My first thought was "Winners fight the next war like they fought the last war." and losers "fight the next war by studying what went wrong in the last war."
I think this is fundamentally wrong. By ww1, every country engaged in some attempt at predicting the future wars. The problem is that most German opponents made wrong predictions and not that they didn't do them.
@@etwas013 Has a lot more to do with timing - the Germans rapidly rebuilt their military in the second half of the 1930's almost from scratch. They could integrate equipment and knowledge others didn't have when making their own plans and investment. Technology was making giant strides at the time.
@@etwas013 It's more in terms of doctrine and flexibility. You cannot deny that there are some in the high brass that wouldn't budge in their old ways, even more so if they haven't been proven wrong. Also, the Germans had some help from the Soviets in their tank development. It was a tight schedule but they were able to make it and test it in live combat earlier than other nations which is an important factor as well.
The delayed French communications, as you mention 48 hours was in large part due to the high command decision to Not use radios to protect operational security. In a slow moving WW I style war that might have been ok, in this case it was a disaster.
Even in a slow moving war like WWI the lack of radios was a major issue, in fact you can attribute many of the problems both the Generals and front line troops of WWI faced to the fact that command and control technology had not progressed anything like as fast as those of defence and offence. Even by 1918 a radio weighed in at around 2,000 lb and required two lorries to transport it, one for the radio, the other for its antenna. Obviously, this is NOT the kind of thing you are taking across no mans land. Even in 1918 the primary methods of communication for attacking troops basically boiled down to runners or pigeons as non buried telephone lines laid across no mans land by attacking troops inevitably got cut by the artillery counter bombardments that were a standard response to an attack. But yeah, the failure of the French High Command to utilise Radios correctly effectively neutered them, their distrust of radios and subsequent refusal to use them garuanteed that they would be unable to respond in a timely manner to German Operations. I have always felt that the failure of the French Army to hold France in 1940 is largely the fault of its High Command, rather thana down to the fighting qualities of its troops, or the spirit of its people. Instead Frances Army was paralysed not by its doctrines (which can be changed), but by the fact that the High Command literally paralysed itself, and worse, did so *willingly*.
@The Colonel That is interesting, I did not know that, that is both kind of cool, and also indicative of one of the major issues with the Wermacht as a whole... Thankyou for that insight.
Maybe french command could have used speakers of a minority language, one that the germans had no knowledge of. In that way, radios could have been used, without worrying about the germans understanding their communications. Just like the U.S Navy did by using navajo speakers to communicate.
Few years ago it was my turn for my french grandfather's war diaries for them to be passed on to me from my family in France and it made interesting reading.As a reservist in the french army he was called up after war had been declared just like his father in 1914.He departed to the front from the Gare de l'Est just like his father did in 1914,he was stationed near the Franco-German border just like his father was in 1914.As he said in his diary they sat there waiting for the germans to attack them head on as they had done in 1914 but as we all know the germans had done their homework and had studied their failures in the first world war(ironically in between the wars,General de Gaulle then just a low rank officer and on the sidelines of french high command wrote a book about mobile tank warfare as being the way forward for future wars.It hardly sold any copies in France but in Germany it was bought in the shed load by german military planners & strategists and pored over by them even Rommel referenced it) and burst through the Ardennes,split the french army in two,half went towards Dunkirk and the other half in which my grandfather was in towards the Loire Valley.The idea was the french forces would re group in the south and push the germans back however a little flaw in the plan,the french were low on supplies and ammunition,the germans had either captured or destroyed on route all french ammunition dumps to the english channel.I've translated one of the diary entries into english.This is what my grandfather wrote:June 17th 1940 10am,we're dug in near Tours and I'm wondering if I'll ever see my wife and Gilbert(his son aged 6) again(they were in Paris when it fell to the germans 14th June)We're low on bullets but our commandering officer has reassured us we will receive a delivery today of fresh ammunition,they told us that yesterday and the day before but nothing arrived.This was his last ever entry:4pm An hour ago two heavy lorries arrived filled to the canopy with wooden boxes,our hopes and enthusiasm were raised,this is the moment we were waiting for,to rearm and take the fight back to the germans(he uses the word boche when he's referring to the germans)The boxes are unloaded as quickly as possibe from les camions,one of the officers breaks it open to start handing out the ammo but we discover instead of bullets,tomatoes have been sent out to us(then there's a lot of french expletives).What my grandfather didn't know on that same day the germans had already crossed at various points the river Loire.
I have a friend who served in the Royal Navy at the time of the fishing conflict with the Icelanders. He told me a funny story about vegetables in warfare. We put Royal Navy ships between our fishing boats and the Icelandic gun boats, to protect them. Royal Navy sailors hurled potatoes at the Icelanders instead of bullets. I can’t imagine the despair of the french soldiers who were given tomatoes to defend their country.
Germany in 1914: Oh boy it's gonna be 1871. all over again with France :) France in 1940: Oh boy it's gonna be 1914. all over again with Germany :) Germany in 1941: Oh boy it's gonna be 1917. all over again with Russia :) Anybody else see a pattern here? :)
Its not just in the military people plan to fight yesterdays war in the future. Economists and politicians are just the same. They behave like we need to balance our budgets despite we no longer use gold standard currencies anymore. Politicians are paranoid about Russia as if the cold war was still going on. Some media figures think they can roll back the clock and make and people abandon the internet and start watching cable tv again. I think lessons should be drawn from the past, but one does also try to see the changes which have occured in the world since the last war was fought. And I also think one needs to be humble. Otherwise one might become an idiot just like everyone else.
If I remember correctly Germany was much better prepared to the WW1 doctrine, the French were mauled by machine gun fire in the first weeks of engagement while parading bright colors and line formations.
The disarmament of the German Imperial Military was clearly a blessing in disguise. The Germans got to sanctioned by the Versailles treaty to fire a high amount of personel and start entirely anew with building up a modern military. In economics you talk about the "catch up effect" when a country that is previously behind in economic development is benefited by not having to replace things such as infrastructure and can develop according to the most modern standard. This was forced upon the Germans war capabilities.
@@henrik3291 But in this case it had the same basis. Mixed blessing indeed. But there were other reasons. One of them was that Hitler only too late really fully switched to a war economy and e.g. enforced all females to work too.
I know I'm not the first one, but I really appreciate how you put the original German in with your translations as well as your sources constantly. It really lends credence to everything, and brings to light things that are less likely to be regularly available to native English speakers who don't know German.
Rewatching this video, I'm struck by the names that are mentioned. Gamelin was already a general during WWI. Other key names in the French high command - Weygand, Petain, etc. have also been generals for decades, since the days when Rommel, von Manstein, and Guderian were still lieutentants and captains. Old men, especially old successful men, are always going to be reluctant to change their ways. Younger men would not only have more energy to devote to their command responsibilities, they are also more willing to adapt new technologies and ideas. The Battle of France was not just a battle between nations, it was a battle between generations.
By the way, the French would not have had to fight at all in 1940. They had to fight only because of the betrayal of ally Poland in 1939. The British and French declaration of war 1939 against Germany served only for saving face. The British and the French did not intend to keep to the contractual commitment and to attack massively in the west. They wanted to sacrifice Poland for peace with the Germans! They preferred to betray Poland instead of fighting. This was the continuation of British and French appeasement stupid politics of the 30s! The inaction of the French and British was the message to Germany: Be satisfied with Poland. Do not attack us behind the Maginot Line and in the British Isles. We do not attack Germany either! So most British bomber activity was the dropping of propaganda leaflets. In 1939 there was a good opportunity for a relatively quick victory against Germany. Because the Germans were too weak for a two-front war. For victory over Germany the British and French should have only acted according to the plan worked out with Poland for the event of a German raid on Poland. Three tactical main actions in the event of a German-Polish war contained the agreements with the British and French: 1. France immediately carries out an air campaign according to a pre-determined plan. 2. As soon as part of the French troops are ready (on the third day or so), France will progressively launch offensive actions with limited targets. 3. As soon as the main effort of Germany was directed against Poland, no later than 15 days after the German attack France with British support would begin with the bulk of its troops an offensive action against Germany. If, according to this plan the British and French had massively attacked the Germans in the west the victory would be certain because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war. But it is claimed that an attack was not possible. So it is lied that help for the Poles was not possible. That's a lie! This is a useful myth For British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. In reality the Germans were not at all prepared for a two-front war. The Germans had no chance in two-front war against Poland, French and British! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! By the way, the France and the British could have quickly discovered by enlightening their opponents during the attack that the Germans had little air support in the West because 90% of German front line aircraft were in Poland. Germans had also hardly any tanks in the West. And that the French and British could also quickly realized that the Siegfried Line was a fake. They just had to attack. Even the most incompetent of generals would have won against this weak German troops in the West. That would also have complied the agreement and the war plan concluded with Poland. British and French only had to have the will to fight and loyalty to their allies. The Germans had nothing in the West in 1939. Only inferior reserves without tanks and hardly any air support. Part of the reserve was without training! WITHOUT TRAINING! After war German military commander Alfred Jodl said that "if we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions." German General Siegfried Westphal stated that if the French had attacked in full force in September 1939 the German army "could only have held out for one or two weeks." Franz Halder Chief of the German General Staff of the Army documents this fact in his war diary. "The Wehrmacht had been on the verge of a military logistical catastrophe in the Polish campaign. The happy ending after a few weeks saved her from having to stop the fight because of insufficient ammunition." For all that reasons the Germans had lost the war because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! But they didn't attack and thus shamefully betrayed Poland. But these facts are denied today. It is mendaciously claimed that an attack in the West was not possible. But it's a lie that support of Poland was not possible. Claiming that the French and British did not have the capabilities or ability for a massive attack in the West is also a lie that is being spread. This is also a useful myth for British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. So the mendacious legend is spread of the not ready for war or incompetent for attack French and British! The historic facts contradict this legend! Because the French themselves proved that they were capable to attack in 1939! This was the Saar offensive! This offensive has clearly shown that the French were capable of attacking, contrary to the mendacious legends spread about the impossibility of a massive attack in the West to hide the fact that Poland had been betrayed by its allies. The fact is that even without British support, France was able to defeat the Germans in the West in 1939 without any problems. The pre-emptive mobilization was started in France on 26 August and on 1 September 1939, full mobilization was declared. Six days after the German raid on Poland, the French attacked and encountered little German resistance. A French offensive in the Rhine valley began on 7 September, four days after France declared war. The Wehrmacht was preoccupied in the attack on Poland and the French enjoyed a decisive numerical advantage along the border. 90% of German frontline aircraft were in Poland. Eleven French divisions advanced along a 32 km (20 mi) line near Saarbrücken, against weak German opposition. The French army advanced to as far as 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in some areas, and captured about 12 towns and villages unopposed...By 9 September the French occupied most of the Warndt Forest. The French 32nd Infantry Regiment made further gains on 12 September, seizing the German town of Brenschelbach. The French held German territory along all of the Rhine-Moselle front, but on 21 September French units were ordered to return to their starting positions on the Maginot Line. This betrayal of Poland in 1939 was not only dishonest but it was also a military stupidity of truly monumental dimensions. The opportunity to fight a brief, localized war against Germany was therefore lost in September 1939. In hindsight, also lost were the opportunities to save millions of lives and to have prevented the creation of conditions that led to the Cold War. As General Ironside the Chief of the British General Staff stated in 1945, after much of Europe was in ruins and 50 million have died, "Militarily we should have gone all out against the German the minute Germans invaded Poland. ... We did not ... And so we missed the strategical advantage of the Germans being engaged in the East. We thought completely defensively and of ourselves.
Well Pétain is retired in 1940 , and weygand and gamelin were at the highest command you can reach in french army ( généralissime ) , whereas rommel was "just " a division leader , guderian a corps commander , far behind gamelin or weygand rank . Von manstein finish the ww1 as a high rank officier btw
@@AmosTrask29 I just looked it up, von Manstein was still a captain at the end of WWI. He had some good assignments as a general staff officer, but that's not the same thing as a "high rank officer". I also looked up the German commander in charge of the Heer at the time of the invasion of France, Walther von Brauchitsch. He ended WWI as a major.
"Overloading" is a great term for Guderians "Nicht kleckern, klotzen!". Don't stop hitting them everywhere until they just fold. I wonder if on the German side there is a certain psychological aspect playing into this, basically the fear of another long, grinding war urging them forward even if it means taking high risks.
There was, actually. The main strategic idea for Fall Gelb was avoiding another static warfare situation, and most of the German high commanders, Hitler included, were pessimistic about the outcome, thinking that the operation would last well into the fall of '40, and beyond. In fact, the Germans were pleasantly surprised when it took a month and a half, instead of half a year.
@The Colonel That is a different topic. The original comment was asking about the feasibility of applying a particular tactical guideline (kleckern, klotzen) to a strategic consideration. That is not true.
Concerning the myth that the french generals were far from the front: 13 french generals died during the invasion of 1940. Of those: one died in a car crash while returning to the front after a meeting with BEF commanders. 3 died as a result of aerial attacks (including the genral commanding the northern air forces), one died as a result of artillery strike on his command post. the last 8 died while fighting on the front with their troops. The highest ranked ones were three divisional commanders. The most important loss was arguably General Billotte (the father of captain Billotte who destroyed thirteen german tanks in his B1 at Stonne). He commanded the entire french army group 1 (the one that rushed in Belgium at the beginning of the attack). His death only worsened the chaos of the strategic picture, as his replacement could not reach the front for a few days.
True, true. But I would say that this trend of being present at the front was still more common amongst German generals than amongst their French counterparts.
@@Sedna063 The casualty rate of German officers was considerably higher than that of ordinary German troopers, this applies to both World Wars and is unique among all powers participating in the World Wars.
@@nattygsbord From that assumption I guess you are a Brit or North American who is used to the fact that the higher the rank the better the chance to survive. Let me tell you that the German army always was different. I said officers and I meant it.
@@gamerdrache6076 Germany would be forced to split their forces to defend against the French who were already taking over their industrial areas, at which they could ravage if they were ever pushed back. German forces would be dredged down until they’re pushed back to their original borders. France, Britain, Belgium, and Poland vs just one Germany who weren’t at Barbarossa-type preparation.
It's also important to keep in mind the political breakdown that led to the Belgium section of the defensive line being left only to the Belgians and allowed to atrophy with plans relying on a mad dash to beat the Germans to those points. The French military leadership still holds most of the blame but that's a major political oversight as well as military failing
One can often cite the failure of the French government to extend the Maginot Line to cover the Belgian route but you have to realize that France trying to fortify the Belgian border back then makes about as much sense as China fortifying their North Korean border today.
By the way, the French would not have had to fight at all in 1940. They had to fight only because of the betrayal of ally Poland in 1939. The British and French declaration of war 1939 against Germany served only for saving face. The British and the French did not intend to keep to the contractual commitment and to attack massively in the west. They wanted to sacrifice Poland for peace with the Germans! They preferred to betray Poland instead of fighting. This was the continuation of British and French appeasement stupid politics of the 30s! The inaction of the French and British was the message to Germany: Be satisfied with Poland. Do not attack us behind the Maginot Line and in the British Isles. We do not attack Germany either! So most British bomber activity was the dropping of propaganda leaflets. In 1939 there was a good opportunity for a relatively quick victory against Germany. Because the Germans were too weak for a two-front war. For victory over Germany the British and French should have only acted according to the plan worked out with Poland for the event of a German raid on Poland. Three tactical main actions in the event of a German-Polish war contained the agreements with the British and French: 1. France immediately carries out an air campaign according to a pre-determined plan. 2. As soon as part of the French troops are ready (on the third day or so), France will progressively launch offensive actions with limited targets. 3. As soon as the main effort of Germany was directed against Poland, no later than 15 days after the German attack France with British support would begin with the bulk of its troops an offensive action against Germany. If, according to this plan the British and French had massively attacked the Germans in the west the victory would be certain because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war. But it is claimed that an attack was not possible. So it is lied that help for the Poles was not possible. That's a lie! This is a useful myth For British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. In reality the Germans were not at all prepared for a two-front war. The Germans had no chance in two-front war against Poland, French and British! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! By the way, the France and the British could have quickly discovered by enlightening their opponents during the attack that the Germans had little air support in the West because 90% of German front line aircraft were in Poland. Germans had also hardly any tanks in the West. And that the French and British could also quickly realized that the Siegfried Line was a fake. They just had to attack. Even the most incompetent of generals would have won against this weak German troops in the West. That would also have complied the agreement and the war plan concluded with Poland. British and French only had to have the will to fight and loyalty to their allies. The Germans had nothing in the West in 1939. Only inferior reserves without tanks and hardly any air support. Part of the reserve was without training! WITHOUT TRAINING! After war German military commander Alfred Jodl said that "if we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions." German General Siegfried Westphal stated that if the French had attacked in full force in September 1939 the German army "could only have held out for one or two weeks." Franz Halder Chief of the German General Staff of the Army documents this fact in his war diary. "The Wehrmacht had been on the verge of a military logistical catastrophe in the Polish campaign. The happy ending after a few weeks saved her from having to stop the fight because of insufficient ammunition." For all that reasons the Germans had lost the war because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! But they didn't attack and thus shamefully betrayed Poland. But these facts are denied today. It is mendaciously claimed that an attack in the West was not possible. But it's a lie that support of Poland was not possible. Claiming that the French and British did not have the capabilities or ability for a massive attack in the West is also a lie that is being spread. This is also a useful myth for British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. So the mendacious legend is spread of the not ready for war or incompetent for attack French and British! The historic facts contradict this legend! Because the French themselves proved that they were capable to attack in 1939! This was the Saar offensive! This offensive has clearly shown that the French were capable of attacking, contrary to the mendacious legends spread about the impossibility of a massive attack in the West to hide the fact that Poland had been betrayed by its allies. The fact is that even without British support, France was able to defeat the Germans in the West in 1939 without any problems. The pre-emptive mobilization was started in France on 26 August and on 1 September 1939, full mobilization was declared. Six days after the German raid on Poland, the French attacked and encountered little German resistance. A French offensive in the Rhine valley began on 7 September, four days after France declared war. The Wehrmacht was preoccupied in the attack on Poland and the French enjoyed a decisive numerical advantage along the border. 90% of German frontline aircraft were in Poland. Eleven French divisions advanced along a 32 km (20 mi) line near Saarbrücken, against weak German opposition. The French army advanced to as far as 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in some areas, and captured about 12 towns and villages unopposed...By 9 September the French occupied most of the Warndt Forest. The French 32nd Infantry Regiment made further gains on 12 September, seizing the German town of Brenschelbach. The French held German territory along all of the Rhine-Moselle front, but on 21 September French units were ordered to return to their starting positions on the Maginot Line. This betrayal of Poland in 1939 was not only dishonest but it was also a military stupidity of truly monumental dimensions. The opportunity to fight a brief, localized war against Germany was therefore lost in September 1939. In hindsight, also lost were the opportunities to save millions of lives and to have prevented the creation of conditions that led to the Cold War. As General Ironside the Chief of the British General Staff stated in 1945, after much of Europe was in ruins and 50 million have died, "Militarily we should have gone all out against the German the minute Germans invaded Poland. ... We did not ... And so we missed the strategical advantage of the Germans being engaged in the East. We thought completely defensively and of ourselves.
Well, If calling me a "Nazi" is a thing for being german, then hell yeah, i'ma make fun of french people for having tanks with 7 reverse gears and 1 forwards gear for parades.
This doesn't explain everything due there were only 3 armored divisions between total 120 Allied divisions for more than a week!! It was so bad even German commanders were freaking out about an Allied counterattack encircling and destroying them easily so they forced both Rommel and Guderian to halt for few days and wait for infantry divisions. Allies indeed tried a counterattack but it was so weak only 3 armored divisions easily repelled it even if they were insanely outnumbered!! Seriously nobody will consider France having a strong military force until they prove themselves again as there is no explanation to this...
Among the issues the French had, it might seem that without solving the communications and command problems, a more offensive posture could have been a worse disaster. Trying to conduct an offensive with 48 hour delay in orders received would be really nuts.
Adopting an offensive posture despite severe issues in communication and intelligence was exactly what the Soviets did in 1940 and we all know how that turned out...
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i think u'r mistaken on french airforce, french planes have 5/6 mission /day. however they will have a big issue, air doctrine who prevent to concentrate airforce.
@@Wodan0290 France was given to the Nazis. Of course they had to make it look like a stunning Nazi success, but it was planned. They lulled Stalin into complacency and surprised attacked the USSR. The resources of France were sent to the eastern front. The US and Britain have had their military run by the same institution since the Monroe doctrine.
@@Itsatz0 You're still not making any sense. France wasn't "given" to Nazis, it was rather won by them, as the author of this video brilliantly explained, stay away from conspiracy theories, they're not healthy.
Does anyone remember that France under Napoleon defeated Prussia and all the German states in only 4 weeks, with no tanks, no planes, no trucks, just soldiers walking from the Rhin border up to Berlin
@@2adamast Just after defeating Ottoman's forces which were 4 times larger than the french troops, then forcing UK to commit 30,000 soldiers to blocade the country, soldiers which were needed when UK, Russia and Prussia decided to stop Napoleon at Austerlitz ! Well, overall, not a bad move. Coalition troops lost 50,000 soldiers when french lost only 15,000 .. Kléber who was in charge of Egypt during french occupation has still a boulevard in Paris with his name. When British let french troops to leave Egypt, they stole all the scientific findings, including Rosetta stone, but could not do anything with it. Champolion mastered to translate hieroglyphic language on a copy made by a soldier, and Gaspard Monge set a new science, Egyptology. Not bad !
Yep, he stopped at Acre as he could not get to get the fortress and did not have any troop left to move on to capture more territory, but in less than 2 years he controlled a territory not a single european had entered for the last 500 years and changed the history of Middle East for ever. He could have stayed in Middle East and kept on expanding his conquest, but France was at that time under the threat of Russia, Great Britain and Prussia. He would have stayed in Egypt, you would not even mention his name today. He moved back in France, and defeated 2 emperors, gave France control over Europe for more than 10 years. If you want to criticize Napoleon, you've taken the wrong example !
@@FredericGaillot He deserted and you come with imperialist propaganda. You know he had a department for that and it's apparently his best achievement. If I said he lost half a million man in Russia you would answer yes but Russia formed a threat (they didn't follow his orders) and the Russians lost man and cities, and no one went this far since blabla ... Why the Russians following Napoleon didn't stop and burned down Versailles as a polite tit for tat for burning the then empty old Kremlin is for me an open question
@Nasim Aghdam Didn't really take the whole world to defeat just Germany - even if popular media likes to depict Germany as being only aided by incompetent Italy, the fact was that a large portion of Axis troops in Europe were still not German. On the Eastern Front around 1 million of the 5 million Axis casualties were Romanian, Hungarian, Italian, Finnish, Soviet collaborators etc.. The Axis powers all together accounted for some 250-300 million people, in contrast to about 600 million in the Allies.
@@ChaplainDMK The Finns werent really Axis. They werent fascist well at least most werent and werent in it for a shared political goal with Hitler. They allied with Germany because the Soviets had attacked Finland and when youre fighting against the Soviets and need allies someone whos also against the soviets is an ally of opportunity even if theyre literally Hitler
Yes. Very well done - and thank you for the references. I'll add a few things from my experience with the subject. 40 years ago - I was a member of a group of war gamers who spent a lot of time war gaming various historical battles. One of our group developed a game on France 1940. He had created a period map, had the production tables for all the reinforcements and developed a set of rules which reflected the presence of armored forces and air units. This game used a hexagonal grid map, with the Infantry in Corp sized square, cardboard counters and the Armored forces in Divisions. We were all a group of single guys in our twenties so we had no family obligations and could spend every Saturday Night for months playing a campaign like this. We'd set the map up and one of the guys places - and leave it there. For this campaign - because of school - I was only able to participate in one of the campaigns but the other guys played the game out, with different variations - about 4 times. There were of course - no reproductions of the historical campaign. We were all well educated on the Campaign and - had a Gods Eye View of the battlefield inherent to games like this. So - what we saw left out a lot of the factors that went into a real battle - but - we were able to see a number of factors bases on the forces involved. In all but one of the scenarios the Germans won. This was primarily because the German Army was simply stronger and all scenarios based on the historical situation saw the Allies lose. The one situation where the Allies won - was based on a number of different strategic changes - which COULD have taken place - but didn't. There were two primary factors here that made the difference: 1) The Belgians allowed the Allies to come in and set up before the Germans attacked them. 2) The RAF made a full commitment to the Battle of France. With a line of French Infantry Corp behind rivers and through the Ardennes, tying in to the Maginot Line - the Germans could not break through. Anywhere they were threatening - the Armored Reserves of the Allies could intervene. Also with the RAF fully committed - the Germans did NOT have air superiority. Again - this was an artificial situation - but - I believe that the point it made - about the Failure of Belgium to act appropriately to the situation and the British Refusal to fully commit their Air Force put the Allies in a losing situation from the beginning. Belgium's refusal to invite the British and the French in, even after they had captured a lost German Staff Plane carrying the plans to attack them - is the dominant of these two factors - as without that solid defensive line - forward RAF bases would have just been over run. Given the very long period of Phony War - if the Allies (including Belgium) had acted in concert, they had plenty of time to get set up - IN BELGIUM - in well entrenched defensive positions prior to the German attack. Some of the points made in this video - would have been mitigated. In a static situation the poor French Command and Control would not have mattered as much as it did in the fluid situation which was endemic to any scenario in which the Allies could not enter Belgium until AFTER the Germans attacked it. The RAF and French Air Force together, contesting the Luftwaffe for mastery of the sky - would have mitigated the psychological effect of Luftwaffe Air Superiority - because they wouldn't have it. And - it's not like this wasn't a subject of conversation between Britain, France and Belgium. Belgium had, in the intervening years raised about as large an army as it could support and had worked out plans with the British and French for what they would all do together should the Germans attack. The Belgians were in fact supposed to have prepared defensive positions on the River Dyle (which they did not in fact do) for the British to occupy. Then - when it seemed sure that it was really going to happen - Belgium's King went into denial ... The very idea - that Belgium KNOWING that the Germans were going to attack them - would not allow the British and French to come in and set up - is just mind boggling. How in the world could anyone be so stupid? .
@@fabiena1787 Eh ... I'm not part of the Twitter Generation and don't write for those who are. (Not that they should care). If I have some information I can contribute I try to add to the discussion. The thing is - even the videos these comments are part of - are extremely short for an in depth understanding of the subject - so - people who are really interested - are going to take what sources are presented - and study it further. Those who aren't - won't. .
In a word; Speed. The Germans were operating at a speed the Allies couldn't match. The OODA Loop example is the most relevant here. A good presentation as usual, Salute.
- Auftragstaktik + kampfgruppen - Earlier combat experience - Better with radios and coordination - More Luftwaffe sorties thanks to close positioning of the airfields to the frontlines. - Element of surprise - Local superiority thanks to concentration of force, and enemy troop concentrations getting encircled and wiped out - Political confusion and blunders by the political leadership of the allies
"Element of surprise"? Hell, French declared war on Germans and waited for half of year for something to happen. What was so surprising in the German attack in the end?
@@mdokuch96 The Germans pulled their offensive off and kept their momentum up. Eben Eamel fell. And German troops were holding the iniative and could surprise their enemy. They hold control over the skies, and their organizational style where NCO had much freedom to make fast decisions on their own allowed the Germans to keep the tempo up while the French army got desoriented and had a problem to keep up while the Germans were always one step ahead. The orders given from the French high command often got outdated before they reached the frontline. And information from the frontline got old and irrelevant once it reached the high command. The Germans did not have the same problems since Auftragstaktik allows German frontline commanders to use their own judgement and do as they seem fit. If the enemy is unexpectedly weak, then they could use a golden oppurtunity to strike him down before he could dig in and gather reinforcements... and the German commander does not need to wait hours to get the permission to do so - and thereby lose this great chance. And likewise could the situation on the battlefield on the other hand have changed and it could become necessary to call off an attack, and seek other ways to seize an objective. German tactics simply allowed for more flexibility and they always got one step ahead of their enemies in the decision making process. And that in turn allowed the German army to always hold the strategic iniative. And the allies constantly had to adopt to Germans, and not so much the other way around.
@@nattygsbord I repeat again - Allies declare war in September 1939 and then sit for half an year without doing anything. After that you can't speak about ANY effect of surprise at all, it is like blaming Germans for not being idiots to the same degree and actually using time, they were gifted.
@@nattygsbord This doesn't explain everything due there were only 3 armored divisions between total 120 Allied divisions for more than a week!! It was so bad even German commanders were freaking out about an Allied counterattack encircling and destroying them easily so they forced both Rommel and Guderian to halt for few days and wait for infantry divisions. Allies indeed tried a counterattack but it was so weak only 3 armored divisions easily repelled it even if they were insanely outnumbered!! Seriously nobody will consider France having a strong military force until they prove themselves again as there is no explanation to this...
For more than 10 years, French prepared for linear defense and British prepared for naval blockade. This is not something that could be reverted in the 2-3 years of war preparation. Strategically, this gave up any possibility of supporting eastern allies (Czech, Polish) or counter-attack when the main position was broken. Allies just did not realize how planes and tanks combined could break weak point of the fortified position. Weakness of the Canal Albert or the Ardennes sector was no known until too late. This is not specific to the French, British lost again in Balkan and Lybia before finding the proper counter measure, and Russian lost heavily also. But Britain had the Chanel and Russia had distance. France fought a few hundred kilometers from the sea. Even so, the breakthrough was not irremediable, had the CinC kept strategic reserve instead of sending them to Holland.
De Gaulle published a book in 1934, in which he argued (1) the Maginot lines was a useless waste of resources and would fail (2) France needed to abandon the large conscripted army, and opt for a smaller, professional one (3) the french military doctrine should shift from defensive to offensive (4) the future lay not in mass infantry attacks, but in concentrated attacks of tanks, artillery and motorized infantry. The French high command scoffed at his ideas.
Thank you, an interesting piece. Though I'm a Frenchman it's always been my thought that the French were beaten before a shot was fired. Mentally, socially and the hiding behind them imagino line... For me this was more from a thought that the 1st war took an enormous toll on France, it's population and it's thirst for war in general. Not that I'm right, just an opinion. Your video has shed new light on the whole subject.
That the French were beaten before a shot was fired was Vichy's progaganda to legitimate the armistice and the collaboration. That de Gaulle was a traitor and a coward was Vichy's propaganda as well.
If it’s any consolation one decision was the biggest cause and it was the 7th army (or more accurately: 30 divisions) deployment to the Netherlands, when the penetration was achieved there were no reserves to meet it, having reserves is the officer basic rule #1, and the high command broke it, you get punished when you break rules
@@dknowles60 Nah, France defended for slightly bit longer, check the calender. F'course it fought together with UK, Netherlands, Belgium & Norway against a single Germany, not 1 vs 2 like Poland did. On the other hand neither Germany nor SU threw everything at Poland, but still Poland fought way better than the Baguettes.
You've said more in 15 minutes than anything has ever been said about the battle of france I've ever heard of. I wish you would talk some more about it but then... pretty much every important details have been addressed. Definitely a "go to" video I've added to my favorites.
Not only the WWI, the French-equipped Polish army defeated the entire Soviet Russia in 1920. France was considered THE strongest land power before 1940.
The polish army at the time was equipped with russian, french, german and austrian stuff. And to be honest, it was losing rather badly until the absolutely ballsy battle of Warsaw.
@@Defenestrationflight which was achieved thanks to aerial recon and the exploitation of this recon by the polish high command with the support of the French military advisors, which included the Colonel Charles de Gaulle and the general Weygand (which lost the battle of France).
The main difference between WW1 and 2 was vastly greater level of motorization. Wireless telecommunication and airplanes were important factors too (the latter connected to motorization itself). All three factors drastically increased the value of initiative and offense compared to WW1.
Not really. Certainly, wire and wireless communication had improved greatly but despite being innovators in the First World War, the French went backwards and relied on despatch riders instead. The Germans used those things better. The other matter was mechanisation. If you watch German propaganda films, you get the impression that the entire army was mechanised and it wasn’t. More than ever during the invasion of France, the Germans were reliant on the horse. This remained a problem even during Barbarossa.
WW1: Germany fights France, Great Britain, Russia and the U.S., knocks out one but still loses. WW2: Germany fights France, Great Britain, Soviet Union (Russia) and the U.S., knocks out one but still loses.
@@Dockhead at least, he definitely wouldn't have lost initial stage of WW2 in such a meme way, because Napoleon definitely wouldn't have gifted half a year of preparations to his enemy.
Every great general; Julius; Napoleon; Hannibal; they all knew about the utter importance of intel; communication; and supplies. And a dude like Napoleon wouldve never let his troops go out into battle without having them equipped with radios. I think that was the biggest mistake. Lack of communication.
@@mdokuch96 the French military of the 1930s was 100% incapable of offensive operations, as shown by the excursion into the Saarland during the polish invasion Napoleon would’ve been as screwed as any other
Another thing very difficult to explain is that the first attack was lead by the french in Saarland, I don't understand why they retreated while 2/3 of the german forces were still in Poland?
I actually did a paper on this very subject with an emphasis on the military aspect. Starting at 2:00 he hits the nail on the head regarding communications. I would add that the radios on French tanks were terribly unreliable, and would usually get rendered useless as soon as they were put under combat conditions. Regarding the rigidity and attitude, one of my history teachers often talked about how the Maginot line was the "Emblematic" symbol of how the French thought, which he points out very well around 5:53. To also use a phrase from this same history teacher "The French were always one war behind." Another good point made is highlighted around 8:45, that being that the French believed that no vehicles could get through the Ardennes, and thus left the area undefended. Around 10:20 he begins to explain the differences of tank designs and how they were applied. One thing I learned while writing my paper was that French tanks were often larger, had more armor, and bigger main guns, and the French had more tanks than the Germans. But the French tanks were often slower than German tanks, and usually only had a 1 to 3 man crew, compared to the German tanks having a 3 to 6 man crew for their tanks. This combined with aforementioned communication/radio issues, the German tanks were much more efficient, mobile, and effective by comparison. Overall, a very good presentation.
By the way, the French would not have had to fight at all in 1940. They had to fight only because of the betrayal of ally Poland in 1939. The British and French declaration of war 1939 against Germany served only for saving face. The British and the French did not intend to keep to the contractual commitment and to attack massively in the west. They wanted to sacrifice Poland for peace with the Germans! They preferred to betray Poland instead of fighting. This was the continuation of British and French appeasement stupid politics of the 30s! The inaction of the French and British was the message to Germany: Be satisfied with Poland. Do not attack us behind the Maginot Line and in the British Isles. We do not attack Germany either! So most British bomber activity was the dropping of propaganda leaflets. In 1939 there was a good opportunity for a relatively quick victory against Germany. Because the Germans were too weak for a two-front war. For victory over Germany the British and French should have only acted according to the plan worked out with Poland for the event of a German raid on Poland. Three tactical main actions in the event of a German-Polish war contained the agreements with the British and French: 1. France immediately carries out an air campaign according to a pre-determined plan. 2. As soon as part of the French troops are ready (on the third day or so), France will progressively launch offensive actions with limited targets. 3. As soon as the main effort of Germany was directed against Poland, no later than 15 days after the German attack France with British support would begin with the bulk of its troops an offensive action against Germany. If, according to this plan the British and French had massively attacked the Germans in the west the victory would be certain because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war. But it is claimed that an attack was not possible. So it is lied that help for the Poles was not possible. That's a lie! This is a useful myth For British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. In reality the Germans were not at all prepared for a two-front war. The Germans had no chance in two-front war against Poland, French and British! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! By the way, the France and the British could have quickly discovered by enlightening their opponents during the attack that the Germans had little air support in the West because 90% of German front line aircraft were in Poland. Germans had also hardly any tanks in the West. And that the French and British could also quickly realized that the Siegfried Line was a fake. They just had to attack. Even the most incompetent of generals would have won against this weak German troops in the West. That would also have complied the agreement and the war plan concluded with Poland. British and French only had to have the will to fight and loyalty to their allies. The Germans had nothing in the West in 1939. Only inferior reserves without tanks and hardly any air support. Part of the reserve was without training! WITHOUT TRAINING! After war German military commander Alfred Jodl said that "if we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions." German General Siegfried Westphal stated that if the French had attacked in full force in September 1939 the German army "could only have held out for one or two weeks." Franz Halder Chief of the German General Staff of the Army documents this fact in his war diary. "The Wehrmacht had been on the verge of a military logistical catastrophe in the Polish campaign. The happy ending after a few weeks saved her from having to stop the fight because of insufficient ammunition." For all that reasons the Germans had lost the war because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! But they didn't attack and thus shamefully betrayed Poland. But these facts are denied today. It is mendaciously claimed that an attack in the West was not possible. But it's a lie that support of Poland was not possible. Claiming that the French and British did not have the capabilities or ability for a massive attack in the West is also a lie that is being spread. This is also a useful myth for British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. So the mendacious legend is spread of the not ready for war or incompetent for attack French and British! The historic facts contradict this legend! Because the French themselves proved that they were capable to attack in 1939! This was the Saar offensive! This offensive has clearly shown that the French were capable of attacking, contrary to the mendacious legends spread about the impossibility of a massive attack in the West to hide the fact that Poland had been betrayed by its allies. The fact is that even without British support, France was able to defeat the Germans in the West in 1939 without any problems. The pre-emptive mobilization was started in France on 26 August and on 1 September 1939, full mobilization was declared. Six days after the German raid on Poland, the French attacked and encountered little German resistance. A French offensive in the Rhine valley began on 7 September, four days after France declared war. The Wehrmacht was preoccupied in the attack on Poland and the French enjoyed a decisive numerical advantage along the border. 90% of German frontline aircraft were in Poland. Eleven French divisions advanced along a 32 km (20 mi) line near Saarbrücken, against weak German opposition. The French army advanced to as far as 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in some areas, and captured about 12 towns and villages unopposed...By 9 September the French occupied most of the Warndt Forest. The French 32nd Infantry Regiment made further gains on 12 September, seizing the German town of Brenschelbach. The French held German territory along all of the Rhine-Moselle front, but on 21 September French units were ordered to return to their starting positions on the Maginot Line. This betrayal of Poland in 1939 was not only dishonest but it was also a military stupidity of truly monumental dimensions. The opportunity to fight a brief, localized war against Germany was therefore lost in September 1939. In hindsight, also lost were the opportunities to save millions of lives and to have prevented the creation of conditions that led to the Cold War. As General Ironside the Chief of the British General Staff stated in 1945, after much of Europe was in ruins and 50 million have died, "Militarily we should have gone all out against the German the minute Germans invaded Poland. ... We did not ... And so we missed the strategical advantage of the Germans being engaged in the East. We thought completely defensively and of ourselves.
@@Mekesi1 Actually yes. The thing is that they had an agreement with the Belgians that broke, which meant they couldn't have their troops at their chosen front nor help the Belgian defenses that served as complimentary to their Maginot line. Also, Belgium had the easy terrain and the Ardennes, and both sides considered it would be a risky move, but the Germans had no time for sht and went for it, while the French indeed had their best units near the frontier on the easy-terrain side. The French considered that pushing an army through that region would take a pair of weeks and this was perfectly adjusted to the way of thinking most of the powers had, because their generals were the victorious forged in WWI and there were no significant wars during that period, meanwhile, the German generals were a mostly fresh generation that had achieved lower to medium and medium-high ranks and success, learned from their defeat and they tested their technology in Spain and knew what the new things could do, at first they had less powerful technology than their rivals but they had used their equipment, the generals of the powers, in this case, France, relied in the techniques they knew to be effective in their successful war, they had more powerful technology and more resources (the Germans started small and little by little made more powerful their industry), but no field experience, therefore they didn't knew what the tanks could now do (tanks were in their diapers when WWI was ending) and how they should be organized, trains must have been super important for them (I'm guessing they had no railways in that forest), safety was rewarded and hierarchy was important in their communications, in a slow and grueling trench-war all of this makes sense, however, this wasn't the case and due to the better cars and tanks the Germans got through in a few days, the same few days it would take communications to travel to the high command and below, which meant, awful reaction times. After this point it's pretty much what the video says, again.
The french game plan was to enter Belgium to occupy prepared position behind the screen of Belgian forces on fortified line. This was too slow, mostly because Belgian did not agree for French troops to come until far too late. But as you said, French reasoned in infantry march while Germans reasoned in tank drive.
@@Mekesi1 Look up The Dyle Line (pron. "Deal"). This was the position the French and British armies took up on their left flank in Belgium. It was always in the plan.
OMG somebody finally mentions the fact that Germany had twice as many planes and UK didn't commit their planes (which was the right call in the long run). The Luftwaffe was the most experienced, well-equipped and well-trained air force at the time.
Twice as many planes on paper x 5 times the number of sorties per plane per day = a huge difference of effectiveness in airforce. The Stuka, when the Germans controlled the air, was far more effective than artillary; they could put their bomb right on a bridge, troop formation or armored vehicle. & the psychology of the Stuka sirens: a single plane may only hit one tank, but if everyone within range of the sound is hitting the deck or running for cover, they are frozen by fear, not maneuvering & firing at the enemy, that single Stuka momentarily makes inneffective a whole piece of the French front.
@@ajknaup3530 *_"The Stuka, when the Germans controlled the air, was far more effective than artillary; they could put their bomb right on a bridge, troop formation or armored vehicle."_* Artillery can do that too. What it can't do is hit that object from 50 kilometres away or decide mid air that there's a better target.
Damn Gamelin and his Breda Plan. When it comes to frontall engagements the french showed themselves to be capable enough (Battle of Hannut), even with all communications shortages. But sending Giraud's elite armored troops to the north to Breda, instead of keeping it in the reserve to stop a german breaktrough (which was what happened) allowed them to be surrounded in Belgium.
@The Colonel the Belgium decision to adopt a suicidal "neutral" foreign policy and use neutrality rather than the French army to protect itself it crippled it's own defence and the defence of France.
Center was the least appropriate location for maneuver warfare so if the French focused there they would get hammered in the north even easier. Failing to recognise the main German thrust just shortened the campaign to the minimum.
@The Colonel It is true regarding hinterland of the central front. The question was indeed if Allies will identify and able to contain the main German thrust. But were they really in the position to do so? If they did, they would still have to counter German air support and require significant more divisions to be able to contain a faster opponent. This would be a clash of tiger vs dragon whereby the tiger has a broken leg and blunt paws. It would be a matter of time before Allied force is either bypassed or encircled. On top of this, they were unable to succeed with a single major counter-attack. This second issue, imo, fundamentally diminished their hypothetical chances. All this already due to their inadequate doctrines and command structure. If you compare this situation with late war were WAllies never capable of solving these issues, so their success lay in employing bigger numbers and sabotaging German equipment production.
@The Colonel The problem here is that French never succeeded to achieve a single notable offensive victory. Wherever the Germans planned to advance, they did. The successful defences in Benelux are not so important because German plan there was primarily to tie them down while center advances. I agree that one ought to be careful when comparing early and late war. Many things changed significantly. The issues of command culture and doctrine are,I assume, hard to change quickly and even harder to evaluate correctly during war. The Allied performance in Normandy against significantly disadvantaged Germans speaks of disparities in these quality. The result of Ardennes offensive was well predicted by Rundstedt and according to available data nobody in German officer core had any optimism for its success. At the Bulge, Germans defeated all US defences and were in free country. What if they had the forces that Rundstedt required to tie down US and British forces at the northern and southern shoulders?
the battle of stonne wasn't a success but since they where only 42500 fighting against 90000 and inflicted 4 times more castualties than they suffered on the germans i would definitely call it a good exemple of what the french were capable the british had a smaller force so it was easier for them to control it but they still showed a bit of communication problems at arras
It is really rather simple. The French had so many internal problems that a coherent strategy could not be arrived at and mainly because the Germans stopped for almost 7 days in and around Dunkirk because they had a problem similar to that of the French but at a higher level.
One word "Rommel!" The 7th PD wasn't called the Ghost Division for nothing. Rommel knew what he was doing, this was a man who got more respect from the allies than any other active Axis officer.
If we take a step back and look at what happened PRIOR to the Battle of France we see that as soon as Britain and France had declared war on Germany they could have taken the initiative away from the Germans. All they had to do was invade Germany which was poorly defended in the West. Things would likely have been very different.....
Exactly. But French and British basically gifted Germans half a year to prepare, form new divisions, supply existing units, move them to the West, define targets of attacks and so on. All that time German industry (including Czech military factories, which were so conveniently gifted to Germany by Allies) kept production of firearms, munitions, artillery, tanks and planes - while France had certain problems with moving to war economic at all.
@@dknowles60 No they left before any fighting started. Had the French attacked, Germany would lose, as most of their army was in Poland and the western border of Germany was poorly defended.
@@SelfProclaimedEmperor Except that the French and the British did not have a mobile force large enough to break through Siegfried line and invade Ruhr. They reasoned in weeks of preparation and gradual advance, while Poland was defeated in two weeks. Then they reverted to defensive strategy.
8:22 arent these tank informations additive to 110% tanks (44% + 66%), or are some tanks in mechanizted and armored devisions double counted in the cavalry units?
quite possibly divisional overlap if the sources are from different time frames (Merging units and what not) Considering the actual chaos that was unfolding, I would not be surprised.
The French has 500 Ping, thought they were still playing Turn Based, and their Guild Leaders had spent the last 2 decades taking pot shots at each other above all else.
French General in 1914: The Germans would never go through the Ardennes. Private: They went through the Ardennes General in 1939: The Germans would never go through the Ardennes again. Private: Sir... They went through the Ardennes again. General: Sh*t.
Christopher Carpenter american generals in 1944: the germans would never go through the Ardennes a THIRD time right? Private: they went through the ardennes Son of a
In WW1 the Germans went North of the Ardennes. The French ahd to hastily move to stop them. In WW2 the German right went North of the Ardennes. The French went North to confront them as planned. Then the German middle went through the South of the Ardennes, cutting the French from their communication line.
As a hoi4 player I can tell you that even good organized defensive divisions are worthless against a strong offensive front when they have to move and establish a makeshift defensive line in bad terrain
İf you’re a HOİ4 player you probably know you could never match with German manpower and industry after 1939 :) Defending against Germany is hard but if you play well you could win also stupidity of German AI is too important at victory.
Considering Poland - with maybe 10% of the modern equipment France possessed and a far longer frontier with Germany - fought for 5 weeks (until the 6th of October) completely on its own whilst managing to launch a significant two army counter offensive on the Bzura river (far exceeding the scale of anything aggressive the French managed) and from the 17th of September also had to contend against the Soviets, this should put France's stand - supported by the Netherlands, Belgium and the BEF into some sort of perspective.
I believe this statement is a tad narrow in scope. Let's not forget the Polish success against the Soviets owes a lot to the internal teeth pulling of the Soviet Army during Stalin's purges. The Finn's experienced similar success against post purge USSR. Don't get me wrong the Polish performed admirably! Against two opponents I might add! But hind-site is 20/20. While it sounds cliché the French defeat owes a great deal to a combination of modern German/Austrian/Italian/Czech tactics, superior Axis communication and logistics, superb Axis staff work, and most importantly an outdated French reliance on fortification over offensive action. (That's not to say the French didn't attempt offensive action) Historically speaking over reliance on passive defensive strategy generally gives your opponent the advantage in manoeuvrability. Which means they choose when and where contact is made. See the Union Army of the Potomac's blundering in Virginia or the Ottoman performance in modern Ukraine in the latter of the Russo-Turkish wars. Hope this post provides a little perspective on the matter. Cheers!
@@DefeatedRoyalist You went off topic there mate, he didn't say anything about "Polish success against the Soviets" (which would those successes be, in fact...?). He was saying that they put up a good fight against the Germans, managing to go on the offensive a couple of times and that even so, their five-week defeat (one week short of how long the French put up, only with shitty equipment) was not even bound to be so quick but rather was hastened by the Soviet Union moving in to backstab them. The "successes" or let's say half successes in question were against the Germans, managing to foil them for that long and managing to keep even some initiative by launching offensives, which the French hardly did. Crushed in just as long but a ten times more honorable performance, with all potential to courage-in-the-chain-of-command ratio considered. Only summarizing what he said, but I just got annoyed by the patronizing start and ending of your reply to an essentially decent post.
Kuuba Kuugel couldn't agree with you more friend. My main point was to lend the ol French a bit more credit than they generally receive in regards to their facing multiple enemy offensives against their somewhat defended borders. (Maybe I misunderstood the message of the initial comment) In regards to my comments centred on the Poles fighting the Soviets I was comparing the Polish fighting multiple enemies to that of the French facing off against similar odds. Both nations received outside aid and both nations fighting men and women put up some stout resistance. I referenced some well known defensive blunders to provide some comparison and a little evidence to my stance on a combatant being too comfortable in a passive posture. Sorry to come off as patronising lol! I'll have to work on my word smithing. I appreciate the notes:)
Also, in some tanks, the operator did everything, from fuel to driving to charging and firing to recognizing. They had better tanks but you can't beat a crew that is multi-tasking what you're doing step-by-step
In other words, France lost the battle before a shot was fired. Appropriate mention of Boyd's OODA loop time-based theory... it's all about tempo. Just having 48hr command execution alone explains how quickly it would all unravel.
They just had so many tanks, it jumped over 100%. And in field conditions cosine can jump over 1 or even 2. From my fathers ballistics lessons in the army.
In one word - doctrine. The most visionary French military leader was de Gaulle. He had written a book similar to Guderian's 'Achtung Panzer'. But de Gaulle's book was ignored by the French military high command.
One thing that people often forget though, is that it wasn't only France but also England that were defeated in that time. The English Channel and Royal Navy (and the total inability of Germany to challenge England on the sea) are what made the difference between the French Capitulation and the English going on. England was virtually without artillery after Dunkerque. Had England been a peninsula and not an island, history would have looked much different. Even the Battle of England could only come to be because Germany did not have boots on the ground to take away air bases and negate the English use of their land and resources. Whatever reasons are ascribed to the French defeat, it must also take into account the English equivalent. Again, the main difference in both circumstances is the English Channel and the lack of German ability to cross it.
true but would english tatics be any better then france or the other countries maybe maybe not.....but either way the german army I think was without peer that almost always inflicted more losses then there various opponents especially if the battle was someone equals numbers@@thevillaaston7811
4 of those shaming DLC... how it's possible to have such units in 1940 ? Since 1917 and few months of experiments the British knew that two different mobility must be separated...
@@mihaiserafim I forgot nothing, the terrain has nothing to do in the fact that this mix of mobility in a same unit is wrong. Nobody use such units, even Red Army with large cavalry unit never mixed with auto cars or tanks. The frenchs themselves said it was bad units. The commanders of those divisions said themselves it was wrong to do so. The DLC did nothing effective, not good in scouting, not good as rear guard.
Great video. Thanks. You forgot some key point and I think you underestimated the psychological aspect: - Édouard VIII visited the Maginot line and the defense system and passed these information to Hitler. Then Hitler adjusted it's plan to go for the Ardennes, the weak point of the defense line; - Most French hi-rank in place were WWI veterans traumatized by the trench experience, with a no more war credo (they didn't believed Germany will enter a second WW); - Military equipment was outdated, it`s related to point 2 since nobody could believed another war will break. Like Russia, they just started producing new military equipment in 1938 (they started converting factories in 1936, but real production just started in 1938). - You are right on the psychological, French view was bias because WW1 mainly occurs on France. The German view WW1 as an unfinished war since German soil was untouched and they found the armistice terrible (the occupied Saarland was an insult to a lot of German). German knew of casualties but it`s difficult to imagine what Vendun, for example looked like. Whereas the French were deeply traumatized by the war especially the Alsace-Lorraine with lunar land with forest that still hasn't regrowth 100 years after (chemical contamination) and nobody could think of second act. Sources: Alliez, J & Antonelli, H. (1968). Battle dreams. Clinical and pathogenetic aspcets apropos of 2 cases, one of which was over a long period of time. Annales médico-psychologiques. 1. 505-38. Jean, Lépine (1917) Troubles mentaux de Guerre. Masson et cie. ed., 248 p. Hamilton JD, Workman RH Jr. Persistence of combat-related posttraumatic stress symptoms for 75 years. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 1998 Oct;11(4):763-768. DOI: 10.1023/a:1024449517730. Minister Zech to State Secretary Weizsäcker, 19 February 1940, in Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945 (1954), Series D, Volume VIII, p. 785, quoted in Bradford, p. 434 Thomas, Martin (1996). Britain, France and Appeasement: Anglo-French Relations in the Popular Front Era. Washington: Berg Publishers. ISBN 978-1-85973-187-1. Weber, Eugen (1994). The Hollow Years: France in the 1930s. New York: W.W. Norton. pp. 6-7. ISBN 978-0-393-03671-8.
Very good point about the germans thinking they didn't lose WW1. Clémenceau wanted to push the french army into the heart of Germany in 1918, it was realistic, the german army was exhausted, we saw more and more defections in their ranks, americans and english refused. Politically Clémenceau had to renounce even if he had the means to finish off the german army especially several thousands of Renault FT tanks.
I recommend you read/listen to the audiobook Case Red. Excellent and thorough examination of the Benelux and French campaigns in 1940. You would be surprised at how wrong most historians are on the matter of French defeat in WW2.
Yep, the French generals attempted to fight World War 1 for the 2nd time, whereas the likes of Guderian and Rommel had long since moved on from that doctrine. If we could go back in time and show Guderian or Rommel the war plan that Schwarzkopf and his staff came up with for Desert Storm, they would have recognised it for what it was and would likely have approved. The WW2 French high command, not so much. French soldiers fought well and with honour but their leadership totally failed them.
Problem of WW2 French command and national leaders was that they were pussies. As soon as Germans attacked Poland, French should have started attacking Germany, bombing raids, well, stuff like that. There were solid chances, German generals would just assassinate Hitler and sue for peace, claiming that "they were misunderstood". But French leaders declared war and then gifted Germans basically a half year of preparations - insane term, if you think about this, when it comes for WW2 conditions.
@@mdokuch96 The French army simply did not have the offensive power to invade Rhineland. All the war strategy for decades was about waiting behind fortified lines. In 1936, when German army reentered Rhine Western bank, French government asked the Army to study an invasion against a still really feeble german army. The answer was that the logistic could not follow.
@@gengis737 well, it is not like that work was given for outsourcing to Germans so I don't think they knew about this nuance. That's the point of political bluff.
Thanks.God analysis of the issues. We know rehearsal is important for success. Germany as you point out ,had the experience of moving troops in Austria, Poland and the Rhine area.. not to mention the extensive exercises that had been performed. I suspect this is one of the things that helped the Germans leaders to understand much of mobile warfare and I suspect is something France (and the world) had little experience in .
An interesting was made a few years ago "L'impardonnable défaite" showing how Germany prepared the next war almost immediately while France procrastinated and put its trust in aged generals, fortified lines and blockade strategy.
I remember reading a history of the Battle of France, the historian stated there was only one phone from the front to Army HQ. In the middle of the Battle, the French decided to bring in a new Supreme Commander.... who happened to be in the Middle East and took two (2) days to arrive and in the meantime there was confusion as to whom was in charge. The average age of a French soldier was 28(?) and 19(?) for a German soldier....the mental states and marital obligations are vastly different. Lastly, an attack was not expected in the Ardennes and 3rd class French Infantry divisions were in the "quiet" sector.
Question: How true is the claim that there were lower birthrates in France in the interwar period and that that situation led the French High Command to adopt a defensive doctrine so they could better economize manpower?
One thing is true however. And that is that the fighting morale of the French army got toally destroyed in WW1 after all heavy losses. So after the failed Nivelle offensive the French solidiers began to launch a strike against their superiors. They loved their own country and would continue to fight for it, but they hated their incompetent officers and refused to participate in any more wasteful costly stupid meaningless offensives. So from 1917 onwards was the French army incapable of offensive action and only capable of defence.
It's true. French had 1.3 million KIA in WW1 and this caused an overall drop of 3 million in population from 1914 to 1940. (44 million in 1914 versus 41 million in 1940)
@@jameljay2183 The French army was only capable of defensive warfare after the strike. Had the German army found out how bad morale was in the French army in 1917 and launched a major offensive against the French during the strike or shortly afterwards, then it would have been so brittle that it would have been smashed to pieces like a glass thrown against a concrete wall. Oddly enough was the German intelligence so bad that it failed to notice this huge uproar. This could have been one of Germany's best chances of winning the war. And for the French the lesson from this war was clear. It needed a strong defences because relying on bloody large scale offensives nearly broke the French army during the war. And Germany's excellent defensive line in Belgium proved itself to be an obstacle the allies never overcome despite superior numbers and materials and many huge offensives. The French trenches was very difficult to attack, and the British was even better defended with its two defensive lines. But the best defended trenches on the western front was owned by the Germans who had a deep defence with 3 defensive lines, lots of barbed wire, machine gun nests and fortified machine gun nests made out of concrete, and bomb shelters. And since the Germans retreated into Belgium in 1914, they were the ones who also choose what terrain would be used for their defensive lines, so they also used the best terrain with all natural obstacles for their defensive line. While the allies had to take what was given to them and dig trenches in terrain less suitable, and often resulted in their trenches being flooded with water that was coming from uphill. So the French probably also took the lesson from the Germans that their defensive line could be a great defensive barrier almost impossible to break. The first world war became the bloodiest war in British history much because of it, and the offensive at Somme which failed despite bombardment of a million artillery shells and German army tied up at the eastern front.
Every 22 years or so every country that participated heavily in the second war sees their birth rates plummet. That's one reason why you see a lot of European countries open up to immigrants and refugees - to try to get out from the cycle.
Well ı’m sure you talking about B-1 and S-35.That tanks were introduced in so small numbers when Germans attacked also most of that tanks didn’t have radios.
At the tactical level, some French units fought well, others did not. In either case, even divisional units did not have the big picture. At the upper most level, when the French finally realized that the force level of Ardennes thrust, they knew they did not have force to stop it, and a very large chunk of their forces would be cut off. If the French command had exuded determination to fight in spite of knowing the truth, maybe they would have lasted a little longer. A similar thing happened in WWI. When Ludendorff saw that the 1918 offensive failed, he realized they lost the war. Still, had he kept to himself, and the foreign minister, maybe they could have worked something out. But he said it openly, and the will to fight collapsed. Schörner and Zhukov were good in this regard of never showing weakness
France and Britain would have had a much better chance by attacking Germany during the Polish Campaign..A two front war is very difficult to handle for Germany. But they were more eager on "not losing" then on "winning"
The issue from a doctrinal level is that the French knew that their current doctrine was not going to work against blitzkreig, but had not formulated a new doctrine to counter this when the invasion began. Thus, French commanders instinctively fell back on their training.
There's a lot of truth to the point about doctrine. When the Royal Tank regiment engaged in the counter-attack at Sedan it was really successful Tank to Tank. The problem was the severe limit to the number of tanks involved on the British side.
In my personal analysis, Gamelin could have strengthened Huntziger's 2nd Army on the Sedan-Namur-Dinant sector with the French Armoured Reserves ( which included Général Marie Germain Bruneau's 1st AD; Émile Bruché's 2nd AD; Louis Brocard's 3rd AD and Charles de Gaulle's 4th AD). In addition to the French Armoured Divisions, Gamelin also could've transferred some divisions of Prételat's 2nd Army Group. However, the bulk of Prételat's divisions remained on the Maginot Line. Altogether, Prételat's 2nd Army Group had 44 divisions available. • From Général D'Armée Marie Condé's 3rd French Army, for exemple, Gamelin could have transferred Général Lucien's 6th ID; André Dody's 8th ID; Joseph de Verdilhac's 6th North African ID; Robert Petiet's 3rd Cavarly Div and/or Carles's 6th Colonial ID. • From Général D'Armée Réquin's 4th Army ( also under Prételat's 2nd Army Group), in turn, the 1st Polish ID; Général Jean Baptiste Roux's 45th ID and/or Paul Arlabosse's 11th ID could have been transferred to the Ardennes sector. • Général D'Armée Victor Bourret's 5th Army, on the other hand, had nine divisions available. Nevertheless, Gamelin remained irreducible with his conviction that the Ardennes was "impénétrable" ( impenetrable). In addition, French strategists should have realized the "Hannibalic" strategy carried out by the Germans. Manstein's plan was entirely based on the strategy carried out by Hannibal during the Battle of Cannae ( 216 BC). • Bock's Army Group B, for exemple, had the same function of Hannibal's center formation at Cannae: lure the enemy into the trap. Just as Hannibal managed to lure Varro's troops by simply retreating his weak center ( whose goal was to close the siege in a tight V shaped semicircle), Army Group B also intended to lure the bulk of Billote's 1st Army Group. Rundstedt's Army Group A, on the other hand, had the same function of Hannibal's heavy Carthaginian infantry and the Numidian-Iberian cavarly at Cannae: Close the siege and annihilate the enemy. Nevertheless, Gamelin did not realize the German strategy and committed three fatal mistakes: • 1) He kept the bulk of Billote's 1st Army Group in Nord-Pas-de-Calais. • 2) He maintained two Armies Groups on the Maginot Line: Prételat's 2nd Army Group and Besson's 3rd Army Group. • 3) He ignored the Ardennes, which he considered "impénétrable" ( impenetrable). The defense of the Ardennes, however, was carried out by one of the weakest armies of Billotte's 1st Army Group: Huntziger's 2nd Army.
Yuri Brito Personally, I put the blame largely on the shoulders of Gamelin. His insistance on using motorbikes instead of radio, his GHQ being well behind the lines outside of Paris, his lack of communication once the conflict started-and arguably his overcomplicated and inflexible command structure-and as you mentioned, his refusal to believe that large armoured units could pass through the Ardennes.
yes but if the 'french guderian ' flavigny has counterattacked with everything in his DCR on the 13th that coulkd have smashed the sedan area bridgeheads
@The Colonel Lack of fighting spirit was not always the problem, some units fought to the last man against overwhelming odds, while other collapsed. And errance of generalship disappeared when Gamelin was replaced by Weygand. "Porcupin" defence of villages and towns denied the german tanks advantage of mobility. Halas, no reserve was left to counter-attack, and the sky was german.
Those holding capital realized collaboration with the customs of a foreign, albeit bordering, state was favorable to the destruction or seizure of their said capital
Good job! You got most of the reasons. Much faster communications. Total air supremacy. Weak defense of the Ardennes. No strategic reserve. And half the guns of Eben Emael did not fire. Oh and let's not forget Belgian neutrality since 1935.
You say that as if all those factors exist independently of each other. They don't. The reason ANY of those things are allowed to happen is that the nation as a whole was disinterested in protecting itself.
@@chuckschillingvideos It's hard to measure "the nation as a whole". I do not strongly disagree with you, but I do have some reservations. France was full of refugees many of them Jewish but not all, who joined the French military, correct? They were very interested. Robert Young's, "In Command of France: French Foreign Policy and Military Planning, 1933-1940" makes a strong argument that Daladier and Georges Mandel were very interested in defending France. It is hard to say, that Leon Blum wasn't interested. Weygand, Laval, Georges Bonnet... probably not so much. France in 1932-1940 is much like the U.S. in 1992-2020... in some state of "civic war". Why did France fight (effectively) in 1914 but not in 1871 or 1940? Thanks for the thoughtful response and having an informed opinion. ; )
What's ironic about the Fall of France is that the Germans were doing precisely what Napoleon and Berthier had done to the Germans and everyone else during the Napoleonic Wars. Think the first Italian campaign or the Ulm campaign. If you show up before your enemy can react you will roll over him most of the time. What I still don't understand is why the French weren't able to mobilize a strong offensive FOLLOWING the disaster at Sedan. A conventional, plodding but powerful advance against the German communications would have forced the Germans to pull back their panzer forces -- which were simply doing what cavalry had done for Napoleon.
I believe that they lost as soon as they decided to invade Russia. The german leaders in the XIX century always warned that Germany wouldn't be able to win a war in 2 fronts, and that was what happened. They should have thought in some other way to deal with Russia.
Because they didn't remove the "Disjointed Government" national spirit fast enough.
I got that reference! ;)
Georgi Atanasov nah German paras too op early game
Georgi Atanasov lol
Georgi Atanasov nah. They forgot pick a focus build bunker at Belgium and Italian border.
They stacked all their units on the border and got 20% attrition
My first thought was "Winners fight the next war like they fought the last war." and losers "fight the next war by studying what went wrong in the last war."
Though it didn't really work too well for all the nations that lost in WW1. Except for Italy I guess, their strategy worked again.
I think this is fundamentally wrong. By ww1, every country engaged in some attempt at predicting the future wars. The problem is that most German opponents made wrong predictions and not that they didn't do them.
@@etwas013 Has a lot more to do with timing - the Germans rapidly rebuilt their military in the second half of the 1930's almost from scratch. They could integrate equipment and knowledge others didn't have when making their own plans and investment. Technology was making giant strides at the time.
@@davestevens6283 What knowledge others couldn't integrate? Germans has the least time for tank development and the greatest limitations.
@@etwas013 It's more in terms of doctrine and flexibility. You cannot deny that there are some in the high brass that wouldn't budge in their old ways, even more so if they haven't been proven wrong.
Also, the Germans had some help from the Soviets in their tank development. It was a tight schedule but they were able to make it and test it in live combat earlier than other nations which is an important factor as well.
"...and if you should falter, remember that Captain Darling and I are behind you."
"About 35 miles behind you."
"Pip pip tally ho bob's your uncle"
"In English we say good morning"
@@Mrclean71 "pip pip tally ho..."
The delayed French communications, as you mention 48 hours was in large part due to the high command decision to Not use radios to protect operational security. In a slow moving WW I style war that might have been ok, in this case it was a disaster.
Even in a slow moving war like WWI the lack of radios was a major issue, in fact you can attribute many of the problems both the Generals and front line troops of WWI faced to the fact that command and control technology had not progressed anything like as fast as those of defence and offence. Even by 1918 a radio weighed in at around 2,000 lb and required two lorries to transport it, one for the radio, the other for its antenna. Obviously, this is NOT the kind of thing you are taking across no mans land. Even in 1918 the primary methods of communication for attacking troops basically boiled down to runners or pigeons as non buried telephone lines laid across no mans land by attacking troops inevitably got cut by the artillery counter bombardments that were a standard response to an attack.
But yeah, the failure of the French High Command to utilise Radios correctly effectively neutered them, their distrust of radios and subsequent refusal to use them garuanteed that they would be unable to respond in a timely manner to German Operations. I have always felt that the failure of the French Army to hold France in 1940 is largely the fault of its High Command, rather thana down to the fighting qualities of its troops, or the spirit of its people. Instead Frances Army was paralysed not by its doctrines (which can be changed), but by the fact that the High Command literally paralysed itself, and worse, did so *willingly*.
@The Colonel That is interesting, I did not know that, that is both kind of cool, and also indicative of one of the major issues with the Wermacht as a whole... Thankyou for that insight.
Maybe french command could have used speakers of a minority language, one that the germans had no knowledge of. In that way, radios could have been used, without worrying about the germans understanding their communications. Just like the U.S Navy did by using navajo speakers to communicate.
@@j.h-j5j Basque or Breton would be an amazing a thing to use.
Rubbish, if the French had employed ww1 strategy they would've halted Germany's advance for a few years, or long enough to organise counter attacks.
Few years ago it was my turn for my french grandfather's war diaries for them to be passed on to me from my family in France and it made interesting reading.As a reservist in the french army he was called up after war had been declared just like his father in 1914.He departed to the front from the Gare de l'Est just like his father did in 1914,he was stationed near the Franco-German border just like his father was in 1914.As he said in his diary they sat there waiting for the germans to attack them head on as they had done in 1914 but as we all know the germans had done their homework and had studied their failures in the first world war(ironically in between the wars,General de Gaulle then just a low rank officer and on the sidelines of french high command wrote a book about mobile tank warfare as being the way forward for future wars.It hardly sold any copies in France but in Germany it was bought in the shed load by german military planners & strategists and pored over by them even Rommel referenced it) and burst through the Ardennes,split the french army in two,half went towards Dunkirk and the other half in which my grandfather was in towards the Loire Valley.The idea was the french forces would re group in the south and push the germans back however a little flaw in the plan,the french were low on supplies and ammunition,the germans had either captured or destroyed on route all french ammunition dumps to the english channel.I've translated one of the diary entries into english.This is what my grandfather wrote:June 17th 1940 10am,we're dug in near Tours and I'm wondering if I'll ever see my wife and Gilbert(his son aged 6) again(they were in Paris when it fell to the germans 14th June)We're low on bullets but our commandering officer has reassured us we will receive a delivery today of fresh ammunition,they told us that yesterday and the day before but nothing arrived.This was his last ever entry:4pm An hour ago two heavy lorries arrived filled to the canopy with wooden boxes,our hopes and enthusiasm were raised,this is the moment we were waiting for,to rearm and take the fight back to the germans(he uses the word boche when he's referring to the germans)The boxes are unloaded as quickly as possibe from les camions,one of the officers breaks it open to start handing out the ammo but we discover instead of bullets,tomatoes have been sent out to us(then there's a lot of french expletives).What my grandfather didn't know on that same day the germans had already crossed at various points the river Loire.
(then there's a lot of french expletives)
I see what you/he did there ...
This describes why France lost so quickly in a nutshell. Thanks so much for sharing this!
OMG -- tomatoes. Incredible.
Sacre bleu, tomates
I have a friend who served in the Royal Navy at the time of the fishing conflict with the Icelanders. He told me a funny story about vegetables in warfare. We put Royal Navy ships between our fishing boats and the Icelandic gun boats, to protect them. Royal Navy sailors hurled potatoes at the Icelanders instead of bullets. I can’t imagine the despair of the french soldiers who were given tomatoes to defend their country.
Germany in 1914: Oh boy it's gonna be 1871. all over again with France :)
France in 1940: Oh boy it's gonna be 1914. all over again with Germany :)
Germany in 1941: Oh boy it's gonna be 1917. all over again with Russia :)
Anybody else see a pattern here? :)
NATO/WP during the Cold War: Oh shit it's gonna be 1940/1941 all over again with the guys on the other side :(
@@hailexiao2770 nah more so worried about nukes
Its not just in the military people plan to fight yesterdays war in the future. Economists and politicians are just the same. They behave like we need to balance our budgets despite we no longer use gold standard currencies anymore. Politicians are paranoid about Russia as if the cold war was still going on. Some media figures think they can roll back the clock and make and people abandon the internet and start watching cable tv again.
I think lessons should be drawn from the past, but one does also try to see the changes which have occured in the world since the last war was fought. And I also think one needs to be humble.
Otherwise one might become an idiot just like everyone else.
If I remember correctly Germany was much better prepared to the WW1 doctrine, the French were mauled by machine gun fire in the first weeks of engagement while parading bright colors and line formations.
@@theophrastusbombastus8019 you are correct
The disarmament of the German Imperial Military was clearly a blessing in disguise. The Germans got to sanctioned by the Versailles treaty to fire a high amount of personel and start entirely anew with building up a modern military. In economics you talk about the "catch up effect" when a country that is previously behind in economic development is benefited by not having to replace things such as infrastructure and can develop according to the most modern standard. This was forced upon the Germans war capabilities.
That's why e-banking by cell- or smartphones in Africa is much more standard than in Europe.
And yet the treaty was the foundation for WW2 Germany’s failure
@@billmiller4972 exactly!
@@looinrims yes I have seen the video too, however disarmament and forbidden conscription is two different things
@@henrik3291 But in this case it had the same basis. Mixed blessing indeed. But there were other reasons. One of them was that Hitler only too late really fully switched to a war economy and e.g. enforced all females to work too.
8:20 The French had 110% of there total tanks divided between Amour and Infantry divisions. Seems legit.
That clearly is some severe dispersion of forces.
"The side that stays within its fortifications is beaten." - Napoleon Bonaparte
MrsPneumaticallyMagicalManfest so, what about the mobile French forces?
Edward 1 in Wales
Yeah his tactics did great in the first month of ww1!
@The Colonel I think he meant "The side that stays on the defensive the whole time will lose"
Fixed fortifications are a monument to mankind’s stupidity. -Patton
I know I'm not the first one, but I really appreciate how you put the original German in with your translations as well as your sources constantly. It really lends credence to everything, and brings to light things that are less likely to be regularly available to native English speakers who don't know German.
Rewatching this video, I'm struck by the names that are mentioned. Gamelin was already a general during WWI. Other key names in the French high command - Weygand, Petain, etc. have also been generals for decades, since the days when Rommel, von Manstein, and Guderian were still lieutentants and captains. Old men, especially old successful men, are always going to be reluctant to change their ways. Younger men would not only have more energy to devote to their command responsibilities, they are also more willing to adapt new technologies and ideas. The Battle of France was not just a battle between nations, it was a battle between generations.
Petain changed from Patriot to Fascist. That's how the EU was formed from collaboration!
By the way, the French would not have had to fight at all in 1940. They had to fight only because of the betrayal of ally Poland in 1939. The British and French declaration of war 1939 against Germany served only for saving face. The British and the French did not intend to keep to the contractual commitment and to attack massively in the west. They wanted to sacrifice Poland for peace with the Germans! They preferred to betray Poland instead of fighting. This was the continuation of British and French appeasement stupid politics of the 30s! The inaction of the French and British was the message to Germany: Be satisfied with Poland. Do not attack us behind the Maginot Line and in the British Isles. We do not attack Germany either! So most British bomber activity was the dropping of propaganda leaflets.
In 1939 there was a good opportunity for a relatively quick victory against Germany. Because the Germans were too weak for a two-front war. For victory over Germany the British and French should have only acted according to the plan worked out with Poland for the event of a German raid on Poland. Three tactical main actions in the event of a German-Polish war contained the agreements with the British and French:
1. France immediately carries out an air campaign according to a pre-determined plan.
2. As soon as part of the French troops are ready (on the third day or so), France will progressively launch offensive actions with limited targets.
3. As soon as the main effort of Germany was directed against Poland, no later than 15 days after the German attack France with British support would begin with the bulk of its troops an offensive action against Germany.
If, according to this plan the British and French had massively attacked the Germans in the west the victory would be certain because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war. But it is claimed that an attack was not possible. So it is lied that help for the Poles was not possible. That's a lie! This is a useful myth For British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. In reality the Germans were not at all prepared for a two-front war. The Germans had no chance in two-front war against Poland, French and British! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! By the way, the France and the British could have quickly discovered by enlightening their opponents during the attack that the Germans had little air support in the West because 90% of German front line aircraft were in Poland. Germans had also hardly any tanks in the West. And that the French and British could also quickly realized that the Siegfried Line was a fake. They just had to attack. Even the most incompetent of generals would have won against this weak German troops in the West. That would also have complied the agreement and the war plan concluded with Poland. British and French only had to have the will to fight and loyalty to their allies. The Germans had nothing in the West in 1939. Only inferior reserves without tanks and hardly any air support. Part of the reserve was without training! WITHOUT TRAINING! After war German military commander Alfred Jodl said that "if we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions." German General Siegfried Westphal stated that if the French had attacked in full force in September 1939 the German army "could only have held out for one or two weeks." Franz Halder Chief of the German General Staff of the Army documents this fact in his war diary. "The Wehrmacht had been on the verge of a military logistical catastrophe in the Polish campaign. The happy ending after a few weeks saved her from having to stop the fight because of insufficient ammunition." For all that reasons the Germans had lost the war because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! But they didn't attack and thus shamefully betrayed Poland.
But these facts are denied today. It is mendaciously claimed that an attack in the West was not possible. But it's a lie that support of Poland was not possible. Claiming that the French and British did not have the capabilities or ability for a massive attack in the West is also a lie that is being spread. This is also a useful myth for British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. So the mendacious legend is spread of the not ready for war or incompetent for attack French and British! The historic facts contradict this legend! Because the French themselves proved that they were capable to attack in 1939! This was the Saar offensive! This offensive has clearly shown that the French were capable of attacking, contrary to the mendacious legends spread about the impossibility of a massive attack in the West to hide the fact that Poland had been betrayed by its allies. The fact is that even without British support, France was able to defeat the Germans in the West in 1939 without any problems. The pre-emptive mobilization was started in France on 26 August and on 1 September 1939, full mobilization was declared. Six days after the German raid on Poland, the French attacked and encountered little German resistance. A French offensive in the Rhine valley began on 7 September, four days after France declared war. The Wehrmacht was preoccupied in the attack on Poland and the French enjoyed a decisive numerical advantage along the border. 90% of German frontline aircraft were in Poland. Eleven French divisions advanced along a 32 km (20 mi) line near Saarbrücken, against weak German opposition. The French army advanced to as far as 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in some areas, and captured about 12 towns and villages unopposed...By 9 September the French occupied most of the Warndt Forest. The French 32nd Infantry Regiment made further gains on 12 September, seizing the German town of Brenschelbach. The French held German territory along all of the Rhine-Moselle front, but on 21 September French units were ordered to return to their starting positions on the Maginot Line.
This betrayal of Poland in 1939 was not only dishonest but it was also a military stupidity of truly monumental dimensions. The opportunity to fight a brief, localized war against Germany was therefore lost in September 1939. In hindsight, also lost were the opportunities to save millions of lives and to have prevented the creation of conditions that led to the Cold War. As General Ironside the Chief of the British General Staff stated in 1945, after much of Europe was in ruins and 50 million have died, "Militarily we should have gone all out against the German the minute Germans invaded Poland. ... We did not ... And so we missed the strategical advantage of the Germans being engaged in the East. We thought completely defensively and of ourselves.
Well Pétain is retired in 1940 , and weygand and gamelin were at the highest command you can reach in french army ( généralissime ) , whereas rommel was "just " a division leader , guderian a corps commander , far behind gamelin or weygand rank . Von manstein finish the ww1 as a high rank officier btw
@@AmosTrask29 I just looked it up, von Manstein was still a captain at the end of WWI. He had some good assignments as a general staff officer, but that's not the same thing as a "high rank officer".
I also looked up the German commander in charge of the Heer at the time of the invasion of France, Walther von Brauchitsch. He ended WWI as a major.
"Overloading" is a great term for Guderians "Nicht kleckern, klotzen!". Don't stop hitting them everywhere until they just fold. I wonder if on the German side there is a certain psychological aspect playing into this, basically the fear of another long, grinding war urging them forward even if it means taking high risks.
There was, actually. The main strategic idea for Fall Gelb was avoiding another static warfare situation, and most of the German high commanders, Hitler included, were pessimistic about the outcome, thinking that the operation would last well into the fall of '40, and beyond. In fact, the Germans were pleasantly surprised when it took a month and a half, instead of half a year.
Nothing to do with any fear of a prolonged war. This is a method of overcoming complex ww1 defences. It was not limited to Germans.
That's exactly what Guderian says in the introduction of "Achtung-Panzer!".
@@jacopomangini3036 I think he doesn't.
@The Colonel That is a different topic. The original comment was asking about the feasibility of applying a particular tactical guideline (kleckern, klotzen) to a strategic consideration. That is not true.
Concerning the myth that the french generals were far from the front: 13 french generals died during the invasion of 1940. Of those: one died in a car crash while returning to the front after a meeting with BEF commanders. 3 died as a result of aerial attacks (including the genral commanding the northern air forces), one died as a result of artillery strike on his command post. the last 8 died while fighting on the front with their troops. The highest ranked ones were three divisional commanders.
The most important loss was arguably General Billotte (the father of captain Billotte who destroyed thirteen german tanks in his B1 at Stonne). He commanded the entire french army group 1 (the one that rushed in Belgium at the beginning of the attack). His death only worsened the chaos of the strategic picture, as his replacement could not reach the front for a few days.
True, true. But I would say that this trend of being present at the front was still more common amongst German generals than amongst their French counterparts.
Not just generals. German officers were expected to be at the front. Throughout the war, German officer corps lost a lot of people.
@@Sedna063 The casualty rate of German officers was considerably higher than that of ordinary German troopers, this applies to both World Wars and is unique among all powers participating in the World Wars.
@@MaximKretsch I think you mean NCOs rather than officers
@@nattygsbord From that assumption I guess you are a Brit or North American who is used to the fact that the higher the rank the better the chance to survive. Let me tell you that the German army always was different. I said officers and I meant it.
France’s best chance was in mid 1930s when German military was so weak and in Sep 1939 when most of formidable forces of Wehrmacht was in Poland.
Or when they were tied up with Spain.
Sir, you have it in a nutshell, "success(fortune) favours the brave." Why that pen name?
no germany would just defeat poland destroy french in germany and do belgium of corse it would take longer
@@gamerdrache6076 Germany would be forced to split their forces to defend against the French who were already taking over their industrial areas, at which they could ravage if they were ever pushed back. German forces would be dredged down until they’re pushed back to their original borders. France, Britain, Belgium, and Poland vs just one Germany who weren’t at Barbarossa-type preparation.
It's also important to keep in mind the political breakdown that led to the Belgium section of the defensive line being left only to the Belgians and allowed to atrophy with plans relying on a mad dash to beat the Germans to those points. The French military leadership still holds most of the blame but that's a major political oversight as well as military failing
The French plan was to fight the war in Belgium only and not on the border, but on the second defense line, half Belgium lives there.
One can often cite the failure of the French government to extend the Maginot Line to cover the Belgian route but you have to realize that France trying to fortify the Belgian border back then makes about as much sense as China fortifying their North Korean border today.
By the way, the French would not have had to fight at all in 1940. They had to fight only because of the betrayal of ally Poland in 1939. The British and French declaration of war 1939 against Germany served only for saving face. The British and the French did not intend to keep to the contractual commitment and to attack massively in the west. They wanted to sacrifice Poland for peace with the Germans! They preferred to betray Poland instead of fighting. This was the continuation of British and French appeasement stupid politics of the 30s! The inaction of the French and British was the message to Germany: Be satisfied with Poland. Do not attack us behind the Maginot Line and in the British Isles. We do not attack Germany either! So most British bomber activity was the dropping of propaganda leaflets.
In 1939 there was a good opportunity for a relatively quick victory against Germany. Because the Germans were too weak for a two-front war. For victory over Germany the British and French should have only acted according to the plan worked out with Poland for the event of a German raid on Poland. Three tactical main actions in the event of a German-Polish war contained the agreements with the British and French:
1. France immediately carries out an air campaign according to a pre-determined plan.
2. As soon as part of the French troops are ready (on the third day or so), France will progressively launch offensive actions with limited targets.
3. As soon as the main effort of Germany was directed against Poland, no later than 15 days after the German attack France with British support would begin with the bulk of its troops an offensive action against Germany.
If, according to this plan the British and French had massively attacked the Germans in the west the victory would be certain because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war. But it is claimed that an attack was not possible. So it is lied that help for the Poles was not possible. That's a lie! This is a useful myth For British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. In reality the Germans were not at all prepared for a two-front war. The Germans had no chance in two-front war against Poland, French and British! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! By the way, the France and the British could have quickly discovered by enlightening their opponents during the attack that the Germans had little air support in the West because 90% of German front line aircraft were in Poland. Germans had also hardly any tanks in the West. And that the French and British could also quickly realized that the Siegfried Line was a fake. They just had to attack. Even the most incompetent of generals would have won against this weak German troops in the West. That would also have complied the agreement and the war plan concluded with Poland. British and French only had to have the will to fight and loyalty to their allies. The Germans had nothing in the West in 1939. Only inferior reserves without tanks and hardly any air support. Part of the reserve was without training! WITHOUT TRAINING! After war German military commander Alfred Jodl said that "if we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions." German General Siegfried Westphal stated that if the French had attacked in full force in September 1939 the German army "could only have held out for one or two weeks." Franz Halder Chief of the German General Staff of the Army documents this fact in his war diary. "The Wehrmacht had been on the verge of a military logistical catastrophe in the Polish campaign. The happy ending after a few weeks saved her from having to stop the fight because of insufficient ammunition." For all that reasons the Germans had lost the war because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! But they didn't attack and thus shamefully betrayed Poland.
But these facts are denied today. It is mendaciously claimed that an attack in the West was not possible. But it's a lie that support of Poland was not possible. Claiming that the French and British did not have the capabilities or ability for a massive attack in the West is also a lie that is being spread. This is also a useful myth for British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. So the mendacious legend is spread of the not ready for war or incompetent for attack French and British! The historic facts contradict this legend! Because the French themselves proved that they were capable to attack in 1939! This was the Saar offensive! This offensive has clearly shown that the French were capable of attacking, contrary to the mendacious legends spread about the impossibility of a massive attack in the West to hide the fact that Poland had been betrayed by its allies. The fact is that even without British support, France was able to defeat the Germans in the West in 1939 without any problems. The pre-emptive mobilization was started in France on 26 August and on 1 September 1939, full mobilization was declared. Six days after the German raid on Poland, the French attacked and encountered little German resistance. A French offensive in the Rhine valley began on 7 September, four days after France declared war. The Wehrmacht was preoccupied in the attack on Poland and the French enjoyed a decisive numerical advantage along the border. 90% of German frontline aircraft were in Poland. Eleven French divisions advanced along a 32 km (20 mi) line near Saarbrücken, against weak German opposition. The French army advanced to as far as 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in some areas, and captured about 12 towns and villages unopposed...By 9 September the French occupied most of the Warndt Forest. The French 32nd Infantry Regiment made further gains on 12 September, seizing the German town of Brenschelbach. The French held German territory along all of the Rhine-Moselle front, but on 21 September French units were ordered to return to their starting positions on the Maginot Line.
This betrayal of Poland in 1939 was not only dishonest but it was also a military stupidity of truly monumental dimensions. The opportunity to fight a brief, localized war against Germany was therefore lost in September 1939. In hindsight, also lost were the opportunities to save millions of lives and to have prevented the creation of conditions that led to the Cold War. As General Ironside the Chief of the British General Staff stated in 1945, after much of Europe was in ruins and 50 million have died, "Militarily we should have gone all out against the German the minute Germans invaded Poland. ... We did not ... And so we missed the strategical advantage of the Germans being engaged in the East. We thought completely defensively and of ourselves.
@@GreatPolishWingedHussarsbruh go outside lmao
@@0008loser Ridiculous!
it's really sad to have this kind of information readily available, yet people prefer the funnier explanation to everything.
Well, If calling me a "Nazi" is a thing for being german, then hell yeah, i'ma make fun of french people for having tanks with 7 reverse gears and 1 forwards gear for parades.
@@TheDistortion93 I believe the one forward gear was in case they got attacked from behind
@@lsdave42 the french ALWAYS have a plan
TheDistortion93 you do know the french aren’t the ones calling you nazis anymore
This doesn't explain everything due there were only 3 armored divisions between total 120 Allied divisions for more than a week!! It was so bad even German commanders were freaking out about an Allied counterattack encircling and destroying them easily so they forced both Rommel and Guderian to halt for few days and wait for infantry divisions. Allies indeed tried a counterattack but it was so weak only 3 armored divisions easily repelled it even if they were insanely outnumbered!! Seriously nobody will consider France having a strong military force until they prove themselves again as there is no explanation to this...
Among the issues the French had, it might seem that without solving the communications and command problems, a more offensive posture could have been a worse disaster. Trying to conduct an offensive with 48 hour delay in orders received would be really nuts.
Adopting an offensive posture despite severe issues in communication and intelligence was exactly what the Soviets did in 1940 and we all know how that turned out...
The French army dug too deeply and too greedily
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i think u'r mistaken on french airforce, french planes have 5/6 mission /day. however they will have a big issue, air doctrine who prevent to concentrate airforce.
Germany was deliberately allowed to take over France in order to add her resources to the invasion of Russia.
@@Itsatz0 What are you talking about? Allowed by who?
@@Wodan0290 France was given to the Nazis. Of course they had to make it look like a stunning Nazi success, but it was planned. They lulled Stalin into complacency and surprised attacked the USSR. The resources of France were sent to the eastern front. The US and Britain have had their military run by the same institution since the Monroe doctrine.
@@Itsatz0 You're still not making any sense. France wasn't "given" to Nazis, it was rather won by them, as the author of this video brilliantly explained, stay away from conspiracy theories, they're not healthy.
Does anyone remember that France under Napoleon defeated Prussia and all the German states in only 4 weeks, with no tanks, no planes, no trucks, just soldiers walking from the Rhin border up to Berlin
Does anyone remember how Napoleon deserted in Egypt
@@2adamast Just after defeating Ottoman's forces which were 4 times larger than the french troops, then forcing UK to commit 30,000 soldiers to blocade the country, soldiers which were needed when UK, Russia and Prussia decided to stop Napoleon at Austerlitz ! Well, overall, not a bad move. Coalition troops lost 50,000 soldiers when french lost only 15,000 .. Kléber who was in charge of Egypt during french occupation has still a boulevard in Paris with his name. When British let french troops to leave Egypt, they stole all the scientific findings, including Rosetta stone, but could not do anything with it. Champolion mastered to translate hieroglyphic language on a copy made by a soldier, and Gaspard Monge set a new science, Egyptology. Not bad !
@@FredericGaillot He lost from the Ottoman at Acre retreated and deserted nevertheless. Any soldier of his army knew that.
Yep, he stopped at Acre as he could not get to get the fortress and did not have any troop left to move on to capture more territory, but in less than 2 years he controlled a territory not a single european had entered for the last 500 years and changed the history of Middle East for ever. He could have stayed in Middle East and kept on expanding his conquest, but France was at that time under the threat of Russia, Great Britain and Prussia. He would have stayed in Egypt, you would not even mention his name today. He moved back in France, and defeated 2 emperors, gave France control over Europe for more than 10 years. If you want to criticize Napoleon, you've taken the wrong example !
@@FredericGaillot He deserted and you come with imperialist propaganda. You know he had a department for that and it's apparently his best achievement.
If I said he lost half a million man in Russia you would answer yes but Russia formed a threat (they didn't follow his orders) and the Russians lost man and cities, and no one went this far since blabla ...
Why the Russians following Napoleon didn't stop and burned down Versailles as a polite tit for tat for burning the then empty old Kremlin is for me an open question
You gotta hand it to the French insistence of defense they learned in WW1: "if you die in combat, you die standing your ground"
@Nasim Aghdam Didn't really take the whole world to defeat just Germany - even if popular media likes to depict Germany as being only aided by incompetent Italy, the fact was that a large portion of Axis troops in Europe were still not German. On the Eastern Front around 1 million of the 5 million Axis casualties were Romanian, Hungarian, Italian, Finnish, Soviet collaborators etc.. The Axis powers all together accounted for some 250-300 million people, in contrast to about 600 million in the Allies.
@Nasim Aghdam What?
@Nasim Aghdam bullshit
@Nasim Aghdam wehraboo spotted!
The Finns werent really Axis. They werent fascist well at least most werent and werent in it for a shared political goal with Hitler. They allied with Germany because the Soviets had attacked Finland and when youre fighting against the Soviets and need allies someone whos also against the soviets is an ally of opportunity even if theyre literally Hitler
Yes. Very well done - and thank you for the references.
I'll add a few things from my experience with the subject.
40 years ago - I was a member of a group of war gamers who spent a lot of time war gaming various historical battles. One of our group developed a game on France 1940. He had created a period map, had the production tables for all the reinforcements and developed a set of rules which reflected the presence of armored forces and air units. This game used a hexagonal grid map, with the Infantry in Corp sized square, cardboard counters and the Armored forces in Divisions.
We were all a group of single guys in our twenties so we had no family obligations and could spend every Saturday Night for months playing a campaign like this. We'd set the map up and one of the guys places - and leave it there.
For this campaign - because of school - I was only able to participate in one of the campaigns but the other guys played the game out, with different variations - about 4 times.
There were of course - no reproductions of the historical campaign. We were all well educated on the Campaign and - had a Gods Eye View of the battlefield inherent to games like this. So - what we saw left out a lot of the factors that went into a real battle - but - we were able to see a number of factors bases on the forces involved.
In all but one of the scenarios the Germans won. This was primarily because the German Army was simply stronger and all scenarios based on the historical situation saw the Allies lose.
The one situation where the Allies won - was based on a number of different strategic changes - which COULD have taken place - but didn't.
There were two primary factors here that made the difference:
1) The Belgians allowed the Allies to come in and set up before the Germans attacked them.
2) The RAF made a full commitment to the Battle of France.
With a line of French Infantry Corp behind rivers and through the Ardennes, tying in to the Maginot Line - the Germans could not break through. Anywhere they were threatening - the Armored Reserves of the Allies could intervene. Also with the RAF fully committed - the Germans did NOT have air superiority.
Again - this was an artificial situation - but - I believe that the point it made - about the Failure of Belgium to act appropriately to the situation and the British Refusal to fully commit their Air Force put the Allies in a losing situation from the beginning. Belgium's refusal to invite the British and the French in, even after they had captured a lost German Staff Plane carrying the plans to attack them - is the dominant of these two factors - as without that solid defensive line - forward RAF bases would have just been over run.
Given the very long period of Phony War - if the Allies (including Belgium) had acted in concert, they had plenty of time to get set up - IN BELGIUM - in well entrenched defensive positions prior to the German attack.
Some of the points made in this video - would have been mitigated.
In a static situation the poor French Command and Control would not have mattered as much as it did in the fluid situation which was endemic to any scenario in which the Allies could not enter Belgium until AFTER the Germans attacked it.
The RAF and French Air Force together, contesting the Luftwaffe for mastery of the sky - would have mitigated the psychological effect of Luftwaffe Air Superiority - because they wouldn't have it.
And - it's not like this wasn't a subject of conversation between Britain, France and Belgium. Belgium had, in the intervening years raised about as large an army as it could support and had worked out plans with the British and French for what they would all do together should the Germans attack. The Belgians were in fact supposed to have prepared defensive positions on the River Dyle (which they did not in fact do) for the British to occupy. Then - when it seemed sure that it was really going to happen - Belgium's King went into denial ...
The very idea - that Belgium KNOWING that the Germans were going to attack them - would not allow the British and French to come in and set up - is just mind boggling. How in the world could anyone be so stupid?
Your comment is very interesting. Sad enough, not many people will take the time to read it. Thank you.
@@fabiena1787 Eh ... I'm not part of the Twitter Generation and don't write for those who are. (Not that they should care). If I have some information I can contribute I try to add to the discussion. The thing is - even the videos these comments are part of - are extremely short for an in depth understanding of the subject - so - people who are really interested - are going to take what sources are presented - and study it further. Those who aren't - won't.
In a word; Speed. The Germans were operating at a speed the Allies couldn't match. The OODA Loop example is the most relevant here. A good presentation as usual, Salute.
They also acted on Speed, if you know what i mean. XD
This is less about a war against positions or troop formations, etc. and more a war on the command structure.
I really appreciate the detailed break down and the sources that are cited. Thanks for this.
- Auftragstaktik + kampfgruppen
- Earlier combat experience
- Better with radios and coordination
- More Luftwaffe sorties thanks to close positioning of the airfields to the frontlines.
- Element of surprise
- Local superiority thanks to concentration of force, and enemy troop concentrations getting encircled and wiped out
- Political confusion and blunders by the political leadership of the allies
"Element of surprise"? Hell, French declared war on Germans and waited for half of year for something to happen. What was so surprising in the German attack in the end?
@@mdokuch96 The Germans pulled their offensive off and kept their momentum up. Eben Eamel fell. And German troops were holding the iniative and could surprise their enemy.
They hold control over the skies, and their organizational style where NCO had much freedom to make fast decisions on their own allowed the Germans to keep the tempo up while the French army got desoriented and had a problem to keep up while the Germans were always one step ahead.
The orders given from the French high command often got outdated before they reached the frontline. And information from the frontline got old and irrelevant once it reached the high command.
The Germans did not have the same problems since Auftragstaktik allows German frontline commanders to use their own judgement and do as they seem fit. If the enemy is unexpectedly weak, then they could use a golden oppurtunity to strike him down before he could dig in and gather reinforcements... and the German commander does not need to wait hours to get the permission to do so - and thereby lose this great chance.
And likewise could the situation on the battlefield on the other hand have changed and it could become necessary to call off an attack, and seek other ways to seize an objective.
German tactics simply allowed for more flexibility and they always got one step ahead of their enemies in the decision making process.
And that in turn allowed the German army to always hold the strategic iniative. And the allies constantly had to adopt to Germans, and not so much the other way around.
@@nattygsbord I repeat again - Allies declare war in September 1939 and then sit for half an year without doing anything. After that you can't speak about ANY effect of surprise at all, it is like blaming Germans for not being idiots to the same degree and actually using time, they were gifted.
@@nattygsbord This doesn't explain everything due there were only 3 armored divisions between total 120 Allied divisions for more than a week!! It was so bad even German commanders were freaking out about an Allied counterattack encircling and destroying them easily so they forced both Rommel and Guderian to halt for few days and wait for infantry divisions. Allies indeed tried a counterattack but it was so weak only 3 armored divisions easily repelled it even if they were insanely outnumbered!! Seriously nobody will consider France having a strong military force until they prove themselves again as there is no explanation to this...
For more than 10 years, French prepared for linear defense and British prepared for naval blockade. This is not something that could be reverted in the 2-3 years of war preparation.
Strategically, this gave up any possibility of supporting eastern allies (Czech, Polish) or counter-attack when the main position was broken.
Allies just did not realize how planes and tanks combined could break weak point of the fortified position. Weakness of the Canal Albert or the Ardennes sector was no known until too late. This is not specific to the French, British lost again in Balkan and Lybia before finding the proper counter measure, and Russian lost heavily also. But Britain had the Chanel and Russia had distance. France fought a few hundred kilometers from the sea.
Even so, the breakthrough was not irremediable, had the CinC kept strategic reserve instead of sending them to Holland.
De Gaulle published a book in 1934, in which he argued (1) the Maginot lines was a useless waste of resources and would fail (2) France needed to abandon the large conscripted army, and opt for a smaller, professional one (3) the french military doctrine should shift from defensive to offensive (4) the future lay not in mass infantry attacks, but in concentrated attacks of tanks, artillery and motorized infantry.
The French high command scoffed at his ideas.
Thank you, an interesting piece. Though I'm a Frenchman it's always been my thought that the French were beaten before a shot was fired. Mentally, socially and the hiding behind them imagino line... For me this was more from a thought that the 1st war took an enormous toll on France, it's population and it's thirst for war in general. Not that I'm right, just an opinion. Your video has shed new light on the whole subject.
That the French were beaten before a shot was fired was Vichy's progaganda to legitimate the armistice and the collaboration. That de Gaulle was a traitor and a coward was Vichy's propaganda as well.
If it’s any consolation one decision was the biggest cause and it was the 7th army (or more accurately: 30 divisions) deployment to the Netherlands, when the penetration was achieved there were no reserves to meet it, having reserves is the officer basic rule #1, and the high command broke it, you get punished when you break rules
France only wanted to one up Poland, so it resisted for 6 weeks instead of 5.
Poland still laster longer then france. Poland faught Germany and the Ussr at the same time
@@dknowles60 Nah, France defended for slightly bit longer, check the calender. F'course it fought together with UK, Netherlands, Belgium & Norway against a single Germany, not 1 vs 2 like Poland did. On the other hand neither Germany nor SU threw everything at Poland, but still Poland fought way better than the Baguettes.
@@saldownik wrong Do you think Germany or the USSR held back both threw every thing they had
@@dknowles60 thanks
@@saldownik wrong. Germany Gave it their all
You've said more in 15 minutes than anything has ever been said about the battle of france I've ever heard of. I wish you would talk some more about it but then... pretty much every important details have been addressed. Definitely a "go to" video I've added to my favorites.
Not only the WWI, the French-equipped Polish army defeated the entire Soviet Russia in 1920. France was considered THE strongest land power before 1940.
The polish army at the time was equipped with russian, french, german and austrian stuff. And to be honest, it was losing rather badly until the absolutely ballsy battle of Warsaw.
@@Defenestrationflight which was achieved thanks to aerial recon and the exploitation of this recon by the polish high command with the support of the French military advisors, which included the Colonel Charles de Gaulle and the general Weygand (which lost the battle of France).
I couldn’t say France was greatest land power because of their weak demographics.
@@Defenestrationflight the poles lasted a lot longer then france
@@AFT_05G poland had less people and lasted longer
The main difference between WW1 and 2 was vastly greater level of motorization. Wireless telecommunication and airplanes were important factors too (the latter connected to motorization itself). All three factors drastically increased the value of initiative and offense compared to WW1.
Not really. Certainly, wire and wireless communication had improved greatly but despite being innovators in the First World War, the French went backwards and relied on despatch riders instead. The Germans used those things better. The other matter was mechanisation. If you watch German propaganda films, you get the impression that the entire army was mechanised and it wasn’t. More than ever during the invasion of France, the Germans were reliant on the horse. This remained a problem even during Barbarossa.
WW1: Germany fights France, Great Britain, Russia and the U.S., knocks out one but still loses.
WW2: Germany fights France, Great Britain, Soviet Union (Russia) and the U.S., knocks out one but still loses.
Germany did not knock out france in ww1
@@mrcool2107russia in ww1
France did not lose in ww1
Russia in ww1@@Yellow-Square
Interesting and thanks for not using the distracting background music RUclips seem so keen on now.
Was just thinking about this campaign and hoping you had made a video of it, and you had! Thanks man! I apriciate it alot :)
Napolean was turning over in his grave!
napoleon led the defeat of his own men how is he in any regard better in the same shoes?
@@Dockhead at least, he definitely wouldn't have lost initial stage of WW2 in such a meme way, because Napoleon definitely wouldn't have gifted half a year of preparations to his enemy.
Every great general; Julius; Napoleon; Hannibal; they all knew about the utter importance of intel; communication; and supplies. And a dude like Napoleon wouldve never let his troops go out into battle without having them equipped with radios. I think that was the biggest mistake. Lack of communication.
@@EinFelsbrocken if there was radio in Napoléon Era the world would be speaking french.
@@mdokuch96 the French military of the 1930s was 100% incapable of offensive operations, as shown by the excursion into the Saarland during the polish invasion
Napoleon would’ve been as screwed as any other
Another thing very difficult to explain is that the first attack was lead by the french in Saarland, I don't understand why they retreated while 2/3 of the german forces were still in Poland?
I actually did a paper on this very subject with an emphasis on the military aspect. Starting at 2:00 he hits the nail on the head regarding communications. I would add that the radios on French tanks were terribly unreliable, and would usually get rendered useless as soon as they were put under combat conditions. Regarding the rigidity and attitude, one of my history teachers often talked about how the Maginot line was the "Emblematic" symbol of how the French thought, which he points out very well around 5:53. To also use a phrase from this same history teacher "The French were always one war behind." Another good point made is highlighted around 8:45, that being that the French believed that no vehicles could get through the Ardennes, and thus left the area undefended. Around 10:20 he begins to explain the differences of tank designs and how they were applied. One thing I learned while writing my paper was that French tanks were often larger, had more armor, and bigger main guns, and the French had more tanks than the Germans. But the French tanks were often slower than German tanks, and usually only had a 1 to 3 man crew, compared to the German tanks having a 3 to 6 man crew for their tanks. This combined with aforementioned communication/radio issues, the German tanks were much more efficient, mobile, and effective by comparison. Overall, a very good presentation.
By the way, the French would not have had to fight at all in 1940. They had to fight only because of the betrayal of ally Poland in 1939. The British and French declaration of war 1939 against Germany served only for saving face. The British and the French did not intend to keep to the contractual commitment and to attack massively in the west. They wanted to sacrifice Poland for peace with the Germans! They preferred to betray Poland instead of fighting. This was the continuation of British and French appeasement stupid politics of the 30s! The inaction of the French and British was the message to Germany: Be satisfied with Poland. Do not attack us behind the Maginot Line and in the British Isles. We do not attack Germany either! So most British bomber activity was the dropping of propaganda leaflets.
In 1939 there was a good opportunity for a relatively quick victory against Germany. Because the Germans were too weak for a two-front war. For victory over Germany the British and French should have only acted according to the plan worked out with Poland for the event of a German raid on Poland. Three tactical main actions in the event of a German-Polish war contained the agreements with the British and French:
1. France immediately carries out an air campaign according to a pre-determined plan.
2. As soon as part of the French troops are ready (on the third day or so), France will progressively launch offensive actions with limited targets.
3. As soon as the main effort of Germany was directed against Poland, no later than 15 days after the German attack France with British support would begin with the bulk of its troops an offensive action against Germany.
If, according to this plan the British and French had massively attacked the Germans in the west the victory would be certain because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war. But it is claimed that an attack was not possible. So it is lied that help for the Poles was not possible. That's a lie! This is a useful myth For British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. In reality the Germans were not at all prepared for a two-front war. The Germans had no chance in two-front war against Poland, French and British! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! By the way, the France and the British could have quickly discovered by enlightening their opponents during the attack that the Germans had little air support in the West because 90% of German front line aircraft were in Poland. Germans had also hardly any tanks in the West. And that the French and British could also quickly realized that the Siegfried Line was a fake. They just had to attack. Even the most incompetent of generals would have won against this weak German troops in the West. That would also have complied the agreement and the war plan concluded with Poland. British and French only had to have the will to fight and loyalty to their allies. The Germans had nothing in the West in 1939. Only inferior reserves without tanks and hardly any air support. Part of the reserve was without training! WITHOUT TRAINING! After war German military commander Alfred Jodl said that "if we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions." German General Siegfried Westphal stated that if the French had attacked in full force in September 1939 the German army "could only have held out for one or two weeks." Franz Halder Chief of the German General Staff of the Army documents this fact in his war diary. "The Wehrmacht had been on the verge of a military logistical catastrophe in the Polish campaign. The happy ending after a few weeks saved her from having to stop the fight because of insufficient ammunition." For all that reasons the Germans had lost the war because Germans were not prepared for a two-fronts war! The French and British would only have had to attack massively in the West as agreed and the war would have ended quickly with a victory for Poland, France and the British! But they didn't attack and thus shamefully betrayed Poland.
But these facts are denied today. It is mendaciously claimed that an attack in the West was not possible. But it's a lie that support of Poland was not possible. Claiming that the French and British did not have the capabilities or ability for a massive attack in the West is also a lie that is being spread. This is also a useful myth for British and French that the Germans were so strong that Poland with French and British had no chance to win. So the mendacious legend is spread of the not ready for war or incompetent for attack French and British! The historic facts contradict this legend! Because the French themselves proved that they were capable to attack in 1939! This was the Saar offensive! This offensive has clearly shown that the French were capable of attacking, contrary to the mendacious legends spread about the impossibility of a massive attack in the West to hide the fact that Poland had been betrayed by its allies. The fact is that even without British support, France was able to defeat the Germans in the West in 1939 without any problems. The pre-emptive mobilization was started in France on 26 August and on 1 September 1939, full mobilization was declared. Six days after the German raid on Poland, the French attacked and encountered little German resistance. A French offensive in the Rhine valley began on 7 September, four days after France declared war. The Wehrmacht was preoccupied in the attack on Poland and the French enjoyed a decisive numerical advantage along the border. 90% of German frontline aircraft were in Poland. Eleven French divisions advanced along a 32 km (20 mi) line near Saarbrücken, against weak German opposition. The French army advanced to as far as 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in some areas, and captured about 12 towns and villages unopposed...By 9 September the French occupied most of the Warndt Forest. The French 32nd Infantry Regiment made further gains on 12 September, seizing the German town of Brenschelbach. The French held German territory along all of the Rhine-Moselle front, but on 21 September French units were ordered to return to their starting positions on the Maginot Line.
This betrayal of Poland in 1939 was not only dishonest but it was also a military stupidity of truly monumental dimensions. The opportunity to fight a brief, localized war against Germany was therefore lost in September 1939. In hindsight, also lost were the opportunities to save millions of lives and to have prevented the creation of conditions that led to the Cold War. As General Ironside the Chief of the British General Staff stated in 1945, after much of Europe was in ruins and 50 million have died, "Militarily we should have gone all out against the German the minute Germans invaded Poland. ... We did not ... And so we missed the strategical advantage of the Germans being engaged in the East. We thought completely defensively and of ourselves.
@Polish Husaria you're leaning hard on that, aren't ya?
Wrong wrong wrong. The French game plan was to conduct open field warfare in Belgium, and this was where most of the best units were located.
@@Mekesi1 Actually yes. The thing is that they had an agreement with the Belgians that broke, which meant they couldn't have their troops at their chosen front nor help the Belgian defenses that served as complimentary to their Maginot line. Also, Belgium had the easy terrain and the Ardennes, and both sides considered it would be a risky move, but the Germans had no time for sht and went for it, while the French indeed had their best units near the frontier on the easy-terrain side. The French considered that pushing an army through that region would take a pair of weeks and this was perfectly adjusted to the way of thinking most of the powers had, because their generals were the victorious forged in WWI and there were no significant wars during that period, meanwhile, the German generals were a mostly fresh generation that had achieved lower to medium and medium-high ranks and success, learned from their defeat and they tested their technology in Spain and knew what the new things could do, at first they had less powerful technology than their rivals but they had used their equipment, the generals of the powers, in this case, France, relied in the techniques they knew to be effective in their successful war, they had more powerful technology and more resources (the Germans started small and little by little made more powerful their industry), but no field experience, therefore they didn't knew what the tanks could now do (tanks were in their diapers when WWI was ending) and how they should be organized, trains must have been super important for them (I'm guessing they had no railways in that forest), safety was rewarded and hierarchy was important in their communications, in a slow and grueling trench-war all of this makes sense, however, this wasn't the case and due to the better cars and tanks the Germans got through in a few days, the same few days it would take communications to travel to the high command and below, which meant, awful reaction times. After this point it's pretty much what the video says, again.
The french game plan was to enter Belgium to occupy prepared position behind the screen of Belgian forces on fortified line. This was too slow, mostly because Belgian did not agree for French troops to come until far too late. But as you said, French reasoned in infantry march while Germans reasoned in tank drive.
@@Mekesi1 Look up The Dyle Line (pron. "Deal"). This was the position the French and British armies took up on their left flank in Belgium. It was always in the plan.
So it was the German’s fault for not sticking to the French expectations? Look up sucker punch in boxing.
OMG somebody finally mentions the fact that Germany had twice as many planes and UK didn't commit their planes (which was the right call in the long run). The Luftwaffe was the most experienced, well-equipped and well-trained air force at the time.
Twice as many planes on paper x 5 times the number of sorties per plane per day = a huge difference of effectiveness in airforce. The Stuka, when the Germans controlled the air, was far more effective than artillary; they could put their bomb right on a bridge, troop formation or armored vehicle. & the psychology of the Stuka sirens: a single plane may only hit one tank, but if everyone within range of the sound is hitting the deck or running for cover, they are frozen by fear, not maneuvering & firing at the enemy, that single Stuka momentarily makes inneffective a whole piece of the French front.
@@ajknaup3530 Indeed, it's one of the major factors, which for some reason always gets ignored.
*_"The Stuka, when the Germans controlled the air, was far more effective than artillary; they could put their bomb right on a bridge, troop formation or armored vehicle."_*
Artillery can do that too. What it can't do is hit that object from 50 kilometres away or decide mid air that there's a better target.
@@ajknaup3530 The Stuka sirens were mostly removed after the Polish campaign.
Thank you very much. This video helped me a lot ! I've never really understood the French defeat before watching this.
Damn Gamelin and his Breda Plan. When it comes to frontall engagements the french showed themselves to be capable enough (Battle of Hannut), even with all communications shortages. But sending Giraud's elite armored troops to the north to Breda, instead of keeping it in the reserve to stop a german breaktrough (which was what happened) allowed them to be surrounded in Belgium.
@The Colonel the Belgium decision to adopt a suicidal "neutral" foreign policy and use neutrality rather than the French army to protect itself it crippled it's own defence and the defence of France.
Center was the least appropriate location for maneuver warfare so if the French focused there they would get hammered in the north even easier. Failing to recognise the main German thrust just shortened the campaign to the minimum.
@The Colonel It is true regarding hinterland of the central front. The question was indeed if Allies will identify and able to contain the main German thrust. But were they really in the position to do so? If they did, they would still have to counter German air support and require significant more divisions to be able to contain a faster opponent. This would be a clash of tiger vs dragon whereby the tiger has a broken leg and blunt paws. It would be a matter of time before Allied force is either bypassed or encircled. On top of this, they were unable to succeed with a single major counter-attack. This second issue, imo, fundamentally diminished their hypothetical chances.
All this already due to their inadequate doctrines and command structure. If you compare this situation with late war were WAllies never capable of solving these issues, so their success lay in employing bigger numbers and sabotaging German equipment production.
@The Colonel The problem here is that French never succeeded to achieve a single notable offensive victory. Wherever the Germans planned to advance, they did. The successful defences in Benelux are not so important because German plan there was primarily to tie them down while center advances.
I agree that one ought to be careful when comparing early and late war. Many things changed significantly. The issues of command culture and doctrine are,I assume, hard to change quickly and even harder to evaluate correctly during war. The Allied performance in Normandy against significantly disadvantaged Germans speaks of disparities in these quality.
The result of Ardennes offensive was well predicted by Rundstedt and according to available data nobody in German officer core had any optimism for its success. At the Bulge, Germans defeated all US defences and were in free country. What if they had the forces that Rundstedt required to tie down US and British forces at the northern and southern shoulders?
the battle of stonne wasn't a success but since they where only 42500 fighting against 90000 and inflicted 4 times more castualties than they suffered on the germans i would definitely call it a good exemple of what the french were capable
the british had a smaller force so it was easier for them to control it but they still showed a bit of communication problems at arras
It is really rather simple. The French had so many internal problems that a coherent strategy could not be arrived at and mainly because the Germans stopped for almost 7 days in and around Dunkirk because they had a problem similar to that of the French but at a higher level.
One word "Rommel!" The 7th PD wasn't called the Ghost Division for nothing. Rommel knew what he was doing, this was a man who got more respect from the allies than any other active Axis officer.
uhm well:видео.htmlвидео.html
Very good summary of the relevant issues.
If we take a step back and look at what happened PRIOR to the Battle of France we see that as soon as Britain and France had declared war on Germany they could have taken the initiative away from the Germans. All they had to do was invade Germany which was poorly defended in the West. Things would likely have been very different.....
France did invade the Saarland in September of 1939, but withdrew in early October.
@@spartanpawn007 why did the gremans spanked them
Exactly. But French and British basically gifted Germans half a year to prepare, form new divisions, supply existing units, move them to the West, define targets of attacks and so on. All that time German industry (including Czech military factories, which were so conveniently gifted to Germany by Allies) kept production of firearms, munitions, artillery, tanks and planes - while France had certain problems with moving to war economic at all.
@@dknowles60 No they left before any fighting started. Had the French attacked, Germany would lose, as most of their army was in Poland and the western border of Germany was poorly defended.
@@SelfProclaimedEmperor Except that the French and the British did not have a mobile force large enough to break through Siegfried line and invade Ruhr. They reasoned in weeks of preparation and gradual advance, while Poland was defeated in two weeks. Then they reverted to defensive strategy.
An excellent video...thanks
8:22 arent these tank informations additive to 110% tanks (44% + 66%), or are some tanks in mechanizted and armored devisions double counted in the cavalry units?
quite possibly divisional overlap if the sources are from different time frames (Merging units and what not)
Considering the actual chaos that was unfolding, I would not be surprised.
Very interesting stuff! I'm very pleased I found your channel
Bring back the Tiger-Panther "I am a cät person" t-shirt!
I always enjoy your presentations. Thankyou.
The French did not have many fighters that were capable of engaging a Bf109 and the aerial reconnaissance was inadequate.
As always, great and informative video. Thank you.
The French has 500 Ping, thought they were still playing Turn Based, and their Guild Leaders had spent the last 2 decades taking pot shots at each other above all else.
It wasn't only the French, in 6 weeks the Germans fought and defeated :
French +Holland+Belgium+UK!
French General in 1914: The Germans would never go through the Ardennes.
Private: They went through the Ardennes
General in 1939: The Germans would never go through the Ardennes again.
Private: Sir... They went through the Ardennes again.
General: Sh*t.
Christopher Carpenter american generals in 1944: the germans would never go through the Ardennes a THIRD time right?
Private: they went through the ardennes
Son of a
@@lenx5953 :-D this fascinates me.
American and British Generals, "They would never try that a third time." ALL the privates, in unison say,...
In WW1 the Germans went North of the Ardennes. The French ahd to hastily move to stop them.
In WW2 the German right went North of the Ardennes. The French went North to confront them as planned. Then the German middle went through the South of the Ardennes, cutting the French from their communication line.
If only they had declared the Ardennes a gun-free zone...
Excellent and well presented information
You being German makes this video so special. Love your content keep up the good work.
@James Blanc - I believe that he is Austrian.
@@shawngilliland243 Austria is germany
As a hoi4 player I can tell you that even good organized defensive divisions are worthless against a strong offensive front when they have to move and establish a makeshift defensive line in bad terrain
İf you’re a HOİ4 player you probably know you could never match with German manpower and industry after 1939 :) Defending against Germany is hard but if you play well you could win also stupidity of German AI is too important at victory.
44% of French tanks were here and 66% were there. Now that's an amazing feat!
Nice video, thanks
Considering Poland - with maybe 10% of the modern equipment France possessed and a far longer frontier with Germany - fought for 5 weeks (until the 6th of October) completely on its own whilst managing to launch a significant two army counter offensive on the Bzura river (far exceeding the scale of anything aggressive the French managed) and from the 17th of September also had to contend against the Soviets, this should put France's stand - supported by the Netherlands, Belgium and the BEF into some sort of perspective.
great post
Well, stated my friend!
I believe this statement is a tad narrow in scope. Let's not forget the Polish success against the Soviets owes a lot to the internal teeth pulling of the Soviet Army during Stalin's purges. The Finn's experienced similar success against post purge USSR.
Don't get me wrong the Polish performed admirably! Against two opponents I might add! But hind-site is 20/20. While it sounds cliché the French defeat owes a great deal to a combination of modern German/Austrian/Italian/Czech tactics, superior Axis communication and logistics, superb Axis staff work, and most importantly an outdated French reliance on fortification over offensive action. (That's not to say the French didn't attempt offensive action)
Historically speaking over reliance on passive defensive strategy generally gives your opponent the advantage in manoeuvrability. Which means they choose when and where contact is made. See the Union Army of the Potomac's blundering in Virginia or the Ottoman performance in modern Ukraine in the latter of the Russo-Turkish wars.
Hope this post provides a little perspective on the matter.
@@DefeatedRoyalist You went off topic there mate, he didn't say anything about "Polish success against the Soviets" (which would those successes be, in fact...?). He was saying that they put up a good fight against the Germans, managing to go on the offensive a couple of times and that even so, their five-week defeat (one week short of how long the French put up, only with shitty equipment) was not even bound to be so quick but rather was hastened by the Soviet Union moving in to backstab them. The "successes" or let's say half successes in question were against the Germans, managing to foil them for that long and managing to keep even some initiative by launching offensives, which the French hardly did. Crushed in just as long but a ten times more honorable performance, with all potential to courage-in-the-chain-of-command ratio considered.
Only summarizing what he said, but I just got annoyed by the patronizing start and ending of your reply to an essentially decent post.
Kuuba Kuugel couldn't agree with you more friend. My main point was to lend the ol French a bit more credit than they generally receive in regards to their facing multiple enemy offensives against their somewhat defended borders. (Maybe I misunderstood the message of the initial comment)
In regards to my comments centred on the Poles fighting the Soviets I was comparing the Polish fighting multiple enemies to that of the French facing off against similar odds.
Both nations received outside aid and both nations fighting men and women put up some stout resistance.
I referenced some well known defensive blunders to provide some comparison and a little evidence to my stance on a combatant being too comfortable in a passive posture.
Sorry to come off as patronising lol! I'll have to work on my word smithing. I appreciate the notes:)
Something to do with cheese, a lack of red and blue paint for flags and jungle animals - or so Jeremy Clarkson says.
Some French tank crew did not know their vehicles had 2 fuel tanks. That is really all you need to know .
Also, in some tanks, the operator did everything, from fuel to driving to charging and firing to recognizing. They had better tanks but you can't beat a crew that is multi-tasking what you're doing step-by-step
the commander also was a loader,so he could not always direct the tank
In other words, France lost the battle before a shot was fired. Appropriate mention of Boyd's OODA loop time-based theory... it's all about tempo. Just having 48hr command execution alone explains how quickly it would all unravel.
8:24 is it me or does the math not work out? 44%+66%= 110%
michaelemouse1 60% of the time it works, all of the time
I was wondering about that too.
They just had so many tanks, it jumped over 100%. And in field conditions cosine can jump over 1 or even 2. From my fathers ballistics lessons in the army.
I was about to post this. but you caught that the math doesn't add up before me
German numbers don't translate into English well. ;)
In one word - doctrine. The most visionary French military leader was de Gaulle. He had written a book similar to Guderian's 'Achtung Panzer'. But de Gaulle's book was ignored by the French military high command.
More than ignored, it was censored by Pétain, then the main authority in military thinking.
One thing that people often forget though, is that it wasn't only France but also England that were defeated in that time. The English Channel and Royal Navy (and the total inability of Germany to challenge England on the sea) are what made the difference between the French Capitulation and the English going on. England was virtually without artillery after Dunkerque. Had England been a peninsula and not an island, history would have looked much different. Even the Battle of England could only come to be because Germany did not have boots on the ground to take away air bases and negate the English use of their land and resources. Whatever reasons are ascribed to the French defeat, it must also take into account the English equivalent. Again, the main difference in both circumstances is the English Channel and the lack of German ability to cross it.
If Britain had been a peninsula then more respurces would have been put into the army.
true but would english tatics be any better then france or the other countries maybe maybe not.....but either way the german army I think was without peer that almost always inflicted more losses then there various opponents especially if the battle was someone equals numbers@@thevillaaston7811
Very good explanation.
OK the French have watched your video and would now like to request a Re-Match!
William Shirer wrote an excellent book on the fall of the third republic.
Actually Bernhard, the French had those pesky DLCs, the Division Legere de Cavalerie. :D
@@mihaiserafim Yup.
4 of those shaming DLC... how it's possible to have such units in 1940 ? Since 1917 and few months of experiments the British knew that two different mobility must be separated...
@@BFVK Because you forget terrain. And the mission of those DLCs.
@@mihaiserafim I forgot nothing, the terrain has nothing to do in the fact that this mix of mobility in a same unit is wrong. Nobody use such units, even Red Army with large cavalry unit never mixed with auto cars or tanks. The frenchs themselves said it was bad units. The commanders of those divisions said themselves it was wrong to do so.
The DLC did nothing effective, not good in scouting, not good as rear guard.
Love your videos!
How does such a short and positive statement not get any likes in three months. Geez people are lazy haha. Well I agree at least :P
Great video. Thanks.
You forgot some key point and I think you underestimated the psychological aspect:
- Édouard VIII visited the Maginot line and the defense system and passed these information to Hitler. Then Hitler adjusted it's plan to go for the Ardennes, the weak point of the defense line;
- Most French hi-rank in place were WWI veterans traumatized by the trench experience, with a no more war credo (they didn't believed Germany will enter a second WW);
- Military equipment was outdated, it`s related to point 2 since nobody could believed another war will break. Like Russia, they just started producing new military equipment in 1938 (they started converting factories in 1936, but real production just started in 1938).
- You are right on the psychological, French view was bias because WW1 mainly occurs on France. The German view WW1 as an unfinished war since German soil was untouched and they found the armistice terrible (the occupied Saarland was an insult to a lot of German). German knew of casualties but it`s difficult to imagine what Vendun, for example looked like. Whereas the French were deeply traumatized by the war especially the Alsace-Lorraine with lunar land with forest that still hasn't regrowth 100 years after (chemical contamination) and nobody could think of second act.
Alliez, J & Antonelli, H. (1968). Battle dreams. Clinical and pathogenetic aspcets apropos of 2 cases, one of which was over a long period of time. Annales médico-psychologiques. 1. 505-38.
Jean, Lépine (1917) Troubles mentaux de Guerre. Masson et cie. ed., 248 p.
Hamilton JD, Workman RH Jr. Persistence of combat-related posttraumatic stress symptoms for 75
years. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 1998 Oct;11(4):763-768. DOI: 10.1023/a:1024449517730.
Minister Zech to State Secretary Weizsäcker, 19 February 1940, in Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945 (1954), Series D, Volume VIII, p. 785, quoted in Bradford, p. 434
Thomas, Martin (1996). Britain, France and Appeasement: Anglo-French Relations in the Popular Front Era. Washington: Berg Publishers. ISBN 978-1-85973-187-1.
Weber, Eugen (1994). The Hollow Years: France in the 1930s. New York: W.W. Norton. pp. 6-7. ISBN 978-0-393-03671-8.
Very good point about the germans thinking they didn't lose WW1. Clémenceau wanted to push the french army into the heart of Germany in 1918, it was realistic, the german army was exhausted, we saw more and more defections in their ranks, americans and english refused. Politically Clémenceau had to renounce even if he had the means to finish off the german army especially several thousands of Renault FT tanks.
Currently my Audio book on Audible is " The Collapse of The Third Republic " by William L. Shirer :). Great Job as always Mr.Pope!
8:18 the french had 110% of their own number of tanks but still lost
I recommend you read/listen to the audiobook Case Red. Excellent and thorough examination of the Benelux and French campaigns in 1940. You would be surprised at how wrong most historians are on the matter of French defeat in WW2.
Yep, the French generals attempted to fight World War 1 for the 2nd time, whereas the likes of Guderian and Rommel had long since moved on from that doctrine. If we could go back in time and show Guderian or Rommel the war plan that Schwarzkopf and his staff came up with for Desert Storm, they would have recognised it for what it was and would likely have approved. The WW2 French high command, not so much. French soldiers fought well and with honour but their leadership totally failed them.
Honor is a participation trophy in those circumstances; especially for french people
Problem of WW2 French command and national leaders was that they were pussies. As soon as Germans attacked Poland, French should have started attacking Germany, bombing raids, well, stuff like that. There were solid chances, German generals would just assassinate Hitler and sue for peace, claiming that "they were misunderstood".
But French leaders declared war and then gifted Germans basically a half year of preparations - insane term, if you think about this, when it comes for WW2 conditions.
@@mdokuch96 The French army simply did not have the offensive power to invade Rhineland. All the war strategy for decades was about waiting behind fortified lines.
In 1936, when German army reentered Rhine Western bank, French government asked the Army to study an invasion against a still really feeble german army. The answer was that the logistic could not follow.
@@gengis737 well, it is not like that work was given for outsourcing to Germans so I don't think they knew about this nuance. That's the point of political bluff.
Człowieku jesteś super. Dzięki za te filmy.👍
Thanks.God analysis of the issues. We know rehearsal is important for success. Germany as you point out ,had the experience of moving troops in Austria, Poland and the Rhine area.. not to mention the extensive exercises that had been performed. I suspect this is one of the things that helped the Germans leaders to understand much of mobile warfare and I suspect is something France (and the world) had little experience in .
Another great video! 🤘👏🔥
I just realized I learned more about history from bald bearded men on youtube than I did in public school.
no school teaches this kind of history. duh
@@gabrielsistonamoca6963 mine did in a world history class, I just never really absorbed any of the info
Interesting presentation.
8:26 44% + 66% = 110%. Judging by the results of 1940, the French were not operating with 110% of their forces.
Great video.
I would like to recomed the book from the french contemporain point of view: "The strange defeat" from Marc Bloch. Hugs!!!
Fikuw Totally agree, a great book from a great man.
An interesting was made a few years ago "L'impardonnable défaite" showing how Germany prepared the next war almost immediately while France procrastinated and put its trust in aged generals, fortified lines and blockade strategy.
I remember reading a history of the Battle of France, the historian stated there was only one phone from the front to Army HQ. In the middle of the Battle, the French decided to bring in a new Supreme Commander.... who happened to be in the Middle East and took two (2) days to arrive and in the meantime there was confusion as to whom was in charge. The average age of a French soldier was 28(?) and 19(?) for a German soldier....the mental states and marital obligations are vastly different. Lastly, an attack was not expected in the Ardennes and 3rd class French Infantry divisions were in the "quiet" sector.
Question: How true is the claim that there were lower birthrates in France in the interwar period and that that situation led the French High Command to adopt a defensive doctrine so they could better economize manpower?
One thing is true however. And that is that the fighting morale of the French army got toally destroyed in WW1 after all heavy losses. So after the failed Nivelle offensive the French solidiers began to launch a strike against their superiors. They loved their own country and would continue to fight for it, but they hated their incompetent officers and refused to participate in any more wasteful costly stupid meaningless offensives.
So from 1917 onwards was the French army incapable of offensive action and only capable of defence.
It's true. French had 1.3 million KIA in WW1 and this caused an overall drop of 3 million in population from 1914 to 1940. (44 million in 1914 versus 41 million in 1940)
@@nattygsbord French fighted hard until 1918
@@jameljay2183 The French army was only capable of defensive warfare after the strike.
Had the German army found out how bad morale was in the French army in 1917 and launched a major offensive against the French during the strike or shortly afterwards, then it would have been so brittle that it would have been smashed to pieces like a glass thrown against a concrete wall.
Oddly enough was the German intelligence so bad that it failed to notice this huge uproar. This could have been one of Germany's best chances of winning the war.
And for the French the lesson from this war was clear. It needed a strong defences because relying on bloody large scale offensives nearly broke the French army during the war.
And Germany's excellent defensive line in Belgium proved itself to be an obstacle the allies never overcome despite superior numbers and materials and many huge offensives.
The French trenches was very difficult to attack, and the British was even better defended with its two defensive lines.
But the best defended trenches on the western front was owned by the Germans who had a deep defence with 3 defensive lines, lots of barbed wire, machine gun nests and fortified machine gun nests made out of concrete, and bomb shelters. And since the Germans retreated into Belgium in 1914, they were the ones who also choose what terrain would be used for their defensive lines, so they also used the best terrain with all natural obstacles for their defensive line.
While the allies had to take what was given to them and dig trenches in terrain less suitable, and often resulted in their trenches being flooded with water that was coming from uphill.
So the French probably also took the lesson from the Germans that their defensive line could be a great defensive barrier almost impossible to break. The first world war became the bloodiest war in British history much because of it, and the offensive at Somme which failed despite bombardment of a million artillery shells and German army tied up at the eastern front.
Every 22 years or so every country that participated heavily in the second war sees their birth rates plummet. That's one reason why you see a lot of European countries open up to immigrants and refugees - to try to get out from the cycle.
Thank god. Finally captions
i was surprised the french had such a badass tank before they lost .
Well ı’m sure you talking about B-1 and S-35.That tanks were introduced in so small numbers when Germans attacked also most of that tanks didn’t have radios.
Because they were tougher then than they are now.
At the tactical level, some French units fought well, others did not. In either case, even divisional units did not have the big picture. At the upper most level, when the French finally realized that the force level of Ardennes thrust, they knew they did not have force to stop it, and a very large chunk of their forces would be cut off. If the French command had exuded determination to fight in spite of knowing the truth, maybe they would have lasted a little longer. A similar thing happened in WWI. When Ludendorff saw that the 1918 offensive failed, he realized they lost the war. Still, had he kept to himself, and the foreign minister, maybe they could have worked something out. But he said it openly, and the will to fight collapsed. Schörner and Zhukov were good in this regard of never showing weakness
Schoerner didn't show weakness. He dressed himself in civilian clothes and fled the field :-D
@@tomfu6210 Hey, Schoerner at least got to hang out in Prague, while Himmler was busy getting Swedish massages.
France and Britain would have had a much better chance by attacking Germany during the Polish Campaign..A two front war is very difficult to handle for Germany.
But they were more eager on "not losing" then on "winning"
The issue from a doctrinal level is that the French knew that their current doctrine was not going to work against blitzkreig, but had not formulated a new doctrine to counter this when the invasion began. Thus, French commanders instinctively fell back on their training.
Well they had a new one, they just didn t adopt it
they had a whole year to get ready
There's a lot of truth to the point about doctrine. When the Royal Tank regiment engaged in the counter-attack at Sedan it was really successful Tank to Tank. The problem was the severe limit to the number of tanks involved on the British side.
In my personal analysis, Gamelin could have strengthened Huntziger's 2nd Army on the Sedan-Namur-Dinant sector with the French Armoured Reserves ( which included Général Marie Germain Bruneau's 1st AD; Émile Bruché's 2nd AD; Louis Brocard's 3rd AD and Charles de Gaulle's 4th AD). In addition to the French Armoured Divisions, Gamelin also could've transferred some divisions of Prételat's 2nd Army Group. However, the bulk of Prételat's divisions remained on the Maginot Line. Altogether, Prételat's 2nd Army Group had 44 divisions available.
• From Général D'Armée Marie Condé's 3rd French Army, for exemple, Gamelin could have transferred Général Lucien's 6th ID; André Dody's 8th ID; Joseph de Verdilhac's 6th North African ID; Robert Petiet's 3rd Cavarly Div and/or Carles's 6th Colonial ID.
• From Général D'Armée Réquin's 4th Army ( also under Prételat's 2nd Army Group), in turn, the 1st Polish ID; Général Jean Baptiste Roux's 45th ID and/or Paul Arlabosse's 11th ID could have been transferred to the Ardennes sector.
• Général D'Armée Victor Bourret's 5th Army, on the other hand, had nine divisions available.
Nevertheless, Gamelin remained irreducible with his conviction that the Ardennes was "impénétrable" ( impenetrable).
In addition, French strategists should have realized the "Hannibalic" strategy carried out by the Germans. Manstein's plan was entirely based on the strategy carried out by Hannibal during the Battle of Cannae ( 216 BC).
• Bock's Army Group B, for exemple, had the same function of Hannibal's center formation at Cannae: lure the enemy into the trap. Just as Hannibal managed to lure Varro's troops by simply retreating his weak center ( whose goal was to close the siege in a tight V shaped semicircle), Army Group B also intended to lure the bulk of Billote's 1st Army Group.
Rundstedt's Army Group A, on the other hand, had the same function of Hannibal's heavy Carthaginian infantry and the Numidian-Iberian cavarly at Cannae: Close the siege and annihilate the enemy.
Nevertheless, Gamelin did not realize the German strategy and committed three fatal mistakes:
• 1) He kept the bulk of Billote's 1st Army Group in Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
• 2) He maintained two Armies Groups on the Maginot Line: Prételat's 2nd Army Group and Besson's 3rd Army Group.
• 3) He ignored the Ardennes, which he considered "impénétrable" ( impenetrable). The defense of the Ardennes, however, was carried out by one of the weakest armies of Billotte's 1st Army Group: Huntziger's 2nd Army.
Yuri Brito Personally, I put the blame largely on the shoulders of Gamelin. His insistance on using motorbikes instead of radio, his GHQ being well behind the lines outside of Paris, his lack of communication once the conflict started-and arguably his overcomplicated and inflexible command structure-and as you mentioned, his refusal to believe that large armoured units could pass through the Ardennes.
yes but if the 'french guderian ' flavigny has counterattacked with everything in his DCR on the 13th that coulkd have smashed the sedan area bridgeheads
Not sure that the army in Maginot Line were mobile enough to encounter german troops on unprepared positions.
@The Colonel Lack of fighting spirit was not always the problem, some units fought to the last man against overwhelming odds, while other collapsed. And errance of generalship disappeared when Gamelin was replaced by Weygand. "Porcupin" defence of villages and towns denied the german tanks advantage of mobility. Halas, no reserve was left to counter-attack, and the sky was german.
@@gengis737 The Germans didn't attack the Maginot Line except in a couple of places. It wasn't worth the effort.
Those holding capital realized collaboration with the customs of a foreign, albeit bordering, state was favorable to the destruction or seizure of their said capital
Good job! You got most of the reasons. Much faster communications. Total air supremacy. Weak defense of the Ardennes. No strategic reserve. And half the guns of Eben Emael did not fire. Oh and let's not forget Belgian neutrality since 1935.
You say that as if all those factors exist independently of each other. They don't. The reason ANY of those things are allowed to happen is that the nation as a whole was disinterested in protecting itself.
@@chuckschillingvideos It's hard to measure "the nation as a whole". I do not strongly disagree with you, but I do have some reservations. France was full of refugees many of them Jewish but not all, who joined the French military, correct? They were very interested.
Robert Young's, "In Command of France: French Foreign Policy and Military Planning, 1933-1940" makes a strong argument that Daladier and Georges Mandel were very interested in defending France. It is hard to say, that Leon Blum wasn't interested.
Weygand, Laval, Georges Bonnet... probably not so much. France in 1932-1940 is much like the U.S. in 1992-2020... in some state of "civic war". Why did France fight (effectively) in 1914 but not in 1871 or 1940?
Thanks for the thoughtful response and having an informed opinion. ; )
What's ironic about the Fall of France is that the Germans were doing precisely what Napoleon and Berthier had done to the Germans and everyone else during the Napoleonic Wars. Think the first Italian campaign or the Ulm campaign. If you show up before your enemy can react you will roll over him most of the time.
What I still don't understand is why the French weren't able to mobilize a strong offensive FOLLOWING the disaster at Sedan. A conventional, plodding but powerful advance against the German communications would have forced the Germans to pull back their panzer forces -- which were simply doing what cavalry had done for Napoleon.
New vid idea:
“Why did the Germans lose anyway?”
They had no chances.
I believe that they lost as soon as they decided to invade Russia. The german leaders in the XIX century always warned that Germany wouldn't be able to win a war in 2 fronts, and that was what happened. They should have thought in some other way to deal with Russia.
Terrible diplomacy. They made too many enemies.
Overconfidence, mostly. Also the moustache guy meddle too much to things he didn't understand
@@arya31ful you should check the video about Hitler in this channel... mustache man was actually a genius, in the words of Manstein