Best idea, but they won't do that because the world is a sexist place and "women" won't want to watch this where as men might, but what say does a man have against a woman.
@@liquicitizendirk2147 o OP pooo[OP oook OP po m oppo pooooooooooo[kpop ooooooooooooopo oppo ooooooooooooooo[ooooo kpop ooo oppo OP oppo oppo oooooo kopp oo kpop ooo kpop kopp oooo kopp kpop oooo kopp ooooooo kopp ooo[kpop oooo kook[ko ookokokoopooo oo kopp o kook k kopp kooo on ook ok ookioo m kopp okoo ?oookpkoook[o kio mb ooookoo kopp p oppo oo kopp ooko mokoo koop oo koo on ooko kopp op[o m kopp kpop oo mo o kopp o kook ooookoo kook OP ko kopp ooooo koop oooooooko kpop okop koop koo km km OP i koop oooo oppo ook ok oooo kopp kpop oo. o k po kooookoko OP kikok kopp ooooookokooookoo kookpkoki OP okio oo kopp o kook m o omooo kopp ko ok oo kook kooopkokook OP kook k kopp kiok o? Kook ookoooo mkoooo mo mo kooko non kikkoko oppo oppo oookiooooppoooookioo kopp oomiookko kopp kookom no ko kook oooo kook koo kook o kook oo kpop kioooooki ok o kopp o kpop kpopko o ok ooo kopp nokin kmo kopp ok OP ok kook oko non OP ooo nomo kopp kook kopp okoo kiokoo onoppo oo okoo kook kpop ooooooop kno kopp o kook oo kook kooooookoo k kooo kn km kpop o kpopko o nooo kikoomoko non kook o OP ooki kook o m kook o po kook koo koook OP okoki kopp o kpop o ok oooloooook kopp ookoook kopp ok kopp op oppo oooopkpo kopp oo kook k kopp oooo kook oooo nkko OP o OP o non kolpkooopoooko oo kook p ko oooo mop ookoo kopp o noon oo kook kook okookoo kook o kpopko ok oo kpop o nomo okokookoo OP kpopko o o noon pl nwm o noon ki kpop kook kpop oo kook ooki OP o OP poookio kopp kook and ookooo mlooooool koo OP o kpop okooookoo kopp ooooom kopp kioo ko oooopk kopp oo koo kopp kookokoo kopp okioooo ooo mi kopp kook kpk ok ok baby o kook om n lmko and opkko ol OP o nomo okok kpop kpop kpop kpop p. mooooo OP pk kook koopkpkko ooo mooopko kopp i ok OP kpop o kpop oo non OP pp kpop ko lmkokoo kook kook kokoo ko o ooo ikikllmo l mb okikoo non oolooo ko kooo mookoo non OP p moolo kpi l mo ko mook kook oloo. Pokikko kook oooooo kopp kpop ookoko kook kpop ook oooookiooloooooooo ko koo o omoko kopp kpop kpopko oo mooolo kpop oppo ooooooomko kpi ooo kook o OPkpop lkkokolk. Ool kopp ookoookio komooki mooiooo oo ookooooooo koop o ki kopp l mo o kook kopp oppo kook o kopp o kook o OP oo OP kpp mipkio kopp iokooooo kopp o moioon moo lolopol p kopp oko ml lmoopooo kopp opklo OP pko oko oomoo kkkooookopkoookooko kook kook okiookoooooookpk kopp k kooo miooo momooo oppo ooko kpop kolooooollkk po oo kpop oookl mo onokoko kopp okikoo kpop okoio kpop oppo oppo okook kook oo ok kl mo oko k kook onl mo o l OP oookooookioko o iono koo OP kkoppkopkoo kooolm kopp ki opo kook lokook kook okipmokoo kook ooli oooio kook ookolkkk omooook kook ok kook omi okookiokooombmb likokik kook oo kpop ki kpopko kpop ommooopk lmk? Kpop p oo kno kook lo kook pko kook ook OP koookkokoookoo o?o ml mkooo kopp kopp kikom no omp kopp o kpoppoll o po oko kopp oooi k m.j oolmokioopo OP kooo kopp ooooo kook ooookpioo o OP okokoom no ?o po okkopokkooooo oppo oo kook ko okoppom no lmookko moo oko kio. oko kook ppkook oooo m kpop o OP ok nonon nooo lo OP koo kopp ookkopp k omi kiokl kopp io ko ooo kook okopp o lo mo o noon OP ol. omo mookikokkooo k kook oooko mb k ook o mon no oookio kopp ooo mo mo ok non oook ok kopp k noon okok ok okipkl mok mokioko lo kopp o ?oo kopp kokmooookkolko okokokii OP kl mio mompi kpop o mom kopp l kkooomioko mo o oko opkookpo olkoi ook. Lk kpi oki kpi k k ok ko mi kopp okikopooko kook okp oppo moiooookoooo imoo kook ko kopp iokio o omioo OP oOP l o moko ki o ok o ll neek o kk on okolmkk okm o m no o OP k komo mikl kioooo non opk kpi koo m kopp ok ooko kopp pkko non oko kpop oio oo olooi oooo mko OP moklo. Olklokiilkk kopp kokklo loo oko ko mo OP o on koo? Kook okl kolook ppl miooo ok oo kook ooolo kopp p mio kpi ookoiop ooooooookom n no oo kiooooo opkkkpoko non iokoook kopp oook kopp o kook okpopooo moo mo moki PK oom kpop oonkomo PK oppo ooOP ko o np kopp ookoo mp mo kopp o moo k mookoo oko oppo kok and ioo non li kpi oo kpopon ok i k mo PK oo opno no l mo kopp okokookooo okpk kook ooklo kook k o n n oo PK oo kpop ook okOPko p kpop mokoo o OP o lmooomkmkomok llo mikoko OP kk kook kopp oo kopp o o oomo kook ooko ioookiokio llio no mo? Kopp km no oopooooo koop ooo m OP o mo o mo o mio OP o mop ok kopp ookookikooooook i ko on mioo miooolom no omoookooo and m nnn no omio kopp o kook i oo kook oooo OP kpop OP k lmo kokopkooo mo kopp kpop ko kpop lok mo non omokpki kook oolokooo ko llpo oko oloolok kook ooooooo kopp kok OP kokio kopp o po oooooo OP liokpkok kopp olo klooookl non m kook oooo mooo kpop oooo kook ki mo m kook oolioooo kok oooOP kok lko kpop OP kokookokokoo non okookpop kOP ko non kook ooki mioookoo po ooo kook kpop oppo k ok kl mo kopp okoooooooo koppkopp okk kok o miki PK kok oooo kopp kook kio nomo ooo kmkopko OP ookopp kok koo o kook ikoooookopoio lmkpop ok pk kok o kopp o mpkoooo np okio non oioomioo kok oooo kpop okpop o o ni kno o kmi mo l mio m OP ioooo m OP ookomol peek oook kook olo mookok kopp ookook ok o po i kok on ook mooko kpop koookopp kkopp o moooo kkopp kpop kkopp kooo OP oOPoooloo mooo miooo kkopp po oooo pop oo kpop lik oppo okooo oppo ooo kpopko okok oloo o moookok mb oioooo ookpki kkopp olkpop ioolkkopp okmoopol mioko non k oppo kooo mok kook ooooolool m kpopko PK om okloko niOP kok oolooooko non kio non o kookkkopp ooopkokoo kkopp kook okook oo m koppkkopp k mok o kopp kokiooko komooooook moo OP oopko kkopp pkOP oomol moo pooo po ooolo kook kpop ko m OP okioooooo OPkkopp oo nomo ik OP ko mkopp onp k OP okokokoo kpop oioo non mo kook o kiook oioomko kok oomb llkoopoo omooi ko ooookio koookooppokkopp kokopp o. lm pko opkio OP oiOP kok kkkopp okook oppoooom no oiko kkopp kopoki m kpop ikkopp lno kkopp omo non pil kkopp po ookok pp kook oppo koo kkopp ookooo kkopp ikkopp i OP oiol kkopp kpop i OPkkopp ookkopp okio opkkopp ooo ok mb oo kpopko kpop iokok ookoko kpi okooo kkopp oko oppo pkoonon oooo oko oo OP op kkopp o moo kpop oookkooo kok oo po ooo OP oko iopki ko mo ko mo kpioookio koooooki and okoppkkopp oooo kpop OP ko OP okok moookio kok lo io kook oOP koik kok lil opioo kpop koo lmomoopko miooko noon kn km ooo OP oko pop okokokoko non liooolol ?i kok lo mopoo non oo omimoo ooo oomoooo non okooo and kooooo kpop oo lilmooooo non ooo iooo iml oliko pko i moo kopp oo kkopp ioooo moo non kkopp okok k kook l knoll mlm mm?
It would be epic if you did a makeover for an arabic guy who wears that white traditional dress and has long islamic beard , and turn him into a wallstret kind of guy with suit, tie and black shoes, modernly shaved with sunglasses and shit lol
Actually, us Arabic guys have better style than you American people. We wear our "traditional dress" to special occasion only. Other than that we're kicking ass style wise.
Its the internet don't be so serious. He is most likely joking and if not then who cares, theres so many people on the internet with different personalities and opinions and you cant change that so just let it go.
Great job Alpha, you really helped him to unearth his good looks. His suit was my favorite outfit because he looks really great in it and the hair cut, shave and different glasses showcased his looks. He was more confident with each outfit and has a great base now from which to continue to build his wardrobe.
Definitely improved the production quality since season 2. Seeing some consistent establishing shots, use of lapel mics, great audio tracks to compliment the visuals! Take this to mainstream television man!
Wow. Aaron, you've really upped your game by increasing production value, adding cool sponsors, creating before and after frames, and adding a strong personal statement for the client at the end of the show. The music works great, too. So impressive and helpful. Nice work!
21:07 Most awkward moment in youtube history. Look at that destroyed heart. But anyway, amazing transformation! He really killed it in that suit. I'm very impressed :)
Watching Alpha M. projects has made me realize, I gotta get new clothes that can be tailored to me, wear clothes that will match, and be stylish, losing weight has made me enjoy wearing clothes that actually fit me, still gotta get rid of my belly fat BUT Alpha M. I gotta say you changed my life from thrift shopping to being confident and being cool and outgoing! I hope to meet you someday!
Sold those J&M conards for years. The heel isn't wooden. It's a common misconception but basically no companies use wood in the heels. It's stacked leather or rubber made to look like leather.
Wow, what a turnaround! These little tweaks really show off how handsome he is! I was surprised how much I loved the soul patch look; great balance on his face, especially with the new specs.
Aaron: "Cab you explain Straight Edge?!" Jason: "Straight Edge is a lifestyle, you don't drink, smoke and do drugs." Aaron: "[looks at Jason, and at the camera] I don't drink as much as I suggest and don't smoke." He left out drugs XD now Aaron we know what you do XD
I thought season two was good but season three just blew my mind! Awesome job Aaron! You really are an inspiration to us and your content has helped us so much.
As a new subscriber, I can instantly see I have a lot of catching up to do..... This is the first 'show' I've watched on You Tube. It's well done; professional, up-beat, informative, and fresh. Puts every past and present mainstream production to shame.
Having girls saying you look awesome when you are a man must be fucking awesome, but when a dude tells you that, it must indicate you look so good that you make men say it... Like damn! Men are always so afraid to say something like that to another guy ahahaha it must make your esteem go very high.
men don't really care if another guy compliments them. it means more coming from girls were not trying to attract other men lmfao unless ur gay I guess.
DAAAAMN, Alpha! That's so cool! The quality, the longevity. Amazing and very uplifting to watch! And all the gifts, and 2,5 grands. You guys don't f*** around!)))
Damn Aaron, you've taken this show to another level. So proud! I tried to reach out to your via email, but I'm not sure if you've read the email, and so I would like to convey the message using this comment. Would it be possible to do a video on how to get out of the 'shell' for introverts and boost confidence? I have seen all of the videos related to confidence boosting, but none of them helped me. Thank you!
I watched this video when it came out and have since then thought that good dress shoes have wooden heels. I just learned that it’s stacked leather the other day and I’ve been looking for this video
Was wondering if anyone else caught that! Aaron should know better. Quality shoes have stacked leather heels. Cheap ones have plastic heel blocks painted to try and look like stacked leather but come off looking like “wood”.
Aaron, just a notes from a production standpoint (Former Content Producer). What you have right now is pretty solid. I would invest in some more fixed lighting which would give some of these shots (specifically the interview sitting in the chairs) a better look. In addition to the lighting in these situation the use of fixed angles with these multiple point shots would add a more "syndicated" look as the panning of the Camera in one shot is typically used in live broadcasting when the mobility of equipment is limited. Great Video!
Dude this was probably the greatest episodes. They absolutely killed it on this guy. He looks like a smart, hipster style. Also makes him younger! Just like a model
+xCLEANSEDBYBLOODx t I found this on amazon, it's my favorite jacket now. Very good quality. Similar to alpha's coach
I think the most noticeable thing was the beard grooming. Such an easy thing to do, litteraly within minutes, and still, the guy just looked soooo much cleaner than before!
Just watched the first 2 seasons was wondering when/if there would be a season 3. Plan to go shopping this weekend to get some new stuff that fits right!
I love it!! Everything but the first final look, I thought the jeans were a bit too light wash but other than that everything looked freaking great!! Congrats Jason, you're a changed man
Bravo Alpha!! Great episode. # The new studio is on point dude- especially the entry & brick wall. # We finally got a brother on the series... yaaaay!! :)) # The outfits & makeover was great. I'm digging the pink/grey combo. # Your camera guy does a bang up job. Also, Thumbs up for editing & quality. # Only SMALL issue (IMO) was the haircut. I think Jason should even out his hair all the way around so his bald spot is not so noticeable. Not much fading on sides, more of an even blend. A good barber could have hooked that up & there are plenty in ATL.
what ive seen and the secret is...learning where to buy in different places...u gotta have the patience..something we men dont have most of the time..looking at this worth it!!!
The first time I found your channel with a name 'alpham' i thought you'd be a handsome playboy, who is greedy as fuck. You turned out to be the exact opposite my friend (still handsome though, no homo). You are a nice, symphatethic, funny dude giving us great tips and actually caring. You are like a big brother. Great channel Aaron, also, I always loved that name.
take out keeping up with the kardashians and replace it with this
I couldnt agree with you more
No way would this show belong on E!
I'm down for that idea...
Best idea, but they won't do that because the world is a sexist place and "women" won't want to watch this where as men might, but what say does a man have against a woman.
This guy looks like he could hook you up with a good data package at T-Mobile
+Kyle Jordan including the newest samsung phone tho for just 199.95/mo
College Knowledge Guy Omg 😂😂
He has the nerdy look to him
@@liquicitizendirk2147 o OP pooo[OP oook OP po m oppo pooooooooooo[kpop ooooooooooooopo oppo ooooooooooooooo[ooooo kpop ooo oppo OP oppo oppo oooooo kopp oo kpop ooo kpop kopp oooo kopp kpop oooo kopp ooooooo kopp ooo[kpop oooo kook[ko ookokokoopooo oo kopp o kook k kopp kooo on ook ok ookioo m kopp okoo ?oookpkoook[o kio mb ooookoo kopp p oppo oo kopp ooko mokoo koop oo koo on ooko kopp op[o m kopp kpop oo mo o kopp o kook ooookoo kook OP ko kopp ooooo koop oooooooko kpop okop koop koo km km OP i koop oooo oppo ook ok oooo kopp kpop oo. o k po kooookoko OP kikok kopp ooooookokooookoo kookpkoki OP okio oo kopp o kook m o omooo kopp ko ok oo kook kooopkokook OP kook k kopp kiok o? Kook ookoooo mkoooo mo mo kooko non kikkoko oppo oppo oookiooooppoooookioo kopp oomiookko kopp kookom no ko kook oooo kook koo kook o kook oo kpop kioooooki ok o kopp o kpop kpopko o ok ooo kopp nokin kmo kopp ok OP ok kook oko non OP ooo nomo kopp kook kopp okoo kiokoo onoppo oo okoo kook kpop ooooooop kno kopp o kook oo kook kooooookoo k kooo kn km kpop o kpopko o nooo kikoomoko non kook o OP ooki kook o m kook o po kook koo koook OP okoki kopp o kpop o ok oooloooook kopp ookoook kopp ok kopp op oppo oooopkpo kopp oo kook k kopp oooo kook oooo nkko OP o OP o non kolpkooopoooko oo kook p ko oooo mop ookoo kopp o noon oo kook kook okookoo kook o kpopko ok oo kpop o nomo okokookoo OP kpopko o o noon pl nwm o noon ki kpop kook kpop oo kook ooki OP o OP poookio kopp kook and ookooo mlooooool koo OP o kpop okooookoo kopp ooooom kopp kioo ko oooopk kopp oo koo kopp kookokoo kopp okioooo ooo mi kopp kook kpk ok ok baby o kook om n lmko and opkko ol OP o nomo okok kpop kpop kpop kpop p. mooooo OP pk kook koopkpkko ooo mooopko kopp i ok OP kpop o kpop oo non OP pp kpop ko lmkokoo kook kook kokoo ko o ooo ikikllmo l mb okikoo non oolooo ko kooo mookoo non OP p moolo kpi l mo ko mook kook oloo. Pokikko kook oooooo kopp kpop ookoko kook kpop ook oooookiooloooooooo ko koo o omoko kopp kpop kpopko oo mooolo kpop oppo ooooooomko kpi ooo kook o OPkpop lkkokolk. Ool kopp ookoookio komooki mooiooo oo ookooooooo koop o ki kopp l mo o kook kopp oppo kook o kopp o kook o OP oo OP kpp mipkio kopp iokooooo kopp o moioon moo lolopol p kopp oko ml lmoopooo kopp opklo OP pko oko oomoo kkkooookopkoookooko kook kook okiookoooooookpk kopp k kooo miooo momooo oppo ooko kpop kolooooollkk po oo kpop oookl mo onokoko kopp okikoo kpop okoio kpop oppo oppo okook kook oo ok kl mo oko k kook onl mo o l OP oookooookioko o iono koo OP kkoppkopkoo kooolm kopp ki opo kook lokook kook okipmokoo kook ooli oooio kook ookolkkk omooook kook ok kook omi okookiokooombmb likokik kook oo kpop ki kpopko kpop ommooopk lmk? Kpop p oo kno kook lo kook pko kook ook OP koookkokoookoo o?o ml mkooo kopp kopp kikom no omp kopp o kpoppoll o po oko kopp oooi k m.j oolmokioopo OP kooo kopp ooooo kook ooookpioo o OP okokoom no ?o po okkopokkooooo oppo oo kook ko okoppom no lmookko moo oko kio. oko kook ppkook oooo m kpop o OP ok nonon nooo lo OP koo kopp ookkopp k omi kiokl kopp io ko ooo kook okopp o lo mo o noon OP ol. omo mookikokkooo k kook oooko mb k ook o mon no oookio kopp ooo mo mo ok non oook ok kopp k noon okok ok okipkl mok mokioko lo kopp o ?oo kopp kokmooookkolko okokokii OP kl mio mompi kpop o mom kopp l kkooomioko mo o oko opkookpo olkoi ook. Lk kpi oki kpi k k ok ko mi kopp okikopooko kook okp oppo moiooookoooo imoo kook ko kopp iokio o omioo OP oOP l o moko ki o ok o ll neek o kk on okolmkk okm o m no o OP k komo mikl kioooo non opk kpi koo m kopp ok ooko kopp pkko non oko kpop oio oo olooi oooo mko OP moklo. Olklokiilkk kopp kokklo loo oko ko mo OP o on koo? Kook okl kolook ppl miooo ok oo kook ooolo kopp p mio kpi ookoiop ooooooookom n no oo kiooooo opkkkpoko non iokoook kopp oook kopp o kook okpopooo moo mo moki PK oom kpop oonkomo PK oppo ooOP ko o np kopp ookoo mp mo kopp o moo k mookoo oko oppo kok and ioo non li kpi oo kpopon ok i k mo PK oo opno no l mo kopp okokookooo okpk kook ooklo kook k o n n oo PK oo kpop ook okOPko p kpop mokoo o OP o lmooomkmkomok llo mikoko OP kk kook kopp oo kopp o o oomo kook ooko ioookiokio llio no mo? Kopp km no oopooooo koop ooo m OP o mo o mo o mio OP o mop ok kopp ookookikooooook i ko on mioo miooolom no omoookooo and m nnn no omio kopp o kook i oo kook oooo OP kpop OP k lmo kokopkooo mo kopp kpop ko kpop lok mo non omokpki kook oolokooo ko llpo oko oloolok kook ooooooo kopp kok OP kokio kopp o po oooooo OP liokpkok kopp olo klooookl non m kook oooo mooo kpop oooo kook ki mo m kook oolioooo kok oooOP kok lko kpop OP kokookokokoo non okookpop kOP ko non kook ooki mioookoo po ooo kook kpop oppo k ok kl mo kopp okoooooooo koppkopp okk kok o miki PK kok oooo kopp kook kio nomo ooo kmkopko OP ookopp kok koo o kook ikoooookopoio lmkpop ok pk kok o kopp o mpkoooo np okio non oioomioo kok oooo kpop okpop o o ni kno o kmi mo l mio m OP ioooo m OP ookomol peek oook kook olo mookok kopp ookook ok o po i kok on ook mooko kpop koookopp kkopp o moooo kkopp kpop kkopp kooo OP oOPoooloo mooo miooo kkopp po oooo pop oo kpop lik oppo okooo oppo ooo kpopko okok oloo o moookok mb oioooo ookpki kkopp olkpop ioolkkopp okmoopol mioko non k oppo kooo mok kook ooooolool m kpopko PK om okloko niOP kok oolooooko non kio non o kookkkopp ooopkokoo kkopp kook okook oo m koppkkopp k mok o kopp kokiooko komooooook moo OP oopko kkopp pkOP oomol moo pooo po ooolo kook kpop ko m OP okioooooo OPkkopp oo nomo ik OP ko mkopp onp k OP okokokoo kpop oioo non mo kook o kiook oioomko kok oomb llkoopoo omooi ko ooookio koookooppokkopp kokopp o. lm pko opkio OP oiOP kok kkkopp okook oppoooom no oiko kkopp kopoki m kpop ikkopp lno kkopp omo non pil kkopp po ookok pp kook oppo koo kkopp ookooo kkopp ikkopp i OP oiol kkopp kpop i OPkkopp ookkopp okio opkkopp ooo ok mb oo kpopko kpop iokok ookoko kpi okooo kkopp oko oppo pkoonon oooo oko oo OP op kkopp o moo kpop oookkooo kok oo po ooo OP oko iopki ko mo ko mo kpioookio koooooki and okoppkkopp oooo kpop OP ko OP okok moookio kok lo io kook oOP koik kok lil opioo kpop koo lmomoopko miooko noon kn km ooo OP oko pop okokokoko non liooolol ?i kok lo mopoo non oo omimoo ooo oomoooo non okooo and kooooo kpop oo lilmooooo non ooo iooo iml oliko pko i moo kopp oo kkopp ioooo moo non kkopp okok k kook l knoll mlm mm?
@@sepehrabdi9638 Totally.
This is tv worthy
true af
+Noah Gerometta very true
+luis fernandez ayyyy lmao
great production quality
Thanks koolio!
+Christian Eaves dude you keep getting better! Nailing it!
Lmao he took a bald guy to get a hair cut... Savage
Alex Thomson I thought I was the only one noticing xd
S Z be the most savage guy out there - put on savage a fragrance by johnny deep
Best coment so far. LMAO
@SUB ZER0 no
alphas house is house goals.
It's his office
Anubhav Roy I swear his house is so cool
Alpha is goals
It would be epic if you did a makeover for an arabic guy who wears that white traditional dress and has long islamic beard , and turn him into a wallstret kind of guy with suit, tie and black shoes, modernly shaved with sunglasses and shit lol
westernize him lol. Pretty extreme.
+Jose Gonzalez Well he would be living in the west. When in roma, do like the romans
+alpha m. DO NOT let these racist islamophobic cu*ts give you fuking moronic ideas like these ...
Actually, us Arabic guys have better style than you American people. We wear our "traditional dress" to special occasion only. Other than that we're kicking ass style wise.
da fuck...stop being a racist bitch
You should do a episode in how to dress good under 100 bucks
light blue skinny jeans, white t shirt, leather shoes or simple white shoes.
ProRockJK buying an outfit is possible shoes not included.
You can pretty much get an outfit at H&M for less than $100 including shoes(wouldn't ever recommend) but it's possible.
@@dalem4591 basic tbf
Buy clothes without logos
wtf this is like a ready-to-use TV show. MTV, where are you?
I was thinking more like esquire network lol.
Keep it OFF mainstream TV....they'll frick it up.
@@kimalanball They will gay it up with lots of transgenders and gay fashion.
The first 10 minutes is always a roast xD
+Thomas Supah ikr :D
yeah lmao
fucks their whole world up and then helps them
Break em down then build them back up
ahaha so true xDD
I'd smile like Jason if I got 2500$ worth of clothes
A M I’m your 💯 like
Better than batman v superman!!! I even had a whole bag of popcorn with me
+Chino's Corner Imma let you finish but.. BvS was the greatest comic book movie of all time! OF ALL TIME!
+Kenneth YYYYUP
+Sourabh S Nath was paraphrasing kanye west
+Chino's Corner You would rather watch men makeover and buy clothes than watch an action movie. you sir are gay.
+SsFf Ll me too I was expecting the other voices and some chimichangas
YESSS!!!! I miss this series!!!
Lol but it was better in season 2
Mandeep Baweja this only the 1st episode lol
HannibalBakongo bless!
+Dadee3 Look at me king! look at me! Peace~
the barber's voice sounds different now...
Bill O'Brien bruh just stfu
Slavni Srbin don’t cry, it’s ok
I love how Aaron walks. It's like a waddle.
hahahah this made my day
+muath kinsey You made my day xDD
+muath kinsey Set to music, I laugh every time!
hell yeee
If I don't get my homework done I'll blame it on Aaron.
Big thanks to alpha for having me on!
Sorry for not having enough hair for Steven to fix up :P
+Pico Sincere congrats on your transformation dude, huge respect from here in London
+Pico COngrats man! So happy for ya!
+Pico you look amazing. great job!!!!
i feel like everytime he evaluates their before clothes it lowkey hurts them so bad inside lmfao
Gus Fring just got stylish
hahahaha best comment so far.
But Gus was already stylish
+Francisco Lozano while serving at Los Pollos Hermanos
+Eric A you are goddamn right
2017 Alpha: Suit Supply is Just Fine.
2019 Alpha: Dont even talk to me unless it's indochino.
I would have gone a little tighter with the jeans
Its the internet don't be so serious. He is most likely joking and if not then who cares, theres so many people on the internet with different personalities and opinions and you cant change that so just let it go.
Zyzz Zane not really lol they would look way better
Great job Alpha, you really helped him to unearth his good looks. His suit was my favorite outfit because he looks really great in it and the hair cut, shave and different glasses showcased his looks. He was more confident with each outfit and has a great base now from which to continue to build his wardrobe.
He fashion roasts everybody at the beginning of the show😂
Yeah I binged watched the first two seasons a couple weeks ago
Hunter LaFountain so true
Definitely improved the production quality since season 2. Seeing some consistent establishing shots, use of lapel mics, great audio tracks to compliment the visuals! Take this to mainstream television man!
We need make a petition to get this on TV
is he the swole nerds brother?
Venice Genoy
Vince G lost his gains. No wonder he's been MIA
Order 66 on his candy ass
Aaron is the roast king lmao. This series seriously needs to be on TV!!
Lewis Sison even bald 👨🦲 ppl need shampoo shampoo is made for your scalp and conditioner is to smooth scalp and un tangle hair
@@bcommanda yup, even a bald man gets a dirty head
@@lostsouls1919 bro most of my comments I forget about cuz I don’t check my notifications lol 😂 this was a long time ago
So excited for this episode. Glad to see the homie Pico was selected! :)
Wow. Aaron, you've really upped your game by increasing production value, adding cool sponsors, creating before and after frames, and adding a strong personal statement for the client at the end of the show. The music works great, too. So impressive and helpful. Nice work!
Aaron's voice in the beginning is evident of his enthusiasm for this project!
"You work at HomeDepot" KILLED ME
Aaron your leather jacket is so dang nice!! Seriously wish it was still made!
Most awkward moment in youtube history. Look at that destroyed heart. But anyway, amazing transformation! He really killed it in that suit. I'm very impressed :)
dude actually looks happier. happy for him
Alpha, you have changed my life forever. Thank you.
"We're here to meet my hairstyling brother and see what he thinks..."
Real talk, I've only found this channel recently but he really is a role model. RUclips should be plugging this guy.
His face completely dropped when you said "His teeth, they're good but not great"
+Jack Winney HAHAHAHAH after that confidence destroyed
You have no idea how long i waited for this. Please don't stop making this series Aaron
I couldn't wait for this. I liked the premiere, looking forward to the next videos. Keep it up Aaron!
OMG Aaron! Another great job.
This video was absolutely inspiring! THANK YOU
a mixture of John and alpha m are both my inspiration thanks you too
woah! came to alpha for style advice on my weight loss journey and have been using O2B for that haha this is crazy!
Watching Alpha M. projects has made me realize, I gotta get new clothes that can be tailored to me, wear clothes that will match, and be stylish, losing weight has made me enjoy wearing clothes that actually fit me, still gotta get rid of my belly fat BUT Alpha M. I gotta say you changed my life from thrift shopping to being confident and being cool and outgoing! I hope to meet you someday!
Anyone else think CM Punk when he talked about Straight Edge
James Corneck miss him man
Sold those J&M conards for years. The heel isn't wooden. It's a common misconception but basically no companies use wood in the heels. It's stacked leather or rubber made to look like leather.
+Ryan Johnston I am glad you pointed that out. I was thinking the same thing.
man this is too good he changed the goofy guy to a good looking person this show should be aired on TV
Wow, what a turnaround! These little tweaks really show off how handsome he is! I was surprised how much I loved the soul patch look; great balance on his face, especially with the new specs.
Damn Jason looks incredible in all those outfits you guys bought.
Season Three already!!?? How great is this? Loved the transformation. Bravo Aaron!!
Aaron: "Cab you explain Straight Edge?!"
Jason: "Straight Edge is a lifestyle, you don't drink, smoke and do drugs."
Aaron: "[looks at Jason, and at the camera] I don't drink as much as I suggest and don't smoke."
He left out drugs XD now Aaron we know what you do XD
His drug is Tiege Hanley
I'm so happy for this series - on TV men's styling is almost always minimized. Thanks for doing this!
Alpha really knows how to leave a nice first impression 😍 he seems like a cool dude
this is just ridiculous! Each and every outfit is so well chosen and looks incredible!! Alpha, good job and Jason, you simply look amazing!!!
It didn't feel like 27 mins.Great work Alpha !
I thought season two was good but season three just blew my mind! Awesome job Aaron! You really are an inspiration to us and your content has helped us so much.
tbh this guy had better clothes than many others i see on the streets or in this series
As a new subscriber, I can instantly see I have a lot of catching up to do..... This is the first 'show' I've watched on You Tube. It's well done; professional, up-beat, informative, and fresh. Puts every past and present mainstream production to shame.
Having girls saying you look awesome when you are a man must be fucking awesome, but when a dude tells you that, it must indicate you look so good that you make men say it... Like damn! Men are always so afraid to say something like that to another guy ahahaha it must make your esteem go very high.
+bloodyhetza Exactly
No man trust me it's better when girls say it.
many guys compliment me but rarely any girl compliment me?
men don't really care if another guy compliments them. it means more coming from girls were not trying to attract other men lmfao unless ur gay I guess.
recklessgamers69 Yea ikr if a guy says something it's like thanks or w. e nothing special
Thank you m! You've changed my life for the better. I hope your channel grow even bigger. Cheers mate!
crazy how your outfit can change your mood and attitude
DAAAAMN, Alpha! That's so cool! The quality, the longevity. Amazing and very uplifting to watch!
And all the gifts, and 2,5 grands. You guys don't f*** around!)))
Damn Aaron, you've taken this show to another level. So proud! I tried to reach out to your via email, but I'm not sure if you've read the email, and so I would like to convey the message using this comment.
Would it be possible to do a video on how to get out of the 'shell' for introverts and boost confidence? I have seen all of the videos related to confidence boosting, but none of them helped me. Thank you!
I used to struggle with the same problem, I just started working out until I looked and felt great, and then the confidence just comes.
I've been working out since 2 years now, but I'm still not as confident as I'd like to be. I'm a lot more confident, but still not out of the 'shell'.
1.2 million subscribers now? Congrats - it just seems that a couple of months ago, you hit the 1,000,000 mark. Keep it up!
the heel of a dress shoe is actually made of stacked leather, not wood
+Rhoads Wilson Exactly
I watched this video when it came out and have since then thought that good dress shoes have wooden heels. I just learned that it’s stacked leather the other day and I’ve been looking for this video
Was wondering if anyone else caught that! Aaron should know better. Quality shoes have stacked leather heels. Cheap ones have plastic heel blocks painted to try and look like stacked leather but come off looking like “wood”.
This is TV quality and deserves more attention I think it's a brilliant concept and executed perfectly.
Jason is running out of adjectives to describe his new look...haha
Aaron, just a notes from a production standpoint (Former Content Producer). What you have right now is pretty solid. I would invest in some more fixed lighting which would give some of these shots (specifically the interview sitting in the chairs) a better look. In addition to the lighting in these situation the use of fixed angles with these multiple point shots would add a more "syndicated" look as the panning of the Camera in one shot is typically used in live broadcasting when the mobility of equipment is limited. Great Video!
this series is so dope. when is the next chapter coming out?
lol true
This guy's was a such a good sport! Best episode yet!
Man i wish i could participate... Unfortunately i'm from Chile. Alpha serms so easygoing during the whole episode. Congratulations to the guy.
I like the rack full of clothes to showcase for us what you got, much better layout then previous seasons. Great Job Alpha
He looks like a GTA online character lol
So true
Dude this was probably the greatest episodes. They absolutely killed it on this guy. He looks like a smart, hipster style. Also makes him younger! Just like a model
i dont want this to go to youtube red
This is better than any fashion related show on tv! Great Job Aaron!
what brand is that brown leather jacket your wearing? :)
+xCLEANSEDBYBLOODx t I found this on amazon, it's my favorite jacket now. Very good quality. Similar to alpha's coach
+Andrew S thanks man
dude this series is amazing, i can easily see this as a TV show, please consider it ..
they need to make this a TV show
All of us subbed to your YT channel are so happy for you Pico (Jason). Glad you had a great experience!!!!!
I think the most noticeable thing was the beard grooming. Such an easy thing to do, litteraly within minutes, and still, the guy just looked soooo much cleaner than before!
Aaron was like "look at that sick ink!" and I just thought "yeah maybe he should hide it if he wants some pussy"
aaron your attitude is incredible that favors all looks
Why doesn't this have more views
Just watched the first 2 seasons was wondering when/if there would be a season 3. Plan to go shopping this weekend to get some new stuff that fits right!
Let's see that smile! :D
It could be better! :(
hahaha yea i noticed that also
+Videos .Galore I think Alpha forgot about how the smile of the guy was a problem to him since a child
Videos .Galore he stopped smiling after that💀
I love it!! Everything but the first final look, I thought the jeans were a bit too light wash but other than that everything looked freaking great!! Congrats Jason, you're a changed man
alpha m i think you should stop buying them short sleeve shirts..a rolled up long sleeve is much classier, sexier and manlier in my opinion!
Agreed! Also considering he does have the age, the short sleeve shirts look a tad immature in my opinion.
Yeap, exactly
+Diede d Yes, kind of. The greek word for king is Βασιλιάς.
+Βασιλης Κατσαβος Absolutely agreed
+Diede d yeap that's the word!
Thank you for posting. Could you please shoot with a non-wide angle lens? when sitting or close, everything is "V"ing. Thank you.
21:07 his face is priceless. Big boy still cant take the dis on his teeh.
That cracked me up
Daniel Rivera His face goes from happy to insulted in no-time. :'D
Well this comment made me realise I laugh like goofy 😂 cheers for that!
Aaron just as I thought you couldn't kill it anymore, you prove me wrong.
Love the new office for The AlphaM. Project.
21:07 - 21:13 Jason was crushed lol
he got rekt
+Carlos Sarceno look at his face when alpha says "but it could look better"
+Carlos Sarceno hahaha i didn't notice first time around, u WoT m8 i spent 20 gs on these bad boys
Bravo Alpha!! Great episode.
# The new studio is on point dude- especially the entry & brick wall.
# We finally got a brother on the series... yaaaay!! :))
# The outfits & makeover was great. I'm digging the pink/grey combo.
# Your camera guy does a bang up job. Also, Thumbs up for editing & quality.
# Only SMALL issue (IMO) was the haircut. I think Jason should even out his hair all the way around so his bald spot is not so noticeable. Not much fading on sides, more of an even blend. A good barber could have hooked that up & there are plenty in ATL.
Cool series and dude that office is sweeeet
what ive seen and the secret is...learning where to buy in different places...u gotta have the patience..something we men dont have most of the time..looking at this worth it!!!
The first time I found your channel with a name 'alpham' i thought you'd be a handsome playboy, who is greedy as fuck.
You turned out to be the exact opposite my friend (still handsome though, no homo). You are a nice, symphatethic, funny dude giving us great tips and actually caring. You are like a big brother.
Great channel Aaron, also, I always loved that name.
Yes I know its a huge advertisement, but I loved this video
omg my jaw dropped when I saw this. SEASON 3 BABY!!!
i love how alpha mentions not drinking as much and not smoking but not commenting on doing drugs, suspicious
he said he smoked weed before on his video on weed
He's addicted to Tiege Hanley
On god