You ever watch a Symphony and think to yourself-"Whoa... each and every single one of these people has dedicated their entire lives to the instrument that they are playing and we get to watch them come together collectively and create a harmonious peace, often times crafted by an absolute genius..." I wonder how many collective years of music is up on that stage
Reggae Fan depends, some make a lot of money doing this, some don’t make anything- regardless though- to stay this proficient at an instrument, you have to play regularly- and to get up to this level in the first place. I imagine can take a lot of ground work
Think of it this way, Mozart was the first person to hear this music. Out of the graciousness of a kind heart he transcribed each note he heard on to paper, it's truth has persisted through generations. Thank you Master.
@@aldoringo439 I always feel that #41 is grander, if you know what I mean. Bigger in scale. It has a large opening movement, filled with power and sweep, sudden changes, sweet melody capping it off: there's so much happening there, compared to #40. Gorgeous, weird, emotional slow movement. The second movement is wonderfully sublime and beautiful. The third movement is also a greater one for me, than #40's - and let's not even compare the finales, because although #40's final movement is brilliant, #41 owns, in the realm of final movements, particularly in Mozart. And the fugue is one of the greatest moments in the history of music.
@@aldoringo439 Well, it isn't. But . . . it gives us a more sympathetic and brighter view of the lives we must live, doesn't it? It's (I think, but it's been too long since I've checked) in C-major, and choosing that key must surely have signaled to Mozart that he was composing something much more optimistic than No. 40. Both of those symphonies (his two best, in my view, but reasonable minds can differ on this) have never been equaled at any other time in the whole history of music. We must all be very grateful that, though he had a relatively short life, Mozart gave us the greatest imaginable music.
My love for classical music is a fairly new love. I transitioned accidentally from listening to Hanz Zimmer and John Williams as good revision music into listening intently to all things Mahler to Mozart. I did manage to pass my exams though thankfully. I dragged my girlfriend along with me to my first classical concert at the Musikveiren in Vienna in December 2019 and they played this piece. She didn’t much care for it but I was grateful she came with me. I however was so incredibly moved by the experience, it was absolutely wonderful. I intend on seeing many classical performances in my life (with or without my girlfriend) but this piece will always hold a very special place in my heart
That's marvellous ! If you ever feel you need some sort of guide to better discover this world, allow me to recommend the channel I just started. It's in both English and French and my ultimate goal would be to bring more people to classical music. I'd be extremely happy to see you there ! Keep listening, The Little Vixen
It's a common thing nowadays to start out with movie soundtracks and transitions to classical pieces, I did that too. You start out with smaller works, but the symphonies are so much richer in structures and harmonies that you eventually end up listening to the philharmonic repertoire. It all starts if you are struck by any work for a symphony orchestra. I started with those incidental collections like - The Best Classics...Ever !, then I bought the full cycle of Beethoven's symphonies by Berlin Philharmonic and Karajan. At the start, I was just listening to single movements of symphonies, it took me time to appreciate symphonies as a whole, to learn that movements are put together for a reason, they're connected and there's progression through works.
_If I may chime in......This is the symphony that turned the tables for me and set me on a path to becoming a professional symphonist after playing it in Los Angeles High School Senior Orchestra in 1968 as Second Chair Clarinet._ _Little did I know that I would have had better luck going on expedition in safari searching for Hen's Teeth! That's how rare a black man could be spotted at this level of symphonic performance._ _I went on to be an Andres Segovia copy-cat but would never had made as a pro on classical guitar either no matter how good I was._ _No big deal, I joined a church and offered up my talents to GOD and have no regrets!_ 😇
@@paulanthony5274 if you think it’s crap then idk what to tell you other than you’re overdue for a perspective shift. Number 2 I agree that Beethoven 9 is better of course, but in different ways. You can’t really compare the 2
I lost my husband seven months ago. Fifteen minutes in to this video, I let loose and cried...for the loss of what could have been, for for the joy of what we had. I look around at the photos I have of him and smile through tears. This music is so soothing, so healing. May God be with us all as we wait to join our loved ones. Accept Jesus into your hearts, be still and know He is God! Rest in peace, Robbie...I love you!
Немалое число слушателей громко рыдали после 4-ой части Симфонии 41, но совсем не от горя. Просто потому, что концовка космически трогательная. 🎶🎵🎶💥🎆🎇🎆!!! 💘😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗!!!!! Но не меньше самой музыки меня завораживало, как мужчины в зале от радости плакали навзрыд. Это я в телепередаче наблюдала.👏👏👏👏🌟⭐🌟📺.
One of the joys of watching symphonic music on RUclips is that you can see the camera angles and the facial expressions of the performers.( It is almost impossible to see the conductor's facial expressions if you are in the audience.) Lorin Maazel's leadership is amazing. Emotional performance by the first violinist. It is rare to find a symphony in which the orchestra members are so proud and happy to be playing.
One of my favorite symphonies and tremendous performance. Collectively this orchestra is brilliant, and the soloists within are so good. Great start to my day listening to this.
I'll bet musicologists have often written or said that this symphony advanced the classical symphony style in many places and ways, but I'll also bet that it surprised its first listeners the most by its wonderful and expert fugal section beginning here a few seconds after a subtle lead- in at 39:35 and goes for several thrilling moments. It showed Mozart's appreciation for the Baroque music which was then seldom played anymore in his era (as well showing off to his appreciative fans)! It certainly is my favorite part of this superb work. Thank you, Wolfgang, for having a big heart!
@@robertoperezaguirreeliasca5730 Ha! I bet, sir, that you would like to say that you are related to that wonderful flutist and very pretty lady Carla Andrada de la Calle!
Lebhafte und zugleich majestätische Aufführung dieser perfekt komponierten Sinfonie mit gut harmonisierten und perfekt synchronisierten Töne aller Instrumente. Der zweite Satz klingt fast himmlisch. Der erfahrene Maestro dirigiert das kompakte und perfekt trainierte Orchester im angemessenen Tempo mit effektiv kontrollierter Dynamik. Ruhe in Frieden, Herr Maazel!
This is how we began in my school of thought. The leader, maestro, band director would get you wet with theory from the legendary writers, then they would focus on what you uttered as an instrument you love. The collective group of children musicians would give their best and deepest smiles when completing a difficult piece. Bravo. strings like the wind carried the woodwinds while the brass and drums favored the type of weather/music, we were feeling that particular day and pleasant evenings recalling how each section performed. high school memories for me while college ensembles of every type for Shannon Lauren and Kevin Michael. Music was their nourishment for the soul of optimism and hope. They did so very well. *Key was piano lessons each week from a very early age with a kind taskmaster, who sincerely praised our children for several reasons that prepared them for life.
Nuevamente la fila de Violoncellos es estupenda. La fila de contrabajos una delicia escucharlos. La fila de 1eros violines hace un estupendo uso del arco. Nuevo primer oboe extraordinaria sección de las maderas. El principal de los contrabajos hace ver qué tocarlo es sencillo jajaja si claro.!!! Nuevamente la 1era flauta deleitándonos con su extraordinario talento..2dos violines súper, en general, podría destacar que la Sinfónica de Galicia tiene cerebro musical propio debido al gran compromiso que cada uno de sus músicos se compromete a ser músico con el transcurrir del tiempo. Son los gallegos más inteligentes del Universo!!! Bravissimo
A wonderful performance and excellent acoustic... Apparently, Mozart Music is no borderline and divided between humanity with the difference society in the worldwide today. Meanwhile, Mozart music also traversing throughout the world to performances, transfer into the language communications and joining together for love, for hope and for peaceful solutions... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "Composer Born to write" and his music. Mozart is one of distinguished composer, music writing he has contributed to humanity, regarding changing society and the human nature, in the past three centuries. Consequently, the culture of Mozart music never old and never die. Fortunately, his devoted to music 'born to write', he legacy and destiny leaves behind benefits for generations, throughout the worldwide years to come. Thanks for sharing wonderful video.
Maravilloso. Me hace tan feliz escuchar una pieza de Mozart. Aquí en medio del frío magallanico, a orillas del Estrecho. Si pueden leer mi mensaje, felicito al Director, a sus músicos. Siempre me ha sorprendido y admiro como pueden logran la perfecta armonuzacion con instrumentos tan difíciles de tocar. Los admiro tanto a los músicos ellos entregan su vida a la música, es el talento valioso que Dios les dio.. Gracias, larga y buena vida a ellos
The whole thing is a masterpiece but within that masterpiece there are sublime moments - such as at 39:45 to the very end. And to think that Mozart just wrote things without too much effort - music flowed from him like water from a rock.
@@elie2133 yeah only 18 hours a day completely focused on one thing. he's said in letters that he only spent about 5 hours a day sleeping. imagine spending your entire life since childhood focused on one thing that you already had a prodigious talent for
@@j.p.westwater2334 The time has been at a close a long time since parents could push a small child as his father pushed him. He was music and music was him.
@@elie2133 True, but Mozart himself said that he composed without "too much effort." In fact, he didn't even call it "composing," but rather "copying out." Apparently, everything he wrote was pretty much pre-composed in his head before he even set quill to paper, and when he did, he just wrote everything out in "full score" as he went along. It may not have been "too much effort," but it certainly was genius at a level that is very hard to comprehend.
@@russs7574 It isn't true, though. There's a famous letter that quotes him as saying that music came to him effortlessly, but it was a fake. For all his remarkable ability at improvisation -- it's said you had to hear him improvise to appreciate the magnitude of his genius -- he made sketches, and spoke as well of the effort he put into studying. Genius requires both talent and application!
Esta música reconforta el alma! Es lo más sublime que se compuso y no tiene igual. Es atemporal, eternamente joven, fresca, llena de energía y belleza.
viendolo al maestro, hasta lo imitas inconscientemente!!! es maestro del tiempo y espacio. yo de chico pensaba que cualquiera podria hacerlo, pero, realmente a cada gesto, una reaccion de la orquesta que lo sigue a la perfeccion.
Born in Argentina, since I was a teenager I started to listen recorded music created by Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Shostakovich, Prokoviev, Ravel and many other composers from all times. Later on I had a couple of opportunities to attend concerts at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam. Interpreters such as Lorin Mazel have produced great masterpieces wherever they directed outstanding orchestras, such as in this case, the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia, Spain. Thank goodness!
Portentoso, sublime. Mozart es tan grande en el mundo de la música que no hay que demostrar su indiscutible genio; está ahi, en lo más alto del firmamento de la más bella melodía
A orquestra sinfônica é espetacular ! Seus integrantes, simplesmente, perfeitos !!!!! E o maestro ? Maestro Lorin Maazel ? Não há elogio suficiente a ser dado a ele !! ESPETACULAR !!
Je salue le goût extrême et la carrière exemplaire de Lorin Maazel chef étoilé et gourmet de la plus belle des musiques. J'admire et j'applaudis aux tempi volontairement lents, choisis, qui font quelque peu souffrir cet orchestre démesurément enrichi - (jouer vite sers souvent à cacher les défauts, mais lentement met en évidence les faiblesses de chaque pupitre) - Il le tient à bout de bras et le freine pour que nous puissions entendre les finesses et riches harmonies enfantées par Mozart. Pari dangereux mais réussi. Ce petit monde s'en sort avec les honneurs et finit par donner un aspect romantique intéressant et anachronique aussi, en tous cas légèrement décalé dans le temps. Qu'aurait pu être la musique de Mozart s'il avait vécu une durée de vie plus normale? Eût-il pu être le concurrent de Beethoven ou de Schubert? N'aurait-t'il pas écrasé de son génie ses successeurs ou bien se serait-il perdu dans un archaïsme personnel et se serait-il fait masquer par de nouveaux postulants? Peux-t'on avoir à remercier le destin de l'avoir fait décéder si jeune afin que puisse exister tous les autres? Quelle perte en tous cas. Pour Mozart qui fut plus souvent un améliorateur qu'un inventeur, il est troublant de le constater dans ces dernières oeuvres comme précurseur d'un romantisme dont il commençait avant d'autres à poser les bases. C'est cela sûrement que Lorin Maazel à voulu mettre en lumière, faisant de cette "Jupiter" presque une symphonie Beethovenienne tournée vers l'avenir, et faisant de ce fait regretter encore plus douloureusement la disparition de son auteur, car rarement mort de génie n'aura été plus dramatique que celle du grand Salzbourgeois.
I admire master of music Mozart and Lorin maazel. 그리고 선생의 댓글 구글 번역이 어색하게 된 곳이 눈에 띕니다. 모차르트는 "어린 나이"가 아니라 젊은 나이에 세상을 떴습니다. 한국에서는 어린 나이의 죽음을 '악상' 이라 하며 부모보다 먼저 죽는 아이들의 죽음을 일러 최악의 슬픈 죽음이란 뜻입니다.
If you can't tell that this is the greatest music ever, and you don't need any more music, then you have no ears. This was the final piece of music listened too (with my heart) , the rest being silence.
Великая музыка гениального Моцарта в превосходном исполнении. Сердечно благодарю её автора, и дирижёра и оркестр, за несказанную радость приобщения к величайшему, непостижимому таинству высокого музыкального искусства прошлого❤❤❤.
Wolfgang had so many problems with life. As do I. Gambling. But there is no greater in hundreds of years than Amadeus. I know the equations of General Relativity. I see the curvature in the distant Universe. Had he been a cosmologist he would have been the best! Amadeus transends and resonates! That is genius!! PURE. Simple. Genius.
I agree, when you see the complexity of the music he wrote when was just a boy you just have to wonder what might he have achieved if he had lived longer.
Los anuncios entre movimientos no tienen la más mínima ética, no respetan el arte, los derechos de autor ni a su madre. Yotube lo permite infringiendo lo más elemental en derechos de autor, tener disponibilidad de música en su plataforma no lo convierte en dueño de los contenidos que no genera ni desarrolla.
Sei uno dei pochi a dire queste cose e sono pienamente d'accordo! Oggi si pensa solo al Dio denaro! Chi pubblica questi video non ha il minimo amore per l'arte, ma solo per il lucro!
Sus tres últimas sinfonías las compuso Mozart en el increíble tiempo de seis semanas, entre el 10 de julio y el 20 de agosto de 1788; amén de otras nueve piezas que también escribió en ese lapso. Esa proeza da fe de la grandiosidad del más extraordinario compositor que ha dado la historia de la música. Como dijo alguien: "Dios creó a Mozart para hacer sentir mal al resto de los hombres!"
Hace dos años de este comentario pero ..., Me resisto a creer que esto no haya sido una ligereza de Rafael. Una persona que tenga la sensibilidad necesaria para apreciar la música clásica no puede pensar así. Cuando escuchas,..., una de las que te conmueva, sientes que el resto de los hombres es miserable?. Yo siento que es una forma que Dios utilizó para permitirnos sentir un poco de Su Ser. Y sí que lo logró; algunos no podemos evitar las lágrimas, por lo Sublime!. Mis afectos sinceros.
JESÙS FLOREZ OSPINA A mí me gusta la frase que alguien dijo : " Un genio es como un relámpago en la historia de la humanidad cuyo trueno resuena a través de los siglos "
O GOOGLE e a INTERNET fizeram o grande milagre de reunir em um só gigantesco compartimento digital TODAS AS PÉROLAS MUSICAIS do mundo inteiro e beneficiando a cultura mundial da música. Walter Barcelos - Brasil
Same. The 4th movement of Symphony 41 "Jupiter" is my favourite piece of all time. Sad that Mozart never got to hear it, even though he himself composed it. I'm especially angry because he didn't get to hear the best part from 39:45 to the end
@@Grossknecht Das ist nicht richtig. That's not correct. Beethoven went deaf gradually. His hearing was OK when he wrote his 1st and 2nd symphonies, but it was deteriorating when he wrote the 3rd. It is true that by the time he wrote his 7th, 8th and 9th he was very deaf.
Recuerdo que en 1989 mi padre ya tenía un vinilo con las sinfonías 40 y 41 de Mozart dirigidas por Lorin Maazel, comprado seguramente a principios de los 80 o incluso antes.
When you have thec problems, dont sorry, hear so phantastisch compositions of Mozart, and vorgeht ny sadness!☀️ Thank You for concerts and upload!!! ❤🌹🥀
It is refreshing to see here people discussing the music, and Maazel and the orchestra's interpretation thereof, with open ears, relying on what they actually observe and hear, rather than on the seemingly mean-spirited critics who never gave Maazel any respect since he often chose conventional programming (see the reviews about his tenure with the NYPO late in life). All they wanted to do was lament he did not wish to program a lot of the avant-garde... And since Maazel kept up his violin "chops" throughout his life, playing on a wonderful Guadanigni, he probably enjoyed playing the mainstream rep more than anything else (e.g., can definitely recall seeing a program in which he played the complete 3 Brahms violin and piano sonatas).
yeah how dare he not include heinous postmodern "music". I was just watching a piece today of a girl with a flute walking around the room moaning and hitting random dissonant notes. written by someone with a PhD in composition by the way. the cultural decay is unreal
You ever watch a Symphony and think to yourself-"Whoa... each and every single one of these people has dedicated their entire lives to the instrument that they are playing and we get to watch them come together collectively and create a harmonious peace, often times crafted by an absolute genius..." I wonder how many collective years of music is up on that stage
I agree! This is leaving, breathing instrument altogether! Powerful in watchingn as well as listening!
Don't they have day jobs?
@@reggaefan2700 maybe as teachers of their instrument
Reggae Fan depends, some make a lot of money doing this, some don’t make anything- regardless though- to stay this proficient at an instrument, you have to play regularly- and to get up to this level in the first place. I imagine can take a lot of ground work
Think of it this way, Mozart was the first person to hear this music. Out of the graciousness of a kind heart he transcribed each note he heard on to paper, it's truth has persisted through generations. Thank you Master.
It is incredible that Mozart composed his best symphony and one of the best in all history in just 16 days. A true god of music
in what possible way is this superior to the 40th?
@@aldoringo439 I always feel that #41 is grander, if you know what I mean. Bigger in scale. It has a large opening movement, filled with power and sweep, sudden changes, sweet melody capping it off: there's so much happening there, compared to #40. Gorgeous, weird, emotional slow movement. The second movement is wonderfully sublime and beautiful. The third movement is also a greater one for me, than #40's - and let's not even compare the finales, because although #40's final movement is brilliant, #41 owns, in the realm of final movements, particularly in Mozart. And the fugue is one of the greatest moments in the history of music.
@@jesusmanriquezsantana1590 The 5-themed fugue at the last movement is pure magic to me.
Many consider 39th-41st symphony a trilogy. Mozart composed them in a span of 2 months.
@@aldoringo439 Well, it isn't. But . . . it gives us a more sympathetic and brighter view of the lives we must live, doesn't it? It's (I think, but it's been too long since I've checked) in C-major, and choosing that key must surely have signaled to Mozart that he was composing something much more optimistic than No. 40. Both of those symphonies (his two best, in my view, but reasonable minds can differ on this) have never been equaled at any other time in the whole history of music. We must all be very grateful that, though he had a relatively short life, Mozart gave us the greatest imaginable music.
Mozart's last 3 symphonies 39 40 and 41 were All written in only 6 weeks that's genius !!!
He sense he had limited time; unlike his eternal music
My love for classical music is a fairly new love. I transitioned accidentally from listening to Hanz Zimmer and John Williams as good revision music into listening intently to all things Mahler to Mozart. I did manage to pass my exams though thankfully. I dragged my girlfriend along with me to my first classical concert at the Musikveiren in Vienna in December 2019 and they played this piece. She didn’t much care for it but I was grateful she came with me. I however was so incredibly moved by the experience, it was absolutely wonderful. I intend on seeing many classical performances in my life (with or without my girlfriend) but this piece will always hold a very special place in my heart
That's marvellous !
If you ever feel you need some sort of guide to better discover this world, allow me to recommend the channel I just started. It's in both English and French and my ultimate goal would be to bring more people to classical music. I'd be extremely happy to see you there !
Keep listening,
The Little Vixen
It's a common thing nowadays to start out with movie soundtracks and transitions to classical pieces, I did that too. You start out with smaller works, but the symphonies are so much richer in structures and harmonies that you eventually end up listening to the philharmonic repertoire. It all starts if you are struck by any work for a symphony orchestra. I started with those incidental collections like - The Best Classics...Ever !, then I bought the full cycle of Beethoven's symphonies by Berlin Philharmonic and Karajan. At the start, I was just listening to single movements of symphonies, it took me time to appreciate symphonies as a whole, to learn that movements are put together for a reason, they're connected and there's progression through works.
Sounds like you need to get a new girl man
_If I may chime in......This is the symphony that turned the tables for me and set me on a path to becoming a professional symphonist after playing it in Los Angeles High School Senior Orchestra in 1968 as Second Chair Clarinet._
_Little did I know that I would have had better luck going on expedition in safari searching for Hen's Teeth! That's how rare a black man could be spotted at this level of symphonic performance._
_I went on to be an Andres Segovia copy-cat but would never had made as a pro on classical guitar either no matter how good I was._
_No big deal, I joined a church and offered up my talents to GOD and have no regrets!_ 😇
Look for the 'Haffner', and Beethoven's Op. 61 violin concerto
Allegro vivace (00:26)
Andante cantabile (13:29)
Menuetto (Allegretto) (26:46)
Molto allegro (31:54)
The absolute peak of Mozart's writing. This symphony was ahead of its time.
And a shame it was his last symphony. Who knows what he would have composed had he lived another 35 years.
@tomdiodati5028 He would need only another 5 years cause he wrote his last 3 Symphonies in only 6 Weeks!
I think it's crap beethoven was much better, you can't compare this to the 9th it's not even close..
@@paulanthony5274 if you think it’s crap then idk what to tell you other than you’re overdue for a perspective shift. Number 2 I agree that Beethoven 9 is better of course, but in different ways. You can’t really compare the 2
The double fugue is so clear towards the end, both themes working in perfect sync. What a genius Mozart was!
1 часть
Гп 00:30
Сп 01:13
Пп 02:08
Зп 03:32
2 часть
Гп 13:55
Сп 15:05
Пп 15:51
Зп 16:45
3 часть
Осн 26:55
Трио 29:23
4 часть
31:54 гп 1
32:25 гп 2
32:40 сп
32:57 пп
39:45 кода
(36:35 разработка.)
Спасибо, Полиночка 😘😘😘
13:35 2 часть главная партия
А так спасибо большое
I lost my husband seven months ago. Fifteen minutes in to this video, I let loose and cried...for the loss of what could have been, for for the joy of what we had. I look around at the photos I have of him and smile through tears. This music is so soothing, so healing. May God be with us all as we wait to join our loved ones. Accept Jesus into your hearts, be still and know He is God! Rest in peace, Robbie...I love you!
Немалое число слушателей громко рыдали после 4-ой части Симфонии 41, но совсем не от горя. Просто потому, что концовка космически трогательная. 🎶🎵🎶💥🎆🎇🎆!!! 💘😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗!!!!!
Но не меньше самой музыки меня завораживало, как мужчины в зале от радости плакали навзрыд.
Это я в телепередаче наблюдала.👏👏👏👏🌟⭐🌟📺.
¡ Si Mozart hubiese vivido más años, cuanta música divina dejó de componer, un genio!
One of the joys of watching symphonic music on RUclips is that you can see the camera angles and the facial expressions of the performers.( It is almost impossible to see the conductor's facial expressions if you are in the audience.)
Lorin Maazel's leadership is amazing. Emotional performance by the first violinist. It is rare to find a symphony in which the orchestra members are so proud and happy to be playing.
El gran Maestro Lorin Maazel con esta estupenda orquesta, muchas Felicitaciones por su calidad inmensa.
One of my favorite symphonies and tremendous performance. Collectively this orchestra is brilliant, and the soloists within are so good. Great start to my day listening to this.
00:26 - 1st
13:29 - 2nd
26:46 - 3rd
31:54 - 4th
Live long and prosper.
70년대의 천재 로린의 모습이 떠올라서 세월의 무게가 착찹하게 느껴집니다.
@@cielopinilla5986 a quien se lo dices y por que??
Thank you.
I'll bet musicologists have often written or said that this symphony advanced the classical symphony style in many places and ways, but I'll also bet that it surprised its first listeners the most by its wonderful and expert fugal section beginning here a few seconds after a subtle lead- in at 39:35 and goes for several thrilling moments. It showed Mozart's appreciation for the Baroque music which was then seldom played anymore in his era (as well showing off to his appreciative fans)! It certainly is my favorite part of this superb work. Thank you, Wolfgang, for having a big heart!
Well said
Little genius from Salzburg!
Oh Mozarteum!
@@robertoperezaguirreeliasca5730 Ha! I bet, sir, that you would like to say that you are related to that wonderful flutist and very pretty lady Carla Andrada de la Calle!
Great comment
El mejor compositor de la historia
Lebhafte und zugleich majestätische Aufführung dieser perfekt komponierten Sinfonie mit gut harmonisierten und perfekt synchronisierten Töne aller Instrumente. Der zweite Satz klingt fast himmlisch. Der erfahrene Maestro dirigiert das kompakte und perfekt trainierte Orchester im angemessenen Tempo mit effektiv kontrollierter Dynamik. Ruhe in Frieden, Herr Maazel!
This is how we began in my school of thought. The leader, maestro, band director would get you wet with theory from the legendary writers, then they would focus on what you uttered as an instrument you love. The collective group of children musicians would give their best and deepest smiles when completing a difficult piece. Bravo. strings like the wind carried the woodwinds while the brass and drums favored the type of weather/music, we were feeling that particular day and pleasant evenings recalling how each section performed. high school memories for me while college ensembles of every type for Shannon Lauren and Kevin Michael. Music was their nourishment for the soul of optimism and hope. They did so very well. *Key was piano lessons each week from a very early age with a kind taskmaster, who sincerely praised our children for several reasons that prepared them for life.
Chris 1:22
I played this symphony hundred of times, but this performance revealed miraculous music I never heard before.
Lorin Maazel one of the greatest conductors!
Always worth listening to!
He was indeed a presence. I witnessed a very late performance and he excelled.
God bless and keep you, Herr Mozart. You have brought tears of joy to my eyes more than any other composer. I thank you.
Was Mozart a Herr? Meinentwegen, he is and will always remain a Wunderkind!
Nuevamente la fila de Violoncellos es estupenda. La fila de contrabajos una delicia escucharlos. La fila de 1eros violines hace un estupendo uso del arco. Nuevo primer oboe extraordinaria sección de las maderas. El principal de los contrabajos hace ver qué tocarlo es sencillo jajaja si claro.!!! Nuevamente la 1era flauta deleitándonos con su extraordinario talento..2dos violines súper, en general, podría destacar que la Sinfónica de Galicia tiene cerebro musical propio debido al gran compromiso que cada uno de sus músicos se compromete a ser músico con el transcurrir del tiempo. Son los gallegos más inteligentes del Universo!!! Bravissimo
A wonderful performance and excellent acoustic...
Apparently, Mozart Music is no borderline and divided between humanity with the difference society in the worldwide today. Meanwhile, Mozart music also traversing throughout the world to performances, transfer into the language communications and joining together for love, for hope and for peaceful solutions... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "Composer Born to write" and his music. Mozart is one of distinguished composer, music writing he has contributed to humanity, regarding changing society and the human nature, in the past three centuries. Consequently, the culture of Mozart music never old and never die. Fortunately, his devoted to music 'born to write', he legacy and destiny leaves behind benefits for generations, throughout the worldwide years to come.
Thanks for sharing wonderful video.
Que conjunto impensado; el legendario L.Maazel y la actual Sinfónica de Galicia
que maravilla !!!
Loren Maazel conducted a GREAT orchestra doing a FANTASTIC JOB himself! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it!
We were extremely blessed to have Maestro Maazel here in Pittsburgh, as music director of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra from 1984-96.
I am born in Berlin, he was also here for the radio symphony orchestra
Maravilloso. Me hace tan feliz escuchar una pieza de Mozart. Aquí en medio del frío magallanico, a orillas del Estrecho. Si pueden leer mi mensaje, felicito al Director, a sus músicos. Siempre me ha sorprendido y admiro como pueden logran la perfecta armonuzacion con instrumentos tan difíciles de tocar. Los admiro tanto a los músicos ellos entregan su vida a la música, es el talento valioso que Dios les dio.. Gracias, larga y buena vida a ellos
Gracias amigo Mozart por alegrarme el corazon con tu hermosa composición. Que maravilla.
The whole thing is a masterpiece but within that masterpiece there are sublime moments - such as at 39:45 to the very end. And to think that Mozart just wrote things without too much effort - music flowed from him like water from a rock.
Doubt it wasn't with "too much effort"... you're minimizing his genius and the art of writing music imo by saying that
@@elie2133 yeah only 18 hours a day completely focused on one thing. he's said in letters that he only spent about 5 hours a day sleeping. imagine spending your entire life since childhood focused on one thing that you already had a prodigious talent for
@@j.p.westwater2334 The time has been at a close a long time since parents could push a small child as his father pushed him. He was music and music was him.
@@elie2133 True, but Mozart himself said that he composed without "too much effort." In fact, he didn't even call it "composing," but rather "copying out." Apparently, everything he wrote was pretty much pre-composed in his head before he even set quill to paper, and when he did, he just wrote everything out in "full score" as he went along.
It may not have been "too much effort," but it certainly was genius at a level that is very hard to comprehend.
@@russs7574 It isn't true, though. There's a famous letter that quotes him as saying that music came to him effortlessly, but it was a fake. For all his remarkable ability at improvisation -- it's said you had to hear him improvise to appreciate the magnitude of his genius -- he made sketches, and spoke as well of the effort he put into studying. Genius requires both talent and application!
Esta música reconforta el alma! Es lo más sublime que se compuso y no tiene igual. Es atemporal, eternamente joven, fresca, llena de energía y belleza.
Luz ,de la mejor calidad !
Esto si es ARTE,esto si que es MÚSICA
A mi la que mas me encanta es estaвидео.html
Mi más calurosa felicitacion al Maestro MAAZEL así como a cada integrante de tan excelsa orquesta la de Galicia España aplausos desde la CDMX
viendolo al maestro, hasta lo imitas inconscientemente!!! es maestro del tiempo y espacio. yo de chico pensaba que cualquiera podria hacerlo, pero, realmente a cada gesto, una reaccion de la orquesta que lo sigue a la perfeccion.
Danke Mozart für Deine wunderschöne Musik, die du uns hinterlassen hast!
Wow, I heard stuff I never heard before! Absolutely gave me a fresh approach to Jupiter, something I would have was impossible.
1 часть
Сп 01:13
Пп 02:08
Сдвиг c moll 2:52
2Пп 03:28
ГП в репризе 09:33
Раздел в ТГП в c moll 10:17
Сдвиг в ПП в f moll 11:58
2 часть
Гл 13:55
Сп 15:01
Пп 15:51
ТГП в репризе 25:24
3 часть
Осн 26:55
Трио 29:23
4 часть
31:54 гп 1
32:25 гл 2
32:57 тп
33:43 сдвиг
36:35 разработкa
38:19 Тгп в репризе
39:46 кода
Born in Argentina, since I was a teenager I started to listen recorded music created by Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Shostakovich, Prokoviev, Ravel and many other composers from all times. Later on I had a couple of opportunities to attend concerts at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam. Interpreters such as Lorin Mazel have produced great masterpieces wherever they directed outstanding orchestras, such as in this case, the Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia, Spain. Thank goodness!
Esta sinfonía es muy linda, muy armoniosa, merece escucharla una y otro vez, es incansable.
No le diría "linda"exactamente.Queda corto e inapropiado,el calificativo.Es apabullante,en toda su magnificencia.
+lourdes m es luz, es fortaleza, como todo lo de Mozart
lourdes m absolutamente las cumbres de la inteligencia y talento empeñados en crear belleza y perfeccion
@@lourdesm1309 Cálmate.
Como siempre en Galicia lo mejor de lo mejor MOZART MAAZEL & la sinfónica local 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏desde la CDMX
Portentoso, sublime. Mozart es tan grande en el mundo de la música que no hay que demostrar su indiscutible genio; está ahi, en lo más alto del firmamento de la más bella melodía
Very close to a dream-performance. Excellent conception and near-perfect ensemble playing.
Mozart in his best. you can feel the spirit of the genious dancing around the world.
No one human could have possibly composed this immortal work. Especially the last movement.
then mozart was an alien
Beethoven did when he did the symphony number 9
Música de un genio de hace más de 240 años, viva y emocionante, simplemente inmortal.
*Finally an orchestra that shows more basses than violins!*
A orquestra sinfônica é espetacular ! Seus integrantes, simplesmente, perfeitos !!!!! E o maestro ? Maestro Lorin Maazel ? Não há elogio suficiente a ser dado a ele !! ESPETACULAR !!
Ceci Silva Escudero.Just extraordinary,majestically perfect.Thank you(you/tube).
Mozart, the best stretto writer of all time.
Magnificent Conductor and Orchestra!
Je salue le goût extrême et la carrière exemplaire de Lorin Maazel chef étoilé et gourmet de la plus belle des musiques. J'admire et j'applaudis aux tempi volontairement lents, choisis, qui font quelque peu souffrir cet orchestre démesurément enrichi - (jouer vite sers souvent à cacher les défauts, mais lentement met en évidence les faiblesses de chaque pupitre) - Il le tient à bout de bras et le freine pour que nous puissions entendre les finesses et riches harmonies enfantées par Mozart. Pari dangereux mais réussi. Ce petit monde s'en sort avec les honneurs et finit par donner un aspect romantique intéressant et anachronique aussi, en tous cas légèrement décalé dans le temps. Qu'aurait pu être la musique de Mozart s'il avait vécu une durée de vie plus normale? Eût-il pu être le concurrent de Beethoven ou de Schubert? N'aurait-t'il pas écrasé de son génie ses successeurs ou bien se serait-il perdu dans un archaïsme personnel et se serait-il fait masquer par de nouveaux postulants? Peux-t'on avoir à remercier le destin de l'avoir fait décéder si jeune afin que puisse exister tous les autres? Quelle perte en tous cas. Pour Mozart qui fut plus souvent un améliorateur qu'un inventeur, il est troublant de le constater dans ces dernières oeuvres comme précurseur d'un romantisme dont il commençait avant d'autres à poser les bases. C'est cela sûrement que Lorin Maazel à voulu mettre en lumière, faisant de cette "Jupiter" presque une symphonie Beethovenienne tournée vers l'avenir, et faisant de ce fait regretter encore plus douloureusement la disparition de son auteur, car rarement mort de génie n'aura été plus dramatique que celle du grand Salzbourgeois.
I admire master of music Mozart and Lorin maazel.
그리고 선생의 댓글 구글 번역이 어색하게 된 곳이 눈에 띕니다. 모차르트는 "어린 나이"가 아니라 젊은 나이에 세상을 떴습니다.
한국에서는 어린 나이의 죽음을 '악상' 이라 하며 부모보다 먼저 죽는 아이들의 죽음을 일러 최악의 슬픈 죽음이란 뜻입니다.
La gran sinfonia del impetu,serenidad,calma y victoria:Great performance by Lorin Maazel!
Admiro a esos profesionales. Mis felicitaciones a todos ellos
This is the symphony that God listen every morning before breakfast. Mozart conducts.
Magnificent symphony performed magnificently by Maestro Maazel and Sinfonica de Galicia.
There is nothing wrong with Mozart’s music.
All is universal and eternal
Que gran nivel de la orquesta, una interpretacion precisa, pulcra acorde con el nivel de la obra
1 часть
тгп 00:30
1тпп 02:08
сдвиг с moll 2:52
2 пп 03:28
раздел c moll 10:17
сдвиг f moll 11:58
ТГП 13:55
Связующая с moll 15:01
ПП 15:51
Тгп в репризе 25:24
основной раздел 26:55
Трио 29:23
1) ТГП 31:54
2) фигурированная экспозиция 32:25
3) ТПП 32:57
4) сдвиг 33:43
5) начало разработки 36:35
6) тгп в репризе 38:44
7) сдвиг?
8) кола 39:46
Maazel's famous photographic memory of the scores and canonical baton technique! This is musical perfection...
Histórica interpretación que tuve el privilegio de presenciar en vivo.
Lovely Mozart Symphony great conductor and orchestra, thank you!!
If you can't tell that this is the greatest music ever, and you don't need any more music, then you have no ears. This was the final piece of music listened too (with my heart) , the rest being silence.
plays on the heart strings,
what a delicate touch.
reminds me of Shelly
Mozart despliega todo su genio y nos hace renacer desde ésta Sinfonía magnífico el director y la orquesta ❤
Essa é a minha sinfonia favorita de Mozart. O quarto e último movimento (31:54) é sem dúvida a melhor parte!
Hoy con tegnologia del siglo XXI,se disfruta de la paz y buena música..
Jupiter has the fragrance of Mozart‘s aesthetics and his genius
Великая музыка гениального Моцарта в превосходном исполнении.
Сердечно благодарю её автора, и дирижёра и оркестр, за несказанную радость приобщения к величайшему, непостижимому таинству высокого музыкального искусства прошлого❤❤❤.
Bravo! Bravíssimo!
god bless all who give pleasure and peace to fellow humans
Molehill sluchania
Pozdrawiam was moi kochani
too bad ignorance blind them
@@ariluvssanrio5490 Yes, like yourself.
Wolfgang had so many problems with life. As do I.
But there is no greater in hundreds of years than Amadeus. I know the equations of General Relativity. I see the curvature in the distant Universe. Had he been a cosmologist he would have been the best!
Amadeus transends and resonates!
That is genius!!
I agree, when you see the complexity of the music he wrote when was just a boy you just have to wonder what might he have achieved if he had lived longer.
He was blessed by the God who created the universe! Check out excellent Christian teaching!
His biggest problem was his allegiance to the *wolf gang* and their scheming
Como no va ser Genial, Brillante composicion
At the final coda, all 5 themes play simultaneously! Can you believe it?
5-fold Jovian Paradise in full flare! 39:42
Thank you for such beauty Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Los anuncios entre movimientos no tienen la más mínima ética, no respetan el arte, los derechos de autor ni a su madre. Yotube lo permite infringiendo lo más elemental en derechos de autor, tener disponibilidad de música en su plataforma no lo convierte en dueño de los contenidos que no genera ni desarrolla.
Que si! Tienes mucha razon! Además de esto te piden dinero para no escuchar anuncios!😅😅😅 vivumos en un mundo de locos!
Sei uno dei pochi a dire queste cose e sono pienamente d'accordo! Oggi si pensa solo al Dio denaro! Chi pubblica questi video non ha il minimo amore per l'arte, ma solo per il lucro!
Me tiene harta los anuncios de premiums no voy a poner un peso!!!!?
Basta de propaganda no voy a pagar nada entienden?
Totalmente de acuerdo con usted.
Nunca cansa siempre es como nuevo
Muy buena partitura una de las mejores ❤
Sus tres últimas sinfonías las compuso Mozart en el increíble tiempo de seis semanas, entre el 10 de julio y el 20 de agosto de 1788; amén de otras nueve piezas que también escribió en ese lapso. Esa proeza da fe de la grandiosidad del más extraordinario compositor que ha dado la historia de la música. Como dijo alguien: "Dios creó a Mozart para hacer sentir mal al resto de los hombres!"
One of my violins was constructed in 1788. I guess I should not sell it.
Hace dos años de este comentario pero ..., Me resisto a creer que esto no haya sido una ligereza de Rafael.
Una persona que tenga la sensibilidad necesaria para apreciar la música clásica no puede pensar así. Cuando
escuchas,..., una de las que te conmueva, sientes que el resto de los hombres es miserable?. Yo siento que es
una forma que Dios utilizó para permitirnos sentir un poco de Su Ser. Y sí que lo logró; algunos no podemos evitar las lágrimas, por lo Sublime!. Mis afectos sinceros.
JESÙS FLOREZ OSPINA A mí me gusta la frase que alguien dijo : " Un genio es como un relámpago en la historia de la humanidad cuyo trueno resuena a través de los siglos "
Pero Bach si existió!!
Divine composition and marvelous performance!!
O GOOGLE e a INTERNET fizeram o grande milagre de reunir em um só gigantesco compartimento digital TODAS AS PÉROLAS MUSICAIS do mundo inteiro e beneficiando a cultura mundial da música. Walter Barcelos - Brasil
i just read that the "Jupiter" was never performed while Wolfgang was alive. That saddened me...
Same. The 4th movement of Symphony 41 "Jupiter" is my favourite piece of all time. Sad that Mozart never got to hear it, even though he himself composed it.
I'm especially angry because he didn't get to hear the best part from 39:45 to the end
I just read Beethovewn did'nt ever hear one of his Sinfonies. Much more sad.
we don't even know for what orchestra or occasion the last three symphonies were composed.
@@Grossknecht Das ist nicht richtig. That's not correct. Beethoven went deaf gradually. His hearing was OK when he wrote his 1st and 2nd symphonies, but it was deteriorating when he wrote the 3rd. It is true that by the time he wrote his 7th, 8th and 9th he was very deaf.
39:44 -------- 7:58 ... No words to describe these moments.... so beautiful !!!!!!!
No me canso de escuchar esta versión... excelente
Calidad De Musica Mis Respetos A Estos Grandes Compocitores. Gracias Gracias.
Fabulous performance. RIP, maestro!
Truly stunning. A wonderful rendition
Que podamos disfrutar de la música de este compositor. Mozart está fuera de su. Época y. Es un gran momento el escuchar su música
Estoy completamente de acuerdo, señor. Saludos de Rusia.
Recuerdo que en 1989 mi padre ya tenía un vinilo con las sinfonías 40 y 41 de Mozart dirigidas por Lorin Maazel, comprado seguramente a principios de los 80 o incluso antes.
Excelente! Bravo!!!!!
Esta orquesta de Galicia es maravillosa. Alcanza un nivel comparable al de las grandes orquestas europeas. Mi enhorabuena a sus integrantes.
Me gusta la interpretación tanto de la orquesta como del director. Bravo 💪
When you have thec problems, dont sorry, hear so phantastisch compositions of Mozart, and vorgeht ny sadness!☀️ Thank You for concerts and upload!!! ❤🌹🥀
Happy Birthday Mozart! Thanks for existing.
How beautifully crafted!!
Fabulosa interpretación.....un lujo Mozart. Muchas gracias
It is refreshing to see here people discussing the music, and Maazel and the orchestra's interpretation thereof, with open ears, relying on what they actually observe and hear, rather than on the seemingly mean-spirited critics who never gave Maazel any respect since he often chose conventional programming (see the reviews about his tenure with the NYPO late in life). All they wanted to do was lament he did not wish to program a lot of the avant-garde... And since Maazel kept up his violin "chops" throughout his life, playing on a wonderful Guadanigni, he probably enjoyed playing the mainstream rep more than anything else (e.g., can definitely recall seeing a program in which he played the complete 3 Brahms violin and piano sonatas).
yeah how dare he not include heinous postmodern "music". I was just watching a piece today of a girl with a flute walking around the room moaning and hitting random dissonant notes. written by someone with a PhD in composition by the way. the cultural decay is unreal
My heart is jumping with joy
Awesome, brilliant, magnificent, wonderful Mozart!! Magnificent symphony conducted by Maestro Maazel.
that tutti attack at 6:29 is unbelievable!
Gracias a todos, me gusto mucho a Mozart y el arte vivo.
Me emociona al limite, mi obra musical preferida.