I remember few years back after my wife died, I was left alone with 3 kids. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with bipolar. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment changed my life for better. I can proudly say i'm totally clean for 4years and still counting. Always look to nature for solution to tough problems, Shrooms are phenomenal.
I love hearing great life changing stories like this. I want to become a mycologist because honestly mushrooms are the best form of medicine (most especially the psychedelic ones) There are so many people today used magic mushrooms to ween off of SSRI medication- its amazing! Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death buddy, lets be honest here.
Hey mates! Can you help with the source? I suffer severe anxiety, panic and depression and I usually take prescription medicine, but they don't always help. Where can I find those psilocybin mushrooms? I'm really interested in treating my mental health without Rxs. I live in Australia don't know much about these. I can't wait to get them too. Really need a reliable source. 🙏
I’m going thru it right now man it’s scary and awesome at the same time I’m a complete different person and I can see a lot of my flaws but it’s still kinda scary how I’m a completely different person
@@carolynrlee-mincey968 your are going through the scary pain phase , you’re spiritually growing right now , just stay grounded and present as much as you can . Start Meditating if you haven’t already . Start looking into philosophy and bettering yourself . Remember that this phase and state of mind you are in is only temporary and it will not last forever ! When I experienced this I was terrified for about a week because I was an atheist of sorts . But now I look back and I’m so happy it happened, it truly changed my life for the better and it was absolutely a defining time that I will remember forever ! Good luck to you
Oh please, define "enlightenment," because in reality, it means to learn, to become aware and educated. So this interchangeable wishy washy term can be applied to anything or anyone. You lot constantly try to objectively define it as some sort of state to achieve. I'm going to assume like most people roped into this hippy jargon that you attribute the word "enlightened" to being "spiritually awakened," which again, what on earth does that even mean. Point being, this man suffered a psychosis, and I'm sure he learned alot from his experience through introspection and retrospection (see, subjective learning/enlightenment), but you do not need substances to achieve these things.
I started to feel this alienation from the time I became aware of my Self, around four years old. I was taught to lose my true self from an early age. I went on to live almost forty years of my life totally lost. Nothing brought contentment. There were times I would quit the corporate life and seek out opportunities to work in communities. Then I'd go back. The nervous breakdown arrived, so named by various doctors, along with much touted medications and psychotherapy. I'm finding myself finally. I noticed what is understood as synchronicity, since forever! This video in August 2023 caused another realisation. I spent time with an old woman from our community, from about 4 years old to about 8 years old. No one spoke to her. Her family ignored her. She was spoken of as "not right in the head". Now I know why she was my friend. We had to move away as families in our community were relocated during the apartheid years. I got separated from my guide. Now the spirit of my late mother is my guide. Whoever read this to the end, thanks for bearing with me.
Hi, would you ever like to adquire a sci fi spiritual e-book about a world where animals have developed counciousness and sing psalms to the divinity? :)
Glad you took this perspective, maybe out of unavoidable experience but I wish good luck to you bro. Hope you see your guide again in this life or the next
A mentor be wonderful to have. This is such a beautiful experience. It is so powerful you cannot deny it. You never knew these feelings even existed. You feel a love you never felt before. You cannot hold it in. You feel like telling everybody awakening so they can have the same experience. This is when the rejection comes from friends and family as you share. You have absolutely nobody to share with that understands. You start to keep it bottled up to avoid the rejection. This can cause you to isolate. You wonder why nobody will even listen. Family may even become concerned about you. Then you may start to believe the lies. You think you are the one that is crazy. This can put you in a state of depression. Try not to label yourself. You are not the one that is crazy. It’s just that you are taking about something that doesn’t exist to the majority of the population. Before you awoke you would not have a understood either. For me personally, I picked up the Bible to seek answers. Particularly the New Testament speaks of 2 different minds. A carnal mind and a spiritual mind. It states that If you speak of spiritual things to a carnal mind they will think it is nonsense. Even Jesus himself only spoke of spiritual things to spiritual minds. Even Jesus family and friends thought he was crazy. Jesus spoke in parables which is basically a paraphrase using a different story to help a person understand what you are speaking of. The Bible let me know that I was not crazy.
@flowinglikethewater more about removing the false ego and false identity you take on the moment you wake up till the moment you fall asleep and even during dreams. awakening has very less to do with the outside world and the things and people in it.
Literally to the 1% who's reading this, God bless you, may all your dreams come true, may you be successful in all spheres of life, stay safe and have a wonderful day :)
The term 'psychotic' was termed labelling at college. It was one of the main complaints on the humanities course. The scenerio is some bod who did a coarse and got a job from it needs to cover itself if confronted with a consultation so it takes the safest decision for itself, just in case of a problem. The uneducated are notoriously credulouse of these terms according to the lectures "no discernment". I found in spite of those complaints the only people aware of them were those who did the course, and those who did those courses year after year and heared them appear to have done very little. Inoticed in the legal cases I was involved in, any evidence that contradicted a viewpoint, or claim was witheld from the parties they wanted to convince. I found those minature cameras and recording equipment very useful in backing up that observation in the paper I wrote.
meditation, becoming more present in your body and in your senses and in the world, doing physical things can be very helpful like exercising/doing chores, etc. Being in nature. Staying away from mind altering substances. Doing something creative like writing, dancing, painting. Focusing on connection and playing, but also the mundane responsibilities. Opening to new experiences, could be as simple as driving 40 minutes to somewhere new. I see connection as the antidote to psychosis. Really opening to others and seeing the good in them. I have experienced 4 psychedelic-induced psychosis experiences. I now do not alter my mind at all. It took awhile to feel safe in the world again, but these are things that helped me. When I was desperate I tried medication and it made it worse. Saffron extract made a huge difference! As well as vitamins. I also think getting stuck in the mental plane/our minds/our narratives can make things messy. Getting into the body is so important! And the heart :)
Seven years on since this was posted and it's still a good lesson. Disability only exists because a society is not equipped to deal with the differences and variety in humans.
Disabilities don't exist because of society.... They exists because of abnormalities that stunt a person's ability to survive... Do you think animals don't have disabilities? Because they get killed for them most times because they can not survive at some level of independence.
Society isn't equipped because society hasn't figured out how better to capitalize on spiritual crisis than pharmaceuticals, psychiatrists, and hospitals.
@@alexandrahenderson4368 There not abnormalities if they are widespread. These "anomalies" might making it challenging for some. The real question is why does the challenge exist for those? Secondly animals primary objective might be survival. Humans not so. Do animals commit suicide?
I WOKE UP around 1976, and it has only gotten stronger with the years. The funny thing is that I always thought that "being enlightened" would mean that people looked up to me for it, that I would make friends more easily, that I would be more popular. In fact, it turned out to be just the opposite, and many people resent me for being happy and lighthearted, some hate me on sight, and very few "get me." But it is worth it, because I feel that I have fulfilled my purpose in life, the reason I am here. Now I know what the 11th century Zen master and poet, Tilopa, meant when he wrote: "When you look for it, you cannot find it. When you find it, you can't get rid of it. When you do neither, it's right there."
I agree with 100% you saying. I feel like this too and ppl think your crazy. It can't be how can sounding intelligent and using your words be a bad thing? It's like all jealously
+W.J. Kelly Very true. that is why its important to find something your passionate about that you can dedicate your time too. " The thing that makes you exceptional, if you are at all, is inevitably that which must also make you lonely" -Lorraine Hansberry
I was hospitalized and held under the mental health act at the hospital I work at as an ER nurse because I had a massive spiritual awakening… they only held me for 4 days because they knew my “behaviour” was likely to not be permanent. I broke, my friends were worried, I was seeing life and everything for what it was and I looked like a massive conspiracy theorist, from my stand point in health care and spirituality/religion. I am part aboriginal and come from a very spiritual background and have had psychic (clairvoyant)abilities and experiences… Some of the psychiatric patients on the ward are some of the smartest people I ever met.
I had a similar experience a couple months ago. The beginning was rough 😭. Dark night of the soul is how I label it. I feel truly blessed to have gone and in many ways still going through it.
@snakybcaky I will also add if you choose to take the spiritual journey there is ABSOLUTELY no denying that there is a Creator because it is made perfectly clear that someone/something knows every single detail about you and your life at any age or point in your life. After my experience I couldn't not believe that there is a God/Creator if I wanted to because it's been proven to me at least there's a zero percent chance there isn't.
@@Ginger-u2ghello 🎉u speak my entire last 30 years currently maxed out on hormones and psych meds and very spiritual also but feeling this is my 5the and most powerful breakdown at 49 years old x I need help 😢😮
I can really empathize with this though my story is different I feel like I re-lived it when reading your comment. In 2016 I felt called by the Lord to do some film studies before embarking on screenwriting, which, from analysis and flashbacks, made me realize my husband shared all of the same qualities as my husband. There was a steady montage of moments of being equipped for filmmaking before I announced to him a desire to divorce and pursue filmmaking. I was thrown into a mental hospital and diagnosed bipolar to my detriment with child custody later on. The Dr was suspicious when I told him I feared the stress with my husband was causing short term memory Ioss and I was experiencing heart arrhythmia. What I needed was abuse recovering coaching but instead the Dr told me I was lucky to be so loved by my husband. I was presumed to be a conspiracy theorist after gushing about how impressed I was with the pre-story-research within Disney to my husband and him being the only one to communicate to the Dr before my diagnosis while I lost access to speech almost like a stroke. They kept me awake for several days in a row before this so I was also exceedingly tired and they labeled me manic for thinking I could make movies, manic for wanting divorce. Through many more perpetual and horrific betrayals and abuses by him, I eventually learned about covert narcissism/CPTSD and that itself took years to heal with, even while making the effort to grow and learn every day. It wasn't psychosis but adrenal fatigue and a rebirth moment, definitely spiritual, and 7 years later I am still on the track God switched me to. :) What is the sweetest part of your old self that you now appreciate but will never go back to?
I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar disorder because of my "spiritual connection to the universe" at 19 in 2000. I live in the religious South, where speaking of "energy", "connection" and "the universe" is crazy speak. I started meditating at age 5. I had always had a very emotional and physical connection to nature. Because of all this, I was put on medication for years. Now at age 35, trying to get off medication is making me physically ill. It's a lonely and scary experience here. I make art to try and explain the anguish, but again....the American south is afraid of the emotion behind it. I've longed for sisters and brothers that understand. The only way that I can connect through others is via social media and videos like this. I'm unsure of what to do or how to exist within this culture. It has led to severe depression and a constant feeling of being "homesick" for a world that is not our own....one that is beyond this one. Update for further explanation: I have seen therapists and psychiatrists for years since my “misdiagnosis” of Bipolar Disorder. All of my doctors after the year 2000 told me it was NOT bipolar. However, there’s nothing wrong with having Bipolar Disorder. The seroquel they put me on back when I was misdiagnosed became incredibly addictive as it’s now used for sleep and my body can’t get off of it. My point to my story was that someone with a high imagination and spiritual awareness and a creative heart and certain “gifts” can be misdiagnosed by aging conservative doctors who judge you by your tattoos and eccentricities. I’ve learned to find much better and younger doctors since then.
caseypromise move. there are many places that embrace your beliefs and nomenclature. finding a community where you feel accepted and can accept others is empowering. good luck to you.
bro i know how you feel, i recomend to you if is possible to move to canada ....or somwhere else...or you find your way where you are, i think this is also possible. and yes, check out eckhart tolle!
caseypromise please go back on your medication. believe me, I know the difficulties with coping with life. but it's something that we all need to do. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolar at the age of 16. my life was in turmoil. I'm 21 now and I've gained great knowledge of coping skills. and I can say with confidence that I am 100% more happier.
5 times in mental wards. I still speak my truth. The Dr's say your mad for seeing dead people when I see no disconnect between the dead and the living. We are living during the great awakening ❤
I was a former confident Atheist, now turned unexpected Spiritualist after my own Awakening. It's very difficult to discuss this, let alone explain it convincingly, with my science-minded friends. More and more of us are waking up. I'm glad knowledge about this is showing up more and more in our western society.
I had the same experience. Although I was indoctrinated into Christian faith as a baby and at the age of 23 I woke up one day realizing everything I thought I knew before was wrong. I went full blown atheist for awhile. But slowly over time I began to experience synchronicities/ miracles. I now consider myself spiritual with my own special relationship to the universe and my own love language. It’s amazing. I’ve never been happier and more at peace. The universe works in the most beautiful ways
I experienced peak of my awakening about 3 months ago. I thought that was it, the darkness, suicidal thoughts, inner agressesion and depression out. Didn't know what to do with myself, but I knew it's something else, something higher, can't explain it. Left my old friends, old hobbies everything. Was about month alone and than all of the sudden I felt/ see invisible light around me. Ever since I'm experiencing something else, miracle. New friends, new opportunities, miracles, visions. Absolute happiness and safety and love.
I struggled for years with a bipolar diagnosis and always even in childhood felt different even among friends like I didn’t feel like I felt in. My bipolar piqued at 35. About 6 months ago it’s like I was whacked on the head with an awakening and it made sense. Bipolar made sense. Modern medicine doesn’t understand spirituality but between that and anxiety, because I’m spiritual and a November scorpio I was hyper sensitive to energy, emotions, intuition, premonition dreams, lucid dreams, synchronicities, I didn’t know anyone then into spirituality and I realized recently it’s because I’ve always had these strange phenomenons, feeling every emotion to the 10th power and didn’t understand what it was and how to channel it and it overwhelmed me. What I despised bitterly as a cross to bear was a cloaked gift I resonate with now. And I’ve had inner peace like never before. We aren’t mentally ill. We have the gift of super sensory perception and it’s scary until you realize what it is.
I have bipolar disorder too and I was hospitalized multiple times it started in my teens. I’m 21 now and I’ve been stable for a while on medication but recently in the morning I’ve been having these weird experiences. The first time it happened I was waking up from sleep and I heard a voice saying wake up to true reality then I felt energy surge through my body and my eyes closed, I saw a vision of an old man in a hospital bed who I assumed was in a coma. The second time this happened I can’t remember what the voice said but the vision was my mom mad at me for not taking my medication and she was holding up a ziplock bag of what appeared to be edibles. I tried opening my eyes during that vision but they wanted to stay closed. I don’t know what’s happening but I’ve never heard voices before. I really don’t want to end up homeless. Do you know what could be going on?
@@bonchickenfry1595 Please speak to your doctor or therapist about this, or in the least your trusted person/people in your life. It is good to always let them know any changes you experience, just in case it begins to turn into something you don't feel quite in control of. If you're worried about homelessness, its a good idea to keep regular contact with health professionals - they can link you in with support and housing services. It's much, much easier to access these services if you're already seeing a doctor regularly. No matter how we perceive these things we experience, whether they're spiritual or medical or anything else, we should access every avenue of support we can in this life, because we all deserve it. I wish you the very best of luck.
I am also bipolar and a November Scorpio. I started to have a spiritual awakening then it went too far into a crisis was hospitalized for 11 days still on medication but I just want to access my gifts
You probably have bpd as well, along with magical thinking which may trigger both of the disorders. You’ll get significantly better if you get rid of those beliefs actually… It’s not about spirituality it’s about sanity.
"You are mad, we are drugging/locking you up to protect you and all of us!" vs "You are perhaps more sensitive[alive] than we are! Lets mentor you so you can help us see!" - we can choose!
I think the rise in mental illness might be the universe's way of helping us understand more. We need more people that can be the light and enlighten others.
Are you serious????? the rise of Mental illness is due to the fact that for the first time in history we have reached the period of time that Jesus Christ told there would be a mass turning away from all things good, an APOSTASY would happen before he returns and he is at the door now..... this is why so many people are nut jobs and depressed. The universe is not a being to give or take anything.
@@sevenswords8781 the apostasy happened because of the church. They walked a few steps away from Catholicism and then fully embraced the Catholic Church's teaching and practices. But go ahead and continue beating people on the head with it
yes! its like our whole planet is going thru a spiritual awakening brought on by covid. We are being given an opportunity to grow together and heal as a collective
@@Aiyanaandel 💚2001 woke me up!Because the virus has reached all 4 corners of the planet, I feel it's at an even higher frequency than that. And there's no visible enemy to blame. Putting us all in the same boat. 😬. Sending you Light and Love! 💜🙏
@@chrisgraham1369 I was going through deep depression. I was smoking weed heavily and taking shrooms. A friend introduced me to mdma since she knew what I was going through. It helped me socialize at parties but I began to see synchronicity all around me and began to show signs of schizophrenia. My dad called the cops on me since he didnt know what I was going through and they took me to the hospital. I was in involuntary treatment for 2 weeks where I was prescribed Abilify and they performed cranial electrotherapy stimulation. I stopped taking Abilify a few weeks after since it was drug induced psychosis.
@@akwardsiIence What has helped me has been eating a regular and cleaner diet, exercising, writing down my emotions throughout the day and mostly being in contact with very down to earth people often with me it’s my husband and in laws. We are very sensitive beings and we have to accept this and do our best to be as balanced as possible between all elements earth(Our bodies, our support and abilities to set firm boundaries), water(Our emotions and how we connect through feelings), fire(How we assert ourselves and go after what we desire), air(How we communicate and express ourselves within our own thoughts and without through our words.
@@ShadaeBalancesKnightAstro I agree, eating properly has helped me a lot, along with quitting smoking weed and cigarettes. I had a rough childhood and I probably messed up my microbiome back then. Changing my mindset looking into spirituality, the Law of One, setting boundaries and leaving toxic people behind have helped as well. Thank you for your insight.
I taught emotionally disturbed teens for 28 years and I'm willing to bet almost all have empathic abilities and were going through Spiritual Awakening.
I have worked in the disability sector and children who have emotional needs for over 20 years also and I don't know what your talking about? where is your research or evidence?
Well, spiritual awakenings and empathy have been part of human experience ever since we started being able to form models of the thoughts and feelings of others and recognize that we were part of a much larger world that could even be greater than our capacity for understanding. However, few people in my life considered my Disturbed Emoting as anything spiritual, awakened or empathetic. Those people who saw my potential for empathy and awakening and encouraged me were the ones who helped.
@@sevenswords8781 is working with people with disabilities the same as working with teens who are emotionally disturbed? Seems like a completely different playing field
@@llJeshooinessll Disabilities is a very big field with mild to severe or mental and physical. Teens who are emotionally disturbed as you say are on self destruct with many emotional issues.. both are challenging and rewarding. both fields over lap a lot in behaviours and challenges.
SEVEN SWORDS You yourself in another comment thread have said that the cause is because of the straying from Jesus. Where is your research or evidence for that? Seems you're projecting your BELIEFS just as much as our friend here. And I believe they are one and the same. I think most spiritualists would say that the cause of the rise of mental illness is due to society finding more value in raw numbers and statistics and facts over believing in a higher power. Same is true with religious folks they'd claim that this surge of mental illness is caused by the atheistic movement and nihilism moving people away from a form of beliefs and values that they derive from their religion to a society centered around facts that are observable. Don't be so harsh on others beliefs because the root issue isn't that we aren't following a specific belief, it's that we aren't following any belief at all. Please try to not be offended by this comment as I'm just trying to show that we all have a similar view on mental illness and it's pervasiveness as well as what causes it, and that our solutions while different in the end "higher power" being different still stem from the same idea of having belief in something that cannot be proven with statistics or research. You don't see the hand of God at work but you still know it's there despite it not being measurable and my own belief has a similar view I have no way of proving mine is any more "real" than yours but I believe it within myself and that is something much greater than cold hard facts could provide me.
Always good to know I’m not “crazy” alone. I write, privately. I don’t wish for anyone to take me seriously anymore. When I did try to talk about what I’m feeling spiritually, people get uncomfortable, and quickly change the subject. When I did try to share my writings, they just ignore me. But … all is well … it’s personal, and I fully accept this.
you can always do so on tumblr. there are communities dedicated to spirituality and withcraft and the occult. you won't be judged there since others share the same things
Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction.imagine carrving heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone.Believe it or not in a couple years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues
I made researches and found out that shrooms are very helpful , it has really helped to reduce anxiety and depression and some other mental health issues..i would love to try magic mushrooms but they are hard to source!
Please does anyone know where I can get them? I put so much on my plate and it really affects my stress and anxiety level .I would love to try to shrooms.
I live in Michigan….suffering for awhile now but didnt realize how serious I may have it until recently - probably bc of @self medicating” with alcohol
@@headscrewoff5674 I asked some that once. They had benn prescribed anti depressants, but were not taking them them, because they did not need them, but there were some downers prescribed with it 'amies'. Amatrypaline, or something like it. I know some one else on them. Their friends keep asking for the amies. I tried some. You get a good sleep off them.
My brother was a paranoid schizophrenic and he heard things and he knew things that others didn't. Many thought he was crazy. But I know with all my heart he wasn't crazy at all he just knew too much and couldn't comprehend it all. He took his life at 27 years old. What a tragedy. I believe trauma in our childhood affected us in many ways. I am a highly sensitive person and I sense energies, vibes and feelings of other people. I'm also an empathetic introvert. When I was 32 I tried DXM and it opened up my mind like never before. It blew me away. It's a hallucinogen. Everything clicked and made sense at the moment.
I also tried dxm , a dissociative. And I felt as if everything was connected and everything was gonna be ok, same with acid. It showed me the most profound things I have ever experienced in my life.
"“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” - Alan Watts
Had my awakening at 29 I just turned 32 a few weeks ago it’s been so crazy it’s been painful and healing at the same time so grateful . Trying to learn everything I can
if you can get through the process, it is a very beautiful thing. the experience is actually quite painful because it is triggered by the most traumatic experience to your being, and yes, it feels like going into psychosis - even death. a lot of people don't make it and leads to some form of permanent mental health disability. it is heavy, heavy stuff. sufficed to say, a lot of people are asleep and have no clue what real living is or means. i don't connect with a lot of people now because i don't identify with my former self, and trying to find soulful connections can be difficult. having a spiritual based conversation with most people may land you in the hospital formed or they just think you are totally off your rocker. and yes, my abilities are more fine-tuned and sharper than ever. everyday i am a work in progress to learn more about myself and the universe.
Bluedragonfly yes it's usually through severe trauma we awaken to who we are. Thanks for reminding me how much strength it took to come out the other side.
What process are you referring to-- the process of self realization? What was your circumstance? ps- "a lot of people are asleep..."-- why is this the case? Do you think we are ulitimately here to awaken?
@@Oni-One self-realization is a psychological term. Being asleep simply refer's to going through life on auto pilot. Living in the Matrix. Never realizing that you're a spiritual being. Never realizing that every human, & every living thing is part of a collective conscious, call it Universal Life Force, God, etc. We aren't separate, we are one. When we hurt others, we hurt ourselves, because it's the same. It's the death of the ego, the attachment to the material world, & awakening to the fact we are spiritual beings living in a (false) material existence. When most people "wake up" they realize this. Since we live in a materialistic world, largely self-absorbed to narcissistic personalities, most people never "awaken" to a level of higher consciousness, which often comes with psychic gifts that we all possess being awoken. Most of these spiritual awakening's take place after a great deal of trauma, whether at any age in the Western culture (where you will be derided because of Western culture's emphasis on materialism over anything truly spiritual) or at a very young age in the cultures he spoke about in the video, where they place value on these gifts. For example, I'm a psychologist & after many traumatic events, I started hearing & seeing my first boyfriend & best friend....after he was killed. Obviously I don't tell my co-workers this, I would lose my job. I don't hear random voices or have any paranoia, & being accompanied by a spiritual awakening I can rule out schizophrenia. I'm also psychic & always have been. I predicted Katrina, but mostly regarding people before I meet them & places I've nevee been in great detail in dreams. I keep a dream diary, so even skeptical people can't deny I'm psychic. I also dreamed the death of my boyfriend at least 10 times, which got more & more specific over time & his manner of death was most unusual Gifts like what he was talking about in the video, other cultures value. These gifts can range from mild psychic abilities to very powerful ones. I hope that answered your questions, I know you asked someone else. 😘
reading a book we surrender to the story. When hearing a song we surrender. Our emotions follow the story. We , most of the world , are head less chickens. running around. We do not percieve ourselfs as headless . Frasing it like that is a headless phrasing. It's just going for the obvious, the general. It is the opposite of taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture and ending up with bigger consciousness of what is going on. That is not mainstream.
After 12 years of abuse, neglect, rejection, isolation, being harrassed, emotionally blackmailed, physically assaulted, I finally just broke. And it's been a liberation in the truest sense of the word. It released me from the material world and catapulted me into the internal world. And I've never looked back.
Mine happened after two decades of abuse, racism, social rejection, emotional abuse, when- I was intentionally abused by a mentor and scapegoated by an entire class. I broke. I was in too much pain. They promised to take it away. Don’t let anyone make you these promises.
That whole entire experience was a brutal and honest way to learn how to Love yourself first And you're right, for that, its the most powerful and liberating feeling once you surrender and let go
Thank you so much. I actually cried. I had synchronisites happen faster and faster to the point where I became terrified wishing it would stop and wondering if it was all in my head. I ended up hospitalised, diagnosed with bipolar, and put on massive doses of drugs that made me so ill. My memories of the synchronisation and how everything played out is now repressed and fragmented but I'm trying to get them back. Honestly... today I was wondering if I really am crazy, but got the urge to search for "psychosis spirituality" and found this video. I felt such shame and embarrassment for my ramblings while having a spiritual emergency, and now I finally feel validated. Thank you
Ground yourself. Differentiate whats provable and whats not. Just trust yourself. No medication. Nature. Animals. Stillness. Listen to Jiddu Krishnamurti. Learn how to think and talk with yourself. Ground. Be gentle. No hurry. No illusions. You got it all inside. Be alone and take your time.
Lozz, let me guess, you are a very sensitive person and what is commonly called an empath. Tell me if I am wrong please but I think I am close. No need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Even so, all the best in your journey.
When he mentioned the two women, one about to return to the spirit world and one just coming from the spirit world it hit me - 🤯 that’s why I’ve always been drawn to young children, the elderly, and those with special needs. They’re closest to the spirit world!
@@ComplyAndDie87 that’s so amazing you see it and see her that way! I am 30 and recently discovered I am on the spectrum and I have always had such a connection to “the beyond” and to spirituality. I have been researching the connection between autism and spirituality and shamanism now.
Well, I am.old but idk about us being closer as much as we are aware of our limited use of energy. .So we use our energy coupons of the day with Opportunity more discretion and appears like pensive wisdom or we are use having a brain fart because our memory is shot!
God got me thru mine. I thought I was having a mental breakdown at first. I was blessed to have the necessary time and space to work out what was happening to me. I feel for those who have gone thru an awakening and are marked off as mentally ill. It feels good to know that I'm not alone on this journey.
Exactly it's about connecting with God and not the universe like the guy who had psychosis here said, this TED talker calls it a spiritual emergency when in fact it's getting attacked by demons.
Same for me. I was really not in a good place mentally and then these thoughts started popping in my head. "Reflections of the Divine. You are brave, strong, courageous, steadfast, loving, kind, intelligent, diligent, empathetic...." and on and on it went. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote Reflections of the Divine at the top and then began writing all of the positive words that were coming to me. Now, I think I have 9 pages stored away somewhere, it's been years. It really helped me to stay grounded and the way the words were coming to me, even though it was in my own voice, it felt like someone or something else was pushing them into my mind. All glory be to God. ♾❤
"the mental-health’ industry was not established to support people, but to individualize and medicalize the social misery created by capitalist rule.” Susan Rosenthal (2019). Rebel Minds
“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.” ― Joseph Campbell, Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research
It is very true... there is a huge difference between someone who has truly awakened to the infinite present moment and someone who has not and continually experiences delusions and thinks they are enlightened... Delusions and hallucinations do not mean someone is enlightened. This is no game. There is a huge difference. I am an experienced Buddhist practitioner who has studied many other religions as well and I have met true enlightened masters and delusional schizophrenics. There is a huge difference. I have a sad story actually about a schizophrenic who came to the Buddhist monastery I mainly practice at, he thought he was enlightened (he wasn't) and then he went home and decided to set himself on fire outside of his parents house. We had a memorial service for him. They are not the same. This saying holds true.
@@galenighting9150 sounds like a failure on your part. Case in point. Religion will never help you, anyone who is having an awakening, do NOT talk to a church. EVER
Even I heard voices and other sounds since childhood and I always thought I'm shizophrenic. I wasted 10 years of my life before finding out I can actually hear spirits. I am clairaudient. Now I'm a past life therapist and reiki therapist. Thanks to the universe I've never been happier and I got everything I ever wanted (not materialistic).
Takes a lot of courage and confidence to know that what you're experiencing isn't just imaginary! Past lives are fascinating, especially if you meet people from the past and remember the same events... sounds absurd to talk about sometimes, but you know what those fragmented memories are once you put them in context.
I had a very similar experience, I went to multiple psychologists and psychiatrists to find some sort of diagnosis, realized that when things started to happen it was because I was in a more "fragile" or thin state of mind where I was simply existing and not thinking about anything particular, it was in that state that i would see those who are no longer here in their human form of flesh and body, but still here in soul, bound by atherial ties or just lost in their travels to another destination. Its extremely difficult to go to a consultation with a medical professional and explain to them that you're seeing "shadow people" without fear of the possibility of getting put somewhere where you dont want to go nor want to be. I recently saw a clairvoyant and throughout her entire first session she was picking up on my presence, we had a great talk when it was my time. A lot of great, soul soothing advice was given to me, i went from thinking i was going crazy or losing my mind to being at ease and gaining an understanding of what it was i needed to do.
The next step is creating a place for the broken to learn self healing without attaching religion or selling them a cure or pill. The true enlightened understanding that everything you need is already within, it just takes time, experience, and a foundation to overcome. Once you overcome, you begin to shine your light on others. This high-level thinking causes a chain reaction where we are all lifting each other up with our own foundations strong. Stop letting doctors, religions, mediums, or your mom tell you you're broken. You are not broken. You are human. You are ok. ✌❤🌅
the problem with enlightment is that it's a road map to the higher states of consciousness, it's missing exploration and mastery of the lower ones. It will show you how everything is connected, but shadow work, psychology, neuroscience, and empathy, will show you how these systems clash with each other. You need both, or you're asleep.
Amen!!.. antidepressants serve to numb us out rather than process through our precious feelings...a big medically induced U-turn away from the very raw healing that only comes from.feeling our emotions out right!!
sure if you o to those hibby jibby wannabe freud schol psychietrists... i know many people who'se lifes were saved by one.... dont throw them all in the same can dude there are very good psychietrists out there that will know your problems better than u know them yoursef after just a session
some psychiatrist understand that pills just mask effects and eventually cause dependence and more illness. some will talk and listen and help someone the right way. the sad thing though is those psyciatrist are far and few between. most just fill out a prescription to get bonus money from pharma, ultimately destroying the mental health of someone in need even further... its a very dark area/ industry
I went through a lot of this. I dropped out in high school because I couldn't handle it anymore. I had depression, anxiety, and only found my comfort alone. I hated seeing psychologists and didn't take any medication. I lost all my good friends and ended up moving states. I was alone for a few months, just taking long walks and trying to find myself again. Now I'm in a 4 year university with a 4.0 GPA and feel like I'm truly understanding myself a lot better. I was always really intuitive when I was younger, even able to somehow predict things right before they happen. It doesn't happen that way anymore, but I still am always to feel and understand a person's energy before they even speak. I call out people who I don't trust only for them to reveal themselves later in friend groups. I feel like my life could've gone a whole lot differently if only I got the help I needed when I was younger.
@@tacobelle69 True, but I don’t think knowing the answer would help us. Everyone is different. The long walks and inner searching are probably universally helpful, but the rest will come from the inside. Peace.
Praise God you found your way. And just think - the bliss you feel now wouldn't feel so amazing had you not experienced the polar opposite of it. Blessings to you on your journey 🙏🏾
As an atheist with empathetic and intuitive abilities, I salute and believe in you for upward success🙂. Spiritual awoke and learned that I am a lightworker and healer.
this was so validating, i am crying. i experienced deep knowings since the age of 4 and at 13 had what ill refer to as a philosophical awakening. i was subsequently diagnosed with anything they could think of...adhd, bipolar, schizophrenia, ocd, and heavily force-medicated, 10+ pharmeceuticals at once. then they (parents, institutions) continued to blame me for my "issues". i am 33 now and have been fortunate to carve out a happyish slice of life despite cptsd. i am beyond grateful i followed my intuition once i was able to get away from the clutches of authority labeling me as sick. i was blessed in my decision making that came from a deep mysterious place that to society in the usa would appear erratic and unstable. my lifelong desire has been to create a new reality of living in reality and helping others with this and their own journeys. now that i have processed and understood what really happened to me in talk therapy, i am overwhelmed with gratitude for my position in life--having a large plot of land in the forest on which i create this reality and having healed my own trauma so i can actually help others and invite those who are ready to cocreate this place, instead of spinning my wheels trying to help the unhelpable while they drain resources, especially my energy, because i am trying to heal those who arent ready instead of healing myself. i know there are lots of us like me out there, we are not alone, nor "special". this is a humbling existence
Always found it interesting that people in the western world who are diagnosed with schizophrenia experience mean, cruel voices but in south America and other parts of the world experience calm, soothing, reassuring voices.
Mainly because there’s so much stuff that can put your mind in the wrong place up here, when I meditate I begin to hear voices and they alarm me for sure cuz I don’t understand it but they are giving me advice and things like that but if I start to think the wrong way then it can go very wrong for me
1998 I had a psychotic episode. I was so ashamed. I had been so stable and logical. I never missed a day of work for 12 years and suddenly I had no job and lost my fiancé and ended up at my parents house. I couldn’t sleep for days and paced the floors all night like a caged animal. How can I fix myself or the past? Thinking, thinking, thinking, like a brain on nitro. My parents were so worried. I hid all day long in my room in shame. Then one night after weeks of wracking my brain I knew what I had to do. I had to give of myself. It’s the only thing I had left. I had no ego, money or anything left. I let go of all resentments, judgements, and hate. I became completely unselfish. I started helping anyone I could. Within weeks I had a new love for people and in turn I felt light on my feet and had love for myself that I never had. Synchronicity started to happen and amazing blessings I never had received before. I was basically atheist but the things that happened when I became completely unselfish and held no judgements or anger was amazing. I have to believe now that there is something going on that we can’t see. I now have 4 businesses, 29 employees, and an amazing relationship. And somehow it was easy. Before my transformation it was impossible. This Ted Talk resonates so deeply with me. Just remember, Love IS unselfish. And no one is a failure if you are helping people and making the world better, even if it’s a simple compliment. Cleanse the soul of anger and division. Anger at people is a toxin to oneself and doesn’t change the other people. If you are depressed just stop worrying about self and help others and forgive everyone. I promise magic will happen.
I’ve been on a Spiritual journey for a year. I had a massive awakening in late 2021, and let me tell you, we are all devine and we are all one. Individuated aspects of the one and only thing in existence ❤️love yourself, which in turn others will feel your love. All life matters
@@lainawaina9972 your perspectives broaden. You listen more than you speak because sometimes it feels like people don't even understand anything you say or believe you. You pass through this journey letting go off pride and ego , but being humble and having patience. Being able to tolerate people very well and understanding their perspectives.
@@mylegispotatodepending on the person and the particular stage they are in when it comes to their life, psychedelics could be seen as taking a short cut or the back door in the house of spirituality. Could also be used to enhance the experience
Same.. I’m like Adam in the video went too far.. the meds I was on at the time wasn’t a good thing either. I came off them immediately .. I had anxiety bad for months my anxiety is getting better.. now finally over a year later and I’m in a better place than I was..
Still working on being healthier.. I truly feel it won’t come back.. it’s been a year and half and I’ve been fine just anxious a lot. But we can’t give up keep going forward and try to find what you love and just do it. Focus on you 🙂
I thought I had my big spiritual awakening a few years ago but recently I’ve experienced things that if I told people they would say you’re insane. I’ve been learning how to have out of body experiences and astral travel. It’s crazy and beautiful. This life is so much more than the reality we see and feel. Everything is one and connected and beautiful. I wish I could meet other people who know these things around my area. One love to everyone!
Oh my god no please share more! I recently mixed a lot of psychedelics together and it caused me to see and feel some thing that really traumatized me so I went through psychosis. One part of my psychosis was being afraid to die because before then I was kind of like an atheist. And then I got into some sort of African spirituality and I noticed that I’ve always had this with an median tire time. I would love to hear about your astral projection if you feel like sharing.
I had an experience where I was completely love. No judjement. No worries. No hopelessness. No pain. No anger. No thoughts. In a complete world where only love existed. But it only lasted 3 days. I feel it coming and going. I hope that it stays with me forever.
@@swimmingmintinyoutub Meditation & the discipline to keep working on it. You can't stop after you feel better. It takes daily work, even if it's just 10 mins a few times a day.
Went through a dark knight of the soul since 2018. Covid pandemic gave me a lot of space to heal. Definitely a lot of people going through this right now.
Me too and still going through it. It's taking a long time 🙄 I knew I had stuff to deal with but not this much 😅 Covid lockdown barely effected me as I was already in hermit mode. I was happy just as long as I could walk in nature & I could 🙏
@@Nana2_5 Seemingly endless waking up to the truth, ie. My personal wellbeing is the least of Governmental concern, humans are suffering major mental illness due to disconnection & consequent destruction of Mother Nature whilst also having flashbacks to who abused me in childhood & beyond! Other than that, life's pretty cool, lol 🙄 Seriously though, I'm powering up, becoming my true self & I hope you are too 💪🏻
This has happen to me. I truly thought i was going insane, and that i would be hospitalized. I finally learned to just let go and let this process run its course....... as far as hallucinations and "spirits" Its all what you choose to believe. That is how powerful your mind is. My thoughts would manifest in an instant to my reality. I Think this process is going from the external world, to Internal (self-reflection, interpersonal intelligence. ) and that transition can make the mind confuse, panic mode, to Psychosis. Let the process pass, and you will be forever grateful for this new journey.
this was explained perfectly. i too am living this gift and it makes the everyday life so much more.... every thing you ever wanted can be manifested using your mind. it can be destructive if you panic. It can be rewarding if pay attention. But Once you are enlightened, miracles will follow. Its whatever you want it to be. I personally believe the more open minded you are the more likely you are to see the unbelievable. Its best to keep what you know to yourself. its unfathomable to your closest family members and friends. So don't bother trying to tell anybody what your thinking about it...... you could end up isolating yourself in a pysch ward. When their is nothing at all "wrong with you". its a gift
Turns out you have been living your whole life in a medical tank and all of us are just random programs created to stimulate your mind as your body heals. Wake up!!
@@caseycushing6124 accidentally was happy and the family decided the best thing to do was to send me to NA.... btw never go to NA.... you'll take in the emotions of those around you and pull people's masks off for the next few weeks working the energy out
I resonated with all of this. Been going through the rebirthing process after the dark night of the soul and have been expanding my consciousness for the last 3 years and it’s been indescribable.
3 years for me as well. The whole process is really 17 years running. However, the last 3.5 have been a whole new level. Taxing and trying but it’s definitely a metamorphosis into a whole new way of being. God speed to both of us as we break on through to the other side ✨
I'm in the middle of a spiritual awakening right now and have been for the past year and a half the more I learn the more excited I get, the more at peace I get with the world and everything going on in it. Everything is as it should be, although we cannot understand, we need to have faith.
Thanks I needed to hear this. It’s so confusing especially if you were an unbeliever. My guides literally saved me from a potential murder I was in a relationship with. They screened in my ears to get up and ran. And it happened this guy threatened to kill me. He was the sweetest guy so I thought I was delusional but it turned out my spirits were right and I wasn’t delusional
@@gloriouslyaestheticamen glory and praise to the father lord of might Praise and glory to the son redeemer bright Praise and glory to the holy spirit source of holy light Peace be with you
I went through this. Everything connects. I connect to everything. Everything is everything. Everything is love. Awakening. It’s sour, then it’s sweet😊
I survived my drug abuse. After staying up for 5 days with no sleep whatsoever I saw things that I couldn’t explain. I saw people who weren’t actually there. I heard things that the human ear or others couldn’t hear, and I drove myself crazy and ended up behind bars and detoxed in jail. I don’t know how I allowed myself to become that person and get so bad but I’m still here and Im finally getting myself back together .
I love this Ted Talk. This talk helped me come to terms that I wasnt crazy and that I was simply going through an awakening. Thank you Phil. From England with love.
My first experience of this was like my mind was empty and I was scrambling for the mind pattern of which I was used to. It was like I literally lost my mind which is what actually happened in that moment.
Hi. When the awakening started, did you have a choice to make it stop? Did you feel like something scary was about to take place and you had to choose between embracing it or making it stop, or was it all outside of your control?
My ‘mental illness’ started when I was 12, I’ve had all these experiences and was diagnosed with multiple illnesses and no medication worked. (They should have worked if I did have those illnesses) I have been told by several ppl I have a gift and I hope to dive into spirituality more. I believe the universe is giving me signs and I always have had a strong need to share this gift to help others.
Lao Tzu xanax, what a fucking drug. used to be my drug of choice, every day i would pop pill after pill after pill. eventually i decided one day to never touch that shit again. joined martial arts and stayed clean until 1 year later i discovered codeine, dropped out of martial arts and chose to get high. I have a mental disorder, i have been psychotic before in my life and its a very destabilising experience, I've been on meds for about 1 year now, antipsychotics, and it feels just as weird. psychosis never leaves the person the same because there is a shift in the logical approach to life. once you lose touch with reality and eventually come back you realise everything is just a state of mind. chemistry in the brain is responsible for what you experience, therefore are we really sure that we actually are ourselves, or is it all just an illusion? that is the question.
The K-dog Even if it's all an illusion that is produced by the chemicals in our brains; those chemicals are there naturally; the ability to shift them is there naturally; these are things we can do; things we are supposed to do? Our understanding of consciousness is very small and therefore everything that is different or unusual about our consciousness scares the shit out of most people. But that's just our fear of the unknown. Ofcourse our society isn't made to support that change in someone's counsciousness(yet), rather call it a psychiatric disease. But that is a problem that doesn't lie within our selves, one we shouldn't blame ourselves for. What I'm trying to say is; the illusion is real; the ability to change the form and nature of that illusion is also real. Tho psychosis is a very serious experience, I believe in most cases it's only as frightening because of how we as a society look at them and act towards them. If the change; the detachment from what we now call 'reality' (a very narrow meaning at the moment) was supported and ackknowledged as something beautifull; I believe we could learn a lot of things and even turn the psychotic experience into a more gentle shift.
Christiaan Zach " the illusion is real; the ability to change the form and nature of that illusion is also real" - very significant perception. Thank you
"A shaman is someone who swims in the same ocean as the schizophrenic, but the shaman has thousands and thousands of years of sanctioned technique and tradition to draw upon. In a traditional society, if you exhibited “schizophrenic” tendencies, you are immediately drawn out of the pack and put under the care and tutelage of master shamans. You are told: “You are special. Your abilities are very central to the health of our society. You will cure. You will prophesy. You will guide our society in its most fundamental decisions.” Contrast this with what a person exhibiting schizophrenic activity in our society is told. They’re told: “You don’t fit in. You are becoming a problem. You don’t pull your own weight. You are not of equal worth to the rest of us. You are sick. You have to go to the hospital. You have to be locked up.” - You are on a par with prisoners and lost dogs in our society. So that treatment of schizophrenia makes it incurable." - Terrance McKenna
Demon Posessed our nervous system is where we experience and store pattern information from past experiences. If there is trauma to the nervous system (which is incredibly common in this day and age) not only will our bodies begin to fall into dis-ease but our conscious experience would be understandably altered. (Our consciousness is constantly being altered by the input received through our nervous system) There's a good book called Waking the Tiger about studies on different mammals and how they cope and are affected by a perceived traumatic event and it's effect on their nervous system. Another interesting book on that topic is one by Dr. Joe Dispenza called You Are The Placebo. It's pretty science heavy but there's a good story about his personal experiences with playing with his own bodily and spacial temporal consciousness and falling into a state of timeless archival consciousness. 😊
i worked in this field, those coming outta snaske pits. first u must make sure the staff is not insane. they were valued members and it looks as though evidence is that early man took care of the aged and infirm.
I always wondered if schizophrenics weren't actually mentally Ill, rather that they are somehow more connected to higher planes of consciousness. Perhaps for them, the veil is much thinner. I'm very curious how psychedelics like Psilocybin and DMT might affect someone with schizophrenia. I personally believe that those particular psychedelics sort of lifts the veil and at the right doses the experiences are spiritual in nature. I was an atheist until I had a life-changing spiritual experience on psychedelics.
There are so many ways to trigger altered states of consciousness,! It’s a wonder that society as we know it has been so effective in ‘breaking’ people so thoroughly that most are blocked from understanding why altered states are so important a part of life...like breathing. But that’s where we’re at...at a time when extraordinary numbers per population are experiencing expanded awareness in one form or another...yet to have our systems keep trying to cover it up, make it ‘go away’....but, like with wastes, there is no ‘away’...it’d be perhaps, more productive to openly acknowledge it, encourage it, and allow the many needed paradigm shifts to happen, instead of constantly forcing ‘business as usual”.
I love this thank you. What an amazing lifetime, out there in the field meeting and talking to amazing people. So much repect. The human race is trying to wake up that's for sure.
Helge Vig Helge - look at my videos in my 'favorites' folder under the folder name BEAUTIFUL. I think you will really really like all those videos. I put in that folder all the best and most beautiful spiritual videos on the net there in that folder. I think you will like it. You should check them out. :) Cheers and God Bless. :)
It happened to me at the beginning of 2017. My rational mind split and it was scary and confusing. What followed was a profound understanding of who we are and why we are here.
Carl Jung on intuitive introverts. We can condition our minds to manifest any reality we desire. The greatest gift is the imagination. But can also be dangerous
As a human being who has experienced such an awakening that shook me to my core, I struggled to understand what it is that I am going through and what it is that I am suppose to do. After heavy marijuana use I started to develop anxiety, I acknowledged materialism and how it effected my life, but still maintained a constant addiction to smoking, video games, tv, etc. My anxiety didn't go away but became worse, to the point where panic attacks were awaiting for me around every corner. That was just over a year ago. I now meditate everyday, workout, run or swim, maintain a constant relationship to God or what other cultures have referred to has the spirit world, but more importantly I now understand eschatology and how every religion and culture talk about the same thing. Accept the one man who has taken in our sins, Yeshua. God bless and wake the hell up!!!
Hello Taylor I just saw your post and I felt compelled to reply. I tell you that you really really should look at all the Spiritual videos I have "Favorited". I put them in the list called: Beautiful. Click on my channel and then click on the that that list. I have listed videos by Dr. David Hawkins - he is a man that has studied all the world's highest spiritual teachers including Jesus :) and of course God. :) You really really should check out his book Power vs. Force on amazon... and all the awesome reviews it has gotten on amazon. Go check it out real quick ... I think you can even preview the book and then if you want to see some his videos on my channel you can do so. I think you will really like them! Again I don't want to impose or anything or seem pushy - I just think you will really like them! Cheers and God Bless!
I've had a 'psychosis' before. It was the most spiritual experience of my life. I could decipher signs from everything. Although now looking back, I see my behaviour was out of balance. I wasn't sleeping some days and was staying up learning about 'it'. I just called it, 'it' because there wasn't a word to describe what 'it' was. Anyone else had a psychosis before? Comment me!
+Lachie Wood Same. I am presently trying to differentiate which part of my experience is a healthy part of awakening and which is an unhealthy part of some "psychosis". I know it is not all crazy psychosis, no matter what anybody says there is no doubt in my mind. But at the same time I want to remain functional and somewhat able to relate to others in a "normal" way. :D let's see how it works out. Good luck man.
+Lachie Wood Yep, I've had a psychosis similar to yours on several occasions but it's not so unusual for me as I have bipolar 1. I experienced total loss of ego and a full connection with the breathtaking enormity of the cosmos. The whole experience lives with you long afterwards as the experience is incredibly real.
+Lachie Wood I've experienced a few instances of 'psychosis' and what I find interesting about the shaman approach is that there is a mentor to help you through these times. Like you said, you had no name for 'it' and just had to learn about it on your own. I believe that's it can get out of balance since you are in charge of controlling it, or at the very least the people close to you may not know how to support you. So the solution is usually go to the doctor and get help.
+Tim MacMillar I like that! Unfortunately it's like being sent to anything but a docter in the sense of a spiritual one. But that being said I'm glad I'm back to normal :')
I think I'm going through it now. Lately, I've been feeling like I wasn't really "there" when I'm at work. Like I blink really hard and then I feel like I have just woken up, but the whole time I've been at work. Like I can't remember driving places. I'll get to work and then I can't even recall having driven my car even when it's been like 2 minutes since I got out of my car. Like I have moments where I truly believe that some things are fake and I'm not even real. Like I try to think back to some memories and the faces are blurred of there's no audio and idk. I'm really thinking of seeing a therapist or something soon. I'm a nice person, I'm usually happy. It's when I'm alone when my mind starts to attack itself. I have times where I just have 8 different thoughts going on inside my mind and I can feel like brain pulse while I just try to cling onto one thought just to keep me in reality. This is my experience so far, it's been happening for the last 4 months. I want to get over it.
6 years ago this happened to me, I had an awakening. I was in a “psychosis” for three months, during that time I came to have a deep understanding of many of the same thhings Carl Jung believed. Im only now learning about him, but its amazing to see the similarities with what came to me during that time and after.
While not exactly of the same cloth, Alan Watts has always inspired healthy introspection for me. If I misunderstood your your statement, forgive me. I have only just pressed play and am learning too... 😉
I think it is so strange that everybody that has a spiritual awakening, has the same process, and the same realizations without knowing each other or anything about it
ive been in the mental hospital before. and i must say that most of the people diagnosed with "psychosis" or "schizophrenia" or even "bipolar disorder" were actually VERY spiritual people VERY in-sync with Spirit and the Universe. most of them weren't crazy. ive been thru spiritual stuff as well and people labeled me as "crazy". just thought i'd give my input.
I've been a Mental Health Social Worker and Practitioner for a number of years now, and listening to some of my clients who appear "unwell", sometimes I wonder if there's a spiritual element to their experiences, that they don't quite have the insight to understand and express in that way. I find their stories fascinating and they don't always scream "psychosis".
I’ve been crippled by arthritis for a very long time. I was looking for a way out of physical pain, scared, but desperate. The disease had devoured my independence. The basic daily challenges were more than I could manage. I’m amazed to be On The other side. God must love me. A lot.
He speaks truth. I’m a born Empath and have Clair abilities as well. I’m in sound mind despite a very hard life. My abilities have always been to help other people.
Intriguing, i always knew there was more to life and i have also been looking for a way to find not only protection but a way to be influential to the human society
I second this sooo much. I really, really wish I saw all the people he was talking about and showing. Why they don't show his slides and show them on other TED talks ia beyond me.
I’m 18 and I started my journey, beginning with meditation. I used to think meditation was a joke but now I’m open to it. I don’t have visions but I have feelings and they sway me in the direction of openness. This final quote resonated with my feelings. I had to edit my comment after hearing it. I know I’m not the only one breaking out that sheep prison. Cheers to all who is reading this in 2020 despite the issues, peace and love to all of you.
Be careful with your experiments with drugs. Don’t do psychedelics if you don’t feel any attraction to them by yourself without other influence. If you do them, do not do them for extended periods of time, do not take a lot at one time, and be in a familiar environment around people you trust deeply. I guess the point is to be careful, there are real risks involved, and you want to make smart decisions as best you can.
@@wildgearwarehouse9380 Ummmm who said anything about drugs? OP said they used “meditation”, perhaps you read it as “medication”? Not sure how else your comment would be relevant, although it’s likely not bad advice.
The only thing we should meditate on is the word of God. Please reconsider this new age stuff, I got into it when I was young too and it ruined my life. Turn back to Jesus before it’s too late.
Excellent man. Devotes his life to what is worthwhile. Has a humble, open mind, doesn't come across as an expert. And best of all -- something we do not see anymore -- he is not forceful in making his points. He is letting the audience come to meet his points and ideas on their own, not bullying them into seeing them. I wish more people were like him. He's OFFERING, he's not SELLING and he takes a modest, humble place as someone who did the work and shares it with others. We should all be more like him.
Psychosis and spiritual awakening have a very deep rooted tie to one another, the only thing making them different is their context, perceptual definitions and direct experiences transcribed into psychology books. There is great dogma that comes with the work psychosis, it’s a horrible word for anyone to use going through the experiences considering how intimate and sensitive the experience may be. Don’t be fooled by the words used to describe the experiences considering these definitions, go through the motions, flow with it, heal within and understand all will be okay, reach out to close friends, don’t be afraid to show them what’s going on, those who do care will stay and help whenever possible but understand everyone is on their own journey. These experiences are very common to have for many people dabbling into the energetic frequencies of the universe and doing inner work(fueled by suffering most the time) take your time and don’t identify with any definitions given by societal values as they will rip you apart and slander that of what you’re going through, never forget you’re a human being yourself and what is happening to you is integral for you to heal. Much love
The government needs to make magic mushrooms legal for depression and anxiety so people can get healed and feel better but they won't because of the greedy pharmaceutical companies
My son had a vision when he was 11. I went on some supposedly spiritual groups, and the overwhelming response was he was delusional and needed psychiatric care. Needless to say, I didn't take him to a psychiatrist and I'm very glad I didn't. I support him, and we talk about our spirituality openly. We have both seen things we don't speak of with other people.
Hi. When the awakening started, did your son have a choice to make it stop? Did he feel like something scary was about to take place and he had to choose between embracing it or making it stop, or was it all outside of his control?
I’ve been thru this & was all alone. I was overwhelmed & just like the young man said, I kept going deeper into it & finally got scared & derailed. Literally on my knees, begging for it to stop… mind blowing. But, no drugs & I knew I wasn’t crazy. And I had the self aaareness to know better than to go tell ppl who wouldn’t understand & might just tell me I was crazy. This was in 1996, about 26 yrs ago. One of the scariest parts, was that I was downloaded with knowledge that this was going to happen to many ppl all over the world. It was a ‘second coming’ of sorts, but not at all like what Christianity teaches… the Christ, Pure Love Energy, would rise within people. It would push up into conciousness, all untruths, guilt, shame, false beliefs, Fears, traumas… this would be very uncomfortable. Some would accept this & heal. Others would choose to deny, refuse to let go, accept Truth, etc & would tend to blame their discomfort on others The energy would get stronger & Some would not survive it… either becoming a danger to themselves &/or self & others. Some would choose to follow the Truth & healing. And, just like a Birth… Fear, tension, resistance make itvWORST! I volunteered then & there to be a ‘midwife’ of sorts when the time came. Someone to just reassure people, that this is a natural normal process, nothing to fear… just breath deep. Relax… your body knows what to do. Trust & surrender. Provide safety & calm by being WITH someone… reassurance… grounding. Encouraging self care. 🦋
After I went through a very painful memory that I had surpressed, I made a vow to myself. I swore that I would never let anyone walk it alone. I am aware now that I can't walk with them, and the worst part they must face alone. But I was at a loss as to how to help on a daily. As it is, I just relaxed and knew that I had to just keep putting one foot in front of another. I have a steady stream of those who seek me out and ask advice due to the nature of this Universe allowing us to be where we need to be, exactly when we are to be there. I wish to seek others though to talk with about this. I don't want to have to pay for it either, my gifts are what is available to everyone and to make $$ on these gifts is just as Jesus saw the Pharisees in His Father's house.(this is a personal opinion of course) I hope to soon meet others whom I can rest my lurking questions on. Namaste ❤️🌈
@@wendya.watson5078 I agree… any help is best freely offered. Loving exchange is welcome but never required. I trust the Divine to bring to me those I can assist & also lead me to those I can learn from & find mutual friendship & support. It’s already happening of course & I am always in gratitude to be able to ‘pay it forward’ Are you on FB?
I had an incredible spiritual awakening, but, according to man I was bipolar... I was having visions, they called them delusions. I was speaking telepathically with many, both living and dead from this world but not dead, just in a different dimension... I thought I was losing my mind, but it was being purified by Christ. The illusions of this world were being wiped away and LOVE was becoming my primary emotion... I was delivered from fear, anger, doubt, frustration, physical pain, grief and agony... they tried to put me on all kinds of drugs too. I am not mentally ill and I no longer take any of their drugs... I am whole...balanced and I have now learned to walk in harmony holding on to what I learned from Jesus and the angels who ministered to me through my transition...
It sounds like you experienced severe mania with psychosis. I have Bipolar I with psychosis but I never once believed god was talking to me. What if someone experienced the same thing as you but they were pagan gods? Who is right then? No one because none exist. God and the pagan gods can not exist at the same time, there is only one set of creators if there are any at all. If two existed one would be false. You need to study the subject of psychosis and bipolar disorder further before you make irrational assumptions and seek help rather than think thats what it is. Because soon "god" may talk to you and tell you to do something harmful to save the Lord.
Raine Welsher you weren't listening with your heart, but still in your mind believing lies that were told and spoken over you. God does exist and many spirits are in this world, so caution, and having a solid base of scripture in your conscious mind and heart are essential....lots of pagan gods, and millions of ideas about what's really going on... Know this, all psychology was based on false premises...faulty precepts...it describes, classifies, label, and identifies behaviors, The Lord God Almighty knows from where they are generated, He designed your body and knows exactly how it's supposed to work...many of the drugs given today actually block, and cut you off further from the "consciousness" of God....and let me say this, there is most certainly a place called Hell, and you don't want to go there...Please, seek professional help, call 1-800-Jesus Christ!
No, you just felt good because you were high on serotonin and norepinephrine. Do you understand why are there so many drug addicts on the streets? Every chemical substance has a different impact in our cognition. Delusions tend to repeat themselves, you can just give them any interpretation you want. If you believe in the Christian god it is because you grew up immersed in a Christian society, but most of this so called Christians don't experienced allucinations by themselves, they just fake it and follow the tradition, they are adoctrinated to believe this. If you were born in southern Mexico you would probably believe in Quetzalcoatl and Tlaloc.
This is a great talk and a great video. Unfortunately it's hard for me to watch. Last year I had a very severe psychotic manic episode due to bipolar disorder and in the midst of that I found this video. It convinced me I was just going through a spiritual awakening which, while that could be possible, it instilled this extreme confidence in me that nothing was wrong when actually something was very wrong. I ended up being hospitalized after days of just sending every person I knew a link to this video as an explanation for why I was acting "different" whenever someone expressed concern. In my mind I made total sense and thought this video would show everyone how I felt but in actuality all it did was make me look more unstable. Watching this video now for the first time since that happened is bizarre, I mean it's an interesting video but it's crazy to think about how I was watching it multiple times a day, everyday. I don't feel any of the same feelings I felt whe I watched it in my manic state. I don't resonate with it anymore. My experience is probably a very unique one and I'm sure many of the commenters resonating with it are stable and healthy people, but I know there are at least some who may be experiencing a serious psychotic episode watching this and being convinced it's normal. It's not. Honestly, the title of this should maybe be reconsidered as that was the main thing that drew me to it when I was being told by my loved ones I was experiencing psychosis and I thought they were wrong. They were right and I needed help but videos like this caused me to rapidly spiral for months. Something to keep in mind for those of you stumbling on this video in a similar state as I did.
You weren’t engaging that spiritual impulse that you found from a place of stability. That doesn’t mean that what you felt was invalid. Great spiritual impulses like the one that you experienced need to be paired with activities such as a structured learning program, rituals, journalling, and a spiritual support system. I just hope to God that the system didn’t scare you off of spirituality! Reality is so much richer than western psychiatry would have you imagine! Sorry for the long post…
Agree 100 percent , ive been thru a pycosis that wasnt good for me and hurt me i kmow exactly what you mean and its not healthy or enlighting for anyone
Same thing happened to me after I went through a highly stressful breakdown except I kept watching tarot readings, I was hallucinating my spirit animal and could see beyond the veil so to speak.
I truly appreciated this talk. We are at a crossroads as a species, we have list the ability to connect. To feel, to love and trust. The media and government have much to do in the manipulation.
I was born being able to talk with and see spirits. It has taken 38 years to gain understanding and acceptance of my gifts. I found myself and i love me. People around me dont understand what i have figured out. The more i unlock the more a divide happens. I hope others catch up.
I have recently been suffering from a condition called BPPV. Happened suddenly walking home from work. Scared me to death. Slowly was given meds which led to me to get anxiety. I had suffered from anxiety before in my late teens. But learned to cope. I've always had very vivid dreams of things that would eventually happen in real life. I've had these dreams for as long I can remember. It's now at my age ( twenty three ) where I have now been realizing that I have been experiencing a spiritual awakening. I learned to now manage my emotions and channel everything through meditation. I honestly thought I was the only one in this world who was experiencing these things. Slowly but surely I have been led to this video and realize I am not alone. Thank you all for your posts and your stories. I am truly blown away.
The dreams I have happen in real life too since my childhood. I feel awful all the time beacuse I know whats gonna happen and I dont have any controll over it, I dont know what to do. The people that see themselves that some of the things from my dreams I told them about realy happends are afraid of me, some even call me witch and demonic.
Don't you people realize it's a mental illness? Schizophrenics have it way worse, they'll hallucinate most of their reality without anti-psychotics. Nah, of course not, according to you people they are just way more "awakened".
Synchronicity is a sign from the Universe, usually of a spiritual awakening or from spirit guides, etc that you are on the right path if you are awakened or in the awakening process. It can also be a sign of manifesting. There's a ton of info on YT on synchroniticities, usually under law of attraction or manifestation videos.
December Leigh Silus Raphael hey I just wanna put out here my experience real quick PLS READ (esp if in spiritual community). So I’ve been in the spiritual community for maybe 6 years now I got into this very young because my family background was very into the mystical etc anyway i recently started college and am majoring in psychology since I love self help and my plan was to go into a holistic kind of route. For a while I was struggling with depression which I no longer have but my anxiety only seems to get worse as I age, the older I get the more spiritual I get as well to the point that I had my own wisdom and connection to the universe, I manifested a lot even got into plants and further I invested in this idea the further I strayed from the “norm” (cause of anxiety). Anyway no big deal I thought I was awakened and my energy was in a higher frequency🤦♀️. (Justifying unhealthy behaviors is always red sign!)Finally, I found this term called schizotypal personality disorder pls look that up after but the idea that I have been trapping myself thru being spiritual is sm I never thought I would come to the conclusion. In other words spirituality is great and I do believe energy is out there but I got to the point that I was escaping my abusive reality in these philosophies and this in hindsight was rendering my ability to be me and to connect and meet needs. If anyone is struggling with sever anxiety and ur justifying ur indifference with others your age or the standers Bc you are spiritual please that is not healthy. Learning this is hard but do not let this slide we need to take back our lives or else we are allowing those who neglected or abused us to win.
For those upset that they cannot see the photos, there is an almost identical talk by him that does show the photos called Myths, Shamans, and Seers at TED x Rainier that you can watch instead here on RUclips.
You are everything, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation, in every second and moment in time! Marcus Aurelius said- For there is one universe made up of all things and one God who pervades all things and one substance and one law and one reason. Be still and know that I am God!!!
I've always been interested in people with "mental illnesses" I'm currently in graduate school to be an OT...... I've talked to people from all backgrounds, ages, and presumed illnesses and it's always something I admire in them. In the American culture we tend to ostracize anyone who doesn't fit the norm and I believe that is scary! It's almost as if they want everyone to be robotic and following suit to whatever system is in place. But we as a people need to look at those outliers. For instance, I am a substitute teacher and a student who had an intellectual disability taught me Chinese while in class, another student with a similar diagnosis was able to sense my anger even when I smiled, and many times people with cognitive disabilities are the most upfront and filterless. It's amazing how certain people go through their entire lives without worry or doubts. We as a society portray it as a bad thing . Imagine a world where everyone was blatantly honest and no one worried. People who are diagnosed with Autism have a tendency to cover their ears and books/doctors tell us they have sensory overload and perceive noise differently than others. I would think we as a society would be more interested in finding out what those people hear and why others can't hear it? I could go on forever but those with these proclaimed illnesses are being forced meds, creating capital, and being shunned in society thus creating a hierarchy of people. I refuse to believe that humans main purpose in life is to get a job and pay bills. It sounds too similar to James Orwell's 1984 "Big Brother is Watching You". We need to look a little deeper into the true meaning of life and stop being so shallow.
Bre Lee I've learned to bypass mental health services because being honest about my experiences has gotten me several different diagnosis's. Depending on the who I spoke to I was everything from bi-
Bre Lee I’ll give you my fb and you can see where my concern begins with my posts. The more in depth I get providing more n more evidence before realizing wow I’m looking like that guy😂
You wrote exactly what I experience/think the whole time, I'm happy that I see more and more people out there thinking like that.. I would give you 1000 likes for that comment if I could
I can relate to Adam. I had a drug addiction for many, many years. I quit everything, cold turkey one day and what followed was an intense spiritual awakening that had me so mind blown I thought I was in full psychosis. I still am looking for the proper words to explain or put on paper the things I experienced in that time. I get synchronicities regularly. All I know for sure is that I am beyond grateful that the universe deemed me worthy of forcing me to change and cracking open the door for me. I say all the time “God (spirit, whatever works for you) speaks to us all the time, all we need to do is listen” 🙏🏼
"Today you are you and that's truer than true, there's no one alive who is you-er than you." - Dr Suess All my life I have dealt with anxiety, self doubt. I was an above average student, did my engineering and got a high paying job. People from outside would see me as very successful in life. But I constantly felt that these people are not being genuine and what they truly admire is my position, success but not me. I always had diverse interests and am a lifelong learner. When I decided to quit my job to try out new things, people around me reacted like what a big blunder I have done. The constant societal judgement did take a toll on me for a brief period, but I know whatever happens my conscience is free. I enjoy experiencing new things and helping people. I have always been a problem solver. People would constantly come to me for advice or when they needed to vent out and I always listened to them. I recognize patterns and extrapolate things quite well, so much so that I often call out how things are going to unfold, and that's exactly what happens. I know I don't have any powers, it's just that I'm able to observe and connect the dots better than others. But people just discard my intuition only to find out later that I was right. I don't know what life has for me in the future, but I'm hopeful that I will learn a lot and help people along the way. To anyone who seems confused about everything in life, not knowing what to do, what path to take, just remember that you are unique and the universe has a plan for you. Everything happens for a reason.
In 1978, I had a full spontaneous kundalini awakening and ended up in a mental hospital for two weeks. I learned to simply filter what I told the staff and play along with their concept of reality and was released. I still do pretty much the same thing with society, but have learned a lot since then and can now talk to people using spiritual, philosophical, and scientific contexts. Even if people can't grasp what I say, I don't have to worry about getting locked up again. It's too bad the mental health sector doesn't know more about this kind of stuff.
@@Director-M Funny that I'd get two requests like this just a few hours apart on a comment I made a year ago. I'd be willing to describe my experience and how it's changed my life, but this just isn't the place for it.
@@MaynardsSpaceship Funny that I'd get two requests like this just a few hours apart on a comment I made a year ago. I'd be willing to describe my experience and how it's changed my life, but this just isn't the place for it.
@@midi510 that is a curious indeed. Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence. Unfortunately, there was no third to proclaim synchronicity in action! Totally understandable and I do thank you for sharing a small part of your story in your initial comment a year ago :)
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
So true!
+Nancy Sheehan How do you know we are anything at all?
+Nancy Sheehan (c) Teilhard de Chardin
+Nancy Sheehan Loved the approach
TheAXXELLALAN It is not god that made humans in his picture. It was humans that made god in their picture.
Psychological crisis is exactly what led to my Spiritual Awakening! I survived narcissistic abuse!
Mine too
Crazy, mine too.
mine too
Mine too!
Psychological warfare ect. From a narcissist is brutal. Glad you came out the other side💜💜💙💙💙
“Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.”
― Alejandro Jodorowsky
👍👍👍👍👍❤❤ really good quote!!!
Lovin it! Thx! 1❤
This sounds like everyone in my hometown, they’re all afraid of flying.
Brilliant insight thank you.🦜
I remember few years back after my wife died, I was left alone with 3 kids. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with bipolar. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment changed my life for better. I can proudly say i'm totally clean for 4years and still counting. Always look to nature for solution to tough problems, Shrooms are phenomenal.
I love hearing great life changing stories like this. I want to become a mycologist because honestly mushrooms are the best form of medicine (most especially the psychedelic ones) There are so many people today used magic mushrooms to ween off of SSRI medication- its amazing!
Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death buddy, lets be honest here.
Hey mates! Can you help with the source? I suffer severe anxiety, panic and depression and I usually take prescription medicine, but they don't always help. Where can I find those psilocybin mushrooms? I'm really interested in treating my mental health without Rxs. I live in Australia don't know much about these. I can't wait to get them too.
Really need a reliable source. 🙏
doctormaxshrooms is your guy, got all kinds of psychedelics.-:(
Yes he's doctormaxshrooms. I know few friends who no longer suffer ptsd and anxiety with the help of shrooms.
Thanks for sharing this great information, this would help my daughter
The spiritual awakening is painful but in the end you discover your own strength.
I’m going thru it right now man it’s scary and awesome at the same time I’m a complete different person and I can see a lot of my flaws but it’s still kinda scary how I’m a completely different person
JESUS IS King! God is real . As real as the oxygen you breath
@@ejigthompson4645 I remember that feeling like it was yesterday man! You make it through the storm yet?
@@carolynrlee-mincey968 your are going through the scary pain phase , you’re spiritually growing right now , just stay grounded and present as much as you can . Start Meditating if you haven’t already . Start looking into philosophy and bettering yourself . Remember that this phase and state of mind you are in is only temporary and it will not last forever ! When I experienced this I was terrified for about a week because I was an atheist of sorts . But now I look back and I’m so happy it happened, it truly changed my life for the better and it was absolutely a defining time that I will remember forever ! Good luck to you
You are not crazy, you will know who you are within divine timing. Be kind to yourself and be kind to others.
Thank you for this.
Right on
I've just been trying to find validation anywhere I can that I'm not going cuckoo
Needed this. Thank you!!
Enlightenment will seem crazy to the unconscious ego.
Very True 💯, sometimes I just stop talking. It feels isolated
Oh! True.
@@dropbyfishingtv7339 there's a Buren on the wise ones when no one understands a word they say
Oh please, define "enlightenment," because in reality, it means to learn, to become aware and educated. So this interchangeable wishy washy term can be applied to anything or anyone. You lot constantly try to objectively define it as some sort of state to achieve. I'm going to assume like most people roped into this hippy jargon that you attribute the word "enlightened" to being "spiritually awakened," which again, what on earth does that even mean.
Point being, this man suffered a psychosis, and I'm sure he learned alot from his experience through introspection and retrospection (see, subjective learning/enlightenment), but you do not need substances to achieve these things.
I started to feel this alienation from the time I became aware of my Self, around four years old. I was taught to lose my true self from an early age. I went on to live almost forty years of my life totally lost. Nothing brought contentment. There were times I would quit the corporate life and seek out opportunities to work in communities. Then I'd go back. The nervous breakdown arrived, so named by various doctors, along with much touted medications and psychotherapy. I'm finding myself finally. I noticed what is understood as synchronicity, since forever! This video in August 2023 caused another realisation. I spent time with an old woman from our community, from about 4 years old to about 8 years old. No one spoke to her. Her family ignored her. She was spoken of as "not right in the head". Now I know why she was my friend. We had to move away as families in our community were relocated during the apartheid years. I got separated from my guide. Now the spirit of my late mother is my guide. Whoever read this to the end, thanks for bearing with me.
Although it's not the same, I 'm going through something similar at almost 40 aswell. Your not alone
You will see your childhood guide and mother again in the spirit world but not before you become a guide.
The hero's journey isn't for the faint of heart.
Hi, would you ever like to adquire a sci fi spiritual e-book about a world where animals have developed counciousness and sing psalms to the divinity? :)
Glad you took this perspective, maybe out of unavoidable experience but I wish good luck to you bro. Hope you see your guide again in this life or the next
enlightenment is only scary because we are not properly discussing it in our society.
Sis you said it!!
O tell me o great one tell me how to be enlightend like you
And because of risking to end in the psychiatry for talking about it
Enlightenment wouldn't be necessary in the first place if idiotic humans didn't engage in the immoral and illogical act of procreation
A mentor be wonderful to have. This is such a beautiful experience. It is so powerful you cannot deny it. You never knew these feelings even existed. You feel a love you never felt before. You cannot hold it in. You feel like telling everybody awakening so they can have the same experience. This is when the rejection comes from friends and family as you share. You have absolutely nobody to share with that understands. You start to keep it bottled up to avoid the rejection. This can cause you to isolate. You wonder why nobody will even listen. Family may even become concerned about you. Then you may start to believe the lies. You think you are the one that is crazy. This can put you in a state of depression.
Try not to label yourself. You are not the one that is crazy. It’s just that you are taking about something that doesn’t exist to the majority of the population. Before you awoke you would not have a understood either.
For me personally, I picked up the Bible to seek answers. Particularly the New Testament speaks of 2 different minds. A carnal mind and a spiritual mind. It states that If you speak of spiritual things to a carnal mind they will think it is nonsense. Even Jesus himself only spoke of spiritual things to spiritual minds. Even Jesus family and friends thought he was crazy. Jesus spoke in parables which is basically a paraphrase using a different story to help a person understand what you are speaking of. The Bible let me know that I was not crazy.
Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.
very true
On spot.
@flowinglikethewater more about removing the false ego and false identity you take on the moment you wake up till the moment you fall asleep and even during dreams. awakening has very less to do with the outside world and the things and people in it.
Once your eyes are open you can never unknow what you now know
Amazing , exactly
Literally to the 1% who's reading this, God bless you, may all your dreams come true, may you be successful in all spheres of life, stay safe and have a wonderful day :)
Thank you and same to you
You get what you give..you give a blessing and you will reap a blessing. Thank you!
You too dear!
"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight."
-Joseph Campbell, _Psychology of the Future_
The term 'psychotic' was termed labelling at college. It was one of the main complaints on the humanities course. The scenerio is some bod who did a coarse and got a job from it needs to cover itself if confronted with a consultation so it takes the safest decision for itself, just in case of a problem. The uneducated are notoriously credulouse of these terms according to the lectures "no discernment". I found in spite of those complaints the only people aware of them were those who did the course, and those who did those courses year after year and heared them appear to have done very little. Inoticed in the legal cases I was involved in, any evidence that contradicted a viewpoint, or claim was witheld from the parties they wanted to convince. I found those minature cameras and recording equipment very useful in backing up that observation in the paper I wrote.
Wow 🎉
And in reality there is no mystic who isn't also part of the other side of the spectrum
How do I learn to swim instead of drowning
meditation, becoming more present in your body and in your senses and in the world, doing physical things can be very helpful like exercising/doing chores, etc. Being in nature. Staying away from mind altering substances. Doing something creative like writing, dancing, painting. Focusing on connection and playing, but also the mundane responsibilities. Opening to new experiences, could be as simple as driving 40 minutes to somewhere new. I see connection as the antidote to psychosis. Really opening to others and seeing the good in them.
I have experienced 4 psychedelic-induced psychosis experiences. I now do not alter my mind at all. It took awhile to feel safe in the world again, but these are things that helped me. When I was desperate I tried medication and it made it worse. Saffron extract made a huge difference! As well as vitamins. I also think getting stuck in the mental plane/our minds/our narratives can make things messy. Getting into the body is so important! And the heart :)
Seven years on since this was posted and it's still a good lesson. Disability only exists because a society is not equipped to deal with the differences and variety in humans.
"disability only exist" thats placing stigma on disability. Disability need to exist.
Yet some “disabilities” can harm the brain and therefore harm the person.
Disabilities don't exist because of society.... They exists because of abnormalities that stunt a person's ability to survive... Do you think animals don't have disabilities? Because they get killed for them most times because they can not survive at some level of independence.
Society isn't equipped because society hasn't figured out how better to capitalize on spiritual crisis than pharmaceuticals, psychiatrists, and hospitals.
@@alexandrahenderson4368 There not abnormalities if they are widespread. These "anomalies" might making it challenging for some. The real question is why does the challenge exist for those? Secondly animals primary objective might be survival. Humans not so. Do animals commit suicide?
I WOKE UP around 1976, and it has only gotten stronger with the years. The funny thing is that I always thought that "being enlightened" would mean that people looked up to me for it, that I would make friends more easily, that I would be more popular. In fact, it turned out to be just the opposite, and many people resent me for being happy and lighthearted, some hate me on sight, and very few "get me." But it is worth it, because I feel that I have fulfilled my purpose in life, the reason I am here. Now I know what the 11th century Zen master and poet, Tilopa, meant when he wrote: "When you look for it, you cannot find it. When you find it, you can't get rid of it. When you do neither, it's right there."
I agree with 100% you saying. I feel like this too and ppl think your crazy. It can't be how can sounding intelligent and using your words be a bad thing? It's like all jealously
Even happiness a lot of ppl don't want to see you happy
+W.J. Kelly Very true. that is why its important to find something your passionate about that you can dedicate your time too. " The thing that makes you exceptional, if you are at all, is inevitably that which must also make you lonely" -Lorraine Hansberry
+W.J. Kelly
Tilopa was one of the Tantric Siddhas...yes? Not Zen tradition.
+steelgila How you get so smart? :) Just joking.
Science and Spirituality need to go hand in hand. They cannot replace each other.
Dhruv Prakash Watch spirit science!
And read the Thiaoouba Prophecy
I love you !
Dhruv Prakash 🙏🏽🙏🏽
I was hospitalized and held under the mental health act at the hospital I work at as an ER nurse because I had a massive spiritual awakening… they only held me for 4 days because they knew my “behaviour” was likely to not be permanent. I broke, my friends were worried, I was seeing life and everything for what it was and I looked like a massive conspiracy theorist, from my stand point in health care and spirituality/religion.
I am part aboriginal and come from a very spiritual background and have had psychic (clairvoyant)abilities and experiences…
Some of the psychiatric patients on the ward are some of the smartest people I ever met.
I had a similar experience a couple months ago. The beginning was rough 😭. Dark night of the soul is how I label it. I feel truly blessed to have gone and in many ways still going through it.
@snakybcaky I will also add if you choose to take the spiritual journey there is ABSOLUTELY no denying that there is a Creator because it is made perfectly clear that someone/something knows every single detail about you and your life at any age or point in your life. After my experience I couldn't not believe that there is a God/Creator if I wanted to because it's been proven to me at least there's a zero percent chance there isn't.
@@Ginger-u2ghello 🎉u speak my entire last 30 years currently maxed out on hormones and psych meds and very spiritual also but feeling this is my 5the and most powerful breakdown at 49 years old x I need help 😢😮
Makes u rethink schizophrenia for sure
I can really empathize with this though my story is different I feel like I re-lived it when reading your comment. In 2016 I felt called by the Lord to do some film studies before embarking on screenwriting, which, from analysis and flashbacks, made me realize my husband shared all of the same qualities as my husband. There was a steady montage of moments of being equipped for filmmaking before I announced to him a desire to divorce and pursue filmmaking. I was thrown into a mental hospital and diagnosed bipolar to my detriment with child custody later on. The Dr was suspicious when I told him I feared the stress with my husband was causing short term memory Ioss and I was experiencing heart arrhythmia. What I needed was abuse recovering coaching but instead the Dr told me I was lucky to be so loved by my husband. I was presumed to be a conspiracy theorist after gushing about how impressed I was with the pre-story-research within Disney to my husband and him being the only one to communicate to the Dr before my diagnosis while I lost access to speech almost like a stroke. They kept me awake for several days in a row before this so I was also exceedingly tired and they labeled me manic for thinking I could make movies, manic for wanting divorce. Through many more perpetual and horrific betrayals and abuses by him, I eventually learned about covert narcissism/CPTSD and that itself took years to heal with, even while making the effort to grow and learn every day. It wasn't psychosis but adrenal fatigue and a rebirth moment, definitely spiritual, and 7 years later I am still on the track God switched me to. :) What is the sweetest part of your old self that you now appreciate but will never go back to?
I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar disorder because of my "spiritual connection to the universe" at 19 in 2000. I live in the religious South, where speaking of "energy", "connection" and "the universe" is crazy speak. I started meditating at age 5. I had always had a very emotional and physical connection to nature. Because of all this, I was put on medication for years. Now at age 35, trying to get off medication is making me physically ill. It's a lonely and scary experience here. I make art to try and explain the anguish, but again....the American south is afraid of the emotion behind it. I've longed for sisters and brothers that understand. The only way that I can connect through others is via social media and videos like this.
I'm unsure of what to do or how to exist within this culture. It has led to severe depression and a constant feeling of being "homesick" for a world that is not our own....one that is beyond this one.
Update for further explanation: I have seen therapists and psychiatrists for years since my “misdiagnosis” of Bipolar Disorder. All of my doctors after the year 2000 told me it was NOT bipolar. However, there’s nothing wrong with having Bipolar Disorder. The seroquel they put me on back when I was misdiagnosed became incredibly addictive as it’s now used for sleep and my body can’t get off of it.
My point to my story was that someone with a high imagination and spiritual awareness and a creative heart and certain “gifts” can be misdiagnosed by aging conservative doctors who judge you by your tattoos and eccentricities. I’ve learned to find much better and younger doctors since then.
caseypromise you'll be alright brother keep meditating
The people in your world just can't see the bigger picture, keep working on yourself and the right support will find you.
caseypromise move. there are many places that embrace your beliefs and nomenclature. finding a community where you feel accepted and can accept others is empowering. good luck to you.
bro i know how you feel, i recomend to you if is possible to move to canada ....or somwhere else...or you find your way where you are, i think this is also possible. and yes, check out eckhart tolle!
caseypromise please go back on your medication. believe me, I know the difficulties with coping with life. but it's something that we all need to do. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolar at the age of 16. my life was in turmoil. I'm 21 now and I've gained great knowledge of coping skills. and I can say with confidence that I am 100% more happier.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society...
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
One of my all time most favorite quotes. Love Krishnamurti.
Great insight into spiritual nature.
That is a very profound TRUTH.
@@tim3854 I laughed out loud at your post until I cried. So sad but yet so true. Even more so in these past 11 months since you wrote this.
I've known of Krishnamurti since I was 24. I trust him implicitly.
Pro tip: when a speaker presents a slide show, show the slides. Great talk.
Now that's advanced level stuff
Protip! Thanks, I thought it was a problem with my phone!
Of course maybe he didn't have permission to share their images.
Probably because this video is 7 years old
Was about to comment the same…
@@cevcena6692 to see you soon as possible and I will be good to see you soon as possible and I will be
5 times in mental wards. I still speak my truth. The Dr's say your mad for seeing dead people when I see no disconnect between the dead and the living. We are living during the great awakening ❤
Good for you, I hope they treated you all with respect and decent humanity.
Good luck. They call us mental patients in the newspaper as we go through this transition.
I was a former confident Atheist, now turned unexpected Spiritualist after my own Awakening. It's very difficult to discuss this, let alone explain it convincingly, with my science-minded friends. More and more of us are waking up. I'm glad knowledge about this is showing up more and more in our western society.
You are doing great.
Welcome! Much love
I think we believe or follow what we do based on those personal experiences. It gives us something to relate to.
I had the same experience. Although I was indoctrinated into Christian faith as a baby and at the age of 23 I woke up one day realizing everything I thought I knew before was wrong. I went full blown atheist for awhile. But slowly over time I began to experience synchronicities/ miracles. I now consider myself spiritual with my own special relationship to the universe and my own love language. It’s amazing. I’ve never been happier and more at peace. The universe works in the most beautiful ways
Literally what is happening to me now. Except I'm beginning a tradition that has been in my family for a long time.
I experienced peak of my awakening about 3 months ago. I thought that was it, the darkness, suicidal thoughts, inner agressesion and depression out. Didn't know what to do with myself, but I knew it's something else, something higher, can't explain it. Left my old friends, old hobbies everything. Was about month alone and than all of the sudden I felt/ see invisible light around me. Ever since I'm experiencing something else, miracle. New friends, new opportunities, miracles, visions. Absolute happiness and safety and love.
Amazing. Hope this happens to me soon
Im experiencing this
Lu P you are awakened now from the unconscious state 🤗💫😇
“If we are true to ourselves, we can not be false to anyone.” - William Shakespeare, Hamlet
@@silentplaythru7109 The truth is - we are all in some forms of delusional states: Everyone is shattered upon closer inspection: Use your illusion:
@@siresquire9439 That is a brilliant way of looking at it.
@@siresquire9439 to create reality
Thank you my dear friend.
Thank you.
I struggled for years with a bipolar diagnosis and always even in childhood felt different even among friends like I didn’t feel like I felt in. My bipolar piqued at 35. About 6 months ago it’s like I was whacked on the head with an awakening and it made sense. Bipolar made sense. Modern medicine doesn’t understand spirituality but between that and anxiety, because I’m spiritual and a November scorpio I was hyper sensitive to energy, emotions, intuition, premonition dreams, lucid dreams, synchronicities, I didn’t know anyone then into spirituality and I realized recently it’s because I’ve always had these strange phenomenons, feeling every emotion to the 10th power and didn’t understand what it was and how to channel it and it overwhelmed me. What I despised bitterly as a cross to bear was a cloaked gift I resonate with now. And I’ve had inner peace like never before. We aren’t mentally ill. We have the gift of super sensory perception and it’s scary until you realize what it is.
I have bipolar disorder too and I was hospitalized multiple times it started in my teens. I’m 21 now and I’ve been stable for a while on medication but recently in the morning I’ve been having these weird experiences. The first time it happened I was waking up from sleep and I heard a voice saying wake up to true reality then I felt energy surge through my body and my eyes closed, I saw a vision of an old man in a hospital bed who I assumed was in a coma. The second time this happened I can’t remember what the voice said but the vision was my mom mad at me for not taking my medication and she was holding up a ziplock bag of what appeared to be edibles. I tried opening my eyes during that vision but they wanted to stay closed. I don’t know what’s happening but I’ve never heard voices before. I really don’t want to end up homeless. Do you know what could be going on?
@@bonchickenfry1595 Please speak to your doctor or therapist about this, or in the least your trusted person/people in your life. It is good to always let them know any changes you experience, just in case it begins to turn into something you don't feel quite in control of.
If you're worried about homelessness, its a good idea to keep regular contact with health professionals - they can link you in with support and housing services. It's much, much easier to access these services if you're already seeing a doctor regularly.
No matter how we perceive these things we experience, whether they're spiritual or medical or anything else, we should access every avenue of support we can in this life, because we all deserve it. I wish you the very best of luck.
I am also bipolar and a November Scorpio. I started to have a spiritual awakening then it went too far into a crisis was hospitalized for 11 days still on medication but I just want to access my gifts
If you'd like anyone to actually take you seriously, you might wanna stop talking about synchronicities & your horoscope, sweet pea...lolz
You probably have bpd as well, along with magical thinking which may trigger both of the disorders. You’ll get significantly better if you get rid of those beliefs actually… It’s not about spirituality it’s about sanity.
"You are mad, we are drugging/locking you up to protect you and all of us!" vs "You are perhaps more sensitive[alive] than we are! Lets mentor you so you can help us see!" - we can choose!
True , so true !!!
I love how you put this
I need a compassionate mentor... do you have their number?
@@karengardner8854 I do not, hope you find the help you need!
I think the rise in mental illness might be the universe's way of helping us understand more. We need more people that can be the light and enlighten others.
Thank you
Mental illness is labeling the wrong illness.
Are you serious?????
the rise of Mental illness is due to the fact that for the first time in history we have reached the period of time that Jesus Christ told there would be a mass turning away from all things good, an APOSTASY would happen before he returns and he is at the door now..... this is why so many people are nut jobs and depressed.
The universe is not a being to give or take anything.
@@sevenswords8781 the apostasy happened because of the church. They walked a few steps away from Catholicism and then fully embraced the Catholic Church's teaching and practices. But go ahead and continue beating people on the head with it
@@aunirapharl your making no sense
Wow this was 6 years ago - but still relevant this 2020
Anyone still watching like me this May 2020?
yes! its like our whole planet is going thru a spiritual awakening brought on by covid. We are being given an opportunity to grow together and heal as a collective
Dee in South Africa.
Our planet hasn’t been at this frequency since 2001.😉
@@Aiyanaandel 💚2001 woke me up!Because the virus has reached all 4 corners of the planet, I feel it's at an even higher frequency than that. And there's no visible enemy to blame. Putting us all in the same boat. 😬. Sending you Light and Love! 💜🙏
This video was posted literally when I was hospitalized for 2 weeks for psychosis and I am finding it now. Gave me chills.
Same. 5250 is what the cops call it
I call it entering the temple
I went through the same thing it was drug induce psychosis but it was all spiritual what happened I'm curious
@@chrisgraham1369 I was going through deep depression. I was smoking weed heavily and taking shrooms. A friend introduced me to mdma since she knew what I was going through. It helped me socialize at parties but I began to see synchronicity all around me and began to show signs of schizophrenia. My dad called the cops on me since he didnt know what I was going through and they took me to the hospital. I was in involuntary treatment for 2 weeks where I was prescribed Abilify and they performed cranial electrotherapy stimulation. I stopped taking Abilify a few weeks after since it was drug induced psychosis.
@@akwardsiIence What has helped me has been eating a regular and cleaner diet, exercising, writing down my emotions throughout the day and mostly being in contact with very down to earth people often with me it’s my husband and in laws. We are very sensitive beings and we have to accept this and do our best to be as balanced as possible between all elements earth(Our bodies, our support and abilities to set firm boundaries), water(Our emotions and how we connect through feelings), fire(How we assert ourselves and go after what we desire), air(How we communicate and express ourselves within our own thoughts and without through our words.
@@ShadaeBalancesKnightAstro I agree, eating properly has helped me a lot, along with quitting smoking weed and cigarettes. I had a rough childhood and I probably messed up my microbiome back then. Changing my mindset looking into spirituality, the Law of One, setting boundaries and leaving toxic people behind have helped as well. Thank you for your insight.
I taught emotionally disturbed teens for 28 years and I'm willing to bet almost all have empathic abilities and were going through Spiritual Awakening.
I have worked in the disability sector and children who have emotional needs for over 20 years also and I don't know what your talking about? where is your research or evidence?
Well, spiritual awakenings and empathy have been part of human experience ever since we started being able to form models of the thoughts and feelings of others and recognize that we were part of a much larger world that could even be greater than our capacity for understanding.
However, few people in my life considered my Disturbed Emoting as anything spiritual, awakened or empathetic. Those people who saw my potential for empathy and awakening and encouraged me were the ones who helped.
@@sevenswords8781 is working with people with disabilities the same as working with teens who are emotionally disturbed? Seems like a completely different playing field
@@llJeshooinessll Disabilities is a very big field with mild to severe or mental and physical. Teens who are emotionally disturbed as you say are on self destruct with many emotional issues.. both are challenging and rewarding.
both fields over lap a lot in behaviours and challenges.
SEVEN SWORDS You yourself in another comment thread have said that the cause is because of the straying from Jesus. Where is your research or evidence for that? Seems you're projecting your BELIEFS just as much as our friend here. And I believe they are one and the same. I think most spiritualists would say that the cause of the rise of mental illness is due to society finding more value in raw numbers and statistics and facts over believing in a higher power. Same is true with religious folks they'd claim that this surge of mental illness is caused by the atheistic movement and nihilism moving people away from a form of beliefs and values that they derive from their religion to a society centered around facts that are observable. Don't be so harsh on others beliefs because the root issue isn't that we aren't following a specific belief, it's that we aren't following any belief at all. Please try to not be offended by this comment as I'm just trying to show that we all have a similar view on mental illness and it's pervasiveness as well as what causes it, and that our solutions while different in the end "higher power" being different still stem from the same idea of having belief in something that cannot be proven with statistics or research. You don't see the hand of God at work but you still know it's there despite it not being measurable and my own belief has a similar view I have no way of proving mine is any more "real" than yours but I believe it within myself and that is something much greater than cold hard facts could provide me.
Always good to know I’m not “crazy” alone. I write, privately. I don’t wish for anyone to take me seriously anymore. When I did try to talk about what I’m feeling spiritually, people get uncomfortable, and quickly change the subject. When I did try to share my writings, they just ignore me. But … all is well … it’s personal, and I fully accept this.
I relate to this so much
you can always do so on tumblr. there are communities dedicated to spirituality and withcraft and the occult. you won't be judged there since others share the same things
@@lorettagrey7383 which ones do you recommend! ty
YES. It HURTS, but it's necessary. I'm looking for a new community to share my light with
Please share. What you know and feel matters
As science continues to develop, it will come closer and closer and more conjoined with spirituality.
Danille Sindac that is the way guess they had to start at the other end of it first
Yes. you are so wise.
Demons are spirits,........ you mean God and he already has science lost to find answers to some of his miracles.
@@sevenswords8781 God is a spirit, what do you think the holy spirit is?
Not in it's current state, with its empirical views it is moving further away.
Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction.imagine carrving heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone.Believe it or not in a couple years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues
I made researches and found out that shrooms are very helpful , it has really helped to reduce anxiety and depression and some other mental health issues..i would love to try magic mushrooms but they are hard to source!
Please does anyone know where I can get them? I put so much on my plate and it really affects my stress and anxiety level .I would love to try to shrooms.
I live in Michigan….suffering for awhile now but didnt realize how serious I may have it until recently - probably bc of @self medicating” with alcohol
Saw some reviews about Myco_louiis checked him out and I must recommend he is good at what he does!
He's on Insta*
After my psychosis experience i had an intense spiritual awakening and now im living a completely different life than before..
You awoke ;)
Same. I am a completely different person it’s wild lol
It's a shame people call it psychosis
Any meds? 🤔💊
@@headscrewoff5674 I asked some that once. They had benn prescribed anti depressants, but were not taking them them, because they did not need them, but there were some downers prescribed with it 'amies'. Amatrypaline, or something like it. I know some one else on them. Their friends keep asking for the amies. I tried some. You get a good sleep off them.
My brother was a paranoid schizophrenic and he heard things and he knew things that others didn't. Many thought he was crazy. But I know with all my heart he wasn't crazy at all he just knew too much and couldn't comprehend it all. He took his life at 27 years old. What a tragedy. I believe trauma in our childhood affected us in many ways. I am a highly sensitive person and I sense energies, vibes and feelings of other people. I'm also an empathetic introvert. When I was 32 I tried DXM and it opened up my mind like never before. It blew me away. It's a hallucinogen. Everything clicked and made sense at the moment.
I strongly believe there is a connection between trauma & spiritual awakening!
Spanish Doll I agree. Also I took a LSD trip and had a similar experience. It was an awakening and ego death of sorts.
I also tried dxm , a dissociative. And I felt as if everything was connected and everything was gonna be ok, same with acid. It showed me the most profound things I have ever experienced in my life.
Um... yeah.. that's what drugs do.
The hallucinations are rooted in your belief system, so the confirmation bias will be extremely powerful.
@@Hajithepoet "ego death" seems to fit the mark perfectly.
"“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” - Alan Watts
Ahh, you are the same troll on other comment sections!
God is nothing without our conciseness
And all the people suffering severe loss? Disease? Poverty? War and hunger? It seems cruel to make any being experience that up close.
@@karenbrown4294How did you know. 🧌
Had my awakening at 29 I just turned 32 a few weeks ago it’s been so crazy it’s been painful and healing at the same time so grateful . Trying to learn everything I can
I had this at 29 too! Just turned 30. Omg what a wild ride it is. Glad to hear you’re doing better and holy feck isn’t it crazily incredible too
Beautiful glory to God 🙏🙏🙏
And what exactly were you awakened to?
That's crazy!! Am 29 rn going through the same!!!
Exactly the same for me. Stereotypical saturn return, dark night, then awakening. From 29 to 32. And at 33 it still just keeps growing
if you can get through the process, it is a very beautiful thing. the experience is actually quite painful because it is triggered by the most traumatic experience to your being, and yes, it feels like going into psychosis - even death. a lot of people don't make it and leads to some form of permanent mental health disability. it is heavy, heavy stuff. sufficed to say, a lot of people are asleep and have no clue what real living is or means. i don't connect with a lot of people now because i don't identify with my former self, and trying to find soulful connections can be difficult. having a spiritual based conversation with most people may land you in the hospital formed or they just think you are totally off your rocker. and yes, my abilities are more fine-tuned and sharper than ever. everyday i am a work in progress to learn more about myself and the universe.
Bluedragonfly yes it's usually through severe trauma we awaken to who we are. Thanks for reminding me how much strength it took to come out the other side.
Beautifully said
What process are you referring to-- the process of self realization? What was your circumstance? ps- "a lot of people are asleep..."-- why is this the case? Do you think we are ulitimately here to awaken?
What you wrote is amazing. It describes revelation 9 perfectly.
@@Oni-One self-realization is a psychological term. Being asleep simply refer's to going through life on auto pilot. Living in the Matrix.
Never realizing that you're a spiritual being. Never realizing that every human, & every living thing is part of a collective conscious, call it Universal Life Force, God, etc.
We aren't separate, we are one. When we hurt others, we hurt ourselves, because it's the same.
It's the death of the ego, the attachment to the material world, & awakening to the fact we are spiritual beings living in a (false) material existence.
When most people "wake up" they realize this.
Since we live in a materialistic world, largely self-absorbed to narcissistic personalities, most people never "awaken" to a level of higher consciousness, which often comes with psychic gifts that we all possess being awoken.
Most of these spiritual awakening's take place after a great deal of trauma, whether at any age in the Western culture (where you will be derided because of Western culture's emphasis on materialism over anything truly spiritual) or at a very young age in the cultures he spoke about in the video, where they place value on these gifts.
For example, I'm a psychologist & after many traumatic events, I started hearing & seeing my first boyfriend & best friend....after he was killed. Obviously I don't tell my co-workers this, I would lose my job. I don't hear random voices or have any paranoia, & being accompanied by a spiritual awakening I can rule out schizophrenia. I'm also psychic & always have been. I predicted Katrina, but mostly regarding people before I meet them & places I've nevee been in great detail in dreams. I keep a dream diary, so even skeptical people can't deny I'm psychic. I also dreamed the death of my boyfriend at least 10 times, which got more & more specific over time & his manner of death was most unusual
Gifts like what he was talking about in the video, other cultures value. These gifts can range from mild psychic abilities to very powerful ones.
I hope that answered your questions, I know you asked someone else. 😘
I’m crying. I understand Adam so deeply. We are spiritual beings with very little guidance.
And then imagine being abused with little to no guidance. It is sad but we can say...sending love, which I am. Sending love.
Nonsense. Read the dhammapada
God left the Bible for guidance.
Shia is the truth, ahlulbait is the guidance from God that the media hides
Please search x
This information is essential. It’s sad how our society only accepts one mainstream reality, created by mass media
which reality is that?
@@sevenswords8781 the totally inverted one
reading a book we surrender to the story. When hearing a song we surrender. Our emotions follow the story. We , most of the world , are head less chickens. running around. We do not percieve ourselfs as headless . Frasing it like that is a headless phrasing. It's just going for the obvious, the general. It is the opposite of taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture and ending up with bigger consciousness of what is going on. That is not mainstream.
I think it is important to do case studies of history in order for people to not be mislead. Hitler's Germany is one to be mindful of.
This gentleman is so correct. If there is a community of people that identify with this video I’d love to bond. ☮️💜
After 12 years of abuse, neglect, rejection, isolation, being harrassed, emotionally blackmailed, physically assaulted, I finally just broke. And it's been a liberation in the truest sense of the word. It released me from the material world and catapulted me into the internal world. And I've never looked back.
Thank you for being wise enough to not label it you awakening. It shows your wise enough to know how much more there is to know.
Same here, my friend. It’s just too painful out there. I’m here for you.
Mine happened after two decades of abuse, racism, social rejection, emotional abuse, when- I was intentionally abused by a mentor and scapegoated by an entire class. I broke. I was in too much pain. They promised to take it away. Don’t let anyone make you these promises.
What does that even mean? How did ur life improve? What do u mean by breaking?
That whole entire experience was a brutal and honest way to learn how to Love yourself first
And you're right, for that, its the most powerful and liberating feeling once you surrender and let go
Thank you so much. I actually cried. I had synchronisites happen faster and faster to the point where I became terrified wishing it would stop and wondering if it was all in my head. I ended up hospitalised, diagnosed with bipolar, and put on massive doses of drugs that made me so ill. My memories of the synchronisation and how everything played out is now repressed and fragmented but I'm trying to get them back.
Honestly... today I was wondering if I really am crazy, but got the urge to search for "psychosis spirituality" and found this video.
I felt such shame and embarrassment for my ramblings while having a spiritual emergency, and now I finally feel validated.
Thank you
hey i hope youre doing okay. Watching Donnie Darko made me cry because of how real it felt
Ground yourself. Differentiate whats provable and whats not.
Just trust yourself.
No medication.
Nature. Animals. Stillness.
Listen to Jiddu Krishnamurti. Learn how to think and talk with yourself.
Be gentle.
No hurry.
No illusions.
You got it all inside.
Be alone and take your time.
Hi thanks for the replies. I watched donnie dark when younger and then going through this reminded me of it. Hope you are well, too.
Can we help you get connected to the beloved
Lozz, let me guess, you are a very sensitive person and what is commonly called an empath. Tell me if I am wrong please but I think I am close. No need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Even so, all the best in your journey.
When he mentioned the two women, one about to return to the spirit world and one just coming from the spirit world it hit me - 🤯 that’s why I’ve always been drawn to young children, the elderly, and those with special needs. They’re closest to the spirit world!
this happens to me
@@ComplyAndDie87 that’s so amazing you see it and see her that way! I am 30 and recently discovered I am on the spectrum and I have always had such a connection to “the beyond” and to spirituality. I have been researching the connection between autism and spirituality and shamanism now.
You're an angel, friend
Well, I am.old but idk about us being closer as much as we are aware of our limited use of energy. .So we use our energy coupons of the day with Opportunity more discretion and appears like pensive wisdom or we are use having a brain fart because our memory is shot!
@@ComplyAndDie87 what makes you say that?
God got me thru mine. I thought I was having a mental breakdown at first. I was blessed to have the necessary time and space to work out what was happening to me.
I feel for those who have gone thru an awakening and are marked off as mentally ill.
It feels good to know that I'm not alone on this journey.
Choosen,,..love this
Exactly it's about connecting with God and not the universe like the guy who had psychosis here said, this TED talker calls it a spiritual emergency when in fact it's getting attacked by demons.
Same for me. I was really not in a good place mentally and then these thoughts started popping in my head. "Reflections of the Divine. You are brave, strong, courageous, steadfast, loving, kind, intelligent, diligent, empathetic...." and on and on it went. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote Reflections of the Divine at the top and then began writing all of the positive words that were coming to me. Now, I think I have 9 pages stored away somewhere, it's been years. It really helped me to stay grounded and the way the words were coming to me, even though it was in my own voice, it felt like someone or something else was pushing them into my mind.
All glory be to God. ♾❤
@@GodleadsMe06 You are’nt I had a nervous breakdown just to break free from an ill famlily
"the mental-health’ industry was not established to support people, but to individualize and medicalize the social misery created by capitalist rule.” Susan Rosenthal (2019). Rebel Minds
spot on.
You get it
not facts, just the delusional thinking of a communist nobody
“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”
― Joseph Campbell, Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research
It is very true... there is a huge difference between someone who has truly awakened to the infinite present moment and someone who has not and continually experiences delusions and thinks they are enlightened...
Delusions and hallucinations do not mean someone is enlightened. This is no game. There is a huge difference. I am an experienced Buddhist practitioner who has studied many other religions as well and I have met true enlightened masters and delusional schizophrenics. There is a huge difference. I have a sad story actually about a schizophrenic who came to the Buddhist monastery I mainly practice at, he thought he was enlightened (he wasn't) and then he went home and decided to set himself on fire outside of his parents house. We had a memorial service for him. They are not the same. This saying holds true.
Maybe the psychotic just forgot he could swim. Just float and remember to move your legs
Several others have chosen very suitable quotes to cite regarding Borges talk. However, the Campbell quote could not be more appropriate. Kudos!
@@galenighting9150 sounds like a failure on your part. Case in point. Religion will never help you, anyone who is having an awakening, do NOT talk to a church. EVER
Even I heard voices and other sounds since childhood and I always thought I'm shizophrenic. I wasted 10 years of my life before finding out I can actually hear spirits. I am clairaudient. Now I'm a past life therapist and reiki therapist. Thanks to the universe I've never been happier and I got everything I ever wanted (not materialistic).
Takes a lot of courage and confidence to know that what you're experiencing isn't just imaginary! Past lives are fascinating, especially if you meet people from the past and remember the same events... sounds absurd to talk about sometimes, but you know what those fragmented memories are once you put them in context.
This is really interesting! I want to do this (though my psychic side is not this strong) but I do reiki and shamanism
I had a very similar experience, I went to multiple psychologists and psychiatrists to find some sort of diagnosis, realized that when things started to happen it was because I was in a more "fragile" or thin state of mind where I was simply existing and not thinking about anything particular, it was in that state that i would see those who are no longer here in their human form of flesh and body, but still here in soul, bound by atherial ties or just lost in their travels to another destination. Its extremely difficult to go to a consultation with a medical professional and explain to them that you're seeing "shadow people" without fear of the possibility of getting put somewhere where you dont want to go nor want to be. I recently saw a clairvoyant and throughout her entire first session she was picking up on my presence, we had a great talk when it was my time. A lot of great, soul soothing advice was given to me, i went from thinking i was going crazy or losing my mind to being at ease and gaining an understanding of what it was i needed to do.
I celebrate you
Keep up your good and beautiful work . Love and peace
The next step is creating a place for the broken to learn self healing without attaching religion or selling them a cure or pill. The true enlightened understanding that everything you need is already within, it just takes time, experience, and a foundation to overcome. Once you overcome, you begin to shine your light on others. This high-level thinking causes a chain reaction where we are all lifting each other up with our own foundations strong. Stop letting doctors, religions, mediums, or your mom tell you you're broken. You are not broken. You are human. You are ok.
the problem with enlightment is that it's a road map to the higher states of consciousness, it's missing exploration and mastery of the lower ones. It will show you how everything is connected, but shadow work, psychology, neuroscience, and empathy, will show you how these systems clash with each other. You need both, or you're asleep.
Fugging right on.
"Psychiatry has turned out to be the practice of using someone’s suffering against them for profit."
very skeptical ...Great quote, thank you. Do you know the source?
Amen!!.. antidepressants serve to numb us out rather than process through our precious feelings...a big medically induced U-turn away from the very raw healing that only comes from.feeling our emotions out right!!
sure if you o to those hibby jibby wannabe freud schol psychietrists... i know many people who'se lifes were saved by one.... dont throw them all in the same can dude there are very good psychietrists out there that will know your problems better than u know them yoursef after just a session
Big pharma! They actually suppress natural cures!!! Anything to get you on a pill. It's sickening!!!
some psychiatrist understand that pills just mask effects and eventually cause dependence and more illness.
some will talk and listen and help someone the right way.
the sad thing though is those psyciatrist are far and few between.
most just fill out a prescription to get bonus money from pharma, ultimately destroying the mental health of someone in need even further...
its a very dark area/ industry
I went through a lot of this. I dropped out in high school because I couldn't handle it anymore. I had depression, anxiety, and only found my comfort alone. I hated seeing psychologists and didn't take any medication. I lost all my good friends and ended up moving states. I was alone for a few months, just taking long walks and trying to find myself again. Now I'm in a 4 year university with a 4.0 GPA and feel like I'm truly understanding myself a lot better. I was always really intuitive when I was younger, even able to somehow predict things right before they happen. It doesn't happen that way anymore, but I still am always to feel and understand a person's energy before they even speak. I call out people who I don't trust only for them to reveal themselves later in friend groups. I feel like my life could've gone a whole lot differently if only I got the help I needed when I was younger.
What helped you though, you didn’t say
@@tacobelle69 True, but I don’t think knowing the answer would help us. Everyone is different. The long walks and inner searching are probably universally helpful, but the rest will come from the inside. Peace.
@@redwingsfan3621 okay thank you
Praise God you found your way. And just think - the bliss you feel now wouldn't feel so amazing had you not experienced the polar opposite of it. Blessings to you on your journey 🙏🏾
As an atheist with empathetic and intuitive abilities, I salute and believe in you for upward success🙂. Spiritual awoke and learned that I am a lightworker and healer.
Sometimes I wonder, at times, whether I'm experiencing something incredibly spiritual or if my brain is just going nuts and deceiving me
U gotta trust your own madness
If you want answers, you must clear your mind of all thoughts. You will discover your purpose in the deepest silence
That’s what it’s like when you awaken.
this was so validating, i am crying. i experienced deep knowings since the age of 4 and at 13 had what ill refer to as a philosophical awakening. i was subsequently diagnosed with anything they could think of...adhd, bipolar, schizophrenia, ocd, and heavily force-medicated, 10+ pharmeceuticals at once. then they (parents, institutions) continued to blame me for my "issues". i am 33 now and have been fortunate to carve out a happyish slice of life despite cptsd. i am beyond grateful i followed my intuition once i was able to get away from the clutches of authority labeling me as sick. i was blessed in my decision making that came from a deep mysterious place that to society in the usa would appear erratic and unstable. my lifelong desire has been to create a new reality of living in reality and helping others with this and their own journeys. now that i have processed and understood what really happened to me in talk therapy, i am overwhelmed with gratitude for my position in life--having a large plot of land in the forest on which i create this reality and having healed my own trauma so i can actually help others and invite those who are ready to cocreate this place, instead of spinning my wheels trying to help the unhelpable while they drain resources, especially my energy, because i am trying to heal those who arent ready instead of healing myself. i know there are lots of us like me out there, we are not alone, nor "special". this is a humbling existence
Can you please describe your awakening at 13?
Lovely comment. Keep dancing. ☮️
Always found it interesting that people in the western world who are diagnosed with schizophrenia experience mean, cruel voices but in south America and other parts of the world experience calm, soothing, reassuring voices.
Mainly because there’s so much stuff that can put your mind in the wrong place up here, when I meditate I begin to hear voices and they alarm me for sure cuz I don’t understand it but they are giving me advice and things like that but if I start to think the wrong way then it can go very wrong for me
Probably due to different cultural attitudes, in the west they medicate them and call the crazy, other places support them through it
Because there is psychosis then there is psychic abilities.
Theyre different.
@@starlight3054 auditory hallucination and lucid dreaming a are symptoms of benzo withdrawal
@@Infamous41 I didn't know that, cool. Never took one in my life. Dont even take tylenol for headaches. :)
It would have been nice if the cameraman had pulled back so we could see the photos.
Tamara Jessup - i agree too. Maybe there are copyright issues.
@@sjcanalita3093 I looked on his website and found a talk he did that's virtually identical to this one in which they're shown.
@Kira Salen oh wow, you are right!!!
@@tamarajessup1398, could you please post the hyperlink here?
@@gorutz Just Google him, like I did, and look on his website. : )
1998 I had a psychotic episode. I was so ashamed. I had been so stable and logical. I never missed a day of work for 12 years and suddenly I had no job and lost my fiancé and ended up at my parents house. I couldn’t sleep for days and paced the floors all night like a caged animal. How can I fix myself or the past? Thinking, thinking, thinking, like a brain on nitro. My parents were so worried. I hid all day long in my room in shame. Then one night after weeks of wracking my brain I knew what I had to do. I had to give of myself. It’s the only thing I had left. I had no ego, money or anything left. I let go of all resentments, judgements, and hate. I became completely unselfish. I started helping anyone I could. Within weeks I had a new love for people and in turn I felt light on my feet and had love for myself that I never had. Synchronicity started to happen and amazing blessings I never had received before. I was basically atheist but the things that happened when I became completely unselfish and held no judgements or anger was amazing. I have to believe now that there is something going on that we can’t see. I now have 4 businesses, 29 employees, and an amazing relationship. And somehow it was easy. Before my transformation it was impossible. This Ted Talk resonates so deeply with me. Just remember, Love IS unselfish. And no one is a failure if you are helping people and making the world better, even if it’s a simple compliment. Cleanse the soul of anger and division. Anger at people is a toxin to oneself and doesn’t change the other people. If you are depressed just stop worrying about self and help others and forgive everyone. I promise magic will happen.
So beautiful! ❤
Beautiful. I had psychosis 3 Times. Everytime i Had this experience of synchronicity..It will be fine.
I’ve been on a Spiritual journey for a year. I had a massive awakening in late 2021, and let me tell you, we are all devine and we are all one. Individuated aspects of the one and only thing in existence ❤️love yourself, which in turn others will feel your love. All life matters
question: How do you know when your gone through an awakening?
@@lainawaina9972 your perspectives broaden. You listen more than you speak because sometimes it feels like people don't even understand anything you say or believe you. You pass through this journey letting go off pride and ego , but being humble and having patience. Being able to tolerate people very well and understanding their perspectives.
@@lainawaina9972 it's painful, you will know, your reality is shattered, spiritual discernment comes through to see the truth of the world
You people get this without psychedelics?
@@mylegispotatodepending on the person and the particular stage they are in when it comes to their life, psychedelics could be seen as taking a short cut or the back door in the house of spirituality. Could also be used to enhance the experience
psychosis was part of my spiritual awakening. It's very real.
Yes sir. I know what is real and try to leave it be and ignore it but i hope i don’t get crazy
Same.. I’m like Adam in the video went too far.. the meds I was on at the time wasn’t a good thing either. I came off them immediately .. I had anxiety bad for months my anxiety is getting better.. now finally over a year later and I’m in a better place than I was..
@@JandKWoodBurningEngravingLLC hello my fear is that if I reduce my medicines that I will relapse into psychosis again.
I was never on anti psychotics or anything like that at all.. just came off my adhd med that was intensifying my awakening.
Still working on being healthier.. I truly feel it won’t come back.. it’s been a year and half and I’ve been fine just anxious a lot. But we can’t give up keep going forward and try to find what you love and just do it. Focus on you 🙂
I thought I had my big spiritual awakening a few years ago but recently I’ve experienced things that if I told people they would say you’re insane. I’ve been learning how to have out of body experiences and astral travel. It’s crazy and beautiful. This life is so much more than the reality we see and feel. Everything is one and connected and beautiful. I wish I could meet other people who know these things around my area. One love to everyone!
Oh my god no please share more! I recently mixed a lot of psychedelics together and it caused me to see and feel some thing that really traumatized me so I went through psychosis. One part of my psychosis was being afraid to die because before then I was kind of like an atheist. And then I got into some sort of African spirituality and I noticed that I’ve always had this with an median tire time. I would love to hear about your astral projection if you feel like sharing.
In meditative states I go up into the heavens with my two children and we play in the stars ⭐️
Your comment resonates ❤️
I had an experience last weekend where i awakened.but if i told other people theyd call me crazy
@@stanleysilva8451 let’s hear it, lol
I had an experience where I was completely love. No judjement. No worries. No hopelessness. No pain. No anger. No thoughts. In a complete world where only love existed. But it only lasted 3 days. I feel it coming and going. I hope that it stays with me forever.
Meditation helps me
I went through this as well. Thought I was the only one. Totally freaked people out
How did you get it? I would love to experience that even for a few mins...these thoughts in my head... too much
Meditation & the discipline to keep working on it. You can't stop after you feel better. It takes daily work, even if it's just 10 mins a few times a day.
@@pris6642 lol same but I think u were enlightened after it comes crisis and after healing and eventually enlightment
Went through a dark knight of the soul since 2018. Covid pandemic gave me a lot of space to heal. Definitely a lot of people going through this right now.
Me too, just recovering from a breakdown and spiritual experiences
Me too and still going through it. It's taking a long time 🙄 I knew I had stuff to deal with but not this much 😅 Covid lockdown barely effected me as I was already in hermit mode. I was happy just as long as I could walk in nature & I could 🙏
It’s artificial technology it’s not god. Read the invisible rainbow. It’s warfare between military entities the thought police and V2S technology.
@@onelittledropintheoceanWOW you made it through Covid, what happened after that?
@@Nana2_5 Seemingly endless waking up to the truth, ie. My personal wellbeing is the least of Governmental concern, humans are suffering major mental illness due to disconnection & consequent destruction of Mother Nature whilst also having flashbacks to who abused me in childhood & beyond!
Other than that, life's pretty cool, lol 🙄 Seriously though, I'm powering up, becoming my true self & I hope you are too 💪🏻
This has happen to me. I truly thought i was going insane, and that i would be hospitalized. I finally learned to just let go and let this process run its course....... as far as hallucinations and "spirits" Its all what you choose to believe. That is how powerful your mind is. My thoughts would manifest in an instant to my reality. I Think this process is going from the external world, to Internal (self-reflection, interpersonal intelligence. ) and that transition can make the mind confuse, panic mode, to Psychosis. Let the process pass, and you will be forever grateful for this new journey.
this was explained perfectly. i too am living this gift and it makes the everyday life so much more.... every thing you ever wanted can be manifested using your mind. it can be destructive if you panic. It can be rewarding if pay attention. But Once you are enlightened, miracles will follow. Its whatever you want it to be. I personally believe the more open minded you are the more likely you are to see the unbelievable. Its best to keep what you know to yourself. its unfathomable to your closest family members and friends. So don't bother trying to tell anybody what your thinking about it...... you could end up isolating yourself in a pysch ward. When their is nothing at all "wrong with you". its a gift
Do you have an ig?
Turns out you have been living your whole life in a medical tank and all of us are just random programs created to stimulate your mind as your body heals. Wake up!!
@@jebes909090 explain
@@caseycushing6124 accidentally was happy and the family decided the best thing to do was to send me to NA.... btw never go to NA.... you'll take in the emotions of those around you and pull people's masks off for the next few weeks working the energy out
I resonated with all of this. Been going through the rebirthing process after the dark night of the soul and have been expanding my consciousness for the last 3 years and it’s been indescribable.
Don’t stop there start reading the gospel of Jesus he got some facts that the church has watered down.
3 years for me as well. The whole process is really 17 years running. However, the last 3.5 have been a whole new level. Taxing and trying but it’s definitely a metamorphosis into a whole new way of being. God speed to both of us as we break on through to the other side ✨
Inspired you tube channel. David Icke & Alan Watts are good. As are the Native American Indian video's.
Im there now, its very hard
You could really help me
It’s the end of an Era
Long live the enlightened
Together we will strive
I'm in the middle of a spiritual awakening right now and have been for the past year and a half the more I learn the more excited I get, the more at peace I get with the world and everything going on in it. Everything is as it should be, although we cannot understand, we need to have faith.
keep looking for information, I promise you can fill your cup just from RUclips sister, especially today . . . . . . .AlwaysForward~Godspeed
Faith in what?
Thanks I needed to hear this. It’s so confusing especially if you were an unbeliever. My guides literally saved me from a potential murder I was in a relationship with. They screened in my ears to get up and ran. And it happened this guy threatened to kill me. He was the sweetest guy so I thought I was delusional but it turned out my spirits were right and I wasn’t delusional
@@arthurmurfitt7698The Truth. The Divine Process. *_God._*
@@gloriouslyaestheticamen glory and praise to the father lord of might
Praise and glory to the son redeemer bright
Praise and glory to the holy spirit source of holy light
Peace be with you
I went through this. Everything connects. I connect to everything. Everything is everything. Everything is love. Awakening. It’s sour, then it’s sweet😊
I wouldn't say everything is love. But everything is connected
I survived my drug abuse. After staying up for 5 days with no sleep whatsoever I saw things that I couldn’t explain. I saw people who weren’t actually there. I heard things that the human ear or others couldn’t hear, and I drove myself crazy and ended up behind bars and detoxed in jail. I don’t know how I allowed myself to become that person and get so bad but I’m still here and Im finally getting myself back together .
Wow I've got the same story
I love this Ted Talk. This talk helped me come to terms that I wasnt crazy and that I was simply going through an awakening. Thank you Phil. From England with love.
My first experience of this was like my mind was empty and I was scrambling for the mind pattern of which I was used to. It was like I literally lost my mind which is what actually happened in that moment.
Me too!
Hi. When the awakening started, did you have a choice to make it stop? Did you feel like something scary was about to take place and you had to choose between embracing it or making it stop, or was it all outside of your control?
@@manafro2714 I go silent shapeless and see every outcome so I get to stay and raise my kids I won't submit
@@shawnnardi7344 Every outcome of what?
My ‘mental illness’ started when I was 12, I’ve had all these experiences and was diagnosed with multiple illnesses and no medication worked. (They should have worked if I did have those illnesses) I have been told by several ppl I have a gift and I hope to dive into spirituality more. I believe the universe is giving me signs and I always have had a strong need to share this gift to help others.
Keep following the direction your heart is pulling you in. You know what’s best for yourself, truly.
You got this. ❤❤❤
"mental illness is a myth"
Underrated video. All psychiatrists should watch it while being doused with Xanax, Prozac and Abilify like they dish out like candies.
Lao Tzu xanax, what a fucking drug. used to be my drug of choice, every day i would pop pill after pill after pill. eventually i decided one day to never touch that shit again. joined martial arts and stayed clean until 1 year later i discovered codeine, dropped out of martial arts and chose to get high. I have a mental disorder, i have been psychotic before in my life and its a very destabilising experience, I've been on meds for about 1 year now, antipsychotics, and it feels just as weird. psychosis never leaves the person the same because there is a shift in the logical approach to life. once you lose touch with reality and eventually come back you realise everything is just a state of mind. chemistry in the brain is responsible for what you experience, therefore are we really sure that we actually are ourselves, or is it all just an illusion? that is the question.
The K-dog Google: The Americanization of Mental Illness
The K-dog Even if it's all an illusion that is produced by the chemicals in our brains; those chemicals are there naturally; the ability to shift them is there naturally; these are things we can do; things we are supposed to do?
Our understanding of consciousness is very small and therefore everything that is different or unusual about our consciousness scares the shit out of most people. But that's just our fear of the unknown. Ofcourse our society isn't made to support that change in someone's counsciousness(yet), rather call it a psychiatric disease. But that is a problem that doesn't lie within our selves, one we shouldn't blame ourselves for.
What I'm trying to say is; the illusion is real; the ability to change the form and nature of that illusion is also real. Tho psychosis is a very serious experience, I believe in most cases it's only as frightening because of how we as a society look at them and act towards them. If the change; the detachment from what we now call 'reality' (a very narrow meaning at the moment) was supported and ackknowledged as something beautifull; I believe we could learn a lot of things and even turn the psychotic experience into a more gentle shift.
Christiaan Zach " the illusion is real; the ability to change the form and nature of that illusion is also real" - very significant perception. Thank you
Lao Tzu Agreed except I genuinely wouldn't wish it on any other human being. I couldn't. It would feel horrific.
"A shaman is someone who swims in the same ocean as the schizophrenic, but the shaman has thousands and thousands of years of sanctioned technique and tradition to draw upon. In a traditional society, if you exhibited “schizophrenic” tendencies, you are immediately drawn out of the pack and put under the care and tutelage of master shamans. You are told: “You are special. Your abilities are very central to the health of our society. You will cure. You will prophesy. You will guide our society in its most fundamental decisions.” Contrast this with what a person exhibiting schizophrenic activity in our society is told. They’re told: “You don’t fit in. You are becoming a problem. You don’t pull your own weight. You are not of equal worth to the rest of us. You are sick. You have to go to the hospital. You have to be locked up.” - You are on a par with prisoners and lost dogs in our society. So that treatment of schizophrenia makes it incurable." - Terrance McKenna
Well said
Demon Posessed our nervous system is where we experience and store pattern information from past experiences. If there is trauma to the nervous system (which is incredibly common in this day and age) not only will our bodies begin to fall into dis-ease but our conscious experience would be understandably altered. (Our consciousness is constantly being altered by the input received through our nervous system) There's a good book called Waking the Tiger about studies on different mammals and how they cope and are affected by a perceived traumatic event and it's effect on their nervous system. Another interesting book on that topic is one by Dr. Joe Dispenza called You Are The Placebo. It's pretty science heavy but there's a good story about his personal experiences with playing with his own bodily and spacial temporal consciousness and falling into a state of timeless archival consciousness. 😊
i worked in this field, those coming outta snaske pits. first u must make sure the staff is not insane. they were valued members and it looks as though evidence is that early man took care of the aged and infirm.
I always wondered if schizophrenics weren't actually mentally Ill, rather that they are somehow more connected to higher planes of consciousness. Perhaps for them, the veil is much thinner. I'm very curious how psychedelics like Psilocybin and DMT might affect someone with schizophrenia. I personally believe that those particular psychedelics sort of lifts the veil and at the right doses the experiences are spiritual in nature. I was an atheist until I had a life-changing spiritual experience on psychedelics.
There are so many ways to trigger altered states of consciousness,! It’s a wonder that society as we know it has been so effective in ‘breaking’ people so thoroughly that most are blocked from understanding why altered states are so important a part of life...like breathing. But that’s where we’re at...at a time when extraordinary numbers per population are experiencing expanded awareness in one form or another...yet to have our systems keep trying to cover it up, make it ‘go away’....but, like with wastes, there is no ‘away’...it’d be perhaps, more productive to openly acknowledge it, encourage it, and allow the many needed paradigm shifts to happen, instead of constantly forcing ‘business as usual”.
I love this thank you. What an amazing lifetime, out there in the field meeting and talking to amazing people. So much repect. The human race is trying to wake up that's for sure.
Yup. :) Very Beautiful, right? :)
Right! :)
Helge Vig
Helge - look at my videos in my 'favorites' folder under the folder name BEAUTIFUL. I think you will really really like all those videos. I put in that folder all the best and most beautiful spiritual videos on the net there in that folder. I think you will like it. You should check them out. :) Cheers and God Bless. :)
ItsKatitiAndKith Show that's exactly what i thought! 🤗
It happened to me at the beginning of 2017. My rational mind split and it was scary and confusing. What followed was a profound understanding of who we are and why we are here.
Carl Jung on intuitive introverts. We can condition our minds to manifest any reality we desire. The greatest gift is the imagination. But can also be dangerous
@UNCHAINED SHAMAN, That is not a Carl Jung quote.
Was being an introvert a thing when jung was alive?? Not sarcasm just asking.
@@abusername1270 Of course introverts have existed throughout history. But they were called different things sometimes.
Can you specify where are you quoting from?
@@abusername1270 jung came up with the word introvert
As a human being who has experienced such an awakening that shook me to my core, I struggled to understand what it is that I am going through and what it is that I am suppose to do. After heavy marijuana use I started to develop anxiety, I acknowledged materialism and how it effected my life, but still maintained a constant addiction to smoking, video games, tv, etc. My anxiety didn't go away but became worse, to the point where panic attacks were awaiting for me around every corner. That was just over a year ago. I now meditate everyday, workout, run or swim, maintain a constant relationship to God or what other cultures have referred to has the spirit world, but more importantly I now understand eschatology and how every religion and culture talk about the same thing. Accept the one man who has taken in our sins, Yeshua. God bless and wake the hell up!!!
I agree and experience all you said
Hello Taylor I just saw your post and I felt compelled to reply. I tell you that you really really should look at all the Spiritual videos I have "Favorited". I put them in the list called: Beautiful. Click on my channel and then click on the that that list. I have listed videos by Dr. David Hawkins - he is a man that has studied all the world's highest spiritual teachers including Jesus :) and of course God. :) You really really should check out his book Power vs. Force on amazon... and all the awesome reviews it has gotten on amazon. Go check it out real quick ... I think you can even preview the book and then if you want to see some his videos on my channel you can do so. I think you will really like them! Again I don't want to impose or anything or seem pushy - I just think you will really like them! Cheers and God Bless!
Been experinting something similar. It's getting out of control. I embrace the perennial philosophy. I recommend the upanishads. God bless.
what do you mean by "Accept" Christ??? pls explain!!!
Well done!
I've had a 'psychosis' before. It was the most spiritual experience of my life. I could decipher signs from everything. Although now looking back, I see my behaviour was out of balance. I wasn't sleeping some days and was staying up learning about 'it'. I just called it, 'it' because there wasn't a word to describe what 'it' was. Anyone else had a psychosis before? Comment me!
+Lachie Wood Same. I am presently trying to differentiate which part of my experience is a healthy part of awakening and which is an unhealthy part of some "psychosis". I know it is not all crazy psychosis, no matter what anybody says there is no doubt in my mind. But at the same time I want to remain functional and somewhat able to relate to others in a "normal" way. :D let's see how it works out. Good luck man.
+Lachie Wood Yep, I've had a psychosis similar to yours on several occasions but it's not so unusual for me as I have bipolar 1. I experienced total loss of ego and a full connection with the breathtaking enormity of the cosmos. The whole experience lives with you long afterwards as the experience is incredibly real.
+Lachie Wood I've experienced a few instances of 'psychosis' and what I find interesting about the shaman approach is that there is a mentor to help you through these times. Like you said, you had no name for 'it' and just had to learn about it on your own. I believe that's it can get out of balance since you are in charge of controlling it, or at the very least the people close to you may not know how to support you. So the solution is usually go to the doctor and get help.
+Tim MacMillar I like that! Unfortunately it's like being sent to anything but a docter in the sense of a spiritual one. But that being said I'm glad I'm back to normal :')
I think I'm going through it now. Lately, I've been feeling like I wasn't really "there" when I'm at work. Like I blink really hard and then I feel like I have just woken up, but the whole time I've been at work. Like I can't remember driving places. I'll get to work and then I can't even recall having driven my car even when it's been like 2 minutes since I got out of my car. Like I have moments where I truly believe that some things are fake and I'm not even real. Like I try to think back to some memories and the faces are blurred of there's no audio and idk. I'm really thinking of seeing a therapist or something soon. I'm a nice person, I'm usually happy. It's when I'm alone when my mind starts to attack itself. I have times where I just have 8 different thoughts going on inside my mind and I can feel like brain pulse while I just try to cling onto one thought just to keep me in reality. This is my experience so far, it's been happening for the last 4 months. I want to get over it.
6 years ago this happened to me, I had an awakening. I was in a “psychosis” for three months, during that time I came to have a deep understanding of many of the same thhings Carl Jung believed. Im only now learning about him, but its amazing to see the similarities with what came to me during that time and after.
While not exactly of the same cloth, Alan Watts has always inspired healthy introspection for me. If I misunderstood your your statement, forgive me. I have only just pressed play and am learning too... 😉
I ll read Móré about Jung because hé says interesting things
I think it is so strange that everybody that has a spiritual awakening, has the same process, and the same realizations without knowing each other or anything about it
Ekkk. I know people who have went back into psychosis because of Alan Watt n Carl Jung. Be careful of false teachings
ive been in the mental hospital before. and i must say that most of the people diagnosed with "psychosis" or "schizophrenia" or even "bipolar disorder" were actually VERY spiritual people VERY in-sync with Spirit and the Universe. most of them weren't crazy. ive been thru spiritual stuff as well and people labeled me as "crazy". just thought i'd give my input.
Waking up in this matrix world can be scary for some 😳
I've been a Mental Health Social Worker and Practitioner for a number of years now, and listening to some of my clients who appear "unwell", sometimes I wonder if there's a spiritual element to their experiences, that they don't quite have the insight to understand and express in that way. I find their stories fascinating and they don't always scream "psychosis".
Cool. Thank you for your input.
@@stormiauunfriur4282 np!
My immediate family members disowned me because of this truth,but I realized now that I have a spiritual gift
Mania is an explosive spiritual experience. For many
I’ve been crippled by arthritis for a very long time. I was looking for a way out of physical pain, scared, but desperate. The disease had devoured my independence. The basic daily challenges were more than I could manage.
I’m amazed to be On The other side. God must love me. A lot.
@@mariettamullin322 God love you
@@NunyaTv300 Yes He does. Loves you too @MS. NUNYA. Amen.
@@mariettamullin322 Praise God 🙏🏿💕👑
@@mariettamullin322 n
He speaks truth. I’m a born Empath and have Clair abilities as well. I’m in sound mind despite a very hard life. My abilities have always been to help other people.
I live to be of service to others. With the help of my guardians I live to help. A gift freely given
Lol not all mental pyscological problems means that person will be a spritual person.sometimes it's just mental disease
@@birju4333 they didn’t say that. This vid is just abt how the world will see spirituality as a mental illness.
@@mango3716 may be in West educated system .but in a bit different in east
As an empath how are you able to have a sound mind while caring for the people around you?
Intriguing, i always knew there was more to life and i have also been looking for a way to find not only protection but a way to be influential to the human society
@jay pritchett hi, isnt the brotherhood a myth?
@jay pritchett oh really, i just saw his website, interesting.i will leave him a message.
@@shellywhite2145 what is on the website?
"Be strong in mind, pure in heart and vigilant in helpfulness..." Jesus
@Jack Whittaker did you join?
He's a photographer and we don't get to see the pictures 🙄 whoever filmed this screwed up, which is a shame because it's a great talk
Olive Seraphim it could be due to copyright
I second this sooo much. I really, really wish I saw all the people he was talking about and showing. Why they don't show his slides and show them on other TED talks ia beyond me.
Yeah I am bumming on that
@Cait Gray did we say it was? Hmm 🤔
Yes, very frustrating
I’m 18 and I started my journey, beginning with meditation. I used to think meditation was a joke but now I’m open to it. I don’t have visions but I have feelings and they sway me in the direction of openness. This final quote resonated with my feelings. I had to edit my comment after hearing it. I know I’m not the only one breaking out that sheep prison. Cheers to all who is reading this in 2020 despite the issues, peace and love to all of you.
Be careful with your experiments with drugs. Don’t do psychedelics if you don’t feel any attraction to them by yourself without other influence. If you do them, do not do them for extended periods of time, do not take a lot at one time, and be in a familiar environment around people you trust deeply. I guess the point is to be careful, there are real risks involved, and you want to make smart decisions as best you can.
@@wildgearwarehouse9380 Ummmm who said anything about drugs? OP said they used “meditation”, perhaps you read it as “medication”? Not sure how else your comment would be relevant, although it’s likely not bad advice.
The only thing we should meditate on is the word of God. Please reconsider this new age stuff, I got into it when I was young too and it ruined my life. Turn back to Jesus before it’s too late.
Excellent man. Devotes his life to what is worthwhile. Has a humble, open mind, doesn't come across as an expert. And best of all -- something we do not see anymore -- he is not forceful in making his points. He is letting the audience come to meet his points and ideas on their own, not bullying them into seeing them. I wish more people were like him. He's OFFERING, he's not SELLING and he takes a modest, humble place as someone who did the work and shares it with others. We should all be more like him.
Psychosis and spiritual awakening have a very deep rooted tie to one another, the only thing making them different is their context, perceptual definitions and direct experiences transcribed into psychology books. There is great dogma that comes with the work psychosis, it’s a horrible word for anyone to use going through the experiences considering how intimate and sensitive the experience may be. Don’t be fooled by the words used to describe the experiences considering these definitions, go through the motions, flow with it, heal within and understand all will be okay, reach out to close friends, don’t be afraid to show them what’s going on, those who do care will stay and help whenever possible but understand everyone is on their own journey. These experiences are very common to have for many people dabbling into the energetic frequencies of the universe and doing inner work(fueled by suffering most the time) take your time and don’t identify with any definitions given by societal values as they will rip you apart and slander that of what you’re going through, never forget you’re a human being yourself and what is happening to you is integral for you to heal. Much love
The government needs to make magic mushrooms legal for depression and anxiety so people can get healed and feel better but they won't because of the greedy pharmaceutical companies
Thank u for this comment
ThAnkyou for your words
My son had a vision when he was 11. I went on some supposedly spiritual groups, and the overwhelming response was he was delusional and needed psychiatric care.
Needless to say, I didn't take him to a psychiatrist and I'm very glad I didn't. I support him, and we talk about our spirituality openly. We have both seen things we don't speak of with other people.
That could be classed as child abuse..... take your child to the doctor or a priest
Hi. When the awakening started, did your son have a choice to make it stop? Did he feel like something scary was about to take place and he had to choose between embracing it or making it stop, or was it all outside of his control?
What visions did he have, that's if you don't mind me asking?
This has happened to me. I have discovered all of this on my own. I didn't take the medicine. I used meditation and hiking in the hills to heal!
I’ve been thru this & was all alone. I was overwhelmed & just like the young man said, I kept going deeper into it & finally got scared & derailed. Literally on my knees, begging for it to stop… mind blowing. But, no drugs & I knew I wasn’t crazy. And I had the self aaareness to know better than to go tell ppl who wouldn’t understand & might just tell me I was crazy.
This was in 1996, about 26 yrs ago. One of the scariest parts, was that I was downloaded with knowledge that this was going to happen to many ppl all over the world.
It was a ‘second coming’ of sorts, but not at all like what Christianity teaches… the Christ, Pure Love Energy, would rise within people. It would push up into conciousness, all untruths, guilt, shame, false beliefs, Fears, traumas… this would be very uncomfortable. Some would accept this & heal. Others would choose to deny, refuse to let go, accept Truth, etc & would tend to blame their discomfort on others
The energy would get stronger & Some would not survive it… either becoming a danger to themselves &/or self & others.
Some would choose to follow the Truth & healing.
And, just like a Birth… Fear, tension, resistance make itvWORST! I volunteered then & there to be a ‘midwife’ of sorts when the time came. Someone to just reassure people, that this is a natural normal process, nothing to fear… just breath deep. Relax… your body knows what to do. Trust & surrender. Provide safety & calm by being WITH someone… reassurance… grounding. Encouraging self care. 🦋
After I went through a very painful memory that I had surpressed, I made a vow to myself. I swore that I would never let anyone walk it alone. I am aware now that I can't walk with them, and the worst part they must face alone. But I was at a loss as to how to help on a daily. As it is, I just relaxed and knew that I had to just keep putting one foot in front of another. I have a steady stream of those who seek me out and ask advice due to the nature of this Universe allowing us to be where we need to be, exactly when we are to be there. I wish to seek others though to talk with about this. I don't want to have to pay for it either, my gifts are what is available to everyone and to make $$ on these gifts is just as Jesus saw the Pharisees in His Father's house.(this is a personal opinion of course) I hope to soon meet others whom I can rest my lurking questions on. Namaste ❤️🌈
@@wendya.watson5078 I agree… any help is best freely offered. Loving exchange is welcome but never required.
I trust the Divine to bring to me those I can assist & also lead me to those I can learn from & find mutual friendship & support.
It’s already happening of course & I am always in gratitude to be able to ‘pay it forward’
Are you on FB?
@@wendya.watson5078 I would love to work with you and have you included in my support system
So should someone seek help if you think you have this?
@@ShiaaaatKz maybe… only if the ‘help’ can be trusted to be supportive.
I had an incredible spiritual awakening, but, according to man I was bipolar... I was having visions, they called them delusions. I was speaking telepathically with many, both living and dead from this world but not dead, just in a different dimension... I thought I was losing my mind, but it was being purified by Christ. The illusions of this world were being wiped away and LOVE was becoming my primary emotion... I was delivered from fear, anger, doubt, frustration, physical pain, grief and agony... they tried to put me on all kinds of drugs too. I am not mentally ill and I no longer take any of their drugs... I am whole...balanced and I have now learned to walk in harmony holding on to what I learned from Jesus and the angels who ministered to me through my transition...
It sounds like you experienced severe mania with psychosis. I have Bipolar I with psychosis but I never once believed god was talking to me. What if someone experienced the same thing as you but they were pagan gods? Who is right then? No one because none exist. God and the pagan gods can not exist at the same time, there is only one set of creators if there are any at all. If two existed one would be false. You need to study the subject of psychosis and bipolar disorder further before you make irrational assumptions and seek help rather than think thats what it is. Because soon "god" may talk to you and tell you to do something harmful to save the Lord.
Raine Welsher you weren't listening with your heart, but still in your mind believing lies that were told and spoken over you. God does exist and many spirits are in this world, so caution, and having a solid base of scripture in your conscious mind and heart are essential....lots of pagan gods, and millions of ideas about what's really going on...
Know this, all psychology was based on false premises...faulty precepts...it describes, classifies, label, and identifies behaviors, The Lord God Almighty knows from where they are generated, He designed your body and knows exactly how it's supposed to work...many of the drugs given today actually block, and cut you off further from the "consciousness" of God....and let me say this, there is most certainly a place called Hell, and you don't want to go there...Please, seek professional help, call 1-800-Jesus Christ!
Connie Lawrence lmao you're still believing the lies that were told thousands of years ago.
Connie Lawrence how are you doing now?
No, you just felt good because you were high on serotonin and norepinephrine. Do you understand why are there so many drug addicts on the streets? Every chemical substance has a different impact in our cognition. Delusions tend to repeat themselves, you can just give them any interpretation you want. If you believe in the Christian god it is because you grew up immersed in a Christian society, but most of this so called Christians don't experienced allucinations by themselves, they just fake it and follow the tradition, they are adoctrinated to believe this. If you were born in southern Mexico you would probably believe in Quetzalcoatl and Tlaloc.
This is a great talk and a great video. Unfortunately it's hard for me to watch. Last year I had a very severe psychotic manic episode due to bipolar disorder and in the midst of that I found this video. It convinced me I was just going through a spiritual awakening which, while that could be possible, it instilled this extreme confidence in me that nothing was wrong when actually something was very wrong. I ended up being hospitalized after days of just sending every person I knew a link to this video as an explanation for why I was acting "different" whenever someone expressed concern. In my mind I made total sense and thought this video would show everyone how I felt but in actuality all it did was make me look more unstable. Watching this video now for the first time since that happened is bizarre, I mean it's an interesting video but it's crazy to think about how I was watching it multiple times a day, everyday. I don't feel any of the same feelings I felt whe I watched it in my manic state. I don't resonate with it anymore. My experience is probably a very unique one and I'm sure many of the commenters resonating with it are stable and healthy people, but I know there are at least some who may be experiencing a serious psychotic episode watching this and being convinced it's normal. It's not.
Honestly, the title of this should maybe be reconsidered as that was the main thing that drew me to it when I was being told by my loved ones I was experiencing psychosis and I thought they were wrong. They were right and I needed help but videos like this caused me to rapidly spiral for months. Something to keep in mind for those of you stumbling on this video in a similar state as I did.
You weren’t engaging that spiritual impulse that you found from a place of stability. That doesn’t mean that what you felt was invalid. Great spiritual impulses like the one that you experienced need to be paired with activities such as a structured learning program, rituals, journalling, and a spiritual support system. I just hope to God that the system didn’t scare you off of spirituality! Reality is so much richer than western psychiatry would have you imagine! Sorry for the long post…
I hope you are now doing well? How did you treat your psychosis if you don't mind me asking?
Agree 100 percent , ive been thru a pycosis that wasnt good for me and hurt me i kmow exactly what you mean and its not healthy or enlighting for anyone
Same thing happened to me after I went through a highly stressful breakdown except I kept watching tarot readings, I was hallucinating my spirit animal and could see beyond the veil so to speak.
I truly appreciated this talk. We are at a crossroads as a species, we have list the ability to connect. To feel, to love and trust. The media and government have much to do in the manipulation.
I was born being able to talk with and see spirits. It has taken 38 years to gain understanding and acceptance of my gifts. I found myself and i love me. People around me dont understand what i have figured out. The more i unlock the more a divide happens. I hope others catch up.
Ur schizophrenic
I have recently been suffering from a condition called BPPV. Happened suddenly walking home from work. Scared me to death. Slowly was given meds which led to me to get anxiety. I had suffered from anxiety before in my late teens. But learned to cope. I've always had very vivid dreams of things that would eventually happen in real life. I've had these dreams for as long I can remember. It's now at my age ( twenty three ) where I have now been realizing that I have been experiencing a spiritual awakening. I learned to now manage my emotions and channel everything through meditation. I honestly thought I was the only one in this world who was experiencing these things. Slowly but surely I have been led to this video and realize I am not alone. Thank you all for your posts and your stories. I am truly blown away.
The dreams I have happen in real life too since my childhood. I feel awful all the time beacuse I know whats gonna happen and I dont have any controll over it, I dont know what to do. The people that see themselves that some of the things from my dreams I told them about realy happends are afraid of me, some even call me witch and demonic.
lisaarroyo30 Your not alone! I am exactly the same way. Have been diagnosed as a Savant. I see the world differently too!
It has nothing to do with psychosis or anything similar, it's literally a mechanical problem
Don't you people realize it's a mental illness? Schizophrenics have it way worse, they'll hallucinate most of their reality without anti-psychotics. Nah, of course not, according to you people they are just way more "awakened".
Scavenger how do you figure that? Have you had close experiences with schizophrenic? Just wondering what brought you to this conclusion??
synchronicity. I've been looking for this for so long thank you
Synchronicity is a sign from the Universe, usually of a spiritual awakening or from spirit guides, etc that you are on the right path if you are awakened or in the awakening process. It can also be a sign of manifesting.
There's a ton of info on YT on synchroniticities, usually under law of attraction or manifestation videos.
December Leigh truth
December Leigh as soon as I read your comment the guy said it and said “once you think something it happens. Kinda trippy man
December Leigh Silus Raphael hey I just wanna put out here my experience real quick PLS READ (esp if in spiritual community). So I’ve been in the spiritual community for maybe 6 years now I got into this very young because my family background was very into the mystical etc anyway i recently started college and am majoring in psychology since I love self help and my plan was to go into a holistic kind of route. For a while I was struggling with depression which I no longer have but my anxiety only seems to get worse as I age, the older I get the more spiritual I get as well to the point that I had my own wisdom and connection to the universe, I manifested a lot even got into plants and further I invested in this idea the further I strayed from the “norm” (cause of anxiety). Anyway no big deal I thought I was awakened and my energy was in a higher frequency🤦♀️. (Justifying unhealthy behaviors is always red sign!)Finally, I found this term called schizotypal personality disorder pls look that up after but the idea that I have been trapping myself thru being spiritual is sm I never thought I would come to the conclusion. In other words spirituality is great and I do believe energy is out there but I got to the point that I was escaping my abusive reality in these philosophies and this in hindsight was rendering my ability to be me and to connect and meet needs. If anyone is struggling with sever anxiety and ur justifying ur indifference with others your age or the standers Bc you are spiritual please that is not healthy. Learning this is hard but do not let this slide we need to take back our lives or else we are allowing those who neglected or abused us to win.
The mention of Eleanor's TED Talk makes the message even more powerful.
For those upset that they cannot see the photos, there is an almost identical talk by him that does show the photos called Myths, Shamans, and Seers at TED x Rainier that you can watch instead here on RUclips.
You are everything, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation, in every second and moment in time! Marcus Aurelius said- For there is one universe made up of all things and one God who pervades all things and one substance and one law and one reason. Be still and know that I am God!!!
I've always been interested in people with "mental illnesses" I'm currently in graduate school to be an OT...... I've talked to people from all backgrounds, ages, and presumed illnesses and it's always something I admire in them. In the American culture we tend to ostracize anyone who doesn't fit the norm and I believe that is scary! It's almost as if they want everyone to be robotic and following suit to whatever system is in place. But we as a people need to look at those outliers. For instance, I am a substitute teacher and a student who had an intellectual disability taught me Chinese while in class, another student with a similar diagnosis was able to sense my anger even when I smiled, and many times people with cognitive disabilities are the most upfront and filterless. It's amazing how certain people go through their entire lives without worry or doubts. We as a society portray it as a bad thing . Imagine a world where everyone was blatantly honest and no one worried. People who are diagnosed with Autism have a tendency to cover their ears and books/doctors tell us they have sensory overload and perceive noise differently than others. I would think we as a society would be more interested in finding out what those people hear and why others can't hear it? I could go on forever but those with these proclaimed illnesses are being forced meds, creating capital, and being shunned in society thus creating a hierarchy of people. I refuse to believe that humans main purpose in life is to get a job and pay bills. It sounds too similar to James Orwell's 1984 "Big Brother is Watching You". We need to look a little deeper into the true meaning of life and stop being so shallow.
Bre Lee I've learned to bypass mental health services because being honest about my experiences has gotten me several different diagnosis's. Depending on the who I spoke to I was everything from bi-
Bre Lee Totally agree! What I wouldn’t give to interview you on my show. I love everything you’ve just said!
Bre Lee I’ll give you my fb and you can see where my concern begins with my posts. The more in depth I get providing more n more evidence before realizing wow I’m looking like that guy😂
You wrote exactly what I experience/think the whole time, I'm happy that I see more and more people out there thinking like that.. I would give you 1000 likes for that comment if I could
Bre Lee you're better than my psychiatrist.
I can relate to Adam. I had a drug addiction for many, many years. I quit everything, cold turkey one day and what followed was an intense spiritual awakening that had me so mind blown I thought I was in full psychosis. I still am looking for the proper words to explain or put on paper the things I experienced in that time. I get synchronicities regularly. All I know for sure is that I am beyond grateful that the universe deemed me worthy of forcing me to change and cracking open the door for me. I say all the time “God (spirit, whatever works for you) speaks to us all the time, all we need to do is listen” 🙏🏼
@@CourtneyLynn630 it’s humans manipulating you with ai
"Today you are you and that's truer than true, there's no one alive who is you-er than you."
- Dr Suess
All my life I have dealt with anxiety, self doubt. I was an above average student, did my engineering and got a high paying job. People from outside would see me as very successful in life. But I constantly felt that these people are not being genuine and what they truly admire is my position, success but not me. I always had diverse interests and am a lifelong learner. When I decided to quit my job to try out new things, people around me reacted like what a big blunder I have done. The constant societal judgement did take a toll on me for a brief period, but I know whatever happens my conscience is free. I enjoy experiencing new things and helping people. I have always been a problem solver. People would constantly come to me for advice or when they needed to vent out and I always listened to them. I recognize patterns and extrapolate things quite well, so much so that I often call out how things are going to unfold, and that's exactly what happens. I know I don't have any powers, it's just that I'm able to observe and connect the dots better than others. But people just discard my intuition only to find out later that I was right.
I don't know what life has for me in the future, but I'm hopeful that I will learn a lot and help people along the way.
To anyone who seems confused about everything in life, not knowing what to do, what path to take, just remember that you are unique and the universe has a plan for you. Everything happens for a reason.
Wow so powerful and thank you
@Ards B. Thank you 😄
In 1978, I had a full spontaneous kundalini awakening and ended up in a mental hospital for two weeks. I learned to simply filter what I told the staff and play along with their concept of reality and was released. I still do pretty much the same thing with society, but have learned a lot since then and can now talk to people using spiritual, philosophical, and scientific contexts. Even if people can't grasp what I say, I don't have to worry about getting locked up again. It's too bad the mental health sector doesn't know more about this kind of stuff.
Hello, that is fascinating! Would you be able to elaborate on the Kundalini awakening? Thank you kindly.
I work in mental health. I'd love to hear more so I can help people.
Funny that I'd get two requests like this just a few hours apart on a comment I made a year ago. I'd be willing to describe my experience and how it's changed my life, but this just isn't the place for it.
Funny that I'd get two requests like this just a few hours apart on a comment I made a year ago. I'd be willing to describe my experience and how it's changed my life, but this just isn't the place for it.
@@midi510 that is a curious indeed. Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence. Unfortunately, there was no third to proclaim synchronicity in action! Totally understandable and I do thank you for sharing a small part of your story in your initial comment a year ago :)