Tony Banks, a modest genius of our time. Genesis shaped my love for music…….forever grateful to Genesis for the best music and live performances. Thank you Tony, Peter, Phil, Mike, Steve, Daryl and Chester. 40 years of musical greatness. Thanks guys.
Not probably, definitely. Tony Banks imho is the Mozart of our time. That said, it is unfair to to give Tony all the credit, the greatest songs of our time have been written by a pair of genius's, course Genesis had a whole room full.
The Winkler66 I have been a Genesis fanatic for nearly 40 years and feel really moved to see and listen to these exquisite tributes from Italy. God bless Italy in these terrible times. Stay safe.
We had appreciated before of english people. You can find early concert (just the sound) played in Italy. during 70's age, like thisвидео.html. They started in Italy and they finished in Italy. Bye from Rome
@@massandrolinveagesti5085 Thank you Massandro for your link to early Genesis performance. I think in UK when they started they were too underground and there were so many other great bands around, but they got their moment later. Circus Maximus in Rome was amazing, wish I could have been there.
Dopo questa esibizione posso confessare di essermi. Emozionato e commosso.. Si.. Perché ogni epoca ha le sue appartenenze. E visto che il mio pop. È stato rappresentato dai Genesis. Essere arrivato vivo è vedere che il mio pop è il classico per una nuova generazione mi da gioia..!! Grazie per questo video e alla sua sensibile interprete..
E tipico dei Genesis emozianare, soprattutto quando parliamo dei Genesis fino al '77. Le esecuzioni al piano o con l'orchestra sono quasi una naturale evoluzione di tanta armonia. Se non lo hai già visto, ti consiglio altamente la mostruosa versione al piano di The Musical Box di Massimo Bucci:видео.html ... e prepara i fazzoletti ; )
Wonderful interpretation. Not that I think that anyone wouldn't like to hear this in its entire beauty. Nevertheless here are the time stamps for the different tracks as far as I could figure them out: 0:47 The lamb lies down on Broadway 4:38 Ripples 8:58 Carpet Crawl 12:11 Entangled 16:45 The Lamia 21:52 Firth of Fifth 26:40 The Cinema Show 31:46 Anyway 36:09 Afterglow 38:51 Many too many 41:04 Hairless Heart
Genesis - until And then there were three... always were the perfect intonation of everything English I loved....thankfully now there is (was?) Big Big Train. Lucky country to have music letting you feel it wherever you are by music alone!
Many years ago I went back to my old school a year after I left, and played a selection of Genesis songs on the piano as an introduction to prog rock. Cant quite believe I had the nerve to do that at 17 in front of a class. I was not at this level though. Beautiful performance.
Take away the bass and drums, the lead guitar, electric keyboards and reduce the music to its bare self. Absolutely wonderful. My head is filling around the piano adding the lyrics and other instruments from so many years of playing the lps. It’s another way to enjoy the amazing music of my favourite band. I would buy this if it was released. Beautiful playing, thank you.
Wow. Quel magnifique interprétation. Mais surtout, quel bel hommage à Tony Banks. Après avoir écouter leurs musique pendant toutes ces années, j'ai eu la révélation de constater que la véritable âme de ce groupe, c'était lui… Sans rien enlever aux autres membres du groupe, je suis content qu'il ait enfin eu ses lettres de noblesse.
Je partage totalement votre opinion. Tony Banks est notre Mozart contemporain. Cela fait plus de 40 ans que la musique de Genesis me comble de bonheur.
Al igual que ustedes, desde los 70 vengo fascinado con Génesis, y Elpidia siente lo mismo, es una genia, bendita Italia, con músicos así. Abrazos a todos desde Montevideo Uruguay
By The Lamb, I already realized that T Banks was the main genius among the other Genesis great musicians. And clearly checked it with Trick of the Tail, which contains my most bful song of all my times: Mad Man Moon.
Bravissima Elpidia! Grazie per questi tre quarti d'ora di pura magia. C'é tanta passione e bravura nella tua interpretazione e mi hai dato tanti spunti per eseguire queste meraviglie al piano, anche se non sono bravo come te. I Genesis sono una droga, non ne puoi fare a meno........ piú li ascolti e piu hai voglia di conoscerli, di esplorare quell'universo meraviglioso e di perderti nell'immensità della loro musica. Grazie ancora Elpidia, per averli interpretati cosi' bene🤗
Ma che meravigliosa scoperta! Ho conosciuto Elpidia ieri sera a un concerto della mia band a Londra. Mi ha fatto i complimenti, ma è lei a meritarli per il suo magnifico talento. Questa interpretazione dei brani dei Genesis è semplicemente magica! Chapeau!!
Can't stop listening ! Thanks so much for sharing ! Great tribute, and huge work for adapting the complexity of a progressive rock music to a two-hands play on single keyboard. Elpidia Giardina restranscripts the whole poetry of Genesis Music, but she shows her special sensibility to the contribution of Tony Banks ! Great great job !!
Music truly is an art form. So much feeling goes into a painting or a sculpture. The same amount of "feeling" goes into a piece of music. Beautifully done!
I was mesmerized by this and then I got to Afterglow around 36:10 and I lost it. That put me over the edge. What a truly beautiful interpretation of this magnificent music and songwriting. This performance is astonishing to me in its beauty.
These are very beautiful and passionate interpretations of some of Genesis’ most melodic and immortal songs during their genius prog era. Thank you for this wonderful gift, Elpidia! I loved every moment.
Those people that know Genesis material come from a following of dedicated listeners, who know every note, phrase, and will cynically critique. Yes so there were a few "un-moments" but she gets the gold star award from me. To do a medley of this caliber, takes years of dedication to emulate their songs including all the improvised vocals. An exceptional work of art. Well done
Hi everyone..i'm from Indonesia. I'm one of Genesis's fan in Indonesia. We love Genesis. Thanks for Elpidia for creat such a great interpertation from Genesis's songs. You play these songs so beautifull as Genesis. Thank you so much..God Bless You...
Choosing the best of storytelling classical genius like tony banks is like asking Picasso or Rembrandt to choose their favorites. A+ for interpreting the best parts of these phrases, hooks, bridges, and verses. Many try. Few succeed. Bravo.
It also admires me how one person may know so many complex songs by memory. And I know there are some other pianists in YT who play very well Genesis songs and I equally admire.
Pretty amazing performance and effort to string so many great tunes together. Well done. Props to the boys at Genesis and I recon Tony Banks can take the biggest bow. Such beautiful music and so well covered here.
Listened to this quite a few times..The choice of Songs Brilliant..Your Interpretation is Great..A Different take on these Great Songs But Very Enjoyable.. Class..👏🎸🎷🎵🎹 😁
Oh my, 'many too many' is bloody gorgeous... Hearing this song on the radio when it first came out introduced me to Genesis at the age of 17. They are absolutely the dogs bollocks for me!!!
Bravissima, Elpidia! E grandi onori, direi, ad Anthony George Banks per aver firmato - da solo o con i compagni - tutti i brani che ci hai fatto così piacevolmente ascoltare. Grazie.
Well, that was beautiful, well played and creatively arranged. I see you picked the songs that are favourites of mine... your love for these songs speaks in every one of them. The Lamia gave me goosebumps! Thanks so much... 😊
Beautiful, I;ve always thought that Tony Banks should be with an orchestra performing the older Genesis songs in Beautiful surroundings and maybe even tour some concert Halls, What do you guys think ?
I have always Loved the idea of Gabriel touring the world's great hotel piano bars, just Pete at the piano, performing 7-9pm (with a break, of course). "you may recall this one... " with some banter here and there. "Pete Here For Three Nights!" Tony on tour with an orchestra?? Hell, yeah!
I had the vinyl of the album of Genesis music with orchestra arranged by Dee Palmer. It was amazing, but I never found it on cd, and my lps were stolen out of a storage unit decades ago.
There are a lot of pianists who played Genesis songs like David Myers (former keyboard of the canadian cover band the Musical Box). As for Classic albums, I have three of them: 1) We know what we like - the music of Genesis played by the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Palmer (probably the one that teemusid meant) 2) The Royal Philarmonic Orchestra plays Genesis hits and ballads 3) The Genesis chamber suite - A classic rock tribute to Genesis - The classic rock string quartet The 2 first always mixed classic instruments with rock instruments (e-guitar, bass & drums) which I disapproved. The 3rd one has in my eyes too simple arrangements I like to see indeed Tony conducts an orchestra without rock/electric instruments and with a rather classical arrangement. The one who did very good but into jazz is Jazznesis from Barcelona. I say "chapeau"
Ces interprétations n'ont jamais été enregistrées en disque ? C'est vraiment bon et reposant avec un air de nostalgie rappelant tous ces bons moment avec Genesis.
Their music really resonates with our collective sense of musical beauty, deeply rooted in the works of composers of the past like Verdi, Puccini, Rossini and many others. We really feel a profound connection with their melodies and harmonies. Back in the early '70s Genesis were more successful here than in the UK
Quand on connaît très bien l'oeuvre de GENESIS , on retrouve là toute l'âme du groupe ,à travers cette transcription et cette interprétation : SUPERBE ! ! ! ! ! !
Awesome Job - She captured all the nueances and light touch and power of there incredible music - Gabriel and Collins era. I just Loved the Lamia/silent sorrow empty boats piece off the Lamb. Peter's voice is just haunting beautiful.
Totally Spellbinding Ripples Section Is Exquisite One of the Best Genesis cover piano performances I've ever had the pleasure to watch on You Tube. So Inspiring
I've just discovered your 7 years old record and I find it just awesome. It's fantastic. You've played almost all of my (and surely your) favorite rock band. Thank you for that.
Cara Elpidia, immagino il tuo duro lavoro per una composizione così passionale e perfetta al tempo stesso. Se avessi saputo di questo tuo concerto non sarei certo mancato e di questo sono davvero dispiaciuto! Complimenti per la tecnica ma soprattutto per una interpretazione che lascia intendere tanto del tuo cuore. Grazie
è largamente espresso il tema di the lamb lies own broadway, e a trick of the tail, magnificamente interpretati con somma maestria e professionalità. mi han fatto venire i brividi per quanto amo questi dischi per la magistrale interpretazione. un inchino a questa grande professionista. grazie per mettere in rete e condividere questi brani
Bravissima : io ho riconosciuto, in sequenza : The lamb lies down on broadway (TLLDOB), Ripples, Entangled (ATOTT), The lamia (TLLDOB), Firth of Fifth (mitica), Cinema show (SEBTP), Anyway (TLLDOB), Afterglow (W&W), Hairless Heart (TLLDOB) ... grande omaggio alla musica stratosferica ed eterna di questa meravigliosa band ... ed ancora brava alla sig.ra Giardina .
Esecuzione davvero intensa. Ascoltando gli arrangiamenti di questa e altri musicisti classici, ci si può rendere ancora più conto di quanta musicalità c'è nelle composizioni di Banks, Gabriel e compagni. Se la ascoltiamo così e nessuno sapesse che è un brano dei Genesis, Entangled potrebbe tranquillamente essere attribuita a Debussy o un altro compositore impressionista di fine '800. È bello, inoltre, vedere come ci siano musicisti "classici" che cerchino di cancellare quell'idea di "puzza sotto il naso" che sembra contagiare molti studenti di conservatorio e molti pseudo filologi e critici musicali, proponendo l'idea che , quando si crea un'emozione, non esista una musica classica, pop, rock, ma semplicemente "la Musica", che vive al di là delle convenzioni e delle classificazioni.
A parte le banali ovvietà che hai espresso, e pur non essendo io un estimatore di Debussy, devo dirti che fare un paragone artistico con i seppur bravi Genesis ti squalifica sufficientemente. La pensassero tutto come te i Conservatori musicali sarebbero già chiusi da un pezzo.I più grandi rocchettari o compositori pop la musica non la sanno nemmeno leggere (MC Cartney, Elton vuoi ti faccio una lista di 1 km).Forse è meglio che ascolti la Pausini Vasco Rossi, non c'è niente di male, in quanto a esprimere opinioni, seppur lecitamente, a volte può urtare la sensibilità altrui, magari chi con la musica ci vive da 40 anni e a volte non riesce a resistere alle merdate dette da chi palesemente di musica non sa niente ma vuole far credere diversamente.Si chiama saccenza ed è quella che ha causato il crollo musicale e culturale di sto povero Paese.Ma non sentirti in colpa, tu sei solo una vittima. Senza rancore...
Oh si ma per favore mi spiega Signor Thelonius ,visto che Lei la musica la conosce bene, chi sarebbero gli autentici e qualificati musicisti di questo secolo rigorosamente usciti dai conservatori in grado di 'rappresentare' in musica le anime e le culture autentiche degli umani vissuti in questo secolo ?Me li elenchi immediatamente per favore che sto preparando la pattumiera per scaricarvi tutti i miei vinili e CD di De Andrè Peter Gabriel,Springsteen e Vasco...avanti per cortesia mi elenchi nomi e cognomi di tutti questi qualificati e certificati composers formatisi musicalmente esclusivamente nei conservatori.Ho preparato il sacco del rudo per i miei suddetti ed accennati "compositori rocchettari e pop"in attesa dei nomi di questi non ben precisati e mai auditi geni....
theolonius ci sono super-musicisti pluridiplomati che non sanno dare alcuna emozione. Poi ci sono molti pseudo-musicisti che vanno a orecchio e ti regalano brividi. Senza rancore.
Proprio così come dice Lei Claudio Maurizio di la del fatto che la bellezza intrinseca di molte composizioni rock e la loro valenza estetica ,culturale e storica è indiscutibile..indipendentemente dai conservatori o dai tanti 'soloni' della musica che da quel mondo provengono...e la stessa cosa dicasi per la poesia ,la pittura e quant'altro.Se persone come Peter Gabriel o Fabrizio De Andrè che provengono da classi colte ed agiate delle rispettive nazioni non avessero avuto in se stessi queste potenzialità e sicurezze circa il proprio talento artistico e la propria umana ricchezza col piffero che avrebbero abbandonato ben più comode,ed almeno inizialmente anche remunerate, carriere accademiche e/o universitarie...
Un immense plaisir d'écouter ces arrangements au piano. Je connais bien et j'apprécie ces morceaux de musique de Genesis depuis plus de 40 ans et c'est pour moi un renouveau. Magnifique.
Genesis has been my favourite band for 35 years. I've both taught their music and performed it with tribute bands and regular bands. I have very high standards when it comes to other people performing their music, and.....I must say that you passed with flying colours. I love your selection of their more album-oriented material and your quirky arrangements of the songs. And I also like how your playing brings out the inherent sadness present in so much of this music. You don't really hear it with Peter and Phil's strong vocals on top, but stripped bare like this, Genesis becomes rainy Sunday music. And it's quite lovely. Thank you.
You make a valid point about the sadness in their music. The chord arrangements certainly lend themselves to a rather sombre mood on a lot of their work, but it succeeds by stirring many feelings and emotions. Truly magical music.
Tony Banks, a modest genius of our time. Genesis shaped my love for music…….forever grateful to Genesis for the best music and live performances.
Thank you Tony, Peter, Phil, Mike, Steve, Daryl and Chester. 40 years of musical greatness. Thanks guys.
Don't forget Ant Phillips.
@@edlawn5481 And now, nic!
And Anthony philips .
52 years of musical greatness; you left out the most musically literate era.
You can leave Darryl out, he's a hack in my opinion, Chester is a drum god.
Amazing. Any fan of Genesis should give this a listen.
Tony Banks wasn't the flashiest of the great 70s keyboardists, but in my opinion he was the best composer.
@ True.
i agree with you and imho is a matter of semplicity timber and notes choices that reached evr'y one of us.
Not probably, definitely. Tony Banks imho is the Mozart of our time. That said, it is unfair to to give Tony all the credit, the greatest songs of our time have been written by a pair of genius's, course Genesis had a whole room full.
Without a doubt
gringochucha, no probably about it, he was.
Tony banks is a gift to past, present & future generations. His musical genius will inspire pianists all around the world.
Long live your gentle soul.
to think he was in his early 20's when he wrote these masterpieces,,
Completamente d'accordo.
not tony banks alone BUT genesis yes
The Winkler66
I have been a Genesis fanatic for nearly 40 years and feel really moved to see and listen to these exquisite tributes from Italy. God bless Italy in these terrible times. Stay safe.
Captivating. Thank you.
We had appreciated before of english people. You can find early concert (just the sound) played in Italy. during 70's age, like thisвидео.html. They started in Italy and they finished in Italy. Bye from Rome
@@massandrolinveagesti5085 Thank you Massandro for your link to early Genesis performance. I think in UK when they started they were too underground and there were so many other great bands around, but they got their moment later. Circus Maximus in Rome was amazing, wish I could have been there.
Guess that surname's from Sicily.
@@thewinkler6647 5/2007
Who here finds that after listening to these beautiful classic interpretations you go straight to listening to the original albums! Can’t help it.
Back and forth
Dopo questa esibizione posso confessare di essermi. Emozionato e commosso.. Si.. Perché ogni epoca ha le sue appartenenze. E visto che il mio pop. È stato rappresentato dai Genesis. Essere arrivato vivo è vedere che il mio pop è il classico per una nuova generazione mi da gioia..!! Grazie per questo video e alla sua sensibile interprete..
E tipico dei Genesis emozianare, soprattutto quando parliamo dei Genesis fino al '77. Le esecuzioni al piano o con l'orchestra sono quasi una naturale evoluzione di tanta armonia. Se non lo hai già visto, ti consiglio altamente la mostruosa versione al piano di The Musical Box di Massimo Bucci:видео.html ... e prepara i fazzoletti ; )
non solo la musica ma anche il cantato riesce a riprodurre veramente brava!!
Wonderful interpretation. Not that I think that anyone wouldn't like to hear this in its entire beauty. Nevertheless here are the time stamps for the different tracks as far as I could figure them out:
0:47 The lamb lies down on Broadway
Carpet Crawl
The Lamia
Firth of Fifth
The Cinema Show
Many too many
Hairless Heart
It was an an interpretation I’ll give you that, but she sure seems to be struggling. Cudos for the attempt.
Just speechless. ❤❤❤
Che Patrimonio Musicale ci hanno lasciato i Genesis .. Ascoltarli in versione "classica" valorizza ulteriormente la Bellezza dei loro Brani!
The ultimate tribute to Genesis brilliant music is its played by classical musicians throughout the world. Makes me proud to be English.
Genesis - until And then there were three... always were the perfect intonation of everything English I loved....thankfully now there is (was?) Big Big Train. Lucky country to have music letting you feel it wherever you are by music alone!
Many years ago I went back to my old school a year after I left, and played a selection of Genesis songs on the piano as an introduction to prog rock. Cant quite believe I had the nerve to do that at 17 in front of a class. I was not at this level though. Beautiful performance.
Respect for that.
I hope you are still doing similar?
It wasn't Charterhouse, I assume?😬
Wow, this is a towering achievement of musicianship. I enjoyed it immensely and will listen to it many more times. Thank you.
Take away the bass and drums, the lead guitar, electric keyboards and reduce the music to its bare self.
Absolutely wonderful. My head is filling around the piano adding the lyrics and other instruments from so many years of playing the lps.
It’s another way to enjoy the amazing music of my favourite band. I would buy this if it was released.
Beautiful playing, thank you.
Been a Genesis fan since 1971 and really enjoyed this. Bravo to the pianist.
Wow. Quel magnifique interprétation. Mais surtout, quel bel hommage à Tony Banks. Après avoir écouter leurs musique pendant toutes ces années, j'ai eu la révélation de constater que la véritable âme de ce groupe, c'était lui… Sans rien enlever aux autres membres du groupe, je suis content qu'il ait enfin eu ses lettres de noblesse.
Je partage totalement votre opinion.
Tony Banks est notre Mozart contemporain.
Cela fait plus de 40 ans que la musique de Genesis me comble de bonheur.
Al igual que ustedes, desde los 70 vengo fascinado con Génesis, y Elpidia siente lo mismo, es una genia, bendita Italia, con músicos así. Abrazos a todos desde Montevideo Uruguay
Yes that´s what I've realised. Tony Bank was the "genius"
By The Lamb, I already realized that T Banks was the main genius among the other Genesis great musicians. And clearly checked it with Trick of the Tail, which contains my most bful song of all my times: Mad Man Moon.
"Anyway"--excellent choice. Very underrated song. Almost never see anyone cover it.
What's the time sig of ANYWAY?😊
@@HOLYisHerNAME 4/4 and 2/4 I think?
Beautifully played. I have been a Genesis fan since the 70s.
Bravissima Elpidia! Grazie per questi tre quarti d'ora di pura magia. C'é tanta passione e bravura nella tua interpretazione e mi hai dato tanti spunti per eseguire queste meraviglie al piano, anche se non sono bravo come te. I Genesis sono una droga, non ne puoi fare a meno........ piú li ascolti e piu hai voglia di conoscerli, di esplorare quell'universo meraviglioso e di perderti nell'immensità della loro musica. Grazie ancora Elpidia, per averli interpretati cosi' bene🤗
Buenisima la interpretación de mi grupo favorito, Génesis de Gabriel!!
Ma che meravigliosa scoperta! Ho conosciuto Elpidia ieri sera a un concerto della mia band a Londra. Mi ha fatto i complimenti, ma è lei a meritarli per il suo magnifico talento. Questa interpretazione dei brani dei Genesis è semplicemente magica! Chapeau!!
Can't stop listening ! Thanks so much for sharing ! Great tribute, and huge work for adapting the complexity of a progressive rock music to a two-hands play on single keyboard. Elpidia Giardina restranscripts the whole poetry of Genesis Music, but she shows her special sensibility to the contribution of Tony Banks ! Great great job !!
Meraviglia questo suono ti prende e ti trasporta nei ricordi della giovinezza ,grazie 👄
Beautiful !!! The music is ingenious and the interpretation is wonderful, thanks for sharing.
Music truly is an art form. So much feeling goes into a painting or a sculpture. The same amount of "feeling" goes into a piece of music. Beautifully done!
I was mesmerized by this and then I got to Afterglow around 36:10 and I lost it. That put me over the edge. What a truly beautiful interpretation of this magnificent music and songwriting. This performance is astonishing to me in its beauty.
I always have been struck in the heart by Genesis songs, Afterglow is, for me, a breathtaking, "voice of God" experience
Meravigliosa interpretazione! Elpidia superlativa! Banks un genio!!! Un compositore moderno!
Semplicemente fantastica. Per me che adoro i Genesis è geniale. Bravissima. Un grazie di cuore
Eccezionale esibizione di spessore questo certifica la grande genialità dei Genesis e la bravura della musicista.
Que grande que sos, interpretar a mi tecladista favorito, de Salta Argentina, un admirador Roberto Quiroga, saludos y Exitos
Thank you for playing my favourite Genesis songs so beautifully and with so much precision and feeling.
Brava Elpidia!! Grandi emozioni, fai vivere una favola! La favola di questo grande gruppo
These are very beautiful and passionate interpretations of some of Genesis’ most melodic and immortal songs during their genius prog era. Thank you for this wonderful gift, Elpidia! I loved every moment.
Tony banks is still around us in his music , the old genesis sound will live and live thanks to his genius and generous creativity !
Musica che fa sognare ❤ Genesis massima espressione di melodia
La più bella musica dei nostri tempi.
Ottima la successione dei brani.
Bellissima esecuzione.
Una vera chicca, interpretazione fantastica...for those who love genesis..uber alles
Bellissimi anche senza le parole,brani immortali che hanno segnato un epoca leggendaria!
Not only beuatifully, but very expressively delivered ! Often more than the original.
A pleasure to listen.
Thanks !
Those people that know Genesis material come from a following of dedicated listeners, who know every note, phrase, and will cynically critique. Yes so there were a few "un-moments" but she gets the gold star award from me. To do a medley of this caliber, takes years of dedication to emulate their songs including all the improvised vocals. An exceptional work of art. Well done
Mi vengono le lacrime agli occhi.
La bella musica della Genesi non può essere più bella al pianoforte.
Grazie cara Elpidia.
Hi everyone..i'm from Indonesia. I'm one of Genesis's fan in Indonesia. We love Genesis. Thanks for Elpidia for creat such a great interpertation from Genesis's songs. You play these songs so beautifull as Genesis. Thank you so much..God Bless You...
God bless You too, from Uruguay
this is so lovely, I would go and see her perform this show live if she ever tours
Choosing the best of storytelling classical genius like tony banks is like asking Picasso or Rembrandt to choose their favorites. A+ for interpreting the best parts of these phrases, hooks, bridges, and verses. Many try. Few succeed. Bravo.
Unrelentless in it's beauty and creativity!!! Thank you!!
It also admires me how one person may know so many complex songs by memory.
And I know there are some other pianists in YT who play very well Genesis songs and I equally admire.
Just a beautifully done piano recitation of Genesis music, here!!! Well done to this extremely talented lady on her performance.
this is such a wonderful rendition of Genesis quite incredible
All I can do is thank you for your lovely contribution to sound itself. I can listen to this all day long because it never gets old.
Tocco da pianista classica sulle ardite e complesse progressioni dei Genesis. Bravissima.
Genial, gracias Elpidia Giardina por llevarme a recorrer la genialidad de estos músicos ingleses y universales en el piano . Maravilloso
GENESIS IS ALL FOR ME. IN MY SOUL IN MY HEART IN MY LIFE. thank you for this another and nice interpretation
ohhh nice ! I'm happy to know than it's the same for you. Friendly.... From France, Bretagne. Have a nice day !!!!
Really reveals the true genius of Tony Banks compositions. Thanks for your interpretations of the great music from Genesis.
A Brilliant And Beautiful Tribute To An Incredible Band Who Bid Us Farewell In 2022! Thank You!!!
È sempre un piacere sentirla
Questi quaranta minuti sono volati... E l'emozione ha preso il sopravvento; soprattutto durante l'esecuzione di Entangled. Semplicemente stupenda.
Questa è tecnica ma soprattutto Amore ! Grazie
Pretty amazing performance and effort to string so many great tunes together.
Well done.
Props to the boys at Genesis and I recon Tony Banks can take the biggest bow. Such beautiful music and so well covered here.
Listened to this quite a few times..The choice of Songs Brilliant..Your Interpretation is Great..A Different take on these Great Songs But Very Enjoyable.. Class..👏🎸🎷🎵🎹 😁
Yes , agree with you.
Genesis is , for me , the best band of rock prog.
So beautiful music!
Oh my, 'many too many' is bloody gorgeous... Hearing this song on the radio when it first came out introduced me to Genesis at the age of 17. They are absolutely the dogs bollocks for me!!!
Bravissima, Elpidia!
E grandi onori, direi, ad Anthony George Banks per aver firmato - da solo o con i compagni - tutti i brani che ci hai fatto così piacevolmente ascoltare.
Well, that was beautiful, well played and creatively arranged. I see you picked the songs that are favourites of mine... your love for these songs speaks in every one of them. The Lamia gave me goosebumps! Thanks so much... 😊
Quando una musica celestiale viene suonata e interpretata dalle mani di Dio diventa bellezza e piacere assoluti
Bravissima!!!!Una poesia infinita
Great tunes all the way up to The Cinema Show in my opinion.. What a great pianist and loved how she picked Genesis,best band ever.
Grand merci pour cette interprétation d une musique tellement riche et intense créée par Genesis
Questa musica fa vibrare il cuore complimenti grazie
Beautiful, I;ve always thought that Tony Banks should be with an orchestra performing the older Genesis songs in Beautiful surroundings and maybe even tour some concert Halls, What do you guys think ?
He does
I have always Loved the idea of Gabriel touring the world's great hotel piano bars, just Pete at the piano, performing 7-9pm (with a break, of course). "you may recall this one... " with some banter here and there. "Pete Here For Three Nights!"
Tony on tour with an orchestra?? Hell, yeah!
This music just never gets old ive been listening to it since 17 i am 58 now and it just as fresh as before unreal
I had the vinyl of the album of Genesis music with orchestra arranged by Dee Palmer. It was amazing, but I never found it on cd, and my lps were stolen out of a storage unit decades ago.
There are a lot of pianists who played Genesis songs like David Myers (former keyboard of the canadian cover band the Musical Box). As for Classic albums, I have three of them:
1) We know what we like - the music of Genesis played by the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Palmer (probably the one that teemusid meant)
2) The Royal Philarmonic Orchestra plays Genesis hits and ballads
3) The Genesis chamber suite - A classic rock tribute to Genesis - The classic rock string quartet
The 2 first always mixed classic instruments with rock instruments (e-guitar, bass & drums) which I disapproved. The 3rd one has in my eyes too simple arrangements
I like to see indeed Tony conducts an orchestra without rock/electric instruments and with a rather classical arrangement.
The one who did very good but into jazz is Jazznesis from Barcelona. I say "chapeau"
Brava.....per chi ama i GENESIS come me !!
Ces interprétations n'ont jamais été enregistrées en disque ? C'est vraiment bon et reposant avec un air de nostalgie rappelant tous ces bons moment avec Genesis.
A wonderful tribute and a fascinating trip back to old, great times.
Thank you very much for playing and posting!
It is quite interesting how so many Italians artist play Genesis !!!
This Elpidia version is great !!!
You like?
I thought it was haunting and very nice
Their music really resonates with our collective sense of musical beauty, deeply rooted in the works of composers of the past like Verdi, Puccini, Rossini and many others. We really feel a profound connection with their melodies and harmonies. Back in the early '70s Genesis were more successful here than in the UK
Genesis will tell you they got their big break in Italy and spent a lot of time touring there--and wrote watcher of the Skies there
The Italians love melody, Tony Banks is the master of melody. His music has been the soundtrack of my life.
same with me
Quand on connaît très bien l'oeuvre de GENESIS , on retrouve là toute l'âme du groupe ,à travers cette transcription et cette interprétation : SUPERBE ! ! ! ! ! !
Vous avez mille fois raison.
I GENESIS IMMENSI !!! A Te un Grazie per questo contributo!!!
Awesome Job - She captured all the nueances and light touch and power of there incredible music - Gabriel and Collins era. I just Loved the Lamia/silent sorrow empty boats piece off the Lamb. Peter's voice is just haunting beautiful.
Totally Spellbinding Ripples Section Is Exquisite One of the Best Genesis cover piano performances I've ever had the pleasure to watch on You Tube. So Inspiring
Yes, there are a few bits in here that are the best piano interpretations of those classics I’ve seen anywhere on here.
6:43 was real nice.
This definitely reminds me of why Ripples is my all-time favorite Genesis song.
bravissima maestro , hai colto perfettamente lo spirito , l'anima dei Genesis
Preciosa forma de revivir esas notas tan maravillosas de Genesis. Bravo por la pianista!
Unexpected coming across this video this evening, some lovely playing revealing the musicality of the songs and their feeling too. Bravo!
wow!!! and playing all from memory!! no sheet music!! Genius!! MORE PLEASE!!!
Bravo! Such power and sensitivity in a fabulous performance. You must love early Genesis as much as I do. X
hi, bravo is for males, brava for females, thank you
Присоединяюсь ко многим комментариям, превосходная работа!
I've just discovered your 7 years old record and I find it just awesome. It's fantastic. You've played almost all of my (and surely your) favorite rock band. Thank you for that.
Well DONE, Well DONE, Well DONE Elpidia!
Grande interpretazione e sentimento!
Grazie Elpidia, amo da sempre i Genesis, tu li hai riproposti a modo tuo, ma senza snaturarne l'anima, complimenti davvero.
Cara Elpidia, immagino il tuo duro lavoro per una composizione così passionale e perfetta al tempo stesso. Se avessi saputo di questo tuo concerto non sarei certo mancato e di questo sono davvero dispiaciuto! Complimenti per la tecnica ma soprattutto per una interpretazione che lascia intendere tanto del tuo cuore. Grazie
...fantastica ..... senza parole..... grandissima!
è largamente espresso il tema di the lamb lies own broadway, e a trick of the tail, magnificamente interpretati con somma maestria e professionalità. mi han fatto venire i brividi per quanto amo questi dischi per la magistrale interpretazione.
un inchino a questa grande professionista. grazie per mettere in rete e condividere questi brani
The reason the hairs on your arms stand up, when listening to Genesis, Tony Banks.
Tony Banks gracias. Desde Argentina mi admiracion
Bravissima : io ho riconosciuto, in sequenza : The lamb lies down on broadway (TLLDOB), Ripples, Entangled (ATOTT), The lamia (TLLDOB), Firth of Fifth (mitica), Cinema show (SEBTP), Anyway (TLLDOB), Afterglow (W&W), Hairless Heart (TLLDOB) ... grande omaggio alla musica stratosferica ed eterna di questa meravigliosa band ... ed ancora brava alla sig.ra Giardina .
Wonderful arrange of wonderful songs,
and brilliant and moving
Gracias a Elpidia por hacerme disfrutar con esta recreación de la genial banda Génesis,extraordinaria interpretación. FELICITACIONES Y GRACIAS!!!!
So nice ! Congratulations for this beautiful interpretation. Really awesome !
Esecuzione davvero intensa. Ascoltando gli arrangiamenti di questa e altri musicisti classici, ci si può rendere ancora più conto di quanta musicalità c'è nelle composizioni di Banks, Gabriel e compagni. Se la ascoltiamo così e nessuno sapesse che è un brano dei Genesis, Entangled potrebbe tranquillamente essere attribuita a Debussy o un altro compositore impressionista di fine '800.
È bello, inoltre, vedere come ci siano musicisti "classici" che cerchino di cancellare quell'idea di "puzza sotto il naso" che sembra contagiare molti studenti di conservatorio e molti pseudo filologi e critici musicali, proponendo l'idea che , quando si crea un'emozione, non esista una musica classica, pop, rock, ma semplicemente "la Musica", che vive al di là delle convenzioni e delle classificazioni.
ma questa non e' entangled -- questa e' ripples
A parte le banali ovvietà che hai espresso, e pur non essendo io un estimatore di Debussy, devo dirti che fare un paragone artistico con i seppur bravi Genesis ti squalifica sufficientemente. La pensassero tutto come te i Conservatori musicali sarebbero già chiusi da un pezzo.I più grandi rocchettari o compositori pop la musica non la sanno nemmeno leggere (MC Cartney, Elton vuoi ti faccio una lista di 1 km).Forse è meglio che ascolti la Pausini Vasco Rossi, non c'è niente di male, in quanto a esprimere opinioni, seppur lecitamente, a volte può urtare la sensibilità altrui, magari chi con la musica ci vive da 40 anni e a volte non riesce a resistere alle merdate dette da chi palesemente di musica non sa niente ma vuole far credere diversamente.Si chiama saccenza ed è quella che ha causato il crollo musicale e culturale di sto povero Paese.Ma non sentirti in colpa, tu sei solo una vittima. Senza rancore...
Oh si ma per favore mi spiega Signor Thelonius ,visto che Lei la musica la conosce bene, chi sarebbero gli autentici e qualificati musicisti di questo secolo rigorosamente usciti dai conservatori in grado di 'rappresentare' in musica le anime e le culture autentiche degli umani vissuti in questo secolo ?Me li elenchi immediatamente per favore che sto preparando la pattumiera per scaricarvi tutti i miei vinili e CD di De Andrè Peter Gabriel,Springsteen e Vasco...avanti per cortesia mi elenchi nomi e cognomi di tutti questi qualificati e certificati composers formatisi musicalmente esclusivamente nei conservatori.Ho preparato il sacco del rudo per i miei suddetti ed accennati "compositori rocchettari e pop"in attesa dei nomi di questi non ben precisati e mai auditi geni....
theolonius ci sono super-musicisti pluridiplomati che non sanno dare alcuna emozione. Poi ci sono molti pseudo-musicisti che vanno a orecchio e ti regalano brividi. Senza rancore.
Proprio così come dice Lei Claudio Maurizio di la del fatto che la bellezza intrinseca di molte composizioni rock e la loro valenza estetica ,culturale e storica è indiscutibile..indipendentemente dai conservatori o dai tanti 'soloni' della musica che da quel mondo provengono...e la stessa cosa dicasi per la poesia ,la pittura e quant'altro.Se persone come Peter Gabriel o Fabrizio De Andrè che provengono da classi colte ed agiate delle rispettive nazioni non avessero avuto in se stessi queste potenzialità e sicurezze circa il proprio talento artistico e la propria umana ricchezza col piffero che avrebbero abbandonato ben più comode,ed almeno inizialmente anche remunerate, carriere accademiche e/o universitarie...
Truly, a regal for the ears. Thanks.
Un immense plaisir d'écouter ces arrangements au piano. Je connais bien et j'apprécie ces morceaux de musique de Genesis depuis plus de 40 ans et c'est pour moi un renouveau.
Top du top , bravo à cette pianiste de grand talent !
Genesis has been my favourite band for 35 years. I've both taught their music and performed it with tribute bands and regular bands.
I have very high standards when it comes to other people performing their music, and.....I must say that you passed with flying colours.
I love your selection of their more album-oriented material and your quirky arrangements of the songs. And I also like how your playing
brings out the inherent sadness present in so much of this music. You don't really hear it with Peter and Phil's strong vocals on top,
but stripped bare like this, Genesis becomes rainy Sunday music. And it's quite lovely. Thank you.
teppolundgren the tribute band called the carpet crawlers are quite good went to see them in Liverpool live, gave me great flash backs,
You make a valid point about the sadness in their music. The chord arrangements certainly lend themselves to a rather sombre mood on a lot of their work, but it succeeds by stirring many feelings and emotions. Truly magical music.
I agree. I can hear the influence of Rachmaninoff that Tony Banks mentioned once.