You seem to not like marvel movies . You went in with a preconception that it would be bad. I personally wouldn't waste my time . I wouldn't sit through a movie I don't like . The glass is half full my man
@@smokinnplatez1426 he's making a video essay on a movie. why wouldn't he sit through the entire movie in order to give a full review? do you complete half of your required job at work and call it a day?
@@dudewrapsupreme his youtube channel has many videos about the fall of Disney and his disdain for them. He had a bias before he sat down. Why not report on something you enjoy.
Words cannot express how thankful I am that you sacrificed your time and money so that we don't have to. Every Army has its Vanguard, and every crisis has its First Responders.
Awesome to hear you got 2 free tickets to make up for the 2 you didn’t buy because you have no brain cells to formulate your own opinion based off a movie you dismissed because of others opinions
The modern studio system is a huge bubble. These movies keep bombing, and either the execs are this clueless, or there is some serious chicanery going on behind the scenes. When the other shoe drops, a lot of regular people are going to lose their jobs due to these decisions.
@@coachduke9323 You also might want to consider the possibility that these spin-offs are being sabotaged from within so Disney can buy the rights from Sony at a lower cost. There is also the possibility this is intentional as a step towards Disney buying Sony Pictures and bringing them one step closer to a total monopoly. Food for thought. From the Roths/childs 25 Point Plan 19. Masquerade as political, financial and economic advisers to carry out our mandates with Diplomacy and without fear of exposing “the secret power behind national and international affairs.” 20. Ultimate world government is the goal. It will be necessary to establish huge monopolies, so even the largest fortunes of the Goyim will depend on us to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of their governments on the day after the great political smash.” If you know who that family is, and if you know who Avi Arad is, you might see a connection.
They are hoping that one of these films makes a billion dollars and that the rest won’t lose much. The problem is that they should be able to identify that these movies don’t have any redeeming features. Good actors are going like why am I here?
@@sorenmn6799I think she gets a pass here. Also, it's clearly her personality. And I'm guessing, since pretty girls are a dime a dozen, her personality helps. I mean, this movie was trash, but her interviews? I would definitely watch a movie for that dead pan humor. Lol. Hell, I'd say her interviews promoted the movie more than anything could. It's so bad she hasn't seen it, but now, I want to see her act in it.
To be fair I did like the fact that the girls tried to fight at the end to save Cassie, showing that they have some type of fight in them. Hinting that they’ll probably be superb fighters in the future and just don’t know it yet.
Watch Suspiria (2018). She gives a brilliant performance within a remarkable film. The writing and editing of Madame Web is too embarrassing and boring for anyone to come out on top.
At least Kraven is an interesting character and Aaron-Tyler Johnson is a good actor. Not russian like Kraven but hence, the good acting. But it's Sony so i ain't getting my hopes up. But i am actually interested.
That's actually quite common, even with tv actors. They're assigned to do their bits, and then they're off somewhere else to do more bits for somebody else. I think it's kind of the equivalent of you not sticking your nose where it don't belong at work, and just doing your job. IOW, for many of them, stuff they starred in doesn't entertain them, and it's nothing more than just a job. I know for my part, I wanted nothing to do with my job apart from just working there. They already have leashes on people enough as it is. Also, in their cases, assembling the movie can take quite a long time. If you were in a movie, say five minutes worth, and it wasn't going to be totally available to be seen until a year later, (or even later) and you had a number of gigs inbetween, would you care? I doubt it. You may not like the lady actors for other reasons, but not knowing what went on with the total shoot isn't the least bit unusual. Maybe they will see it when their career is over or when they have nothing better to do?
Honestly, this movie is hilarious. One of THE best unintentional comedies ever. How did she got to New York after being born in a cave in a jungle? Do the mythical spider-men who hide from the public have connection to the government? Every time there was a web, it felt like the director was screaming "DO YOU GET IT NOW?". Or how there is no dialogue, but exposition. Or the fact that NO one was trying to act. Or how the truck killed the medic, but then it goes to the wide shot and you see there is the river. The trucker tried to commit sudoku? Why did the police not closed off the rode? I had a blast watching it! I have to say, the blonde girl, was cute as a "normal" person and hot in her outfit.
The biggest problem is that by going low key and street level, it becomes even less than a No Superhero Superhero movie - it's just a pastiche of 90s teen slasher and something like Witchblade. I love Witchblade, largely because it doesn't pretend to be anything other than a supernatural thriller with a mcguffin. You're bang on with Final Destination (!) The other great pity is they've poisoned the well for other - much better - female spidey characters. Jessica Drew, Silk, Black Cat, Charlotte Webb, y'know, like all of them... But they had to go with an origin story for Mme Web. What. The. Fuck.
If this wasn't a superhero movie and had nothing to do with Spiderman, the idea of someone having prerogative abilities and using that ability to stop serial killers might work. The problem is that every scene was boring, didn't make sense, was too convenient, or left plotholes that left us all confused.
@@mechanwhal6590 funny thing is that Dakota Johnson has always personally reminded me of Mary Elizabeth Winstead and she was in Final Destination 3 so this is just some hilarious shit
I cant express how thankful I am that I have a friend who works at theaters and can get me in for free because this mightve been the first movie ive ever seen that wouldve made me want my money back
Here’s an issue I had. Cassandra saves the three girls and they drive away in a stolen taxi, she leaves them in the forest for 3 hours to go back home and look at her mother’s journal… at which point I recall that she had just been looking at it earlier in the movie… so why didn’t they make it that the first time we saw her looking through the journal, she looked at the photo of her mother with Ezekiel, showed us that Cassandra has definitely seen the picture… and then later on in the subway she sees him in person and is like “that’s the man from the picture!” And she fleas with the girls to leave town, they stop at the diner, a news report starts playing on the tv that then alerts a diner patron to their situation, he calls the cops to come check it out and at that point Ezekiel intercepts the call and located them. WOULDVE MADE MUCH MORE SENSE THAN HOW THE MOVIE PLAYED OUT!
I don't remember the cgi in Wolverine being bad unless there's a split second moment where you would have to pause at the right time to see it, which I have no idea when.
Even if it’s mediocre, people wouldn’t care shit cuz they’re hooked to the storyline and good writing already. Not everyone cares that much about visuals.
The only thing that this guy got wrong is that this wasn't the worst comic book movie he has ever seen. I'm actually quite it's the worst movie he has ever seen period. I define anyone to pick a worst one.
If they'd knew that it's dogwater, they should've cancelled the film instead of releasing a bad film, that gained the benefit of money not being wasted and not being made in the box office.
Once a year. Or they lose the rights. It's weird people forget this stuff. Maybe because I'm I finance, and I read contracts and terms and conditions, but people seem to forget contracts. Just like how people complain about diversity in each new movie, but there's a literal document saying the percentages of diversity you have to have in your movie. It's no longer the creators fault, it's mandated from "on high".
My fav part? “Hey. Gonna hit up Peru for a week. Brb. Oh. Gonna wear the same outfit when I get back.” That, and all the horrible medical mistakes the movie makes. As a nurse, that was the most laughable. To me this movie is great in a MST3K kind of way.
No way that movie costs $80 mill. It had to have been rewriting, reshot, and re-edited to achieve what 2000s superhero movies had to work hard for a fraction of the failure this movie does.
This woman stole a cab. Drove it around for a couple of days. Parked it at the airport. Went to Peru for a week. Came back and continued driving the cab?
14:46 yeah the variation of the line makes it sound like if you decided to take on responsibility for something that you will somehow just be imbued with the power you need.
Actually, the one thing you give the movie credit for, the villain's motive, doesn't even apply. Yeah, he doesn't want to die, but WHY? Like, for what reason? No one wants to die, so what's his goal for staying alive? What will he continue doing if he gets to live? What was he already doing, besides just being rich? Why does he believe the dreams are prophecies of his future, and not just regular reoccurring nightmares? (Especially since the movie says he's "cursed" and in the end, those dreams never happen.) Why couldn't he have just gotten therapy to get over his nightmares? Did he even try? Why couldn't have just found the girls and NOT killed them, by say, convincing them to work for him, turning his enemies into his allies? No, the villain's motives *aren't* clear. He could've just as easily done ten other things here than what he did in the actual movie.
And yet, no matter what he did, you still could've laid the same criticism. He can only have one choice. It's more a matter of whether you think the future is alterable. Since he has evil as a motive for things, it's rather obvious turning good girls into allies won't work, if for no other reason that MW herself has a background in saving people. I think he said his death was ten years distant (maybe just a guess) and his evil motivation for killing them, is to get them while they're weak and unaware, because obviously in the future, they're superheroes then. The fact they're good and he's bad at that time, also shows him nothing is going to change for the better for him. He'll still be evil, they will be good. He presumably will have the same powers he has now, while they will be much more powerful. It's sort of the same deal from the Bible, how Herod heard of Jesus and wanted to get Him while He was weak, knowing he would be a king of some sort later.
I think your editing note sounds legit, but I have worked as an editor for low-budget films, and the crazy things you are asked to add in or take out that make very little sense is crazy. My suspicion is that most of the editing errors are ways to mask all the messed-up story elements they obviously reworked. Great video though! Dissecting bad movies is always fun.
Its just so sad, because this movie had so much more unused potential, and tbh this movie isn’t even that bad. Its just not comparable to other movies, mainly because Madame Web feels more like it could be the starting episode of a series. It had so much potential…
Yes Ezekiel has a clear motive… but it gets ruined by the fact that we’re made to believe that he’s somehow amassed a fortune and a life from having access to this spider, that he wants to protect his ill gotten gains, and that he’s been having dreams of his death by the hands of these three women… for the last 30 years, and he does nothing about it until now. Like we don’t see what he’s made of his life over the last 30 years, nor did we see why he decided now of all times to hunt them down. Honestly, if they kept the movie at the start from his perspective and showed him discovering that Cassandra hadn’t died in utero, and she was in fact alive and well, that he then uses his resources to kidnap her and awaken the spider premonition powers in her, and he then hijacks her visions to track down the girls… only for her to end up escaping with the girls together as a group… it would’ve somewhat made more sense.
Imagine you go to a restaurant where all the employees hate the owner so much that they put in extra effort to make sure that the food is terrible so the customers will never come back. I wonder what Sony did to piss off all the people working on this movie?
Another thing is when adapting movie from another source material U normally adapt it as close as you can but the people thought that madam web had no back story
This movie made me want to apologize for all the things I said about Morbius because compared to Madame Web Morbius almost looks like it was made by Steven Spielberg or someone like that
This film was so tediously terrible that it makes She-Hulk look like Breaking Bad by comparison. It feels the writers didn’t even research the source material and just slapped the Madame Web name on some woman who doesn’t look nor feels like Madame Web.
The editing was so bad in that we didn’t get erratic all over the place chaos, but what we did get was a lot of whiplash and rapid eye movement and it just made for a feeling of being a bystander at a Dragon Ball Z fight… and all they were doing was talking to eachother.
I might have a smooth brain here, but honestly, Avatar was way worse. Madame Web just felt like a completely different movie with the Spider-Man license. Avatar just spits on the original work with the name mispronounciation, the terrible GCI and choreography, rushed storyline, and awful casting and acting.
Good to know because I was planing on going to see a movie with my boyfriend but I wanted a movie that’s bad so we can snuggle with background noise. LMAO 🤣
Most of the times she was looking into the future, I was just like, ehh? cuz aside from the diner scene, nothing made any sense. The villain wasn't even a villain since they knew what he was gonna do every time. The way she got blind didn't make any sense either and at the end when she turns around to look out the window... bro she's blind
There was so much voice over in this movie and awkward cuts, I wonder if there was a better movie underneath that was cut apart when then movie wasn't allowed to be in the same universe as an official Spiderman movie, wasn't allowed to use Ezekiel's empire as a plot point, and wasn't allowed to even use Peter Parker's name (the baby shower would have been an ideal time to drop future-seeing abilities and get the audience excited)
They have continuously pushed out and away all of the people in this world that actually care about film and entertainment media etc. Let it all burn. None for Me and None for Thee. We’re done here. End scene.
There's a movie from Brazil called "WTF", which is half documentary and half drama, and it tries to resolve the issue of why Boston isn't in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Can you do a video about it?
I just....Sony, why!? Why you do this to us? Do we not give you money? I remember being so excited to learn she was going to get a movie. There is so much they could've done with her. Was ANYONE on this project a fan of this character?
So there’s this part when the car gets stuck in traffic as they take the “soon to give birth” woman to the hospital... this spider person is at a small angle in front and way above the car meaning people seated at the backseat can’t see him.. but they could all see him like he was just right in front of the car 😂.. this is all total crap
Some of my inlaws saw it yesterday and we think completley opposite and even they said it was a shitty movie. My daughter who chose to see the movie slept through most of it.
To be honest with you this movie was somewhat better than Thor: Love and Thunder. Many things putting me off in this movie, but the most ridiculous thing was when we didn't know how many times she saw the future because it was a hot shit mess, especially on the trian they have repeated the same like 10 times. However if I would not watch any critique bashing the movie well before I saw it, I would have thought this wasn't bad, not great, definitely not amazing, but something you can watch ones... but when I saw Love and Thunder I was shocked.
I honestly don’t have any faith is Sony anymore. I mean, they clearly added the last dead nail in their own coffin when they approved Ghostbusters 2016. They only had some success with the Spider-Man movies because of Spider-Man. But Madam Webb is just beyond a disgrace in the Spider-verse.
I đid everything in my power to like this movie and it still wasn’t enough. It’s such a stupid movie. Like wtf. Who greenlit this? There’s plot holes everywhere and the main villain is dumb.
Madame Web or Morbius, what we thinking?
Your browser is holding you back. Level up with Opera here:
You seem to not like marvel movies . You went in with a preconception that it would be bad. I personally wouldn't waste my time . I wouldn't sit through a movie I don't like . The glass is half full my man
@@smokinnplatez1426 he's making a video essay on a movie. why wouldn't he sit through the entire movie in order to give a full review? do you complete half of your required job at work and call it a day?
On the contrary, I don’t like bad movies. GotG 3 was great.
@@dudewrapsupreme his youtube channel has many videos about the fall of Disney and his disdain for them. He had a bias before he sat down. Why not report on something you enjoy.
use the brain 🧠 LAh 🤭 dis movie is full action pack 🎉
Words cannot express how thankful I am that you sacrificed your time and money so that we don't have to. Every Army has its Vanguard, and every crisis has its First Responders.
Finally its completed:видео.htmlsub_confirmation=1
@Follow God:God loves you repent it will be worth it God bless you all💕💜♥️
Truly wasn’t that bad and the Marvels was actually great. People have insane expectations
@@aaroncornish9955 no you just set your bar so low that the concept of standards and values doesn't exist on your level
Oh no! I had two tickets for Madame Web in my car, but somebody broke in and left two more tickets! Stay safe everyone!
what a criminal, he should be arrested 😢
Awesome to hear you got 2 free tickets to make up for the 2 you didn’t buy because you have no brain cells to formulate your own opinion based off a movie you dismissed because of others opinions
I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’d say be with friends, but after the movie, they won’t be your friends anymore. 😂
Those monsters, how could they do this to you
I feel bad for the cast as they thought they were joining the MCU 😭💀💀
Sadly they joined the M'SHE'U , 💀
LMFAOOO they thought like shit
I mean, not a huge leap of quality tho, both franchises are currently shit
I don't feel sorry for these sell-outs at all
If they thought Sony was mcu then they truly out of the loop
You're tearing me apart, Sony!
Why are you so hysterical?
Did you hit her?
I understood that reference
It’s a reference to The Room.
She was probably right to fire her agent; I don't want to see Dakota in anything, ever again. It just spells: "AWFUL"
That is not how I got things at all. The movie was bad, but every interview with her was so hilarious that I will go to see her movies now.
@@Tential1 Good luck with that.
@lopezb Didn't she see the script before she accepted the job? It is her fault for taking on these roles.
@@celinesignoret7708perhaps she thought it would be a "so bad it's good" fun, but it wasn't 🤷♂️
@@celinesignoret7708Right, like I don’t understand actors who complain about roles they reviewed and agreed to 😂 I never understood that
I completely disagree with you. Madame Web is not dogshit. If you watch it properly you will find out it was actually horseshit
They fooled us
Me after reading this while my mom is watching it: 💀
Knowing how to watch a movie the right way maybe are too much for my human brain
Fun Fact : This movie set in the same year The Room released (2003)
The modern studio system is a huge bubble. These movies keep bombing, and either the execs are this clueless, or there is some serious chicanery going on behind the scenes. When the other shoe drops, a lot of regular people are going to lose their jobs due to these decisions.
It’s about time to consider destroying this franchise is the goal!
@@coachduke9323 You also might want to consider the possibility that these spin-offs are being sabotaged from within so Disney can buy the rights from Sony at a lower cost.
There is also the possibility this is intentional as a step towards Disney buying Sony Pictures and bringing them one step closer to a total monopoly.
Food for thought.
From the Roths/childs 25 Point Plan
19. Masquerade as political, financial and economic advisers to carry out our mandates with Diplomacy and without fear of exposing “the secret power behind national and international affairs.”
20. Ultimate world government is the goal. It will be necessary to establish huge monopolies, so even the largest fortunes of the Goyim will depend on us to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of their governments on the day after the great political smash.”
If you know who that family is, and if you know who Avi Arad is, you might see a connection.
They are hoping that one of these films makes a billion dollars and that the rest won’t lose much. The problem is that they should be able to identify that these movies don’t have any redeeming features. Good actors are going like why am I here?
@Follow God:God loves you repent it will be worth it God bless you all💕💜♥️
@@coachduke9323 wohldnt that just be giving all the money to anyone else that'll make a half decent movie? Imagine a helldivers movie.....
Honestly the bad acting can definitely be attributed to the horrible direction.
Lets not talk about the vehicles she stole and drove for the entirety of the movie and it was never flagged
There are some interviews where she openly admits that the movie is shit
Well there is no shit movies but only shit leads that turn in shitty performances
@@madmojo-ou2pz lol ok, like a good lead could’ve said this movie 😂
@Follow God:God loves you repent it will be worth it God bless you all💕💜♥️
@@sorenmn6799I think she gets a pass here. Also, it's clearly her personality. And I'm guessing, since pretty girls are a dime a dozen, her personality helps. I mean, this movie was trash, but her interviews? I would definitely watch a movie for that dead pan humor. Lol. Hell, I'd say her interviews promoted the movie more than anything could. It's so bad she hasn't seen it, but now, I want to see her act in it.
Cuz shes in it
When Dakota turned to the camera and said "it's webbin' time!" That's when I finally gave up with this movie.
The fact that the three girls only have their powers in the vision is mad disappointing💀
To be fair I did like the fact that the girls tried to fight at the end to save Cassie, showing that they have some type of fight in them. Hinting that they’ll probably be superb fighters in the future and just don’t know it yet.
Yeah why are they even there? Why does this movie exist?
@@therealj.7084 like how one of the girls said she knows martial arts but she never actualy uses them
And the worst part is that they heavily featured their suits and powers in ads and such just to use them for like 30 seconds
The best line was “you are the Madame of the web”
The writers really thought they did something there
that is top tier dialogue right there
The writer's room dropped that line and all just sat back looking at each other like, "...damn, we actually did it."
"You really are the..." *insert title card*
Alan Rickman put more emotion into the word “Always” than Dakota Johnson has ever put into her entire acting career.
She's just a nepo baby
Watch Suspiria (2018). She gives a brilliant performance within a remarkable film. The writing and editing of Madame Web is too embarrassing and boring for anyone to come out on top.
@@MeganJensen001 Her parents are both entertaining actors to watch,she is just pure cringe though.
Kraven has a good chance of being worse, I'd say.
Wouldn’t be surprised at all
That's what I'm afraid of
At least Kraven is an interesting character and Aaron-Tyler Johnson is a good actor. Not russian like Kraven but hence, the good acting. But it's Sony so i ain't getting my hopes up. But i am actually interested.
@pantermusic6448 Is Kraven interesting, though? I only know him from the recent Spider-man 2 game and he wasn't that compelling.
@@zengamer21 I don't know that much about the character but if he's like what he is in Spiderman 2, i'm sold.
I like how people in the movie say they don’t watch the movie. Like they’re not even the least bit interested in their own industry.
That's actually quite common, even with tv actors. They're assigned to do their bits, and then they're off somewhere else to do more bits for somebody else. I think it's kind of the equivalent of you not sticking your nose where it don't belong at work, and just doing your job. IOW, for many of them, stuff they starred in doesn't entertain them, and it's nothing more than just a job. I know for my part, I wanted nothing to do with my job apart from just working there. They already have leashes on people enough as it is. Also, in their cases, assembling the movie can take quite a long time. If you were in a movie, say five minutes worth, and it wasn't going to be totally available to be seen until a year later, (or even later) and you had a number of gigs inbetween, would you care? I doubt it. You may not like the lady actors for other reasons, but not knowing what went on with the total shoot isn't the least bit unusual. Maybe they will see it when their career is over or when they have nothing better to do?
Johnny depp said he doesnt watch his films but then again dude is pretty humble
This movie solely exists so Sony can keep the Spider Man licence. I don't think they even care.
“Madame Web is complete dog shit”…a review that would make Stuckmann blush
@TemiloluwaGibson I don’t think you understand what my comment is referencing
Honestly, this movie is hilarious. One of THE best unintentional comedies ever.
How did she got to New York after being born in a cave in a jungle? Do the mythical spider-men who hide from the public have connection to the government?
Every time there was a web, it felt like the director was screaming "DO YOU GET IT NOW?".
Or how there is no dialogue, but exposition.
Or the fact that NO one was trying to act.
Or how the truck killed the medic, but then it goes to the wide shot and you see there is the river. The trucker tried to commit sudoku? Why did the police not closed off the rode?
I had a blast watching it!
I have to say, the blonde girl, was cute as a "normal" person and hot in her outfit.
Worse than Morbius? I didn’t think that was even possible.
The biggest problem is that by going low key and street level, it becomes even less than a No Superhero Superhero movie - it's just a pastiche of 90s teen slasher and something like Witchblade. I love Witchblade, largely because it doesn't pretend to be anything other than a supernatural thriller with a mcguffin. You're bang on with Final Destination (!)
The other great pity is they've poisoned the well for other - much better - female spidey characters. Jessica Drew, Silk, Black Cat, Charlotte Webb, y'know, like all of them... But they had to go with an origin story for Mme Web. What. The. Fuck.
Madame Web Is the Spiritual Successor to a Long-Forgotten DC TV Series
The Birds of Prey TV show perfectly parallels Madame Web's energy.
So, Madame Web 2 when?
If this wasn't a superhero movie and had nothing to do with Spiderman, the idea of someone having prerogative abilities and using that ability to stop serial killers might work. The problem is that every scene was boring, didn't make sense, was too convenient, or left plotholes that left us all confused.
It was like final destination movie
@@AshTheDukeYo. Final Destination with superheroes would slap even if it was terrible.
@@mechanwhal6590 funny thing is that Dakota Johnson has always personally reminded me of Mary Elizabeth Winstead and she was in Final Destination 3 so this is just some hilarious shit
I can already picture this movie sweeping the Razzies
The Creator had the same budget as Madame Web and CGI looked like a 200 million dollar movie.
Too bad the writing was shit in that as well.
This movie is so bad that movies that were purposefully made bad like Sharknado look like Oscar nominations in comparison.
I cant express how thankful I am that I have a friend who works at theaters and can get me in for free because this mightve been the first movie ive ever seen that wouldve made me want my money back
Friends don't let friends watch Madame Web.
@@NJGuy1973 i made the sacrifice to see it so they wouldnt have to
@@Fall_Cake You're a better friend than I am, @Fall_Cake.
atleast the morbius meme will be relevant once again
No, it's not funny anymore. It's tragic.
I salute you for seeing this absolute piece of garbage from start to finish and not dying of cringe to tell the tale
If this dumpster fire was made by Disney, Dakota Johnson would probably win a Best Action Hero of The Year award.
I hope she's an integral part of the mcu. Every flop would be hilarious to see her interviews. I would pay for the interview.
Can’t wait for this movie to finish its airing in theaters and be the first ever movie to have made negative money in the box office!
Here’s an issue I had. Cassandra saves the three girls and they drive away in a stolen taxi, she leaves them in the forest for 3 hours to go back home and look at her mother’s journal… at which point I recall that she had just been looking at it earlier in the movie… so why didn’t they make it that the first time we saw her looking through the journal, she looked at the photo of her mother with Ezekiel, showed us that Cassandra has definitely seen the picture… and then later on in the subway she sees him in person and is like “that’s the man from the picture!” And she fleas with the girls to leave town, they stop at the diner, a news report starts playing on the tv that then alerts a diner patron to their situation, he calls the cops to come check it out and at that point Ezekiel intercepts the call and located them. WOULDVE MADE MUCH MORE SENSE THAN HOW THE MOVIE PLAYED OUT!
oh my god yes that was all so unnecessary
@@cybr_4027 I swear to god, I can’t think of my own original concepts for a story… but I sure as hell can clean one up no problem.
We knew this movie was going to fail badly from the very beginning
I don't remember the cgi in Wolverine being bad unless there's a split second moment where you would have to pause at the right time to see it, which I have no idea when.
Even if it’s mediocre, people wouldn’t care shit cuz they’re hooked to the storyline and good writing already. Not everyone cares that much about visuals.
It’s only one scene
The only thing that this guy got wrong is that this wasn't the worst comic book movie he has ever seen. I'm actually quite it's the worst movie he has ever seen period. I define anyone to pick a worst one.
Avatar the last airbender live action movie
If they'd knew that it's dogwater, they should've cancelled the film instead of releasing a bad film, that gained the benefit of money not being wasted and not being made in the box office.
Doesn't sony have to make spider man related movies or else they will lose the rights to spiderman?
Once a year. Or they lose the rights. It's weird people forget this stuff. Maybe because I'm I finance, and I read contracts and terms and conditions, but people seem to forget contracts. Just like how people complain about diversity in each new movie, but there's a literal document saying the percentages of diversity you have to have in your movie. It's no longer the creators fault, it's mandated from "on high".
How can Sony make the Spiderverse series and then make this baffles me
Sane how do you go from one of the best superhero movies to THIS
They didnt they just put up the money if they did it would have been boo boo
"When you take on the responsability. Great power will come"
Am i the only one who did not miss that ?
My fav part? “Hey. Gonna hit up Peru for a week. Brb. Oh. Gonna wear the same outfit when I get back.”
That, and all the horrible medical mistakes the movie makes. As a nurse, that was the most laughable.
To me this movie is great in a MST3K kind of way.
Meanwhile I'm thinking how in earth a fugitive paramedic is suddenly paying for a trip to Peru.
I'm sure it'll get nominated for an Oscar for Best Editing.
The way the Oscars have gone lately it wouldn’t surprise me
So you think that we screenwriters have the ability to impose our scripts without them being reviewed and approved by executives?
Skip ads 3:17
I genuinely liked it, very funny at times, but I can admit that I still don't understand the purpose of the movie...
No way that movie costs $80 mill. It had to have been rewriting, reshot, and re-edited to achieve what 2000s superhero movies had to work hard for a fraction of the failure this movie does.
Okay, you can't say Ezekiel getting crushed by a giant 'P' in the product placement for Pepsi wasn't funny as hell
Man I haven't thought of Kung Pao in years 😂😂 definitely a childhood classic
This woman stole a cab. Drove it around for a couple of days. Parked it at the airport. Went to Peru for a week. Came back and continued driving the cab?
Matt Smith was awesome as a vampire.Morb wasn't unwatchable..Madame Web was pure garbage though.
14:46 yeah the variation of the line makes it sound like if you decided to take on responsibility for something that you will somehow just be imbued with the power you need.
Actually, the one thing you give the movie credit for, the villain's motive, doesn't even apply. Yeah, he doesn't want to die, but WHY? Like, for what reason? No one wants to die, so what's his goal for staying alive? What will he continue doing if he gets to live? What was he already doing, besides just being rich? Why does he believe the dreams are prophecies of his future, and not just regular reoccurring nightmares? (Especially since the movie says he's "cursed" and in the end, those dreams never happen.) Why couldn't he have just gotten therapy to get over his nightmares? Did he even try? Why couldn't have just found the girls and NOT killed them, by say, convincing them to work for him, turning his enemies into his allies?
No, the villain's motives *aren't* clear. He could've just as easily done ten other things here than what he did in the actual movie.
And yet, no matter what he did, you still could've laid the same criticism. He can only have one choice. It's more a matter of whether you think the future is alterable. Since he has evil as a motive for things, it's rather obvious turning good girls into allies won't work, if for no other reason that MW herself has a background in saving people. I think he said his death was ten years distant (maybe just a guess) and his evil motivation for killing them, is to get them while they're weak and unaware, because obviously in the future, they're superheroes then. The fact they're good and he's bad at that time, also shows him nothing is going to change for the better for him. He'll still be evil, they will be good. He presumably will have the same powers he has now, while they will be much more powerful. It's sort of the same deal from the Bible, how Herod heard of Jesus and wanted to get Him while He was weak, knowing he would be a king of some sort later.
It's simple really the writers didn't think ANY of it through for more then 0.1 mileseconds
"Worse movie of 2024"
WB: And I took that personally.
I think your editing note sounds legit, but I have worked as an editor for low-budget films, and the crazy things you are asked to add in or take out that make very little sense is crazy. My suspicion is that most of the editing errors are ways to mask all the messed-up story elements they obviously reworked. Great video though! Dissecting bad movies is always fun.
Its just so sad, because this movie had so much more unused potential, and tbh this movie isn’t even that bad. Its just not comparable to other movies, mainly because Madame Web feels more like it could be the starting episode of a series. It had so much potential…
I watched it yesterday it was not good when the movie was over a lot of people were booing and threw stuff at the screen
For someone, who starred in 3 50 Shades of Grey movies.. Girl, you dropped the ball already. Hard. Your agent needs to be removed from, this planet.
Do actors deliver their lines on set or do they read their lines in a voice over booth?
Yes Ezekiel has a clear motive… but it gets ruined by the fact that we’re made to believe that he’s somehow amassed a fortune and a life from having access to this spider, that he wants to protect his ill gotten gains, and that he’s been having dreams of his death by the hands of these three women… for the last 30 years, and he does nothing about it until now. Like we don’t see what he’s made of his life over the last 30 years, nor did we see why he decided now of all times to hunt them down. Honestly, if they kept the movie at the start from his perspective and showed him discovering that Cassandra hadn’t died in utero, and she was in fact alive and well, that he then uses his resources to kidnap her and awaken the spider premonition powers in her, and he then hijacks her visions to track down the girls… only for her to end up escaping with the girls together as a group… it would’ve somewhat made more sense.
Imagine you go to a restaurant where all the employees hate the owner so much that they put in extra effort to make sure that the food is terrible so the customers will never come back.
I wonder what Sony did to piss off all the people working on this movie?
Been telling people that Morbius wasn't really THAT bad, but Dakota is a weak ass "actress" in every single role
At least Morbius was memeable
And not feminist driven.
Another thing is when adapting movie from another source material U normally adapt it as close as you can but the people thought that madam web had no back story
This movie made me want to apologize for all the things I said about Morbius because compared to Madame Web Morbius almost looks like it was made by Steven Spielberg or someone like that
This film was so tediously terrible that it makes She-Hulk look like Breaking Bad by comparison. It feels the writers didn’t even research the source material and just slapped the Madame Web name on some woman who doesn’t look nor feels like Madame Web.
Idk I thought it was ok lol I liked it more than Thor love and thunder. Which for the record I think is dogshit
Dakota Johnson is the worst actor in this movie, what are you talking about hahahaha
Only good part was the toxic scene because of spears 😂
Stop giving money to these companies by going to the theaters and paying for it.
The editing was so bad in that we didn’t get erratic all over the place chaos, but what we did get was a lot of whiplash and rapid eye movement and it just made for a feeling of being a bystander at a Dragon Ball Z fight… and all they were doing was talking to eachother.
8:50 lol, I was also reminded by kung-pow when I saw this guy's scenes 😂
Which is worse, Madame Web or Shyamalan's Avatar?
I was thing the same thing lol
I might have a smooth brain here, but honestly, Avatar was way worse. Madame Web just felt like a completely different movie with the Spider-Man license. Avatar just spits on the original work with the name mispronounciation, the terrible GCI and choreography, rushed storyline, and awful casting and acting.
Good to know because I was planing on going to see a movie with my boyfriend but I wanted a movie that’s bad so we can snuggle with background noise. LMAO 🤣
Most of the times she was looking into the future, I was just like, ehh? cuz aside from the diner scene, nothing made any sense.
The villain wasn't even a villain since they knew what he was gonna do every time.
The way she got blind didn't make any sense either and at the end when she turns around to look out the window... bro she's blind
I never wanted the main cast to all just die or dissapear this bad💀. I did not care about any character in this movie
There was so much voice over in this movie and awkward cuts, I wonder if there was a better movie underneath that was cut apart when then movie wasn't allowed to be in the same universe as an official Spiderman movie, wasn't allowed to use Ezekiel's empire as a plot point, and wasn't allowed to even use Peter Parker's name (the baby shower would have been an ideal time to drop future-seeing abilities and get the audience excited)
Cause that was Peter Parker's mom, Richard Parker was a secret agent, away doing a secret mission. Surprised you even got that.
Some day we will know why they re-shooted and re-dubed this movie. Obviously it was quick rebuilding right before release.
They have continuously pushed out and away all of the people in this world that actually care about film and entertainment media etc.
Let it all burn.
None for Me and None for Thee. We’re done here.
End scene.
Literal kung pow vibes when he was talking 😂 i thought i was the only one who noticed that
That’s the worst movie I’ve ever seen. Even worse than Fantastic Four with Michael B. Jordan
There's a movie from Brazil called "WTF", which is half documentary and half drama, and it tries to resolve the issue of why Boston isn't in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Can you do a video about it?
That one movie you won't watch even it's available online free
"Why"??? Because they started filming. Pretty simple, really. : /
Dakota is boring. How did she get cast in any movie
I have to agree with the British guy. Madame Web is by far the worst superhero movie I've ever known. It's even generally worse than venom and morbius
I just....Sony, why!? Why you do this to us? Do we not give you money?
I remember being so excited to learn she was going to get a movie. There is so much they could've done with her. Was ANYONE on this project a fan of this character?
So there’s this part when the car gets stuck in traffic as they take the “soon to give birth” woman to the hospital... this spider person is at a small angle in front and way above the car meaning people seated at the backseat can’t see him.. but they could all see him like he was just right in front of the car 😂.. this is all total crap
The Venom movies are hilarious.
Imagine if they got the creative team behind Happy Death Day to make the madam Web movie instead????
That movie was bunz was original tho ill say that
this film was awful like absolute shit garbage there are know words to describe it. this was FUBAR
Some of my inlaws saw it yesterday and we think completley opposite and even they said it was a shitty movie. My daughter who chose to see the movie slept through most of it.
It's like they knew....THEY KNEW that is entire movie was going to be crap and SONY was aware of this . WOOOOOOOOW 😮😮😮😮🤯🤯😱
To be honest with you this movie was somewhat better than Thor: Love and Thunder. Many things putting me off in this movie, but the most ridiculous thing was when we didn't know how many times she saw the future because it was a hot shit mess, especially on the trian they have repeated the same like 10 times.
However if I would not watch any critique bashing the movie well before I saw it, I would have thought this wasn't bad, not great, definitely not amazing, but something you can watch ones... but when I saw Love and Thunder I was shocked.
I honestly don’t have any faith is Sony anymore. I mean, they clearly added the last dead nail in their own coffin when they approved Ghostbusters 2016.
They only had some success with the Spider-Man movies because of Spider-Man. But Madam Webb is just beyond a disgrace in the Spider-verse.
I đid everything in my power to like this movie and it still wasn’t enough. It’s such a stupid movie. Like wtf. Who greenlit this? There’s plot holes everywhere and the main villain is dumb.
Did people really not like morbius? I actually liked it
Morbius is far better than madam web
Ngl, this movie kinda made me glad I was arachnophobic so I got an excuse to look away for some time
The ONLY time such thing is EVER helpful
I’ve counted how many times he said BAD. It’s around a million