‘07 Kia Spectra Case Study: Intermittent Electrical Issues

  • Опубликовано: 11 дек 2024

Комментарии • 6

  • @chiefdenis
    @chiefdenis 2 года назад +1

    Nice work, the electricals in this car are turning my screws

    • @diagnosticsdoneright
      @diagnosticsdoneright  2 года назад

      Appreciate it. Sometimes the answer is so simple, but the journey there can be a long and winding road.

  • @mtcx
    @mtcx Год назад +1

    Hey, i have pretty much the same car. Clicks when i turn over but no crank. I used a jumper wire to check the starter relay, srarter is good, tried different battery, not that. All fuses under hood are hot. Tracked it to a "start" fuse under the dash. Tried 2 fuses that were both good but my test light dont light up when i plug it into there. Also theres a few tail light fuses that are bad but i knew that. Any ideas?? I didnt pull the terminals apart like u did, just cleaned em up. Gonna try that i guess. Thanks

    • @diagnosticsdoneright
      @diagnosticsdoneright  Год назад +1

      only way that start fuse receives power is from the ignition switch itself. I'd check there.

  • @tonycotta6602
    @tonycotta6602 2 года назад

    how do you get aldata

    • @diagnosticsdoneright
      @diagnosticsdoneright  Год назад

      you pay for it. $200+/month www.alldata.com/us/en/plp?gclid=Cj0KCQiA6fafBhC1ARIsAIJjL8kWNAiw88HO-BQ_v06hs6kBXcME8HbMx3uos0BxX6yiOtXc6rnhC0gaAiJGEALw_wcB
      or you can use Mitchell1 (owned by snapon instead of autozone) for $20 per vehicle