AVERAGE ZENY become an ANOL HUNTER : -pure zeny from anol + sell bunch of Composite bow around 800-900k zeny, -mystic frozen is around 150pcsx@3k =450k , (hard to sell) -royal jelly if u luck u can got 8-10pcs @27-30k, 300k -collect royal creste medal for devil wing BP total 800+450+300k = 1,55m.. if u have more luck ,get 2 card when lchain @600k. 1,2m.. but mystic frozen is hard to sell, but u can change it to icy arrow, 99999 pcs is 124k (with lv 10 overprice) hmm yaa around 1,3-1,5m per day ^_^
June Santiago wat weapon ur using? And wat minimun p.atk?? I dont want to use converter so im planning to craft wind axe but im afraid my p.atk wont be enough..thanks.
Saran bro,,tanp ancient cape dan rosa braclet sama aja..karna anolian deff 0....dan kalo gw cuma butuh 64 gold medal buat 1 hit di anolian,tanpa food,tanpa dish STR hanya converter karna gw pake holly dagger tier 0 di +4
halo bro, sudah tonton full videonya? saya jelasin kok disaat nunjukin equip, kalau item ignore def gak berguna di anol karen def nya anol 0 :) dan Untuk saran 64 gold medal dan holly dagger tier 0+4 terimakasih banget ya gan, nice info banget :D sukses sll buat char lu gan ^_^
Iya bro..dan gw ad tips sedikit bro buat viewer yg pnya gold medal hanya 64 kaya gw,,kita gaperlu ambil rune change cart tapi damage kita sama kaya pake rune change cart
Kita perlu ambil rune change cart lalu penuhin slot smua isi cart kita pake barang ga berguna yg ga akan kita pakai lgi,,,lalu kita reset lagi runenya dan gaperlu ambil rune change cart damage dari slot full sama kaya damage kalo kita ambil rune change cart skedar tips daripada habiskan gold medal banyak buat ambil change cart yg bikin lelet jalannya heheh
@Berry Sanusih iya bro,di sni yg pnting seberapa banyak slot cart kita..rune change cart itu nambah slot.jadi kalo udh kita isi barang penuh ga akan berkurang lagi slotnya
Bro dl we need to have 100+ GM to 1 hit anolian? The fact that we really dont have to spend much for our farmer. How many GM enough to 1 hit anolian?. Thanks a lot.
Bang apakah job level juga berpengaruh terhadap attack card revo . Goldmedal saya 210 sudah saya tambahkan ke rune smua . Tapi baru switch job blacksmith blm jadi whitesmith . Hit anol cmn kena 50k aja bang . Equip udh sesuai sama yang abang buat . Apa berpengaruh karena blm jd whitesmith ya ? Bingung .
Setuju gak kalau bikin Drum Cover lagu2 BGM Ragnarok?? NB : STATUS : Untuk DEX bisa juga dibagi Sama INT 30-40an agar hemat SP nya ^_^ Terimakasih buat yang sudah nonton, beri masukan ya next bikin konten apa :D
btw wind axe menopang bgt farm di annol, gak perlu pake converter,str macem2, food pun ga pake kalo medal cukup.. agak mahal di awal, harga axe nya 2jt polos (kalau dpt yg pecah 1,jtan). Dalam 2hari udah balik modal... seterusnya gakperlu keluar food buff, convert dkk bro ^_^
im still using my saint hammer.. and im lvl 90 .. still on Orcs with 480 stamina (music+ student stamina) i can farm like 1m pure zeny with it along side with the weapon loots .. if i sell all the mats Glass beads , Awakes , Skel-bone, Oredicon .. i can get like 2m+ per day.. Fuel not included..
ups, yes i forget if there any different saint, Saint Axe/ hammer is good. but i dont get it. Its an optional, Doom Axe is the best till Job3 updates, for Mechanic :D because it can Up to tier VIII
@@GOUZO I think its important to take note that if you lvl 99, the penalty for the item drop rate will be higher. My friend who still lvl 90 hunting on Kobold can get 1m zeny, but me lvl 99 only 600k per day. Quite huge diffference. :(
Not accurate. Post a video so we could verify. Im on orcs 1 hitting 2 warr and 1 arch.. raw zeny would be around 700-800k only with 480 stam. Dont over exxagerate
zeny + sell bunch of Composite bow around 800-900k zeny, + mystic frozen is around 150pcsx3k =450k , royal jelly if u luck u can got 8-10pcs, 300k 800+450+300k = 1,55m.. if u have more luck ,get 2 card when lchain @600k. 1,2m.. but mystic frozen is hard to sell, but u can change it to icy arrow, 99999 pcs is 124k (with lv 10 overprice) hmm yaa around 1,3-1,4m but u can collect royal creste medal for devil wing BP
@@brettjlim honestly i dont need food anymore, just use Wind Axe+4 slotted with 1 flora card, i use rookie fish steak just to compare wind axe with the other axe and make 3 axe look fair. thats why i said, the recommended axe for anol hunter is wind axe, u just need invest like 2 million, and in 1 or 2 day u can get the zeny back. So, better if u have 2 different axe, for anol use wind, for mvp use vecer/doom NB : When u reach rune 80++GM u can get I - V cart revol u can 1 hit but still need food atk, dish and converter (if u not use wind axe)., , and when u reach 100++ GM or more u can get extra to open I-V change cart, and all atk/str rune u can 1 hit anol with wind axe+flora card like me
@@GOUZO thank u so much for your specific guide for WS...honeslty ive been searching for this kind of specific video on how to deal 1 hit with anolian with low cost (Y) thumbs up buddy for u helped :)
gua lebih sering di anol bro, setelah transjob cuma sekali aja di Kobold. sama2 1jt-2jt semua (total se sampahnya) Kobold : bisa jual NOwisdom, flame heart laku keras, sampah senjatanya, bisa kobold card pun 2biji.. Anol : ngumpulon royal chest buat beli devil wing BP, sampah senjata, royal jelly kalo hoki bisa 6-10 sekali grind, anol card, converternya susah laku.. tp converter lu tukerin aja ke arrow es, terus jual di npc mayan..
halo gan, ada yang sudah coba dan ada yg kasih saran ke saya, cuma gmedal 64, pakai holy dagger tier 0 +4, udah bisa 1 hit cuma pakai converter wind. credit : Hansen Herman saya lebih suka di anol bro, krn masih daptat royal jelly lumayan per hunt 6-10 biji. trs kalu uda breakthrough isi fund rising aja 15 pasti makin deras :D
gw pake saint axe +3 juga 1 hit kok... tanpa food dan dish... cuma ya itu butuh rough wind... gm 100+ sebenernya enak pake wind axe.. tanpa musti beli converter lgi.. hehehe tpi klo pure zeny gw rasa masih cptan di kobold... anol menang di royal jelly nya.. tpi di kobold ada dropan materialnya.. tiap hari gw manen 100k-200k di exchange dari material kobold.. lupa namanya apa...
bro, flora card skrg 300-450k an lg turun.. ini perhitungan kalau masih blm 1hit ya element 5k x12 : untuk 360menit pakai lightning chain : 60k zeny food : cari pakai tuyul/modal eye buat cari bahan Dish :str A, 5K x 6 = 30k zeny Axe : vecer/ doom butuh 90k perhari. itung aja sebulan farming, butuh 2,7jt sebulan kalau invest wind axe awal keluar 1,3jt (beli rusak) - 2jt dalam "2 hari udah balik modal" untuk jangka panjang bagus bgt tanpa perlu makan, buff, dish segala.. buat jangka panjang sampe pensi dah haha untuk BS/WS awal2 memang berat, perlu tingkatin rune (goldmedal). di awal" BS/WS hunt mesti pake food+dish sampe bisa se hit, kalau rune dah cukup dan equip mendukung, di Anol udah gakperlu food,dish,converter sama sekali. Setelah eq,rune dah mencukupi, baru enak.
ada di video bro eq nya hehe, eq masih standard termasuknya, cuma memang tinggi Runenya krn rajin donasi bro. Cart Revo LV 5, Change Cart lvl 5, bs lihat di bagian rune bro :D
Minta saran bro.. Ku transjob dari high wizard ke withsmith dengan info kurang lebih Contri 92k gold bade 130 Blaksmith job 27 Equip. Holy dager,Rosa baraclet.acient Cape. Cat ear beret.2 luna broch. Tigh tier 1. Card 1 vadon ama 1 flora Cuman baru bisa one hit kobold hamer ama sting itupun pakai food fantasy food 6 stuck ama disk str B. Terus pakai converter juga Ada tambahan kah? buat one hit lebih enak terus bisa ke anolian gitu..
-pure zeny from anol + sell bunch of Composite bow around 800-900k zeny,
-mystic frozen is around 150pcsx@3k =450k , (hard to sell)
-royal jelly if u luck u can got 8-10pcs @27-30k, 300k
-collect royal creste medal for devil wing BP
800+450+300k = 1,55m..
if u have more luck ,get 2 card when lchain @600k. 1,2m..
but mystic frozen is hard to sell, but u can change it to icy arrow, 99999 pcs is 124k (with lv 10 overprice)
hmm yaa around 1,3-1,5m
per day ^_^
resapradipta this is for 360stam right?
Minimun p.atk using wind axe with flora card?? 800k for 300stamin? Or 480?
I already tried, I get 100k per 50 stam.
All loots not included.
June Santiago wat weapon ur using? And wat minimun p.atk?? I dont want to use converter so im planning to craft wind axe but im afraid my p.atk wont be enough..thanks.
Really helpfull. Terima kasih bro... Baru nyoba bikin kapak air.
Cart Revo or hammer fall ?
Lanjutkan review2 nya .. semangat .
Salam 1 jiwa mechanic
Very informatif gan mantull
Mantul betul, konten tertata rapi. Semanggat buat tips tips rom menarik lainya.
terimakasih bang kevin! ditunggu collab atau review HW BabyBOO nya haha
Pengetahuanku tentang whitesmith jadi bertambah . Thank you bro 😎
wah mantap broo! nice nice :D
Where to get wind axe? Thank you
How much p.atak neede with 1slot wind axe to 1 hit anol?
thankyou Gas!
Thank you for the info bro.😁😁
im using holy dagger i dont need a lot of shit
just roughwind= 97k cart revo
Hi how about sp discharge? Do you still need food for sp discharge or hot meal?
Mantap bang gouzo 👌👌👌
Thankyou bro @thomas
Prefer Anol ato Kobold Archer?
You're the best
If using wind axe need how much gold medal? 80?Planning to multi my hw to merchant for farming.. had no hw item.. only have 40+ gn is that enough?
Mending farm anol atau kobold archer?
Tanya dong bro. Mending bikin ws tuyul atau multi job?
multi kalau malas ngumpulin Gold medal. kalau gw dri WS multi ke paladin. bnyak keuntungannya
Saran bro,,tanp ancient cape dan rosa braclet sama aja..karna anolian deff 0....dan kalo gw cuma butuh 64 gold medal buat 1 hit di anolian,tanpa food,tanpa dish STR hanya converter karna gw pake holly dagger tier 0 di +4
halo bro, sudah tonton full videonya? saya jelasin kok disaat nunjukin equip, kalau item ignore def gak berguna di anol karen def nya anol 0 :)
dan Untuk saran 64 gold medal dan holly dagger tier 0+4 terimakasih banget ya gan, nice info banget :D sukses sll buat char lu gan ^_^
menit 2:45 ya gan
Iya bro..dan gw ad tips sedikit bro buat viewer yg pnya gold medal hanya 64 kaya gw,,kita gaperlu ambil rune change cart tapi damage kita sama kaya pake rune change cart
Kita perlu ambil rune change cart lalu penuhin slot smua isi cart kita pake barang ga berguna yg ga akan kita pakai lgi,,,lalu kita reset lagi runenya dan gaperlu ambil rune change cart damage dari slot full sama kaya damage kalo kita ambil rune change cart skedar tips daripada habiskan gold medal banyak buat ambil change cart yg bikin lelet jalannya heheh
@Berry Sanusih iya bro,di sni yg pnting seberapa banyak slot cart kita..rune change cart itu nambah slot.jadi kalo udh kita isi barang penuh ga akan berkurang lagi slotnya
Bro dl we need to have 100+ GM to 1 hit anolian? The fact that we really dont have to spend much for our farmer. How many GM enough to 1 hit anolian?. Thanks a lot.
Hi sir what is better at anolian farm. Saint axe or wind axe?
Bang apakah job level juga berpengaruh terhadap attack card revo . Goldmedal saya 210 sudah saya tambahkan ke rune smua . Tapi baru switch job blacksmith blm jadi whitesmith . Hit anol cmn kena 50k aja bang . Equip udh sesuai sama yang abang buat . Apa berpengaruh karena blm jd whitesmith ya ? Bingung .
Setuju gak kalau bikin Drum Cover lagu2 BGM Ragnarok??
NB :
STATUS : Untuk DEX bisa juga dibagi Sama INT 30-40an agar hemat SP nya ^_^
Terimakasih buat yang sudah nonton, beri masukan ya next bikin konten apa :D
you forgot your little dragon (tail) it boost your dmg by 5% against monster with more then 50% hp
may i know the music track list you used in the video? thanks fam!
kalau doom axe buat type tanah bagus bang..klo anolian dibanding hunt sting enak mana?
betul bgt bro. Baiknya punya minimal 2 axe, Doom sama wind. Aku lebih nyaranin ke anolian aja. duit kencang, 360min 1jt++zeny (pure zeny, mystic frozen, drop weapon, royal jelly msih lumayan mahal).. aplg habisin sampe stamina merah mantap.. bs baca perhitungan komplit di Pinned post gue bro..
btw wind axe menopang bgt farm di annol, gak perlu pake converter,str macem2, food pun ga pake kalo medal cukup.. agak mahal di awal, harga axe nya 2jt polos (kalau dpt yg pecah 1,jtan). Dalam 2hari udah balik modal... seterusnya gakperlu keluar food buff, convert dkk bro ^_^
@@GOUZO pake wind axe gak perlu buff makanan dll bang?
im still using my saint hammer.. and im lvl 90 .. still on Orcs with 480 stamina (music+ student stamina) i can farm like 1m pure zeny with it along side with the weapon loots .. if i sell all the mats Glass beads , Awakes , Skel-bone, Oredicon .. i can get like 2m+ per day.. Fuel not included..
yap, saint hammer is the best, hard to gacha saint hamemr :(
Btw nice info bruh... i'll try that after Aura :D
I tought Saint Axe is the best, no?
ups, yes i forget if there any different saint, Saint Axe/ hammer is good. but i dont get it. Its an optional, Doom Axe is the best till Job3 updates, for Mechanic :D because it can Up to tier VIII
@@GOUZO I think its important to take note that if you lvl 99, the penalty for the item drop rate will be higher. My friend who still lvl 90 hunting on Kobold can get 1m zeny, but me lvl 99 only 600k per day. Quite huge diffference. :(
Not accurate. Post a video so we could verify.
Im on orcs 1 hitting 2 warr and 1 arch.. raw zeny would be around 700-800k only with 480 stam. Dont over exxagerate
Gede zeny dimana farm kobold vs farm anolian???
pure zeny gw milih kobold...
approx how many zeny you earn on a daily grind using 360 stamina in anolian? so i can compare
zeny + sell bunch of Composite bow around 800-900k zeny, + mystic frozen is around 150pcsx3k =450k , royal jelly if u luck u can got 8-10pcs, 300k
800+450+300k = 1,55m.. if u have more luck ,get 2 card when lchain @600k. 1,2m..
but mystic frozen is hard to sell, but u can change it to icy arrow, 99999 pcs is 124k (with lv 10 overprice)
hmm yaa around 1,3-1,4m
but u can collect royal creste medal for devil wing BP
did u use overthrust max in grind? that skill so pain in investing zeny :(
no, i just use 3 buff , Overthrust, weap perf, and loud exc
@@GOUZO how much cost u in investing foods for 1 hit? i mean all
@@brettjlim honestly i dont need food anymore, just use Wind Axe+4 slotted with 1 flora card,
i use rookie fish steak just to compare wind axe with the other axe and make 3 axe look fair. thats why i said, the recommended axe for anol hunter is wind axe, u just need invest like 2 million, and in 1 or 2 day u can get the zeny back. So, better if u have 2 different axe, for anol use wind, for mvp use vecer/doom
NB : When u reach rune 80++GM u can get I - V cart revol u can 1 hit but still need food atk, dish and converter (if u not use wind axe)., , and when u reach 100++ GM or more u can get extra to open I-V change cart, and all atk/str rune u can 1 hit anol with wind axe+flora card like me
@@GOUZO thank u so much for your specific guide for WS...honeslty ive been searching for this kind of specific video on how to deal 1 hit with anolian with low cost (Y) thumbs up buddy for u helped :)
Gua pake holy dagger one hit belom ngetes pake senjata lain siapa tau ada yang tertarik nyoba pake holy dagger
Boleh bro liat rune nya
Farm d anol sm kobold gedean mana zeny ny ya?
gua lebih sering di anol bro, setelah transjob cuma sekali aja di Kobold. sama2 1jt-2jt semua (total se sampahnya)
Kobold : bisa jual NOwisdom, flame heart laku keras, sampah senjatanya, bisa kobold card pun 2biji..
Anol : ngumpulon royal chest buat beli devil wing BP, sampah senjata, royal jelly kalo hoki bisa 6-10 sekali grind, anol card, converternya susah laku.. tp converter lu tukerin aja ke arrow es, terus jual di npc mayan..
Wah thanks bro uda jwb, ntr gw cb d anol deh, skg sih msh d kobold hammer, kobold axe sm archer lbh manteb katany, tp blm bs 1hit tanpa racikan2 wkwk
@@VidiChristianto modal card hydra bro, bisa, nabung aja
Udah coba pake Holy Dagger gan? Sepertinya lumayan worth.
Kalo doom axe ya mending farm sting, tp gatau sih zenny nya worth mana sama anol.
Pls respon 😀
halo gan, ada yang sudah coba dan ada yg kasih saran ke saya, cuma gmedal 64, pakai holy dagger tier 0 +4, udah bisa 1 hit cuma pakai converter wind. credit : Hansen Herman
saya lebih suka di anol bro, krn masih daptat royal jelly lumayan per hunt 6-10 biji. trs kalu uda breakthrough isi fund rising aja 15 pasti makin deras :D
gw pake saint axe +3 juga 1 hit kok... tanpa food dan dish... cuma ya itu butuh rough wind... gm 100+
sebenernya enak pake wind axe.. tanpa musti beli converter lgi.. hehehe
tpi klo pure zeny gw rasa masih cptan di kobold... anol menang di royal jelly nya..
tpi di kobold ada dropan materialnya.. tiap hari gw manen 100k-200k di exchange dari material kobold.. lupa namanya apa...
@@javanasta2803 tp kobold hammer lvl 71 loh ga kena penalty dgn ws yg cepet bgt levelingnya ?
@@STEVRAND ga juga ah... gw lvl 94 msih dpt card dri cobold.. hehehe
@@javanasta2803 drop card kan ga ngaruh lvl
i would go with the wind axe + flora card much cheaper. BUT it's only for farm.
Bro, gini aja, jumlah modalnya berapa?
Untuk food, element dan card abis berapa juta?
bro, flora card skrg 300-450k an lg turun..
ini perhitungan kalau masih blm 1hit ya
element 5k x12 : untuk 360menit pakai lightning chain : 60k zeny
food : cari pakai tuyul/modal eye buat cari bahan
Dish :str A, 5K x 6 = 30k zeny
Axe : vecer/ doom
butuh 90k perhari. itung aja sebulan farming, butuh 2,7jt sebulan
kalau invest wind axe awal keluar 1,3jt (beli rusak) - 2jt
dalam "2 hari udah balik modal"
untuk jangka panjang bagus bgt tanpa perlu makan, buff, dish segala..
buat jangka panjang sampe pensi dah haha
untuk BS/WS awal2 memang berat, perlu tingkatin rune (goldmedal).
di awal" BS/WS hunt mesti pake food+dish sampe bisa se hit, kalau rune dah cukup dan equip mendukung, di Anol udah gakperlu food,dish,converter sama sekali.
Setelah eq,rune dah mencukupi, baru enak.
@@GOUZO saya baru lv 74, GM udah ada 28,lagi nabung 1 hari 1 GB, nanti mau coba farm anolian biar kaya...
@@GOUZO sarannya bagus bro, nanti saya mau coba nabung wind axe
siap bro. oiya coba baca comment2 d bwh ya, ad yg saranin sih goldmedal 64 udah bisa 1hit anol, tapi pakai holy dagger+elemen.. cmn blm saya coba @@hendrickloudiwyk2654
Liat equipny donk ko atk bsa gede gtu
ada di video bro eq nya hehe, eq masih standard termasuknya, cuma memang tinggi Runenya krn rajin donasi bro. Cart Revo LV 5, Change Cart lvl 5, bs lihat di bagian rune bro :D
Minta saran bro..
Ku transjob dari high wizard ke withsmith dengan info kurang lebih
Contri 92k gold bade 130
Blaksmith job 27
Equip. Holy dager,Rosa baraclet.acient Cape. Cat ear beret.2 luna broch. Tigh tier 1.
Card 1 vadon ama 1 flora
Cuman baru bisa one hit kobold hamer ama sting itupun pakai food fantasy food 6 stuck ama disk str B. Terus pakai converter juga
Ada tambahan kah? buat one hit lebih enak terus bisa ke anolian gitu..
Halo bro
mending pake wind dagger/axe?
maksudnya Wind Knife ya bro?
saran saya pakai axe, karena ada rune WS yg aktif jika pakai Axe..