Thankyou ! As a law student sometimes I like to watch videos to re-iterate what I have just learnt ! The information was accurate and your delivery clear
If the original title is a homestead patent and the land was conveyed without title into a warranty deed and I’m squatting said homestead patented land can I update the patent in my name and claim title?
Ms. Housen your videos are always very helpful, clear and easy to understand. I shall be grateful if you could do some lessons on different areas in criminal law. It is my next module. Many thanks in advance
I know some squatters who tried to buy the property for ten years drom owner. Who really did not want the land. They even tried with a lawyers on bith sides to pay rent or buy. Iwner was so wishy washy. The squatters in mean time built a better home. Planted gardens improved whole place. The town ended up backing the squatters and after ten years the state gave the property to the squatters. Who ended up being better nieghbors and upstanding community members. But this is rare. Most squatters are just slime. And trying to steal the land. These people really wanted to buy this abandoned property from owners. They used all legal channels owner had not lived there in 30 years. The buildings were falling down. Plus was hard to find. They did not even pay the taxes. But the squatters did. So wow it can be complicated. And owner never even tried to evict.
So wait, I file adverse possession, I pay property taxes, make improvements on the land, get the water and lights on, squat for the reqd. time period and its mine, lawfully and in plain terms.
If you satisfy all of the requirements in this video for a claim of adverse possession ie. Dispossession/discontinuance of the paper owner, following by ordinary possession of the property by the adverse possessor (including both factual possession and intention to possess), without the consent of the paper owner, and having done this for the required amount of time (10 years for registered land, 12 years for unregistered land)... provided the paper owner does not object or file a counter-notice to your claim (ie. consents either by acquiescence or expressly), then you do gain title to that property despite not having made any monetary contribution in purchasing the property. However, in the second condition of ordinary possession (in particular factual possession), the adverse possessor must show that they are treating the property in a way that an occupying owner would. For example, erecting a permanent fence or wall etc. to exclude the world at large. There are a lot of legal issues surrounding this particular requirement. In a lot of cases, a contribution towards the increase in market value of the property eg. repairing piping, locks etc. will satisfy this requirement and is proof of ordinary possession, although. it depends on the facts of the case. This is only under English law as i understand it and will vary in different legal systems.
joseph watson I'm sure he didn't earn it tho. Probably got it from his mommy, or he iz a banksta gangsta & got it thru 4closure, after da 4mer owner paid 29 yearz & 11 monthz of his 30 year mortgage.
This wouldnt be a problem if or country wasnt allowing forigeners to buy and own american land and property,and if property wasnt so fkn expensive,people should only be able to own one house at a time it is ridiculous people can buy and hoard huge amounts of land and properties.
Hi John Smith...the question about water is not an academic question and so I would waste too much time in this forum answering it. Your statement about 'stealing' is a good argument and you should see the remarks of Neuberger J in Pye v Graham regarding this. Also, as it relates to 'going on vacation'..this would not be the kind of situation as adverse possession requires 10 years for registered land and 12 years for unregistered land so it would be an extraordinarily long vacation indeed!!
Law Sessions question I live in Connecticut with my wife she allowed her niece who was kicked out of the shelter to stay with her u til she gets on her feet,the niece isn't on the lease nor has any Reuters agreement it was all verbal, we asked to leave finally she called the police and the police said let her back in this is crazy now I have to spend thousands in court eviction fees and wait months for them to get out???
This to me should only apply if an Paper holder lost the title. Squatters and people trying to take property, due to bad surveys, need to redraw property lines all fall under a time frame that all costs money. Which I believe is how some of these properties take there odd shapes. Because people are poor and don’t have time to chance after courts and attorneys to correct bad surveying job which ruins your deed. ESP if the land is 100 years old. This makes me very angry, because I’m actually going through this. It affected my driveway, the walkway and my drainage system. I may end up suing the person who sold me the house. But let’s see if I can correct it first.
In an instance where there a lease agreement between the fee simple owner and another party and there are adverse possessors on the property, at whom is the violation against? and does the lease agreement even have any bearing on the adverse possession ?
help, my grandparents home i've lived in for 3yrs almost, its up for sale now.... still in basement hiding while they are slowly figuring out they can't sell the house due to sale market. No one wants it. How and when do I file adverse possession in northern CA? what will I face? the bank owns the house now..... it will probably become abandoned? if they don't sell it in a year, what would a judge say? I took care of my dying grandma then was homeless so I've been hiding in basement. Most of this is real, except I haven't been in the basement yet. - say this is real, I can do this... should I?
I came here because i live in Baltimore. My g.f. up and left me and with no notice ive been here for 3 years now. The x g.f. texting me a 30 day notice. "We ranted"The 30 days has been up 2 day's ago. I don't want to be here, but i don't have a place to go yet.
In Virginia, can an easement holder ,who has an easement of necessity, can they "piggyback" the easement to another party without the landowners permission?. This "other" party does not need the easement for necessity, they have an official entrance to their subdivision, they would just like to use the driveway of the easement holder to get to the main road faster/easier. The original easement was given to the easment holder (husband and wife) only. Their easement says it is perpetual , transfers to the buyer if they sold their home and that this easement is non exclusive. I am thinking it is still just for the purposes and use of the first original easement holder and that the easement holder cannot offer it or give it to anyone else without the landowner issuing that other party their own easement, via deed or whatever document was required. So can the easement holder give his easement to someone else to share without the landowners permission?
Hello, Is the doctrine of notice applicable to adverse possession? If an adverse possessor takes adverse possession of some land and didn't know there was an equitable lease in that land, can the doctrine of notice make his occupation illegal?(you didn't answer me on facebook.)
I'm not sure the law was meant for bottom feeders although that has happened. I think it was meant in the spirit of truly abandoned property. The law would favor this, as possession of a property also requires paying taxes which contributes to the tax base and local economy. What if someone died and there were no heirs or interested parties and the property just sat? That's a waste. But yeah I think that some people are abusing this law.....
You use 'bottom feeder" to discredit the people doing this but the fact still remains that most of the homes are vacant for years on end and these folks are smart enough to do the research. If your house has been sitting long enough for someone to file paperwork and live in and maintain your house for years without your knowledge and pay the property taxes which you failed to pay, then you shouldn't have anything to complain about. At that point I'm sure it's might cozy under that rock you've been living under, what do you need a house for? 🧐
@@exoticjunkie Do your tiny cranium a favor and re read my comment, idiot. You are obviously one of those people who is somehow able to write a seemingly coherent paragraph but has no actual comprehension of what you have read or are responding to. It's the school system's fault, not yours....and I know they don't teach you guys in special ed very's get a gold star for trying!
@@exoticjunkie Your obviously not smart enough to do that as you couldn't even comprehend what I wrote. It's ok, I know your special ed classes are tough but you'll get through it someday.....
I would want a property to BURN to the GROUND before I allowed someone to steal it from simply because I have been too busy lately and did not notice a burglar was living on my property .... I also want a lawyer's house to burn too if she was working to STEAL my property!
I suggest that you then take care that your property is properly looked after by you its owner, or you will most definitely be removed from your possession by the squatter. Tee He he he he
@@stevenjames7667 Or at least have a friend property manage for you or its just visible Greed because you can't Own something off a piece of paper and a promise...that's greedy fantasy land....too many people allow this sort of "power" of the pen, to prevail. The adverse possession law is actually quite heart ful and fair especially if the posessor pays the TAX CABAL of criminals...obviously if They get thier monthly payments that makes the whole Taxer gang happy enough..that's how the wealthy acquire "raw land" and then start selling it for cash as if they have a right to start getting money for it...if they don't physically Occupy it then the Adverse guy comes next to use it. You indignant " owners" who would shoot a trespasser need to go camp out and fix up your own place if you care so much...
Question . What is the 1980 Act ?? what is it called ?/ That is for GB. is there a comparison statute - act for the states, Like New York ?? Jennifer, I am vary much interested in communicating with you. I am a i's and have been trying to help some of my Native Indian friends, they are Onondagas of the Iroquois and if you would look at the youtube video you will see why, it's been 13 yrs and have yet to have their day in court, plus the older man speaking at the end of the video is .... .
Rented home long term and landlord and landlady abandoned the home and land for 13+ years as well as mower, washer, dryer, dishwasher Etc. Which most broke over 10+ years due to normal wear. They provided no maintenance or upkeep to the home or the property, we had to replace the well pump and some holes in floors. We finally got paid for the well but not the floors. Landlady returned to live in a tent here in the backyard after 13 years wanting everything that she abandoned in 2006 to be replaced with brand new items and gave us an eviction notice. We are still here and have fenced the land and used it as our own for over a dozen years. She is still a few years behind on the back taxes and has no job in which to pay them. What are our rights in this scenario? What steps do we need to take next? Thanks.
You just know everything is about to collapse with there is ANY WAY a squatter has "rights" ...they BROKE in, burglarized their way in to YOUR property YOU pay the TAXES on...I dont give a CRAP what ANYONE SAYS or how they attempt to spin it is NOT theirs It is MINE ...Just because some SCUM BAG A hole lawyers pull ancient crap out of their ass that has NOTHING to do with today and proceed to make a case out of it! ...I could just SCREAM! What is worse is the MORONS that will actually shut off their BRAINS and listen to legal instructions re "what you have to find" Many I am on a jury? I am not paying any attention to crap ...just gonna go off "DUHH" where people CAN'T just break into someone's property or whatever and try to make a case out of their having "rights"
Squatters are pathetic bottom feeding scumbags. Go get a fucking job, make some money and buy a house on your own. Have something to be proud of. Don't crawl around in the shadows like a cockroach and pounce when you think the time is right. That is downright pathetic and all squatters are absolute wastes of human beings!
Mike Christiansen so the founding fathers are as you say "pathetic bottom feeding scumbags" because the early settlers were actually squatters, squatting on land that wasn't theirs.
If you think about it, it kinda makes sense. Let's say you and your neighbor both think that a strip of land belongs to you. You plant a garden in it, build a fence around it, weed it, etc. You care for it, do any necessary repairs on it, and pay the taxes on it for 30 years. You've relied upon it being yours. Your neighbor shouldn't be able to dig up some 100-year-old document and take it away from you after you've put all that money and time into it. Without adverse possession, you could never be truly sure that you own something. There have been a couple of cases with automobiles that illustrate this well. There's no such thing as adverse possession of cars in the USA. There have been instances where someone bought a used car from a used car lot 30+ years ago, registered it, drove it for decades, repaired it, had the engine rebuilt, body work done, paid annual registration fees, etc. Then the police showed up one day and said "this car was stolen back in the 1970s, we're giving it back to its rightful owner." Because there is no adverse possession for cars, the guy who bought the car (owned it for decades and spent tens of thousands of dollars on it) is out of luck. He gets nothing. Maybe adverse possession isn't fair, but it's meant to address situations where at least one person will get the shafted no matter what. What's more unfair, losing a piece of land you never knew you owned, or having something you legally acquired ripped out from under you?
Depends whether the property is registered or unregistered (is the paper owner's estate in that property registered under the Land Registration Act 2002?) If it is registered then 10 years is the required amount of time. If the land is unregistered or if the amount of time has lapsed before October 13 2003, then it is 12 years.
so if ive done all of these things and the deceased owners son who has no legal claim to the house stalks harnesses and assaults my husband and steals our mail before the five years what do I do?
What about the reforms in relation to registered land, LRA 2002 ? The LRA has, by and large, ensured that a squatters occupation will not be capable of maturing into title without an application to the Land Registry after 10years, at which point the Landowner will be served with notice and will have a power of veto over the transfer of title to the squatter. Furthermore it will act as a disincentive to undisturbed squatters in undiscovered occupation of forgotten properties , to declare themselves and seek legitimasation of their occupation. This is incorrect (it was correct until 2002) if you are in England or Wales, but if you are in the Republic of Ireland these rules are still applicable Although it would be necessary to read Dunne v Iarnroid Eireann (2016) to get Irish specific information.
If this happened to me I would removed them myself and they would sleep with the fishes. Not in my lifetime. If I got sick and couldn't attend a property etc and left it to increase then that would be unethical of another. 20 odd years, yeah I guess it seems abandoned and could see someone to make use of it. But that's it
the legal owner/not you scamboy.............oh and you will be arrested and charged now as in the real world(not this bullshit scammer video, yeah she is a lawyer about as much as i am the fucking queen of england) new laws have been passed and squatters are now evicted in hours and serve time in jail for their crimes
7 лет назад+1
...since some people die every day, wouldn't it be great if only squatters and other street criminals were the "some people" dying every day? Just a nice thought.
um this is all horseshit and i cannot believe this person is even a fucking stupid are you people??? no really did your moms drink draino??? WTAF?????????????????? reported as a scam
+Fleece Johnson Yeah, no. Adverse possession applies in the States. The length of time one must possess over the paper owner is different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but it is still possible.
TheLorgirl You won't get far. especially if you are trying to take over someone's home. The second you file your court documents, so begins the paper trail
Bryan Strother adverse possession applies not just in England but many countries that have common law. Here in Ireland there is tons of unused houses (our population is still less than before the famine). Adverse possession is one the greatest laws on the books
+Mike Seeds it would matter if there are thousands of incidents where the owner would leave the house for a week or so then find his/her home occupied. if that happened to you can you say you fully support this law?
What does "her" culture have to do with a law that was based on how your ancestors acquired their land in the first place? It's not right, but she's just covering the topic. Please educate yourself before you make ignorant comments.
Thankyou ! As a law student sometimes I like to watch videos to re-iterate what I have just learnt ! The information was accurate and your delivery clear
The law was settled in the case of Robert v Wyatt that possession takes priority to ownership.
If the original title is a homestead patent and the land was conveyed without title into a warranty deed and I’m squatting said homestead patented land can I update the patent in my name and claim title?
Ms. Housen your videos are always very helpful, clear and easy to understand. I shall be grateful if you could do some lessons on different areas in criminal law. It is my next module. Many thanks in advance
I know some squatters who tried to buy the property for ten years drom owner. Who really did not want the land. They even tried with a lawyers on bith sides to pay rent or buy. Iwner was so wishy washy. The squatters in mean time built a better home. Planted gardens improved whole place. The town ended up backing the squatters and after ten years the state gave the property to the squatters. Who ended up being better nieghbors and upstanding community members. But this is rare. Most squatters are just slime. And trying to steal the land. These people really wanted to buy this abandoned property from owners. They used all legal channels owner had not lived there in 30 years. The buildings were falling down. Plus was hard to find. They did not even pay the taxes. But the squatters did. So wow it can be complicated. And owner never even tried to evict.
So wait, I file adverse possession, I pay property taxes, make improvements on the land, get the water and lights on, squat for the reqd. time period and its mine, lawfully and in plain terms.
I think the law varies state to state but u don't know how badly I wan to do this man
+Rory McCabe my people were trying to do this in Florida but I backed out because I didn't have enough info.
Arson is illegal. Adverse possession is not. Arson is criminal. Adverse possession is civil. Attempted murder is arson with knowledge of inhabitants.
PAPACHULO if that had only happen in 1492
If you satisfy all of the requirements in this video for a claim of adverse possession ie. Dispossession/discontinuance of the paper owner, following by ordinary possession of the property by the adverse possessor (including both factual possession and intention to possess), without the consent of the paper owner, and having done this for the required amount of time (10 years for registered land, 12 years for unregistered land)... provided the paper owner does not object or file a counter-notice to your claim (ie. consents either by acquiescence or expressly), then you do gain title to that property despite not having made any monetary contribution in purchasing the property.
However, in the second condition of ordinary possession (in particular factual possession), the adverse possessor must show that they are treating the property in a way that an occupying owner would. For example, erecting a permanent fence or wall etc. to exclude the world at large. There are a lot of legal issues surrounding this particular requirement. In a lot of cases, a contribution towards the increase in market value of the property eg. repairing piping, locks etc. will satisfy this requirement and is proof of ordinary possession, although. it depends on the facts of the case.
This is only under English law as i understand it and will vary in different legal systems.
Very good video!! Thank you for explaining the law so clearly! :))
building buttercup, what is your address? l'm movin' in !!!
joseph watson
I'm sure he didn't earn it tho. Probably got it from his mommy, or he iz a banksta gangsta & got it thru 4closure, after da 4mer owner paid 29 yearz & 11 monthz of his 30 year mortgage.
You thought this was clear??
I concur.
This wouldnt be a problem if or country wasnt allowing forigeners to buy and own american land and property,and if property wasnt so fkn expensive,people should only be able to own one house at a time it is ridiculous people can buy and hoard huge amounts of land and properties.
WATCH THE FULL VIDEO...The Law Sessions website is now operational and you can view the full lecture at the site.
Excellent presentation 👏very informative
Hi John Smith...the question about water is not an academic question and so I would waste too much time in this forum answering it. Your statement about 'stealing' is a good argument and you should see the remarks of Neuberger J in Pye v Graham regarding this. Also, as it relates to 'going on vacation'..this would not be the kind of situation as adverse possession requires 10 years for registered land and 12 years for unregistered land so it would be an extraordinarily long vacation indeed!!
Law Sessions question I live in Connecticut with my wife she allowed her niece who was kicked out of the shelter to stay with her u til she gets on her feet,the niece isn't on the lease nor has any Reuters agreement it was all verbal, we asked to leave finally she called the police and the police said let her back in this is crazy now I have to spend thousands in court eviction fees and wait months for them to get out???
Law Sessions
This to me should only apply if an Paper holder lost the title. Squatters and people trying to take property, due to bad surveys, need to redraw property lines all fall under a time frame that all costs money. Which I believe is how some of these properties take there odd shapes. Because people are poor and don’t have time to chance after courts and attorneys to correct bad surveying job which ruins your deed. ESP if the land is 100 years old. This makes me very angry, because I’m actually going through this. It affected my driveway, the walkway and my drainage system. I may end up suing the person who sold me the house. But let’s see if I can correct it first.
Very important info and great video.
In Nigeria statute has provided 1w years upon which an adverse possessor may be entitled to the land.
@Ashanti Angel pls what is so wrong? That in my country Nigeria statutes have now regulated adverse possession? Cos I don't get you.
In an instance where there a lease agreement between the fee simple owner and another party and there are adverse possessors on the property, at whom is the violation against? and does the lease agreement even have any bearing on the adverse possession ?
Now, when a law lecture turns into some racist rant about stealing land, you know some students are in the wrong CLASS.
Daren Mc Leod 1492
That legalese just about gets em all.
Now this is definitely interesting !!! thnx....
How recover the property and title of Land, that squater fixed it should recover or not ?
help, my grandparents home i've lived in for 3yrs almost, its up for sale now.... still in basement hiding while they are slowly figuring out they can't sell the house due to sale market. No one wants it. How and when do I file adverse possession in northern CA? what will I face? the bank owns the house now..... it will probably become abandoned? if they don't sell it in a year, what would a judge say? I took care of my dying grandma then was homeless so I've been hiding in basement.
Most of this is real, except I haven't been in the basement yet. - say this is real, I can do this... should I?
Alyissa NORCAL don't hide. you have to be out in open. I hope you can keep the house. You may need to file "Color of title"
It should be law that landlords should have to pay back the money invested into their property or the Tennant should be the owner of the land/house.
Good work!!
Thanks. Don't forget to visit the lawsessions site on January 2nd 2013.
I came here because i live in Baltimore. My g.f. up and left me and with no notice ive been here for 3 years now. The x g.f. texting me a 30 day notice. "We ranted"The 30 days has been up 2 day's ago. I don't want to be here, but i don't have a place to go yet.
Possessio is 9/10ths of the word
Is this Adverse Possession laws for the UK? US? AU?
Ah 10 min in "council" and "flat" was mentioned. So I'm guessing UK.
In Virginia, can an easement holder ,who has an easement of necessity, can they "piggyback" the easement to another party without the landowners permission?. This "other" party does not need the easement for necessity, they have an official entrance to their subdivision, they would just like to use the driveway of the easement holder to get to the main road faster/easier. The original easement was given to the easment holder (husband and wife) only.
Their easement says it is perpetual , transfers to the buyer if they sold their home and that this easement is non exclusive.
I am thinking it is still just for the purposes and use of the first original easement holder and that the easement holder cannot offer it or give it to anyone else without the landowner issuing that other party their own easement, via deed or whatever document was required.
So can the easement holder give his easement to someone else to share without the landowners permission?
Hi Adamcyclee, we have now addressed the problem so please try again (the parameters required the number to be verified).
If a Tennant pays more than ten thousand dollars they should be allowed to claim adverse possession their rent payed the taxes.
I have seen Grenadians coming to live in Trinidad and they getting land deed. Why are the citizens labelled as squatters?
Hello, Is the doctrine of notice applicable to adverse possession? If an adverse possessor takes adverse possession of some land and didn't know there was an equitable lease in that land, can the doctrine of notice make his occupation illegal?(you didn't answer me on facebook.)
This was excellent thankyou!
I'm not sure the law was meant for bottom feeders although that has happened. I think it was meant in the spirit of truly abandoned property. The law would favor this, as possession of a property also requires paying taxes which contributes to the tax base and local economy. What if someone died and there were no heirs or interested parties and the property just sat? That's a waste. But yeah I think that some people are abusing this law.....
Gregory Zoebisch police get paid to abuse the law
You use 'bottom feeder" to discredit the people doing this but the fact still remains that most of the homes are vacant for years on end and these folks are smart enough to do the research.
If your house has been sitting long enough for someone to file paperwork and live in and maintain your house for years without your knowledge and pay the property taxes which you failed to pay, then you shouldn't have anything to complain about. At that point I'm sure it's might cozy under that rock you've been living under, what do you need a house for? 🧐
@@exoticjunkie Do your tiny cranium a favor and re read my comment, idiot. You are obviously one of those people who is somehow able to write a seemingly coherent paragraph but has no actual comprehension of what you have read or are responding to. It's the school system's fault, not yours....and I know they don't teach you guys in special ed very's get a gold star for trying!
@@exoticjunkie Your obviously not smart enough to do that as you couldn't even comprehend what I wrote. It's ok, I know your special ed classes are tough but you'll get through it someday.....
Any success stories?
Thank you.
@Law Sessions can I email you privately?
Hello, do you have any lectures Re WA state? Thanks a lot.
can you parole to a house that has been abandoned and proclaim adverse possession?
If you are a homeowner in the US, get some fortifications
Thank you
I would want a property to BURN to the GROUND before I allowed someone to steal it from simply because I have been too busy lately and did not notice a burglar was living on my property .... I also want a lawyer's house to burn too if she was working to STEAL my property!
I suggest that you then take care that your property is properly looked after by you its owner, or you will most definitely be removed from your possession by the squatter. Tee He he he he
Or at least have a friend property manage for you or its just visible Greed because you can't Own something off a piece of paper and a promise...that's greedy fantasy land....too many people allow this sort of "power" of the pen, to prevail. The adverse possession law is actually quite heart ful and fair especially if the posessor pays the TAX CABAL of criminals...obviously if They get thier monthly payments that makes the whole Taxer gang happy enough..that's how the wealthy acquire "raw land" and then start selling it for cash as if they have a right to start getting money for it...if they don't physically Occupy it then the Adverse guy comes next to use it.
You indignant " owners" who would shoot a trespasser need to go camp out and fix up your own place if you care so much...
If you don't notice that someone has been living on your property for 10 years, then you don't deserve it.
Question . What is the 1980 Act ?? what is it called ?/ That is for GB. is there a comparison statute - act for the states, Like New York ?? Jennifer, I am vary much interested in communicating with you. I am a i's and have been trying to help some of my Native Indian friends, they are Onondagas of the Iroquois and if you would look at the youtube video you will see why, it's been 13 yrs and have yet to have their day in court, plus the older man speaking at the end of the video is .... .
Thank you, so much. ♡
is this applicable in the usa if so to what states does this apply to?
Yajaira Ozuna look into your state statutes...Chapter 1 article 4 gs1-38 to 1-42....limitation real property. Depends a bit for what your situated.
Does change of paper title extinguish an adverse claim?
what is the leading case?
why is it that i cannot register at your website? the problem is my telephone number which consistently get rejected?
because this is all bullshit and they are scammers who evidently got caught
Rented home long term and landlord and landlady abandoned the home and land for 13+ years as well as mower, washer, dryer, dishwasher Etc. Which most broke over 10+ years due to normal wear. They provided no maintenance or upkeep to the home or the property, we had to replace the well pump and some holes in floors. We finally got paid for the well but not the floors. Landlady returned to live in a tent here in the backyard after 13 years wanting everything that she abandoned in 2006 to be replaced with brand new items and gave us an eviction notice. We are still here and have fenced the land and used it as our own for over a dozen years. She is still a few years behind on the back taxes and has no job in which to pay them. What are our rights in this scenario? What steps do we need to take next? Thanks.
you lost me at adverse possession
You got me at “adverse possession” now I’m listening 🤔
You just know everything is about to collapse with there is ANY WAY a squatter has "rights" ...they BROKE in, burglarized their way in to YOUR property YOU pay the TAXES on...I dont give a CRAP what ANYONE SAYS or how they attempt to spin it is NOT theirs It is MINE ...Just because some SCUM BAG A hole lawyers pull ancient crap out of their ass that has NOTHING to do with today and proceed to make a case out of it! ...I could just SCREAM! What is worse is the MORONS that will actually shut off their BRAINS and listen to legal instructions re "what you have to find" Many I am on a jury? I am not paying any attention to crap ...just gonna go off "DUHH" where people CAN'T just break into someone's property or whatever and try to make a case out of their having "rights"
Squatters have no rights... they own nothing, they are trespassers.. i chased 4 out of my home with bear mace
@tripodurra you's a dumbass and a wannabe tough guy.
I salute you and will join you next time!
This Adverse Possession is such a Liberal Un-American law. Leave it to the federal governemnt to ruin property rights and everything else.
well if you own the land you or one of your tenats should be there within 12 years just saying........ unless you're a slum lord
Alex Atrocity hell that happen in 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue
Squatters are pathetic bottom feeding scumbags. Go get a fucking job, make some money and buy a house on your own. Have something to be proud of. Don't crawl around in the shadows like a cockroach and pounce when you think the time is right. That is downright pathetic and all squatters are absolute wastes of human beings!
Mike Christiansen so the founding fathers are as you say "pathetic bottom feeding scumbags" because the early settlers were actually squatters, squatting on land that wasn't theirs.
Squatters are pathetic bottom feeding scumbags.
2018 dose this still apply?
This is of course provided that there is no superior title
The girl has ironic presententions Keep it up.
13:54 leading case
How can I talk to you over the phone?
That was one take, wasn't it. Phew, thanks.
John Public have to deal with this very often. This information is difficult to understand
This is the most unfair thing I ever heard.
Life is unfair wake up
If you think about it, it kinda makes sense. Let's say you and your neighbor both think that a strip of land belongs to you. You plant a garden in it, build a fence around it, weed it, etc. You care for it, do any necessary repairs on it, and pay the taxes on it for 30 years. You've relied upon it being yours. Your neighbor shouldn't be able to dig up some 100-year-old document and take it away from you after you've put all that money and time into it. Without adverse possession, you could never be truly sure that you own something.
There have been a couple of cases with automobiles that illustrate this well. There's no such thing as adverse possession of cars in the USA. There have been instances where someone bought a used car from a used car lot 30+ years ago, registered it, drove it for decades, repaired it, had the engine rebuilt, body work done, paid annual registration fees, etc. Then the police showed up one day and said "this car was stolen back in the 1970s, we're giving it back to its rightful owner." Because there is no adverse possession for cars, the guy who bought the car (owned it for decades and spent tens of thousands of dollars on it) is out of luck. He gets nothing.
Maybe adverse possession isn't fair, but it's meant to address situations where at least one person will get the shafted no matter what. What's more unfair, losing a piece of land you never knew you owned, or having something you legally acquired ripped out from under you?
@@UserNameAnonymous sounds like you didnt do your research on what you own and trespassed and benefited from it.
@@modernwar2ghostrp I don't know what that means and you didn't address what I said.
how long must a person be on the premises in order to claim possession,please.advise
Depends whether the property is registered or unregistered (is the paper owner's estate in that property registered under the Land Registration Act 2002?) If it is registered then 10 years is the required amount of time. If the land is unregistered or if the amount of time has lapsed before October 13 2003, then it is 12 years.
2 years
What happens if there is a mortgage
so if ive done all of these things and the deceased owners son who has no legal claim to the house stalks harnesses and assaults my husband and steals our mail before the five years what do I do?
Life is a game smh
So i can't be a
This is ridiculous an makes no sense of i have a paper title to somewhere its basically useless lol who makes these laws
What about the reforms in relation to registered land, LRA 2002 ?
The LRA has, by and large, ensured that a squatters occupation will not be capable of maturing into title without an application to the Land Registry after 10years, at which point the Landowner will be served with notice and will have a power of veto over the transfer of title to the squatter.
Furthermore it will act as a disincentive to undisturbed squatters in undiscovered occupation of forgotten properties , to declare themselves and seek legitimasation of their occupation.
This is incorrect (it was correct until 2002) if you are in England or Wales, but if you are in the Republic of Ireland these rules are still applicable
Although it would be necessary to read Dunne v Iarnroid Eireann (2016) to get Irish specific information.
Leviticus it then base your opinion...go
All Tennant's should be able to claim adverse possession because of all the money they invested.
Hello i bet your a Jamaican Woman?
Go Beautiful lady
Yahweh Yahwsha yup you can tell all of us Jamaican woman are really smart
If this happened to me I would removed them myself and they would sleep with the fishes. Not in my lifetime.
If I got sick and couldn't attend a property etc and left it to increase then that would be unethical of another. 20 odd years, yeah I guess it seems abandoned and could see someone to make use of it. But that's it
I love you
that blue screen too obvious lol
what if the home is under HOA
If "YOU" register property,a split title is created.They say Possesion is 9/10ths. of the law.WHO Really owns the property in such a case?
the legal owner/not you scamboy.............oh and you will be arrested and charged now as in the real world(not this bullshit scammer video, yeah she is a lawyer about as much as i am the fucking queen of england) new laws have been passed and squatters are now evicted in hours and serve time in jail for their crimes
...since some people die every day, wouldn't it be great if only squatters and other street criminals were the "some people" dying every day? Just a nice thought.
Uh what?
um this is all horseshit and i cannot believe this person is even a fucking stupid are you people??? no really did your moms drink draino??? WTAF?????????????????? reported as a scam
The fuck?
If you try this in the US, you will end up in jail
+Fleece Johnson Yeah, no. Adverse possession applies in the States. The length of time one must possess over the paper owner is different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but it is still possible.
TheLorgirl You won't get far. especially if you are trying to take over someone's home. The second you file your court documents, so begins the paper trail
Just look around RUclips to find out how wrong you are. This is probably the worst in the States.
Cross Cudi youtube... lulz
It's a better start than sitting in denial, old chap.
It figures someone of "your" culture would focus on this. Get a job and buy your own property.
Bryan Strother adverse possession applies not just in England but many countries that have common law. Here in Ireland there is tons of unused houses (our population is still less than before the famine). Adverse possession is one the greatest laws on the books
+Mike Seeds it would matter if there are thousands of incidents where the owner would leave the house for a week or so then find his/her home occupied. if that happened to you can you say you fully support this law?
Bryan Strother European cannot own property
What does "her" culture have to do with a law that was based on how your ancestors acquired their land in the first place? It's not right, but she's just covering the topic. Please educate yourself before you make ignorant comments.