Speak to! Stop hurting our Lord Jesus Christ who died a hard death for us to redeem us. He is calling you and waiting, there is not much time. Repent, turn, let the Blood of Christ cleanse and save you. Abandon false teachings that lead to destruction. Save your soul, which is eternal in the name of Jesus Christ. Enter the narrow gate, do not be led away by false beliefs that lead you into a vicious circle where you always wallow in the mire of dissatisfaction and despair. Jesus says: I the very path Truth and life! Come to him, there is not much time. Jesus, have mercy. After his bitter torment, have mercy on us and the whole world. Amen.
Thanks for this broadcast
`*Socialism or Barbarism-$?` Its everyone of ours choice. Choose Wisely.
think in truth, talk in real
Speak to! Stop hurting our Lord Jesus Christ who died a hard death for us to redeem us. He is calling you and waiting, there is not much time. Repent, turn, let the Blood of Christ cleanse and save you. Abandon false teachings that lead to destruction. Save your soul, which is eternal in the name of Jesus Christ. Enter the narrow gate, do not be led away by false beliefs that lead you into a vicious circle where you always wallow in the mire of dissatisfaction and despair. Jesus says: I the very path Truth and life! Come to him, there is not much time. Jesus, have mercy. After his bitter torment, have mercy on us and the whole world. Amen.
I totally agree with what you are saying....