How Large is the Universe (VERSION 1)?

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Watch VERSION 2 of this video on....
    • How Large is the Unive...
    The universe has long captivated us with its immense scales of distance and time.
    How far does it stretch? Where does it end... and what lies beyond its star fields... and streams of galaxies extending as far as telescopes can see?
    These questions are beginning to yield to a series of extraordinary new lines of investigation... and technologies that are letting us to peer into the most distant realms of the cosmos...
    But also at the behavior of matter and energy on the smallest of scales.
    Remarkably, our growing understanding of this kingdom of the ultra-tiny, inside the nuclei of atoms, permits us to glimpse the largest vistas of space and time.
    In ancient times, most observers saw the stars as a sphere surrounding the earth, often the home of deities.
    The Greeks were the first to see celestial events as phenomena, subject to human investigation... rather than the fickle whims of the Gods.
    One sky-watcher, for example, suggested that meteors are made of materials found on Earth... and might have even come from the Earth.
    Those early astronomers built the foundations of modern science. But they would be shocked to see the discoveries made by their counterparts today.
    The stars and planets that once harbored the gods are now seen as infinitesimal parts of a vast scaffolding of matter and energy extending far out into space.
    Just how far... began to emerge in the 1920s.
    Working at the huge new 100-inch Hooker Telescope on California's Mt. Wilson,
    astronomer Edwin Hubble, along with his assistant named Milt Humason, analyzed the light of fuzzy patches of sky... known then as nebulae.
    They showed that these were actually distant galaxies far beyond our own.
    Hubble and Humason discovered that most of them are moving away from us. The farther out they looked, the faster they were receding.
    This fact, now known as Hubble's law, suggests that there must have been a time when the matter in all these galaxies was together in one place.
    That time... when our universe sprung forth... has come to be called the Big Bang.
    How large the cosmos has gotten since then depends on how long its been growing... and its expansion rate.
    Recent precision measurements gathered by the Hubble space telescope and other instruments have brought a consensus...
    That the universe dates back 13.7 billion years.
    Its radius, then, is the distance a beam of light would have traveled in that time ... 13.7 billion light years.
    That works out to about 1.3 quadrillion kilometers.
    In fact, it's even bigger.... Much bigger. How it got so large, so fast, was until recently a deep mystery.
    That the universe could expand had been predicted back in 1917 by Albert Einstein, except that Einstein himself didn't believe it...
    until he saw Hubble and Humason's evidence.
    Einstein's general theory of relativity suggested that galaxies could be moving apart because space itself is expanding.
    So when a photon gets blasted out from a distant star, it moves through a cosmic landscape that is getting larger and larger, increasing the distance it must travel to reach us.
    In 1995, the orbiting telescope named for Edwin Hubble began to take the measure of the universe... by looking for the most distant galaxies it could see.
    Taking the expansion of the universe into account, the space telescope found galaxies that are now almost 46 billion light years away from us in each direction... and almost 92 billion light years from each other.
    And that would be the whole universe... according to a straightforward model of the big bang.
    But remarkably, that might be a mere speck within the universe as a whole, according to a dramatic new theory that describes the origins of the cosmos.
    It's based on the discovery that energy is constantly welling up from the vacuum of space in the form of particles of opposite charge... matter and anti-matter.

Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @sunspotst7697
    @sunspotst7697 6 лет назад +10

    In terms of size we're probably to small to give out any signals in the universe,we can't hear bacteria communicating or better still can we hear cells communicate? How about the smallest ants,can we listen to them communicate.maybe out radio signals are not as strong as we think😬😬

  • @noxure
    @noxure 11 лет назад +8

    Sometimes I don't even remember where I parked my car.
    That's how big the universe is.

  • @Willskull
    @Willskull 8 лет назад +7

    Fucking amazing! This should be every human job and hobby, understand the universe and evolve technologically to explore it

  • @TheFlyingBrain.
    @TheFlyingBrain. 2 года назад

    This is one of the better videos I've watched explaining the history of the development of the theory of inflation. Instead of glossing over important concepts, and leaving the viewer in a state of half-confusion, it actually explains a bit about where these ideas came from, and the concepts which underlie them. Thank you, SpaceRip.

  • @Fozzy10XT
    @Fozzy10XT 10 лет назад +11

    "What they heard was the echo of the big bang..." MOST AWESOME THING I'VE EVER HEARD

  • @danteat8
    @danteat8 10 лет назад +11

    Think how small you are and how big is the universe:o

  • @senna281285
    @senna281285 9 лет назад +28

    This guy has a unique voice its awesome

    • @ghostman9028
      @ghostman9028 7 лет назад

      Emperor cesar Dick the man.

    • @tomnguyen3305
      @tomnguyen3305 6 лет назад

      ur hot. u know wat i wany

    • @andrewmelean8259
      @andrewmelean8259 6 лет назад

      I haven’t been able to enjoy other space documentaries as much. The narrator’s voice is so comforting. He also reminds me of the Gman from half life

    • @chrisb.1214
      @chrisb.1214 5 лет назад +2

      @Ghostman This one was narrated by Dave Brody.

  • @Drakggor
    @Drakggor 11 лет назад +1

    What we know is finite, and what we don't is infinite. Our quest for knowledge will never end.

  • @vaughanie23
    @vaughanie23 10 лет назад +6

    my brain just melted re-formed then exploded

  • @josephsiler1946
    @josephsiler1946 10 лет назад +3

    Awesome ! Keep looking up!

  • @ferezanioan
    @ferezanioan 9 лет назад +5

    I like this version / music / voice better :D

  • @Obi-WanKannabis
    @Obi-WanKannabis 12 лет назад +4

    1. You don't know that for sure.
    2. Big Bang is not the beggining of the universe, it's the beggining of the universe as we know it.

  • @ranuvawinter
    @ranuvawinter 5 лет назад

    I like this narrator. He is so gentle and sells the enthusiasm and sense of discovery of space :) :) I dunno who he is but SpaceRip please send him my big admiration. Good and hardworking people who make a difference should not be forgotten.

  • @Scribe13013
    @Scribe13013 10 лет назад +4

    It's pretty fukin big, in my professional opinion

  • @Crazeyfor67
    @Crazeyfor67 10 лет назад +5

    These subjects are always interesting. But I think they try to top the preceding films with flimsy, far-out theories. What we know so far is plenty mind boggling. No need to pad it with iffy info.

  • @M.Aljarhy
    @M.Aljarhy 11 лет назад

    {والسماء بنيناها بأيد وإنا لموسعون ( 47 ) والأرض فرشناها فنعم الماهدون ( 48 ) ومن كل شيء خلقنا زوجين لعلكم تذكرون ( 49 ) ففروا إلى الله إني لكم منه نذير مبين ( 50 ) ولا تجعلوا مع الله إلها آخر إني لكم منه نذير مبين ( 51 )} سورة الذاريات
    We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).
    And the earth have We laid out, how gracious is the Spreader (thereof)!And all things We have created by pairs, that haply ye may reflect.
    Surat Adh-Dhariyat

  • @MorpheusOne
    @MorpheusOne 11 лет назад +3

    ...sheep in their flock..."God wants you to give me money. Give me your money!"
    Organized religion needs money to exist since it, money, is the means that they used to obtain, & continue to use to maintain, the seat of their power, i.e., churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, etc. If ppl want to get together, as a group, & worship their version of the invisible `sky-god` then they can go to a public park, hold hands & sing kumbaya...

  • @powerkidO7
    @powerkidO7 8 лет назад +3

    No human being is born to understand how universe works first we need to solve our problems

  • @BriLoveMusic
    @BriLoveMusic 9 лет назад +9

    Go listen to 9:14 - 9:45 again.
    Now read this:
    "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
    And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness."
    -Genesis 1:3-4

  • @veronicaarnold832
    @veronicaarnold832 12 лет назад

    I can watch it over and over again because it is so fascinating.

  • @usama030
    @usama030 8 лет назад +6

    God created universe

    • @zawadix9574
      @zawadix9574 8 лет назад +6

      Then who created god

    • @usama030
      @usama030 8 лет назад +1

      sphinx sphinx none created God but you can ask Him when you will meet Him

    • @tommeakin1732
      @tommeakin1732 7 лет назад +3

      Define God.

    • @usama030
      @usama030 7 лет назад

      Tom Meakin the creator

    • @smokekushdaily5570
      @smokekushdaily5570 6 лет назад +2

      There is no god

  • @TheKnightWho
    @TheKnightWho 12 лет назад

    No, we're not the ones who just add in random terminology and words to try and make our arguments convincing. What we do is actually look at what is out there, find out what might explain it and then put together a coherent argument.
    Just because it isn't what you like or what you want to be true doesn't mean it isn't. You actually have to refute it rather than calling it "ridiculous" or "made up". That's how science works.

  • @blindblackguy
    @blindblackguy 12 лет назад


  • @AlXtrance
    @AlXtrance 12 лет назад

    The universe is expanding to everyone's perspective, not just us here on Earth. And wouldn't a singularity pull everything together? Meaning, we would see galaxies moving in a specific direction due to this singularity, not the way we actually see it where galaxies (mainly) drift away form us in every direction.

  • @djbethell
    @djbethell 12 лет назад

    This guys voice is so put-on and affected!

  • @atom1cdrumm3r94
    @atom1cdrumm3r94 7 лет назад

    Dave Brody is the best narrator! The use of voice and vocabulary is better. Bring Dave back!

  • @bsmbprospecting40
    @bsmbprospecting40 12 лет назад

    it hurts my head, to think that we don't know how big space is... just imagine something going on forever with no boundaries...what is space inside of?

  • @Obi-WanKannabis
    @Obi-WanKannabis 12 лет назад

    Energy isn't limited by time, all that happens is that it dissipates, nothing is lost, nothing is gained, everything transforms.
    The energy is still there, but it's divided.

  • @StefanConstantinDumitrache
    @StefanConstantinDumitrache 12 лет назад

    that's why they try so hard to discover something that travels faster than light, because that something would bring a "message" from where light cannot put a shin on yet.

  • @malcolmgerasimou
    @malcolmgerasimou 12 лет назад

    if by measuring between the most distant galaxies returns that they are 92billion light years apart, doesnt that mean thats how far they have expanded since the beginning of the universe and in a sense could have travelled another 46billion light years either way, doesnt that mean that the universe or technically our perceptual dimensions are actually double that age?

  • @Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time
    @Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time 12 лет назад

    Interesting video!
    This is an invitation to see an artist theory on the physics of light and time!
    This theory is based on two postulates
    1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π itself
    2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w- function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

  • @Subaca
    @Subaca 12 лет назад

    Commercials are not material objects, and so cannot be sent into space. But if you want to get rid of them, get Firefox and download the AdBlock Plus add-on.

  • @brainac0cult
    @brainac0cult 11 лет назад

    there is a number that all of what you described can happen within, a finite number. the limit of possibility is a finite number, so infinite time and space is not required for maximum possibility.

  • @MrKorrazonCold
    @MrKorrazonCold 12 лет назад

    "Waves from all fractal wave-centers of the Infinite Universe combine their intensities to form the wave-medium density (space) at each point of space. The total amplitude of inward spherical waves at every point always seeks a minimum, as trillions of inward spherical wave's cancel, the sum of opposite vectors is always zero, this is the reason for the symmetry or conservation laws of physics or why, at the speed of C, time and space are always zero due to length contraction and time dilation."

  • @crknipe
    @crknipe 12 лет назад

    As a naive person interested in the universe, how do we know that what is observed from within our galaxy is the same from being observed outside the galaxy. What if observing the universe from outside the milky way give an effect of looking through your door peephole in the opposite direction? If we have never been outside this realm, can you be certain that those same laws exist outside of the milky way?

  • @OptimusPanzer
    @OptimusPanzer 11 лет назад

    That temperature is very localised. In the volume in wich the gold atome are colliding you can say that the temperature* is of 2 trillion degrees. But, if you were to measure the average temperature in a cubic meter surrounding the collision you would record the same as room temperature.
    *Wich is localy defined by the thermal agitation of the particles resulting from the collision

  • @FUBBA
    @FUBBA 8 лет назад +1

    They had this amazing michio kaku turbotax commercial playing haha I love this channel

  • @dablkfabio
    @dablkfabio 12 лет назад

    I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years, with very complicated and advanced technological methods, that this is the case.”[2] Also he said: “Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics fourteen hundred years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind, for instance, that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.”

  • @innertubez
    @innertubez 6 лет назад

    Great video summary! Left me with a couple of questions, however.
    1. What is the exact mechanism of inflation?
    2. Why would inflation happen versus, say, nothing happening, or attempted inflation that failed?

    • @TheFlyingBrain.
      @TheFlyingBrain. 2 года назад

      😸 Really?? Wanting to understand the exact process by which inflation occurs is a laudable goal. But you're asking WHY it happens as opposed to not happening at all?! Have you figured it out yet?
      Nothing is BORING. The answer to the fundamental question "Why?" on the most basic of levels, such as the question as you've framed it here, is always going to be the simplest of answers, of which there can be one, or two versions only... no more! It's either "BECAUSE." Or "WHY NOT?"
      All the best to you, and I trust you got that inner tube properly inflated by now... 😉

  • @หนุ่มหลักศิลาใต้นครพนม

    The universe are unimagination and unpreditable in it. Some galaxy has more than trillion light years to get across.

  • @duxhane
    @duxhane 12 лет назад

    This explain a lot. This verse explain a phenomenon which wasnt possible to discover by free eye until it was verifyed in past century by using sophisticated tools.

  • @gucciprada
    @gucciprada 11 лет назад

    Dark matter filament is what shapes our universe ...the question is if dark matter holds everything together that means our universe is in a sphere expanding because of dark what does exist beyond our universe ?

  • @MrKornetify
    @MrKornetify 11 лет назад

    Iooks like you didnt watched the video properly...go to 4:55 ! but I allready found my answer;
    The speed of light is only a constraint for objects that exist within space-time, not for space-time itself. It looks like Space-time between objects-galaxies is rapidly expanding (dark matter) therefore galaxies can move apart relative to each other faster than the speed of light but they can not move faster than the speed of light in their own space time they are traveling through.

  • @DUFO476
    @DUFO476 12 лет назад

    Magnificent video. I knew most of the basic points, but this video really clarifies so much, and the detailed information about specific projects, fantastic! But I wish they paid some attention to details. 6.06: 10 bilion trilion times is 10 with 22 zeros, not 24. That would make the complete Universe as to the observable Universe what the observable Universe is to an asteroid 90 km in diameter, not an atom!

  • @timwebb1000
    @timwebb1000 12 лет назад

    To elaborate further, if a room is not equally illuminated everywhere, could this be because certain surfaces are reflective, others are not, and additionally that where one wave interacts with another, either constructive or destructive interference occurs? The analogy is perfectly sound. So any patterns observed in trhe CMB could easily be hypothesized as relating to this well-known concept. Science involves not accepting the first theory you are told, simply because it is repeated ad nauseam.

  • @jcw3032
    @jcw3032 12 лет назад

    Gee that was such a logically convincing argument.

  • @jeremylew416
    @jeremylew416 12 лет назад

    Something beautiful doesn't need anything to appreciate it for it to exist.

  • @MrDBarch
    @MrDBarch 11 лет назад

    No, as of Nov 2010, the official estimate of stars in the visible universe is:
    300 sextillion. Before then it was officially 100 sextillion.....
    Google it: "how many stars are estimated to be in known universe"

  • @reneejellie329
    @reneejellie329 12 лет назад +1

    Wow! talk about amazing!! It so damn facitnating knowing that there may be another planet out there or even many in another galaxy sustainable for life, or maybe even another planet with life pondering bout the existence of life on other planets!

  • @MrKorrazonCold
    @MrKorrazonCold 12 лет назад

    "Mach's Principle! . . . All Galaxies we can see are perpetual systems and must have same kind of space energy/density, every perpetual system within their own observable spherical region of the Infinite Universe. We only see the eXpansion from the high wave amplitude wave-center at the moment of emission. And have been deluded into thinking matter was made of tiny little particle's. When you realize everything is just wave's of information within wave's of information all paradoxes disappear."

  • @softsquishyfoam
    @softsquishyfoam 11 лет назад

    Less negative comments people, please

  • @sadrayan
    @sadrayan 12 лет назад

    I follow your analogies (good for understanding the nature of expanding universe), but still don't get it how we observe anything beyond 13.7 billion light years away. Do we use "observe" in literal meaning of seeing it (whatever spectrum of light that gets to us), or are we talking about mathematical form of observation (if this has any meaning) ?

  • @MrDBarch
    @MrDBarch 11 лет назад

    You know, I think if I hear Gustav Holst's "The Planets" as background music in one more video on the cosmos or the universe im gonna BLOW UP! Can't they think of anything else to use!!!!!!!

  • @StefanConstantinDumitrache
    @StefanConstantinDumitrache 12 лет назад

    i actually just thought about this. isn't there a possibility that the whole universe is rotating around a central point, as it happens with all it's subsistems? and if ro, objects within it, found on different orbits from it's center, would come closer or go further one from another.
    just asking here, though, i know it might seem stupid, but why not? it fits in a pattern.

  • @braunblender
    @braunblender 12 лет назад

    space is expanding. think of it as walking the wrong way up a escalator, even though your 1/2 way up it the distance behind you is far greater than ahead of you. meaning someone else would take a lot longer to get to where you are now. is a little more complicated than that as the more space there is the faster it expands (think of it as compound interest the more debt the faster it increases) until eventually not even light can reach us due to the rate of expansion

  • @Campo1988
    @Campo1988 11 лет назад

    I have a question: of all the angles and views from the Earth scientists have looked out and see the expansion of the universe, from these can they calculate where the big bang would have been? If everything is moving outwards, certainly they'd be able to look and see where they're all moving outwards from.

    • @austingee4509
      @austingee4509 2 года назад

      Great question. The answer is a little disappointing I'm afraid. The catch is that it will look like everything is expanding away from your NO MATTER where you are in the universe because, for the most part, everything is expanding away from everything else. So no, we cannot determine where the "center" of the universe is- because there is no center. The Big Bang occurred everywhere because everywhere was all together in one place (the singularity) in the beginning. Hope that helps!

  • @lucasjohnson2315
    @lucasjohnson2315 5 лет назад

    This is outdated 9 years ago does spacerip ever make new vids to keep up with the times.?

  • @kevinlee4616
    @kevinlee4616 11 лет назад +1

    apply cold water to burnt areas

  • @gwmck1
    @gwmck1 12 лет назад

    Space or space-time is not restricted to the expansion (or contraction) by the speed of light. Imagine a unit of space equal to one wavelength of light. If that wavelength is 400 nm (blue light) and space expands, then the light will expand with it. If space expands to 700 nm, then the color of the light in that space will be red. The light from the big band has always been with us. It's black body radiation, not light from some distant explosion. We were there. It has only become stretched out.

  • @Blue_Macaw101
    @Blue_Macaw101 11 лет назад

    that's even more and the galaxy is ever expanding & creating new planets, the odds that Intelligent life is as advanced as us is indeed slim, the chance of intelligent life being as smarter / more advanced or less advanced is bigger.

  • @krishnak1250
    @krishnak1250 6 лет назад

    universe is big with solar system crores of galaxies great big universe Brahma is old like 1000 billion years library is big with 30 lakh books great knowledge great video comments from kiran

  • @Undeadflayme
    @Undeadflayme 11 лет назад

    Particles can only arrange themselves in a certain number of arrangements so technically if the universe was big enough then we would run into exact clones of ourselves.

  • @choxblox
    @choxblox 12 лет назад

    All about space, time, energy, matter and gravity and how the Higgs Boson imparts mass to matter. See RUclips video "Space,Time, Energy, Matter and Gravity Simplified".

  • @MrKornetify
    @MrKornetify 11 лет назад

    Universe now is approximately 92 billion years long in diameter as they speculate but on the other hand we speculate the universe is 10-12 billion years old, so my question is; Is universe expanding faster than the light?

    @YOUGOTPWNED1111 12 лет назад

    Its been said that the very edge/bottom of the cosmos lies limitless amounts dark energy, while the layer above has large traces of dark matter.. .O.

  • @TheKnightWho
    @TheKnightWho 12 лет назад

    Look it up. Just because some isn't obvious doesn't mean it isn't true - that's what science is about.
    The universe is a lot more complex than you're giving it credit for.

  • @3dgar7eandro
    @3dgar7eandro 3 года назад +1

    6:12 The Universe is to the observable universe what the observable universe is to an atom... 🤔
    Ok so our entire known universe: all the cluster of galaxies ✨ and stars💫 could in fact be inside of a single atom... 😑😅👏🏻👏🏻

  • @nichpass2810
    @nichpass2810 11 лет назад

    The universe was formed and different parts of it had different "climates" you could say, and depending on the elements in that region (or some form of substance) some are easier to sustain life than others, again depending on what exists there, and the chances of life existing areas that originated at the same time as earth, or later but sustained life at a faster rate are at a very slim chance of having
    Life, but I guarantee there are more forms of life than the ones we can detect, and becaus

  • @say1226
    @say1226 12 лет назад

    i know that is what i was getting at our minds can actually be in certain cases our biggest strengths and in others our greatest weakness

  • @nerdanderthalidontlikegoog7194
    @nerdanderthalidontlikegoog7194 8 лет назад +3

    Great. Now I have a headache.

  • @1ranjeeves21
    @1ranjeeves21 12 лет назад

    6.02 - 6.26 i really cant get my head round that size. its completely insane

  • @voncagnek
    @voncagnek 12 лет назад

    the universe is within every single one of us it's with us and relative to us

  • @thedeflatedone
    @thedeflatedone 12 лет назад

    Yes they add billions of years and a lot of scientific terms/findings. And if you think about it for a minute in quiet solitude, I mean really think about how absurdly large a time scale 13 billion years is, hopefully you'll come to see that maybe it isn't actually so ridiculous.

  • @DjDeficient
    @DjDeficient 12 лет назад

    How to start a fight on youtube:
    1. State a personal opinion
    2. That's it, now we wait.

  • @aamir122a
    @aamir122a 11 лет назад

    Yes At one time in the history of the universe it inflated faster than the speed of light. When it come to space expansion there is no upper limit of how fast space can inflate.

  • @rainbomikie
    @rainbomikie 12 лет назад

    After talking about all of the amazing complexities of our universe the narrator has the gall to mention a big bang! After mentioning all of the obvious facts that reveal there must be One who created all things we get this obvious farce thrown at us. This is absurd!

  • @Proudnuggets
    @Proudnuggets 12 лет назад

    We are part of the universe and the particular arrangment of matter that is a human being allows it to "see" the universe, in a very real way we are the universe looking at itself. When I contemplate the sheer beauty of such a concept it silences my mind and there is no need to think of whether or not God exists.

  • @FANDS08
    @FANDS08 12 лет назад

    Mind blowing on a grand scale... i thank my parents for not allowing me to be brainwashed with religion. As i watch this video with an un-biased state of mind and further to the recent discoveries at CERN, it is easy for me to distinguish what is real and what is a complete fairy tale.

  • @MyContext
    @MyContext 12 лет назад

    What exactly is too big? Since, I grant that the collective information is beyond us at this time, however, the concepts as we understand them, don't seem to be.

  • @MrKorrazonCold
    @MrKorrazonCold 12 лет назад

    "The Hubble distance H is the maximum finite distance we are able to observe an infinite Universe.
    The Big bang never happened because instead red shift with distance is a consequence of the limited range of spherical in+/-out wave's within the infinite Universe. Less wave interaction, less energy exchange and Doppler causes a redshift.
    Thus, Einstein was correct the Universe is infinite in extent.
    Hiesenberg, Schrodinger, DeBroglie were correct all matter is wave structures of a space medium."

  • @shadbakht
    @shadbakht 11 лет назад

    Playlist, where have you been all my life?

  • @dontbeamuppet
    @dontbeamuppet 12 лет назад

    Some respected cosmologists think there are an infinite number of infinitely big universes. The implication (taken seriously by some) is that there will be an infinite number of earths and an infinite number of copies of you. There would also be an infinite number of earths where you were never born and an infinite number where your life took a different course. There will also be an infinite number of planets with alien forms of life.

  • @rickw1100
    @rickw1100 12 лет назад

    Religion and Science are NOT at odds with one another- in fact, together each complements the other in explaining just who and what we are as well as how we got here. Grow up folks- its all good.

  • @Billy2011C
    @Billy2011C 12 лет назад

    Brilliant reply, well said.

  • @bootysweat44
    @bootysweat44 11 лет назад

    Believe me i completely agree with u, but theres only one thing that makes me thing there are some sort of hell and heaven. Thats ghosts. Ive seen pics of ghosts in images in the backround, and in pics of people who actually invite the dead into their houses using those cards and boards. How do u explain that?

  • @FlaVaxx
    @FlaVaxx 12 лет назад

    It's because we're confined to our physical concept that everything has a cause. Humans believe this because we created the idea of time, purely due to the fact we needed to log a start a finish to events. Outside Earth, our time does not exist, therefore who's to say the Universe has ALWAYS been there? Why does it have to have a beginning?

  • @GeneralBlackNorway
    @GeneralBlackNorway 12 лет назад

    I agree with that logic, but I still think it's not wrong to spend the money we do on scientific research. We should maybe even spend more, but if we want to share our wealth with all of the world, then we must accept to change our values and reconsider our capitalistic systems etc... in society. One thing is though that slowly the rest of the world is rising in technological wealth we still abuse them, however our wealth is declining showing symptoms like the recent financial crisis.

  • @sadrayan
    @sadrayan 12 лет назад

    aha, so the object that we see it's light now from 13.7 billion years ago, is now ~46 billion light years away from us? that's one bad ass universe expansion rate :))

  • @Mephistopheles019
    @Mephistopheles019 11 лет назад

    With all of this energy all around us, you would think scientists would have figured out a way to harness some of it. The fact that physics has come so far yet humans still depend on fossil fuels for energy is kinda depressing......

  • @Zurichilux
    @Zurichilux 12 лет назад

    What does everyone think is beyond the observable universe?

  • @BEAST636
    @BEAST636 11 лет назад

    "why don't we act like animals?"
    We don't act "like" animals, we ARE animals. Other animals believe things are there when they're not. It has survival value... If an animal believes there's a predator in the distance but isn't sure then it's better to run away and hide from the truth of knowing because they would live another day and reproduce. That anxiety and paranoia lives into the future. If an animal was sceptic and wanted to find truth, they'd be eaten alive and not passed on their genes.

  • @SaveTheFuture
    @SaveTheFuture 12 лет назад

    Well, I don't see what is keeping it finite. By that logic, it has no end. Besides, if it is finite, and other universes are as well, then what separates them? An equation with only one Universe is far more simple than an equation with many.

  • @okuma0kuma
    @okuma0kuma 12 лет назад

    we are semi the universe in one sense universe means "all which is known" ,the universe is only finite when you assume it so or die but still those still existing and yet to exist will learn of new knowings and even learn of forgotten knowns because the reality is the universe is infinite and non-linear ,also it is known there are other unknowns with confused expressions on there faces wanting to know the unknowns of others knowns to expand there subjective universe right at this very moment

  • @Obi-WanKannabis
    @Obi-WanKannabis 12 лет назад

    That is not confirmed, space is curved due to gravity, but it might not be enough gravity to warp space around entirely, so it might be convex and the edges extend forever.

  • @qwerusstyuiop
    @qwerusstyuiop 12 лет назад

    Anything that has a beginning will have an end.

  • @iDontPledge
    @iDontPledge 12 лет назад

    Differences is is that I'm not defending the big bang, I am completely comfortable with not having the answer, in my ignorance I do not turn to some omnipotent deity, I acknowledge my limitations as a human and in doing so accept that I probably never will know the answer, but I do not cover that up with an easy fix all.

  • @Silenced140
    @Silenced140 11 лет назад +1

    I'm high as hell.... This is an amazing experience!

  • @jjphysstud
    @jjphysstud 12 лет назад

    That's because you are human. We have a lot left to learn. It looks so complex to us because we are very limited in our understanding as of now.

  • @SAEEDKHAN-wg9hn
    @SAEEDKHAN-wg9hn 3 года назад

    Do you recognize the creation of this universe as the most orderly?

  • @marsvam
    @marsvam 12 лет назад

    expansion of space and velocity of a body in there any difference??? i have watched a video here on you tube that says some galaxies are moving away from us with the velocity of 8 times faster than that of light' velocity..theory of relativity is based on space time and gravity...and nothing faster than light..but would you explain why those galaxies have faster velocities than light or the space is expanding..then what is the difference in velocity and expansion of space??