I have a Muslim son-in - law, and have learned so very much from his culture and beliefs. Among many kind and generous attributes he has, I love the peaceful and uncomplaining nature of his soul. We have so many virtues to share and appreciate!
Thank you for sharing Mary! He sounds like a joy and purification of the soul (called “tarbiyyah”) and being grateful for the good God has given us are important tenets in Islam. Each morning we read a personal prayer: “O God, all the favours that I or anyone from Your creation has received in the morning, are from You Alone. You have no partner.“ gratitude and humility is so important and family is one of those life’s blessings!
Iam A muslem and I do have love and respect to our Mormon brothers and sisters , I think Mormon and orthodoxic Christians very close to our faith , May Allah guide All of us to the straight path .
After the tsunami in asia... we asked what we could do to help. They asked for books of Koran. We printed many for them. We did not charge any money for it. Where people can grow best, they should grow. The goal is to stop the alienation of people from God, however we can.
I am member of the Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints,I love my dearly beloved brothers and sisters so very much in the Almighty God, Have a blessed day today 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
I have Muslim friends who have a Halaal butchery. l love them. They are constantly sharing with me things from the Koran, and listen when I share things from the Bible and Book of Mormon. These things happen during conversations about society, the state of our government, school, and other everyday topics of conversation. They love God (Allah) and they recognize that I do, too. And did I mention that he (the husband) has a long-kept genealogy of his family? A huge scroll, all written in Arabic, showing his family history and genealogy.
I'm reminded that we all are brothers and sisters. And must be accepting of one another. Thank you for this effort of both faiths to build friendships.
This is the time when we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ realize how valuable the work of the brothers and sisters as children of Abraham is in the days before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for this inspiring and valuable contribution from our Apostle David. A. Bednar and Gerrit w. Gong.
After the incident at Christchurch mosque a couple years ago our YSA invited the BYU Muslim community to come and share their beliefs at our ward family home evening. It was such a wonderful evening. They talked about their dress, reasons their parents allowed them to come to BYU (honor code falls in line with their beliefs), and some of the challenges they face here. I learned so much and my love for the Muslims grew. We are all brothers and sisters.
This pamphlet is really cool. As a Latter-day Saint it was really an awesome thing to be able to read. I recently learned that one of my close coworkers is an active practicing Muslim, and we had a wonderful conversation. Turns out, his Mosque recently did a lecture on Latter-day Saints, highlighting the similarities between the two faiths. How awesome. We have much respect for each other. I’ve really enjoyed learning a little more about Islam from this resource. I hope the church can do things like this with more faiths.
I see this and to me it is the equivalent of when prophets of old would go to wicked cities to preach repentance. It is not a coincidence that our leaders are going around the world and even speaking to leaders of nations to teach the importance of religious freedom. The whole world is quickly descending into communism, and communism always leads to state mandated religion, usually a worship of the leader of said country. As believers, no matter our faith, we need to stand together in our love of freedom, freedom to chose what we believe. So happy to see this, and to feel united with our Muslim brothers and sisters in love and understanding.
I can't think of anything as important pertaining to global peace and understanding then for people of different faiths to reach out to one another and to build bonds of common good will. Thank you for making this video possible.
I had the opportunity to get to know many Muslims when I was dating a Muslim from Iran back in 2012, what a fantastic experience, I found we had more things in common that I thought. Muslims as other religions have my respect and love, we all came from the same source.
I often visit Michigan and there is alot of Muslims. They are sweet and good people. A friend of mine worked for a Muslim owned lab and his boss was very respectful for our Christian beliefs and celebrations.
I feel the love of Christ from His Apostles testify of the Saviors love that we share for each other, love God and to all mankind, thank you Elder Gong and Elder Bender
I'm so thankful for this effort. I agree that we focus too much on the differences we have with one another rather than the good we can do as we serve our fellow men. I'll be teaching my children with these materials so they can see the common good in people of other faiths.
yes, you right, that we should respect one another. the truth is we are brothers and sisters in Christ, what ever our religions name. to God be all the glory.
Inspired. My husband and I have always had respect for the Muslim people we have had in our home and on our mission in East Africa. So much good in common 🙏🙏
My husband was on a work trip last night, so Article of Faith 11 was our video call scripture. I loved waking up and hearing it in the clips I'd seen of this broadcast today. Beautiful stuff.
This has been absolutely wonderful! I love our Muslim brothers and sisters, and I am so thankful that this effort has given more of us an understanding of how we may walk together in any faith to help bless others lives.
As a Muslim living in America I appreciate this dialogue. There is so much in common and I appreciate your honesty in joining hands to make this world beautiful. Sister Susan looks very dignified in the hijab something Mother Mary is depicted in all of her pictures.
Thank you Andrew for sharing your thoughts. No one needs to live in fear. The United States is supposed to protect us from the evils of the world. We are losing our constitution more and more every year. Constitution matters too much , to much for it to be taken away by a few. Just like other countries. The good people of the world must stand together against the evil.
My wife joined the Church many years ago; she used to be Muslim. I am so excited to finally see this happening. To my Muslim brothers and sisters; As-salamu alaikum
I wanted to cry at the end. Very good. It’s hard to believe that there are some who can’t remember 🎼let us oft speak kind words to each other; Kind words are sweet tones of the heart🎵. And it shouldn’t matter what religion Muslim’s, Buddhist, etc, WE ARE children of God. Thank you for sharing.
This is how LatterDay Saints keep members and missionaries safe around the world. Through wonderful pamphlets like this one, this insightful forum and generous dontations, we create a lot of good will. Hopefully we can do the same and donate as much to our Jewish friends.
Latter-Day Saint here. I knew of a Muslim from Egypt years ago. He was cool and we had a good religious discussion - everything we agreed with. I also became acquainted with a Muslim from Turkey; cool guy too. Tuesday ngt - January 25, 2022.
This is beautiful. I feel as though my faith is growing stronger through my research of the Muslim faith and I've grown closer to the Lord. I know God loves all his children, we will return together through faith and kindness 💖
I worked for several years as a collaborator between my company's design engineers and our manufacturing supply base. I worked for a time with a Pakistani Muslim. On our first travel together, as we stopped for lunch on our drive to the airport he stopped me from leaving the car and told me: "before we go inside, I must ask you: "are you a believer in The Book?" This began a deep discussion of my belief in The Bible as well as The Book of Mormon, and other scripture, as well as his belief in The Koran. When we had finished, he said: "Then I may break bread with you." This led to gaining a rich appreciation and joint understanding of our faiths, and a friendship for eternity. I had similar experiences with engineers of the Hindu faith, with Sikhs, with Buddhists.
The apostles of Lamb do the good Work around the globe, with religions, ethnics, politics..... They haves a great mission to preserve dignity, peace and tolerence 🥰🥰🥰.
I have lived with Muslims as a Latter day saints since 1989 I attended an islamic secondary school and even at my university training as a specialist in Haematology, I was supervised by islamic professors of Haematology. I understand them, I relate with them and share my testimonies with them. They also respect and have seen the mighty works of miracles as I strive to showcase the truth if the gospel of Jesus Christ to them. I am so glad that the Church has taken this step It's a Divine revelation. It's shows the progress if the Lord's work, Spreading and filling all corners of the Earth irrespective of tribe, religion, race, region, and what more. Thank you dear Heavenly Father for your love and faithfulness in fulfilling Your words in these last days. In Jesus Christ name. Amen.
Thank you for doing this with respect and sincerity. We are all God’s children. We all believe and love God, and all the Messengers. Our faiths share more than the differences - and we can have our differences and respect them, and seek to understand each other. It is natural that fraternity and love develop. Islam flourished because of Christian brothers and sisters supporting Muslims. Islam honours Muslims and Jews as The People of The Book. We all believe in the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ as The Promised Messiah - it is an article of faith for Muslims. Muslims demonstrate against blasphemous plays held in London, UK insulting Jesus Christ. As a generation 2.5 British citizen, Muslim I studied in Christian faith schools - I saw and experienced so many similarities and made lifelong friends who value and respect me. We must work together as people of faith and promote good, righteousness and piety in the world. You have built an amazing community in Utah, and I hope to one day join you there as faculty. Peace and Blessings of God be upon you all. Wishing our Christian brethren all best wishes over Christmas, a happy and prosperous New Year!
I am so grateful to have found out about this pamphlet and have just read it for myself. It has been a huge eye-opener for me as it helped me see that not all that we see on the news and on TV/movies about them applies to all the Muslims. We have so much more in common with the Muslim community than we think. Sure we may differ in certain doctrines but we have many very similar doctrines and practices that we share. I cannot wait to see how we continue to build bridges of love and mutual respect between us and different faith/non-faith groups.
I just wish and pray that the members of the church would apply what you are teaching towards members who are having a faith crisis or have legitimate questions.
This seems timely based on our belief about the Lord's final return in power and glory. It's time for us human beings in general:) to reconcile differences and prepare for major shifts in the ways we relate to each other.
Retaining native identity and espousing native ingenuity is a great challenge; advancing the common cause of humanity is the greater challenge while realizing our celestial potential is the greatest challenge in our mortal existence.
Thank you for sharing this message! My family has hosted Muslim people from different denominations and we have identified more similarities than differences. I would not deny we have been badly persecuted by local church leaders from Tempe, Arizona and even by extended family but we know that Righteousness comes from God and that it is through their actions you get to recognize the true followers of God and even Christ!
My family and I lived next to a Muslim family in the last city we lived in. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I see this event just like I experienced having Muslim neighbors. We enjoyed living by our Muslim neighbors and learning about their faith. We have some common beliefs and some very different beliefs as was said here. And need to understand each other like neighbors would. It doesn’t mean we will believe the same. But will understand and love each other knowing those differences in belief systems. I feel like we could have hour long discussions with Muslims, other Christian denominations, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. This short video should only be a primer to learn about other people of faith. I wish Jordan Peterson could be involved with discussions like this. He has some good content on Christianity and Islam that he released in the last month including talks with some prominent Muslim scholars. Those videos are hours long. Understanding Islam and learning about it from a Western perspective takes much much longer than this 30min video. It takes 100s of hours to really start to understand how little you know about a different faith with over one thousand years of history.
Scott thank you for sharing this with us. All I can think of is the words of Our Lord, love one another as I have loved you. I'm grateful for the church joining hands with the Muslims and others. I would love to see all the Christian people and other people of faith come together as one like it should be. There's much more than enough criticism and Hate in the world.
This is such a timely subject for me; I have long cared deeply about people of color and cultures; there is far too much attention given to the down side of the lives of others not like the white side of life. I feel like I'm so white its embarrassing, yet my dominating ethnicity is of Great Britain, Wales, and Irish, with a wide range of many races all around the Mediterranean Sea. Before I knew anything about the Church of my mother's people, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and even less about people outside my immediate surroundings. My heart goes out to those war torn nations whose innocents are being forced to flee for their lives with no where to go where it is safe. May the one God of us all be with each one as we find our way through these perilous times is my fervent prayer for both sides of the many fences that divide us one from another...
Praying, fasting and protecting our physical health are principles that both religious practice. All humans are brothers and sisters. The God of all watch over us.
This is a wonderful and important presentation. I would add, not as a criticism or refutation, but as an addition, that Latter-Day Saints cannot ignore or dismiss the terrible harm that has been done supposedly in the name of Islam. I believe the only way to assuage that hurt, and to find any meaningful reconcilliation is through face-to-face intercourse with Muslims. I'd hasten to add that a huge number of innocent Muslims have also been hurt by the actions of Western militaries, perhaps mostly by American, and it would surprise me very much if they do not hold the same negative feelings toward Christians. I believe we can heal these wounds, but it will not be done quickly, or through such wonderful presentations as this. May our Father in Heaven show us the way.
To this end is the essence of Man - to enhance Light and Truth in his physical and metaphysical environment, connecting his soul to The Infinite and undergo existential progression, hopefully discerning and embracing The Fullness of Light and Truth on either side of the existential veil.
this would be fun to be at, Many years ago UVU had like 7 different religions on a stage and talk together it was very nice. I loved it, I have had Hindu , muslim, Jewish, Buddhist friends, and various Christian religions. even dated them and had friends that dated various. I applaud the church leaders
LDS church leaders constantly remind to all how to help, serve, respect others, differences and being able to support one another. Being professionals, using our skills to do good to others. Helping and being sincerely respectful to others. We always will be better together and supporting each other. “Love one another “ As Jesus Christ said. Not to do anything wrong to anyone. Not manipulating anyone to hate anyone. Not making anything wrong to anyone. Being kind, pacifist ❤and honest.
WooHoo!!!!🙂🥰 I am so glad that this is finally starting to happen. I've seen the comments of some Church members that just blew me away with the amount of contempt and animosity, that were just not Christ-like.
Christi, I have read many statements and responded to Many statements and topics. A lot of the agreeable statements are from the members of the church but there are others I have no clue whether they are members or not. What I look at is the one that agree with what is christ-like and what's being said, these are the good Christ-like Christians of the world. Then you have those ones that don't agree or criticize. They fall into the category misinformed or uneducated in the matter. If they have this same view after they are educated, then they fall into the category other than the church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints. The one and only judge will judge them if there is no repentance. With that said that leaves me out of the equation. I have nothing to do, but to serve and share the things I have.
Do you know these individuals personally that has been saying these things. I was wondering if they were all members of the church and how you knew that. There is a lot of non-members that watch these websites of the church. I will confess I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I believe if we would remember what Alma chapter 17 is about, I believe we would see basically the same thing that been going on for quite some time now. The prophet has said, we are to gether Israel and this is part of it. Don't judge people. We can all speculate all day long.
These are better men than me; as my heart is often hard; not against a people and individuals, but against ideology. Our experiences form us for good and bad; and some of mine have been harsh experiences.
You must have missed the videos with our Jewish Family. The Jewish people and the church has been working together for years. I thought everyone knew that because it has been a Non-Stop program for alone time. Even with the BYU students.
The Jewish have been held up in an extremely high position in my family my whole life. My mom and grandparents, all 3 have been members their whole lives, believe that the Jewish will receive the same treatment as the LDS in the afterlife.
Isaiah 19 depicts the effects of social, spiritual, political, environmental collapse. This Chastening from God allows for the Unity of faith in Christ. The building of Temples and temple worship across the land. This is where we are at.
Maybe a reminder to everyone. It was said in one of the comments to read Alma chapter 17. I believe it would answer many questions and redirect your view. Sometimes we all forget about a little piece of the puzzle . The good people of the world will band together to fight against the evil of the world , just like the war in heaven, before the world was. It won't matter what religion you are, when things get rough and we all stick together , that will be a great thing. I believe the Lord said ,come follow me.
We have and we do include our Jewish friends. There are several videos what the church and our Jewish friends have done together to make this world a better place to live.
Gracias padre celestial por tu hijo amado Jesucristo y. El espíritu santo aleluya Amen y Amen mi único Rey de Reyes señor de señores el dueño de todo universo
This is a good thing. I’m not a Muslim nor a Mormon. But as a Christian, I think all of us can agree, we’re all descendants of Abraham. We need more interfaith dialogue
What will radical factions do to peaceful Muslims and Latter-day Saints who begin to walk together? I pray God's blessing on all who choose to walk in peace.
It was in a shopping mall, as I turned accidently brushed against a woman and her companion who were obviously Muslim. I politely apologized and the reply given was ---- "sorry" yes you will be sorry when 'we' take over. I fully understood what she meant. How am I supposed to feel after such a statement being made?
Uh I'm not sure how you took that statement in that way? I would just as likely come to the conclusion that she, like you, was apologizing for bumping into you.
I invite all Latter Day Saints to the religion of Islam; for your hearts are inclined to good. Follow the truth and be guided on the straight path so that you receive blessings in this life and in the next. May Allah incline your hearts to Islam and make you Muslims. “And there came a man running from the furthest part of the town. He said, ‘O my people! Obey the Messengers. Obey those who ask no wages of you (for themselves) and who are rightly guided.’ ” (Quran 36:20-21)
Discussing belifs we have in common applies to all religions not just Muslims and Islam. Evengelical Christians and LDS have more in common that should guide our discussion also rather than the differences.
The church goes to Great Links every year to communicate with every religion that will come together. They believe it's helped a lot. Also with other cultures. Belief can always change but truth cannot.
Por favor, también difundirlo en español, muy apropiado e importante conocimiento emergente , nuevo crítico reflexión moderna sobre el cristianismo renovado para tener dispuestos corazón/mente y pensamiento abiertamente dispuestos
We should be proud of this he’d be proud of this! Not my gospel but I feel the modern world is filled with 3:- the evil doing bad things, the good person pretending to be good are equal and you get the grey area the common folk. I say grey because it’s varied our daily trespasses… this is truly decent and decency so although I’m not even latter day I’m Protestant Christian I just wanted to show maximin appreciation for what you’re doing here we Uk have lived alongside Muslims for decades it’s not new to us and they have a lot to offer they’re quiet neighbours cook amazing food often no trouble they work hard keep to themselves they don’t drink so they’re not gonna go get drunk and be a problem etc give em a chance I promise the food oh my lamb or goat biriyani oh my lawd you hunters will like that
I have a Muslim son-in - law, and have learned so very much from his culture and beliefs. Among many kind and generous attributes he has, I love the peaceful and uncomplaining nature of his soul. We have so many virtues to share and appreciate!
Thank you for sharing Mary! He sounds like a joy and purification of the soul (called “tarbiyyah”) and being grateful for the good God has given us are important tenets in Islam.
Each morning we read a personal prayer: “O God, all the favours that I or anyone from Your creation has received in the morning, are from You Alone. You have no partner.“
gratitude and humility is so important and family is one of those life’s blessings!
Iam A muslem and I do have love and respect to our Mormon brothers and sisters , I think Mormon and orthodoxic Christians very close to our faith , May Allah guide All of us to the straight path .
Salaam. Peace be upon you and your lands. Come to one of our churches sometime and pray with the saints. ☻
Love and respect Islam ☪️ thank you
Thank you. I love you too.
After the tsunami in asia... we asked what we could do to help. They asked for books of Koran. We printed many for them. We did not charge any money for it. Where people can grow best, they should grow. The goal is to stop the alienation of people from God, however we can.
I am member of the Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints,I love my dearly beloved brothers and sisters so very much in the Almighty God, Have a blessed day today 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
I have Muslim friends who have a Halaal butchery. l love them. They are constantly sharing with me things from the Koran, and listen when I share things from the Bible and Book of Mormon. These things happen during conversations about society, the state of our government, school, and other everyday topics of conversation. They love God (Allah) and they recognize that I do, too.
And did I mention that he (the husband) has a long-kept genealogy of his family? A huge scroll, all written in Arabic, showing his family history and genealogy.
I am Roman Catholic but what you said in this vid gents makes sense to me. God Bless.
An informative and moving piece. The Lord is extending the saints understanding.
I'm reminded that we all are brothers and sisters. And must be accepting of one another. Thank you for this effort of both faiths to build friendships.
Im prayerful that we can have peace & unity with all our brothers & sisters around the world including our Muslim family. ❤
This is the time when we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ realize how valuable the work of the brothers and sisters as children of Abraham is in the days before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for this inspiring and valuable contribution from our Apostle David. A. Bednar and Gerrit w. Gong.
After the incident at Christchurch mosque a couple years ago our YSA invited the BYU Muslim community to come and share their beliefs at our ward family home evening. It was such a wonderful evening. They talked about their dress, reasons their parents allowed them to come to BYU (honor code falls in line with their beliefs), and some of the challenges they face here. I learned so much and my love for the Muslims grew. We are all brothers and sisters.
This pamphlet is really cool. As a Latter-day Saint it was really an awesome thing to be able to read. I recently learned that one of my close coworkers is an active practicing Muslim, and we had a wonderful conversation. Turns out, his Mosque recently did a lecture on Latter-day Saints, highlighting the similarities between the two faiths. How awesome. We have much respect for each other. I’ve really enjoyed learning a little more about Islam from this resource. I hope the church can do things like this with more faiths.
Just beautiful! Thank you Elders Bednar and Gong!
Thanks for listening!
I love this! Wonderful bridges of much needed understanding are being built and fortified to the blessing of us all!
I have a friend from Cairo, daughter of noted Islamic scholar. She frequently voices her admiration for the Gospel and the church.
I see this and to me it is the equivalent of when prophets of old would go to wicked cities to preach repentance. It is not a coincidence that our leaders are going around the world and even speaking to leaders of nations to teach the importance of religious freedom. The whole world is quickly descending into communism, and communism always leads to state mandated religion, usually a worship of the leader of said country. As believers, no matter our faith, we need to stand together in our love of freedom, freedom to chose what we believe. So happy to see this, and to feel united with our Muslim brothers and sisters in love and understanding.
Very well said Vanessa
I can't think of anything as important pertaining to global peace and understanding then for people of different faiths to reach out to one another and to build bonds of common good will. Thank you for making this video possible.
Peace from sweden, do good things for one and another's for the best to the world.Amen
Thank you sweeten for your comment. With one loving someone else can change the world.
I had the opportunity to get to know many Muslims when I was dating a Muslim from Iran back in 2012, what a fantastic experience, I found we had more things in common that I thought. Muslims as other religions have my respect and love, we all came from the same source.
I often visit Michigan and there is alot of Muslims. They are sweet and good people. A friend of mine worked for a Muslim owned lab and his boss was very respectful for our Christian beliefs and celebrations.
What a powerful message of love and respect.
I feel the love of Christ from His Apostles testify of the Saviors love that we share for each other, love God and to all mankind, thank you Elder Gong and Elder Bender
Thank you for providing this recording, and for the energy expended for better unity and understanding.
I'm so thankful for this effort. I agree that we focus too much on the differences we have with one another rather than the good we can do as we serve our fellow men. I'll be teaching my children with these materials so they can see the common good in people of other faiths.
yes, you right, that we should respect one another. the truth is we are brothers and sisters in Christ, what ever our religions name. to God be all the glory.
Inspired. My husband and I have always had respect for the Muslim people we have had in our home and on our mission in East Africa. So much good in common 🙏🙏
My husband was on a work trip last night, so Article of Faith 11 was our video call scripture. I loved waking up and hearing it in the clips I'd seen of this broadcast today.
Beautiful stuff.
This has been absolutely wonderful! I love our Muslim brothers and sisters, and I am so thankful that this effort has given more of us an understanding of how we may walk together in any faith to help bless others lives.
THIS is so timely... thank you!!
As a Muslim living in America I appreciate this dialogue. There is so much in common and I appreciate your honesty in joining hands to make this world beautiful.
Sister Susan looks very dignified in the hijab something Mother Mary is depicted in all of her pictures.
Thank you Andrew for sharing your thoughts. No one needs to live in fear. The United States is supposed to protect us from the evils of the world. We are losing our constitution more and more every year. Constitution matters too much , to much for it to be taken away by a few. Just like other countries. The good people of the world must stand together against the evil.
I love that ending! May the God of Abraham, the God of us all watch over us ♥️
My wife joined the Church many years ago; she used to be Muslim. I am so excited to finally see this happening. To my Muslim brothers and sisters; As-salamu alaikum
Charity is the pure love of Christ
I have so many Muslim friends. I love them all dearly. They are so much fun and i admire there faith and devotion to God.
I just to say thank you. This was great and this world needs people joining together
I wanted to cry at the end. Very good. It’s hard to believe that there are some who can’t remember 🎼let us oft speak kind words to each other; Kind words are sweet tones of the heart🎵. And it shouldn’t matter what religion Muslim’s, Buddhist, etc, WE ARE children of God. Thank you for sharing.
This is how LatterDay Saints keep members and missionaries safe around the world. Through wonderful pamphlets like this one, this insightful forum and generous dontations, we create a lot of good will. Hopefully we can do the same and donate as much to our Jewish friends.
Very true
I love the Jewish people very much!! Thankfully we don't hear LDS members saying harsh things about them or Muslims
Latter-Day Saint here. I knew of a Muslim from Egypt years ago. He was cool and we had a good religious discussion - everything we agreed with. I also became acquainted with a Muslim from Turkey; cool guy too.
Tuesday ngt - January 25, 2022.
I love this so much. Thank you for doing this clip. I have a great love for our Muslim brothers and sisters.
This is beautiful. I feel as though my faith is growing stronger through my research of the Muslim faith and I've grown closer to the Lord. I know God loves all his children, we will return together through faith and kindness 💖
Great 👍 Seminar explaining the platform of the Latter Day Saints and Muslims God Bless🙏
I worked for several years as a collaborator between my company's design engineers and our manufacturing supply base. I worked for a time with a Pakistani Muslim. On our first travel together, as we stopped for lunch on our drive to the airport he stopped me from leaving the car and told me: "before we go inside, I must ask you: "are you a believer in The Book?" This began a deep discussion of my belief in The Bible as well as The Book of Mormon, and other scripture, as well as his belief in The Koran. When we had finished, he said: "Then I may break bread with you." This led to gaining a rich appreciation and joint understanding of our faiths, and a friendship for eternity.
I had similar experiences with engineers of the Hindu faith, with Sikhs, with Buddhists.
The apostles of Lamb do the good Work around the globe, with religions, ethnics, politics.....
They haves a great mission to preserve dignity, peace and tolerence 🥰🥰🥰.
I have lived with Muslims as a Latter day saints since 1989
I attended an islamic secondary school and even at my university training as a specialist in Haematology, I was supervised by islamic professors of Haematology.
I understand them, I relate with them and share my testimonies with them. They also respect and have seen the mighty works of miracles as I strive to showcase the truth if the gospel of Jesus Christ to them.
I am so glad that the Church has taken this step
It's a Divine revelation.
It's shows the progress if the Lord's work, Spreading and filling all corners of the Earth irrespective of tribe, religion, race, region, and what more.
Thank you dear Heavenly Father for your love and faithfulness in fulfilling Your words in these last days. In Jesus Christ name. Amen.
Thank you for your comment!
It was listening to Daniel C Peterson that helped me see Muslims in a new light. It changed my views . I now have a positive attitude toward muslims
Thank you both for your love
Thank you for doing this with respect and sincerity. We are all God’s children. We all believe and love God, and all the Messengers. Our faiths share more than the differences - and we can have our differences and respect them, and seek to understand each other. It is natural that fraternity and love develop. Islam flourished because of Christian brothers and sisters supporting Muslims. Islam honours Muslims and Jews as The People of The Book. We all believe in the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ as The Promised Messiah - it is an article of faith for Muslims. Muslims demonstrate against blasphemous plays held in London, UK insulting Jesus Christ. As a generation 2.5 British citizen, Muslim I studied in Christian faith schools - I saw and experienced so many similarities and made lifelong friends who value and respect me. We must work together as people of faith and promote good, righteousness and piety in the world. You have built an amazing community in Utah, and I hope to one day join you there as faculty. Peace and Blessings of God be upon you all. Wishing our Christian brethren all best wishes over Christmas, a happy and prosperous New Year!
I am so grateful to have found out about this pamphlet and have just read it for myself. It has been a huge eye-opener for me as it helped me see that not all that we see on the news and on TV/movies about them applies to all the Muslims. We have so much more in common with the Muslim community than we think. Sure we may differ in certain doctrines but we have many very similar doctrines and practices that we share. I cannot wait to see how we continue to build bridges of love and mutual respect between us and different faith/non-faith groups.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for speaking on this topic and making these resources available.
Love this very much! ❤️ As members of the Church, as children of God it is our duty to treat others with respect and love as Christ would do.
We agree with you.
It would be good to do this with all the mainstream religions
The church leaders do this every single year. But some religions resist the invitation. Maybe next year.
Impossible, as The Catholics and Christian churches will never accept friendship with a cult.
Thank you Elder Gong
Such a wonderful topic
Thank you for including us in this beautiful spiritual information!
I learned so much, thank you!
Mammoth love to our Muslim sisters and brothers! Al-salamü ‘alayküm 💛 🕌 🕋 🙏🏽
I just wish and pray that the members of the church would apply what you are teaching towards members who are having a faith crisis or have legitimate questions.
This is great!
True things are hard to hear sometimes. The Lord loves all his children and wants all of us to love each other.
This seems timely based on our belief about the Lord's final return in power and glory. It's time for us human beings in general:) to reconcile differences and prepare for major shifts in the ways we relate to each other.
I love this, I haven't even made it 5 minutes in and I'm so grateful for this already.
Retaining native identity and espousing native ingenuity is a great challenge; advancing the common cause of humanity is the greater challenge while realizing our celestial potential is the greatest challenge in our mortal existence.
Wonderful engagement
Great message!
Excellent! Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this message! My family has hosted Muslim people from different denominations and we have identified more similarities than differences. I would not deny we have been badly persecuted by local church leaders from Tempe, Arizona and even by extended family but we know that Righteousness comes from God and that it is through their actions you get to recognize the true followers of God and even Christ!
My family and I lived next to a Muslim family in the last city we lived in. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I see this event just like I experienced having Muslim neighbors. We enjoyed living by our Muslim neighbors and learning about their faith. We have some common beliefs and some very different beliefs as was said here. And need to understand each other like neighbors would. It doesn’t mean we will believe the same. But will understand and love each other knowing those differences in belief systems.
I feel like we could have hour long discussions with Muslims, other Christian denominations, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. This short video should only be a primer to learn about other people of faith. I wish Jordan Peterson could be involved with discussions like this. He has some good content on Christianity and Islam that he released in the last month including talks with some prominent Muslim scholars. Those videos are hours long. Understanding Islam and learning about it from a Western perspective takes much much longer than this 30min video. It takes 100s of hours to really start to understand how little you know about a different faith with over one thousand years of history.
Thank you for sharing your experience!
Scott thank you for sharing this with us. All I can think of is the words of Our Lord, love one another as I have loved you. I'm grateful for the church joining hands with the Muslims and others. I would love to see all the Christian people and other people of faith come together as one like it should be. There's much more than enough criticism and Hate in the world.
This is such a timely subject for me; I have long cared deeply about people of color and cultures; there is far too much attention given to the down side of the lives of others not like the white side of life. I feel like I'm so white its embarrassing, yet my dominating ethnicity is of Great Britain, Wales, and Irish, with a wide range of many races all around the Mediterranean Sea. Before I knew anything about the Church of my mother's people, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and even less about people outside my immediate surroundings. My heart goes out to those war torn nations whose innocents are being forced to flee for their lives with no where to go where it is safe. May the one God of us all be with each one as we find our way through these perilous times is my fervent prayer for both sides of the many fences that divide us one from another...
Praying, fasting and protecting our physical health are principles that both religious practice.
All humans are brothers and sisters.
The God of all watch over us.
Thank You for this enlightened discussion.
This is a wonderful and important presentation. I would add, not as a criticism or refutation, but as an addition, that Latter-Day Saints cannot ignore or dismiss the terrible harm that has been done supposedly in the name of Islam. I believe the only way to assuage that hurt, and to find any meaningful reconcilliation is through face-to-face intercourse with Muslims. I'd hasten to add that a huge number of innocent Muslims have also been hurt by the actions of Western militaries, perhaps mostly by American, and it would surprise me very much if they do not hold the same negative feelings toward Christians. I believe we can heal these wounds, but it will not be done quickly, or through such wonderful presentations as this. May our Father in Heaven show us the way.
To this end is the essence of Man - to enhance Light and Truth in his physical and metaphysical environment, connecting his soul to The Infinite and undergo existential progression, hopefully discerning and embracing The Fullness of Light and Truth on either side of the existential veil.
this would be fun to be at, Many years ago UVU had like 7 different religions on a stage and talk together it was very nice. I loved it, I have had Hindu , muslim, Jewish, Buddhist friends, and various Christian religions. even dated them and had friends that dated various. I applaud the church leaders
LDS church leaders constantly remind to all how to help, serve, respect others, differences and being able to support one another. Being professionals, using our skills to do good to others. Helping and being sincerely respectful to others. We always will be better together and supporting each other. “Love one another “ As Jesus Christ said.
Not to do anything wrong to anyone.
Not manipulating anyone to hate anyone. Not making anything wrong to anyone.
Being kind, pacifist ❤and honest.
I am so glad that this is finally starting to happen.
I've seen the comments of some Church members that just blew me away with the amount of contempt and animosity, that were just not Christ-like.
Christi, I have read many statements and responded to Many statements and topics. A lot of the agreeable statements are from the members of the church but there are others I have no clue whether they are members or not. What I look at is the one that agree with what is christ-like and what's being said, these are the good Christ-like Christians of the world. Then you have those ones that don't agree or criticize. They fall into the category misinformed or uneducated in the matter. If they have this same view after they are educated, then they fall into the category other than the church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints. The one and only judge will judge them if there is no repentance. With that said that leaves me out of the equation. I have nothing to do, but to serve and share the things I have.
Do you know these individuals personally that has been saying these things. I was wondering if they were all members of the church and how you knew that. There is a lot of non-members that watch these websites of the church. I will confess I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I believe if we would remember what Alma chapter 17 is about, I believe we would see basically the same thing that been going on for quite some time now. The prophet has said, we are to gether Israel and this is part of it. Don't judge people. We can all speculate all day long.
We are not debating over our different beliefs hear but are sharing the commandment to love one another
These are better men than me; as my heart is often hard; not against a people and individuals, but against ideology. Our experiences form us for good and bad; and some of mine have been harsh experiences.
I love this! I’ve made this mistake also
Thank you.
Will there now be the same kind of thing done for our jewish brothers and sisters? Our fellow members of the house of Israel.
You must have missed the videos with our Jewish Family. The Jewish people and the church has been working together for years. I thought everyone knew that because it has been a Non-Stop program for alone time. Even with the BYU students.
The Jewish have been held up in an extremely high position in my family my whole life. My mom and grandparents, all 3 have been members their whole lives, believe that the Jewish will receive the same treatment as the LDS in the afterlife.
Eu amo esta Igreja! 😇🥰
Isaiah 19 depicts the effects of social, spiritual, political, environmental collapse. This Chastening from God allows for the Unity of faith in Christ. The building of Temples and temple worship across the land. This is where we are at.
💛...can't wait to get my copy...
We are all equal and all should stick together
We are all brothers and sisters regardless of our religion
Maybe a reminder to everyone. It was said in one of the comments to read Alma chapter 17. I believe it would answer many questions and redirect your view. Sometimes we all forget about a little piece of the puzzle . The good people of the world will band together to fight against the evil of the world , just like the war in heaven, before the world was. It won't matter what religion you are, when things get rough and we all stick together , that will be a great thing. I believe the Lord said ,come follow me.
Can we have a similar effort with our Jewish friends?
We have and we do include our Jewish friends. There are several videos what the church and our Jewish friends have done together to make this world a better place to live.
Amazing 😍
Gracias padre celestial por tu hijo amado Jesucristo y. El espíritu santo aleluya Amen y Amen mi único Rey de Reyes señor de señores el dueño de todo universo
Good job 💗💗
This is a good thing. I’m not a Muslim nor a Mormon. But as a Christian, I think all of us can agree, we’re all descendants of Abraham. We need more interfaith dialogue
Thank you for tuning in, we appreciate your comment!
What about Muslims understanding our faith?
Great to respect one another but it goes both ways.
It starts with ourselves. I love my Muslim brothers and sisters💗
0:16 hello good night salsa thank you muy buenas noches gracias que Dios te bendiga hermano los líderes que se encuentran que tenga buenas noches
What will radical factions do to peaceful Muslims and Latter-day Saints who begin to walk together? I pray God's blessing on all who choose to walk in peace.
I cannot believe that churches were restricted more than gambling and liquor. That is a sign that we are approaching the second coming of our Lord.
It was in a shopping mall, as I turned accidently brushed against a woman and her companion who were obviously Muslim. I politely apologized and the reply given was ---- "sorry" yes you will be sorry when 'we' take over. I fully understood what she meant. How am I supposed to feel after such a statement being made?
Read Alma 27 for your answer.
Uh I'm not sure how you took that statement in that way? I would just as likely come to the conclusion that she, like you, was apologizing for bumping into you.
I invite all Latter Day Saints to the religion of Islam; for your hearts are inclined to good. Follow the truth and be guided on the straight path so that you receive blessings in this life and in the next. May Allah incline your hearts to Islam and make you Muslims. “And there came a man running from the furthest part of the town. He said, ‘O my people! Obey the Messengers. Obey those who ask no wages of you (for themselves) and who are rightly guided.’ ” (Quran 36:20-21)
Glad that Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me instead of get into a “Religion “.
Discussing belifs we have in common applies to all religions not just Muslims and Islam. Evengelical Christians and LDS have more in common that should guide our discussion also rather than the differences.
The church goes to Great Links every year to communicate with every religion that will come together. They believe it's helped a lot. Also with other cultures. Belief can always change but truth cannot.
Por favor, también difundirlo en español, muy apropiado e importante conocimiento emergente , nuevo crítico reflexión moderna sobre el cristianismo renovado para tener dispuestos corazón/mente y pensamiento abiertamente dispuestos
The one obstacle is that Muslims believe there were no prophets after Mohammed.
We should be proud of this he’d be proud of this! Not my gospel but I feel the modern world is filled with 3:- the evil doing bad things, the good person pretending to be good are equal and you get the grey area the common folk. I say grey because it’s varied our daily trespasses… this is truly decent and decency so although I’m not even latter day I’m Protestant Christian I just wanted to show maximin appreciation for what you’re doing here we Uk have lived alongside Muslims for decades it’s not new to us and they have a lot to offer they’re quiet neighbours cook amazing food often no trouble they work hard keep to themselves they don’t drink so they’re not gonna go get drunk and be a problem etc give em a chance I promise the food oh my lamb or goat biriyani oh my lawd you hunters will like that