competition from the Valar. I believe she would rally her kin who reside in Valinor to join her in Middle Earth, while attempting to spread a rotting blight across the lands of Aman in the process. If she could pull this off, Middle Earth would be the most beautiful dominion in all of Arda.
I'd just love a romanticized version where Gandalf fights her, losing he casts a spell that allows her to see the folly of the Elves. All her kin speak to her of how their love for power and trinkets brought low the Noldor and finally Feanor speaks to her from the gates of night urging her to be better than he was. She still cant give up the ring, but she casts it and herself into the flames of Doom. Her spirit walks with Feanor through the gates, Gandalf succombs to his wounds happy the world is saved and the story plays out the same from then on. Oh and as she walks with Feanor she finally gives him some fking hair as a nice little in joke.
Galadriel would NEVER reconcile with Feanor. However, I am quite sure that, when in canon Galadriel refused the One Ring, although what she said to Frodo had a "I don't want to become like Sauron" tone, she was thinking "I don't want to become like Feanor."
@@agnilariou7776 aw I reckon she would now shes old and wise enough to know how dangerous temptation for power can be. Maybe not fully back his decisions or anything but at least forgive him and let go of the feud Elves get rehoused in the halls of mandos, not sure if Tolkien ever mentioned what happened to Feanor but he should have been reborn and learned a bit from his experience, she could be talking to him literally across distance with her power amped by the ring
If Boromir took the ring? That's pretty clear and disappointing. He would have openly and prematurely challenged Mordor, only to get himself lured into a situation of facing Sauron and/or the Witch King alone - against whom he would not stand a chance, with or without ring.
I have a theory. Everything is like in your theory until destuction of Saruman. Gandalf, when he arrives to Lorien is suspicious about this easy victory - and deth of Saruman. He isnt sure but he thinks that Galadriel has the One ring. Also leaving of hobbits suggests it. Gandalf is almost sure that Galadriel is getting corrupted by the One ring. Then everything is like in yours - Aragorn is the king, Sauron thinks that Aragon has the ring, armies of Sauron are getting destroyed in Pellenor fields, ships from Umbar arent arriving, Galadriel is kncoking on the black gate. Now a bit of my theory. Saurons armies arent prepared, they are trying to get to the black gate as soon as posible. Sauron sends Nazgul to scare and hold Galadriels armies. But Galadriel uses the One ring showing Gandalf and Elrond the truth. Sauron realizes that he was wrong - not Aragon but Galadriel has the ring. He flies away with one of the flying beasts while Gandalf tries to stop Galadriel from using the ring ones more. Some elves led by Elrond (Elrond knows everything about rings and understands that the ring has to be destroyed) tries to tell Galadriel to throw the ring to the Orodruin, but Galadriel sends Nazgul to kill him. Gandalf and Aragorn leave while some elves are trying to stop Galadriel. Saurons armies arrive just at the moment. There is a big battle. Elves led by Elrond are fighting against Galadriel are killed in the battle. Galadriel uses the ring ones more tries to fight Sauron armies. Her elves - almost every of them is killed by orcs. It seems like Galadriel is the winner. Galadriel know that Gandalf will try to gather Cirdans elves and dwarfs. Gandalf with his company of dwarfs and elves hides in the blue mountains. Sauron still with his body profites from Galadriels power corrupted by the one ring. Sauron, when he gets enough power from the ring (and Galadriel herself) attacks middle earth and claims the ring (theese guys from the east will help him). It seems like Sauron is the winner. Maybe he could then even attack Valinor, who knows?
Galadriel's forces would grow larger and larger, Aragorn and gandalf would realize we wont have any men left if we wait too long. They recruit Frodo to steal the ring from Galadriel's palace while launching an attack on the forest where her palace is to distract her forces. Gollom shows up again and helps sneak Frodo in.
Just one comment: Galadriel didn’t need the palantir of Orthanc. Her mirror already provided her that capability. Sauron, using the palantir in Minas Morgul, was able to contact and taunt Galadriel. She might have sent it to Rohan or Rivendell or the Shire as a “gift” (which she could then use to manipulate and control them).
@@knightofsvea604 It's been established that Galadriel can communicate telepathically at a distance using her ring (possibly in combination with her mirror). She doesn't need a seeing stone.
@@appolonius5468 that is not what is being said. The mirror sees things as they could become. The Palantir allows you to see and interact. The ring merely communicates telepathically to those likely who are allies.
@@appolonius5468 She can communicate with the other ringbearers, Gandalf and Elrond, not with everyone. Also she could not see or influence them, as possible with a Palantir. Similar with her Mirror. It was to see through time and space, but more chaotic like the water and also things that would not come to past. So the Palantir, if handled with a strong willl like Galadriels, is a very more useful and more presice tool for the sake of her intensions.
Lovely and well done job! What if Aragorn failed to protect Frodo at the Weathertop, and the Witch King ended up in possession of the Ring? What would happened? Would he return it to Sauron? Would he be tempted to confront Sauron?
I don't think that the Witch King or the Nazgul had any free will left at this point. They are servants of the ring.. of Sauron. They would surely give up the ring to him.
Nazgul had no free will or concept of thought. They were literally wraiths. Had Boromir got it , that would be interesting , though only a man , he could as Galadriel explained " bend his will to it " .
Or, what if Frodo was urgently transported to Rivendell to be healed but didn’t get there in time, thereby becoming a wraith that had be put down? The ring would still be in the hands of the free people’s, but they would have to choose a new ringbearer.
This is what The Series should have been all about. Season 1: Gandalf takes the ring. Season 2: Galadriel takes the ring. Season 3: Boromir takes the ring. Season 4: Bill the Pony takes the ring...
i like all of it and it seemed like a genuine alternate universe written how Tolkien's characters would have acted, except for Aragorn taking up the Crown before defeating Sauron. Galadriel having the ring wouldn't make him change his mind about that, the only thing that would is Elrond telling him he's good enough for his daughter no matter what he does.
I can imagine Galadriel making her stronghold in Dol Guldur... it would be ironic because in the canon she tears down its walls, while in the "fan-fiction" she would raise more. And maybe she would merge Nenya with the One and by this not just enhancing the abilities of the One, but also having a greater power to wield the two rings as One.
I am glad Galadriel DID NOT take that path. Gandalf said it when tempted by Frodo. He would have been corrupted by the ring. Gadriel seems wiser than Gandalf. The events of your story di not come to pass - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! If it did happen things would quiet for a short time, but as you pointed out, Gandalf was aware and thought of the consequences of Galadriel and Aragorn sensed something was not right. The whole thing would have played out again. The sequence in the books is the best. She had her vision and wisely returned the RING to Frodo and Sam. Either way we end the way it should have ended. Gollum had his PRECIOUS, THE ring WAS DESTROYED AND Frodo IS MISSING A FINGER, they still have the business with Sharkey and Wormtaug, but our heros are the victors. When I started watching this, my gut was not feeling good. Knowing what I know Of the Lady Gaaldriel, this alternative reality did NOT sit well . . . from the books view, she had more wisdom than any of that WHAT IF tragedy. She knew what she had to do.
One thing I see going differently is that rather than destroying the Nine she binds them under the power of the One. She may well send them away (even justifying it as saving lives) but deep down she would see them as too powerful tools. They may return in a new more fair guise but become maybe like her secret police force.
After Sauron’s defeat, perhaps Galadriel creates an empire so mighty and paranoid she begins to fear and loathe the Valar like the Numenorians did under Sauron’s influence. She may have sailed against Valinor in similar fashion - eventually. Galadriel as a ring bearer is so unpredictable because she’s simultaneously mantled with the cursed history of her house as well as her resistance to that curse. It’s sort of like imagining Finrod as the ring bearer. Finarfin’s kids as well as Finarfin himself wound up being the noblest of Finwe’s line. BUT the ring of power corrupts so absolutely it’s impossible to not imagine Galadriel going full Feanor at one point or another.
I think this may be my favorite lore theory video! As a hobby, I watch alot of lore and theory videos. I love a good story and you have spun a wonderful tale!
The ring would not want to be worn by someone who could test Sauron's power, but Tolkien writes a "what if" Gandalf was the ring lord, suggesting it was possible. However we know the ring always endures, guess the ring would be the master in the end, same for Sauron in my opinion
I do feel that the ring could conceivably betray Sauron if it feels it found a superior host. And in the case of Gandalf, its' trading a broken Maiar (Sauron) for an intact one.
Since the Ring has most of Sauron in it I think you are right. It would betray whoever it was with in order to reunite with Sauron to make him whole, even if it takes 2 or more ages of middle earth.
@@ulflurken221 : Sauron 'fears' the ring falling into meek hands, who will resist the temptations successfully and hide the ring from others the most. It is actually more towards impatience and frustration than fear.
The Ring is not the same entity as Sauron. This is something that Peter Jackson got slightly wrong. It has agency, so to say. It can influence the minds of everyone, even Sauron's, and it tries to find its way onto the finger of the most powerful person. With Sauron defeated, the Ring would contently stick with Galadriel. It is even capable of betraying Sauron himself, such as in a scenario like this where Sauron is losing the war.
Middle Earth would be humped, I don't see Gandolf leaving as the ring and Sauron still perseveres and of all the wizards he was truest to his mission. I think Elrond would leave to the west seeing the futility of fighting and it would all rest on the Valor and the time in the future that they came and remade everything. Just my personal opinion though.
YEah I think Elrond would have refused to join and stayed as long as possible to see what happened. Men also would have refused to help the elves preferring to consolidate power and wait to see if Sauron or Galadriel brings war to thier door.
I know that everyone thinks that 'their' fandom is the best but I think this video and the subsequent comments section is peak, whatever we call ourselves, 'RIngers', 'Students of the Professor', whatever... either way it fills me with the glowing light of the Valar and I am pleased. Good work people, good work.
I think this theory ignores something important in its early parts: The fact that elves are right in the middle of leaving. Given the typical perceptiveness of those who are called "The Wise" in these stories, I would think that if Elrond got a message saying that the fellowship had arrived in Lorien, and that Galadriel was summoning him to war, he would be able to deduce what had taken place. I can't imagine what he might do about it besides perhaps expediting the elven withdrawal from Middle Earth.
@@Mr12Relicbased on what NoTR said in another video, if Galadriel put on the ring, Gandalf and Elrond would've sensed it immediately and took off their rings, which would cut off much of their power but also prevented them from being controlled by Galadriel. I personally suppose Galadriel would be merciful enough to let Elrond and his elves leave Middle Earth rather than support her in her war against Sauron. Heck I bet this hypothetical Galadriel would behave just like Galadriel from Rings of Power (which really establishes how ironic that show ends up being)
I was really surprised in the book when I read it that Galadriel didn’t replace Gandalf as the leader of the party & taking his place. But then Gandalf came back.
And then he screams "Precious!" mere seconds after grabbing it and starting a little dance waking Galadriel up who immediatly crushes his skull like a watermelon while he's busy celebrating.
Interesting thought on it being destroyed by Aule, but I think taking to to Valinor was discussed, however they decided that taking it to Mount Doom to be destroyed was the better option because Sauron is still working in the shadows making armies even without his ring, and he's still causing chaos. Remember, all the events of LOTR are all a result of Sauron's doing WITHOUT his ring Bringing back the nazgul, commanding armies of thousands and tens of thousands, creating fell beasts, all of it. The only solution would be to destroy him.
this would raise two questions. 1. "Would they be able to bring the ring into valinor in the first place?" 2. "What would the free peoples do about an evil miar, if the key to there success was in a place almost none of them can go?"
I think the ring would corrupt her to be a new sort of ring wraith. Sauron would eventually win because she would never destroy the ring, which would allow him to come back over and over, or she would become so corrupted that she would give the ring to him willingly
Tom Bombadil asks Galadriel to give him the ring. She does, inexplicably unable to refuse. Tom peers through the ring, a glint in his eye, and says "It's not for eatin'. It's just for lookin' through." Then he swallows it anyway and heads home to Goldberry. Everyone else snaps out of it, shakes their heads, drops their weapons, and says "Oh... alrighty then. Okay. Well... nice seeing everyone. Imma go home, smoke a bowl and make some chili. Anyone else wanna join? Sauron? Mebbe bring potato salad or whatever?"
12:30 i would have to disagree about the elves not allowing them to move against her. Elrond was there when Isildur refused to destroy the ring all that time ago and surely this is a story well known in the elven kingdom, atleast in the house of Elrond. I am almost certain Elrond wouldn't want to see a repeat of Isildur's folly and risk Sauron returning yet again. Surely he would lead the idea of destroying the ring with or without Galadriels opinion. Gandalf would follow his lead which would convince Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. The men would follow Aragorns lead and the elves of mirkwood would follow Legolas lead, who is also their prince. Galadriel wouldn't be able to defeat all the others with only the elves of Lorien.
My question is, what if Aragorn Took the ring? or what if bilbo never found it at first place? Galadriel and Gandalf already has powers but what if non-power heros? :) Awesome channel and everything btw, huge fan of yours xx
Aragorn would've snuck in alone to destroy it. He had all the requisite skills and willpower, being able to face Sauron in the Palantir. In terms of "greed", he knows with certainty that his rule would be better unopposed through its destruction than its use. If Bilbo never found it, Gollum would have eventually noticed it was missing and went nuts enough to get caught while retracing his steps, and an orc would've found it. Lesser beings would be destroyed attempting to truly use it, either outright or falling to corruption. Boromir could've done many things, but he'd be betrayed like Isildur was.
NotR has actually poked at the idea of bilbo never finding the ring. The ring betrayed gollum in hopes that it would be found by the goblins and orca in goblin town, and easily returned to its master.
Very well done video. As a lifelong fan of this story, I had wondered this very question more than once myself. I think the scenario you played out is very plausible and it does make one wonder what Gandalf would have done. As one of the Maiar, he was sent not to wage war, but to advise others to help keep Middle Earth safe and I don't think he'd leave this extremely volatile situation alone. But I also don't see him prevailing. He could surely convince King Elessar to join him and together enlist King Theoden (who was still alive in this scenario).... then it's a war between the men and the elves. Of course, it's also entirely possible Queen Arwen could convince her husband not to turn against her grandmother, leaving Gandalf alone in this. Quite a conundrum.
I wonder how Gandalf/Eowyn would have killed the Witch King, since in the books the Witch King dies mainly because Merry stabs him with one of the Barrow-blades which were specifically crafted to kill the Witch King.
The key isn't necessarily the weapon per say, rather the wielder of the weapon that inflicts the fatal blow whether elf, hobbit dwarf or another race. "No man can kill me," implies no mortal human male has the power to do so. Thus Eyown with a regular sword was able to vanquish the Witch King because she wasn't a man so the "immunity" the Witch King had was moot. It was pride and a false assumption of invincibility that led to the Witch Kings death at the end of a woman's steel blade with a bit of help from Merry.
This is an excellent video! Great artwork. I think Celeborn will stick with her. Divorce is not an elven thing, and Galadriel seems to be better than Sauron by a long shot. The bearers of the elven rings would probably stick with her. I see Gandalf will at least stick around to prepare for Sauron's return along with Elrond. Aragorn and Arwen will rule the lands of Gondor and Arnor as the descendants of the Half-elves. It would be a golden age for a time until the forest becomes treacherous over time. I do think over time Galadriel would develop second thoughts. She has been in Middle Earth from the beginning. Plus she was mentored by Melian one of the Maia. I would not be surprised if Melian shows up and beats some sense into her. I do not think her reign would be bad because Tolkien never mentioned anything about how she would rule except for healing Middle Earth from the damage caused by Sauron. (Except instead of nice pleasant forests, it would be a forest like Mirkwood) You should do a What-if Aragorn keeps the One Ring.
I think Gandalf and Elrond along with Cirdan, Radagast and Glorfindel would organize some kind of resistance. They could set up a strong hold in the Grey Havens and if things went badly they would be able to retreat on a ship to Valinor. They could call on the Valar for aid.
@@colinmcdonald2499 I think he could be relied on to help the Free peoples in there opposition to Darkness. He does so in the Fellowship of the Ring when aiding Gandalf in his escape from Orthanc. He was also ready and willing to organize opposition to Sauron. Just because we don't see much of him doesn't mean he isn't doing anything.
Wow, I really enjoyed this. I've read LOTR long ago and watched the the movies and this add so much depth to the stories. Thank you. Now it's Elronds turn? That might be a short one. Flys a giant eagle, lands, tosses it in, goes home. Yeah, maybe he doesn't need one.
What do you think would happen? What changes would you make to this theory? Let’s have some fun with this hypothetical scenario!
I think it would be cool if elrond and gandalf both go to the undieing lands, And then they call upon the valar and elves to beat galadriel. Or if Gandalf went and called upon farmer maggot to save the world by defeating galadriel with his great dogs.
I would love a sequel of this, maybe about valar taking action against galadriel by sending another maya
@@Boarrrr and that miar would be farmer maggot.
But in all honesty I do like you idea
@@lordheklsmosh9490 You at least have to give galadriel a chance bro
@@Boarrrr no mercy to a witch
I love how both Galadriel and Gandalf's first real step is kicking Saruman's ass.
Saruman’s corruption is the lynchpin for both of them to have to use the ring to win.
I chuckled when he was unaware of Galadriel having the ring while approaching Isengard. I almost felt sorry for him. But, not quite.
Sauron: haha, I’m in danger!
people need to leave poor Saruman alone...
he's always getting his azz kicked...
Saruman, the ultimate punching bag
Bill the pony is the only one who can be trusted with the ring
I wholeheartedly agree. 🐴
I wonder if a pony could be corrupted by it, although it would struggle to put it on in the first place.
@@iluineredrambar4111 It would be a sight, a pony trying to put a ring on. ^^ That would be magic.
The one ring Bill the pony would have been doing parkour stunts through the mines of Moria.
Clearly the ring could re-size itself to slide over a hoof...
This makes it clear why their actual plan of having Frodo sneak into Mordor with the Ring was so ridiculous that Sauron did not even contemplate it. They could have had virtual assurance of victory.
Tolkien talked explicitly multiple times about the fact that one of Sauron's biggest blindspots was his utter inability to even conceptualize a scenario where the new owners of the One Ring would NOT attempt to size its power for themselves.
Yes. Just reverse the sides. What if Sauron got the Ring and, instead of using it to inexorably conquer all his enemies, instead gave it to a small Orc, or a creature like Gollum, to sneak into Rivendell where it could be destroyed for good (assuming doing so would somehow ruin the Elves' plans). It's just not even a plausible scenario.
No.. he didnt contemplate it bc it was bound to fail. And he was right. Noone could resist the ring. Only by the intervention of Eru was the ring destroyed. The mission itsself failed when Frodo claimed the ring
One of my favorite parts of the saga was that Frodo put on the ring and Sauron felt it and in a flash, understood what had happened. He had a good minute or two to sit there in a crazed, rabid panic at how badly he had been outplayed and to understand how everyone got together to defeat him in a way that they thought he wouldnt see coming, and they were totally correct.
No quick, surprise end for him, he got a fantastic view of all his folly before he died. I suspect Eru illuvatar had a hand in that one
@@TucoBenedicto And he was right. No one could bear the Ring without succumbing to its power. Frodo was perhaps the one being in all of the history of Middle-earth who could have brought it to Orodruin without seizing it... and even he failed at the end.
I think it speaks to the absolute brilliance of Tolkien's work in crafting the One Ring as an artefact, and the quest to destroy it that even merely asking the question: "what if Gandalf or Galadriel had taken it?" Immediately fills one with such a strong sense of despair.
What happens next? Celeborn files for divorce citing, irreconcilable differences. "I did NOT marry Sauron!!!!" He disappears and is never seen again. Arwen sails for the Undying West telling her dad and Aragorn, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING LETTING GRANDMA HAVE THAT THING!"
Lol 😂
Bahahaha !
Nerd of the rings you should do a video on what if farmer maggot took the one ring.
What a great idea! A world full of vegetables
@@carlosbarradas2125 And then the orcs will worship farmer maggot because they no longer have to eat maggoty bread
Imagine the mushrooms he'd grow, so large that they blot out the sun.
“What are you going to do, bury me under my own tower?”
- Sauron, probably
Galadriel, having intended to tear the doors off the place and hunt him down: "... Good idea!"
bro did not see what happened to Saruman
As I rewatch both the Galadriel and Gandalf taking the ring videos, it seems both fall into the trap of Sauron: not having a motivation of evil like Morgoth but desiring order and security above all else which leads to evil being done.
Like governments. Lmao
Sauron was noted as being just as evil as Morgoth except in that he served another, not himself above all other beings. In some ways he was even more threatening, because Morgoth ultimately wanted to crush everything into dust and then hate the dust, while as basically an efficiency expert, Sauron could actually establish an empire to accomplish his goals -- such as they were.
If that's order and security; give me chaos and danger. All eventual tyrants promise order and security in the beginning. Does this sound familiar to you? As I said, give me chaos and danger.
Before Jackson did the movies, I couldn't imagine an actress who could do the part of Galadriel justice. Someone once suggested Greta Garbo could have done it. But since the movies, Cate Blanchett *IS* Galadriel. I can't imagine anyone else doing it successfully.
I think Ingrid Bergman could've done it. She had the beauty, the grace, the body/height and the warmth to pull it off.
@@1SaG Pre-Ring = Ingrid Bergman
Post-Ring = Hillary Clinton
Angelina Jolie perhaps?
@@moistmike4150 imagine still being obsessed with Hillary Clinton in 2021...
@@dummyproxy9921 fool of a man dummy! Pure evil must not be forgotten!
Elrond sighs, "not this shit again" he says, before stabbing Galadriel in the back, finally throwing that damned ring into the fires of Mount Doom from whence it came.
lol he would so do that
I think with the ring and her natural powers she would turn and kill him before, shocking everyone present.
He would kill him, but the moment to toss the ring he would fail, as all do, the One uses all his power to make the person stop, and Elrond would be Isildur 2.0
Wich is why Gollum is the one whom really saved Middle Earth.
He’s not as old as she is and he’s a half breed. His powers do not compare to her. He would be her most ardent supporter. Thranduil would be more likely to rebel, but no elf would rebel.
My theory:
Galadriel would dwell in her palace in Lorien for some time, and then she would have thoughts, a voice in her head: "men and dwarves admire thy beauty and power, but crave for it, as they wither as autumn leafs - they cannot be trusted".
And so she would prohibit any man o dwarf to enter her palace.
After some time she would hear "elves of Rivendell and Woodland Realm admire your splendor and regality, but they known of their inferiority to thy and thy people - they cannot be trusted".
And so she would prohibit any other elves to enter her palace, except for Lorien elves.
After some more time she would hear "elves of Lorien worship you, as they always did, but they see that their service will have no end; could you trust in those who know there is no other way to live but to serve? - they cannot be trusted ".
And so she would prohibit anyone besides her husband, and closest family members, or king of Woodland Realm to visit her in her palace.
After even more time she would hear "Kings and queens have their own domains, but they still bend their knees, could pride of a monarch withstand such humiliation for long? - they cannot be trusted ".
And so she would prohibit anyone to visit her in her palace, except for urgent matters, like war. So she would stay alone in her palace, for long.
At last she would hear "No man walks, no bird sings, no beast hunts in your forest, but could you banish trees? You know that forest has mind and strength of its own? Can you can hear as it grows day by day? - it cannot be trusted. So what can be trusted? The answer: mute stone".
And so Galadriel would find a mountain high, very same mountain on which Gandalf slew the Barlog. And there, climbing on the place when she hopes to find peace at least, she would find a throne, and a Dark Lord himself sitting atop. "My voice thy heard, for my property you wear, «no one besides me» you thought, that is peace; and so you came and see «no one besides ME» and so I will grant you what thy hart desire: peace at last; I give it to you, as I take my own.".
Tolkien wrote if the ring is not destroyed: there are only two options: Gandalf becomes new Dark Lord, or the ring returns to Sauron, eventually.
Underated comment
tolkien-tier comment wow
That was freaking beautiful and super haunting. Love it
really amazing
@@galef1986 I once read that Stalin was constantly afraid for his life. He had many doubles, many gourmets to check for poisoned dishes on the table. The point is, the person who was feared by all, lived in constant fear. So Galadriel wouldn’t be able to stand presence of other free individuals, while Sauron surrounded himself only with those, who can fear him, but not be able of treason (both weak orcs and powerful Nazguls were incapable of rebelling against his will, because they depended on it).
Celeborn was not a slave-Nazgul, and however implausible it can sound, he could take the ring from her and use it, as many others she lover. She would eventually distrust even him, and walk into the mountains with palantir to see world, while not being seen herself. As Sauron had his tower, she would have her mountain, after degrading slowly to become more and more alike him. But before she would be as cruel as him, he would came to her, after her fear grow to such extend, that her plain of loneness was so great, that only barrier preventing others to enter it, would be fear, and Sauron was not afraid. As Tolkien said, she alone with The Ring wouldn’t be able to defeat him.
In my opinion, in her first years of having The One Ring on her hand she would be able to use its power against its creator, but this is only one edge of double-edged sword. Second edge is true allegiance of The Ring. When facing Sauron after many years, The Ring’s hold over its bearer would be so strong, that Galadriel may not be even be able to raise her hand against Dark Lord (As Frodo felt growing weight of The Ring, the closer he was getting to do something against its will).
Those two edges were described by Tolkien while he was writing about eventual clash between Sauron and Gandalf with the ring. He used words "delicate balance", Gandalf would had advantage in being more powerful, but Sauron was True Lord of The Ring, so he had its allegiance. If Gandalf had The One Ring for long enough, he wouldn’t stand a chance against Sauron either.
Tolkien wanted to make it clear: destroying The Ring was the best possible option.
Epic theory, this is really thrilling. I can see only one weakness in the beginning: I don't think Denethor or even the people of Minas Tirith would accept Aragorn as king such easily, without the presence of Gandalf and the victory in Pelennor fields. Galadriel would surely need to come herself to Minas Tirith to "convince" Denethor to crown Aragorn.
I agree this needs to be accounted for - Denethor wouldn't go down without a fight...also, Faramir wouldn't have met Frodo, what subtle ripple effect does that have? Men fear and distrust the Elves, Faramir says, so what would happen if Galadriel did show up?
@@laurenbernstein621 Yeah Galadriel might have a hard time helping Aragorn getting crowned, she would probably be tempted to use the ring to convince or defeat Denethor, which would accelerate the prcess of her descent into the ring's control (sorry if this is not clear i'm french).
Yep, Aragorn was deemed worthy partially because he has brought ships with the southern armies and had more armies to come later by land after he defeated Umbar pirates using shades
Not necessarily. Keep in mind that Boromir would still be alive
Let me remind you that Frodo said to Faramir that Boromir had no doubts about Aragorn claims.
If (very stubborn) Boromir had no doubts, then the whole Minas Tirith wouldn't.
Maybe Denethor would try to oppose at first, he has very strong will, but he wouldn't be able to resist the will of Aragorn, 2 of his sons, and the whole Minas Tirith.
I really enjoy and appreciate these theories because a lot of people don't give Sauron enough credit for how foolproof the Ring was and how close he came to winning.
One measly finger biting hobbit managed to inadvertently take down one of the most powerful beings of middle earth in the third age lol
@@dr.masiaka7048not really. It was by chance that he fell.. or as in some writings it was by intervention of eru that gollum fell. Saurons plan was in fact perfect
@@dr.masiaka7048 had gollum not been pushed by eru and put on the ring, sauron would have won. There's a quote from Tolkien that more or less stated there was no one in middle earth who could resist the ring so close to its forge home
I think that we can expand upon: "All Shall Love Me And Despair!"
And the men of Gondor, and Rohan, and those who survived of the defeated Easterlings, and Southronds, seeing the fair lady of Lorien in splendor so great as to eclipse mere moral concepts of beauty, were sick within their hearts. Some, despairing of their own worth and strength threw themselves upon their swords rather than live in the knowledge that such beauty existed and yet did not condescend to consider or smile upon them. Others groveled before her and perished unable to muster the will to feed or sustain themselves if not in the service of her grace. But the stronger of them, including many of Numenorian blood, while greatly moved, seamed still to be possessed of themselves. But amongst this number, many nurtured the memory of her terrible glory in their hearts and it slowly worked upon them, that they might not see as fair other. And so they turned their hand with hatred upon all their fellow men, and upon even their own women and children and the works of their fathers in bitter disappointment and secret envy. So did the ring's power engorge and twist even so fair a thing as the beauty of the lady of Lorien into a malice that poisoned all, but those of the strongest character who beheld it. And the lady Galadriel herself came to see such unrestrained adoration as her due and would delight in the subjection of her enemies upon seeing her majesty.
Exactly my line of thinking! Well phrased :-)
Understandably, I find that interpretations of theoretical ring bearers greatly exceeded what would’ve realistically happened. After all Sauron himself was soundly defeated multiple times while in possession of the ring. Weaker characters would not take on complete domination of the world just cause they had the ring. They would just be the clear dominant force in the world, a middle earth superpower like the modern United States
In other words:
They simped hard
@@tristankinnamon3181 Probably, however, unlike Sauron, they begin with the general trust/respect of the men, elves, and dwarves of middle earth. They don't begin by being hunted by Men, Elves, and Dwarves wherever they go. This gives them far more opportunity to establish power before true opposition (likely from the southrons and easterlings) can form.
Not to mention that the Elves would almost certainly never enter open conflict with Galadriel or Gandalf, and the men (at least those of Rohan and Gondor) likely wouldn't as well, at least not initially. The Dwarves, like the elves are less powerful than they were in ages past, and while they, of all the races, would be most willing to enter conflict with Galadriel, not many people actually know of the ring other than the fellowship and a few select others. So why would they immediately enter conflict?
Love how this theory plays out. I think Aragorn would be pretty easy to persuade into trusting Galadriel, as she was one of the oldest and wisest beings in Middle Earth, not to mention his beloved Arwen's grandmother. There are two X-Factors that come to mind, though. The first is Galadriel's husband, Celeborn. He doesn't get as much attention in the books, so it's hard to judge his personality and strength. I'm not entirely certain, but I do think he was younger than Galadriel, and she was stronger, aided by virtue of possessing Nenya. Still, I don't think either was subservient to the other, and I cannot help but wonder what his thoughts would be, once he knew his wife held the One Ring. The other, and I think even bigger factor, is Glorfindel. He often gets overlooked, as he's not in the films and only has a minor role in LOTR. But if you read the Silmarillion and the Appendices, you know that he is insanely powerful. As he was born during the Years of the Trees, he is possibly the only elf in all Middle Earth older than Galadriel, and may have been even stronger than her, Celeborn, and Elrond. He is also one of the only elves ever sent back after his death; and like Gandalf, this came when slaying a balrog! Heck, the Witch King was terrified of him. At the Council of Elrond in the books, he is adamant that the ring must be destroyed. Because of this, I could see Galadriel wanting to keep her possession of the Ring a secret from Glorfindel, but I cannot see him taking it well once she revealed she had it.
She might kill him
Yeah, I don't see Glorfindel and Cirdan being supporters of Galadriel in this situation, and they both have huge influences with the elven population.
Agree - Cirdan is probably older than Galadriel.
Both Aragorn & Gandalf state at different points that "the (one) ring is wholly evil." Do not think either of them would have trusted her after learning she'd taken it from Frodo. Even if they win against Sauron, they'll doom Middle Earth to another evil empire down the road.
That's really the whole point of Frodo's mission - the Ring HAD to be destroyed, no ifs, ands or buts.
Galadriel is also a calaquendi. It would be a terrifying fight but she's got the upper hand.
reading books is amazing:)
Once Galadriel claimed the one ring Elrond and Gandalf would have perceived it, as the original elven ring owners did.
This is a great point. I wonder if Galadriel possessing the ring would have had the same effect? Sauron putting on the ring gave them the indication of his intentions (the ring verse), but Galadriel's motivations would be different. Perhaps this would lead to a different perception? Great point you have here!
@The Program outstanding
This… This really is it. Elrond and Gandalf would have known immediately, and Elrond is far too wise to allow the elves to support her in the ways this video theorizes. Otherwise, they'd have never known with Sauron putting it on and would have fallen to HIM. The infighting after Galadriel putting it on would have torn the alliance completely apart leaving Galadriel completely open and vulnerable to the Nazgul, Saruman, and Sauron. I also think this video grossly overestimates her abilities with the ring. If she could accomplish all of that, Sauron could have accomplished far more with it and would have crushed the Last Alliance millennia ago. She would have been captured, tortured, and ruined. She likely knew all of this when she refused the ring, for she herself was one who sensed Sauron's presence from the moment he put it on. She knew they would oppose her in the way she opposed him. She would be a queen but alone, except perhaps luring men and dwarves into supporting her due to her beauty. But the elves would have turned on her like they turned on Sauron. Lest we forget that in those days Sauron had a fair form of his own of his own making, and they still defied him.
@The Program I disagree that the elves would unite against the cause of Sauron so readily. Especially in light of the circumstances. They had no intentions of moving at all until Elrond decided it so, being convinced by Arwen because of Aragon. With Sauron now turning his eye to Galadriel and the elves. Men would be even less likely to come to thier aid and join them. I also think that Aragon may try and unite men but not necessarily be able to bring them together to help Galadriel carrying the ring. I could see them consolidating power for a war that could come. But not knowing who would bring them war. Galadriel would have had problems drawing in large forces early on and Rivendell may have refused to aid. My guess is Gandalf would have tried to stay Aragon from joining with Galadriel as well til they could formulate a plan and staving off war as long as possible. I could see Gandalf putting the ring back on as a form of self sacrifice at some point. To find some way to sway her to be rid of the ring. I doubt she would let him near without it on. I simply think Elrond and his people would just go to the West once she was under the control of the ring. Lorien is harder to gauge. Their proximity might move them to be more concerned about self preservation.
Oh yeah good point
Gandalf employs some hobbits, maybe the same hobbits, to steal the ring from galadriel while he feins surrendering his own ring. Then the quest begins anew, but from a position without sauron or sauromon to interfere, and with allies (like aragorn) in strategic positions. The race is on to destroy the ring before galadriel, and those still loyal to her, can catch up with them.
*From the studio that brought you Shrek*
The ring stolen in an act of thievery would have greater power over that company, and bring them down, to torture and ruin.
Oceans 11 style
Best comment I heard so far
That sounds like Mistborn with extra steps
Gimli covered this at the Council meeting in Rivendell: "Never trust an Elf!"
That was the movie, not the book.
He said it in real life.
Considering elves caused most of the problems in middle Earth, and create the rings of power, he has a point.
@@KingKhan20000 Elves never caused the problems. The problems were all at Morgoth and Sauron's feet.
@@sageofcaledor8188 All those civil wars they had? How about how they looked down on dwarves? How about how they worked with Sauron to create the rings of power out of their greed for power.
I don't think Galadriel would lose her mind so quickly nor so thoroughly. The final product of her symbiosis with the Ring would probably be a grey figure, someone with a personality that mixes the old Galadriel with Sauron.
Yeah, especially for people with a strong mind, the corruptive power of the ring was a far more gradual and subtle affair. Not really "mind controlling people from the get go", but very slowly and gradually nudging their hearts in a certain direction. In a "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" kind of way.
I think its not a question of mental strength but more of power. The more powerful you are the easier the ring corrupts
@@TucoBenedicto She'd probably hold out for hundreds of years, but elves live forever.
I have to say this, while not a LotR fan (I like it, but I just wouldn't call myself a fan), I love the lore, and I normally hate "What If?" theories because they're usually just a bunch of mindless fanfictions thought up by people stanning for their favorites. You really put a lot of thought & heart into these theories & support your evidence for them, especially using Tolkien's own words above all. I really respect that. Thank you for making these great videos that I love to keep in my "Watch Later" list when I need something to watch.
EPIC! I got goosebumps. There's something with Galadriel that's so freakin captivating. This video did not disappoint!
Given Tolkein's Catholicism I wonder if she's inspired by the Virgin Mary.
I got Lady Wisdom vibes from Galadriel (proverbs 7-8) based off her interaction with Gimli reminding me of the Solomonic request and promise.
@@user-qf6yt3id3w I have a feeling you already know the answer to this.
I can think of a lot more captivating women then Kate blanchet though lol. Shakira comes first to mind but I Barbara Streisand has the diva quality. I don't know if mira sorvino has the elegant wise qualities but she's got the height and beauty. I wouldve liked to see an older caucasian celebrity who stands for civil rights etc but I can't think of any I admire now lol
@@Infinitebrandon haha I'd LOVE to see Barbara as Galadriel haha!! She would be so freakin extra! Instead of a dark lord you shall have a LITERALL Queen! Haha!
I have a thought about this: The Ring was nearish to Lothlorien for hundred of years (Gladden Fields and under the Misty Mountains with Gollum), perhaps the reason Galadriel had thought so much about the Ring was that it was, relatively speaking, in close proximity to her? That way her temptation becomes more a result of the active agency of the Ring not just some personal introspection.
This is an interesting thought! Idk if it would be near enough to affect her, as it was still probably a day’s journey away, but who knows? Galadriel was presumably able to perceive the Eotheod coming to pass by Lothlorien. This is a very interesting theory!
@@NerdoftheRings we do know that the Ring is 'looking' for a wearer, "it want's to be found". Also Galadriel has profound abilities of divination (the Mirror for example shows things that might or might not come to pass) it could be that they both subtly interacted with each other on an unconscious level?
Someone like Galadriel or Gandalf are the lest likely types that the ring would want to find or wear it. Both would have done something destructive - Gandalf taking it to Manwe, Galadriel bossing her way into Mordor and Mount Doom. It would have stayed quite, biding it's time, until a way to find another weak mind (hello, Gollum) came close that would take it to Sauron.
Any Elf that found and identified it would have raced to take it to one of the elders - Galadriel, Celeborn, Thranduel; for them to take charge of it and destroy it.
It wanted a man, or even an animal; as it's bearer.
Unfortunately, it got a hobbit.
I’m saving this for later but wanted to say, thank you. The theory videos are my personal favorite and I want to acknowledge the work it takes to create them. Huzzah and well done.
This video deserves to EXPLODE!! Words fail me Sire, at the sheer magnificence of your illustrations.. the music and the beautifully satisfactory storyline in this video.. Im amazed!!
I would love to see Sauron's revenge arc against Empress Galadriel.
I love that Tolkien's portrait circle is some of his own writing. Such a beautiful touch.
Your outline is probably correct and follows the lines of Galadriel's own predictions. Im not sure about the endless forests, the Noldor at their most powerful didnt all live in forests. Yeah, her woodland realm would flourish and maybe grow, but massive cities, fortresses and towers would be built too: in the style of Finrod's Minas Tirith on Tol Sirion, Nargothrond or Gondolin. Maybe some more Sindar influence would lead to a new Menegroth, i.e. expansion of the existing halls in the woodland realm.
There's a few more things I believe could be different:
1- Aragorn on the throne... might be difficult. The men of Gondor accept him after he defeated the pirates and delivered to the capital an army that turned the tide of battle. Also, he fullfilled prophecy by being a healer post-battle. With the battle still ahead and no march through the paths of the dead, it might prove difficult for him to assume rule - despite Boromir's help.
2- Resistance from Sauron may make this whole thing slower and more difficult than you present it. Sauron attacked the dwarvens and men in the north, the woodland realm and Lorien, sent an army to block Rohan AND assaulted Gondor - all of this, without depleting his land. Lorien would be destroyed from Dol Guldur if Galadriel just went to the Black Gate and the woodland elves could just join right away... so it'd probably take a lengthy campaign with lots of uses of the ring's power.
3- More ironic tragedy would probably happen, as she may find herself forced to do things she doesnt want to. She controls the ring, Sauron used that power to control his minions. While not as extreme as in the movies, without the ring or Sauron's spirit to hold them, the orcs would be leaderless. It'd be plausible for Galadriel to have to take control of some evil forces, formerly loyal to Sauron, with the power of the ring - orcs, maybe the nazgul themselves. Instead of destroying them as wouldve been her first intent, her tragic doom would be to use the very evil Sauron created to destroy him. It'd be ironic for evil to destroy evil, which would fit Tolkien lore, but also for good to use evil whilst becoming evil, with the intent of doing good. Good intention leading to evil -> Turin Turambar anyone? ;)
4- Lastly, I think resistance from the other leaders would be stronger from the start and even more so in the aftermath of victory, if we assume they just had to accept the fact she had the ring. Id say the like of Aragorn, Gandalf or Elrond would still prioritize unity and the destruction of Sauron over trying to defeat the most powerful force against him, which would lead to weakening them all, Sauron winning and taking the ring. They dont want that, so what choice but to aid Galadriel win?!
However, once this is accomplished, they would show their disagreement more dramatically than just going home I believe.
Aragorn would have compelling reasons beyond knowing her path is evil: his rule is directly challenged by her claim to lordship over all free people with the ring.
Elrond might want to just sail west, but this is made more complicated by Arwen's situation. Sauron not being destroyed utterly but Aragorn being king... would she be allowed to marry him? And if so, would Elrond want to leave her alone in middle Earth with Sauron's shadow still lurking and Galadriel being what she now would have become? And if he stays, wouldnt he oppose her in all things?
And of course, Gandalf... he wouldnt stand for this, clearly not. As a maia with a ring of power, he could challenge the witch king or Sauron himself and be their equal or superior (screw you, movies). So why not challenge a Noldor queen... granted, she has the one ring, which wouldnt bode well for his own... but he might still try, he's hot tempered after all.
I think there's a good chance the aftermath of this scenario would involve some first-age worthy tragedy where friend slays friend, great things are lost and evil is strengthened because of the doom of the Noldor... Galadriel, after all, would be a perfect candidate to revive that ancient curse, as one who came into middle earth with Fingolfin, heeding Feanor's words.
"Galadriel, after all, would be a perfect candidate to revive that ancient curse, as one who came into middle earth with Fingolfin, heeding Feanor's words."
Sounds sorta like the American Civil War.
_"Now she's radioactive! _*_That_*_ can't be good!"_
@@fingersTitan don't make me mad, you won't like me when I'm mad.
The incredible Hulk
Galadriel vs godzilla
But radiation gives you super powers. The movies say so!
She has to make the earth holy for the helpless Angel's aka the tree's!!!!*
3:13 Arragorn would never accept it. He talked back to Gandalf the White without hesitation. He even mad-dogged Sauron in the Palantir as a great king of Numenór while dressed like a ragged ranger. Arragorns vision and mind is not easily deceived.
So I know this channel has been active for years and I’ve been subscribed for years, but can we just appreciate how good the editing matches the commentary👍🏼 Great job and keep it up 🤙🏼
She becomes Hela from Thor: Ragnarok
Yeah, pretty much.
Hela is too low a title for her
Her name is Hel.
Her name is literally Hel.
Both played by Kate Blanchett.
Nice depiction of Saruman of many colours at 04:50, I'd never really thought what he might look like before
The thing about Sauron is that his soul is tied to the one ring. Eventually Galadriel's spirit would be corrupted and weakened enough for Sauron to just take over her body.
Sauron is a crafter, a manipulator, and a dictator. Sauron as Galadriel would create and gift the rulers of the realms new rings, but in a different form, be it a sword, a crown, a necklace, etc. She would make all the other kings a puppet to her. I would think she'd have learned from her ring time, and create items to give to all outstanding people, so that she would have control over them.
Because unlike Melkor, Sauron has grand sweeping goals. Goals which require him to rule over the whole realm.
I suspect Galadriel with the One Ring might have ended up like the Thalmor in the Elder Scrolls. Instead of diminishing, she might lead an Elven faction determined to return the elves to the glory days of the First Age, even at the price of human, dwarf, and hobbit blood.
a very distinct possibility
I could see that--elves who turn t elitism snd cruelty
Gandalf would challenge her. He would gamble for the strength of her heart, faced with the choice between his life and the ring.
I totally agree, he would not let her keep the Ring, even if only to save her soul he would oppose her after the defeat of Sauron if not before
Fantastic as always! Now we need the complete travels of Túrin Turambar, Maeglin, Maedhros (or a combined Sons of Feanor), the rise and fall of Gondolin….I could go on, but I’ll stop there for now!
Keep up the great work. This is probably my favorite RUclips channel!!!
Thanks so much! All of those are on my to-do list!
Simply phenomenal! The research for this topic is definitely great so huge kudos to you! 👏👏
A “what if Faramir replaced Boromir in the fellowship” video is definitely a good idea too!
Would be different for sure, as, at least in movie, looks like he can resist to One ring easier then Boromir.
This channel and these fan fictions/what if alternatives are absolutely wonderful! Extremely well written and researched!
No matter who has the ring one thing I know for sure, after reading is the ring only has one master.
The ring & its master/ creator, Dark Lord Sauron are one. In spirit & in power. which is why I feel that anyone who has this ring will eventually fall to corruption. Going on to carry his will rather they want to or not. The Ring will only recognize one master. You did a beautiful job on this video. Absolutely love it. New subscriber as of today.🥰
Frodo: But why would they even bother to love you if they know they're going to get hurt?🤔
Galadriel: Because pain and pleasure go...TOGETHER!😈
@@Facade953 lol well not for everybody. :P
Love it, but the open ending left me wanting more!
Man i love your story telling voice and epic style! Suits LOTR immensely well. Im so happy i found your channel. This kind of epic stories is what may bring tears to a grown mans eyes :D
Thanks so much! Glad you found the channel! Also, thanks for subscribing - glad to have you here!
Your speculation videos are amazing. I admit, at first, I blew them off a more lame clickbait with a lot of time filling. But no... these are amazingly well researched and well-reasoned. I am really glad I took a chance on your channel. This is just... amazing in its depth. Kudos!
"You were supposed to fight with evil, not join them!"
Obiwan regarding Galadriel😂😂😂
Galadriel: "It is a gift! A gift to the foes of Mordor!"
Boromir: "Hah! Told you so."
Aragorn: "Oh do shut up."
Galadriel: "It's a gift, eh that is it is your parting gift, in that it will part you. Part of you here, part of you there, part of you waaaaaaayy over there, STAINING THE WALL!!!"
Well she was a bit power hungry kinda at first, leaving Valinor to rule a realm of her own... So I can see it go wrong for sure..
I want to see the movie version of this theory
Tolkien's perception of moral law is flawless. Showing the temptation that even the fairest and most nobel leaders have to weild their power through control. Even with the best intentions, wrapped up in their own ideals, corruption is inevitable. It takes real moral courage and perception to know what you are capable of, but instead deciding to trust others in the purity of their innocence to make the right decisions. Its an archetypal narrative that reminds me of parents having to trust their teenagers, despite their naivety; not trying to control them. Or of governments staying out of business and allowing economies to grow natrually, rather than thinking they can force a good outcome. Or us, in ourselves, being aware of our potential, both for good and for evil. Powerful stuff, that guy never ceases to amaze me 🙌
She would be like the Galadriel in Rings Of Powers show. Would have "tempest" in her.
Being a ring bearer himself, wouldn't Gandalf have known that Galadriel used the One Ring to destroy Isengard and dropped everything else to confront her?
Both he and Elrond would know instantly if she put on the one ring, never mind use it, and probably take off their rings to prevent being submitted to her power, as the original bearers of the elven rings did when Sauron first put on the one ring.
@@iluineredrambar4111 but Gandalf never knew that Bilbo wore the One Ring, he only had some suspicions
@@viv12348 I am not sure, but hobbits don’t have a strong will to dominate, instead just wishing to go unnoticed, one of the reasons why they turn invisible.
Galadriel wanted power and revenge against Feanor and Morgoth.
I think because Bilbo and Frodo didn’t want power, they wouldn’t send out the same influence as other beings
@@jacobnesbitt824 "one of the reasons why they [hobbits] turn invisible."
Isildur turned invisible when he put on the Ring, and he was a Numenorean Man who _did_ have a strong will to dominate.
@@jamesgravil9162 - Elves (as well as physical manifestations of the Maiar) live partly in the unseen world, while men/hobbits (except those wearing Rings of Power) live completely in the seen world. That is why men/hobbits are turned invisible by the rings, but other beings who already live partly in the unseen world are not. (Not sure is we are ever told if the Rings of Power make Dwarves invisible or not.)
Bro.. goosebumps.. you’re doing so much incredible work. The artwork and music are 10/10 keep it up!
Galadriel would be worshipped by all of Middle Earth, but I think her next target would be Valinor. Her desire to dominate the world with her beauty and majesty would not suffer competition from the Valar. I believe she would rally her kin who reside in Valinor to join her in Middle Earth, while attempting to spread a rotting blight across the lands of Aman in the process. If she could pull this off, Middle Earth would be the most beautiful dominion in all of Arda.
We know what happens when those are not welcomed try to enter Valinor.....
It's crazy this pops up on the feed as I'm watching this exact scene frodo offers her the ring...my guy you're scaring me.
I'd just love a romanticized version where Gandalf fights her, losing he casts a spell that allows her to see the folly of the Elves. All her kin speak to her of how their love for power and trinkets brought low the Noldor and finally Feanor speaks to her from the gates of night urging her to be better than he was. She still cant give up the ring, but she casts it and herself into the flames of Doom. Her spirit walks with Feanor through the gates, Gandalf succombs to his wounds happy the world is saved and the story plays out the same from then on.
Oh and as she walks with Feanor she finally gives him some fking hair as a nice little in joke.
Galadriel would NEVER reconcile with Feanor.
However, I am quite sure that, when in canon Galadriel refused the One Ring, although what she said to Frodo had a "I don't want to become like Sauron" tone, she was thinking "I don't want to become like Feanor."
@@agnilariou7776 aw I reckon she would now shes old and wise enough to know how dangerous temptation for power can be. Maybe not fully back his decisions or anything but at least forgive him and let go of the feud
Elves get rehoused in the halls of mandos, not sure if Tolkien ever mentioned what happened to Feanor but he should have been reborn and learned a bit from his experience, she could be talking to him literally across distance with her power amped by the ring
Cool video. I'd like to see a video of what would have happened if Boromir took the ring from Frodo or if Frodo successfully kept the ring.
If Boromir took the ring? That's pretty clear and disappointing. He would have openly and prematurely challenged Mordor, only to get himself lured into a situation of facing Sauron and/or the Witch King alone - against whom he would not stand a chance, with or without ring.
neither of them have enough base power to use it properly.
I have a theory. Everything is like in your theory until destuction of Saruman. Gandalf, when he arrives to Lorien is suspicious about this easy victory - and deth of Saruman. He isnt sure but he thinks that Galadriel has the One ring. Also leaving of hobbits suggests it. Gandalf is almost sure that Galadriel is getting corrupted by the One ring. Then everything is like in yours - Aragorn is the king, Sauron thinks that Aragon has the ring, armies of Sauron are getting destroyed in Pellenor fields, ships from Umbar arent arriving, Galadriel is kncoking on the black gate. Now a bit of my theory. Saurons armies arent prepared, they are trying to get to the black gate as soon as posible. Sauron sends Nazgul to scare and hold Galadriels armies. But Galadriel uses the One ring showing Gandalf and Elrond the truth. Sauron realizes that he was wrong - not Aragon but Galadriel has the ring. He flies away with one of the flying beasts while Gandalf tries to stop Galadriel from using the ring ones more. Some elves led by Elrond (Elrond knows everything about rings and understands that the ring has to be destroyed) tries to tell Galadriel to throw the ring to the Orodruin, but Galadriel sends Nazgul to kill him. Gandalf and Aragorn leave while some elves are trying to stop Galadriel. Saurons armies arrive just at the moment. There is a big battle. Elves led by Elrond are fighting against Galadriel are killed in the battle. Galadriel uses the ring ones more tries to fight Sauron armies. Her elves - almost every of them is killed by orcs. It seems like Galadriel is the winner. Galadriel know that Gandalf will try to gather Cirdans elves and dwarfs. Gandalf with his company of dwarfs and elves hides in the blue mountains. Sauron still with his body profites from Galadriels power corrupted by the one ring. Sauron, when he gets enough power from the ring (and Galadriel herself) attacks middle earth and claims the ring (theese guys from the east will help him). It seems like Sauron is the winner. Maybe he could then even attack Valinor, who knows?
Attack Valinor? Sauron in his top form lost to the dog of one of the Valar...
Galadriel's forces would grow larger and larger, Aragorn and gandalf would realize we wont have any men left if we wait too long. They recruit Frodo to steal the ring from Galadriel's palace while launching an attack on the forest where her palace is to distract her forces. Gollom shows up again and helps sneak Frodo in.
Very interesting! I do enjoy the idea of them bringing Frodo on as a burglar, much like Bilbo in The Hobbit!
"I think you held on to that ring long enough." -Gandalf
these "what if?" scenarios are basically the starts of some pretty interesting fan fiction.
Just one comment: Galadriel didn’t need the palantir of Orthanc. Her mirror already provided her that capability. Sauron, using the palantir in Minas Morgul, was able to contact and taunt Galadriel. She might have sent it to Rohan or Rivendell or the Shire as a “gift” (which she could then use to manipulate and control them).
"which she could then use to manipulate and control them"
that is interesting
Umm No.. the palantir is basicly a mobile cellphone and the Mirror is just a Giant non-portable fortune cookie.
@@knightofsvea604 It's been established that Galadriel can communicate telepathically at a distance using her ring (possibly in combination with her mirror). She doesn't need a seeing stone.
@@appolonius5468 that is not what is being said. The mirror sees things as they could become. The Palantir allows you to see and interact. The ring merely communicates telepathically to those likely who are allies.
@@appolonius5468 She can communicate with the other ringbearers, Gandalf and Elrond, not with everyone. Also she could not see or influence them, as possible with a Palantir.
Similar with her Mirror. It was to see through time and space, but more chaotic like the water and also things that would not come to past. So the Palantir, if handled with a strong willl like Galadriels, is a very more useful and more presice tool for the sake of her intensions.
Lovely and well done job!
What if Aragorn failed to protect Frodo at the Weathertop, and the Witch King ended up in possession of the Ring? What would happened? Would he return it to Sauron? Would he be tempted to confront Sauron?
Awesome whatif, curious for the theories.
I don't think that the Witch King or the Nazgul had any free will left at this point. They are servants of the ring.. of Sauron. They would surely give up the ring to him.
Nazgul had no free will or concept of thought. They were literally wraiths. Had Boromir got it , that would be interesting , though only a man , he could as Galadriel explained " bend his will to it " .
Or, what if Frodo was urgently transported to Rivendell to be healed but didn’t get there in time, thereby becoming a wraith that had be put down? The ring would still be in the hands of the free people’s, but they would have to choose a new ringbearer.
You should do more of these theories, they're so cool!
Legend has it she already had it in the second age. She acquired it after successfully talking to the manager.
This is what The Series should have been all about. Season 1: Gandalf takes the ring. Season 2: Galadriel takes the ring. Season 3: Boromir takes the ring. Season 4: Bill the Pony takes the ring...
i like all of it and it seemed like a genuine alternate universe written how Tolkien's characters would have acted, except for Aragorn taking up the Crown before defeating Sauron. Galadriel having the ring wouldn't make him change his mind about that, the only thing that would is Elrond telling him he's good enough for his daughter no matter what he does.
I can imagine Galadriel making her stronghold in Dol Guldur... it would be ironic because in the canon she tears down its walls, while in the "fan-fiction" she would raise more. And maybe she would merge Nenya with the One and by this not just enhancing the abilities of the One, but also having a greater power to wield the two rings as One.
Awesome that you also dig deep into Tolkiens letters!
I am glad Galadriel DID NOT take that path. Gandalf said it when tempted by Frodo. He would have been corrupted by the ring. Gadriel seems wiser than Gandalf. The events of your story di not come to pass - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! If it did happen things would quiet for a short time, but as you pointed out, Gandalf was aware and thought of the consequences of Galadriel and Aragorn sensed something was not right. The whole thing would have played out again. The sequence in the books is the best. She had her vision and wisely returned the RING to Frodo and Sam. Either way we end the way it should have ended. Gollum had his PRECIOUS, THE ring WAS DESTROYED AND Frodo IS MISSING A FINGER, they still have the business with Sharkey and Wormtaug, but our heros are the victors. When I started watching this, my gut was not feeling good. Knowing what I know Of the Lady Gaaldriel, this alternative reality did NOT sit well . . . from the books view, she had more wisdom than any of that WHAT IF tragedy. She knew what she had to do.
I like how in both this and the Gandalf theory, Saruman is always the first get destroyed
Sauron seeing an army besiege his tower for the second time: ah sh*t here we go again
One thing I see going differently is that rather than destroying the Nine she binds them under the power of the One. She may well send them away (even justifying it as saving lives) but deep down she would see them as too powerful tools. They may return in a new more fair guise but become maybe like her secret police force.
After Sauron’s defeat, perhaps Galadriel creates an empire so mighty and paranoid she begins to fear and loathe the Valar like the Numenorians did under Sauron’s influence. She may have sailed against Valinor in similar fashion - eventually.
Galadriel as a ring bearer is so unpredictable because she’s simultaneously mantled with the cursed history of her house as well as her resistance to that curse. It’s sort of like imagining Finrod as the ring bearer. Finarfin’s kids as well as Finarfin himself wound up being the noblest of Finwe’s line.
BUT the ring of power corrupts so absolutely it’s impossible to not imagine Galadriel going full Feanor at one point or another.
That's the dumbest thing I ever read.
there wouldn't be a story or a history
I think this may be my favorite lore theory video! As a hobby, I watch alot of lore and theory videos. I love a good story and you have spun a wonderful tale!
i just watched the gandalf one and just started this one, but imo galadriel with the ring would be the most powerful thing possible in middle earth.
The ring betrayed Isildur, causing his death. The ring is faithful to Sauron. That is ignored in these various scenarios.
The ring would not want to be worn by someone who could test Sauron's power, but Tolkien writes a "what if" Gandalf was the ring lord, suggesting it was possible.
However we know the ring always endures, guess the ring would be the master in the end, same for Sauron in my opinion
I do feel that the ring could conceivably betray Sauron if it feels it found a superior host. And in the case of Gandalf, its' trading a broken Maiar (Sauron) for an intact one.
Since the Ring has most of Sauron in it I think you are right. It would betray whoever it was with in order to reunite with Sauron to make him whole, even if it takes 2 or more ages of middle earth.
@@ulflurken221 : Sauron 'fears' the ring falling into meek hands, who will resist the temptations successfully and hide the ring from others the most. It is actually more towards impatience and frustration than fear.
The Ring is not the same entity as Sauron. This is something that Peter Jackson got slightly wrong.
It has agency, so to say. It can influence the minds of everyone, even Sauron's, and it tries to find its way onto the finger of the most powerful person. With Sauron defeated, the Ring would contently stick with Galadriel. It is even capable of betraying Sauron himself, such as in a scenario like this where Sauron is losing the war.
I think she should’ve submitted the remaining 8 of the 9. Just imo but I love this theory
Middle Earth would be humped, I don't see Gandolf leaving as the ring and Sauron still perseveres and of all the wizards he was truest to his mission. I think Elrond would leave to the west seeing the futility of fighting and it would all rest on the Valor and the time in the future that they came and remade everything. Just my personal opinion though.
YEah I think Elrond would have refused to join and stayed as long as possible to see what happened. Men also would have refused to help the elves preferring to consolidate power and wait to see if Sauron or Galadriel brings war to thier door.
Great to see you always using existing timelines and not just making up a different future altogether
I know that everyone thinks that 'their' fandom is the best but I think this video and the subsequent comments section is peak, whatever we call ourselves, 'RIngers', 'Students of the Professor', whatever... either way it fills me with the glowing light of the Valar and I am pleased. Good work people, good work.
If she takes it, instead of a dark lord, you shall have A QUEEN!!!!!!
That's what I hear...doesn't sound like much of an upgrade.
Galadriel: Bow down to your queen, Gandalf.
Gandalf: Begone...THOT! You...SHALL...NOT...PASS!!!
Yeah, she was pretty clear with that :)
@@Facade953 AHAHAHAHA hahaha hhahahahhaha
Yas kweeeen
I think this theory ignores something important in its early parts: The fact that elves are right in the middle of leaving.
Given the typical perceptiveness of those who are called "The Wise" in these stories, I would think that if Elrond got a message saying that the fellowship had arrived in Lorien, and that Galadriel was summoning him to war, he would be able to deduce what had taken place.
I can't imagine what he might do about it besides perhaps expediting the elven withdrawal from Middle Earth.
If Elrond's unknowingly wearing his ring, he would be compelled to obey.
@@Mr12Relicbased on what NoTR said in another video, if Galadriel put on the ring, Gandalf and Elrond would've sensed it immediately and took off their rings, which would cut off much of their power but also prevented them from being controlled by Galadriel. I personally suppose Galadriel would be merciful enough to let Elrond and his elves leave Middle Earth rather than support her in her war against Sauron. Heck I bet this hypothetical Galadriel would behave just like Galadriel from Rings of Power (which really establishes how ironic that show ends up being)
@@mon_moi you'd think your mother-in law would let you go?
In the words of Obi-Wan Kenobi: *"Oh, not good."*
I was really surprised in the book when I read it that Galadriel didn’t replace Gandalf as the leader of the party & taking his place. But then Gandalf came back.
Amazing video, you put a great deal of effort into character motivation which truely make these theories engaging and immersive. Love your work :)
Queen Galadriel = Poison Ivy turned up to 11. I sort of like it!
Meanwhile, while Galadriel was asleep at night, Gollum steals the ring from her sideboard!
And then he screams "Precious!" mere seconds after grabbing it and starting a little dance waking Galadriel up who immediatly crushes his skull like a watermelon while he's busy celebrating.
Would you like to make a video on why elves couldn't just take the ring to Valinor? It could be stored safely there or destroyed by Aule.
Interesting thought on it being destroyed by Aule, but I think taking to to Valinor was discussed, however they decided that taking it to Mount Doom to be destroyed was the better option because Sauron is still working in the shadows making armies even without his ring, and he's still causing chaos. Remember, all the events of LOTR are all a result of Sauron's doing WITHOUT his ring
Bringing back the nazgul, commanding armies of thousands and tens of thousands, creating fell beasts, all of it. The only solution would be to destroy him.
this would raise two questions.
1. "Would they be able to bring the ring into valinor in the first place?"
2. "What would the free peoples do about an evil miar, if the key to there success was in a place almost none of them can go?"
This is defiantly one of the coolest theories! 13:49 is such a cool concept
I think the ring would corrupt her to be a new sort of ring wraith. Sauron would eventually win because she would never destroy the ring, which would allow him to come back over and over, or she would become so corrupted that she would give the ring to him willingly
Tom Bombadil asks Galadriel to give him the ring. She does, inexplicably unable to refuse. Tom peers through the ring, a glint in his eye, and says "It's not for eatin'. It's just for lookin' through." Then he swallows it anyway and heads home to Goldberry.
Everyone else snaps out of it, shakes their heads, drops their weapons, and says "Oh... alrighty then. Okay. Well... nice seeing everyone. Imma go home, smoke a bowl and make some chili. Anyone else wanna join? Sauron? Mebbe bring potato salad or whatever?"
12:30 i would have to disagree about the elves not allowing them to move against her. Elrond was there when Isildur refused to destroy the ring all that time ago and surely this is a story well known in the elven kingdom, atleast in the house of Elrond.
I am almost certain Elrond wouldn't want to see a repeat of Isildur's folly and risk Sauron returning yet again. Surely he would lead the idea of destroying the ring with or without Galadriels opinion. Gandalf would follow his lead which would convince Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. The men would follow Aragorns lead and the elves of mirkwood would follow Legolas lead, who is also their prince.
Galadriel wouldn't be able to defeat all the others with only the elves of Lorien.
My question is, what if Aragorn Took the ring? or what if bilbo never found it at first place? Galadriel and Gandalf already has powers but what if non-power heros? :) Awesome channel and everything btw, huge fan of yours xx
Aragorn would've snuck in alone to destroy it. He had all the requisite skills and willpower, being able to face Sauron in the Palantir. In terms of "greed", he knows with certainty that his rule would be better unopposed through its destruction than its use.
If Bilbo never found it, Gollum would have eventually noticed it was missing and went nuts enough to get caught while retracing his steps, and an orc would've found it.
Lesser beings would be destroyed attempting to truly use it, either outright or falling to corruption. Boromir could've done many things, but he'd be betrayed like Isildur was.
NotR has actually poked at the idea of bilbo never finding the ring. The ring betrayed gollum in hopes that it would be found by the goblins and orca in goblin town, and easily returned to its master.
Very well done video. As a lifelong fan of this story, I had wondered this very question more than once myself. I think the scenario you played out is very plausible and it does make one wonder what Gandalf would have done. As one of the Maiar, he was sent not to wage war, but to advise others to help keep Middle Earth safe and I don't think he'd leave this extremely volatile situation alone. But I also don't see him prevailing. He could surely convince King Elessar to join him and together enlist King Theoden (who was still alive in this scenario).... then it's a war between the men and the elves. Of course, it's also entirely possible Queen Arwen could convince her husband not to turn against her grandmother, leaving Gandalf alone in this. Quite a conundrum.
Wow! Totally blown away by this. I feel like i just watched a whole movie, alternate timeline as it is.
VERY impressive. Well done sir. 100 of 10.
I wonder how Gandalf/Eowyn would have killed the Witch King, since in the books the Witch King dies mainly because Merry stabs him with one of the Barrow-blades which were specifically crafted to kill the Witch King.
What if the Senate took the one ring
@@imaginemyshock8067 I think this form of gandalf is considered human. Cuz he is in the form of an old man.
The key isn't necessarily the weapon per say, rather the wielder of the weapon that inflicts the fatal blow whether elf, hobbit dwarf or another race. "No man can kill me," implies no mortal human male has the power to do so. Thus Eyown with a regular sword was able to vanquish the Witch King because she wasn't a man so the "immunity" the Witch King had was moot. It was pride and a false assumption of invincibility that led to the Witch Kings death at the end of a woman's steel blade with a bit of help from Merry.
This is an excellent video! Great artwork. I think Celeborn will stick with her. Divorce is not an elven thing, and Galadriel seems to be better than Sauron by a long shot. The bearers of the elven rings would probably stick with her. I see Gandalf will at least stick around to prepare for Sauron's return along with Elrond. Aragorn and Arwen will rule the lands of Gondor and Arnor as the descendants of the Half-elves. It would be a golden age for a time until the forest becomes treacherous over time.
I do think over time Galadriel would develop second thoughts. She has been in Middle Earth from the beginning. Plus she was mentored by Melian one of the Maia. I would not be surprised if Melian shows up and beats some sense into her. I do not think her reign would be bad because Tolkien never mentioned anything about how she would rule except for healing Middle Earth from the damage caused by Sauron. (Except instead of nice pleasant forests, it would be a forest like Mirkwood)
You should do a What-if Aragorn keeps the One Ring.
I think Gandalf and Elrond along with Cirdan, Radagast and Glorfindel would organize some kind of resistance. They could set up a strong hold in the Grey Havens and if things went badly they would be able to retreat on a ship to Valinor. They could call on the Valar for aid.
Glorfindel possibly/ probably. But.Radagast, could he be relied on for much?
@@colinmcdonald2499 I think he could be relied on to help the Free peoples in there opposition to Darkness. He does so in the Fellowship of the Ring when aiding Gandalf in his escape from Orthanc. He was also ready and willing to organize opposition to Sauron. Just because we don't see much of him doesn't mean he isn't doing anything.
The Valar won't interfere directly. That's why they sent the 5 Maias to Middle Earth.
Lastly we need a: What if Saruman took the ring?
Wow, I really enjoyed this. I've read LOTR long ago and watched the the movies and this add so much depth to the stories. Thank you. Now it's Elronds turn? That might be a short one. Flys a giant eagle, lands, tosses it in, goes home. Yeah, maybe he doesn't need one.