@@SamMontgomery-d2c But God does not compel anyone to be saved. He leaves everyone free to choose Life or Death on their own free will (Sirach 15:17). Our Lord founded His Only Church on the Apostles (Matt 16:18-19, Rev 21:14) and sent them to teach for salvation of souls until the end of the world (Matt 28:20), saying "Whoever believes your teaching and baptized will be saved, and whoever does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:16)." So, it is. Those, who believe the teachings of HIs One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church and baptized, and faithfully observe all Our Lord commanded as taught, will be saved. All others, who does not believe teachings of His Church, will be condemned as Our Lord said.
@@SamMontgomery-d2c That means salvation is open and available to all humanity. It doesn’t mean every man will make the sacrifices and live in the way that will allow them to actually receive forgiveness for their sins. While people exist in time, they can choose God or choose the world and their decisions here affect their place in eternity. Simple.
I want you to know that this video which I keep coming back to has filled me with so much hope and purpose. Almost every other video I’ve seen on this subject has made me feel fearful and on the edge of despair. I am not good at evangelizing or persuading anybody to much of anything. I worry about the fates of not just myself, but even more so my family and friends. This is your best video.
From Our Lord's 10/17/2023 message to Sister Beghe: “My dearest Children, My children in Heaven are many, they are like “an immense crowd, impossible to count, from every nation, race, people and language” (Rev 7:9); but in Hell, and I am so pained to have to say this, they are even more numerous!
How many faithful are there throughout the world compared to the unfaithful, and among these faithful, how many saints are there? Among My faithful, sadly, unforgivably, there are so many, who do not reach the end for which they were created. They think they are chosen, but they are so in name or situation only, their hearts and souls are not directed towards Me. What a misfortune, and yet they had everything to love Me and join Me in My eternal Happiness. Their number is also impossible to count and they will populate the abyss where none would want to go.
This Hell is to be fled, My dearest Children, and yet there are so many among you, who let yourselves be drawn into it. I warn you, I draw you to Me, I give you everything you need to guide you towards Me, you have the knowledge, but material possessions monopolize you and you give them priority when it should have been given to Me. My Children, your time on earth is so precious, it has but one purpose, to draw you to Me, to sanctify you, yet you use it for your own gratification, for your own misfortune and for your own spiritual destruction.
The Catholic religion is as indispensable a necessity as earthly food, which, if necessary, can be frugal, unlike spiritual food, which you can fill up on without measure. The saints did it, they were perfectly happy and their love for their God was insatiable. When they entered Heaven, it was a perfect joy for them, an extraordinary and resplendent multicolored beauty, and even today, their memory does not fade. Use, and abundantly use, all heavenly food, but be sober and moderate in all earthly sustenance and satisfaction. Food is useful, it must not be a license.
My Children, I want you in My divine Abode, come there, be victorious in the earthly battle you must wage to achieve your ultimate victory: that of your definitive entry into My Heaven, your Homeland and your Joy. Pray, My Children, never stop praying for your loved ones, for your friends and acquaintances, for your brothers in the faith and for all the innocent. They need all the spiritual help you can give them through your prayers, your sacrifices and your penances.
The hour is grave and will become even more so, because the devil rejoices in any discord, led by those who have denied the true God. He wrestles and sneers at human misfortunes, and the more he can increase them, the more he agitates in every direction to do so. Pray, My children, your prayers are so useful, so important and so persuasive on the heart of your Father in Heaven. I bless you and I love you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. So be it. Your God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
God clearly wants ALL souls to be saved. That is His intention. Salvation isn't a secret exclusive club, we are THE Universal (Catholic) Church after all!
'Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete; then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss. But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed'... so he ordered those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land. The rest were to get there on planks or on other pieces of the ship. And so in this way everyone reached land safely" (Acts 27) "we are saved by hope" (Romans 8) "In hope, the Church prays for all men to be saved" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1821)
Thank you for this. There have been times where I've really felt that despair you talk about here. Fearing for yourself is bad enough, but it's so hard to live in the modern world where you know with certainty that almost everyone is carrying around mortal sins that have been normalized.
Christ shed his most precious blood so that all men might be saved. The Devil prowls about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Who wins? As for me, to Christ belongs the victory.
I know this might sound like a stupid question, but as a new and upcoming Catholic I don’t know a whole lot, but my grandparents passed on a few years ago and both were devout Christians, though Protestants. Which prayer should I say for them and their salvation that could give me peace of mind when it comes to their destiny? I used to feel like both were saved until I discovered the Catholic faith for myself and now I’m having doubts and anxious. I hope this question isn’t too confusing or out there, but I would welcome any kind of direction on this. God Bless
I feel like most of my Parish in Ironton, Ohio (Diocese of Steubenville) will be saved for sure. We are one of the best Catholic parishes in the United States. I served Tonight's mass for Corpus Christi in fact.
Saint John 18:36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants [would] be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.”
What I don’t understand is, if even you even only have a basic understanding of scripture (like me comparatively speaking), why those in the Church panic at the dwindling numbers of practicing Catholics. It’s in scripture that only very few will be saved so the dwindling numbers only confirm what scripture has taught. Why wouldn’t everyone rejoice at scripture being fulfilled?
God desires that all men come to the knowledge of Truth and be saved (1 Tim 2:4). Our Lord came to save all sinners, but not all be saved for the majority of them do not want to be saved on their own free will (Sir 15:17), which God respects, and reject His Love and His teachings. Our Lord's Agony in the Garden was caused by so many souls for whom His Sacrifice would be vain. 'Few will be saved" will be fulfilled, but it is not something to be rejoiced.
We must not be Christian only on Christmas and Easter. Fakes live in Hell everyday. We must know and experience the wisdom and 'goodness' of living Christian Every Day. Amen.
ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II: “Can God, who loves man so much, permit the man who rejects him to be condemned to eternal torment? The silence of the church is, therefore, the only appropriate position for Christian faith. Even when Jesus says of Judas, the traitor, “It would be better for that man if he had never been born” (Mt. 26:24) his words do not allude for certain to eternal damnation.” ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II: “Eternal damnation remains a possibility, but we are not granted, without special divine revelation, the knowledge of whether or which human beings are effectively involved in it. The thought of hell and even less the improper use of biblical images must not create anxiety or despair... The concept of hellfire, the fiery furnace and the unquenchable fire of Gehenna need to be interpreted as symbolic language... The risen Jesus has conquered Satan, giving us the Spirit of God who makes us cry, ‘Abba, Father!’ (Rm 8:15; Gal 5:6).”
From 10/17/2023 message to Sister Beghe: “My dearest Children, My children in Heaven are many, they are like “an immense crowd, impossible to count, from every nation, race, people and language” (Rev 7:9); but in Hell, and I am so pained to have to say this, they are even more numerous!
How many faithful are there throughout the world compared to the unfaithful, and among these faithful, how many saints are there? Among My faithful, sadly, unforgivably, there are so many, who do not reach the end for which they were created. They think they are chosen, but they are so in name or situation only, their hearts and souls are not directed towards Me. What a misfortune, and yet they had everything to love Me and join Me in My eternal Happiness. Their number is also impossible to count and they will populate the abyss where none would want to go.
This Hell is to be fled, My dearest Children, and yet there are so many among you, who let yourselves be drawn into it. I warn you, I draw you to Me, I give you everything you need to guide you towards Me, you have the knowledge, but material possessions monopolize you and you give them priority when it should have been given to Me. My Children, your time on earth is so precious, it has but one purpose, to draw you to Me, to sanctify you, yet you use it for your own gratification, for your own misfortune and for your own spiritual destruction.
The Catholic religion is as indispensable a necessity as earthly food, which, if necessary, can be frugal, unlike spiritual food, which you can fill up on without measure. The saints did it, they were perfectly happy and their love for their God was insatiable. When they entered Heaven, it was a perfect joy for them, an extraordinary and resplendent multicolored beauty, and even today, their memory does not fade. Use, and abundantly use, all heavenly food, but be sober and moderate in all earthly sustenance and satisfaction. Food is useful, it must not be a license.
My Children, I want you in My divine Abode, come there, be victorious in the earthly battle you must wage to achieve your ultimate victory: that of your definitive entry into My Heaven, your Homeland and your Joy. Pray, My Children, never stop praying for your loved ones, for your friends and acquaintances, for your brothers in the faith and for all the innocent. They need all the spiritual help you can give them through your prayers, your sacrifices and your penances.
The hour is grave and will become even more so, because the devil rejoices in any discord, led by those who have denied the true God. He wrestles and sneers at human misfortunes, and the more he can increase them, the more he agitates in every direction to do so. Pray, My children, your prayers are so useful, so important and so persuasive on the heart of your Father in Heaven. I bless you and I love you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. So be it. Your God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
Old-School Catholic preaching is very sobering. Matthew 7:21-23 says Not everyone that saith unto me “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the will of my Father who is in Heaven, on that day many will say to me “Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in thy name, and cast out demons in thy name and done many miracles in thy name?”And then I will profess unto them, “I never knew you: depart from me you that work iniquity.” On top of that St. Theresa of Avila ( hoping I spelled that correctly) said bad confessions damn most Christian’s and I believe St Jerome said that the path to hell is paved with the bones of errant priests. Those statements were made during a time when most people feared God so I’m not sure of my chances
That's why Our Lord said, "the road to salvation is narrow and strait and few find it (Matt 7:14). Therefore we must strive to become holy by living faithfully the Sacramental life --- confession, Holy Eucharist-- and observing His commandment of Love faithfully. And then have confidence in God's Mercy and Love, like a little child in the arms of his father, without worrying about our chances (which is a sign that we do not have trust in Him).
Believe what you will, but Jesus said, "Many are called, but few are chosen" Please see the Catholic doctrine known as "The Fewness of the Saved" God bless 🙏
"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves who as been born of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son Of God." I JOHN 1:1-5 This quote is one of several (and the ONLY proof I need) that as a baptized, practicing Catholic I have am SAVED by my baptism, BEING SAVED as I live, and WILL untimately BE SAVED when I die. I live by the PROMISES made to me by Scripture and the teachings of The Catechism. I don't need the ramblings of some "mystic" or saint (whose "happy time" was to scourge themselves and wear harishirts, perhaps). I guess, proclaimed saints, they are in heaven. But I don't have to accept their OFTEN weird locutions. Did Jesus ever tell someone He cured to go home, starve themselves, or maybe put ashes on their food so they never enjoyed another meal (HISTORIC FACT: Francis of Assisi did this very thing), or beat themselves or wear a spiked chain under their clothing? I don't speculate about how many people are going to be damned or saved......that's up to God. I WONDER IF THESE TYPES EVER FORETELL HOW MAN ARE GOING TO HEAVEN OR HELL......AND COUNT THEMSELVES AMONG THOSE WHO AREN'T GOING TO MAKE IT???
God knew everything before Creation. But He preceded to establish His family with many children in Heaven to share His Love. Once the number of saved is complete (we will know how many in Heaven), then the physical world will end and be dissolved. Only Heaven and Hell will remain eternally.
You don't have to look very far to find your serial killers; just look to your neighbour. Most couples are using birth control; especially 'The Pill'. Most don't know (or know but conveniently forget) that the Pill acts as an abortifacient if a fertilized ovum makes it to the uterus. Besides the over 1 BILLION that have been actively aborted (murdered), who, but God, can count the number aborted by 'The Pill', IUD's which may be 10 times more!!! I think a lot of people (women and men) will have an eye-opener at their Immediate Judgement when Jesus stands there and perhaps a half dozen children behind Him looking for justice for the lives they never had.
@@39knights i was one of those perpetual serial killers until I met someone I actually wanted to marry and I understand how our fallen world has destroyed the fabric of family. Secular people can't understand how and what the original way God intended is so much better than primal or articulated lusts
@@orthocatsr.8723 As a cradle Catholic there was one Holocaust victim who wrote on the Walls in the Concentration Camp. "If there was a God He would have to beg my forgiveness."
I will show you all something turn to John 20:23 this is Jesus speaking to the 12 Apostles this verse is important what he is saying is that the 12 can remit sins- as he was speaking he wasn’t just taking to the 12 but to the other saints who were there in spirit form all 144,000 of them. It’s the 144,000 that place your name in the book of life it’s them who forgive or not forgive your sins. Your prayers don’t reach God it’s picked off by the Spirts or by the Holy Spirit Matthew 16:28 you see here Jesus is speaking to the body of the 144,000 I will not go any deeper. Other than to say out of the 144,000 who came In and out of the earth over the past 2,000 years we are down to the last 151 of them who are on the earth today.
@@waseemhermiz7565 I gave you two scriptures to get you started believe whats being said in the scripture I only speak the truth of what’s written. I happen to have studied for over 50 years and have learned the Language or linguistics of the writers of the scriptures over 4000 years of writing this is important as things change over this long of a period of time. There is no way to fit it all in a book if I spoke all I know it would fill NYC, library on 42nd street and I’m not Joking. I often find it difficult to post comments or to speak with people as they are so far behind but ask complexed questions that they don’t have the capacity to comprehend. I’ll give you an example. Of a few more points that are written in the scriptures. 1. Jesus and Christ are not one in the same but two different individuals. 2. Jesus had a wife and three children but out of the 3 only two was Jesus’s children. 3. Jesus didn’t Die for your sins, but he died to show you a way and a path to gain forgiveness for your signs. 4 the Apostle Paul was not an Apostle, neither was, Mark - Luke - 5. Jesus never raised lazurith from being Dead. 6. Satan is already in the abyss. And the list goes on and on. You would need 100 years to catch up. Time that you don’t have. For you to even come close you would need to become like a little child sit for months and just listen to. Me speak. It’s impossible to debate with me. So don’t ask why you should believe me it’s a waste of time, instead ask a question about a specific scripture Book chapter verse. This would give you knowledge that would be of benefit to you. Get the KJV 1611 Oxford edition the one by Gordon Campbell this would be a good start.
@@persico9017 Nope! Jesus said: “Be compassionate as your heavenly Father is compassionate. Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Pardon, and you shall be pardoned.” Luke 6:36-37 Jesus said: “Treat others the way you would have them treat you: this sums up the law and the prophets.” Matt 7:12 Jesus said: “I give you a new commandment: Love one another. You must love one another just as I have loved you. This is how all will know you are my disciples: your love for one another.” John 13:34-35
@@imisschristendom5293 Then why hope and have Faith in Jesus Christ ✝️ if ALMOST ALL of Humanity will be DAMNED? If the Sacrifice and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ ✝️ amounts to little of the Salvation of Souls.
@@Darth_Vader258That's exactly my question. I don't understand it at all. 😢 If most people are going to hell why did God give his only begotten Son crucified for our sins?? God KNOWS the outcome of our souls. Then again, we have free will to CHOOSE. And also he already has the names written in the book of life. So.... it doesn't make sense to me. And it seems that almost everything we do is a grave sin. For example IVF. Why is that a mortal sin??? For so many couples who crave for a life to become part of their family they are committing an offence to God. I don't get it. The only way to be saved then is to become a monk. Or so it seems. Because in this world it is impossible NOT to sin.
Scripture couldn't be more clear that not all will be saved. But we must always pray for our souls and the souls of sinners to be forgiven.
What about 1 Timothy 4 10 that says ''God is the saviour of ALL men, especially those who believe''
@@SamMontgomery-d2c But God does not compel anyone to be saved. He leaves everyone free to choose Life or Death on their own free will (Sirach 15:17). Our Lord founded His Only Church on the Apostles (Matt 16:18-19, Rev 21:14) and sent them to teach for salvation of souls until the end of the world (Matt 28:20), saying "Whoever believes your teaching and baptized will be saved, and whoever does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:16)." So, it is. Those, who believe the teachings of HIs One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church and baptized, and faithfully observe all Our Lord commanded as taught, will be saved. All others, who does not believe teachings of His Church, will be condemned as Our Lord said.
That means salvation is open and available to all humanity. It doesn’t mean every man will make the sacrifices and live in the way that will allow them to actually receive forgiveness for their sins. While people exist in time, they can choose God or choose the world and their decisions here affect their place in eternity.
I want you to know that this video which I keep coming back to has filled me with so much hope and purpose. Almost every other video I’ve seen on this subject has made me feel fearful and on the edge of despair. I am not good at evangelizing or persuading anybody to much of anything. I worry about the fates of not just myself, but even more so my family and friends. This is your best video.
From Our Lord's 10/17/2023 message to Sister Beghe: “My dearest Children, My children in Heaven are many, they are like “an immense crowd, impossible to count, from every nation, race, people and language” (Rev 7:9); but in Hell, and I am so pained to have to say this, they are even more numerous!
How many faithful are there throughout the world compared to the unfaithful, and among these faithful, how many saints are there? Among My faithful, sadly, unforgivably, there are so many, who do not reach the end for which they were created. They think they are chosen, but they are so in name or situation only, their hearts and souls are not directed towards Me. What a misfortune, and yet they had everything to love Me and join Me in My eternal Happiness. Their number is also impossible to count and they will populate the abyss where none would want to go.
This Hell is to be fled, My dearest Children, and yet there are so many among you, who let yourselves be drawn into it. I warn you, I draw you to Me, I give you everything you need to guide you towards Me, you have the knowledge, but material possessions monopolize you and you give them priority when it should have been given to Me. My Children, your time on earth is so precious, it has but one purpose, to draw you to Me, to sanctify you, yet you use it for your own gratification, for your own misfortune and for your own spiritual destruction.
The Catholic religion is as indispensable a necessity as earthly food, which, if necessary, can be frugal, unlike spiritual food, which you can fill up on without measure. The saints did it, they were perfectly happy and their love for their God was insatiable. When they entered Heaven, it was a perfect joy for them, an extraordinary and resplendent multicolored beauty, and even today, their memory does not fade. Use, and abundantly use, all heavenly food, but be sober and moderate in all earthly sustenance and satisfaction. Food is useful, it must not be a license.
My Children, I want you in My divine Abode, come there, be victorious in the earthly battle you must wage to achieve your ultimate victory: that of your definitive entry into My Heaven, your Homeland and your Joy. Pray, My Children, never stop praying for your loved ones, for your friends and acquaintances, for your brothers in the faith and for all the innocent. They need all the spiritual help you can give them through your prayers, your sacrifices and your penances.
The hour is grave and will become even more so, because the devil rejoices in any discord, led by those who have denied the true God. He wrestles and sneers at human misfortunes, and the more he can increase them, the more he agitates in every direction to do so. Pray, My children, your prayers are so useful, so important and so persuasive on the heart of your Father in Heaven. I bless you and I love you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. So be it. Your God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
I could have written every word of your message myself. ❤
The prayer Our Lady asked us to pray at Fatima gives me hope that there is a way for all souls to be saved
God clearly wants ALL souls to be saved. That is His intention. Salvation isn't a secret exclusive club, we are THE Universal (Catholic) Church after all!
Well thank God for the divine mercy
'Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete; then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss. But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed'... so he ordered those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land. The rest were to get there on planks or on other pieces of the ship. And so in this way everyone reached land safely" (Acts 27)
"we are saved by hope" (Romans 8)
"In hope, the Church prays for all men to be saved" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1821)
Thank you for this. There have been times where I've really felt that despair you talk about here. Fearing for yourself is bad enough, but it's so hard to live in the modern world where you know with certainty that almost everyone is carrying around mortal sins that have been normalized.
Thank you for a comprehensive presentation.
To teach and water down salvation, puts all at risk of a false sense of security. Good video.
Very good! We need to be fearful. Your talk impresses upon me the advantage of being mindfull this question has NOT been settled .
Christ shed his most precious blood so that all men might be saved.
The Devil prowls about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Who wins? As for me, to Christ belongs the victory.
Yes, that all men "might" be saved. Christ made salvation possible for us, but it's conditional.
Food for thought. ☘️
I know this might sound like a stupid question, but as a new and upcoming Catholic I don’t know a whole lot, but my grandparents passed on a few years ago and both were devout Christians, though Protestants. Which prayer should I say for them and their salvation that could give me peace of mind when it comes to their destiny? I used to feel like both were saved until I discovered the Catholic faith for myself and now I’m having doubts and anxious. I hope this question isn’t too confusing or out there, but I would welcome any kind of direction on this. God Bless
I feel like most of my Parish in Ironton, Ohio (Diocese of Steubenville) will be saved for sure. We are one of the best Catholic parishes in the United States. I served Tonight's mass for Corpus Christi in fact.
Don't presume, as we don't know what is inside their hearts. There are cases of people who appeared to be holy had to go to hell.
Would you consider visiting us as a guest in The Zealots Den brother?
Saint John 18:36
Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants [would] be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.”
What I don’t understand is, if even you even only have a basic understanding of scripture (like me comparatively speaking), why those in the Church panic at the dwindling numbers of practicing Catholics. It’s in scripture that only very few will be saved so the dwindling numbers only confirm what scripture has taught. Why wouldn’t everyone rejoice at scripture being fulfilled?
God desires that all men come to the knowledge of Truth and be saved (1 Tim 2:4). Our Lord came to save all sinners, but not all be saved for the majority of them do not want to be saved on their own free will (Sir 15:17), which God respects, and reject His Love and His teachings. Our Lord's Agony in the Garden was caused by so many souls for whom His Sacrifice would be vain. 'Few will be saved" will be fulfilled, but it is not something to be rejoiced.
Few are saved no matter how you want to paint it
We must not be Christian only on Christmas and Easter. Fakes live in Hell everyday. We must know and experience the wisdom and 'goodness' of living Christian Every Day. Amen.
ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II: “Can God, who loves man so much, permit the man who rejects him to be condemned to eternal torment? The silence of the church is, therefore, the only appropriate position for Christian faith. Even when Jesus says of Judas, the traitor, “It would be better for that man if he had never been born” (Mt. 26:24) his words do not allude for certain to eternal damnation.”
ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II: “Eternal damnation remains a possibility, but we are not granted, without special divine revelation, the knowledge of whether or which human beings are effectively involved in it.
The thought of hell and even less the improper use of biblical images must not create anxiety or despair... The concept of hellfire, the fiery furnace and the unquenchable fire of Gehenna need to be interpreted as symbolic language... The risen Jesus has conquered Satan, giving us the Spirit of God who makes us cry, ‘Abba, Father!’ (Rm 8:15; Gal 5:6).”
From 10/17/2023 message to Sister Beghe: “My dearest Children, My children in Heaven are many, they are like “an immense crowd, impossible to count, from every nation, race, people and language” (Rev 7:9); but in Hell, and I am so pained to have to say this, they are even more numerous!
How many faithful are there throughout the world compared to the unfaithful, and among these faithful, how many saints are there? Among My faithful, sadly, unforgivably, there are so many, who do not reach the end for which they were created. They think they are chosen, but they are so in name or situation only, their hearts and souls are not directed towards Me. What a misfortune, and yet they had everything to love Me and join Me in My eternal Happiness. Their number is also impossible to count and they will populate the abyss where none would want to go.
This Hell is to be fled, My dearest Children, and yet there are so many among you, who let yourselves be drawn into it. I warn you, I draw you to Me, I give you everything you need to guide you towards Me, you have the knowledge, but material possessions monopolize you and you give them priority when it should have been given to Me. My Children, your time on earth is so precious, it has but one purpose, to draw you to Me, to sanctify you, yet you use it for your own gratification, for your own misfortune and for your own spiritual destruction.
The Catholic religion is as indispensable a necessity as earthly food, which, if necessary, can be frugal, unlike spiritual food, which you can fill up on without measure. The saints did it, they were perfectly happy and their love for their God was insatiable. When they entered Heaven, it was a perfect joy for them, an extraordinary and resplendent multicolored beauty, and even today, their memory does not fade. Use, and abundantly use, all heavenly food, but be sober and moderate in all earthly sustenance and satisfaction. Food is useful, it must not be a license.
My Children, I want you in My divine Abode, come there, be victorious in the earthly battle you must wage to achieve your ultimate victory: that of your definitive entry into My Heaven, your Homeland and your Joy. Pray, My Children, never stop praying for your loved ones, for your friends and acquaintances, for your brothers in the faith and for all the innocent. They need all the spiritual help you can give them through your prayers, your sacrifices and your penances.
The hour is grave and will become even more so, because the devil rejoices in any discord, led by those who have denied the true God. He wrestles and sneers at human misfortunes, and the more he can increase them, the more he agitates in every direction to do so. Pray, My children, your prayers are so useful, so important and so persuasive on the heart of your Father in Heaven. I bless you and I love you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. So be it. Your God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
@@hyeminkwun9523 Never heard of her. Another fraud! So many of them!
Old-School Catholic preaching is very sobering. Matthew 7:21-23 says Not everyone that saith unto me “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the will of my Father who is in Heaven, on that day many will say to me “Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in thy name, and cast out demons in thy name and done many miracles in thy name?”And then I will profess unto them, “I never knew you: depart from me you that work iniquity.” On top of that St. Theresa of Avila ( hoping I spelled that correctly) said bad confessions damn most Christian’s and I believe St Jerome said that the path to hell is paved with the bones of errant priests. Those statements were made during a time when most people feared God so I’m not sure of my chances
That's why Our Lord said, "the road to salvation is narrow and strait and few find it (Matt 7:14). Therefore we must strive to become holy by living faithfully the Sacramental life --- confession, Holy Eucharist-- and observing His commandment of Love faithfully. And then have confidence in God's Mercy and Love, like a little child in the arms of his father, without worrying about our chances (which is a sign that we do not have trust in Him).
This is a repeat of Father Gavin Bitzer homily 😉
Believe what you will, but Jesus said, "Many are called, but few are chosen"
Please see the Catholic doctrine known as "The Fewness of the Saved" God bless 🙏
Thank you.
"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves who as been born of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God,
that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world.
This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that
Jesus is the Son Of God." I JOHN 1:1-5
This quote is one of several (and the ONLY proof I need) that as a baptized, practicing Catholic I have am SAVED by my baptism, BEING SAVED as I live, and WILL untimately BE SAVED when I die. I live by the PROMISES made to me by Scripture and the teachings of The Catechism. I don't need the ramblings of some "mystic" or saint (whose "happy time" was to scourge themselves and wear harishirts, perhaps). I guess, proclaimed saints, they are in heaven. But I don't have to accept their OFTEN weird locutions.
Did Jesus ever tell someone He cured to go home, starve themselves, or maybe put ashes on their food so they never enjoyed another meal (HISTORIC FACT: Francis of Assisi did this very thing), or beat themselves or wear a spiked chain under their clothing?
I don't speculate about how many people are going to be damned or saved......that's up to God. I WONDER IF THESE TYPES EVER
One third fell.
Will one third make it or fall?
I have never thought of that… but then we also need to consider the amount who perished in the great flood or Solomon and Gomorrah, so I’m not sure
God would not have created Humanity if God knew in His Omnipotence that so many of Humanity would CHOOSE to go to Hell.
God knew everything before Creation. But He preceded to establish His family with many children in Heaven to share His Love. Once the number of saved is complete (we will know how many in Heaven), then the physical world will end and be dissolved. Only Heaven and Hell will remain eternally.
For those who think God is cruel, consider serial killers and rapists and oppressive aristocrocy.
Is justice
You don't have to look very far to find your serial killers; just look to your neighbour. Most couples are using birth control; especially 'The Pill'. Most don't know (or know but conveniently forget) that the Pill acts as an abortifacient if a fertilized ovum makes it to the uterus. Besides the over 1 BILLION that have been actively aborted (murdered), who, but God, can count the number aborted by 'The Pill', IUD's which may be 10 times more!!! I think a lot of people (women and men) will have an eye-opener at their Immediate Judgement when Jesus stands there and perhaps a half dozen children behind Him looking for justice for the lives they never had.
@@39knights i was one of those perpetual serial killers until I met someone I actually wanted to marry and I understand how our fallen world has destroyed the fabric of family.
Secular people can't understand how and what the original way God intended is so much better than primal or articulated lusts
@@orthocatsr.8723 You were a perpetual serial killer?
@@orthocatsr.8723 As a cradle Catholic there was one Holocaust victim who wrote on the Walls in the Concentration Camp. "If there was a God He would have to beg my forgiveness."
@@Darth_Vader258 That's just wrong in so many ways
Deus Vult
I will show you all something turn to John 20:23 this is Jesus speaking to the 12 Apostles this verse is important what he is saying is that the 12 can remit sins- as he was speaking he wasn’t just taking to the 12 but to the other saints who were there in spirit form all 144,000 of them. It’s the 144,000 that place your name in the book of life it’s them who forgive or not forgive your sins. Your prayers don’t reach God it’s picked off by the Spirts or by the Holy Spirit Matthew 16:28 you see here Jesus is speaking to the body of the 144,000 I will not go any deeper. Other than to say out of the 144,000 who came In and out of the earth over the past 2,000 years we are down to the last 151 of them who are on the earth today.
Why should anyone believe you? Cam you prove anything your saying?
@@waseemhermiz7565 I gave you two scriptures to get you started believe whats being said in the scripture I only speak the truth of what’s written. I happen to have studied for over 50 years and have learned the Language or linguistics of the writers of the scriptures over 4000 years of writing this is important as things change over this long of a period of time. There is no way to fit it all in a book if I spoke all I know it would fill NYC, library on 42nd street and I’m not Joking. I often find it difficult to post comments or to speak with people as they are so far behind but ask complexed questions that they don’t have the capacity to comprehend. I’ll give you an example. Of a few more points that are written in the scriptures. 1. Jesus and Christ are not one in the same but two different individuals. 2. Jesus had a wife and three children but out of the 3 only two was Jesus’s children. 3. Jesus didn’t Die for your sins, but he died to show you a way and a path to gain forgiveness for your signs. 4 the Apostle Paul was not an Apostle, neither was, Mark - Luke - 5. Jesus never raised lazurith from being Dead. 6. Satan is already in the abyss. And the list goes on and on. You would need 100 years to catch up. Time that you don’t have. For you to even come close you would need to become like a little child sit for months and just listen to. Me speak. It’s impossible to debate with me. So don’t ask why you should believe me it’s a waste of time, instead ask a question about a specific scripture Book chapter verse. This would give you knowledge that would be of benefit to you. Get the KJV 1611 Oxford edition the one by Gordon Campbell this would be a good start.
@waseemhermiz7565 No he can't because it's not biblical 😉
Lots of insane "saints!"
Was Jesus insane as well?🙄
@@persico9017 Nope!
Jesus said:
“Be compassionate as your heavenly Father is compassionate. Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Pardon, and you shall be pardoned.” Luke 6:36-37
Jesus said:
“Treat others the way you would have them treat you: this sums up the law and the prophets.” Matt 7:12
Jesus said:
“I give you a new commandment: Love one another. You must love one another just as I have loved you. This is how all will know you are my disciples: your love for one another.” John 13:34-35
I hope Bishop Barron watches this channel. He might learn something.
Thank you
@@imisschristendom5293 Then why hope and have Faith in Jesus Christ ✝️ if ALMOST ALL of Humanity will be DAMNED? If the Sacrifice and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ ✝️ amounts to little of the Salvation of Souls.
@@Darth_Vader258That's exactly my question. I don't understand it at all. 😢 If most people are going to hell why did God give his only begotten Son crucified for our sins?? God KNOWS the outcome of our souls. Then again, we have free will to CHOOSE. And also he already has the names written in the book of life. So.... it doesn't make sense to me. And it seems that almost everything we do is a grave sin. For example IVF. Why is that a mortal sin??? For so many couples who crave for a life to become part of their family they are committing an offence to God. I don't get it. The only way to be saved then is to become a monk. Or so it seems. Because in this world it is impossible NOT to sin.