William Clouston talks to Triggernometry’s Konstantin Kisin

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 94

  • @GyleCast
    @GyleCast 2 года назад +16

    As someone "of the right", its very refreshing to see people on the left talking rationally about these issues. Its my first introduction to the SDP and I'm pleasantly surprised.

    • @gazlives
      @gazlives 2 года назад

      check out their policies you might be surprised. their only issue is their leader has no charisma so will not gain any traction. he needs to find someone that can light up the public so he can take a back seat and drive more from there. no offence to him, it's just reality.

    • @GyleCast
      @GyleCast 2 года назад +3

      @@gazlives I doubt I'd find common ground on the policy front. Still this chap is certainly highly respectable which is rare these days.

    • @gazlives
      @gazlives 2 года назад +1

      @@GyleCast not on public housing and trains perhaps but maybe on immigration and education.

    • @alastairhunter353
      @alastairhunter353 2 года назад +2

      I joined the SDP earlier this year, I've met William, a decent guy and next month I'm going to the SDP conference - a political conference for the first time.

    • @RichardEnglander
      @RichardEnglander Год назад

      @@gazlives oh come on
      William Clouston is a thinking man, sure he's not the best at speeches, but he's amazing at conversation and thinking through ideas.
      I think that picking leaders just on charisma is how they got Boris, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.

  • @johnscullion3656
    @johnscullion3656 2 года назад +12

    Konstatin the brave, never avoids a pertinent, heated debate! More of these please.

    • @alastairhunter353
      @alastairhunter353 2 года назад

      i think Triggernometry is great. i subscribe to them and recently joined the SDP

  • @banedon8087
    @banedon8087 2 года назад +35

    I can accept a party winning who does not support what I want, because that's democracy.
    What absolutely frustrates me is that the party who wins who said they would do what I want, but just doesn't.
    I have never felt quite so betrayed and lied to on the political front during my almost 50 years of life than in the last 10 years.
    Our politicians just don't seem to realise just how deeply demoralised and angry the public is now and how dangerous it is for that to continue. They need to ask themselves why a large majority of Americans voted in Trump, *despite* his very obvious "quirks".

    • @ltmund
      @ltmund 2 года назад +4

      I had hoped the election of Trump would have been a wake up call to those who claim to support the 'left behinds'. Instead they just doubled down.

    • @cyclist68
      @cyclist68 2 года назад +4

      Ditto Brexit

    • @ingeforman6140
      @ingeforman6140 2 года назад

      Ha...ha...that's why I never trust politicians

    • @andymac345
      @andymac345 2 года назад

      Democracy only works if those that lose accept. I agree that the failure to carry out their promises is a powder keg which nobody wants.

    • @grannyannie2948
      @grannyannie2948 2 года назад

      I'm Australian and I'm convinced that we are now in a state of post - democracy. It makes absolutely no difference who the people vote for, the policies will be the same. The government (of both major parties) represent the interests of globalists, the UN, the WHO, WEF etc. And in no way represent the electorate or their voters. I look around the anglosphere and I see this in other countries, Trump being the only exception.

  • @jamiehayes7353
    @jamiehayes7353 2 года назад +25

    Triggernometry brought me here. Have an algorithmic boost.

  • @truckerfromreno
    @truckerfromreno 2 года назад +10

    The SDP speak so much common sense.

    • @sparkz56
      @sparkz56 2 года назад +1

      I ditched the Conservatives a while ago and joined them. As it stands with their current policies they are probably more right wing than the Conservatives! They talk more sense than any other party and have great speakers at their events. I wish they would get the word out there more but most people haven't heard of them.

    • @alastairhunter353
      @alastairhunter353 2 года назад +1

      Thats why i joined earlier this year Bobby. im going to my first ever political conference next month.

  • @Elizabeth-jd3mn
    @Elizabeth-jd3mn 2 года назад +36

    SDP candidate in Rishi Sunak's constituency please, I'm finished with The Tories regardless of who leads them.

    • @odiedodieuk
      @odiedodieuk 2 года назад +3

      I’m on my nerve with them. Only problem is that a Labour are worse

    • @Elizabeth-jd3mn
      @Elizabeth-jd3mn 2 года назад

      @@odiedodieuk stop being tribal and gutless and vote with your principle. Your attitude is what keeps this crap system going.

  • @user-eb3si
    @user-eb3si Год назад +1

    SDP has my vote 👍

  • @angusmcangus7914
    @angusmcangus7914 2 года назад +2

    Great conversation. Before moving from the emphasis on the individual to the collective you first have to decide who ‘we’ applies to. Not the post 1997 immigrant wave I would suggest and certainly not the so-called asylum seekers.

  • @BurtKocain
    @BurtKocain 2 года назад +4

    Just FYI, it should be "talks", not "talk's".

  • @williamvorkosigan5151
    @williamvorkosigan5151 2 года назад +1

    William Clouston suggested that he would call a moratorium on Immigration. Then it turned out he meant a return to the extremely high levels of immigration post WW2 followed by a potential return to mass immigration in a few years. Not quite what comes to mind with the words, a moratorium on immigration for a period of time.

  • @LibertyActionMovement
    @LibertyActionMovement Год назад +1

    Liberty Action Movement

  • @glennmitchell9107
    @glennmitchell9107 2 года назад

    The cure for "selfish" citizens resisting politicians' repeated calls for personal sacrifice, is to make those sacrifices voluntary. Mandatory (enforced by the police state) sacrifices are rightly seen as coercive and serving the interests of the needy politicians instead of the needy huddled masses. Voluntary crowd funds have no problem separating sympathetic people from their personal wealth.

  • @GodsOwnPrototype
    @GodsOwnPrototype 2 года назад +11

    30:00 You still are both addressing this issue backwards and are in denial of reality.
    The reality is that these islands are the homelands of certain tribes and Nations and peoples who are not of them and rooted here are de facto foreigners and if the growth of the latter is dispriviligeing, displacing, outnumbering and replacing the former then this is a an obvious moral and practical wrong done against them and they have a natural right to end it continuing and reverse the negative consequences imposed upon them.
    Any explanation or plan that does not at least acknowledge this is, perversely, inviting the harshest least well thought out and organised reaction by groups of natives to preserve their homeland and heritage.
    You might feel you are able to decry instances of extreme actions taken towards this end but you've no moral highground unless you've provided an alternative and you are just another part of the mass of problems that have caused the situation in the first place, have perpetuated it and prevented prior efforts to fix it - so in the end everyone who ignores these facts provides the moral justifications for the most extreme actions as they remain the only effective actions that an individual or small group can take to bring a change.

    • @ningen7736
      @ningen7736 2 года назад +1

      I agree to an extent, but political extremist “actions” should not consist of going around spray painting walls or engaging in some form of violence.
      The elites got their power through generations of competent Machiavellian planning and the same goes for any other group of people that gained serious power in the modern day.
      For example, the new liberal Marxist class gained serious political power through their capture of the education institutions and most politicians now get their philosophical and political grounding from by having a multi-decade long march through the institutions, not because of some random losers in black hoodies and masks running about causing trouble.
      If anyone in the modern era wants some serious power over society they need to be smart and competent, willing to brave it out and continue on regardless of the circumstances, and this by definition must include not wasting your time with any politically ineffective actions.

    • @GodsOwnPrototype
      @GodsOwnPrototype 2 года назад +1

      Don't give me this genocidal, people erasing, un-empirical, historical re-writing bullsh!t.
      Are Maori's and Hawaians not Native Peoples? Do the Jews exist as a people? Do the Japanese?
      The issue you mention was The issue a lifetime ago, in the postwar decade.
      We clearly have had and continue to have far too many foreigners and foreign influence causing unasked for, destructive change on the native peoples, wellbeing, heirtage and culture - this has been unquestionable by the honest for decades now.
      The questions of today are how to turn the will of the powerful, the operations of the machine and the understanding of the masses away from continuing the deluge and how late will it get before this occurs and therefore how harsh the correction has to be to avoid the precipice into oblivion that is being forced upon us.
      Once the Overton is expanded such that the honest facts can be clearly laid out and the consequences explained, anyone who loves these islands but is not overwhelmingly of them will do the right thing and leave - those that refuse have declared their position to be rooted in a lack of love and turnabout is fair play.

  • @barrymillington6403
    @barrymillington6403 2 года назад +1

    Contribute to the society from which you came, or Contribute to the society which you joined?

    • @GodsOwnPrototype
      @GodsOwnPrototype 2 года назад +4

      Some deep tribal conditioning slipping out in a Freudian manner perhaps.
      Or maybe just a simple mistake where the latter was meant.

  • @petenztube8592
    @petenztube8592 2 года назад +1

    KK for SDP candidate?

  • @constantinvasiliev2065
    @constantinvasiliev2065 2 года назад

    (18:57) Being a churchgoer while not being a believer makes no sense to me. It didn't while I was an atheist, neither does it now, since I've discovered God. Why go to a church, the organization built around worshiping something you don't believe? Where did the pursuit of truth go? If the church worships something, that doesn't exist, but does some other things well, then remake it or make a push for a new organization, that will keep the good things and will get rid of the false ones. Why keep going to church???? I'm not arguing. It just makes no sense to me. Maybe someone else could explain the logic here? Maybe the logic is for the politician to have some common ground with both believers and non-believers....

  • @srikantmantravadi
    @srikantmantravadi 2 года назад +4

    Against communitarianism but pretending the nhs works.

  • @14percentviking
    @14percentviking 2 года назад +5

    Might have been worth learning his first name if you’re going to interview him for an hour lol

  • @paulmatters2641
    @paulmatters2641 2 года назад +1

    The EU's pet Russian clown

  • @marilinemariline9556
    @marilinemariline9556 Год назад

    William Clouston interrupt the interviewee all the time

  • @shakespeare4bears
    @shakespeare4bears 2 года назад +1

    The SDP still exists?

  • @beheadingbuddha4256
    @beheadingbuddha4256 2 года назад +3

    Censorship loving fakers Triggersnobbery lol. No thanks

    • @Martin-88
      @Martin-88 2 года назад +1

      Why do they love censorship?

    • @chrisdavie8163
      @chrisdavie8163 2 года назад +1

      What do you mean?

    • @alphabetaxenonzzzcat
      @alphabetaxenonzzzcat 2 года назад +2

      Ask Konstain why he won't book fellow comedian Will Franken.

    • @Woodzta
      @Woodzta Год назад

      @@Martin-88 A bit late for an answer but it's in the sense that they don't platform far-right people that they just don't get on with - like Tommy Robinson. People like PA and groypers like to use this attack to buy themselves a right to their platform and Triggernometry weren't having it.

  • @marieparker3822
    @marieparker3822 2 года назад +35

    Diverse Society: you must have one Law for all, everyone equal before the Law. Otherwise, you are on the road to anarchy. At the moment we have one Law for one group of people, and another Law for another group of people. This is totally unsustainable.

    • @omp199
      @omp199 2 года назад

      @Mark Smith Except that's bollocks.

    • @omp199
      @omp199 2 года назад

      @Mark Smith If values were strongly associated with the traditional racial groupings, you'd find that political parties were largely divided along racial lines: you'd have the Caucasian Party, the Mongoloid Party, and so on. But you don't. You get stark divisions between people of the same ethnicity and tight collaboration between people of very different ancestry indeed.
      Try explaining to me how the shared British ancestry of David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn gave them a shared value system, or how Liz Truss can't work with Kwasi Kwarteng because of their deep-rooted ideological incompatibility.

    • @alexvann360
      @alexvann360 2 года назад

      @@omp199 I think what Mark is trying to explain is that laws are based on ethics, which are informed and developed according to the morals of a group. As morality is internally formed and most often through cultural & religious means, the ethics of a society conform to the morality of it's constituents. As Britain is now a diverse society the competing moral frameworks at play in the UK have led to the a fraying of our ethical underpinnings in the form of laws that are either not applied equally or are different for some groups over others.
      His logic is sound, though currently unrealistic that were a society formed of one culture there would likely be a greater consistency and agreement on the codes of ethics we use to construct our laws than in a multicultural one. It's not that values are race-based, its that cultures are identity-based and we have more identities and a greater focus on identitarianism in the UK than ever before.

    • @wbaumschlager
      @wbaumschlager 2 года назад

      It's called Social Justice if you have different laws for different groups.

  • @philipkingston6960
    @philipkingston6960 2 года назад +7

    Really big fan of Konstantin 👍

  • @TheWorldofMomus
    @TheWorldofMomus 2 года назад +4

    Brilliant conversation. I would be happy if we can make Reform Party and Social Democratic Party the markers for political right and left debate in our society. I imagine both being the 2 majority party in parliament, one in government the other in opposition, and I can see us actually getting the will of the people forward, some progress being made and our social problems getting mended. We need to make this happen.

  • @brownbear5366
    @brownbear5366 2 года назад +29

    I was in Calais last night. The chaos and mayhem I encountered there was like nothing else I have seen in a western country before now. A large percentage of the people there were Romanian heading for the UK. Their conduct was in such contrast to the norms of our society. The Brits there were compliant and allowed themselves to be pushed around by aggressive behaviour from the pushy incomers. We are going to be totally rollercoastered by the new regime unless we stand up for our values and our particular society

    • @paulmatthews9366
      @paulmatthews9366 2 года назад +2

      We need to uncivilise ourselves or it'll be taken from us.

    • @armand9404
      @armand9404 2 года назад

      @Don´tbehasty you are comparing drunken people to sober people. That is stupid.

    • @armand9404
      @armand9404 2 года назад

      @Don´tbehasty a drunk can sober up but a Romanian has to be deported.

    • @armand9404
      @armand9404 2 года назад

      @Don´tbehasty you compared the Romanians in the original post to drunks in Benidorm my dude.

  • @staninjapan07
    @staninjapan07 2 года назад +5

    Thank you, gentlemen.
    "It's not only that we have lost an ability to understand ourselves in comparison to other parts of the world... we have also become so ignorant of history that we literally do not remember what was the case until two minutes ago."
    (Leaving aside that this is slightly unclear and not very well strung together as a sentence... he's under pressure.)
    May I offer that the actual situation is more like the following?
    ...we have also been deliberately, very cleverly, made ignorant of history...
    There will some people whose knees are jerking to the tune of 'conspiracy theory', though they would be hard-pushed to deny this.
    I may be wrong. I make no claim to wisdom.
    A little too much apologist's nonsense, too, for my liking, Konstantin, and, though I may be wrong, that seems to follow a recent pattern with you.
    All of this "It's nobody's fault but..." business.
    Perhaps I am over-reacting.

  • @gerri49
    @gerri49 2 года назад +6

    Brilliant. I'm so proud to be a member of the SDP

  • @damodubhdar
    @damodubhdar 2 года назад +4

    Stand in my area and I'll vote for you.

    • @alastairhunter353
      @alastairhunter353 2 года назад +2

      i joined the SDP earlier this year, and Im going to my first ever political conference next month.

    • @damodubhdar
      @damodubhdar 2 года назад

      Good stuff

  • @zenocrate4040
    @zenocrate4040 2 года назад +14

    This is one of the best, most thoughtful and informative conversations I have listened to this year. Thanks, gentlemen.

    • @RichardEnglander
      @RichardEnglander Год назад

      If we ever needed a leader like Clouston then it is NOW

  • @andymac345
    @andymac345 2 года назад +2

    WILLIAM. Let your guest finish a sentence, I realise it’s not coming from a place of malice but as a conversation which is going to be viewed by others, chill and less is more.

  • @mistymoor7114
    @mistymoor7114 2 года назад +2

    Konstantin, don't go to USA, we need you here, so many commentators moving to the States and stilk thinking they can comment on Britain they left and I think it's hypocritical !

  • @marieparker3822
    @marieparker3822 2 года назад +3

    William and Konstantin, if you think that stable, *sane* families are desirable for society, I urge you to see the Socialist Conference held in Chicago this weekend, which the Blessed Karlyn Borysenko live-streamed for us all yesterday (Saturday, 3 September 2022). Scary! And what exists in America comes here very quickly. It will be on U-tube now as a video.

  • @maxinearmstrong9566
    @maxinearmstrong9566 Год назад +1

    The only move to the “group” mentality that anyone supports is if it is part of their worldview. For it to dominate we would need “group think”. Sorry, can’t do it.

  • @odiedodieuk
    @odiedodieuk 2 года назад +2

    Bumped into William at the edinburgh trigger on vent.
    Realised a day later who he was 🙈

  • @alfiejackalfiejack5040
    @alfiejackalfiejack5040 2 года назад +2

    Any candidates in warwick/warwickshire?

  • @ingeforman6140
    @ingeforman6140 2 года назад +1

    Yes, hopefully people listening more on podcasters that has common sense

  • @stevesteward9988
    @stevesteward9988 2 года назад +1

    Not bad discourse from someone with socialist in their name

  • @pwcfuster
    @pwcfuster Год назад


  • @jumblestiltskin1365
    @jumblestiltskin1365 Год назад

    SDP I suspect your form of politics is quite "left" especially on economics, however you appear to want to resist the further diminishment of this country and that will be one reason that I will lend my vote to you or reform, or reclaim, it would be better if the best of all you made one party as I can't vote for all of you.

    • @Woodzta
      @Woodzta Год назад

      'further diminishment'? You're being wishy-washy. Are you talking economy? Culture? Demographics? Free speech? Just say what you mean and stop beating around the bush.

  • @schmozzer
    @schmozzer 2 года назад

    What a bad boy he is. Right from the start.

  • @allancrotch2953
    @allancrotch2953 2 года назад +4

    WC mumbled and waffled but from what I did hear made sense .I should have had subtitles maybe .Konstantin Im a 65yr old factory worker there were about 5% of the workers that didnt take a covid shot and I for one put official gov stats of deaths per 100,000 for last 20 yrs incd 2020 to prove the lies but the management removed the sheet from the notice board.Some refused to wear the mask ,we did follow the 2mt rule.But yes most just rolled over .As a 15yr old recruit at the Guards depot Pirbright the NCOs would during training shake their heads and say "Why should England tremble"well England should .