Is Temu worth the hype? Are The Deals Too Good To Be True? (the truth)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 393

  • @BargainBethany
    @BargainBethany  5 месяцев назад +17

    Download Temu app using to get extra 30% off for the first order, or search my code: Bethany30 in the Temu search-bar to claim (app new users only)
    If you've downloaded the app, you can also search code: Bethany100 in the Temu search-bar to claim $100 coupon bundle for free (for all users)
    Special Gifts: Temu app new users can purchase one of my Temu picks for just $1 TODAY:

  • @dawnsarrach6612
    @dawnsarrach6612 5 месяцев назад +113

    I have been happy with most of the items I have gotten from,Temu. You need to pay attention to the dimensions etc. there is no reason reason to hate Bethany. She does an excellent job at bringing us information so we can make informed decisions. Thank you, Bethany for all you do!!! I appreciate you.

  • @MrsAlmaTrumble
    @MrsAlmaTrumble 5 месяцев назад +218

    Please, no hate on Bethany for checking out Temu. She doesn't deserve the hate.

    • @lechatbotte.
      @lechatbotte. 5 месяцев назад +16

      No one should be treated that way. I never respond to those people, I report their comments and block them. I’ve done that on my other channels I follow. It’s just not necessary period. How are your doing Alma still 🙏ing

    • @sandratheprocraftinator945
      @sandratheprocraftinator945 5 месяцев назад +7

      @MrsAlmaTrumble I don’t see why she would, everything so far has been good.

    • @MrsAlmaTrumble
      @MrsAlmaTrumble 5 месяцев назад +4

      ​@lechatbotte. Agreed. I'm doing pretty good. Taking it day by day. Thank you for the prayers. How are you, friend?!

    • @MrsAlmaTrumble
      @MrsAlmaTrumble 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@sandratheprocraftinator945 I've watched her over 7+ years, and she hasn't changed at all. I love watching her. She shares a lot of incredible DIYs, hacks, dupes, and etc.

    • @lechatbotte.
      @lechatbotte. 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@MrsAlmaTrumblemy AC is out so I’m hot under the collar lol. I always appreciate you’re uplifting comments on these channels

  • @runsoffsarcasmcoffee8303
    @runsoffsarcasmcoffee8303 5 месяцев назад +13

    First off, LOVE Temu! I’ve never had any issues with orders, returns, refunds, etc.
    Second, if you ever leave YT you should 1000% be a party planner!! Your creativity is off the charts!! ❤❤

  • @LessonsOfWhatNotToDo
    @LessonsOfWhatNotToDo 5 месяцев назад +11

    I would like to encourage anyone using items for food products to purchase a lead testing kit. You can get ahold of them very inexpensively. It is wise to use caution with makeup or other items used on our near your skin as well. Thank you for your hard work, Bethany! I love your videos! ❤

  • @RedQueensJubileeClub
    @RedQueensJubileeClub 5 месяцев назад +42

    You’re the first person I’ve seen buy more expensive items from Temu. You have done a great job of telling us what is good of what you bought. This has been very helpful.

  • @thaydiygirl
    @thaydiygirl 5 месяцев назад +8

    This is the best TEMI review Ove seen. I appreciate the higher price items as well. Thanks Bethany!

  • @angelinaeredia3292
    @angelinaeredia3292 5 месяцев назад +8

    I love temu!!!! Last Christmas we got almost all our gifts on Temu and mainly all the stocking stuffers as well. My hubby and I also found each other some neat things in there!

  • @user-vm5ud4xw6n
    @user-vm5ud4xw6n 5 месяцев назад +14

    The drawback of socials is that all the bullies come out to play. Before social they were in the woodwork and society was pretty much protected from their poison. Now, they have broke loose from their cage and are making up for lost time in using the general public as a city dump for their acid tongues.
    Good work Bethany. Really enjoyed it. I’ve listened to other people review this online shopping site but I’ve been listening to your videos for so long I feel good about your review of them so thanks a lot for all that time and effort. Glad you have sponsors!

    • @lakishajones9480
      @lakishajones9480 5 месяцев назад +1

    • @lewis18051
      @lewis18051 5 месяцев назад +1

      People also need to keep in mind that there’s a difference between hate and criticism

    • @CathyStarkweather
      @CathyStarkweather 5 месяцев назад +2

      Keyboard warriors, yet wouldn't have the nerve face to face.

    • @lewis18051
      @lewis18051 5 месяцев назад

      @@CathyStarkweather you’re right but I guarantee some of them were created by the “popular” kids in school bullying them! I wasn’t the worst but I regret how I treated some of those keyboard warriors.

  • @memj89
    @memj89 5 месяцев назад +16

    I love Temu!! I'm constantly ordering from Temu. It may take a little bit to get delivered, but so far I have no complaints.
    Amazon, takes around 4 to 5 days for delivery where I live. So it's not a problem for me. I always double check, the price to who's is the cheapest. I also save money shopping on temu.
    Your decorations look beautiful.

  • @melissaperillo1801
    @melissaperillo1801 5 месяцев назад +52

    Temu was the bomb when I first found the, online approx 2 yrs ago around Christmas I bought everything and was thrilled with the quantity
    Fast forward two yrs Temu is viral . I’m finding quality of products are not as nice as they use to be.. They are now selling items from different local sellers I will say that the last few order have been a bit disappointing.
    Warning make sure u know exactly what ur ordering the often show item which look like the would be 1 items but in all actuality it’s 6 single items. So MAKE SURE TO READ DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY and no what ur actually buying. They do still have some great things.

    • @riverbilly64
      @riverbilly64 5 месяцев назад +4

      I have heard this same thing.

    • @Cheif_Runs_with_scissors
      @Cheif_Runs_with_scissors 5 месяцев назад

      This is my exact experience also!!!

    • @CaramelCrown04
      @CaramelCrown04 5 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah. I only like ordering directly from Temu. Unfortunately half of their items now are from local warehouses so I stopped shopping on there

  • @matisse0711
    @matisse0711 5 месяцев назад +5

    It's always a delight to watch your videos, Bethany. Temu is the same source of merchandise other retailers or online merch come from, just cutting out a bigger chunk of markup. I love when people dis on Temu, yet buy sumilar or same from other sources. Where do they think those come from!? 😂 Keep up the great work, Bethany.

  • @dolivier5994
    @dolivier5994 5 месяцев назад +16

    You buy the most sensible items and always do craft and diys that are so helpful to me

  • @joyb2456
    @joyb2456 5 месяцев назад +64

    I’ve had no problem with any orders from TEMU and I’ve been ordering from the start. If you don’t like them, don’t order from them, but there are many people that do!

  • @lesliebouchard9617
    @lesliebouchard9617 5 месяцев назад +14

    Thank you for your assessment. One needs to chose judiciously as there are many offerings that are poorly constructed or have enhanced photography. Be wary please.

  • @donnamitchell8448
    @donnamitchell8448 5 месяцев назад +7

    I'm so glad you did this video. I have been shopping Temu for over a year and I really like the items I get from them.

  • @kreathagreene5189
    @kreathagreene5189 5 месяцев назад +8

    Hi Bethany, I really enjoy all your videos. Temu, well I’ll start with saying I have spent a lot of money on Temu, ALOT . My husband says I need help with my Temu addiction. I’m an artist and crafter and buy all sorts of items. Temu item descriptions can be deceptively written. Items in the photos tend to be enlarged and make people think what they are getting is bigger, not me, I read the sizes, but it’s still deceptive. Next, the have got to do better with their packing and the way they ship your items. Please Temu, if you read this comment, please start using boxes. Every single order I have made, my items were stuffed, bent, broken, ripped, smushed, extra. I’ve had to contact Temu about stuff being done this way from every single order. For instance, I ordered a lot of their silk screen stencils like chalk coutures and it plainly says do not bend on the item and it will be either crumbled up, folded it half or ripped. They would be unusable. All of my items that I bought for Christmas presents for people had smushed boxes. It’s hard to wrap smushed boxes. I love shopping on Temu. I have gotten wonderful silicone molds that would have cost me a fortune somewhere else but in about to throw my hands in the air and stop shopping with them. Sometimes it’s just not worth the hassle. Even though when I contact them they do help asap with the problems I have. But it seems like they would fix these problem and stop loosing money on refunds for damaged items. I got a set of six fan brushes in yesterday and the brush part was all folded over and ruined the bristles. I ordered a lot of gem spheres and towers and the cut was awful!! The colors were nothing like the photos, none of them were cut right, they had dull finish, and size was a lot smaller than advertised, and the colors were terrible. So I stopped ordering anything gem or mineral related. So, shopping on Temu can be fun, but cause a headache. It’s a roll of the dice with them. You never know what you’re going to get or if it will arrive on n one piece or in good condition. thanks for all the wonderful videos Bethany, I hope you have a blessed day.

  • @pamelamcdermott7716
    @pamelamcdermott7716 5 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you, Bethany. You highlighted a lot of very nice items. I appreciate all the work you do for us. God Bless you and your family.

  • @nikkiprisco9621
    @nikkiprisco9621 5 месяцев назад +11

    I am an avid TEMU shopper and I LOVE it!! Great haul Bethany!!! You are so talented!!💗💗💓

  • @ElizabethRivera-qo5fp
    @ElizabethRivera-qo5fp 5 месяцев назад +46

    ❤🎉You're creativity is mind boggling!!!! Thank you for sharing and for all your hard work!!

  • @lizsanabria5541
    @lizsanabria5541 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you Bethany I also purchased a lot from TEMU everyone has they own opinion you did great

  • @cherylm4867
    @cherylm4867 5 месяцев назад +14

    I love Temu! Thank you for sharing Bethany!!! They are 100% worth shopping at and the products I received are of very good quality ❤

  • @sunkissed6220
    @sunkissed6220 5 месяцев назад +10

    Love your videos! I'm not a TEMU shopper and will never be but I enjoy your creative ideas 🙂

  • @snoleo6028
    @snoleo6028 5 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you for giving us some information on Temu. I’m always hesitant to order from them. Love your decorating ideas! You inspire creativity!

  • @EmmaFrusher
    @EmmaFrusher 5 месяцев назад +2

    Wow you’re so talented, your party displays are amazing, well done.
    I’m loving your videos, very informative and inspiring, thank you Bethany

  • @karenschneider1966
    @karenschneider1966 5 месяцев назад +12

    I can’t believe that Noel is already a year old! Boy does time fly!

  • @theresasatterfield2828
    @theresasatterfield2828 5 месяцев назад +7

    I recently started ordering from Temu. I've been happy with all of my purchases. 💚

  • @leesproston9116
    @leesproston9116 5 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for checking this out for so many of us have a great day

  • @victorian377
    @victorian377 5 месяцев назад +31

    I’ve been pleased with most everything I’ve ordered . Another great video Bethany .

  • @bpmurphy2844
    @bpmurphy2844 5 месяцев назад +1

    I love temu. It has saved me this hot summer. Cooling mat for bed cooling blanket and cooling pillow cases. You can't beat the prices. Good videos

  • @ginaz7235
    @ginaz7235 5 месяцев назад +1

    Honestly, your ingenuity amazes me every time.❤

  • @sjoytees
    @sjoytees 5 месяцев назад +26

    Be careful with some of the pillow covers. I thought that I was getting a textured pillow cover but it ended up being a photo of a textured pillow in a pillow cover. Thanks for sharing your experience Bethany ! Love your videos

    • @jen.nightingale
      @jen.nightingale 5 месяцев назад +3

      Make sure you are reading the description of the item that's all😮

    • @sjoytees
      @sjoytees 5 месяцев назад +7

      @@jen.nightingale oh I did read the description. A textured pillow is a textured pillow not a photograph of a textured pillow.

  • @lesliehodges2419
    @lesliehodges2419 5 месяцев назад +3

    ❤❤❤i give it to you Bethany!! Not scared to order them high priced items to try out! Go girl!!! Glad to see that you are happy with the purchases. I dont see where their items are different than other places

  • @theresapatrono4062
    @theresapatrono4062 5 месяцев назад +6

    Temu does have great prices. Thanks for sharing. Have an amazing week.

  • @simplydee2567
    @simplydee2567 5 месяцев назад +18

    If anyone is living on planet Earth. They know how expensive things are now. I shop at Temu because I am not paying 4 times as much on Amazon. I just not doing that! Always enjoy watching your videos, Bethany!😊

  • @whatlolawants2167
    @whatlolawants2167 5 месяцев назад +19

    Bethany, do you hire yourself out to do party's ? I know the channel is your job but you are so good at it.

  • @deanawells4395
    @deanawells4395 5 месяцев назад +29

    Temu is great 🎉. Just read descriptions and reviews you can find wins.

  • @suzyboyleanderson6945
    @suzyboyleanderson6945 5 месяцев назад +1

    I just downloaded the app and glad to see this video thank you for the advice

    • @lydiamcpherson7925
      @lydiamcpherson7925 5 месяцев назад

      Love Temu. Tips: Pay attention to sizes. Read the Reviews. Look at the pics in the reviews. Temu does tend to make things look much bigger than they are. But, sometimes, earrings are bigger than you think. So, you have to watch. But, they have fabulous customer service that will help you. I've been pretty pleased over all with them. Note: alot of the clothes are polyester which makes them hot, slippery feeling and not all look like the pics. Make sure you look at EVERY picture of an item. They can be deceptive with their clothing. The first 2 or 3 pics look like a catalogue. Then the 4th or 5th pic is THEIR actual product. Learning this, I have not ordered some things because they do not look as nice. Some feel that their clothing is small and you need to size up 1 or 2 sizes. Know your measurements and follow that.

    • @lydiamcpherson7925
      @lydiamcpherson7925 5 месяцев назад

      Same with their jewelry, too. Look at all pics, know sizes, and read descriptions carefully. Some things are actual sterling silver, some are only plated with sterling. Costume jewelry turns after a short time. Unless you protect it with clear nail polish first. Then it won't turn as fast. Used to do that back in the day.

  • @johnbehneman1546
    @johnbehneman1546 5 месяцев назад +5


  • @lisaaustin4561
    @lisaaustin4561 5 месяцев назад +38

    Temu is no worse than Walmart what’s everyone’s problem. Love 💕 your videos

  • @michellet3237
    @michellet3237 5 месяцев назад +4

    Temu is amazing!! I order from them all the time and everything is great!

  • @mslilijusluv77
    @mslilijusluv77 5 месяцев назад +26

    I love love love Temu!!😊 I don't care about the negativity that people spread about Temu. All I know is, Temu fits my, not a rich person, budget.❤

  • @johnbehneman1546
    @johnbehneman1546 5 месяцев назад +16


  • @tamalamozie5574
    @tamalamozie5574 5 месяцев назад +7

    I'm waiting for a Temu order right now... Lol .. I do love most of the things I order from there. I just need to get the sizes down... Things sometimes come smaller than I thought.. thanks Bethany... 😁👍🤗❤️

  • @nikkiperry4103
    @nikkiperry4103 5 месяцев назад +1

    Yes, and the covers are easier to wash too!

  • @tamervin
    @tamervin 5 месяцев назад +2

    I love Temu, most things I buy are worth it. A few duds, but I can live with that. I did most of my stocking stuffers last year from Temu.

  • @mistytaylor5622
    @mistytaylor5622 5 месяцев назад +1

    Great video! Everything looks wonderful!
    I just want to say if you shop Temu, it is safer to use the website than the app.

  • @kikijarvis
    @kikijarvis 5 месяцев назад +5

    You found some great items…please do more videos from Temu!

  • @sailorhathor9705
    @sailorhathor9705 5 месяцев назад +9

    The only Temu items I've had some trouble with is electronics/charging cords. Some simply don't work, or stop working after only a few months. The cords that look like braided fabric are the ones I have had problems with. The cords that look like rubber or silicone work very well for an extended period, in my experience.

  • @Leslie1995.
    @Leslie1995. 4 месяца назад

    I love this!!! I have to be honest sometimes Temu things are smaller than expected but that’s why you have to READ the descriptions. And reviews.

  • @madami1425
    @madami1425 5 месяцев назад +8

    I have been ordering from Temu for over 2 years. Most of Everything in my home and in my closet is from there or SheIn. Better deals and quality than DT

  • @roxannetucker5813
    @roxannetucker5813 5 месяцев назад +1

    I've purchased quite a lot of Team items,especially baby clothes, dresses and tops for myself, including car products, et cetra. Thanks for sharing your view. With the cost of things it pays to look around.

  • @buggage1
    @buggage1 5 месяцев назад +29

    I first realized price difference when I was looking for a dress to wear to my friend's wedding. I was scrolling through Temu and saw the EXACT same dress that was sitting in my Amazon shopping cart.....for three times less! I was so glad I hadn't bought the Amazon version yet! After that I started looking for items that were the same and found them everywhere, not just on Amazon either. Any time I see something I like on the internet, I immediately go to Temu or SheIn to see if either of them offer it, and more often than not they do, at far cheaper. Love Temu and SheIn!

    • @ForReal1962
      @ForReal1962 5 месяцев назад

      Watch Shein, which company robbed my bank account, and TD bank alerted me and reimbursed me .

    • @LindaKayHolevas
      @LindaKayHolevas 5 месяцев назад +2

      Yes, but Temu & SHEIn use cheaper material. I just did my own test. I found some cute boho looking blouses on Amazon & then I found the same exact ones on SHEIN. I ordered them on both sites just to see what the difference would be & while they were the same pattern, the Amazon blouses were a nice cotton material & the SHEIN blouses were a shiny polyester fabric. They may look the same in a picture, but not in real life. There may be some of the identical items on both sites, but I think the majority of SHEIN’s items are knock-offs of a better brand & material. That is my experience anyway. I’ve never ordered anything from Temu. A friend of mine had her identity stolen off the site & it was a nightmare trying to deal with it! She wasn’t happy with the quality of the items she bought either. I am glad you found a nice dress that you’re happy with though!

    • @M00NCHILD57
      @M00NCHILD57 5 месяцев назад

      Smart shopper. I begun doing the same as well. I’m always out for saving a buck

  • @lisalipstixs
    @lisalipstixs 5 месяцев назад +13

    Love Temu, please do more temu hauls, love that you show different products ❤❤

  • @Lovekrystalll
    @Lovekrystalll Месяц назад

    Omg Bethany!! I know Halloween just passed but I can never forget the special FX makeup looks you used to do back in the day.

  • @Veri85
    @Veri85 5 месяцев назад +37

    I love Temu. I get in trouble constantly with my hubby because i can never do a smal haul 😂

    • @AliP1970
      @AliP1970 5 месяцев назад +6

      There's a trick to that. 😂 I keep my orders just small enough that he doesn't question it, but large enough to get what I want. Everyone once in a while, I throw in something for him. 😅

  • @kiddadd
    @kiddadd 2 месяца назад

    The floral centerpiece with the wine glasses is beautiful.

  • @AndreaOwen17
    @AndreaOwen17 5 месяцев назад

    I have been enjoying summer and was wanting it to last as long as possible, but watching this video you made me start thinking about fall! Now I can't wait for fall! You always have the best holiday videos!

  • @DeeLuquetteFamularo
    @DeeLuquetteFamularo 4 месяца назад

    Bethany, I absolutely LOVE the tabletop centerpiece you made using the glasses and pool noodles, with the greenery and silk flowers!! Oh, it came out so gorgeous!! I think you have great ideas, and are a very creative person. I love watching your videos. Keep up the great work, sweetie!! 💜

  • @Kelly-nd3cz
    @Kelly-nd3cz 5 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you Bethany you showed a lot of cool items-YOU ROCK! Stay Safe and God Bless you and your entire families.❤🤗💪♥️🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏😇

  • @Trina_I
    @Trina_I 5 месяцев назад +4

    I have never used Temu I’m very afraid to use the site. I see the beautiful items people get🥰. Maybe I will try🤷‍♀️

  • @karma20241
    @karma20241 3 месяца назад

    I like Temu and have no issues with products Ive purchased. Thank you for doing this video!❤️

  • @ellenl5626
    @ellenl5626 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you for doing this research Bethany! Hope to see more videos like this.

  • @barbaradigennaro1450
    @barbaradigennaro1450 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you Bethany I appreciate you doing these videos. Great information. I will try temu again. Have a blessed week.

  • @susanholloway7883
    @susanholloway7883 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks Bethany. I'm trying to keep my Temu shopping in check, but I appreciate your showing the itmes you like and use. Definitely going to keep this in mind.😊❤

  • @felisia93906
    @felisia93906 5 месяцев назад +1

    Tell me why I got so excited spotting pumpkins in your home out 👀🍁can’t wait for upcoming videos 🎃🧡

  • @lori929
    @lori929 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for the ideas, you do beautiful decorating.

  • @nancydeppe8596
    @nancydeppe8596 5 месяцев назад +5

    I love Temu. I have got a lot of things from there. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @CindyWolfinbarger
    @CindyWolfinbarger 5 месяцев назад +35

    Glad someone finally checked out Temu & shared. I've been a Temu shopper for a year & love it. Tell everyone. THANKS Girl😊

  • @nikkiperry4103
    @nikkiperry4103 5 месяцев назад +2

    That is a cool strainer!

  • @melindawarner3064
    @melindawarner3064 4 месяца назад

    I Love Temu!! I have been ordering from them for a while now. My Daughter in law ordered a pair of shoes and Amazon delivered them to her for Temu.

  • @lynngehringer1073
    @lynngehringer1073 5 месяцев назад +2

    Bethany thank you for all the great suggestions! Specially the Party Supply's!
    My sister in law was so excited to see all the the items you demonstrated and now I know what to buy her for her Birthday!! It was nice to see Cooper and hear about his love for reading!
    I've never bought from Temu so I will use your Code for 30% off when I purchase the birthday gifts for my sister in law! Thank You!!

  • @lisadawson2652
    @lisadawson2652 5 месяцев назад +2

    Your ideas are incredible ❤

  • @vindab06
    @vindab06 5 месяцев назад +3

    I love it! More TEMU please!

  • @cherwilkes4564
    @cherwilkes4564 5 месяцев назад +1

    My daughter and I are planing her wedding (in a park) These links are SUPER HELPFUL! Thanks!

  • @terrymackey7470
    @terrymackey7470 5 месяцев назад +20

    I order some things from them. Some good some not so good

  • @victoriarudolph2899
    @victoriarudolph2899 4 месяца назад

    I love temu I've been happy with everything I've purchased from them.

  • @sallys.1929
    @sallys.1929 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for showing things from Temu. I wanted your opinion on their items.

  • @carolsnyder948
    @carolsnyder948 5 месяцев назад +34

    Temu has great items with great shipping to you and back to them..I have order many times and have never had a problem with them

  • @VimboVivien
    @VimboVivien 5 месяцев назад +12

    I’ve never used Temu before because I was wondering about the quality! Thanks for making this video 🥳

    • @darlingdeb7010
      @darlingdeb7010 5 месяцев назад +1

      Definitely read reviews and don't buy anything that doesn't have reviews.

    • @VimboVivien
      @VimboVivien 5 месяцев назад

      @@darlingdeb7010 Oh, that's good to know!

  • @sammigirl237
    @sammigirl237 5 месяцев назад +19

    I love Temu I’m obsessed!!!

  • @staciejones303
    @staciejones303 5 месяцев назад +3

    Love shopping there too

  • @heatherreddish9286
    @heatherreddish9286 5 месяцев назад +3

    Yes!!! I love the Temu video!! Thank you for doing this!!

  • @Ella-sd6nx
    @Ella-sd6nx 5 месяцев назад +22

    It's hit or miss. We've tried it a couple of times

  • @dhurt1217
    @dhurt1217 5 месяцев назад +5

    I love your new porch!!!

  • @PerfectlyImperfectJunkJournals
    @PerfectlyImperfectJunkJournals 5 месяцев назад

    Hi Bethany. You support my desire to always get the best deal! I love TEMU and wanted to view the deals that you received. You have some wonderful items. Thank you for sharing! Gina

  • @Prettyeyes24
    @Prettyeyes24 5 месяцев назад +4

    I been ordering different stuff for my daughter's sweet 16 and haven't had any issues with anything i gotten

  • @pattynetolicky5393
    @pattynetolicky5393 5 месяцев назад +23

    Clever lady, you're teaching this old dog new tricks, thank you

  • @iammedusa2600
    @iammedusa2600 5 месяцев назад

    I LOVE Temu!!! I order all the time and get everything for so much less and the quality is the same! Thank you for this video!! I bought 2 large fake plants and have them outside here in FL! I have a black thumb and mine still look amazing after a month! xoxo

  • @annehoy9224
    @annehoy9224 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks Bethany great video,I adore Temu ,it's nice to see somebody else does too xxxxxxx❤

  • @Norah665
    @Norah665 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks for your Temu review Bethany! You are my favorite!

  • @adamtajhassam9188
    @adamtajhassam9188 5 месяцев назад +2

    i love the soda holders only 1 problem i dont drink soda anymore i prefer AJ & OJ these are 1 litre - need holders 4 those.

  • @jsturge1
    @jsturge1 5 месяцев назад +8

    Your Fall background has me SO excited!

  • @PixieFiles
    @PixieFiles 5 месяцев назад +1

    Just wanted to show you some ❤ and 👏on those party setups in this video! 😮

  • @carollee6554
    @carollee6554 5 месяцев назад

    Awesome video, I have been ordering from Temu for over 3 years now and the prices are so fantastic, one example for me was a can opener I had ordered from Amazon it was about $23.00 I got another one on Temu, the same thing for under $5.00....

  • @Megan9689
    @Megan9689 5 месяцев назад +9

    I just worry about lead being used in the glass, clothing, etc or other sketchy materials. The stuff is so cheap, that usually means cheaper materials...they have to make cuts somewhere to make profit. Hmm...

    • @gdan9923
      @gdan9923 5 месяцев назад +3

      I’ve ordered a bunch of stuff from temu and I stay away from anything that would come in contact with food or drinks. Their clothes have been hit and miss, but I like most of them. People post pics in the reviews and you can get a good idea of the true quality from those. The pajamas are great! The Jewelrry is great too. I’ve also had good luck with purses and any kind of organizational box, hook or gadget. Their return policy is very easy, if you don’t like something just request a refund and most of the time they credit your account and tell you to keep the item.

  • @Sparklfoot
    @Sparklfoot 5 месяцев назад +1

    One thing to add is that Temu is much like Ebay, you’re purchasing from individual sellers. One of the only complaints I’ve heard about being a seller is that Temu will discount any item on it’s site, but without notifying you, part of it’s sellers policy. I have ordered lots of faux florals and they have been both typical and high quality, you just have to order and find out.

  • @lechatbotte.
    @lechatbotte. 5 месяцев назад +11

    Many of the items are the same ones sold on Amazon for way more. I’ve got 15 bucks five each time the shipping was late

  • @lupeguzman8343
    @lupeguzman8343 5 месяцев назад

    I have had no problems with Temu . Ive learned to read before i order. I've loved all my crafting items i have bought.

  • @virgenrivera1556
    @virgenrivera1556 5 месяцев назад

    Gracias por tantas ideas para bodas.que Dios te siga bendiciendo y a tu familia