very well put - while the natives in many, not all cases, stuck to a vision of shared humanity, the white people did not. Like in the case of Cynthia Ann Parker, they could not understand that she might have loved her husband, they could not accept it due to their hate and racism and resentment due to the violent fights that also took place. There are stories of women who were brought back to their white families yet treated badly and looked down upon as "soiled". Yet again, who were the real savages?
very well put - while the natives in many, not all cases, stuck to a vision of shared humanity, the white people did not. Like in the case of Cynthia Ann Parker, they could not understand that she might have loved her husband, they could not accept it due to their hate and racism and resentment due to the violent fights that also took place. There are stories of women who were brought back to their white families yet treated badly and looked down upon as "soiled". Yet again, who were the real savages?