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*NB: Please read our rules before commenting.
Please alert us by emailing report@carteblanche[dot]co[dot]za should you see any comments or threads that contain the below:
Racist and/or homophobic comments will not be tolerated and users will be banned immediately.
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You guys and all your helpers are one of our national treasures!
Shame😢 thank you for the dedication of the doctor and her staff saving bokkie❤❤
Bokkie is sò mooi. Dankie aan Dr's en staf, plesier om na te kyk. Bly sy is weer gelukkig 😂🎉
Staff at the TOA have quirky sense of humour when naming creatures in their temporary care. I think on 3 flipper turtle was call Tripod.
Amazing 😢
Fabulous. Now to stop people polluting
Some intern is getting fired for deleting the Carte Blanche profile picture
Mooi smile en tande