This is my mom's auntie's family, I knew it was going to end like this, I knew they were going to forgive each , other. Mkoma Douglas was so respectful and I believe that is what he taught his kids, I'm happy it ended the way I imagined and wanted.Thanks Job for apologising, it takes a humble man to to that, May the peace of the almighty be with you all
Webster must be outspoken plus ndiye mukuru asara abata musha wababa the family wanted to get rid of him ipfuma yenhaka chete hapana chimwe but mukoma Webby hamutambiri mhosva muplate sesadza zvese meiramba henyu handina kumbodaro handina kuzvitaura asi motaura henyu ndakati 😃 😀 😄
Webby akazvitaura kikkkk even panhamo, Webby was right, he was not obliged to listen to someone with diverting burial proceedings . Watsamwa you say such things, hamusi baba wangu, wangu ava vandirikuvigha. Saka dzakabva dzazvirota personal.
Very happy with the result but I saw 99% right from onset, the accused mother very humble, I love her. Mazidhara anzwa butter vanga vakamirira mazikava evanhu nxa varies thoko waro chayiyo
Ndadzidza kuti kuendeswa kuseri kwechuru haakubatsire, kungodyirwa mari for mahara. Saka VaMandebvu vachaita sei? Apa vane evidence yetsamba inerunyoro rwemufi. Mwanakomana be careful zvako, always look over your shoulder where ever you go. Thank you DNA team👏👏mhuri yave nepeace of mind, mwana aakuziva dzinza rake pasina kupokana❤😍
That was fake letter. In his conclusion, he said uchikura wainetsa baba vako vasati vafa. So he came with a plan to discard Webster. He also said Webster is influencing his young brothers, so to him Webster has been the greatest impedement! Unotowona kuti kuchurch kwacho kwakazara varoyi....Webster is right !
Mumisha makatakura kurema. Im happy for mhamha na Webby. Thank you Tinashe Mugabe nekuyananisa mhuri. Haaa panga panyangara apa. Not forgetting to thank our traditional ways to settle down disputes padare paMambo
Coghan Gwasira - chief makoni is educated ka uyo you can’t compare him with some chiefs. he knows science zvese ne Shona zvese ne church bonafide Adventist.
N'anga nemaporofita zvaputsa misha mizhinji chokwadi thanx to the DNA team makanga muripiko all along And as for that bamukuru i think vaida imba yakasiirwa mwana nemunin'ina wavo he is bitter to an extent yekunyora tsamba netaura zvisipo zvichida ndivo muroi wemusha I give enough respect to the chief that was good judgment coz hapana asina kupumha mumwe well done.The son is brave anotemba nashe vachafa nehuroi hwavo
N'anga nema maporofita it's the same spirit of satan. N'anga ikauya muchurch inonzi false prophet. So they're all necromancers/ witchdoctors. Traditional healer is different because n'anga nema porofita pane mweya. Divination is strictly forbidden in the bible. Basically n'anga & false prophet = muroyi.
N'anga yakaenderwa either ndeye padhuze or else pane 1 akafambisa information kun'anga kuti unongoti mufamily mune mwana asi wemo. My story is pazvidhara izvo muroyi atoripo chaiye and the aim was to make sure that uyo abudiswa mufamily so that vapedze vamwe zvakanaka uyo anotaurisa maybe. Zvakashata kuva chapupu chenhema panyaya yakakura so madhara ayo ngaanyarewo chaizvo vakavhiringidza mukomana uyo
I have followed the chiefs deliberations. I enjoy how he dissects on issues lol. Hanzi “ Iyi yaayekuti hayivhiwi… inovhiiywa “.. basically your word against mine. The chief and his advisers have a lot of wisdom and experience. I just wish our people learn to leave in peace and channel the hate and anger towards issues that improve their livelihood. I notice that sometimes misdirect their energy and focus to hate and jealousy
I trusted much nyaya yekuseri kwechuru but I now have some questions about this kuseri kwechuru thing. Mambo should take up this issue and question this Sangoma. The Sangoma has destroyed all the credibility of the activities of other Sangomas. I think there is need to revise and refine the Sangoma operations. Thank you Tinashe for job weldone. Imagine dai usiriwe, what was to be the future of this family mumusha umu nekwa mai zvakare and the son concerned. Ndokwainge kutori kuparara kwemhuri uku. It's really sad.
Nyati nemakurukota or machinda enyu 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏. I salute you 🫡, so much wisdom, so much order mudare menyu and the environment is good kani. Mhuri dzauyawo dzakatsvinda munhu wese akashambidzika uye hapana makakatanwa asi kutaurirana kwakanaka.🎉 Zvange zvakajeka. Kana vari veGlobal DNA hatigoni nemi nguva dziri dzese, hamutirasise🎉🎉
A typical African dare. You don't speak out of turn. You choose words carefully and deliberately. Everyone has an opportunity to address the gathering. Well done mambo and well done Tinashe!
It seems as if Chief vari kuda kuti the child I question aripe n e was sure wat the traditional healer was right however the DNA an proved them wrong.the village head is very right
Kana n'anga yakaposha pa dna can we beleive zvekuti hauna chikwambo nxaaa mutori nacho n'anga iripi pls ndaisungwe mambo Makoni i see you Nyati my dad my hero vana Nyati tine ka wisdom katakapihwa na Mwari soo weldone Mr DNA❤❤
DNA is the best. Pane vana vazhinji vanoshungurudza zvichinzi they don't belong to the family. Why hama dzichizotaura after baba vacho vafa. Undyire uhu, they what to take inheritance. Kunyepa kuti heeee, mubvandiripo. Thumbs up chief for your wise decision
Im happy for you mkoma Webster. Babamukuru avo kunyora tsamba kty yakanyorwa nemufi yenhema. Kufirwa nemubereki kwakaoma kuitwa an outcast. Ada atasva. Vamwe vachidira doro pasi. Very painfull
My dads sister said im not her dads daughter and had managed to make all the relatives hate me and go against me but i say Chipo Mwari haadhakwe. Iwewe na Cloud,namatatya tichasangana on judgment day...
Thanks for the DNA thanks for the wisdom from the Chief and thanks indeed for last photo shoot, sekuru baba mai n mwana it symbolises family love in their memories
Thank u DNA man for bringing peace in this family ,uuum why our muma family muchiwanikaa ana bamukuru wane utsinye like that ,ko kunyepa kuti ndakatoudzwa kuti kumusha kwamai awo zvakanzi gomba harina mwana ,l know this family l came from the next village ,mai wanoda kuripwa awo ,thats why vana wachisazoisa respect mhani ,utsinye too much ana baba wanenge wasara ,masunungura mwana uyo chokwadi thank u Mr Mugabe
I can only imagine myself in Webster's situation in 50s being told by men in their 80s and about to die that my dead father is not my father. I won't even give damn
Loosing a parent just makes one vulnerable to abuse. May God give us long life so we die when our children are old enough to fend for themselves. This was a plot from the uncles, Shona says’Gudo guru peta muswe kuti vadiki vakutye’ this guy akataura zvehuroi achinyeya not directly n we all do that. They should distance themselves from such people because level of toxicity is too high.
The grandfather and uncle have a grave vendetta against this man in question. They are narccistic because they presume that his threat of death against them is more profound than their allegations of him not being a member of the family. Myopic abusers of family power. They are up to no good
The chief wanted to end it the wrong way by just saying accept and move on.I believe the sekuru needed to say he had forgiven muzukuru.I am happy he asked for forgiveness and bamkuru accepted it
Chief should bring godobori kudare because akanyeba. Akapesanisa mhuri
Godobori akatengwa nemadhara ayo
Ummmmm 😢
Chief ngavaone zvekuita so that the credibility of all other Sangomas are restored.
Chitupa chake chekuroya chinofanira kuchekwa futi 😂😂😂
Yes akanyeba Ivo chief kuzoda kunatsurudza kuseri kwechuru zero kubira vanhu mari nhema dzega dzega
I was so happy for Webster💃💃💃. Bamkuru avo Vai creater nyaya ende havanyare
Ini ndaona sekuti vakuita hudyire vakuda kutora pfuma yakasiiwa nemufi chete plas zvehuroi madhara ayo haasryt
This should be a lesson to all kuti n'anga dxinoreva nhema, they are there to destroy families
I think vakatengwa
neDNA hapasisina kunyeba dzakuziva kuti VAR ndiTinashe
ZveDNA izvi hazvidi n'anga nemaporofita. Misha yakawanda yaparara
Hapana panopinda n'anga nemaporofita pakasara pane peace.They are agents of Stan and disorder.
N'anga nemapotofita vanoparadzanisa nekunyepa kwavanoita vanonyepesa
Baba ve ndebvu chena has got issues 😂
Mandebvu ane nyaya yake.He hates
Panenge pane nyaya iri behind, inheritance
Nyaya inongovapo ndeye imba
Ndomadhara anenge achibhoekana nemadevelpments evamwe vana,,, more over vachida zvinhu zvemufi apa aiva nemhuri
@@violazvorombe5317 vanopenga vaidi kuvaka yavo imba ndeye vana
Madhara ane zvavakabata ndivo vanenge vakaromba vakuda kunyepera mai avo plus nekut hama yavo yakafa vakuda kunetsa shirikadzi iyo. Sekuru Mandebvu muchenjere mazindebvu iwayo muchipupura nhema.
That was a good result, cried a bit - he felt like an outcast I was very happy for him
This is my mom's auntie's family, I knew it was going to end like this, I knew they were going to forgive each , other. Mkoma Douglas was so respectful and I believe that is what he taught his kids, I'm happy it ended the way I imagined and wanted.Thanks Job for apologising, it takes a humble man to to that, May the peace of the almighty be with you all
Webster must be outspoken plus ndiye mukuru asara abata musha wababa the family wanted to get rid of him ipfuma yenhaka chete hapana chimwe but mukoma Webby hamutambiri mhosva muplate sesadza zvese meiramba henyu handina kumbodaro handina kuzvitaura asi motaura henyu ndakati 😃 😀 😄
Webby akazvitaura kikkkk even panhamo, Webby was right, he was not obliged to listen to someone with diverting burial proceedings . Watsamwa you say such things, hamusi baba wangu, wangu ava vandirikuvigha. Saka dzakabva dzazvirota personal.
Very happy with the result but I saw 99% right from onset, the accused mother very humble, I love her. Mazidhara anzwa butter vanga vakamirira mazikava evanhu nxa varies thoko waro chayiyo
Ndadzidza kuti kuendeswa kuseri kwechuru haakubatsire, kungodyirwa mari for mahara.
Saka VaMandebvu vachaita sei? Apa vane evidence yetsamba inerunyoro rwemufi.
Mwanakomana be careful zvako, always look over your shoulder where ever you go.
Thank you DNA team👏👏mhuri yave nepeace of mind, mwana aakuziva dzinza rake pasina kupokana❤😍
That was fake letter. In his conclusion, he said uchikura wainetsa baba vako vasati vafa. So he came with a plan to discard Webster. He also said Webster is influencing his young brothers, so to him Webster has been the greatest impedement! Unotowona kuti kuchurch kwacho kwakazara varoyi....Webster is right !
Kuseri kwechuru hakuna chiriko kkkkkkk uko
🙏🙏Thank you Mr Mugabe and Mambo Makoni, I think this was a fair judgement. Am happy with the DNA result.
Nyaya iyi yandirwadza kuti babamukuru vakawanda kupi tsamba ndipo pakatangira nyaya vaida kudzinga mbuya avo vakura zvavaita izvo.Vanhu ngavazive Mwari not kungo yenda kumaporofita neny'anga dzenhema nhema😢😢😢😢
😅😅😅nekuchember kwese uko shuwa mnhu ungataur nyya inotsverudza kudaro😢😢
Ndokuromba zve 😂😂😂
Anyone else badly hurt panzi zai rakaora?
When i missed it..what time?
Ini but I thought I was overreacting
Dazvinzwawo hazvina kundiitira zvakanaka.
Zvandibatabata chose
Mumisha makatakura kurema. Im happy for mhamha na Webby. Thank you Tinashe Mugabe nekuyananisa mhuri. Haaa panga panyangara apa.
Not forgetting to thank our traditional ways to settle down disputes padare paMambo
Pakaipa kuyanana ndokukuru
Asi chero mumusha mukaita mwana asiri wemo zvingabva zva affecta the whole clan hr veduweeee, saka vanhu kare kese murume uyo asati abarwa maisafa hr mumhuri, maiva nerugare hr makungobeliever zvese zvese wo, madhara anoshanja anobva awana mukana wekukupedzai mese. Mumusha umo munotoda Mwari chaiye and vabatsiri vanoziva zvavanoita.
Why do i think kuti the accused son was telling the truth from the very onset,i also think kuti the uncles teamed up to get rid of this son....HUPENYU
Havadi kuona munhu anotaura his mind 😂😂😂😂😂, remember the Damafalls episode nana tete vaye pana Simba and the other 2 boys
Varoyi vadhara ava kuisa nyaya kwa chief with false accusation was a counter attack
Munhu ataura zvenyaya yekuseri kwechuru ariryt nekuti pakanyepwa ,vanhu vanofanirwa kufamba kuti nyaya yemushonga ibude pachena ndiyo yakakonzera kuti vanhu vazosvika kumaDNA
They are wicked those uncles
Ma uncles havadi munhu anotaura chokwadi
Mr Mugabe you're the best.
Haiwawo kwagara kunofiwa ko mai avo vamapumha huhure? You just hate that man.
Coghan Gwasira - chief makoni is educated ka uyo you can’t compare him with some chiefs. he knows science zvese ne Shona zvese ne church bonafide Adventist.
I hama yangu hake but At times anoita bias inobhowa but nhasi agona
😢😢😢😢 thank you vamugabe nebasa renyu ndarwadziwa nehama dzine ruvengo so
Thank you mambo. Ibvai madzinga n'anga yekunyepa iyo pamuzinda yainge yatengwa naMandebvu
Hino dzinopera kudzingwa dzese tikaenda kwaMugabe
N'anga nemaporofita zvaputsa misha mizhinji chokwadi thanx to the DNA team makanga muripiko all along
And as for that bamukuru i think vaida imba yakasiirwa mwana nemunin'ina wavo he is bitter to an extent yekunyora tsamba netaura zvisipo zvichida ndivo muroi wemusha
I give enough respect to the chief that was good judgment coz hapana asina kupumha mumwe well done.The son is brave anotemba nashe vachafa nehuroi hwavo
My home Rusape......Ndachema hangu zvakaoma hazvo, thank you so much Mr Mugabe maburitsa chokwadi😊
Vedzinza murikungosimbirira pakuti wakandipumha, wakamditi handidi mwana wepano. Ko amai avo mutorwa wamurikuti ahura hamusikuda kumukumbira ruregerero nei. Kumbirai amai avo ruregerero
African family dynamics are very complex but I love them.
I think this is also a good reason, these courts shud stop consulting witchdoctors to determine cases
They are actually traditional healers. both ,n'anga ne zviporofiti. These people ndevekwa Mwazha, so they are likely to choose chiporofiti
N'anga nema maporofita it's the same spirit of satan. N'anga ikauya muchurch inonzi false prophet. So they're all necromancers/ witchdoctors. Traditional healer is different because n'anga nema porofita pane mweya. Divination is strictly forbidden in the bible. Basically n'anga & false prophet = muroyi.
N'anga yakaenderwa either ndeye padhuze or else pane 1 akafambisa information kun'anga kuti unongoti mufamily mune mwana asi wemo. My story is pazvidhara izvo muroyi atoripo chaiye and the aim was to make sure that uyo abudiswa mufamily so that vapedze vamwe zvakanaka uyo anotaurisa maybe. Zvakashata kuva chapupu chenhema panyaya yakakura so madhara ayo ngaanyarewo chaizvo vakavhiringidza mukomana uyo
I love how that women emphasized kubatana nekuregererana. Thats why its important to have female voices mudare
I have followed the chiefs deliberations. I enjoy how he dissects on issues lol.
Hanzi “ Iyi yaayekuti hayivhiwi… inovhiiywa “.. basically your word against mine.
The chief and his advisers have a lot of wisdom and experience.
I just wish our people learn to leave in peace and channel the hate and anger towards issues that improve their livelihood. I notice that sometimes misdirect their energy and focus to hate and jealousy
We thank God for a wise chief full of wisdom otherwise this issue could have continued nenyaya yekuda kuripisana
N'anga dzake dzinonyepa
Apana Hu wise vaainawo apo bcz chief anga ari ku side kwe n,anga
Tinashe unobhowa wakatiisira yemukadzi arikurwa wakutipa zvekwamambo chigodora zvisina kana basa nesu .
Taura hako ndozvaabhowera izvozvo zvonakidza hakasiri kuita anounza zvobhowa mberi ummmm
😂😂😂😂😂 nekuti nhasi hapana zvekubvunzwa kuti bota makadya kanganika
Kwenyu kurikuda violence hre tibvireipo
@@kundaimuhumbe9708kwahi vhiyorence ndoine basa nesu.Kkkkkkkkk
Thank you chief &DNA man for bringing peace of mind to this family prophets & witch doctors ummm you tear apart families
havasi vekwamarange here vakudira doro pasi
Gone are the days when the elderly decided to cut off the children of the dead from their inheritance!! Pasina DNA Webster anga abata pasi!!
Sekuru vhudzijena vaneproblem apo vakafanana nekamudhara kaye kekuti Vamunangagwa huchi 😂😂 nanga ngaiuye itaure nyaya dzayo
Kkk vanenge ivo zvechokwadi
Ndafarira result kunge yangu.N'anga yakanyepa.Hasha dzina sekuru ndedzemunhu ane chaanacho.Zviye zvekuti pasazombowane mumwe 1:06:49 angazoda kumucherechedza
I always like this combination of DNA to traditional courts.
Kudhara vaitarisa maoko zvotonzi ndewedzinza. Pane kwazonzwaro but they insisted on DNA aka onekwa asiri. Maybe vaingoti ndeweko to avoid divorce
I trusted much nyaya yekuseri kwechuru but I now have some questions about this kuseri kwechuru thing.
Mambo should take up this issue and question this Sangoma. The Sangoma has destroyed all the credibility of the activities of other Sangomas.
I think there is need to revise and refine the Sangoma operations.
Thank you Tinashe for job weldone. Imagine dai usiriwe, what was to be the future of this family mumusha umu nekwa mai zvakare and the son concerned.
Ndokwainge kutori kuparara kwemhuri uku. It's really sad.
even maprofita ndovamwe futi ..they destroy families
Thank you DNA man, I dropped a tear.
Same here
Thank You Chief your Words deserve the position You hold in the Society.
😢Baba vendebvu chena avo vanenhongwa,kuomesa msoro kudaro sei,ngavagere ndebvu ndidzo dzinovapa msoro kudziya😅
Unotoshaya kuti kwaMwazha kwacho varikudzidziswei
Kna ndiwewo kusara here karomo chte wakasatovhura muromo wacho hautouone kunge kitsi yakaruma gonzo
Zvimadhara izvo ndezvekumama hazvina nyaya svinu zvaida kushungurudza amai avo nevana vavo. Plus chi n'anga chaida kuparadza mhuri nenyaya dzekunyepa. Tsvagai mwari achawanikwa ana sekuru nana bamukuru shandai zvenyu gonai kutsvaga zvenyu siyai mhuri dzevanhu ana satan😢
Mazviona here chief Kuti n'anga yenyu yekuseri kwechuru inonyepa makaripisa vanhu hobho vasina mhosva
Nyati nemakurukota or machinda enyu 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏. I salute you 🫡, so much wisdom, so much order mudare menyu and the environment is good kani. Mhuri dzauyawo dzakatsvinda munhu wese akashambidzika uye hapana makakatanwa asi kutaurirana kwakanaka.🎉 Zvange zvakajeka.
Kana vari veGlobal DNA hatigoni nemi nguva dziri dzese, hamutirasise🎉🎉
Chief Nyati vakarongeka chaizvo
A typical African dare. You don't speak out of turn. You choose words carefully and deliberately. Everyone has an opportunity to address the gathering. Well done mambo and well done Tinashe!
Thank you Chief and Mr Mugabe, I am happy for the son
This chief is very educated
Baba vane nharo, not apologetic havana remorse and he was 1005% sure kuti Webby haasiri Chibobo child. Vane nharo dzepachipositori Mwazha style. Fair judgement Chief Makoni
DNA is the best and thank you Mr Mugabe 💥🙏
Chief Vatiza nyaya yemujaya yekuti n'anga yakatadza kuona
The chief has wisdom. Thumbs up.
This episode was just not fair at all.well done gogo.
sour grapes to that mandebvu old man.
Vanoda kuita ukuru too much
This show is the best..keep it up..we definitely need to be on 1M by now🎉❤..let's keep supporting
Thank you gogo for good results . Zvasunungura mwana wenyu 💃💃💃
Aiwa chief nyaya hayipere ,takuyenda kuseri kwechuru ,n,anga yakazviwanepi zvekupi Web mubvandiripo
It seems as if Chief vari kuda kuti the child I question aripe n e was sure wat the traditional healer was right however the DNA an proved them wrong.the village head is very right
Chigodora must take notes kubva kuna mambo avo vanogona kutonga nyaya
Chigodora anedzungu
Aiwa ava havagoni kutonga ava, vagonawo pane issue iyi but zhinji vanopushira zvakaipa ivava uye pese vanongozviisira mombe.
My Chief Nyati
Pamwe mudhara Ma ndebvu ndiye mubvandiripo kkkk
My thoughts too.
Kana n'anga yakaposha pa dna can we beleive zvekuti hauna chikwambo nxaaa mutori nacho n'anga iripi pls ndaisungwe mambo Makoni i see you Nyati my dad my hero vana Nyati tine ka wisdom katakapihwa na Mwari soo weldone Mr DNA❤❤
Maporofita enyu enhema aya, ndofunga vanyara, kuti mwana izai rakaora, nemio vanhu musatembe maporofita aya
Saka kuseri kwechuru hakushande chinhu aaah kkkkk kudyira vanhu mahara
Bamkuru vakaoma moyo,ndarwadziwa zvangu ,thank yiu mr DNA man fo bringing pieace of mind kumhuri iyi
So Noone felt the need to apologize to the mother arikuaccuswer of chipfambi? Sick.
DNA is the best. Pane vana vazhinji vanoshungurudza zvichinzi they don't belong to the family. Why hama dzichizotaura after baba vacho vafa. Undyire uhu, they what to take inheritance. Kunyepa kuti heeee, mubvandiripo.
Thumbs up chief for your wise decision
Im happy for you mkoma Webster. Babamukuru avo kunyora tsamba kty yakanyorwa nemufi yenhema. Kufirwa nemubereki kwakaoma kuitwa an outcast. Ada atasva. Vamwe vachidira doro pasi. Very painfull
Asi sekuru na mudhara mandebvu vanerimwe pazvinhu zvavo ende vange vachida kunyudza Webby yaa mumhuri makazara ruvengo shame ko mufi zvaanzi akasiya anyora tsamba kuti mwana haazi wangu uuumm zvakabvepi shuwa apa kule vange vachitoda kuripwa ko ivowo kuripa Webby kuti hausi wepano even n'anga yaitozoripawo futi ahii na bamukuru vanyepera mufi vaitofanira kuripa as well nekuna maiguru kuti makahura big up to chief vatonga zviri fair otherwise kwaive kuripana na kuripana
Varume vezvindebvu zvichena vanosvota ndofunga vakarambwa nmainini saka vakutsvaga zvakawanda
Aiwa sekuru Mandebvu chena vatori negrudge nemwana uyo, anyway as long mwana ari we dzinza zvanaka
My dads sister said im not her dads daughter and had managed to make all the relatives hate me and go against me but i say Chipo Mwari haadhakwe. Iwewe na Cloud,namatatya tichasangana on judgment day...
Zven'anga izvo zvakapera kare kare, siyanai nazvo munopesaniswa zvenhema
Thanks for the DNA thanks for the wisdom from the Chief and thanks indeed for last photo shoot, sekuru baba mai n mwana it symbolises family love in their memories
I feel like mai vaifanira kuripwa avo😢 what have she done for her age to deserve such an embarrassment.
Yes anababa awo ngaripe kumukadzi wawo nemashoko awo
Ummmmm so sad apa mwana ava ne48years
Hapana achadzi mwana wemusango gys tnks Mr Mugabe
Haaa vana vemusango vagara vanoitwa naana mai mabishu vachida kuparadza dzimba dzevamwe vakadzi vanonzi mabishu...mabishuuu nyangwe DNA ikaitwa isusu tinovati ndevemusango chete
I'm happy for the outcome of the results,but what measures cold be taken to the witchdoctor who lied.
Mambo must not use him anymore
Thank u DNA man for bringing peace in this family ,uuum why our muma family muchiwanikaa ana bamukuru wane utsinye like that ,ko kunyepa kuti ndakatoudzwa kuti kumusha kwamai awo zvakanzi gomba harina mwana ,l know this family l came from the next village ,mai wanoda kuripwa awo ,thats why vana wachisazoisa respect mhani ,utsinye too much ana baba wanenge wasara ,masunungura mwana uyo chokwadi thank u Mr Mugabe
Vezvemweyaka zvokwadi hamupindi denga, maDNA enyu emumhepoka aya hameno. To totenda vaMugabe akauya neclosure
Nhyme zvakaoma
Mambo chikoro vanacho chakazara mugomo chaiwo. Wisdom yavo is top notch. ❤
Uyu ndomammbo uyu kwete amwe mambo so vatema vaye vepafacebook dzungu and speed
Dankoe chief
Saka godobori vakanyepa. Science dzakanaka hadzina short cut. Vemweya varikukonzeresa kupesana muma families
It's true vaparadza ma families akawanda
Chisimukai muende vna ndevemunhu one avo
If n'anga lied about paternity then he/she might have lied kuti havana zvikwambo coz why did they lie?
Manzwi okut uchafa akataurika sevanhu vakakandirana mashoko, imi zvamakat hausi mwana wepano moti haarwadziwi Kani, plus vanhu munoendereiko kuchech muchingosungirira zvamunenge matukana
Those old men they ganged up on this family, including that Sabhuku.
Chembere so ka.
Yoooh sqka n'anga yakataura zvekunyepa chayiii😂😂
Nevanji uyu ane unhu,munhu chaiye akarairwa,well done. Thank you Tinashe for the peace of mind
Kikikiki iri ndiro tsotsi manje wangu. Rino kanda gaka rinobaya kuti juuuu but achito udza vanhu chokwadi 😂😂😂😂😂.
Case closed, mambo has summed it all up very well.well said Webster.
What about the traditional healer who talk lies between the family?
Thank u Mr Mugabe mhuri yawana piece of mind madhara ayo anenhema kutot bba VA Webster vakasiya vataura kt web Haas mwana wangu DNA yaburitsa chokwadi
It's peace not piece
Munhu akangofirwa chete unenge wapinda ma 1 nezvimadhara izvi
Madhara maiperekedza murume mukuru kunobata maoko chirudzii ichocho mmm family yakarema iyi, and madhara ayo havatodi mai avo nevana vavo, varikutorangana zvakaoma, mudhara wendebvu chena newedzekusviba vane zvavanazvo
Madhara 2 ayo andivapembedzi hangu Mwari ndiregererei hangu
I can only imagine myself in Webster's situation in 50s being told by men in their 80s and about to die that my dead father is not my father. I won't even give damn
Thnx DNA Man evidence ye DNA result ya solver ma issues akawanda pa Mhuri iyi..........0ne of best episodes
Loosing a parent just makes one vulnerable to abuse. May God give us long life so we die when our children are old enough to fend for themselves.
This was a plot from the uncles, Shona says’Gudo guru peta muswe kuti vadiki vakutye’ this guy akataura zvehuroi achinyeya not directly n we all do that.
They should distance themselves from such people because level of toxicity is too high.
Mandebvu has issues😮😮😮even after the results he’s still bitter😢😢😢aizveeee what kind of closing remarks is that😮pure hatred
He is bitter 😂
Yah ngatidzidzei guys tisa vimba nanachiremba zvechivanhu izvi hakuchina kunyeperaana kwegakweka ndativimbe namwari
The grandfather and uncle have a grave vendetta against this man in question. They are narccistic because they presume that his threat of death against them is more profound than their allegations of him not being a member of the family. Myopic abusers of family power. They are up to no good
😂😂😂😂😂 vaku feeler heat vakuda kumudzinga mumhuri anenge arikupa zvimadhara izvo problem everytym coz he iz not a yes man
@@delightchinosengwa1431 that's so true
Exactly, vese vakapomerana but vakuda kukoshesa kupomerwa kwavo kudarika kupomera kwavakaitawo
@@mkay7255 maona zvandaonawo. Kunetsa mwana vemumwe nekuti baba vake havachisipo
These people should forgive each other. Idzo hama dzababa dzakati mwana izai rakaora, mwana akatiwo munoroya. So both parties are at fault.
Chiremba akachenesa sekuru akabhadharwa ngavafambe futi
@mambo makoni hope maona kuti n,anga dzenyu dzekuseri kwe churu dzinonyeba. Mupositori uya wekuramba kuenda kuseri kwechuru is vindicated. Muchidimbu n'anga dzekuseri kwechuru idzo handidzivimbi ini
The chief wanted to end it the wrong way by just saying accept and move on.I believe the sekuru needed to say he had forgiven muzukuru.I am happy he asked for forgiveness and bamkuru accepted it