Mongol Warriors: Talk Then Charges

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Khan talks with his generals about some weird stuff then orders the army to charge for some reason..LOL. Gotta love the Mongols..

Комментарии • 42

  • @TwilightTwinkle
    @TwilightTwinkle 15 лет назад


  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад +1

    "Because of their coward tactics. "
    Cowardly tactics? Mongols used the tactic of a feigned retreat and the pincer claw. They were famous for their highly mobile army. Tactics of Robert E Lee and even the German blitzkreg drew inspiration from the battle tactics of the Mongols.
    "In close quarters combat, the Mongols were chopped up. "
    Incorrect, during their invasions of Japan, one on one in close quarter combat, a Mongol warrior was on par with a fully armed samurai noble.

  • @HotZetiGer
    @HotZetiGer 15 лет назад

    Yes! I made a mistake! (Voices are not clear!)

  • @Magyarkhan
    @Magyarkhan 16 лет назад

    well i made this part with my own subtitle and yes its a wrong one. i own a goodf copy of this movie and loved it.... but for fun for my own clan i made a funny english subtitle under it...
    greetings and howl MagyarKhan

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    "the Mongols were defeated in battle"
    Incorrect, the fall of the Mongol empire was due to 2 reasons - bickering among their leaders and their small population. During their conquests, the ENTIRE Mongol population numbered less than 150k-200k

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    The Mongol army was virtually outnumbered in every battle. Mongol expansion into Japan was stopped by Chinese/Korean sabotage, and 2 giant typhoons.
    Expansion into Africa by the descendents of the Mongol Tamerlane was stopped by the Mameluks, who copied Mongol tactics. Expansion into Europe was stopped by the death of Ghenghis Khan during a riding accident.

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    "As time went on, fewer of their warriors were even Mongol"
    Yes, that's what I mean. The Mongol population was always very small...
    But ultimately, the Mongols weren't intrested in conquering Europe. Hungary was only a scare tactic that was meant to keep European nations out of Mongol affairs while they conquered the Islamic Arab caliphate and Song China.
    "To the Mongols the European invasions were a third theater of operations, second to both the Middle East and Song China."

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    besides, their "hideous" genes allowed them to become the most powerful army the world has ever seen, and create the largest land empire in human history. Outnumbered in almost every battle, they were able to annihilate a combined army of Polish knights, Knights Templars, Knights Hospitalers, and Teutonic Knights in the Battle of Legnica

  • @cronic53
    @cronic53 18 лет назад

    the translation for this video is all wrong i wonder who translated this. This is Mongolia's best movie!!!!

  • @mglgestapo
    @mglgestapo 17 лет назад

    This is a Mongolian old film named "Monh tengeriin huchin dor" what means "Under the Power Of Eternal Sky". Bastards puted stupid subtitels.

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    "surrounded by hostile neighbors who've repeatedly caused trouble for Germans. "
    It is one thing to be agressive and warmongering, but it is another thing to be genocidial and try to exterminate any non-German Aryans.
    That is the difference. If Germany invaded France and Poland out of necessity, people may buy that story.
    When the Nazis started exterminating 9 million civilans, that is a totally different situation.

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    "The Mongols ordered that, apart from four hundred artisans."
    Yes, have you read the documents on Tamerlane? He ordered the execution of cities except the artisans
    in the land he conquered. What is new about this?
    Crusaders during the 1st Crusade massacred the city of Jerusalem. Romans massacred the city of Carthage at the end of the 3rd Punic War, and massacred many Celtic cities during Caesar's war with Vercingetorix.
    Nazi Germany massacred millions of Russian civilans.

  • @turbold1
    @turbold1 17 лет назад

    also what it transilated " stop whining or ill rip your hear" what the heck is wrong

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    "Indo-European (Aryan) are the pinnacle of humanity and compassion."
    pinnacle of humanity and compassion? If Nords are considered Aryans, then what about Hitler's holocaust of 9 million people in death camps? What about centuries of colonization of Africa and Latin America?
    What about the Crusaders massacring hundreds of thousands during the Crusades? Spainish Inquisition?
    Indo-Iranian Aryans may have had a history of relative compassion, but Euro-Aryans certainly didn't.

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    Genocide: "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group"
    As for genocide, their massacres are not considered genocide either, since they weren't targeting any specific group. Those who resisted were brutally slaughtered, those who surrendered were spared and integrated into the empire.
    It wasn't like Hitler who deliberately targeted a specific group like the Jews/gays/etc.

  • @MauryaSenapati
    @MauryaSenapati 12 лет назад

    @Biligt0Best don't worry, everyone knows what temujen really was like. it is funny only because of his fierce reputation.

  • @Phalanxpursos
    @Phalanxpursos 15 лет назад

    Keraunoforos has an issue recognised by Jochi Khan.
    Jochi Khan is a personal hero of mine, yes the Mongols should more base their governance on peace negotiations. Berke 3rd son of Jochi became a Muslim warrior, Berke did not like that the Mongols attacked Muslims.

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    ultimately, the Mongol empire in Russia fell apart due to ineffective leadership and rebellions

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    Well, it varies. The Mongols conquered thousands of kingdoms and the treatment of the conquered varied accordingly. For the cities of the Islamic Arab caliphate, their act of defiance by executing Mongol ambassadors were the main reason for the massacre of their cities. They weren't exactly sadistic - their massacres were mainly the result of their use of psychological warfare. Cities that put up heavy resistance were slaughtered, cities that surrendered were spared.

  • @Paeremannen
    @Paeremannen 16 лет назад

    Where can I do that?

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    "A great number of Asiatics were conscripted by the Soviet government"
    That's bullshit. Western Russia is virtually 100% Slavic Indo European. The VERY few Asiatic nomads living in Siberia and Eastern Russia were never recurited and never considered "Russian" by the Soviets. Didn't I tell you that the Mongols never had a large population in my previous posts?
    The Russians never integrated Mongols into their army.

  • @PleiadianDreams
    @PleiadianDreams 16 лет назад

    We will use the Western Frontier to wipe the hoofs of our beloved horse family

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    100 million? That number is way off. Modern estimates say the Mao-communist policies killed around 25-30 million people, most as a result of starvation.

  • @chinzoshde
    @chinzoshde 16 лет назад

    wat a fucking subtitles lol. this subtitle is wrong.

  • @prinznevsky
    @prinznevsky 15 лет назад

    um..."global civilization"? I'm pretty sure our friends in The Great Zimbabwe culture, as well as the Ohio Valley North American cities did'n't fall to Temujin

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    "DNA research has proven this. European (Aryan) Y Chromosomes are gone, meaning they eliminated, wholesale"
    Are you kidding me? You must think I'm ignorant. The Y chromosome is the chromosome that determines sex. It is present in all humans.
    And the Aryan background is not European - the Aryans did not originate in Europe.
    Genetic research supports the "Out of Africa hypothesis," aka the "single origin hypothesis." You should go look it up.

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    "The Japanese are the best and most honorable people of Asia. "
    You're only saying that because they were Germany's allies during WW2. I know you really don't mean that.
    But indeed they are honorable, thanks to the US creating a democratic, capitalistic society and rewriting their legislation to create a pacifist Constitution.
    Both Japan and Germany has greatly benefited from losing WW2 and having the US mold their form of government.

  • @bilgyynei
    @bilgyynei 17 лет назад

    Yeah, the translation is completely off. Are they trying to be funny?

  • @Intranetusa
    @Intranetusa 17 лет назад

    "The numbers have gone from a ridiculous 4 million, to 1.5 million 'mostly Jews'. So much for six million. "
    You sound EXACTLY like a far right Japanese who still trys to deny WW2 warcrimes committed in China/Korea.
    You and Tagawaboat/Onizuma/and other far right facists who deny warcrimes would make the best of firends.