The two things I'd add to your great list -- (1) laundry is never "done." It's just not. Never. Ever. Ever. Every basket may be empty, but unless your family is walking around in their birthday suit, you're just a few hours away from a full basket again. I'm still working on accepting this. (2) just like laundry, the sooner you come to accept that people are going to be hungry again in just a couple hours, the better you'll feel about life. I know they just ate. But, they will need to eat again. Every day. Forever. Which means dishes are also never "done".
Yes!!!! Anytime a mom asks for advice I tell them this....nothing is "done" just have to keep the water wheel in motion. Once you can change this perspective it relieves a ton of self-imposed guilt and discontent.
So true! I just had my 4th and do a full load of laundry every day 🤣BUT having a mindset that it’s a cyclical chore and is never actually “done” has helped SO much!
I inherited an antique table and chairs. It was a wedding gift to my grandpa's parents. Before my grandma died she specifically told me to use it everyday and let the kids play at it and do their arts and crafts etc at it BC that's what a family table is for. She told me it's ok to refinish it etc as needed. I think it was good that she gave that permission to me. I don't regret the paint marks that have been stuck there for 18 years or the scratches and dings. I never felt I had to go overboard to protect it. It saved me a lot of stress not having to be concerned about what my grandma would think because that permission to just enjoy was already there. I ultimately ended up with most of the old furniture and it's all been used and loved. Some have met it's demise while other things are still going strong. Having the mindset that the things are supposed to serve me and my family and not us serving the things has really helped me be ok with dings and scratches and glass rings etc. We are just leaving our marks and memories in the furniture too!
I have my grandma’s parents table as well, my grandma remember when she was a child and they went to the carpenter and ordered the table, two chairs (my grandma has one and my mom the other) and a sidetable. Before the table passed to me, my mother had it and before that my uncle. We use it as our everyday table since 11 years back and the quality of well made items is just great! We’ve bought new chairs several times, they break but not the table!
@@catharinabra it's so crazy how poorly things are made now! The pieces I've had meet their demise were side chairs and I could've likely repaired them but they were casualties of the cat. The wood and the fabric. It honestly just seemed like more work than it would be worth to try and repair, but I did continue using them until that cat passed. The only furniture my kids have damaged was stuff in their own rooms and it was all bought for them. I honestly feel that the quality just wasn't there as I'm certain kids are no more rough now than they were decades ago!
@@MarisaAndChew I agree, furniture today is made to only last a couple of years and to then be replacedby something else with the same lifetime. It’s sad really. I don’t like changing out furniture, if I want a new feeling I’ll rearrange what I already have. All our furniture that lasted through our kids younger years are older, second hand finds and inherited pieces.
@@catharinabra I was actually talking to my mom about a week ago how the only furniture or decor I have purchased myself is my bed, bedding and a few lamps and a throw rug. Artwork was all done by my brother or myself and the decorative pieces like vases etc were all inherited or gifted to me while I was growing up. I always redo things by rearranging! It shocks me how much people spend on decor especially for each season each year! I hate that the world is so disposable now! 😭
I am #7 out of 8 girls and growing up my mom bought a little drinking fountain from the school she attended before they tore it down. My dad installed it in the kitchen. She was tired of washing cups, getting kids cups of water, kids arguing about whose cup is whose and yelling "she drank out of my cup!" It was awesome having that fountain and my friends thought it was so cool! Now all of her 25+ grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren use it too! 😍
Yep, Systems make it all work. Mama of 6 here and people always gush about how "organized" we are. But they forget that when there are 8 people using simple, well established systems it makes a big difference. My biggest tip is that each kid has a color. My oldest is blue. She has a blue cup, blue pencils, blue towel. When something blue is left laying, we know it's hers.
That’s how my husband grew up and we’re going to implement it with our children as well! And to her point about cups and drinks and such, I’m a big fan of using a water bottle for each kid, washing it every night, and just having them use that all day, and using a specific colored cup for milk or whatever that has a place in the counter so you can just rinse it and use it through the day. Using different cups for every meal is impractical for me, and it creates way less dishes.
Yes! Mom of six here too. We color code too and I didn’t realize that my husband wasn’t aware that our 4 oldest had colors and when I was pregnant with #5 I said out loud, “I wonder what color this baby will be?” The look on my husbands face was priceless… and he said, “I hope you know!” Haha 😂 that was the day he learned that each kid had a color assigned to them.
SOOOO much excellent advice here, Angela! One of my favorite videos yet. As a homeschooling mom of 6 (soon to be 7), having the kids simply rinse their dishes between meals and reuse the same set for all meals throughout the day has DRASTICALLY cut down on the amount of dishwashing in this house! Instead of washing literally 120 dishes each day (6 kids x 5 dishes per meal [plate, bowl, cup, spoon, fork] x 4 meals), we simply run the dishwasher once after dinner each night, and everything fits! I have designated a shelf in our island where each child puts his rinsed dishes in his designated spot, that way there are no mix-ups between whose germs are on which dishes, and the sink is almost always empty!!! The other life-saver we implemented years ago is having a "leader for the day." It rotates through each of the older kids (oldest is leader one day, next oldest is leader the next, etc.), and any squabble defers to the leader. The leader also gets to pick the video watched at the end of the day and get the baby up from her nap (they all love that!). The caveat is that the Bible teaches that a good leader is a true servant, so anytime mom needs a quick favor, the baby's cup needs a refill, etc. the leader is called upon to serve. There is no arguing about decisions that defer to the leader because they all know that they will get their turn in the coming few days.
The leader is a great idea! My daughters school class has a star of the day that does the jobs like get the lunch boxes out of the fridge etc, they get to wear a special lanyard and the kids absolutely love it. You could totally do this with a large class!
Loved these honestly. One thing I have started with my kiddos is also making sure that once a day or so I’m sitting down with them and engaging be it with play or crafts or anything. It can become easy to say you have to do all this housework or work and don’t have time to stop and sit for an hour then miss that time with your kids. Taking the time to just be with your kids can help you feel happier with your role as a parent.
I’m really struggling to find this balance! I always feel bad that I didn’t spend more time with my kids but then when I do I also feel bad that there’s baskets of laundry sitting around or the kitchen is a mess.
I love everything you said. It is true...and I "only" 😉 have 5 kids. I always remind myself "I get to" when the mundane feels overwhelming: laundry, cooking, driving, teaching, cleaning, toys, anything... I have this family, we are blessed with house, clothes, car, food, toys whatever... We get to...
Something my parents always did for us was the reward system unstead of punishment. Implementing it as early as you can (for us it started when we were babies) will make a huge difference. For example, instead of saying "if someone doesn't do their homework they will not get dessert" you can say "those who do their homework on time can eat ice cream before bed" (once in a while, don't make that a habit😂). It can be a treat, a present, planning a family getaway etc. Show your children that they earn what they want by working and putting in effort. But without taking away things.
My advice for those with younger children who are prone to tantrums is to give them options as much as possible. It gives them a sense of control and usually stops the tantrum in its tracks because they’re so focused on making their choice.
Just want to come back to this comment to offer some help to any moms feeling too rigid out there. I came across a book by Danny Silk called ‘Loving Our Kids on Purpose’ and this has completely changed my mind set which has given our family the freedom we all desired. Highly recommend❤️
I needed this today. I wanted to share that a few years back, you planted a seed in us. We've been discussing adoption since the first time I watched your videos. We've had 4 biological children since, and have slowly worked up to adoption standards. We've now learned that a foster child that has grown up with us in her circle in the last 2 years may need an adoptive family, and we are opening our doors and hearts to her. Know that, in a way, you have assisted in this little girl joining our family! And now we'll have 5 that are 6 and under 😂. So this video is helping me prepare mentally to that haha
Love all your thoughts and ideas! One thing we do to reduce the cup situation is get every family their own insulated cup for the day. During school, or running errands, practice they have their cup of water ready to go.
One thing even I as a new mom looking at other older mothers with 4, 5 and even 12 kids that I didn't realize at the time is that "Rome wasn't built in a day". My family of 7 wasn't made immediately. The kids in my house have come in progressively. Every day we have worked on systems. And taught skills. And given more responsibilities. And they have gotten older over time. They weren't babies at the same time. Those with babies can't imagine having 8 year Olds who can load the dishwasher. But it becomes a reality and it's amazingly helpful when you are feeding the new baby or doing something else they can't help with.
I used to feel so guilty for not buying everything! Now I'm very intentional with my purchases and my children can actually see what they have ! It also brings me joy to walk into a room and its actually just a few things to put back in place.I have 6 kids from 1-12 and with toys less is more🥰 You're amazing Angela and your family 🥰🥰🥰
Losing a nap is like a death in the family 😅. Mom of 6 with #7 on the way, I feel this. We use almost all these same systems too and it works great. Finding systems are what makes our house work. I’m not a naturally organized person so I’ve had to learn it over the years too. It’s nice to hear another mom talk about it like this. Cheers!
Great tips! We have cut back on the amount of toys more and more with each kid. They still have SO much stuff, and I'm sure we can and probably will cut back more over time. We had a toddler give up his naps recently, and your comment about "almost like a death in the family" made me truly laugh out loud. We always do quiet time and I need it maybe more than my kids!
We bought bins and took out the toys they didn't play with. If it stayed in the bin for 6 months to a year I brought it inside bagged it up and yes they got it again for Xmas. Toys got a renewed excitement and a few more months being played with. Didn't always give them to the same kid either. Stuffed animals was the biggest one. Saved on holiday purchases too.
We used to have a giant playroom. The more kids we had the more we realized they needed less toys. The play with each other, they use their imaginations and they conquer boredom on their own with less toys. They and I also feel more at peace when things are easy to tidy.
The French art teacher hiding in the corner…😂😂😂😂 So true! We’ve scaled back the play room quite a bit and it feels so much better for me and the kids. Not so overwhelming to pick up and not so much clutter that they just lose interest. Love all of your tips. Thanks so much for sharing.
I loved this video so much! I’m your age and I’m a new mom with a 3 month old and I found this so helpful. It’s unlikely I will have a large family at my age but this advice is so wise and applicable to all families 😊
I know how it feels! I grew up as a kid who always had busy schedules after school hours. Therefore I want to make it different for my children now, being more present with them, and spending family time more 💕
Standing O! You are right on so many of these points. Especially loved your description of when kids are done taking naps it’s like a death in the family! Ha. It sure feels that way. I did the same thing with my 3 kids…they had quiet room time every afternoon so I could regroup, have some coffee, read little and feel refreshed for the evening. Thanks for putting out content like this! 💕
I have 3 boys. I homeschool and cook from scratch. I also love a clean home lol and my compromise was on folding washed clothes. Haha I just gave up on that a few weeks ago and am still working through my guilt haha but something has to give so I don't loose my peace and joy. Lowering expectations is so hard!
I'd be interested in seeing you do a video on the benefits of rising before your kids. I do that as well & so enjoy it but can tend to not be as productive during that time because I love waking up slowly (w/o the demands of motherhood & life) & easing into my day. I'd love to hear if you have a good balance of waking slowly but also being productive. Thanks for your videos! 😍
I get keeping stuff up to prevent any drama. I boxed it all up and kept surfaces clear so they we so easy to clean. Excited because we are finally in a place where I can decorate like I used to with less worry.
Lowing expectations! That is key! And reducing our toys was a game changer. They actually play with them more now than ever. Great tips and tricks. Thanks for sharing!
I am a great grandmother and I want to tell you I appreciate what you said! A lot of wisdom, I wish every mother would listen and act like their child is a blessing and not a nuisance to them. They need to teach their children about Jesus, love them theirselves and stay off their phones and give them attention.
When I was a kid I accidentally broke one of my aunt’s really nice vases, she just said “it’s ok” and cleaned it up. A random lady that was there gave me such a hard time about it and I felt so guilty. It’s one of my core memories lol 😵💫 So yes, keep valuables away from kids and if accidents do happen, let it go, it’s not the end of the world
My mom always said (now that I think of it probably thinking out loud) to us as she cleaned up our accidents...."hold not too tightly to things, lest in losing a thing you lose part of yourself " Perspective shift.
Thanks for posting this. Things are things. If you value it because it was your grandmother’s, put it somewhere on a high shelf far away from possible breakage. And if it becomes broken anyway, remember that it was still a material thing. It wasn’t your grandmother; it was a reminder of your grandmother. Better to share some of your personal memories about her with the children than to point at a broken vase with tears streaming down your cheeks and anger in your demeanor.
Sunshine Yes accidents happen but I disagree about keeping values away from kids teach them not to touch stuff not belonging to them and if they break it they pay for it somehow
@@sharondoan1447 Yes they are material but I don’t believe in putting them away teaching your children NOT to touch them and if they do break them they have to repay somehow
@@kellymcfalls1458 I have witnessed an increasing lack of regard for the possessions of others by parents. While it was once expected that children wouldn’t dream of putting their shoes on someone else’s furniture, they do it boldly with their parents approval. It has been years since I heard a parent reprimand a child for behavior we would have never be allowed. Today a little boy was kicking a decorative column in a gift shop. His mother said not a word. “Do not touch other people’s things” “ Do not wander about in someone else’s house” “ Remain at the table until you are dismissed “ So many common expectations that no longer exist. Adult supervision of children by their parents is unusual today. What bothers me most is that the children grow up having no regard for others. I have grandchildren whose parents have allowed them to go about unrestrained and who do not take direction from their elders.
My kids are both officially adults, the cup cupboard is still the lower cabinet next to the fridge. The coffee pot is on top and the upper above it is mugs and wine glasses. We tried to switch the cups to an upper once and the habit of going into the bottom just wasn't working for us, so it remains down low! I imagine if I successfully move it now I'll get a grandbaby and have to move it back 🤷🏼♀️🤣
Needed this reminder tonight! Thank you for sharing! I would add to what you are saying about not putting breakables in a wild free spirited child's path is to in every area set them up for success- help them understand how to be apart of the team to work together at reaching the overall peace and joy in your home! Systems are my favorite and being flexible is a must - stretching but a must 😊
The late Andrea Mills (channel The Mills Family) installed a fountain years ago and often said it was one of the best things ever. She was the queen of systems. If I was a young mom again, I would be using most of them.
Hi Angie, I don't have kids however in listening to you I think your advise is useful in many situations. I love that you say HOWEVER instead of BUT. Thank you for creating wonderful vlogs to watch.
I taught MT son 'careful' this means he's to be careful, watch where he's going etc best thing I've ever taught him. The amount of things I've prevented him running into, bashing into cause he's so hyped (he's super hyper active) he doesn't pay attention to what's around him, in front of him etc
love this so much! real advice. thank you. I was insane with the snacks and finally just cut out a morning snack totally. it has given me so much freedom. no packing snacks for errands or cleaning up after snacks. they eat a much heartier lunch too!
The phone part made me laugh so hard! I was on the phone the other day and my son decided to come up to me with my slippers in his hands, and started banging them together! He’s never done this before 😂 Thank you for the advice Angie 💕
I have 6 kids. Agree w almost everything here! (not the crock pot. My family hates my crock pot meals) but I must say one thing I also feel strongly about is...NO SLIME. NO PAINT. Those 2 things have triggered my ugliest parenting moments on a few occasions. Lol!
Agree! 😀 my children are allowed to do those things outdoors only ;) it teaches them to be respectful in a way to mom trying to keep the home clean and also of other people's things :) something that i don't feel can be taught too early :) nothing wrong with children learning to be careful! They still get to play with all of it.... just outside on a table that is easily cleaned off. 🙂
I'm not rigid at all (should be a bit more actually) but Paint and kinetic sand are mosty done outdoor. In Winter, inside but only on hard surfaces and far from carpets/sofas.. playdough is ok on her table, She manages to play clean with that.
I really love your view on keeping important items in a safe space so that they don’t get broken, rather than scolding the kids for accidents. It always makes me sad to see parents yell at their kids for accidentally breaking a dish or spilling something.
Or getting a stain on clothes. I once heard a mother say to her approx. 8 yo "I told you chocolate icecream are for other, less clumsy kids. You are getting vanilla next time." because she had gotten a stain on her blouse. It was soo depressing.
As a mom of three (now my youngest is 26 yo) all of these tips are the best! I did a lot of these things as a single mom for years for having more than one helped because they entertained one another as they grew older.
Thank you! Expecting baby #6 and have been feeling so guilty I need to be doing more… waking early… etc… I’m tired (oldest is 8, and youngest 3 are 3 under 3…). It isn’t a season to stretch myself so thin. I need sleep. Or I suffer… then everyone else sinks with me. I definitely can organize better though, and slow down, pray with them, etc.
I'm so with you on breaking things! Kids feel so guilty on their own they don't need to be crushed. My mantra is: "Nothing in this house is more important than the people who live here" That helps me with decluttering too not just when an uh oh happens 😊
Although I was able to have one child, I taught for 31 years, and ultimately had lots! All of these tips work with your own children, as well as the children I taught in my classroom. I have taught K-12, and had many of the same children more than once, thus I was granted the opportunity to see most of them flourish, and become become great individuals. Two tips that I would agree with you on is to lower your expectations ( and I agree with you, not low expectations, but middle “acceptable “ expectations). The second one is to take a “time out” each day. This seems expected of younger children, but my high school children loved to take a time out after lunch. Actually, we had an ongoing novel that I would read aloud for about 30 minutes. They loved it!!😊
@Naomie-O Yes. I think you are correct, but sometimes we expect so much out of our children, and out of ourselves, that we just need to s step back and realize that everyone is different, and we need to learn techniques to help us deal with these differences. Like you, I have been a micromanager, and still am to a certain degree. I think it is a continual process to try and step back and let my expectations go, and you are right, most times things work out even better than I had hoped!👍
Great tips! Taking the time to teach my kids how to do their own laundry and clean the bathrooms were game changers for me! And taking intentional time at the end of the day to focus on the positives of the day helps with my attitude:-).
The rigid, strict routine type of parent really hit home with me. Sadly, I don’t think I was very flexible as a parent. I was the strict one, the disciplinarian. I had certain expectations and thought my three children should follow them to the letter. I am so grateful for the close relationship I now have with my three daughters, just wish I had done things differently when they were growing up.
Your tips are great and make complete sense.. I been a mom for 23 yrs…I have 9 kids there ages are 23,22,20,18,13,12,6,3, and 1.Over the years I completely change my expectations and it’s made my life much easier.
Thank you SO MUCH for the caveat on waking early. I just had my second which makes us 2 under 2 and I know my life would be exponentially better if I got up before both kids. But 😭 I simply cannot. I’ve been pregnant, or postpartum since august 2022 😂 no early rising for me. One day I’ll get back to my quiet time with God in the mornings.
Sweet Angela, such wonderful tips. As a Mama for 35 yrs, 9 children, 12 grandchildren, with 4 still at home and the youngest being 8, I can vouch for those seasons. Each season will come, and you won’t miss out on anything. But like you said, you just can’t have it all at once. My two favorite things you said is to “remove the reactive things from your home” , and rise early. Both will bring calm and sanity. Blessings to you all 💞
Available cups and containers is a must👏🏽 So helpful for our children. Our big family limits activities too. We are a part of our local city swim team and all our children are able to participate! Which is awesome because driving to 1 practice for 5 children 💦 yay. Great advice Angie 😊thank you.
Thank you Angela. Your chanell is really helpful. I am a mom of 6 from Hungary. My oldest child is 12, the youngest is 2yrs old. I felt burnout nowadays when I watched your video and it helped immediatelly. You are amazing. 😊😊
Angela you remind me so much of my momma…my mom had seven and we were stair step. Three of us shared our age together, but she was very organized and like you she adapted to seven different personalities. Thanks for sharing, I hope this will help someone else.
I am newly retired as a therapist, raised 4 busy kids who are all now adults with their own families. I love Angie’s ideas, especially the crock pot. It makes meals so easy, even if it’s just the meat that is done, and makes the house smell welcoming for kids. I also do agree about protecting their and your own heart, by putting up breakable things. It isn’t worth it
Oh Angela- I have 1 child and he’s a teenager… all of these are necessary for a happier family life-- Btw I’m type A personality, and yes I have to let go a little. I would even go as far to say that this is necessary in a marriage. My husband has a drawer in the kitchen, so he can find the tools he likes to that he use when he is the kitchen. I soo want my home to be picturesque when I walk out the door every day to go to work, so that I come home to a nice home- but that requires systems in place that everyone can follow. And I need to give myself and my family grace, so that we have a loving and happy home.
Thanks Angie! We have a "toy library" in the attic. When the kids are bored we get the legos out, or the play kitchen and it is as if it is a new toy. And our kids got pocket money at a young age (5). We startet at 50ct a week. And all the : "can I get this or that?" at the store stoped. In 95% of the cases when I tell them to buy it by them selfes, they don't buy it.
Ohh I love this “Toy Library”.. we have a mini book library by our storage.. we do have a large “rotation bin”.. Toy Library just fits so much better! Thank you for sharing! Pocket change is great too!
Love your videos! I am a mama of a three year old, 22 month old and an almost three month old. I am really trying to find good symptoms that work for me.
One day, can you do the same video, but tips on being a wife and having a lasting and happy marriage. I felt the expectations. I had to alter my expectations when I got married.
This is the best and realest parenting tips I've ever heard 🙌❤️ All your points are so important, and some were really touching and can apply to small families as well. I do struggle with maternity since my 1st son was born 9m ago, because I have a hard time letting go. I want it all and I want it right now, like before having a baby and I can't. And it makes me feel like my life is "over" or that I'm failing. Thank you, as always ❤️
Great point! We have been fed the fallacy that we can have it all. That isn’t true. If we have it all, that probably means someone in our immediate family is being shortchanged , at the very least. Our society has directed women away from the value of being a mother and setting her priorities based on the needs of another human. As Angela points out , there are seasons of life. Priorities shift. Going with the flow is much more enjoyable than thrashing against the current; in the end it is also more productive.
They're so cute. I will say my turtles were near a north- facing window, and they started to fade in color and look bad. I moved it to my south- facing window, but behind larger pots. It's getting much brighter light without the sun directly on it. Since moving it, the color has deepened and the patterns on the "turtles" is much more vibrant. 😊
I thought all my years apologizing for my girls being loud, needy, whining, fighting, etc. while I try to adult on the phone was me. Thank you for making me feel not alone.
So refreshing to hear from a mother who is struggling! If you have three children, or more, or less!, and are not struggling tell us your secret. Every day is different and yet the same; a challenge.
i had quiet time, sleep or not…now an empty nester and training a 10 mo old border collie, she too has designated nap times every 2 hours, she knows many commands and settle/take a nap is just one of them….reminds me so much like toddler time
Great advices! This is a video to put on keep it saved and revisit every time you feel down or feel like your not good enough! Thank you so much!
I just can’t even tell you how much I love your videos. I think you’re so beautiful and so wise. Thanks for all the wonderful advice. You’re my fav RUclipsr and I look forward to all of your videos. Thanks for sharing !
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this video. I hope you make more like this especially on topics such self care and how to get computer work done when you have a family.
We opted for Home Reserve living room furniture! All the fabric is removable and depending on the fabric you choose, it's machine washable!! Oh, also if a piece breaks (kids are horribly rough on furniture) the company will send you a replacement piece.!! It's so easy I (Katie) was able to replace the piece.
The two things I'd add to your great list -- (1) laundry is never "done." It's just not. Never. Ever. Ever. Every basket may be empty, but unless your family is walking around in their birthday suit, you're just a few hours away from a full basket again. I'm still working on accepting this. (2) just like laundry, the sooner you come to accept that people are going to be hungry again in just a couple hours, the better you'll feel about life. I know they just ate. But, they will need to eat again. Every day. Forever. Which means dishes are also never "done".
Yes!!!! Anytime a mom asks for advice I tell them this....nothing is "done" just have to keep the water wheel in motion. Once you can change this perspective it relieves a ton of self-imposed guilt and discontent.
That’s great advice!
🤣 agreed!
So true! I just had my 4th and do a full load of laundry every day 🤣BUT having a mindset that it’s a cyclical chore and is never actually “done” has helped SO much!
So refreshing to hear! It's a forever revoling door. I use to get upset but the sooner you come to this realization the better.
I inherited an antique table and chairs. It was a wedding gift to my grandpa's parents. Before my grandma died she specifically told me to use it everyday and let the kids play at it and do their arts and crafts etc at it BC that's what a family table is for. She told me it's ok to refinish it etc as needed. I think it was good that she gave that permission to me. I don't regret the paint marks that have been stuck there for 18 years or the scratches and dings. I never felt I had to go overboard to protect it. It saved me a lot of stress not having to be concerned about what my grandma would think because that permission to just enjoy was already there. I ultimately ended up with most of the old furniture and it's all been used and loved. Some have met it's demise while other things are still going strong. Having the mindset that the things are supposed to serve me and my family and not us serving the things has really helped me be ok with dings and scratches and glass rings etc. We are just leaving our marks and memories in the furniture too!
I have my grandma’s parents table as well, my grandma remember when she was a child and they went to the carpenter and ordered the table, two chairs (my grandma has one and my mom the other) and a sidetable. Before the table passed to me, my mother had it and before that my uncle. We use it as our everyday table since 11 years back and the quality of well made items is just great! We’ve bought new chairs several times, they break but not the table!
@@catharinabra it's so crazy how poorly things are made now! The pieces I've had meet their demise were side chairs and I could've likely repaired them but they were casualties of the cat. The wood and the fabric. It honestly just seemed like more work than it would be worth to try and repair, but I did continue using them until that cat passed. The only furniture my kids have damaged was stuff in their own rooms and it was all bought for them. I honestly feel that the quality just wasn't there as I'm certain kids are no more rough now than they were decades ago!
@@MarisaAndChew I agree, furniture today is made to only last a couple of years and to then be replacedby something else with the same lifetime. It’s sad really. I don’t like changing out furniture, if I want a new feeling I’ll rearrange what I already have. All our furniture that lasted through our kids younger years are older, second hand finds and inherited pieces.
@@catharinabra I was actually talking to my mom about a week ago how the only furniture or decor I have purchased myself is my bed, bedding and a few lamps and a throw rug. Artwork was all done by my brother or myself and the decorative pieces like vases etc were all inherited or gifted to me while I was growing up. I always redo things by rearranging! It shocks me how much people spend on decor especially for each season each year! I hate that the world is so disposable now! 😭
@@MarisaAndChew I couldn’t agree more!
I am #7 out of 8 girls and growing up my mom bought a little drinking fountain from the school she attended before they tore it down. My dad installed it in the kitchen. She was tired of washing cups, getting kids cups of water, kids arguing about whose cup is whose and yelling "she drank out of my cup!" It was awesome having that fountain and my friends thought it was so cool! Now all of her 25+ grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren use it too! 😍
Cassie Rittenhouse I know a mom that solved that problem by buying plastic dishes in different colors and each kid had their own color
We had a water fountain also that my dad got off a job. It was on our front porch.
Water fountains in homes are becoming more and more.
That is fantastic!
Yep, Systems make it all work. Mama of 6 here and people always gush about how "organized" we are. But they forget that when there are 8 people using simple, well established systems it makes a big difference. My biggest tip is that each kid has a color. My oldest is blue. She has a blue cup, blue pencils, blue towel. When something blue is left laying, we know it's hers.
I love this idea
That’s how my husband grew up and we’re going to implement it with our children as well!
And to her point about cups and drinks and such, I’m a big fan of using a water bottle for each kid, washing it every night, and just having them use that all day, and using a specific colored cup for milk or whatever that has a place in the counter so you can just rinse it and use it through the day. Using different cups for every meal is impractical for me, and it creates way less dishes.
Oh yes color coding kid's junk is sooooo helpful
Six kids and us too. Towels, water bottles, folders, etc all color coordinated.
Yes! Mom of six here too. We color code too and I didn’t realize that my husband wasn’t aware that our 4 oldest had colors and when I was pregnant with #5 I said out loud, “I wonder what color this baby will be?” The look on my husbands face was priceless… and he said, “I hope you know!” Haha 😂 that was the day he learned that each kid had a color assigned to them.
SOOOO much excellent advice here, Angela! One of my favorite videos yet. As a homeschooling mom of 6 (soon to be 7), having the kids simply rinse their dishes between meals and reuse the same set for all meals throughout the day has DRASTICALLY cut down on the amount of dishwashing in this house! Instead of washing literally 120 dishes each day (6 kids x 5 dishes per meal [plate, bowl, cup, spoon, fork] x 4 meals), we simply run the dishwasher once after dinner each night, and everything fits! I have designated a shelf in our island where each child puts his rinsed dishes in his designated spot, that way there are no mix-ups between whose germs are on which dishes, and the sink is almost always empty!!! The other life-saver we implemented years ago is having a "leader for the day." It rotates through each of the older kids (oldest is leader one day, next oldest is leader the next, etc.), and any squabble defers to the leader. The leader also gets to pick the video watched at the end of the day and get the baby up from her nap (they all love that!). The caveat is that the Bible teaches that a good leader is a true servant, so anytime mom needs a quick favor, the baby's cup needs a refill, etc. the leader is called upon to serve. There is no arguing about decisions that defer to the leader because they all know that they will get their turn in the coming few days.
Oh my word. Your idea about the leader being a servant is absolutely fantastic.
The leader is a great idea! My daughters school class has a star of the day that does the jobs like get the lunch boxes out of the fridge etc, they get to wear a special lanyard and the kids absolutely love it. You could totally do this with a large class!
Loved these honestly. One thing I have started with my kiddos is also making sure that once a day or so I’m sitting down with them and engaging be it with play or crafts or anything. It can become easy to say you have to do all this housework or work and don’t have time to stop and sit for an hour then miss that time with your kids. Taking the time to just be with your kids can help you feel happier with your role as a parent.
I’m really struggling to find this balance! I always feel bad that I didn’t spend more time with my kids but then when I do I also feel bad that there’s baskets of laundry sitting around or the kitchen is a mess.
Yes, I completely agree!!
Raising my 7 kids, 2 things, especially when they were young, that helped tremendously were 1. ROUTINE IS KING! and 2. NAPTIME IS SACRED!
I love everything you said. It is true...and I "only" 😉 have 5 kids.
I always remind myself "I get to" when the mundane feels overwhelming: laundry, cooking, driving, teaching, cleaning, toys, anything... I have this family, we are blessed with house, clothes, car, food, toys whatever... We get to...
I literally got outdoor waterproof cushion covers for my couch so I could wipe up spills easily and it was the best decision I’ve ever made hahaha
This is genius lol
You win, this is so smart!
Something my parents always did for us was the reward system unstead of punishment. Implementing it as early as you can (for us it started when we were babies) will make a huge difference. For example, instead of saying "if someone doesn't do their homework they will not get dessert" you can say "those who do their homework on time can eat ice cream before bed" (once in a while, don't make that a habit😂). It can be a treat, a present, planning a family getaway etc. Show your children that they earn what they want by working and putting in effort. But without taking away things.
genious ☝🏻🙌🏻🎉
My advice for those with younger children who are prone to tantrums is to give them options as much as possible. It gives them a sense of control and usually stops the tantrum in its tracks because they’re so focused on making their choice.
Love this! Thank you. My 4 year old had been having many tantrums throughout the day. Will try this!
I needed to read this, thank you ♥️
Yes I recently realized this is the way to go with tantrums.
Almost died laughing because of the Telephone calls!!! Soo true my dear! Lots of Love from Switzerland Jenny
More videos like this, please! Especially more advice for the “rigid” type moms who God chose to bless with a large family.
Just want to come back to this comment to offer some help to any moms feeling too rigid out there. I came across a book by Danny Silk called ‘Loving Our Kids on Purpose’ and this has completely changed my mind set which has given our family the freedom we all desired. Highly recommend❤️
I needed this today. I wanted to share that a few years back, you planted a seed in us. We've been discussing adoption since the first time I watched your videos. We've had 4 biological children since, and have slowly worked up to adoption standards. We've now learned that a foster child that has grown up with us in her circle in the last 2 years may need an adoptive family, and we are opening our doors and hearts to her. Know that, in a way, you have assisted in this little girl joining our family! And now we'll have 5 that are 6 and under 😂. So this video is helping me prepare mentally to that haha
Wow. Way to go! You've got this mama!
Love all your thoughts and ideas! One thing we do to reduce the cup situation is get every family their own insulated cup for the day. During school, or running errands, practice they have their cup of water ready to go.
We are a one cup a day family too. They can rinse it out but the same cup all day!
One thing even I as a new mom looking at other older mothers with 4, 5 and even 12 kids that I didn't realize at the time is that "Rome wasn't built in a day". My family of 7 wasn't made immediately. The kids in my house have come in progressively. Every day we have worked on systems. And taught skills. And given more responsibilities. And they have gotten older over time. They weren't babies at the same time.
Those with babies can't imagine having 8 year Olds who can load the dishwasher. But it becomes a reality and it's amazingly helpful when you are feeding the new baby or doing something else they can't help with.
I used to feel so guilty for not buying everything! Now I'm very intentional with my purchases and my children can actually see what they have ! It also brings me joy to walk into a room and its actually just a few things to put back in place.I have 6 kids from 1-12 and with toys less is more🥰 You're amazing Angela and your family 🥰🥰🥰
Losing a nap is like a death in the family 😅. Mom of 6 with #7 on the way, I feel this. We use almost all these same systems too and it works great. Finding systems are what makes our house work. I’m not a naturally organized person so I’ve had to learn it over the years too. It’s nice to hear another mom talk about it like this. Cheers!
Great tips! We have cut back on the amount of toys more and more with each kid. They still have SO much stuff, and I'm sure we can and probably will cut back more over time. We had a toddler give up his naps recently, and your comment about "almost like a death in the family" made me truly laugh out loud. We always do quiet time and I need it maybe more than my kids!
We bought bins and took out the toys they didn't play with. If it stayed in the bin for 6 months to a year I brought it inside bagged it up and yes they got it again for Xmas. Toys got a renewed excitement and a few more months being played with. Didn't always give them to the same kid either. Stuffed animals was the biggest one. Saved on holiday purchases too.
“French art teacher hiding in the corner waiting to do a painting lesson with your kid”. Ahhhhh! That made me laugh.
Mother of seven here. "Large Family Logistics" is a great book I always read through each year. Lots of these same ideas, systems and organization.
It has a different name now!
What is the name of that book now?
We used to have a giant playroom. The more kids we had the more we realized they needed less toys. The play with each other, they use their imaginations and they conquer boredom on their own with less toys. They and I also feel more at peace when things are easy to tidy.
The French art teacher hiding in the corner…😂😂😂😂 So true! We’ve scaled back the play room quite a bit and it feels so much better for me and the kids. Not so overwhelming to pick up and not so much clutter that they just lose interest. Love all of your tips. Thanks so much for sharing.
I loved this video so much! I’m your age and I’m a new mom with a 3 month old and I found this so helpful. It’s unlikely I will have a large family at my age but this advice is so wise and applicable to all families 😊
Thank you! I have 5 kids 7 and under, and I'm quickly learning that systems=survival!
I know how it feels! I grew up as a kid who always had busy schedules after school hours. Therefore I want to make it different for my children now, being more present with them, and spending family time more 💕
Standing O! You are right on so many of these points. Especially loved your description of when kids are done taking naps it’s like a death in the family! Ha. It sure feels that way. I did the same thing with my 3 kids…they had quiet room time every afternoon so I could regroup, have some coffee, read little and feel refreshed for the evening. Thanks for putting out content like this! 💕
I have 3 boys. I homeschool and cook from scratch. I also love a clean home lol and my compromise was on folding washed clothes. Haha I just gave up on that a few weeks ago and am still working through my guilt haha but something has to give so I don't loose my peace and joy. Lowering expectations is so hard!
I'd be interested in seeing you do a video on the benefits of rising before your kids. I do that as well & so enjoy it but can tend to not be as productive during that time because I love waking up slowly (w/o the demands of motherhood & life) & easing into my day. I'd love to hear if you have a good balance of waking slowly but also being productive. Thanks for your videos! 😍
I get keeping stuff up to prevent any drama. I boxed it all up and kept surfaces clear so they we so easy to clean. Excited because we are finally in a place where I can decorate like I used to with less worry.
Lowing expectations! That is key! And reducing our toys was a game changer. They actually play with them more now than ever. Great tips and tricks. Thanks for sharing!
That’s why your name is Angela. You’re literally an angel for us moms. I have 4 little ones. Thank you! 😘
I am a great grandmother and I want to tell you I appreciate what you said! A lot of wisdom, I wish every mother would listen and act like their child is a blessing and not a nuisance to them. They need to teach their children about Jesus, love them theirselves and stay off their phones and give them attention.
When I was a kid I accidentally broke one of my aunt’s really nice vases, she just said “it’s ok” and cleaned it up. A random lady that was there gave me such a hard time about it and I felt so guilty. It’s one of my core memories lol 😵💫 So yes, keep valuables away from kids and if accidents do happen, let it go, it’s not the end of the world
My mom always said (now that I think of it probably thinking out loud) to us as she cleaned up our accidents...."hold not too tightly to things, lest in losing a thing you lose part of yourself "
Perspective shift.
Thanks for posting this. Things are things. If you value it because it was your grandmother’s, put it somewhere on a high shelf far away from possible breakage. And if it becomes broken anyway, remember that it was still a material thing. It wasn’t your grandmother; it was a reminder of your grandmother. Better to share some of your personal memories about her with the children than to point at a broken vase with tears streaming down your cheeks and anger in your demeanor.
Sunshine Yes accidents happen but I disagree about keeping values away from kids teach them not to touch stuff not belonging to them and if they break it they pay for it somehow
@@sharondoan1447 Yes they are material but I don’t believe in putting them away teaching your children NOT to touch them and if they do break them they have to repay somehow
@@kellymcfalls1458 I have witnessed an increasing lack of regard for the possessions of others by parents. While it was once expected that children wouldn’t dream of putting their shoes on someone else’s furniture, they do it boldly with their parents approval. It has been years since I heard a parent reprimand a child for behavior we would have never be allowed. Today a little boy was kicking a decorative column in a gift shop. His mother said not a word. “Do not touch other people’s things” “ Do not wander about in someone else’s house” “ Remain at the table until you are dismissed “ So many common expectations that no longer exist. Adult supervision of children by their parents is unusual today. What bothers me most is that the children grow up having no regard for others. I have grandchildren whose parents have allowed them to go about unrestrained and who do not take direction from their elders.
My kids are both officially adults, the cup cupboard is still the lower cabinet next to the fridge. The coffee pot is on top and the upper above it is mugs and wine glasses. We tried to switch the cups to an upper once and the habit of going into the bottom just wasn't working for us, so it remains down low! I imagine if I successfully move it now I'll get a grandbaby and have to move it back 🤷🏼♀️🤣
Love the tips!! These are great.
Teaching and delegating housework to kids as they’re able has been a game changer for me
Needed this reminder tonight! Thank you for sharing! I would add to what you are saying about not putting breakables in a wild free spirited child's path is to in every area set them up for success- help them understand how to be apart of the team to work together at reaching the overall peace and joy in your home! Systems are my favorite and being flexible is a must - stretching but a must 😊
Thank you soooo much for talking about activities!!! Your advice is valuable even for smaller families.
My son with 4 children in 4 years has put a water fountain outside in their play area. What a major hit And helpful fountain this has become.
The late Andrea Mills (channel The Mills Family) installed a fountain years ago and often said it was one of the best things ever. She was the queen of systems. If I was a young mom again, I would be using most of them.
Hi Angie, I don't have kids however in listening to you I think your advise is useful in many situations. I love that you say HOWEVER instead of BUT. Thank you for creating wonderful vlogs to watch.
I taught MT son 'careful' this means he's to be careful, watch where he's going etc best thing I've ever taught him. The amount of things I've prevented him running into, bashing into cause he's so hyped (he's super hyper active) he doesn't pay attention to what's around him, in front of him etc
Such solid advice. Your kiddos are gonna grow up to be amazing people. The world will be a better place because y'all are in it!
Agree! My oldest is almost 16 and I’m pregnant with twins who will bring us to 8…but got a few useful tips so thank you!
Yes please. Do a video about your early mornings by yourself!
Yesss please
love this so much! real advice. thank you. I was insane with the snacks and finally just cut out a morning snack totally. it has given me so much freedom. no packing snacks for errands or cleaning up after snacks. they eat a much heartier lunch too!
The phone part made me laugh so hard! I was on the phone the other day and my son decided to come up to me with my slippers in his hands, and started banging them together! He’s never done this before 😂 Thank you for the advice Angie 💕
I have 6 kids. Agree w almost everything here! (not the crock pot. My family hates my crock pot meals) but I must say one thing I also feel strongly about is...NO SLIME. NO PAINT. Those 2 things have triggered my ugliest parenting moments on a few occasions. Lol!
Agree! 😀 my children are allowed to do those things outdoors only ;) it teaches them to be respectful in a way to mom trying to keep the home clean and also of other people's things :) something that i don't feel can be taught too early :) nothing wrong with children learning to be careful! They still get to play with all of it.... just outside on a table that is easily cleaned off. 🙂
I'm not rigid at all (should be a bit more actually) but Paint and kinetic sand are mosty done outdoor. In Winter, inside but only on hard surfaces and far from carpets/sofas.. playdough is ok on her table, She manages to play clean with that.
I really love your view on keeping important items in a safe space so that they don’t get broken, rather than scolding the kids for accidents. It always makes me sad to see parents yell at their kids for accidentally breaking a dish or spilling something.
Or getting a stain on clothes. I once heard a mother say to her approx. 8 yo "I told you chocolate icecream are for other, less clumsy kids. You are getting vanilla next time." because she had gotten a stain on her blouse. It was soo depressing.
As a mom of three (now my youngest is 26 yo) all of these tips are the best! I did a lot of these things as a single mom for years for having more than one helped because they entertained one another as they grew older.
Thank you! Expecting baby #6 and have been feeling so guilty I need to be doing more… waking early… etc… I’m tired (oldest is 8, and youngest 3 are 3 under 3…). It isn’t a season to stretch myself so thin. I need sleep. Or I suffer… then everyone else sinks with me. I definitely can organize better though, and slow down, pray with them, etc.
I’ve really been loving your parenting videos. They have been so eye opening. Thank you for sharing your wisdom of experience!
I'm so with you on breaking things! Kids feel so guilty on their own they don't need to be crushed.
My mantra is: "Nothing in this house is more important than the people who live here"
That helps me with decluttering too not just when an uh oh happens 😊
Although I was able to have one child, I taught for 31 years, and ultimately had lots! All of these tips work with your own children, as well as the children I taught in my classroom. I have taught K-12, and had many of the same children more than once, thus I was granted the opportunity to see most of them flourish, and become become great individuals.
Two tips that I would agree with you on is to lower your expectations ( and I agree with you, not low expectations, but middle “acceptable “ expectations). The second one is to take a “time out” each day. This seems expected of younger children, but my high school children loved to take a time out after lunch. Actually, we had an ongoing novel that I would read aloud for about 30 minutes. They loved it!!😊
@Naomie-O Yes. I think you are correct, but sometimes we expect so much out of our children, and out of ourselves, that we just need to s step back and realize that everyone is different, and we need to learn techniques to help us deal with these differences.
Like you, I have been a micromanager, and still am to a certain degree. I think it is a continual process to try and step back and let my expectations go, and you are right, most times things work out even better than I had hoped!👍
I’m the mother of a fur baby, but I never miss a single video from Angie!!
Snap Erin, I'm the mum of 5 furbabies 😻
Same I have no kids but these videos are like school for me
Hay fur babies mum I have 3 fur babies x
Great tips! Taking the time to teach my kids how to do their own laundry and clean the bathrooms were game changers for me! And taking intentional time at the end of the day to focus on the positives of the day helps with my attitude:-).
What age do you start with the bathroom?
The rigid, strict routine type of parent really hit home with me. Sadly, I don’t think I was very flexible as a parent. I was the strict one, the disciplinarian. I had certain expectations and thought my three children should follow them to the letter. I am so grateful for the close relationship I now have with my three daughters, just wish I had done things differently when they were growing up.
Your tips are great and make complete sense.. I been a mom for 23 yrs…I have 9 kids there ages are 23,22,20,18,13,12,6,3, and 1.Over the years I completely change my expectations and it’s made my life much easier.
Thank you SO MUCH for the caveat on waking early. I just had my second which makes us 2 under 2 and I know my life would be exponentially better if I got up before both kids. But 😭 I simply cannot. I’ve been pregnant, or postpartum since august 2022 😂 no early rising for me. One day I’ll get back to my quiet time with God in the mornings.
PREACH Angie let's go! You just needed a pulpit 😂🙌💚. Wonderful video with beautiful advice. Your children are blessed to have you!
Sweet Angela, such wonderful tips. As a Mama for 35 yrs, 9 children, 12 grandchildren, with 4 still at home and the youngest being 8, I can vouch for those seasons. Each season will come, and you won’t miss out on anything. But like you said, you just can’t have it all at once. My two favorite things you said is to “remove the reactive things from your home” , and rise early. Both will bring calm and sanity. Blessings to you all 💞
I adore you so much and am gaining so much value from you! It’s my 3rd year homeschooling and you’re my inspiration!!!! 💜
Jumanji when you get on the phone! Lol yes. I'm glad it's not just me.
Available cups and containers is a must👏🏽 So helpful for our children. Our big family limits activities too. We are a part of our local city swim team and all our children are able to participate! Which is awesome because driving to 1 practice for 5 children 💦 yay. Great advice Angie 😊thank you.
Such a wise mother let alone woman and human being.
Thank you Angela. Your chanell is really helpful. I am a mom of 6 from Hungary. My oldest child is 12, the youngest is 2yrs old. I felt burnout nowadays when I watched your video and it helped immediatelly. You are amazing. 😊😊
Angela you remind me so much of my momma…my mom had seven and we were stair step. Three of us shared our age together, but she was very organized and like you she adapted to seven different personalities. Thanks for sharing, I hope this will help someone else.
I am newly retired as a therapist, raised 4 busy kids who are all now adults with their own families. I love Angie’s ideas, especially the crock pot. It makes meals so easy, even if it’s just the meat that is done, and makes the house smell welcoming for kids. I also do agree about protecting their and your own heart, by putting up breakable things. It isn’t worth it
I’m always SO GLAD when you make videos like this! Even if you repeat things you’ve said before, I need reminders. 😉 Love from a mama of six 🤍
Oh Angela- I have 1 child and he’s a teenager… all of these are necessary for a happier family life--
Btw I’m type A personality, and yes I have to let go a little. I would even go as far to say that this is necessary in a marriage. My husband has a drawer in the kitchen, so he can find the tools he likes to that he use when he is the kitchen.
I soo want my home to be picturesque when I walk out the door every day to go to work, so that I come home to a nice home- but that requires systems in place that everyone can follow.
And I need to give myself and my family grace, so that we have a loving and happy home.
I second having less toys. It has made life so much easier for parents and my kiddos.
Thanks Angie!
We have a "toy library" in the attic. When the kids are bored we get the legos out, or the play kitchen and it is as if it is a new toy.
And our kids got pocket money at a young age (5). We startet at 50ct a week. And all the : "can I get this or that?" at the store stoped. In 95% of the cases when I tell them to buy it by them selfes, they don't buy it.
Ohh I love this “Toy Library”.. we have a mini book library by our storage.. we do have a large “rotation bin”.. Toy Library just fits so much better! Thank you for sharing!
Pocket change is great too!
I love it. Your respectfull way, how you accompany your children. I agree with every point. thanks
Love your videos! I am a mama of a three year old, 22 month old and an almost three month old. I am really trying to find good symptoms that work for me.
One day, can you do the same video, but tips on being a wife and having a lasting and happy marriage. I felt the expectations. I had to alter my expectations when I got married.
This is the best and realest parenting tips I've ever heard 🙌❤️ All your points are so important, and some were really touching and can apply to small families as well. I do struggle with maternity since my 1st son was born 9m ago, because I have a hard time letting go. I want it all and I want it right now, like before having a baby and I can't. And it makes me feel like my life is "over" or that I'm failing. Thank you, as always ❤️
Great point! We have been fed the fallacy that we can have it all. That isn’t true. If we have it all, that probably means someone in our immediate family is being shortchanged , at the very least. Our society has directed women away from the value of being a mother and setting her priorities based on the needs of another human. As Angela points out , there are seasons of life. Priorities shift. Going with the flow is much more enjoyable than thrashing against the current; in the end it is also more productive.
I love this video! Just what I have been praying for, I needed guidance on this topic and i got so much great advice! ❤
I agree with everything you said. I only have 6 kids. But yes yes yes!!!!
They're so cute. I will say my turtles were near a north- facing window, and they started to fade in color and look bad. I moved it to my south- facing window, but behind larger pots. It's getting much brighter light without the sun directly on it. Since moving it, the color has deepened and the patterns on the "turtles" is much more vibrant. 😊
This is such a good video! Absolutely love your channel and all the wisdom you share❤️
I love the heart I hear behind this video. I am so grateful for your channel. It is such an encouragement to me ❤️
The cup drawer! Lol we do this. Have a cup and bowl drawer for the little ones to reach.
I only have 4 but I definitely needed that encouragement today.
I thought all my years apologizing for my girls being loud, needy, whining, fighting, etc. while I try to adult on the phone was me. Thank you for making me feel not alone.
Thank you for this!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 ❤ a mom of four (7 and under)
I hear you on the word schedule..😂 yuck! But I’m learning to do it for mothering and homeschooling my kiddos! This is so helpful♥️
Really loved this video! Mom of 3 here, strugglingggggg. Thanks Angela 💗
So refreshing to hear from a mother who is struggling! If you have three children, or more, or less!, and are not struggling tell us your secret. Every day is different and yet the same; a challenge.
Our homeschool room has a snack drawer and a water station with a refillable drink dispensers, it's a lifesaver.
i had quiet time, sleep or not…now an empty nester and training a 10 mo old border collie, she too has designated nap times every 2 hours, she knows many commands and settle/take a nap is just one of them….reminds me so much like toddler time
Thanks! I love video’s like these Angela! 🙏😄
I love you for the cups idea!!!
As a mama myself i LOVE this video Angela! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Great advices! This is a video to put on keep it saved and revisit every time you feel down or feel like your not good enough! Thank you so much!
Such a helpful video. Thank you for taking the time to go over your experiences and tips. You have a very admirable personality. :)
I just can’t even tell you how much I love your videos. I think you’re so beautiful and so wise. Thanks for all the wonderful advice. You’re my fav RUclipsr and I look forward to all of your videos. Thanks for sharing !
Thank you for all your great advice ❤
Amen! Thank you!
Thank you. I needed reassurance today in motherhood, and this was perfect.
You are awesome in giving motherhood advice that is realistic. Keep it up please!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this video. I hope you make more like this especially on topics such self care and how to get computer work done when you have a family.
We opted for Home Reserve living room furniture! All the fabric is removable and depending on the fabric you choose, it's machine washable!! Oh, also if a piece breaks (kids are horribly rough on furniture) the company will send you a replacement piece.!! It's so easy I (Katie) was able to replace the piece.