Windows 11 Widgets and Weather app ads are annoying


Комментарии • 10

  • @cliffandrews
    @cliffandrews 2 дня назад +3

    Yeah....I removed the widgets too. They kept changing positions.

  • @bobcollard11
    @bobcollard11 2 дня назад +8

    Are they that hard up for more money they have to resort to this? Sad!

    • @TylerDurden404
      @TylerDurden404 День назад +1

      They haven't charged for the Windows 11 upgrades so guess how they are making money from windows now?
      -ads and online services
      The other route is Apple, where there is no ads but their products are more expensive than Windows devices..
      Or just install Linux which is free.

    • @andreasplosky8516
      @andreasplosky8516 День назад

      It is never enough. They want more billions, MOOOORE, MOOOOOOOOORE.

  • @ChrisDomnik
    @ChrisDomnik День назад

    Ads and automatically reverting tracking settings are what got me to stop using Windows as my main OS. It's crazy that a 'clean' Windows 11 install comes with Tik-Tok, Hulu, Skype, Teams, Candy Crush, Asphalt 5 and a bunch of other junk now.
    Plasma 6.1 does make a Windows user feel right at home though. 🐧

  • @andreasplosky8516
    @andreasplosky8516 День назад

    Basically, we can say that Windows 11 is annoying. It's the widgets, it's the spyware, it's the ads, it's the startmenu, it's the taskbar, it's EVERYTHING.

  • @CommandProMC
    @CommandProMC День назад +1

    This is ridiculous. Microsoft already makes more than enough money. Another reason to stay on Windows 10.

  • @marciusnhasty
    @marciusnhasty День назад +1

    Number one: Weather app is a disaster already in Windows 10, disable it.
    Number two: Widgets were always bad idea and disabling them was always correct approach.
    Number three: it's not just annoying and distracting. This ads can contain hyperlinks that are a security threat for your PC. Often can lead to malware encounters on 3rd party sites. Treat them as ads on web pages - never click them.

  • @TylerDurden404
    @TylerDurden404 День назад

    Ads are unfortunately is what is paying for free content or "free" OS upgrade...
    You can choose another OS like Linux or buy Mac / MacOS which is not cramming their OS with ads..
    Even youtube is cracking down on ad blockers..
    If you don't like the widgets with ads then don't use it, or just ignore the ads like how you ignore it on TV when ads are playing.