Monoprice Monolith Speaker Stand Review - Moving on from the Sanus Basic Series

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @MrBonger88
    @MrBonger88 Год назад +3

    Monoprice has a different version with 2 columns instead of 4. Capacity is reduced to 75 lbs but the top plate is much larger at 12” x 9.9”

  • @Truthwalker887
    @Truthwalker887 Год назад +3

    I have two sets that I use in my theater room. I have two pairs of klipsch 600m’s and they work fine! So I totally agree with you!

  • @brooklynknightss
    @brooklynknightss Год назад +2

    Thanks for the review!! Soothing

  • @Ginger30161
    @Ginger30161 10 месяцев назад +1

    thank you for not advertising blu-tack

  • @bearded_wolverine3503
    @bearded_wolverine3503 11 месяцев назад +3

    Black zip ties on the rear for cable management

  • @DeltaXMusic
    @DeltaXMusic 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you!

  • @ahwanpandey
    @ahwanpandey Год назад +1

    Thanks for the video! I’ve heard filling stands with sand is quite a common thing to do to dampen vibrations and ringing? Are these fillable and would you be able to compare if there is a audible difference in filled vs unfilled columns? Thanks again for your videos!

    • @richardsmith6708
      @richardsmith6708 Год назад +2

      Use can fill them with sand, maybe kitty litter! Sand is best and makes them stable and heavy with the spikes!

  • @mikecampbell5856
    @mikecampbell5856 Год назад +1

    Great info. I can't use stands because I have a 4 year old granddaughter and a 2 year old grandson. LOL

    • @HomeTheaterHobbyist
      @HomeTheaterHobbyist  Год назад +1

      Definitely have to be careful around the kiddos especially the younger ones! 😁

  • @doublet147
    @doublet147 Год назад +1

    Why didn't you mention filling them with sand to deaden resonances? That's an important aspect of the stands. I have these stands. Great for the price.

    • @AdamsBrew78
      @AdamsBrew78 Год назад

      How much did you put in each stand? I ordered 25 pounds of sand for each 28 inch stand. I hope thats enough.. Also glad I thought to order a funnel with a small nozzle - its quite a small opening on each of the 8 tubes, so I imagine the job will take a while.

    • @doublet147
      @doublet147 Год назад

      @Adams Brew I think I just bought one bag of play sand and used it all on both stands. I can't remember what weight the bag was. I bought it at Home Depot. I just used a plastic cup to fill it & rolled a piece of paper to use as a funnel. That way, I could adjust the width of the funnel to what worked best. It took some time to do, but what doesn't if you do it right. Make sure the posts are as tight as possible to the base or small amounts of sand can leak out.

  • @UncommonS3nse
    @UncommonS3nse 10 месяцев назад

    Is the base also metal?

  • @samdeur
    @samdeur Месяц назад

    i have seen this stand mentioned in a couple vids. But alas it's not sold here on amazon The Netherlands. Correction sum crazy guy is selling them on amazon The Netherlands for 335 euro for the 32inch. Sum crazy dude "MERYM LTD " also i think he's selling them for 335 a piece i see in the US Amazon is selling them 28inch for $78

    • @HomeTheaterHobbyist
      @HomeTheaterHobbyist  Месяц назад

      Wow, that’s a huge difference if accounting for currency differences

  • @donjaun540
    @donjaun540 Год назад

    Loved your review but be smarter than The Stand. Reference to great movie.🍿 🤪🤣 You can screw down a wider either wood or metal base to stand to accommodate bigger speakers.

    • @HomeTheaterHobbyist
      @HomeTheaterHobbyist  Год назад

      😁😁😁 that’s definitely a possibility! I actually just built a temporary pair for a small project. I’m planning to do a video with them soon.