Star Citizen Review. Is it FUN now?

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Is Star Citizen finally fun now? This review is my thoughts on how Star Citizen feels now. Is it fun? Have they finally given us the start of the Star Citizen we deserve??
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    There will be more coming, this was a great experience with my good friend Legion.

Комментарии • 123

  • @EdadTace
    @EdadTace 2 года назад +34

    Star Citizen definitely still has problems, but I am looking forward to playing more with you for sure!

    • @machoalright
      @machoalright 2 года назад

      but legion, i thought you were my friend :(

    • @EdadTace
      @EdadTace 2 года назад +1

      @@machoalright Pascale admitted I was his friend in this very video so consider yourself replaced!

    • @machoalright
      @machoalright 2 года назад +2

      @@EdadTace LOL

    • @JINGWA64
      @JINGWA64 2 года назад

      @@Kozak806 wasnt any mess order to build a AAA studio there are various stages to its growth and even more so for a non-corporate model, as they are far more organic and develop into a far more personalized structure, were workers arent just workers...
      CIG today is the only major AAA dev currently not corporatized, so ur average gamer has no idea what a well managed studio looks like when made to make good games by design and structure and can look like a bit of a mess while its assembling itself, unlike the corporate model which looks well organized out the gate as its just a generic factory floor being setup, to make mass produced low quality products from a cookie cutter mold.
      a corporate model just keeps adding departments to itself like generic attachments, further departmentalizing the work load without actually improving the quality of the product being made, just increasing the speed / volume of production and just the same can cut those departments, re-factoring the work load into the remaining staff, allowing them to balance their books as needed, were every employee is a expandable pawn and their personal input or unique talents are irrelevant and not wanted or exploited, they are just ants.
      so for the novice these stages of growth of a non-corporate studio into a AAA can look messy, as its fair more organic and a great deal more $$$ also goes into areas that a corp studio would just skimp.
      even for ur average dev such a work environment can seem like a bad thing...
      because many prefer just a 9to5 job with well defined requirements for each day, no thought required their end, just do the work like a machine, get paid.
      this also has a effect needing to find people who are not of this mindset for a large number of positions ground up, which isnt something that can be automatically determined, lot of f'ing around needs to occur to find the right people for the jobs as they arent corporate roles, lot of folks try to sell themselves as well and just wont be suitable, so it takes time to grind out the good from the bad or those who "get it" in what ur trying to make and how things need to be run as its to organic to just put it down in a weekly corporate memo to expect things to go as intended.
      basically its very hands on for the guy at the top in laying the foundation, they need to micro-manage the F out of it like the initial stages of s strategy game... the details count, to setting up a rather organic production line, which can change and flex at anytime, were a single workers input or additional talent has value, hence u can see some were put in certain positions for reasons other then which they were first employed based on these factors.
      etc etc...
      but as it goes this process can also do a fantastic belly flop as well, which in this case did not happen and Chris shifted gears perfectly, though it is indeed a fine line between perfect and disaster though, so i can also see how that had many concerned.

    • @Sandboxcode
      @Sandboxcode 2 года назад

      @@Kozak806 Imo, they haven't released anything though (that's in final non-alpha form). I decided to take a step back away from the project bout a yr ago myself until they release something. Anything! I will play SC-PU again once CIG delivers SQ42 to us. By that point, it'll have a lot of nice changes plus I'll have a fully released game to play (SQ42) which is what I originally pledged for.

  • @cowboy10uk
    @cowboy10uk 2 года назад +16

    Have to say, I agree with you completely. Not really played since 3.10 due to many of the issues you’ve mentioned here and in the 10 years I’ve been on this journey. I never once managed a working MP session with my mates.
    That has all changed with 3.17.2. Not only did everyone see each other, join the party and spawn in the correct location and server. But we managed to go to a ship take off, fly to several different planets, complete 3 missions, pickup and deliver some cargo for trade and then land, sell the cargo, and split the UEC between us with absolutely NO issues. This is unheard off.
    When it works Star Citizen certainly shines and shows off it’s huge potential, when it doesn’t it’s the most infuriating experience you can have while trying to game. I’m hoping this is the start of constant potential.
    Been on 4 days in a row with this latest patch which again for me is unheard off.
    Very very impressed and for once I’m very pleased to have chosen to pledge for this project.

    • @TacticalPascale
      @TacticalPascale  2 года назад +2

      Its came on leaps and bounds. It's still disappointing when we consider how long its taken, but its now showing the promise of what they have, for so long, failed to deliver.

    • @cowboy10uk
      @cowboy10uk 2 года назад +1

      @@TacticalPascale it is yes, I had no idea when I pledged back in Oct 2012, we still wouldn’t have a full game or I wouldn’t even have some of the ships I pledged for 10 years later. Hell my daughter is half way through school now and she wasn’t even on the Radar when I pledged. 😂😂
      Do I regret pledging, no. I do regret pledging the amount I have if I’m honest though. ( don’t ask, but I do have 2 F8s 🫣🫣🫣 )
      Im just hoping it’s not gonna take another 10 years to complete.

    • @billywashere6965
      @billywashere6965 2 года назад

      @@cowboy10uk Wow you got the F8? I saw that ship during Fleet Week when they were showcasing the ships and I absolutely fell in love with that ship. I had no idea you could pledge for it. You're one lucky SOB if you can live long enough to fly it in the verse, mate!

    • @oberKGBler
      @oberKGBler 2 года назад +1

      Sounds like they have the most basic multiplayer functions down after 10 years

    • @billywashere6965
      @billywashere6965 2 года назад +1

      @@oberKGBler Yes and no. The proper multiplayer won't be implemented until server meshing goes live. They had to build out a lot of bespoke technology to support thousands of players in a single shard at one time for a game the scale of Star Citizen. That required a lot of time, a lot of money, and a lot of research and development, but they finally have the tech, so they have to test persistence first before configuring server meshing to go live.

  • @j.d.4697
    @j.d.4697 2 года назад +5

    Epic work in progress game. Gonna probably wait for patch 3.18 though cause it's gonna come with yet another wipe and some massive updates.
    I don't think it "is an unrealized masterpiece", I think it has the potential to be an unrealized masterpiece, because the vision is certainly there, but whether the tech can eventually deliver is always a mystery until said tech gets implemented successfully. I think Chris Roberts has proven time and time again he makes games with a passion, but the more ways you can find to create funding, the more additional investors it will attract and the higher the chance for it to succeed, which is what makes the monetization so polarizing.
    I think right now the monetization system strikes a great balance between being inexpensive to get into but still allowing whales to support the game as much as they feel like, all with a huge amount of transparency and player-involved development.

  • @ilovetomcats
    @ilovetomcats 2 года назад +13

    I only learned about and started playing Star Citizen late last year. I knew the history and the division of opinions between people who tried it out, but with a bundle on sale I figured it was worth a shot. I’m glad I tried it out. I see the work they put in for development, I see the progress they’ve done so far, and I see the seeds they’ve planted for their dreams. It’ll be a masterwork of engineering when/if it becomes even close to fully featured. I wish we didn’t have to wait so long, but that’s just how some things are. I hope soon they add more things for players to do and some level of tutorial(s) to make it more appealing to new players.
    Also hoping for a control setup menu like that in DCS. Going from that to SC’s was frustrating to say the least.

    • @hardcard254
      @hardcard254 Год назад

      The people at CIG have been "planting the seeds for their dreams" for almost 10 years now.
      You're only 1 year in and are still hopeful about SC, just like I was back in 2015... when I still hadn't witnessed CIG's bs.
      But don't worry, in time you'll come to realize that SC is perpetually in a state of "it'll be a masterpiece someday in the future... CIG just needs to turn this into an actual game now"... that's how CR likes to keep it, so he can keep milking this cow with fresh new backers like you (or myself, back in 2014).
      If it were up to him, SC would never release 🤣
      SC is the very definition of "kicking the can down the road".

    • @DamonCzanik
      @DamonCzanik Год назад

      Backer since 2012. It's still fun for me and play all the time. Hard Card didn't do proper research because by 2015 he should have known. It's okay. Not everyone is cut out to play an alpha like this. I'll keep playing. Even in this alpha state it puts games like Elite Dangerous to shame and 3.18 looks amazing.

  • @hardcard254
    @hardcard254 Год назад +1

    I became a backer in 2014, by 2018 I was already sick and tired of CIG's disgusting modus operandi:
    1- Create the illusion that you're working on great stuff and that it's around the corner (which you know you can''t deliver any time soon)
    2- Suggest that you'll fix major fundamental issues in the next big release (even though you know that won't happen)
    3- Keep gullible backers (ie fanboys) entertained by constantly throwing irrelevant "dev content" at them
    4- Milk backers to hell and back by selling them yet more ships (and "concepts") nobody asked for
    5- Fail to deliver, introduce new bugs and break stuff that used to work before
    Rinse and repeat...
    So I chose to uninstall that mess and quit paying attention to the "dev content", which was largely irrelevant, as well as frustrating (even insulting, at some points).
    Now you're telling me that SC is great because some missions actually work... FINALLY
    That's the problem with CIG's practices, they put backers in a position where they have to either lie to themselves and drop the bar or be honest and eventually quit caring about SC.
    My predictions about SC have become reality so far... back in 2016 I already said that this mess would still be in early-mid development by 2020, and here we are...
    I wouldn't be surprised if CR decided to keep milking this thing into the 2030s
    When the game is finally released (someday) I'll give it an honest try again, but regardless of how bad, meh or good the game turns out to be, I'm damn certain that its development process has been an atrocity and I'll never put myself through this again (not willingly, anyway).

  • @operator9858
    @operator9858 2 года назад +2

    please do not give this company money until they can actually get some work done. its pathetic how little they have actually done in the last several years.

    • @Sandboxcode
      @Sandboxcode 2 года назад

      Oh man we both know this wont work. People will continue to give them money for the next shiny ship. All we can do is hope once CIG collects 1 billion from the backers we'll finally get SQ42. I pray Starfield comes out in good shape because I have no hope of CIG finishing anything ever

    • @0Apostata0
      @0Apostata0 Год назад

      @@Sandboxcode Bethesda is also not quite well known for bug free releases... but at least they fix it along the way.

  • @heinzriemann3213
    @heinzriemann3213 2 года назад +1

    Imagine singing praise on a title that has some bugged out ego shooter experience to offer for billions of investment and nearly a decade of time.
    The bots aren't even reacting, just staring at walls.
    Nothing in this universe is bigger than man's capacity to lie to himself.
    Still a con.

  • @AndreiCeleste
    @AndreiCeleste 2 года назад +5

    Pascal, its better now, no doupt. But still has issues that could make it totally not fun 😕 sadly! And the AI in the missions you showcased, can you literally say it was a good experience? But yeah! Its getting better, that's a reason to be exited

    • @DanBryanWrites
      @DanBryanWrites Год назад

      A lot of RUclipsrs are clearly on the payroll for this or trying to be. Played last night. It's a stunning looking game with an empty feeling flight model and the gunplay/FPS combat mode makes ED feel like Call of Duty lol

  • @wolfevickery6081
    @wolfevickery6081 2 года назад +2

    Been looking at getting this game...but I am still on the fence. I don't want it to be a game like Eve Online where 90% of the real players in are just pirates or hackers out to take your hard work and stuff at every turn. Is this the case? or is it heading in that direction? or no?

    • @Sandboxcode
      @Sandboxcode 2 года назад

      (space trucker that owns a Herc C2) I played as recently as when Jumptown 2.0 dropped (whatever patch that was back 7-8 months ago?). I admit I was not assaulted during the event but was exploited/cheated during normal gameplay
      Honestly, I'd be fine with a legit pirate that is demanding a ransom. I love that sort of game loop. But I lived in constant fear of "exploiters". I tried to report to CIG. Not sure if they fixed the collision exploits to get into Carrack, Caterpillar, and 890J. At least in 890J and Carrack you could at least "suicide" to teleport back inside your ship to somewhat avoid those harassers. But the Caterpillar-- you're at they're mercy. I was "hacked" by a cheater once. Another time, a griefer tried to prevent from getting on my ship at an outpost (even though we were in the protected bubble). Plus was suicide bombed once and lost cargo. So the answer is YES there's a lot of griefing. My bro loves SC-PU but he legit only logs on to the PTU to test new patches. But if you like to "grind" and trade (space trucker) then you might be in for a LOT of frustration. I'm taking a break but I encourage you to gather more opinions from more active players.
      I also played EVE Online a TON. Imo, Star Citizen is way worse. There's no "safe" sec. It's basically all nullsec. Since there's no space to fight for and wipes are constant- people constantly just grief. I have no problem with PVP. But what happened too me as described above wasn't pvp or pirating-- was just pure exploits and griefing. Mind you- for me, the bad memories are just overflowing. But I did have many blissful hrs hauling cargo esp after they added 30k protection. So at least now you dont lose all cargo during server crashes
      Plus, for all I know you might just wanna be a bounty hunter? Bounty hunters dont have to worry bout griefing like at ALL. It's just the ROC miners and space truckers getting griefed. Space miners can normally just warp away
      tl;dr - Answer is YES but get more opinions I guess

    • @0Apostata0
      @0Apostata0 Год назад

      don't buy it, wait another 50-80 years, then it should be fine.

  • @sketchtherapy1218
    @sketchtherapy1218 2 года назад +1

    Welcome Back (by John Sebastian) o7

  • @DamonCzanik
    @DamonCzanik Год назад

    Free fly happening this week. Everyone can try the game for free. Star Citizen has always been very ambitious. Imagine DCS, but also ground FPS missions and space combat. You can even fly in a gas giant. Add in mining, salvage, tanks, massive bombs, missile launcher vehicles, jeeps, speeder bikes,and massive capital ships with 100 players. There's nothing like it. I love it.

  • @lankypilot778
    @lankypilot778 2 года назад +2

    Still happy to see where this ends up. For better or worse no development will exist with the same unchecked freedom again. But geez I wish it wasn't such a mixed bag producing amazing new tech while simultaneously stumbling on standard mechanics done 100 times over. If i see one more vid on the bartender ai I'll go insane

  • @TacticalDCS
    @TacticalDCS 2 года назад +3

    Glad to see you're enjoying Star Citizen! It has been a long time coming for this level of functionality. Stay safe and well! 🍻

  • @abeblinkin6783
    @abeblinkin6783 Год назад

    Do yourself a solid favor. Just watch the videos of others playing the game and leave it be. I would strongly recommend against this...(i almost called it a game but definitely need to call it what it is...) a dumpster fire. It has great graphics and the attempt in a few ways succeeded. It's clear there is a strong graphics team. The gameplay is so atrocious! Its not consistently playable. You have an inventory when you start, hop in a ship and now that inventory in no longer available. WTH is that about???? This game is a money grab. "Well its an alpha release..." This game was released in 2014, made 500 million dollars from their victims and really don't have a tangible workable game that could justify paying 50 bucks for a ship you need to fly around in. As of this posting i'm deleting the game after about 4 hours of attempting to "Play". That time spent consisted of zero tutorials for a highly complex game which in many ways clearly doesn't make sense to new players. If you have lots of time on your hands and really enjoy dying repeatedly to random glitches (died getting on a train, died spawning in when i fell through the map, died when my space ship was docked and i exited, the ship randomly glitched upwards, slammed back down and crashed on top of me killing me). If this is fun for you and something you really look forward to, then this is definitely your game. Personally i think the player base should sue the $#!t out this game developer and shut down the hype that this is more than what it truly is. A shiny car with no wheels.
    Love your video though! Keep up the good work.

  • @JethroRose
    @JethroRose Год назад

    i think its telling that this was originally supposed to be something like a modern day elite or privateer and has turned into an FPS being the fun part. that's not really what i signed up for... back in 2012.

  • @teaguejelinek4038
    @teaguejelinek4038 Год назад

    "a game of... Polarizing opinions" so true, you almost have to weed thru the negative videos just to find anything out about the game as a potential buyer.

  • @DanBryanWrites
    @DanBryanWrites Год назад

    How is the gunplay still so crap. Played this last night and the enemies are still reacting like morons. Cmon guys

  • @joerogers6043
    @joerogers6043 Год назад

    They come out with a new ship every few months yet I still die while using an elevator

  • @loco6924
    @loco6924 2 года назад +1

    Thank you! I hope that SQ42 will be ready by the time I retire. :-)

  • @PantherKen
    @PantherKen 2 года назад +2

    I just joined from the recent Foundation Free Fly event! My rig is not optimal, but it was great to get your perspective of how far the gameplay has come from before. I am aware its still in Alpha, but I did a few Protect the Site Missions which were great until they got bugged (enemies would not spawn). I am enjoying it! Thank you for this content that gives me an appreciation for what your current experience has been!

    • @JINGWA64
      @JINGWA64 2 года назад

      recommend also trying the same missions over at different sides of town were applicable, some sides of town can seem to get more buggy or have more of certain bugs then the other side of the system at times... in result for most of 3.17 to now i generally chill one side of town for that reason were the same missions seem more constant in reliability and keeping in mind sometimes that certain facility among the possible choices can be a frequent bug fest, while the rest are pretty smooth runs, so if u notice a trend on a certain POI, dodge it in the mission pool.
      if u want a very smooth experience as a min rig i recomend a 3060ti, 3800x, 32gb ram and a ssd, generally a allround smooth experience, bumping up the GPU and CPU beyond this in many cases has severe diminishing returns = waste of money going all out at this stage unless u going for 4k monitor setup etc and need the extra juice for those higher resolutions... or u do some jerry rigged VR.

  • @pixenrush
    @pixenrush 2 года назад +3

    Most negative comments here are, i believe, forgetting that the vast majority of devs are on the single play game, as well as the fact that, no, they aren't going to spend this much ressources fixing bugs that aren't that important, and that blaming physics (that have drastically improved recently for ships and players btw) before the servers stop overheating constantly under the load is pretty useless
    Also you learn how to get around bugs
    Speaking of learning they are making a better tutorial than the pretty stupid hint that show up at the bottom of the screen, but, as always dev ressources are low, as most people that could make
    that tutorial are doing the one of Squadron 42
    But yeah, some play sessions can be sh*t as well as awesome, and criticizing that most people are here for SC when they're not spending that much money in it compared to SQ42 is very valid

  • @mrspud2547
    @mrspud2547 Год назад

    its like a big unfinished puzzle be interesting no matter what

  • @yomamashousern_
    @yomamashousern_ Год назад

    So I am a guy who plays No man's sky, who enjoys playing grindy types of games and enjoys space. I'm looking for something more advanced and more complicated. Would Star citizen be a good option?
    thanks in advance

    • @SkyForceOne2
      @SkyForceOne2 Год назад

      Yes and no. It certainly provides you with ALOT of freedom and interactability, and aims to have alot of intricate systems (e.g. wiring and outfitting your ship) in the future.
      If you sign up now and use a referral code (for example STAR-LN9X-L3ND), then you´ll get a free $30 ship on top, so now would be a good time to try it out (just get the cheapest package on sale if youre not sure, you dont need more than that to play the game).
      The next big patch is around the corner and itll bring alot of features.

  • @anthonygordon9483
    @anthonygordon9483 2 года назад +8

    I don't think the ship package mission where it explodes randomly was a bug. That was probably a package delivery mission where you can't go in to QT to deliver the package because its unstable material and it will explode upon going in to QT. So you have to deliver the package on the planet but without going into QT.

    • @Sandboxcode
      @Sandboxcode 2 года назад +2

      I think what he meant was the bug back-in-the-day where your ship just exploded for no reason. I remember flying around in my Vanguard when I used to play and just exploding (and I was sure I wasn't stealth killed by an Eclipse). Other times, during Qt, my fighter ships could fly right into the HUR planet surface or river and just explode. Bugs like that. Havent played in many months now so maybe those issues are fixed. Which is basically what he was saying.

  • @nexus888
    @nexus888 2 года назад +1

    The performance is getting pretty good these days. For a long period of time I gave up playing because of the FPS were so low. Now, in 4K, it's usually around 50-60 fps most of the time.

  • @0Apostata0
    @0Apostata0 Год назад

    The most buggy game I have played in years.

  • @picosuave5439
    @picosuave5439 2 года назад +7

    I’ve always enjoyed your DCS content and it’s been great watching you branch out to my other two main games - MSFS and now Star Citizen. SC will be seeing some big new things in the next 6-10 months, so I hope you keep the videos coming.

    • @TacticalPascale
      @TacticalPascale  2 года назад +2

      I’ve always felt “niche” with DCS. Hopefully I can share all the other things I play and you’ll all enjoy it.

  • @MandaloretheUndying1418
    @MandaloretheUndying1418 Год назад

    Time to get back into being a bounty hunter in space

  • @TrickerDCS
    @TrickerDCS 2 года назад +1

    Nice video TP

  • @MandaloretheUndying1418
    @MandaloretheUndying1418 Год назад

    This is going to be my first pc game

  • @SupaVlinSantonE
    @SupaVlinSantonE 2 года назад +1

    Are they planning to bring this to console.?

  • @dabi5781
    @dabi5781 2 года назад +1

    pc specs?

  • @Sandboxcode
    @Sandboxcode 2 года назад +1

    Man I feel so unlucky. Star Citizen is the one game I absolutely do not want showing up in my feeds. When you announced you were quitting DCS I was worried asap you'd start covering SC-PU. And here we are... I feel like I cant escape SC I just wish RUclips would organize it so people can still sub but filter out Star Citizen. Dont get me wrong- I dont hate SC-PU. I just want to take a break from it for a couple yrs and maybe they'll finally make some progress. You know- where all the ships actually do what they're supposed to do (like Carrack's drone bay work, Reclaimer can actually salvage, Terrapin can actually explore, SQ42 is released, Theatres of War is released). So what I've been doing is ignoring SC roadmap and development news as much as possible. This way when I play it in 2025 or whatever maybe it'll actually feel like a finished product and SQ42 is released. Meanwhile, I've got my eyes on Starfield and praying it works out 🙏

    • @TacticalPascale
      @TacticalPascale  2 года назад +2

      I have high hopes for Starfield too

    • @Sandboxcode
      @Sandboxcode 2 года назад

      @@TacticalPascale Well at least I watched the whole video now (so I can legit give feedback). Yeah my advice is if you make more SC content try to focus on the other parts. Because those AI soldiers in the bunker are just as bad as I remember. Just stood still waiting to die. But everything else in the video was looking good. So if you want to make an upbeat SC video I think you need to show the parts that are currently working well. I think even the ship AIs are much better so that might go over better.

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад +1

      Starfield is what SC was pitched as in 2012, it's so not even close to SC. Oh, and if you don't like SC content don't watch or comment, it's like saying you don't like water while running a bath

    • @TacticalPascale
      @TacticalPascale  2 года назад +3

      The reason this one came out was I was surprised at how well actually 1) joining MP 2)getting to where we needed to be 3) having the objectives not crash out 4) finishing it and sharing the loot 5) having to go back and heal.
      Mega fun.

    • @Sandboxcode
      @Sandboxcode 2 года назад

      ​@@TacticalPascale Yeah I'm glad you had fun 👍. But maybe consider IL:2, VTOL VR, or one of the nice racing sims (like iRacing, F1 2022, Assesto Corso Competitzone). All of those have VR too plus are actually released products that are not taking advantage of their customers and lying about releases (CR lied bout SQ42 which should've released many yrs ago and has provided nothing but excuses ever since). But you gotta do what's best for your channel!

  • @justanonymouse
    @justanonymouse 2 года назад

    I’ve been watching this game since it’s announcement, I was skeptical it was vaporware at first but seeing how far it’s come, I wouldn’t buy the idea of it being a scam. Slow as all hell? Sure. Scam? I don’t think so.

  • @einweiesblattpapier2676
    @einweiesblattpapier2676 2 года назад +1

    He found me safe and well xD

  • @Cplblue
    @Cplblue Год назад

    Just got into DCS and started watching some of your videos. Just saw that you tried SC, which is a cool cross over! Backed simce 2013. Back burner game for me though. Pop in, see what's new, back out and repeat. After the honeymoon phase, there isn't a ton to do without organizing something. Don't want to get burned out on it.

  • @AlbertoMartinez765
    @AlbertoMartinez765 2 года назад

    Its FUN..When it works! You kind of have to go in w the attiude that stuff may just not work and come back some other time!

  • @JohnFromAccounting
    @JohnFromAccounting 2 года назад

    Star Citizen content does really well on all video platforms now. Its in the verge of being playable but its not quite there yet. In another year I think it will be a standout MMO.

  • @jaybirdjargon
    @jaybirdjargon 2 года назад +1

    SC will only be fun if they have a pvp flag to turn off.

    • @crashtestdummy87
      @crashtestdummy87 2 года назад

      that would be no fun at all and kill pirating. then it would just be eurotruckers in space

    • @jaybirdjargon
      @jaybirdjargon 2 года назад

      @@crashtestdummy87 I'm sure some people will keep it on but I despise games where you can get griefed.

  • @therealsilens
    @therealsilens 2 года назад +6

    Wow! Finally a decade + into development and things are looking g....g....good?
    It's amazing what a *_decade_* and literal mountains of cash can do!

    • @Spectre-907
      @Spectre-907 2 года назад +5

      its still barely an alpha though

    • @therealsilens
      @therealsilens 2 года назад +6

      @@Spectre-907 Well of course! They have only had 11 years and $460 million dollars....what can we honestly expect?

    • @Spectre-907
      @Spectre-907 2 года назад +5

      @@therealsilens another ship sale ;)

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад +3

      It's been less than 7 years
      Please state what games you're comparing it to for you to make the subjective claim that development has _"taken a long time"_

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад +2

      @@therealsilens $225 Million
      RDR2 spent $350 million just on advertising. Like I said, anyone can throw out claims, but I notice none of you can back them up.
      Just parrots parroting recieved opinions

  • @Pete_Harris
    @Pete_Harris 2 года назад +2

    Recently uninstalled again for about the 4th time! I have a good system and poor frame rates and stuttering are still present. Not to mention the 4 crashes and lots of bugs I encountered in an hour of attempted play. Control setup is a nightmare... I Almost give up!

    • @vorpalrobot
      @vorpalrobot 2 года назад

      What is your system?

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад +1

      There's all kinds of things you can do, for starters deleting your shades file with every new patch

    • @Sandboxcode
      @Sandboxcode 2 года назад

      Do you have an SSD? SC is extremely unoptimized so an SSD is mandatory.

  • @supersaiyangod69
    @supersaiyangod69 Год назад

    Is it free

  • @chrissmith9151
    @chrissmith9151 2 года назад +1

    If they focused on actually making things work instead of the eye candy, this might be a playable game by now. By the way, the transparency in the menus/map is a perfect example of this. It looks cool, but makes it hard as hell to use.

  • @Dark__Thoughts
    @Dark__Thoughts 2 года назад +3

    It's still buggy as hell and still has an abysmal performance.

  • @VFA-264
    @VFA-264 2 года назад

    Got it about 6 months ago and - Just cant get ti to do anything - I have a Ship I have never seen let alone flown...No idea where anything is or how anything works... I simply walk around the hotel place thing and look outside wondering - Will I ever see my ship ?

  • @BCToby
    @BCToby Год назад

    I just replayed Star citizen again after a year + hiatus, about 20 hours in the last week. I found the game unimaginably frustrating and tremendously unintitive at times. I spent just as much time watching youtube how-to videos. Having to run around to requip after dying burned HOURS.. I spent 90% of my time running around trying to figure out where the hell to buy things.
    I did a recover mission on a planet, and i spent an ungodly amount of time just moving 4 boxes to my ship because my character was falling, fumbling the box, clipping through things non stop. Even the fall mechanics are something i would call a slow motion train wreck of bad game design.
    I had quests bug out constantly, and then before i threw in the towel, I got clearance to land at a station, and slowly cruised in to land and immediatly blew up from the force field.
    This game needs a FULL FEATURE FREEZE until these game breaking bugs are fixed. Just check the known bugs list, theyre not minor annoyances or glitches, theyre huge massive glaring systemic type bugs. Things flat out not working.
    I've been playing space and flight sims for ages, this game sure is pretty but it is by far the worst experience of any sim game i've ever played, even account for it being in alpha state.

  • @scottybhoy8375
    @scottybhoy8375 2 года назад +1

    I played when 17.2 dropped,I had nothing but issue's and ones they said they fixed ships spawning off the deck in hangers,stairs killing you elevators that glitch out and you can't get out.The turrets they said would not engage you if you were authorised to be there shoot at you and there is alot more of them and can only be engaged if you are 700 meters out the. Ai shoot through the ground at you and lag and teleport around the bunker,then there is the narcotics missions where you destroy the boxes and granade launchers and rail guns only blow up one box at a time and the same missions some times don't spawn enemies.
    Great to see another Scot in there but don't drink the coolaide just yet play for a week or so and see how much you still like it when you spend an hour trying to just get a ship to spawn on the deck. lol

    • @billywashere6965
      @billywashere6965 2 года назад

      LOL you've got to be trolling right? Grenade launchers blow up any boxes in the area. It takes a lot of ammo but nadies are the best bet for clearing out the drug dens. Just launch the nade right in the center of a stack of boxes and they all go poof. I think it takes like eight magazines to clear out an entire den using a grenade launcher.

    • @scottybhoy8375
      @scottybhoy8375 2 года назад

      @@billywashere6965 they were bugged out I didn't say anywhere it happened every time did I

  • @forcedtoexist6221
    @forcedtoexist6221 2 года назад +2

    We will be looking forward forever, that is what i believe... I am bored of it very much.

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад +1

      WoW has been out 18 years
      Still releases updates

  • @p90arn
    @p90arn 2 года назад +5

    Can't wait till SC is finished, my great grandkids children are gonna love it.
    I bought into it in 2012.....2012!

    • @TacticalPascale
      @TacticalPascale  2 года назад

      Yup, its been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time in development. I got my Aurora in 2013 I think, not sure, but I know its been bloody ages!

    • @cowboy10uk
      @cowboy10uk 2 года назад

      Me too, don’t think there’s many of us old hands left. Show off that Golden ticket with pride. 👍👍
      Hell one day I might get some of the ships I pledged for back then as well. 😂😂
      BMM And Idris, I’m looking your way

    • @Sandboxcode
      @Sandboxcode 2 года назад

      Not sure if you're serious but that's 100% true in my case. I have a grandchild now. One day they may release something but til then I got CIG on ignore. But if they release SQ42 one day and I'm still alive I'll try it. But til that faithful day I am ignoring SC-PU I didnt pledge to be an eternal alpha tester. I pledged so many yrs ago for SQ42. I thought they could at least pull that off but here we are. I'm glad others are having fun. But yeah I stopped following development a long time ago

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад +1

      Omg 6 years, vs 8 to 9 for RDR2 and 9 to 10 CyberPunk, both had 10 times the staff and more money
      But go on with your begging the question fallacies

    • @uncannyvalley2350
      @uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад +1

      @@Sandboxcode how do you suppose games are normally made?

  • @xdakiXtritex
    @xdakiXtritex 2 года назад

    Sounds like someone playing an alpha with the expectations of it being a beta :)

  • @jordan8538
    @jordan8538 2 года назад +2

    Short answer, no. Long answer, definitely no.

    • @TacticalPascale
      @TacticalPascale  2 года назад +2

      I used to think that, but they're getting there. Its taken FAAAAAAAR too long, but its at least playable now.

    • @jordan8538
      @jordan8538 2 года назад +3

      @@TacticalPascale Once you have delivered a box, killed a pirate, explored the cities, you have basically finished the game. People love to make the argument that you can make your own fun, but for a game 10 years old, it's still a joke.

    • @phoenixsui
      @phoenixsui 2 года назад +3

      @@jordan8538 The game is not 10 years old its 10 years in development. In fact the whole company only exists so long and was build from 0. Some people experience more bugs then others and some find the chill slower gamplay good like me. others like you might dont find what they look for in SC. I think its cool to look into it every patch for a bit and check out whats new and then do something else until its more fleshed out. I cant wait for capital ships and base building. Or eventhe Merchantman thats now finally coming soon.

    • @Spectre-907
      @Spectre-907 2 года назад +2

      @@phoenixsui i want you to read your first sentence again, and then re-read jordan's comment. 10 years and *half a billion dollars*, and all they have to show for it is a couple planets, ships, and placeholder-tier ai. go back and watch any "whats happening with SC?" video from half a decade ago and realize how almost nothing has changed.

    • @Sandboxcode
      @Sandboxcode 2 года назад +1

      @@Spectre-907 I dont try to argue with SC fans. Honestly, I want for them to just stay in their happy place. Maybe when CIG collects a billion from them maybe we'll get SQ42, ToW, or something finished for my grandchildren's children to play

  • @bhhvvbvgyvbuvv
    @bhhvvbvgyvbuvv Год назад

    Toy story taught me " you can't rush art! "