My money ritual since young age has been: never go for a second choice because your first choice costs more. Work, make more money and go get what you really want. Money comes like magic!
i have to evaluate WHY I want those things and think about whether it fits into my values and needs. If I got everything I wanted, Id have WAY too much crap. Then again, I have ADHD, so....
That is very true! In fact what I've noticed when you decide to not buy they first expensive thing and go for the cheaper compromise, somehow eventually you still spend more.
I'm not sure if you'd consider this weird, but i always thank the universe for providing me with abundance whenever i get paid. Gratitude is so important.
Whenever I am able to pay reasonably for what I want I am grateful I am able to afford it. And I enjoy working which gets me the money that I can spend.
I write this on every payment receipt (electricity bill or supermarket...): "All I invest in myself pays for itself 7 times over". Started it when doing Deepak Choprah 21 days of abundance and keep doing it. I appreciate more everything I spend on.
oh i did Deepak Chopras 21days of abundance about 6 or 7times in a row. Unfortunatelly it didnt solve my money problem am still broke, yet interestingly after doing a few 21day rounds a “random” buddhist guy came to me in a car park and asking for money which i gave him, in return he gave me some religious books I still have but didnt read yet. But thank you for putting this out here maybe its a sign to start again that 21 days abundance thing..
I did the 21days abondance challenge to, but what really help me improve my finances is being grateful for the money I have regardless of the amount, the things that I can buy, the money that I receive, and the job that I have even if it's not really my dream job. I'm inspired by Abraham Hicks, Louise Hay, Neville Goddard, Wayne Dyer, etc....
Two days ago I walked past a penny - as I did my mind reminded me to turn around and pick it up! It is a way of graciously accepting the flow of money that is continuously flowing to me :)
OMG.. this was such an affirmation for me. I started doing this when I realized that by ignoring pennies on the ground I was telling the universe "no thank You" to money energy trying to come into my life. Now every time I see one I pick it up and declare to whoever I am with..." I get free money all the time".. or.... "money just flows to me"... or some other positive affirmation.
@Bernardmoore_official has brought me out of poverty through investment i now know how to invest crypto i also made him my professional Broker cause i have being making a lot of "profit ever since big thanks to Mr bernard moore.
My weird money tip: I wrote 'Bills' on the file folder that kept my bills tidy followed with a little frown face. Everytime I went for it, I felt anxious, angry, depressed. It's a small change, but I changed the frown to a smile and it's made shift in my mindset when I sit down to calculate and pay bills! Small shifts! xo
My best money ritual: I "pay it forward before I pay my taxes". Meaning before I set aside money for taxes, I set aside money for charities I believe in (and have them auto-deducted every month). It helps me feel grateful and joyful, focus on my blessings, and feel SO GOOD about making more money, since I give based on a percentage!
Your blessed if you have enough to do that there are people trying to figure out with bill to pay yes i remember a guy he chose car over rent you need the car to keep a job an can always sleep in it if lose the place if you lose the car you well end of losing place due to lost of job for not making it there
More often than not, when I go for a walk I find at least a penny on the ground. I always pick it up and say thanks. Then I tell myself that the universe is paying me to exercise lol
I totally started doing the first one a few weeks back and saw immediate results! I was having a day where I felt kinda broke... and I decided that I was going to be grateful for any little gift the universe gave me-- So when I saw 2 pennies, I picked them up and said "Thank you universe!" And felt as grateful as I would if I had received a large check. That day after that I kept finding/receiving random things-- a free drink, lunch delivered, and a message that I had some money in a 401k from 6 years ago (like a good chunk-a-change) I really recommend everyone try it and see what happens :)
Oh wow I absolutely loved this. My 96 year old dad still picks up coins from the ground and he's completely IN HIS RIGHT MIND. In fact, he's the oldest man to run across the U.S. when he was 90 and is running back the other way at 96. He's easy to google, been on all the major news channels. I'm so proud of him. I only worried about him once while running a leg with him on his first run across the country, in New Mexico, while going up a mountain pass on a blind curve, I looked back at him and he had stooped over to pick up a dime. Me in the Lead, worrying about his safety as a semi truck was screeching its brakes coming down the mountain, and dad smiling at me shouting "HEY I FOUND A DIME." He was a child during the Great Depression and he would agree with you Marie.
Donna, your Dad sounds like an amazing human being. What an example to set! Here's to him running and picking up those coins. Please tell him that we think he's amazing and inspiring. Hugs to you both. - Team Forleo
When I was a kid, I would say “find a penny pick it up all day long you’ll have good luck”. As an adult that has changed. Thank you for reminding me of that! This was very helpful.😊
I've always done those two things! ESPECIALLY the second one, my mom taught me to organize the money like that! It makes a huge difference and I have no problems when it comes to money! I've never had problems with money! It comes easily and I thank the Universe!
I want to get to a good relationship with money. I think at this point I'll admit, earning money makes me anxious, especially being self employed, it brings thoughts of failure, disappointment in the horizon
Oh wow, since I was last year, I have developed an appreciation and just a better vibe for money. Money flows in and out of life. I value and understand the need to let go and receive. Thank you for your video! I continue to relisten and relearn
What I do is clean out my wallet of all the scraps of paper so only the cards and cash I need are in there and this makes space for abundance and it has worked for me.
When I recieve money in any form (direct deposit payments, found on the street, as a gift) I feel appreciation and I always say thank you, even if it's silently in my head. Thanking the universe for the abundance in your life shows up as more abundance! Thanks for this video!
I do both of these habits and keeping my money 'right and tight' is a must. Some people make fun of me for it, but I never let it matter. I always know what I have in my wallet and that I am taking really good care of it. I think this attitude of abundance is a blessing.
I like this because I am always finding money. Mostly dimes and quarters. But also paper money up to $5, $10, $20. As well as my daughter. Everytime we find money we say thanks to the universe and we also say I am a money magnet while picking it up.
Funny story: When I was on my first backpacking trip a few years back, I saved so much money I couldn't even believe it. One day when I was walking somewhere in San Francisco I had a strong urge to take a left, so I did. Maybe 2 minutes later there it was; a couple of dollars laying on a empty parking spot! I believe it was $43 dollar!!! What?!?!During the whole 10 months of travelling I kept on finding change EVERYWHERE! And I always picked it up. This couldn't have been a coincidence.
Hey Marie! My mum and I were talking about money mindset today, one of the rituals we do is when you see a tree you imagine ££ on each branch to welcome more abundance!🌳
I agree with always keeping the money neat; I noticed when I worked as a cashier that the people who had their money all crumpled up in various areas of their handbags or in different pockets had no clue how much money they had with them, which sometimes ended up in them being embarrassed at not having enough to buy what they wanted. Many times these were also people who wandered through the store picking things up and apparently not paying attention to the price tags, which caused them to freak out when they saw how much they owed. Not paying attention to how much you have or how much you're trying to spend is a good indicator of someone that has little respect for money, and thus, usually not much money to spend.
I just found this video! And I’m really grateful for the reminder, I’ve been slacking recently. These are habits my mom and dad raised me with. 😄 they would scold me if they find loose change or small bills scattered in my room in random places and tell me to respect my money and take care of it so I may have the opportunity to take care of more. 😄 blessings of abundance to everyone who comes on here! 🤗💰💰💰
I just came across your video and I am hooked. I get nervous, anxious, and depress around money so I am working on changing my mindset. I will try these out. Thank yoir for providing these tips and Have a great Saturday!😊
It wasn't until I found something that meant something to me that I found meaning in my life . Business that I am currently building gives me a reason to wake up every day. I had to shift for money mindset to meaning mindset. When you find meaning to your life the money will follow! But the most important thing is you have to believe in yourself! When you are consistent and really start to believe in yourself it is amazing the things that will start to happen in your life. I love your videos, you provide so much value in your content, which is one of my goals! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This was really great. I made the realization a few days ago that I am not a good stewart of money and it's my responsibility to do so in order for more abundance. Gotta stop the poor cycle. Thanks Marie! The penny skit was hilarious!
Not silly at all!!! I’m with you, girl!! I have also been doing this since I was a kid!! It makes the difference and I believe it attracts abundance… specially when you do from a place of gratitude, respect and appreciation!!
Thank you for these tips! I keep my money organized as well😊 My ritual is after I make any purchases I keep my wallet, handbag and car free of receipts; I either file them or discard them.
I'm always picking up coins I find on the ground, usually the parking lot at the stores. But I put it in a dish where all my loose change collects throughout the year and then I drop it in handfuls into those little red Salvation Army kettles outside the stores during the holidays to spread the good luck! LOL.
I'm happy I came across your video Marie. Recently I've noticed a lot of pennies on the sidewalk while walking to work, out on my lunch hour or running errands on my day off. I've walked right past them and thought, it's just a penny. From now on I'm going to pick them up and say "thank you God, what a blessing"
I love both of these tips. Like you I always keep my cash organized and neat in my wallet and never pass up change I see on the ground. I think it shows humility and gratitude for the money we are blessed with. Thanks for sharing.
My mom taught me to keep my money tight and right since I was young! I also never say no to loose change as everything accumulates! I always say "thank you universe for this abundance in my life!" even if I'm picking up a #penny or two! I also think a good strategy to start saving is to take the loose change you made during the day and put it away in a jar and pretend I don't have it, leaving only the whole bills to stay in my wallet. If you use physical money often or daily, that coinage can add up very quickly!!! :) If that is not enough of a challenge, you can pick a dollar bill you would like to save when you break a bigger bill... either always saving your $5 or $10 bills can add up even quicker and get you to your #moneygoals faster!! Anyways, love you Marie and everyone @ MarieTV!!! :)
Yes. Picking up coins on the street helps train the subconscious to be open to receiving prosperity from any source. Also, it's not a weird habit, but one thing I do is whenever I have to pay any kind of bill or make a payment, I say "blessings unlimited" for each time I let go go of money. It is essential to feel good about letting money flow from you.
Interesting show… last week I found a 🪙 quarter in parking lot. (See pennies often & began dedicating these to good fortune for my neighbors & our children ☺️) . So real report is found $20 bill 💵 a few days after. What a wonderful rush❗️I praised heaven, then let my spending include gifts.
I have both the habits since childhood. Keeping everything tidy and organised, not just money! And since last few years, I and my family have been constantly finding coins from anywhere and everywhere. Firstly, when we find these coins, sometimes coins from other countries too, we thank the universe and celebrate in our hearts for this abundance. But instead of using these coins for ourselves, we collect these separately and once or twice in a year, add the same amount we found, from our own money and donate it. That's our way of thanking the universe for taking good care of us!
I feel the universe blesses me in many ways and a penny on the ground counts. whether I'm in an ebb or flow of having enough to keep the anxiety away, I'm always reminded that the flow of money allows for abundance. in response to one comment about what you "should" do with your money, I'd like to say that I have huge respect for Marie's whole premise that giving back is a basic part of the abundance formula.
I'm in Canada, so pennies are now out of the question. I did recently find quarters in shopping carts two weeks in a row, and yes, I embraced them. Felt they reflected the savings from my shopping. I can gauge how "lucky" I will be based on the amount I find while going through life's motions. I've sometimes hit a drought, but I often find all sorts of coinage, and occasionally paper money, once even $20 in the parking lot where I worked. Made a lot of money at that job.
if you ever drop some change in a crowded room, look around and see how many people look up, even if they don't realise it and even if they were not paying attention, regardless of how much money they have or not. it's so fascinating how everyone's mind registers the sound of change. thank you for the tips marie!
Watching this now and I wish I learned this sooner. For most part of my life, I’ve had the wrongest money mindset. I deprive myself a lot, even when it comes to buying essentials, because I’m trying to save. I window shop to scout different stores, just to compare prices so I can shop the lower price. After watching this and reading through comments, I now know that I’ve had the wrong mindset and I’m willing to put in the work to change it up. Thank you
I'm thinking of instituting this as a regular practice in my life: Anytime anything negative happens concerning my finances, go out and buy something- something super small, just to remind myself I do have *some* money, I can afford *some* things, and the sky didn't fall because I spent money WHILE whatever negative thing that happened was happening.
I really like how you talk about having respect even for the smallest amounts of money. As you said we should respect it as millions upon millions of people have a pitiful amount of money available. Thank you for those reminders of how and why to appreciate money.
Wow! I am exactly like that. I pick up any money I find and give thanks! My ritual With money is: whenever I come in touch with money I say silently: money is my friend, it comes to me easily and abundantly. It really does😅
"See a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck!" I too Marie, always pick up loose change. It's definitely a sign of arrogance to see it and pass it on by,
Back in 2017 my workmate told me: "If u dont respect small change you ll never have big bucks" when i commented on him picking up a dime from the ground. It was a lesson for me and now i live by that rule.
I enjoyed watching this video so, so much! When I always pick up pennies (or Rabat as its called in Switzerland!) if I see one and my husband teases me about it. But I grew up in Sri Lanka where so many people around me struggled to make ends meet. So I have a lot of respect for money whether it's a penny or a dollar (as you say!) I also keep all my notes tidy and facing one way - I am SO happy to know I'm not the only person in the world to do so! I feel I am in good company if the amazing Marie Forleo does it too🌟💜 Definitely going to check out your other video on money mindset shifts!
I, like you, pick up coins when I see them abandoned. Long ago I learned a little verse, and I still use it, at least silently to myself, often quietly aloud. "Lucky (penny, nickel, etc., bring me luck. I'm the one who picked you up." Have a wonderful day, Marie.
I had to laugh at the "tight and right," my daughters roll their eyes at me because I not only have my bills in order, but the presidents have to be right side up.
After giving this a listen I went on a walk with my pup and found it SO strange that he was bringing me to the gas station by my house… we neeeeever really head that way! The only other time was when the universe was directing me to a sign about abundance and then tonight -- A PENNY POPPED UP! 😂🦋✨ it had me cracking up and prizing it’s worthiness! Thanks for this Marie! Love your energy and channel!
LOVE that dress!!! And I must say, fashion funds my fashion fund! I work from home, and could easily stay in my PJ's all day to work, and I have. However I have found that I feel much more motivated, and therefore make more money if I get dressed for work and do my hair and make-up. Plus, at the end of the day I'm ready to go out, be around people and network. When I don't get dressed for the day, I end up on my couch with the TV and usually eating something I shouldn't, lol!
I pick up loose change when I see it. 100 pennies equals one dollar. Growing up my parents used to save their spare change and pay their utility bills with it! I have a few money tricks. First, I pay my bills immediately once I get my paycheck and then I pay my savings account. Second, I act like I have no money so I am forced to think about my purchases and scrutinize past purchases. I grew up without money so I appreciate every penny and every bill.
I keep a check register on Google Sheets. I was stunned to discover how few people do this anymore. I actually “budget” inside my check register so that money I know will be spent gets taken out in advance.
What has helped me greatly regarding money and what I share with other people is the use of audio subliminals. They effectively and conveniently help reprogram our subconscious mind for money and anything else we desire. Now I literally spot out various amounts of cash in grass fields and other places often lol. A few weeks ago while walking I came across 60 pennies on the ground! I ended up walking home with a load of pennies in my pocket lol. So yes, appreciate money REGARDLESS of the amount people! 🤑 💰
At first I was like... seriously? Picking pennies off the ground is your advice? But I made myself keep watching and I totally get what you are saying now!!! Respect and appreciation!! :)
I was coming off of a weary business trip....I so wanted to take a taxi home instead of a shuttle or a bus...I hit the escalator trying to make it ok to take a taxi...I bent my head down in thought and the escalator presented me with a $50! I thanked the Universe for that taxi ride + the nice tip I was able to give.
This is me. I used to always pick up even a penny from the ground. Then I went through a phase where I felt it was desperate looking to do so. Then I lost everything financially and otherwise. Now I'm broke. I started to pick even a penny up again, and not because I am broke, but for the very same things she mentioned - not being arrogant and to "pay" respect to money and as a gesture of gratitude and acknowledgment that the Universe will provide if I stay humble and keep trying my best. Also, I MUST put all of my bills face forward, in order relative to denomination (highest bills on top for easy counting), all bends and creases removed in all bills and put in my wallet flat. I cringe when banks give me bills any other way. Lol! My favorite part of the video - @ 2:35 - Abe the Babe... Lol!
When I was a kid and I found a penny my parents always said "you're rich!" They had no idea the gift they gave me as they told me over and over I was rich. I still always say to myself every time I get money "I'm rich!" It fills me with gratitude and reminds me that money is always showing up in my life and makes me truly feel rich.
gratitude and reverence- an essential part of building the life and money of your dreams. Thank you for the reminder. Oh, my grandmother always had a saying, which roughly translates into English as follow: He who does not honor the penny, is not worthy of the dollar. Took me a while to get how true that really is.
I do both of those things, too. I actually kept track one year of how much money I collected just by picking up coins off the ground and the total was over five dollars.
Great video! I always pick up matter how small! I also never put my purse on the floor. I feel like that's a message that my material possessions aren't important and that I don't respect what I've been blessed with.
I’ve had the checkbook panic attacks. I’ve been doing that too…every time I see a penny or some change I pick it up and I have done the U-turn pick up. And I’ve had those moments where I felt embarrassed, but I always say Thank You. There is a very wealthy man (I can’t remember his name) but he was asked why he always picks up pennies and he said it’s a reminder to be thankful. 😁🙏
I remind myself all the time that, “I’m so grateful and thankful that I get paid for being me.” When I pick up pennies, or any coins, I say right out loud, “And thank you, for my wealth!” These two have been my best, so far, along with the very effective, “Money wants me.” 😊
Omg!! I was doing my morning walk and saw 2 aed on the ground but I just walk past it thinking its embarrassing to pick it up. And now i see this...! (sidenote: I've gotten layed off from job due to covid) I have to make this comment cause I'm changing to abundance mindset from now on!
Every time I pay for something; I breathe, smile, and tell myself : "This will get back to me a thousandfold". It helps with trust & gratitude.
Love that! 💚
That’s such a great affirmation! Thank you
I love that and will use it as of now.
Thankyou that is a great affirmation 💕
Wow thanku 🥰
My money ritual since young age has been: never go for a second choice because your first choice costs more. Work, make more money and go get what you really want. Money comes like magic!
Yes, indeed
i have to evaluate WHY I want those things and think about whether it fits into my values and needs. If I got everything I wanted, Id have WAY too much crap. Then again, I have ADHD, so....
That is very true!
In fact what I've noticed when you decide to not buy they first expensive thing and go for the cheaper compromise, somehow eventually you still spend more.
“Money comes like magic” uh-huh! Great adage!
I'm not sure if you'd consider this weird, but i always thank the universe for providing me with abundance whenever i get paid. Gratitude is so important.
I thank God, he exists, hears and loves us 😉
@@mimsalamims6571 Amen.
Whenever I am able to pay reasonably for what I want I am grateful I am able to afford it. And I enjoy working which gets me the money that I can spend.
Yes feeling gratitude really matters dear sister
Yea it is weird cause you’re supposed to thank God, not the universe
I write this on every payment receipt (electricity bill or supermarket...): "All I invest in myself pays for itself 7 times over". Started it when doing Deepak Choprah 21 days of abundance and keep doing it. I appreciate more everything I spend on.
😯 *gReaT advice.!* ✔
oh i did Deepak Chopras 21days of abundance about 6 or 7times in a row. Unfortunatelly it didnt solve my money problem am still broke, yet interestingly after doing a few 21day rounds a “random” buddhist guy came to me in a car park and asking for money which i gave him, in return he gave me some religious books I still have but didnt read yet. But thank you for putting this out here maybe its a sign to start again that 21 days abundance thing..
Could you please name the titles of the book that he recommended? Thank you in advance!
I did the 21days abondance challenge to, but what really help me improve my finances is being grateful for the money I have regardless of the amount, the things that I can buy, the money that I receive, and the job that I have even if it's not really my dream job. I'm inspired by Abraham Hicks, Louise Hay, Neville Goddard, Wayne Dyer, etc....
@Seyma Bekar Yes, If You have that Capacity to Receive.
Two days ago I walked past a penny - as I did my mind reminded me to turn around and pick it up! It is a way of graciously accepting the flow of money that is continuously flowing to me :)
OMG.. this was such an affirmation for me. I started doing this when I realized that by ignoring pennies on the ground I was telling the universe "no thank You" to money energy trying to come into my life. Now every time I see one I pick it up and declare to whoever I am with..." I get free money all the time".. or.... "money just flows to me"... or some other positive affirmation.
My wife saves what she picks up in a separate jar and turns it in at the end of the year. She made over $85 from picked up change in 2013.
I did that ,many times and gave it to the needy, honestly it gets quiet a lot !!
I find money everyday...usually coins but I did find $40 cash once.
@Bernardmoore_official has brought me out of poverty through investment i now know how to invest crypto i also made him my professional Broker cause i have being making a lot of "profit ever since big thanks to Mr bernard moore.
@@mariacolaco6218 it is the good deed that you have done , stay blessed friend
My weird money tip: I wrote 'Bills' on the file folder that kept my bills tidy followed with a little frown face. Everytime I went for it, I felt anxious, angry, depressed. It's a small change, but I changed the frown to a smile and it's made shift in my mindset when I sit down to calculate and pay bills! Small shifts! xo
Soul Shine You can also stylize your bills folder. Makes it more fun.
Agreed. When you change from a negative mindset to a positive mindset the money will flow more freely to you and give you more
Great approach. I'll be copying yours
My best money ritual: I "pay it forward before I pay my taxes". Meaning before I set aside money for taxes, I set aside money for charities I believe in (and have them auto-deducted every month). It helps me feel grateful and joyful, focus on my blessings, and feel SO GOOD about making more money, since I give based on a percentage!
this is very good. whenever i am in trouble i give some money to charity and somehow i am able to come out of it.
Your blessed if you have enough to do that there are people trying to figure out with bill to pay yes i remember a guy he chose car over rent you need the car to keep a job an can always sleep in it if lose the place if you lose the car you well end of losing place due to lost of job for not making it there
Dear sister, the charity thing for sure , you are doing is a boon for humanity , Almighty is always watching and liking it about you
More often than not, when I go for a walk I find at least a penny on the ground. I always pick it up and say thanks. Then I tell myself that the universe is paying me to exercise lol
I totally started doing the first one a few weeks back and saw immediate results! I was having a day where I felt kinda broke... and I decided that I was going to be grateful for any little gift the universe gave me-- So when I saw 2 pennies, I picked them up and said "Thank you universe!" And felt as grateful as I would if I had received a large check. That day after that I kept finding/receiving random things-- a free drink, lunch delivered, and a message that I had some money in a 401k from 6 years ago (like a good chunk-a-change) I really recommend everyone try it and see what happens :)
Oh wow I absolutely loved this. My 96 year old dad still picks up coins from the ground and he's completely IN HIS RIGHT MIND. In fact, he's the oldest man to run across the U.S. when he was 90 and is running back the other way at 96. He's easy to google, been on all the major news channels. I'm so proud of him. I only worried about him once while running a leg with him on his first run across the country, in New Mexico, while going up a mountain pass on a blind curve, I looked back at him and he had stooped over to pick up a dime. Me in the Lead, worrying about his safety as a semi truck was screeching its brakes coming down the mountain, and dad smiling at me shouting "HEY I FOUND A DIME." He was a child during the Great Depression and he would agree with you Marie.
Donna, your Dad sounds like an amazing human being. What an example to set! Here's to him running and picking up those coins. Please tell him that we think he's amazing and inspiring. Hugs to you both. - Team Forleo
Try not to waste food or cheap things,it's not just about food ,but gratitude and respect about everything comes into my life
Yes, I agree, my ex taught me to respect my clothes too
When I was a kid, I would say “find a penny pick it up all day long you’ll have good luck”. As an adult that has changed. Thank you for reminding me of that! This was very helpful.😊
Kids usually have it right. 😉 Here's to more lucky days because of picking up pennies!🍀 -Grace, Team Forleo
“… and if you give it to a friend, you’ll have goodluck until the end” ❤
I still do this!
I've always done those two things! ESPECIALLY the second one, my mom taught me to organize the money like that! It makes a huge difference and I have no problems when it comes to money! I've never had problems with money! It comes easily and I thank the Universe!
wooo whoo all the power to you, love reading comments from empowered woman lead by a strong mumma! happy international woman's day 💃
I want to get to a good relationship with money. I think at this point I'll admit, earning money makes me anxious, especially being self employed, it brings thoughts of failure, disappointment in the horizon
Oh wow, since I was last year, I have developed an appreciation and just a better vibe for money. Money flows in and out of life. I value and understand the need to let go and receive. Thank you for your video! I continue to relisten and relearn
I thank God. The universe is not listening like God is 😉❤️❤️❤️
I wish to manage money matters better. Can you please share your mom’s teachings. Many thanks x
What I do is clean out my wallet of all the scraps of paper so only the cards and cash I need are in there and this makes space for abundance and it has worked for me.
I like that idea.
When I recieve money in any form (direct deposit payments, found on the street, as a gift) I feel appreciation and I always say thank you, even if it's silently in my head. Thanking the universe for the abundance in your life shows up as more abundance! Thanks for this video!
I actually tried this after watching and it made a difference by about 40% within a few weeks time! Thanks for the awesome tips
I do both of these habits and keeping my money 'right and tight' is a must. Some people make fun of me for it, but I never let it matter. I always know what I have in my wallet and that I am taking really good care of it. I think this attitude of abundance is a blessing.
Good for you, Carolyn. We're cheering you on.- Team Forleo
I like this because I am always finding money. Mostly dimes and quarters. But also paper money up to $5, $10, $20. As well as my daughter. Everytime we find money we say thanks to the universe and we also say I am a money magnet while picking it up.
As a Carribbean woman, we always pick up all our coins. No matter who's watching. Awesome video......
Funny story: When I was on my first backpacking trip a few years back, I saved so much money I couldn't even believe it. One day when I was walking somewhere in San Francisco I had a strong urge to take a left, so I did. Maybe 2 minutes later there it was; a couple of dollars laying on a empty parking spot! I believe it was $43 dollar!!! What?!?!During the whole 10 months of travelling I kept on finding change EVERYWHERE! And I always picked it up. This couldn't have been a coincidence.
Whenever I buy something that I really want and cost a lot, I say thank you. I’m grateful to be able to buy the things in the first place.
yes ever since studying in egypt, i always says yes to good money and never crumple my money
Hey Marie! My mum and I were talking about money mindset today, one of the rituals we do is when you see a tree you imagine ££ on each branch to welcome more abundance!🌳
Great Idea 💸
Love it😉
Oh i love this
I always say "bonus!" with gratitude in my heart when I find money.
I saw this video yesterday and today, while walking, I found some money on street. Maybe now I should keep my money tight as well.
I agree with always keeping the money neat; I noticed when I worked as a cashier that the people who had their money all crumpled up in various areas of their handbags or in different pockets had no clue how much money they had with them, which sometimes ended up in them being embarrassed at not having enough to buy what they wanted. Many times these were also people who wandered through the store picking things up and apparently not paying attention to the price tags, which caused them to freak out when they saw how much they owed. Not paying attention to how much you have or how much you're trying to spend is a good indicator of someone that has little respect for money, and thus, usually not much money to spend.
I just found this video! And I’m really grateful for the reminder, I’ve been slacking recently. These are habits my mom and dad raised me with. 😄 they would scold me if they find loose change or small bills scattered in my room in random places and tell me to respect my money and take care of it so I may have the opportunity to take care of more. 😄 blessings of abundance to everyone who comes on here! 🤗💰💰💰
I just came across your video and I am hooked. I get nervous, anxious, and depress around money so I am working on changing my mindset. I will try these out. Thank yoir for providing these tips and Have a great Saturday!😊
Also, the penny is the only coin that says "In God We Trust"...Knowing this I make sure I always pick up a penny as a reminder..
We used to have a nonfuctioning fridge where my mom keeps her money. Her friend saw her taking money from the fridge and she asked, “is it cold?” LOL!
It wasn't until I found something that meant something to me that I found meaning in my life . Business that I am currently building gives me a reason to wake up every day. I had to shift for money mindset to meaning mindset. When you find meaning to your life the money will follow! But the most important thing is you have to believe in yourself! When you are consistent and really start to believe in yourself it is amazing the things that will start to happen in your life. I love your videos, you provide so much value in your content, which is one of my goals! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This was really great. I made the realization a few days ago that I am not a good stewart of money and it's my responsibility to do so in order for more abundance. Gotta stop the poor cycle. Thanks Marie! The penny skit was hilarious!
invest some, spend some, give some away...every dollar that leaves me come back to me multiplied...DO IT ALL WITH JOY!!!
When I find money on the floor I pick it up put it in my pocket and say " money on the floor, money at the door".
Hi Irini!
Irini Gjoka good one!
Money on the floor, money at my door!
Not silly at all!!! I’m with you, girl!! I have also been doing this since I was a kid!! It makes the difference and I believe it attracts abundance… specially when you do from a place of gratitude, respect and appreciation!!
Thank you for these tips! I keep my money organized as well😊 My ritual is after I make any purchases I keep my wallet, handbag and car free of receipts; I either file them or discard them.
I'm always picking up coins I find on the ground, usually the parking lot at the stores. But I put it in a dish where all my loose change collects throughout the year and then I drop it in handfuls into those little red Salvation Army kettles outside the stores during the holidays to spread the good luck! LOL.
That’s amazing!
Me, too, sorta. I find & pickup change, all the time, which I think is lucky. Then, I always try to spend or give it away to spread the luck.
I'm happy I came across your video Marie. Recently I've noticed a lot of pennies on the sidewalk while walking to work, out on my lunch hour or running errands on my day off. I've walked right past them and thought, it's just a penny. From now on I'm going to pick them up and say "thank you God, what a blessing"
yes Marie I do that too with the organizing my 1s, 5s, 10s etc. in my wallet. I also put "thank you God" on my checks.
I love both of these tips. Like you I always keep my cash organized and neat in my wallet and never pass up change I see on the ground. I think it shows humility and gratitude for the money we are blessed with. Thanks for sharing.
My mom taught me to keep my money tight and right since I was young! I also never say no to loose change as everything accumulates! I always say "thank you universe for this abundance in my life!" even if I'm picking up a #penny or two! I also think a good strategy to start saving is to take the loose change you made during the day and put it away in a jar and pretend I don't have it, leaving only the whole bills to stay in my wallet. If you use physical money often or daily, that coinage can add up very quickly!!! :) If that is not enough of a challenge, you can pick a dollar bill you would like to save when you break a bigger bill... either always saving your $5 or $10 bills can add up even quicker and get you to your #moneygoals faster!!
Anyways, love you Marie and everyone @ MarieTV!!! :)
Yes. Picking up coins on the street helps train the subconscious to be open to receiving prosperity from any source. Also, it's not a weird habit, but one thing I do is whenever I have to pay any kind of bill or make a payment, I say "blessings unlimited" for each time I let go go of money. It is essential to feel good about letting money flow from you.
Interesting show… last week I found a 🪙 quarter in parking lot. (See pennies often & began dedicating these to good fortune for my neighbors & our children ☺️) . So real report is found $20 bill 💵 a few days after. What a wonderful rush❗️I praised heaven, then let my spending include gifts.
I have both the habits since childhood. Keeping everything tidy and organised, not just money!
And since last few years, I and my family have been constantly finding coins from anywhere and everywhere. Firstly, when we find these coins, sometimes coins from other countries too, we thank the universe and celebrate in our hearts for this abundance. But instead of using these coins for ourselves, we collect these separately and once or twice in a year, add the same amount we found, from our own money and donate it. That's our way of thanking the universe for taking good care of us!
That's beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing! ❤️ -Grace, Team Forleo
hahaha I thought I was the only one that jump on pennies..U are so insightful..I just had an aha moment... Thank u ! Much blesses !
I feel the universe blesses me in many ways and a penny on the ground counts. whether I'm in an ebb or flow of having enough to keep the anxiety away, I'm always reminded that the flow of money allows for abundance. in response to one comment about what you "should" do with your money, I'd like to say that I have huge respect for Marie's whole premise that giving back is a basic part of the abundance formula.
I'm in Canada, so pennies are now out of the question. I did recently find quarters in shopping carts two weeks in a row, and yes, I embraced them. Felt they reflected the savings from my shopping. I can gauge how "lucky" I will be based on the amount I find while going through life's motions. I've sometimes hit a drought, but I often find all sorts of coinage, and occasionally paper money, once even $20 in the parking lot where I worked. Made a lot of money at that job.
I pick up coins all the time and tell myself I'm a magnet to money.
if you ever drop some change in a crowded room, look around and see how many people look up, even if they don't realise it and even if they were not paying attention, regardless of how much money they have or not. it's so fascinating how everyone's mind registers the sound of change. thank you for the tips marie!
Watching this now and I wish I learned this sooner. For most part of my life, I’ve had the wrongest money mindset. I deprive myself a lot, even when it comes to buying essentials, because I’m trying to save. I window shop to scout different stores, just to compare prices so I can shop the lower price. After watching this and reading through comments, I now know that I’ve had the wrong mindset and I’m willing to put in the work to change it up. Thank you
I'm thinking of instituting this as a regular practice in my life: Anytime anything negative happens concerning my finances, go out and buy something- something super small, just to remind myself I do have *some* money, I can afford *some* things, and the sky didn't fall because I spent money WHILE whatever negative thing that happened was happening.
when I walk on the street I'm always present, I scan the ground with my eyes :) I found many things in my life : ear rings, rings, money, weed :)
+Raz Van Wow! I'll have to take a look around more often! Can't be passing up potential wealth!
+New Future Builder Show up on facebook, man! You're like everywhere commenting and not doing something great like we do.
Giuseppe Gasparetto What do you mean? Are you saying there is a group over on Facebook?
New Future Builder
Yes, I am.
Giuseppe Gasparetto I'll check it out!
I really like how you talk about having respect even for the smallest amounts of money. As you said we should respect it as millions upon millions of people have a pitiful amount of money available. Thank you for those reminders of how and why to appreciate money.
Love the dress! Looks unique & pretty😍
Thanks for the two tips 👍🏻
See a penny pick it up , all the day you'll have good luck
+naomi collins :\ no good luck for Canadians then
Rebecca H see a (insert smallest amount of currency for your region ) pick it up all the day you'll have good luck!!! lol
naomi collins Haha, see a nickel pick it up...doesn't have the same ring to it.
Hi Young lady!
All things Hatala/FAN ACCOUNT, if it's heads up I pick it up; otherwise, I turn it face up and leave it for someone else to find good fortune. : )
I agree with organizing the physical money!!!
Wow! I am exactly like that. I pick up any money I find and give thanks!
My ritual With money is: whenever I come in touch with money I say silently: money is my friend, it comes to me easily and abundantly. It really does😅
"See a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck!" I too Marie, always pick up loose change. It's definitely a sign of arrogance to see it and pass it on by,
Oh my gosh!!! I love your dress Marie!!!!!
Back in 2017 my workmate told me: "If u dont respect small change you ll never have big bucks" when i commented on him picking up a dime from the ground. It was a lesson for me and now i live by that rule.
Ms. Forleo, you are a woman after my own heart. I do the same exact thing with my dollar bills! All the best
I enjoyed watching this video so, so much! When I always pick up pennies (or Rabat as its called in Switzerland!) if I see one and my husband teases me about it. But I grew up in Sri Lanka where so many people around me struggled to make ends meet. So I have a lot of respect for money whether it's a penny or a dollar (as you say!) I also keep all my notes tidy and facing one way - I am SO happy to know I'm not the only person in the world to do so! I feel I am in good company if the amazing Marie Forleo does it too🌟💜 Definitely going to check out your other video on money mindset shifts!
I, like you, pick up coins when I see them abandoned. Long ago I learned a little verse, and I still use it, at least silently to myself, often quietly aloud. "Lucky (penny, nickel, etc., bring me luck. I'm the one who picked you up." Have a wonderful day, Marie.
My mother (90 next June!) always said "If you take care of the pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves". Now it's my motto!
I had to laugh at the "tight and right," my daughters roll their eyes at me because I not only have my bills in order, but the presidents have to be right side up.
Helpful vid! Thx
I don't have a money retual. But I will have to pick up one.
Thank you for this video
After giving this a listen I went on a walk with my pup and found it SO strange that he was bringing me to the gas station by my house… we neeeeever really head that way! The only other time was when the universe was directing me to a sign about abundance and then tonight -- A PENNY POPPED UP! 😂🦋✨ it had me cracking up and prizing it’s worthiness! Thanks for this Marie! Love your energy and channel!
LOVE that dress!!! And I must say, fashion funds my fashion fund! I work from home, and could easily stay in my PJ's all day to work, and I have. However I have found that I feel much more motivated, and therefore make more money if I get dressed for work and do my hair and make-up. Plus, at the end of the day I'm ready to go out, be around people and network. When I don't get dressed for the day, I end up on my couch with the TV and usually eating something I shouldn't, lol!
I pick up loose change when I see it. 100 pennies equals one dollar. Growing up my parents used to save their spare change and pay their utility bills with it!
I have a few money tricks. First, I pay my bills immediately once I get my paycheck and then I pay my savings account. Second, I act like I have no money so I am forced to think about my purchases and scrutinize past purchases. I grew up without money so I appreciate every penny and every bill.
I keep a check register on Google Sheets. I was stunned to discover how few people do this anymore. I actually “budget” inside my check register so that money I know will be spent gets taken out in advance.
Never say no to honest money. God's got your back. He provides for your needs even before they become conscious
Love this! Marie - I pick up EVERY penny I find!! There is no amount too small. Have to give respect to money so more will flow our way :-)
What has helped me greatly regarding money and what I share with other people is the use of audio subliminals. They effectively and conveniently help reprogram our subconscious mind for money and anything else we desire. Now I literally spot out various amounts of cash in grass fields and other places often lol. A few weeks ago while walking I came across 60 pennies on the ground! I ended up walking home with a load of pennies in my pocket lol. So yes, appreciate money REGARDLESS of the amount people! 🤑 💰
I paused the video to enjoy the visual beauty of this video. The flowers on the table to the painting and the wood
I remember one time I found a $5 bill on the ground in class, and picked it up 😂 I felt like a terrible person, but that moment was amazing!
Hi Keileigh!
At first I was like... seriously? Picking pennies off the ground is your advice? But I made myself keep watching and I totally get what you are saying now!!! Respect and appreciation!! :)
oh my word .... I have never heard anyone wash, dry and iron their money BUT I DID WHEN I WAS A KID !!!! I shall subscribe !!!
I was coming off of a weary business trip....I so wanted to take a taxi home instead of a shuttle or a bus...I hit the escalator trying to make it ok to take a taxi...I bent my head down in thought and the escalator presented me with a $50! I thanked the Universe for that taxi ride + the nice tip I was able to give.
Marie, that dress!!! You've gotta start crediting where your dresses come from. Such a tease to admire the dress and not know where to find it.
Respect and appreciation... Wow....!!!! I have a habit to say thank you for whatever money I have.....!!!
1. Never say no to honest money.
2. Keep your money tight & right.
Seems like it boils down to having a respect for money.
This is me. I used to always pick up even a penny from the ground. Then I went through a phase where I felt it was desperate looking to do so. Then I lost everything financially and otherwise. Now I'm broke. I started to pick even a penny up again, and not because I am broke, but for the very same things she mentioned - not being arrogant and to "pay" respect to money and as a gesture of gratitude and acknowledgment that the Universe will provide if I stay humble and keep trying my best.
Also, I MUST put all of my bills face forward, in order relative to denomination (highest bills on top for easy counting), all bends and creases removed in all bills and put in my wallet flat. I cringe when banks give me bills any other way. Lol!
My favorite part of the video - @ 2:35 - Abe the Babe... Lol!
We love you, Marie.
When I am feeling lack- I give money to someone or something charitable- it opens up a place to receive more
When I was a kid and I found a penny my parents always said "you're rich!" They had no idea the gift they gave me as they told me over and over I was rich. I still always say to myself every time I get money "I'm rich!" It fills me with gratitude and reminds me that money is always showing up in my life and makes me truly feel rich.
gratitude and reverence- an essential part of building the life and money of your dreams. Thank you for the reminder. Oh, my grandmother always had a saying, which roughly translates into English as follow: He who does not honor the penny, is not worthy of the dollar. Took me a while to get how true that really is.
I do both of those things, too. I actually kept track one year of how much money I collected just by picking up coins off the ground and the total was over five dollars.
That's quite a lot from coins on the street! Very cool; thanks for sharing :)
- Team Forleo
Great video! I always pick up matter how small! I also never put my purse on the floor. I feel like that's a message that my material possessions aren't important and that I don't respect what I've been blessed with.
I have been doing both of these for as long as I can remember. 🙂🙌
I’ve had the checkbook panic attacks. I’ve been doing that too…every time I see a penny or some change I pick it up and I have done the U-turn pick up. And I’ve had those moments where I felt embarrassed, but I always say Thank You. There is a very wealthy man (I can’t remember his name) but he was asked why he always picks up pennies and he said it’s a reminder to be thankful. 😁🙏
The penny is worth the swerve, especially if it serves as a reminder to be thankful! -Grace, Team Forleo
The best tip I ever received about money: "out of sight; out of mind."
I have the exact same weird money habits as Marie Forleo! Yayyy
i am watching every single one of your them, Marie!
I remind myself all the time that, “I’m so grateful and thankful that I get paid for being me.”
When I pick up pennies, or any coins, I say right out loud, “And thank you, for my wealth!”
These two have been my best, so far, along with the very effective, “Money wants me.” 😊
Omg!! I was doing my morning walk and saw 2 aed on the ground but I just walk past it thinking its embarrassing to pick it up. And now i see this...! (sidenote: I've gotten layed off from job due to covid) I have to make this comment cause I'm changing to abundance mindset from now on!