SHOEBOX | Omeleto

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 730

  • @aparajitaroy9051
    @aparajitaroy9051 5 лет назад +1836

    My heart almost stopped when she was placing the ducks with the kittens.

  • @misterspiderthemagnificent9268
    @misterspiderthemagnificent9268 5 лет назад +898

    Her: "You better keep that eggs warm"
    Chicken: _"Is that a threat?"_

    • @stitches318
      @stitches318 5 лет назад +14

      You can't just make any chicken sit on eggs. the chicken has to be already 'broody' and sitting on her own eggs or an empty nest. Whoever wrote this has no idea about chickens

    • @MrTalargain
      @MrTalargain 5 лет назад +3

      stitches it’s just a joke but thanks for the facts

    • @emilioaab
      @emilioaab 5 лет назад +5

      iS iT a PeRsOnAl AtTaCk Or SoMeThInG?

    • @yuh7483
      @yuh7483 5 лет назад


    • @garyha2650
      @garyha2650 5 лет назад

      am i a duck to you?

  • @srishtiwarman
    @srishtiwarman 5 лет назад +226

    This child is a wonderful actor. Her skills will further blossom with age.
    Her acting was extremely natural. Kudos!

  • @Cynane27
    @Cynane27 5 лет назад +817

    Ducky Drowns > Revives Ducky then puts it back in water.

  • @narutoroxanne22
    @narutoroxanne22 5 лет назад +614

    Lol I'm surprised at the lack of empathy the siblings have... like does no one notice when their kin is missing???!!!!

    • @ellamone9998
      @ellamone9998 5 лет назад +27

      I noticed that! The boys all dressed in their Sunday best, the girls wearing old clothes plaid shirts and hand me downs. Mother looked like a man when I 1st saw her.10 kids, never mention of a Dad... Humm. The guys should work on the farm not babies anymore :-)

    • @StinkyInky619
      @StinkyInky619 5 лет назад +40

      As the youngest of 10 myself, it's so easy to be oblivious of someones presence or absence, especially if they're a quiet one.

    • @narutoroxanne22
      @narutoroxanne22 5 лет назад +8

      @@StinkyInky619 Ohhhhh I didn't know that but personality doesn't matter... like what if all of you were quite... The eldest is responsible for all but the adults have to be the most responsible actually.

    • @pectoralis1565
      @pectoralis1565 5 лет назад +6

      It because in this video such a moment is highlighted but in reality with so many siblings. It is quite common. We cannot be in each others faces all the time. I was the quiet one.

    • @submergedkidneybean9946
      @submergedkidneybean9946 4 года назад +2

      The reason people have that many children is the exact reason of having more helping hands for the farm.

  • @dudeno5811
    @dudeno5811 5 лет назад +1724

    The way children handle animals gives me anxiety

    • @tealover9063
      @tealover9063 5 лет назад +73

      I know! I saw a little boy tail a snake! He also held rats by their tails and rabbits by ears! I hated him!

    • @Ethan-lm1nm
      @Ethan-lm1nm 5 лет назад +12

      And so is the girl so leave her too

    • @Valeria-fz3kg
      @Valeria-fz3kg 5 лет назад +27

      My friend’s youngest sister killed 3 of my baby chickens

      @AAAAAAAAAA44 5 лет назад +48

      Kids don't really know any better but that's why we teach em on how to be better

    • @ojo6178
      @ojo6178 5 лет назад +10

      Ola May YT your supposed to hold rabbits by their ears but gently and while supporting their butt

  • @dhy5342
    @dhy5342 5 лет назад +77

    That simple innocent, "'bye Jack" just blew me away.

  • @chelsea7229
    @chelsea7229 5 лет назад +502

    This was me as a kiddo. Still like this, really. I've always preferred the company of animals to people.

  • @youflaw3285
    @youflaw3285 5 лет назад +591


    • @staceykersting705
      @staceykersting705 5 лет назад +9

      I miss my sister being that age, watching this.

    • @harlowjademermaid1882
      @harlowjademermaid1882 5 лет назад +10

      🤸‍♀️OMFG, She looks EXACTLY like me as a wee one (only difference is I was mad tiny & really petite - the runt!) But Duude, the freckles, her smile, the eyes, the strawberry blonde hair, and especially her love for all of the animals - it really was like seeing myself in an old video or something. Insane!!!

    • @youflaw3285
      @youflaw3285 5 лет назад

      @@amiiketen will Our baby come out with orange/Red hair if we were to have a baby because I am Asian lol

    • @ellamone9998
      @ellamone9998 5 лет назад +2

      Sho Lom, maybe a *Red Hen* is the best I can think of LMAO

    • @LuhBanjo
      @LuhBanjo 5 лет назад


  • @eleonora8784
    @eleonora8784 5 лет назад +113

    This one made me tear up real badly. The little girl is absolutely amazing and precious. She conveys a lot without saying much.

  • @chrisb2882
    @chrisb2882 5 лет назад +322

    The best things on youtube are these shortfilms 🖒

    • @scribbleartie
      @scribbleartie 5 лет назад +2

      I really hope this COPPA thing going on, doesn't affect Omeleto :(

    • @mootue6974
      @mootue6974 5 лет назад

      @@scribbleartie me too

    • @larasweird1298
      @larasweird1298 5 лет назад


  • @siennalol8314
    @siennalol8314 5 лет назад +777

    Ok omeleto where u find all these child actors they’re all so talented
    Edit: tysm for all the likes also sorry about my grammar 💗

  • @bluedamsel1185
    @bluedamsel1185 5 лет назад +60

    The little girl only saw through purity of the heart and got her's broken.

  • @xman870096
    @xman870096 5 лет назад +207

    This was very touching to me; a sort of parallel to my own daughter who also has red hair except hers naturally coiled up into 'springs' and bounced when she ran.... My wife and I grew up in the country but moved to the city for work and that's where my daughter was born, but she certainly has the 'country' spirit. She has a love of all creatures great and small and somehow stray and abandoned animals seemed to find their way to our home where my daughter would instantly bond with them.
    She would care for them often with great success but also learned that it was not possible to save them all, as such we had a 'pet cemetery' of sorts in our backyard. She was known in our neighborhood as someone who cared for animals.
    One day we came home from grocery shopping to find a large paper bag sitting at our front door, it had six baby ducklings in it. We never found out who left them or where they were born, but I guess who ever left them figured they had the best chance at survival at our house. As reluctant as I was to keep them I was quickly out voted and they became part of our menagerie. Somehow they imprinted on my daughter and followed her literally EVERYWHERE she went, it was hilarious watching those ducks running behind her quacking frantically.
    I bought a small wading pool for them to swim in as we had no pond, my daughter was sitting in the backyard watching the ducks swim when one of her friends called her from across the street. Without thinking she jumped up and ran across the street and as you might guess the ducks ran after her when a careless driver came around the corner and nearly wiped out the whole bunch of them, daughter and ducks included. It became obvious that the ducks could not live in our yard forever. There was a large pond in one of our city parks that had a population of ducks living there and although they were not accepting any new 'residents' I managed to bribe the caretaker with a case of his favorite beer to turn a blind eye; by then the ducks were fully grown and early one Sunday morning under cover of darkness with no one else around the ducks were relocated.
    My daughter was sad to leave them but she knew they were truly in a better place. We would visit them often and bring large bags of popcorn to feed them all like many people did, and as time passed the ducks were seen with little ducklings of their own so I guess it really was a better place for them...….

    • @anggaa1970
      @anggaa1970 5 лет назад +15

      Great story and wonderful child

    • @xman870096
      @xman870096 5 лет назад +20

      @Vie Anggara… Thank you. Yes she is the apple of my eye, my only child. She's all grown up now married with children of her own; and she is still looking out for sick or injured animals. In fact I have a three legged cat living with me at my house now thanks to her, the cat lives with me because she has a dog that hates cats, but that's a whole other story. My granddaughters come to my house to visit 'their' cat every Sunday so it works out well for every one......

    • @ina_maria
      @ina_maria 5 лет назад +13

      That was such a sweet little story to read, thank you for sharing your memory with us!

    • @xman870096
      @xman870096 5 лет назад +7

      @Schroppcom.... Thank you... The video hit home in a way I never expected....

    • @sudeshnanambiar1895
      @sudeshnanambiar1895 5 лет назад +9

      What a lovely story, I am a mom and I learnt something from you today.. To be sensitive to our childrens desires and support them, not push our own thoughts on them. Thank you!

  • @bendodson8575
    @bendodson8575 5 лет назад +412

    The way she did mouth to mouth on a duck and it came back to life is so fricking cute edit thanks for 200 likes!!

  • @arabella7932
    @arabella7932 5 лет назад +68

    i started crying when jack stopped breathing and she gave him mouth to mouth and he started quaking again

    • @pastelgirl227plays9
      @pastelgirl227plays9 5 лет назад +3

      I cried too .that short film was adorable !!! 😭😭😿😿😢😢

    • @ara3950
      @ara3950 5 лет назад +1

      Ara bellA your name is Ara? 😳

    • @ara3950
      @ara3950 5 лет назад +1

      Ara bella Thats my name toooo

  • @truthunfolded1300
    @truthunfolded1300 5 лет назад +44

    Even the weakest of a species can be very strong. Very cute kid

  • @treasajanette7350
    @treasajanette7350 5 лет назад +744

    How many of you buried dead animals and put crosses in childhood?

  • @jellyfish8701
    @jellyfish8701 5 лет назад +127

    I’m sorry but I honestly thought the cats would eat the ducklings 😂

  • @BonesofStarlight
    @BonesofStarlight 5 лет назад +6

    My heart 💔❣ She picked up the little lost kitty without hesitation!

  • @jun683
    @jun683 5 лет назад +39

    The cat at the end was beautiful

  • @powerofthesun1000
    @powerofthesun1000 2 года назад +1

    This seems like such a genuine family - all the actors are so authentic. Also, "Got you, mister!!" cracked me up.

  • @BrianDagame
    @BrianDagame 5 лет назад +179

    I expected her to say the weak must learn to take care of themselves because they might not want to be helped, therefore she'd learn to help herself.

    • @arteblack13
      @arteblack13 5 лет назад +5

      She wasn't a pragmatist. She was quite transparent. 😇

    • @somkeshav4143
      @somkeshav4143 5 лет назад +4

      but what's wrong with helping the weak, still a good moral lesson regardless.

    • @BrianDagame
      @BrianDagame 5 лет назад +2

      @@somkeshav4143 I don't think there's anything wrong with helping the weak

    • @BrianDagame
      @BrianDagame 5 лет назад +1

      Altough I don't like the term 'weak people' as though you can clearly identify who fall under the strong and who fall under 'the weak'

    • @somkeshav4143
      @somkeshav4143 5 лет назад +4

      @@BrianDagame oh okay. I also agree that strong and weak are ambiguous terms. But at least, it's not like many people support a Darwinian view of people as we live in a civilized world.

  • @thandoq
    @thandoq 4 года назад +4

    She is soooo talented. It’s insane how this little girl exudes so much emotion

  • @Luvduhhhhh
    @Luvduhhhhh 5 лет назад +20

    As a animal lover,I felt it for her loss of Jack💔

  • @strawberrymilk1683
    @strawberrymilk1683 5 лет назад +42

    the music is so hauntingly beautiful

  • @Arthur_Morgan459
    @Arthur_Morgan459 5 лет назад +11

    It's incredible how they can make such emotional films in such a short time! Only 12 minutes!?!?

  • @danielao5413
    @danielao5413 5 лет назад +248

    Why does Jack always have to die ??!!😂😭
    (Mind the Titanic reference🚢)

  • @grrrohmy665
    @grrrohmy665 4 года назад +1

    this is by far probably one of the most personal hitting short films i’ve ever seen in my life. when i was a child i was exactly like this girl, but imagine this girl with this heart in a broken home, that was me. i was abused, and i knew how it felt to be constantly deemed as worthless, to feel worthless, so whenever i saw smth as small as a lady bug flipped over on the grass or an animal in pain, my empathy extended, i KNEW how that felt, so i wanted to help! and so helping people has been my passion, i’ve been selfless my entire life so far, i’ve always loved everyone and everything deeply, tenderly, gently, while being utterly broken myself. im 18 now, and i’ve learned the heart doesnt change. last year i got into a relationship with someone i loved more than life, and it reminds me a lot of jack. i cared for this human so much, never ever wanted to hurt them, but i wasn’t okay, i saw them as my everyrhing! there happiness was key. when they told me they felt sad or were struggling with eating and depression and i couldn’t take away their pain i would sob in private, scream cry and yank my hair, i just wanted them to be happy, to take away all of their pain, to heal. we loved each other a lot but i was struggling terribly at the time, i didn’t open up to them about my insecurities or fears or trauma bc i feared i would push them away, but i did open up to them about the active mental illness symptoms i had such as panic attacks which happened daily and they would often help me calm down. i learned recently that they felt overwhelmed by my pain and apparently i was in some ways making them worse but they didn’t tell me, i did not know. any ways, one day i ended things with them bc of this fear i developed from my childhood that loving people makes them leave, i ended things bc i loved and cared so deeply but feared one day i’d lose them, and after i ended things they ghosted me, i felt devastated.
    i then went to therapy nd learned a lot about myself, that i’m actually a good person, a great person, a human with a heart so big that has been conditioned to believe other wise. i learned a lot about my irrational fears ans that i had gone through trauma, and i wanted to open up then and share with my love what i’d learn, confide, be transparent from my heart and possibly if anything save my relationship, but i was rejected upon every try of communicating, and out of fear of pushing them away more i didn’t speak.
    a year has passed and i still think of this perosn everyday, i still desire so badly to speak to them and share with them my side and what i have learned. one day they unblocked me and told me that they loved me sm but were focussing a lot on my problems (i had panic attacks often and didn’t eat and would often feel very sad which was out of my control) ans it made them worse, i didn’t know this. they hadn’t told me before. i wanted to then share with them my side, my trauma and how little i knew, how much i struggled and how much i cared for this person, but upon learning i made them feel that way all i could do was offer deep compassionate apologies and fill with self hate, shame that they ever met me in the first place. and so it is, that i struggle with this same struggle of this little girl, having the purest intentions and purest heart, but sometimes making a mistake, or having someone else interpret your intentions as bad and suddenly it changes how we see ourselves, see ourselves as bad. she didn’t mean for jack to get sick, she wanted to give him the best experience of swimming, i didnt know i was overwhelming my jack, i just gave the person all of me and loved so hard while being broken, and a lot of my intentions were misinterpreted , and while i should remain confident in the goodness of me, i feel in a constant state of the opposite. still haven’t moved on. i am still hoping and praying that someday very soon a miracle will happen and i will be able to speak to them and tell them my side and truth, bc it has been heavy on my heart and very painful. this person has apparently called me toxic and made many mean comments without ever understanding or trying to understand my side, without asking a question, and out of my humble as and bc i always se thingd through the purity of my heart i haven’t said anything, i haven’t even talked about them and the relationship ending to anyone but God and a bit to one friend. and it makes me feel very overwhelmed and troubled :( but i’m hoping and having faith. if u read this thank u :-), it must feel very hard for u to understand completely and weird, or like a form of over sharing that does not correlate to the film as i left out a lot but i mostly wrote this for myself, i have never seen a more accurate representation of childhood-18 year old me jow without the trauma and it means a lot, explains a lot, validates a lot. the painful reality of caring and loving and empathizIng so much. but if u understand, hello :), thank u, and i’m sorry if this made anyone that understands sad!

  • @3xfelix
    @3xfelix 3 года назад +1

    I love everything about this film...script, music, videography, direction. Brilliant!

  • @raykalra3130
    @raykalra3130 5 лет назад +9

    That cat at the end is jack ! He came back.. 😅😂

  • @alyssajoyblack5007
    @alyssajoyblack5007 3 года назад +1

    Wow that is exactly how I feel about my place in the world- rescuing and adopting the weakest animals even if it means I face more grief in the long run

  • @crazycroissantnorris3695
    @crazycroissantnorris3695 4 года назад +2

    I cried my eyes out as I love animals and the story-telling was heart-wrenching another amazing short film!

  • @alyssasanders103
    @alyssasanders103 5 лет назад +7

    This actually made me 😭 cry

  • @66hoodwitch
    @66hoodwitch 4 года назад +2

    A little empath 😊 reminds me of me, when I was that age..wanted to save and rescue every living being ..took it so close to the heart when things, beings died...Still do.. I love this 💙

  • @xWinterstarex7
    @xWinterstarex7 5 лет назад +41

    I sort of expected her to put a lot of work into raising Jack then one day when he was grown up her family would eat Jack. Didn't know this was taking a Titanic route

    • @GWsavedMYlife
      @GWsavedMYlife Год назад

      "I sort of expected her to put a lot of work into raising Jack then one day when he was grown up her family would eat Jack." Me too

  • @scarlettwilliams6335
    @scarlettwilliams6335 5 лет назад +7

    This is the best one I've seen. I almost cried

  • @nayanikayellepeddi6749
    @nayanikayellepeddi6749 5 лет назад +6

    This was so heartwarming. Tears

  • @yolandaleigh4198
    @yolandaleigh4198 5 месяцев назад

    Beautiful short story, and meaningful. If only life was full of children and animals, what a wonderful world it would be

  • @emileamiller8789
    @emileamiller8789 5 лет назад +11

    I literally almost cried when the cat was following her. IDK WHY! I'M JUST WEAK
    Edit: Yes I liked my own comment.
    No, I'm not ashamed

  • @sonotsev_
    @sonotsev_ 5 лет назад +14


  • @Saudyization
    @Saudyization 5 лет назад +15

    Aww.. I really enjoyed this...she's brave gentle with care

  • @peachykk3132
    @peachykk3132 5 лет назад +1

    Omg! The little girl is so adorable! Like, her strawberry red hair is so cute, and her frees are adorable, AND HER STYLE!? What the heck, it’s better than mine!

  • @paytongraceandrzejewski6480
    @paytongraceandrzejewski6480 5 лет назад +18

    who els thinks that when the duck stops brething and the girl starts doing brething CPR is so cute.
    this was so cute

  • @lilahhart5421
    @lilahhart5421 5 лет назад +23

    Ooo that “bye jack” hit me good. 😕😢

  • @arteblack13
    @arteblack13 5 лет назад +18

    I was the youngest in my family too. It's a very special place.

    • @staceykersting705
      @staceykersting705 5 лет назад +3

      Yes, my youngest sister was a deity unto herself. Much adored.

  • @Blushed_Cherry
    @Blushed_Cherry 5 лет назад +3

    Very beautiful and sad at the same time! I too love animals very much and look after them and protect them in any way I can. I love them more than humans.

  • @taylorkent7275
    @taylorkent7275 5 лет назад +7

    Whenever I need a good cry I come to this Chanel 😂

  • @thankyou999
    @thankyou999 4 года назад +3

    She has more sense than 29 years old me.
    I still don’t know my purpose in life.

  • @its_baddieface2712
    @its_baddieface2712 3 года назад +1

    I was trying to YOLD my tears for the duck and then when I see jack alive I was so happy!

  • @robuswhitewolf4896
    @robuswhitewolf4896 4 года назад +1

    I pet sit and I remember the first time an animal died under my care. It was my bro-in-law's lifelong best friend, a 19 year old Calico named Baby Kitty. She was already very sick and she died in my arms. 2 years later my own lifelong best friend, a nearly 13 year old Nova Scotia/Beagle mix named Sophie died in my arms a month after I turned 18. This August it will have been 2 years since she drew her last breath and I still cry every single day.

  • @lovelyfam5825
    @lovelyfam5825 5 лет назад +4


  • @paytongraceandrzejewski6480
    @paytongraceandrzejewski6480 5 лет назад +28

    ME: dont cry dont cry dont cry
    ME: breaths in
    *crys like a water fall coming out of me*
    ME: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • @tamaraharris937
    @tamaraharris937 3 года назад +1

    That was sweet when she gave the baby duck mouth to mouth. Lovely short ❤.

  • @breeahchay55
    @breeahchay55 5 лет назад +4

    This makes me really sad for the duckling Jack and it makes me want to cry

  • @mi-ilk
    @mi-ilk 4 года назад +1

    Such a beautiful, wholesome, simple film. Really enjoyed

  • @galaxygirl7122
    @galaxygirl7122 5 лет назад +46

    Who else is up 2am Watching Omeleto films? Only me? Okay

  • @coralineedits623
    @coralineedits623 5 лет назад +1

    I love her personality no matter what in the world was wrong with the animal she would love it no matter what♥️♥️

  • @tinaconrad7956
    @tinaconrad7956 4 года назад +1

    This made me cry so much

  • @shanejohnson7150
    @shanejohnson7150 4 года назад +3

    I'm the 8th child out of 11 and I absolutely love animals and I whould help them whenever they need help

  • @Ray-ks4bb
    @Ray-ks4bb 5 лет назад +20

    I fuel my depressing state by watching stuff like this on repeat

    • @jessiem1127
      @jessiem1127 5 лет назад +5

      Ray I think you’re pretty great.

  • @beyoncemiller2862
    @beyoncemiller2862 5 лет назад +4

    My heart broke when the limping cat appeared at the end 💔

  • @Willa.Johnson
    @Willa.Johnson Год назад

    I loved this. Her gentle soul learning about life.

  • @delaneyhogue
    @delaneyhogue 4 года назад +1


  • @Nd-np8zb
    @Nd-np8zb 5 лет назад +9

    The song at 7:07 -Alice bowman-waiting
    For anyone wondering

    • @alifdinarf589
      @alifdinarf589 5 лет назад +2

      Hey do you which one the song at the end is?

    • @Nd-np8zb
      @Nd-np8zb 5 лет назад +2

      ALIF DINAR F Reincarnation- Susanne sundfor

  • @IvyKittie
    @IvyKittie 11 месяцев назад

    Made me cry! I get emotional when I watch animal movies.
    I'm glad in the end she said that she would never let that happen again because as a cat lover when I saw her pick up the cat, I thought "oh no!" But that cat had nothing wrong with it and was quite healthy. It just wanted a home.❤

  • @juniperabbott2614
    @juniperabbott2614 3 года назад

    I've realized these films are
    STARTING POINTS..thank you.

  • @hiimapalmtree1833
    @hiimapalmtree1833 4 года назад +1

    I feel bad for laughing when the rooster slaps her face with its wings

  • @f.sense888
    @f.sense888 5 лет назад +8

    Fantastic. Had the same experiences in my solitary childhood 🐈🐣🌱

  • @AndMindYou
    @AndMindYou 5 лет назад +20

    I think trhe duck came back as a cat

  • @raihaha
    @raihaha 5 лет назад +6

    Why did i ever stop watching this channel?

  • @snowflake343
    @snowflake343 5 лет назад +5

    In my opinion this pretty girl is a shining star!!!

  • @RockWILK
    @RockWILK 3 года назад

    I LOVVVVVE this film. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful.

  • @scaryperson276
    @scaryperson276 5 лет назад +37

    I cried in the middle of class my teacher was weird about it

  • @javierrodriguezlopez4675
    @javierrodriguezlopez4675 5 лет назад +3

    Really feel this channel needs more views

  • @Ant-hr3oz
    @Ant-hr3oz 5 лет назад +1

    Honestly the story line was amazing, I’m crying

  • @ariannadavis6055
    @ariannadavis6055 5 лет назад +1

    That cat at the end was so beautiful I love it’s color and stripes

  • @nightmarv10
    @nightmarv10 5 лет назад +1

    10:35-11:00 made me cry a lot because it reminds me of my cat who is lost

  • @safiyabischof9538
    @safiyabischof9538 5 лет назад +2

    Animals are special .God created animals for a reason. We should respect anmals , be kind to them, loving caring and forgiving to them.

    • @butlerproman
      @butlerproman 4 года назад

      And we should eat some of them. Because some of them are quite tasty.

    • @SandraGarcia-lj3bd
      @SandraGarcia-lj3bd Год назад

      Pues muy poca gente les cuida , generalmente les maltratan .

  • @sarahelizabeth7638
    @sarahelizabeth7638 4 года назад

    Such a beautiful yet sad story.

  • @fatimakhattak1191
    @fatimakhattak1191 4 года назад

    i understand her so well. i am the youngest and only daughter after 4 sons. this really hit me in the chest

  • @fsasneha5489
    @fsasneha5489 5 лет назад +1

    The best story I’ve ever watched.

  • @ditkind1340
    @ditkind1340 5 лет назад +6

    Two years ago my four year old brother named Jack died. Wachting this Made me cry, because I miss him. But it’s alright.

    • @sallylemon5835
      @sallylemon5835 5 лет назад

      The girl character in this movie is 4 yr old, what a coincidence

  • @billball9043
    @billball9043 5 лет назад +1

    This is a special movie-short. Thank you for sharing.

  • @pfftthatscrazy
    @pfftthatscrazy 5 лет назад +1

    I feel like this is the best video Omeleto has ever posted!!

  • @tokio_gaming2462
    @tokio_gaming2462 5 лет назад +1

    this made me cry..

  • @melaniejaramillo900
    @melaniejaramillo900 5 лет назад +53

    how did Jack start breathing again with the way she was holing him?!

    • @chasington5102
      @chasington5102 5 лет назад +5

      Melanie Jaramillo she just revived him for a little while. It died cause the mouth to mouth didn’t get water out, it just brought the duck back

    • @melaniejaramillo900
      @melaniejaramillo900 5 лет назад +2

      @@chasington5102 yeah I get that but look at how the neck is being held the air shouldn't have been received

    • @chasington5102
      @chasington5102 5 лет назад +1

      Melanie Jaramillo I see what you mean, I think it might just be a gentle hold. If not your totally right

    • @melaniejaramillo900
      @melaniejaramillo900 5 лет назад

      exactly my point lmao

  • @arctifoxdrew4362
    @arctifoxdrew4362 5 лет назад +29

    What species is the cat at the end? That is one beautiful cat!

    • @arctifoxdrew4362
      @arctifoxdrew4362 5 лет назад

      Scar yeah

    • @DocBree13
      @DocBree13 5 лет назад +4

      domestic medium hair - color: dilute tortoiseshell (which means she’s a female as this is a calico variant)

    • @strawberrymilk1683
      @strawberrymilk1683 5 лет назад +4

      I thought it was either a "ragdoll", or a "maine coon". I also had the same thought, that's one beautiful cat. I've always wanted a ragdoll...

    • @suttagi
      @suttagi 4 года назад

      domestic longhair/moggy most likely, highly doubt it has any purebred in it.

  • @jimmott399
    @jimmott399 5 лет назад +1

    I’m still crying from when one of the ducks died

  • @GarraiEoin
    @GarraiEoin 3 года назад

    When our duck would be sitting. Usually in the bushes, near a shed. We would check under her 3-4 times a day near the time we figured hatching would occur. Human handling the babies gave them human scent, and that seemed to keep the barn cats from killing the ducklings.

  • @farfrthemaddingcrowd4757
    @farfrthemaddingcrowd4757 5 лет назад +3

    Notice how the little expert holding the chicken.

  • @sunny-cf6sd
    @sunny-cf6sd 5 лет назад +1


  • @y.l.2465
    @y.l.2465 5 лет назад +9

    You better keep those eggs warm.

  • @Nd-np8zb
    @Nd-np8zb 5 лет назад +2

    This hit home 😔

  • @Skeezik1998
    @Skeezik1998 5 лет назад +2

    Aww, so sweet. Ducks are so cute!

  • @DadzorRules
    @DadzorRules 5 лет назад +3

    Beautifully simple and simply beautiful.

  • @xmadllamax612
    @xmadllamax612 5 лет назад +1

    this made me cry 😭

  • @robynrex2548
    @robynrex2548 5 лет назад +4

    Omg! I live on a farm and I see myself as this little girl, this is my role too

  • @cinammontale2022
    @cinammontale2022 5 лет назад +10

    that part when the chick died im like ohh noooo :(