Basically all the things you mentioned, but also, for the love of God, please give us *view radius on paths*. Make it matter that guests can see through the fences from the walkways, not just from observation platforms.
The game itself NEEDS TO CHANGE as much as I love that frontier adds stuff to the game. They add it to already pre-existing features. Give us something NEW. Water level depths, Dino’s swimming, baby Dino’s, cliffs (because anytime you try to make one it becomes a hill.) There’s so much more I can say but you get the idea. What evolution 3 needs to do better is the game itself. Not just adding more and more and more. It needs change. The fact that we even make our own wishlists is insane when these things should be in the game at launch.
Things I want to see in JWE3 -Baby dinosaurs -Paleo-botany building/feeders return -JWE1 UI progression return (honeycomb unlocks rather than linear) -All las sinco muertes return -The ability to have multiple digsites again -lagoon and terrestrial combination with beaches or shores -the ability to use jeeps to move smaller creatures rather than only helecopters -swimming animals -indoor enclosures for really small animals -food stands so you dont have to make a whole new building -paths having fixed angles with supports like wood walls and cutouts in the hills to make them more realistic -bridges to put over exibits -river rides with the addition of deeper water -boat cruise in the lagoons -species viewer in game not in menu -underwater tunnels for guests -tunnels that can go through mountains for paths and monorails -ability to sell dinosaur fossils again -JWE progression from the saftey, science, and entertainment divisions again -supplies coming in from ships/ supply warehouses -scientists being changed to a group being lead by a specific person -paleomedical building healing animals indoors rather than in a courtyard out in the open -QOL inprovements, seeing your jeep people being eaten when the jeep is destroyed -weather affecting digsites -newly discovered dinosaurs -paths becoming dirty like jpog and needing cleaners and more overall workers
I think overlapping things like tours can go through shallowest water (but not other depths if they add that) and also buildings/paths if there is empty space or something
Honestly I just want baby dinos the most and a petting zoo and the last 2 thing is more land animals except for dinos like the saber tooth cat and more spiches
So, I agree with everything you listed except 2 things: - You can still sell dinosaur fossils in JWE2 if you enable the black market. You can purchase genomes from there and if you have 100% genome, getting the fossils for said dinosaur will let you sell the fossils. I get what you mean though. - I disagree on the weather affecting the digsites. We have enough of a challenge getting genomes to 100%, so having yet another obstacle will annoy me to no end.
-More Attractions. (Petting Zoo, Guest herbivore feeding stations, River cruise, Lagoon Tour Boats, Ground-Level Trains, etc.) -More Building Options (Modular Building(For those who can build), Building File Sharing(Downloadable pre-made Buildings), Bridges) -More Terrain Customizations (90-degree cliffs, Waterfalls, Trenches, Canyons, Deeper Water) -More Animal Behaviors (Breeding, Self-Defensive Herbivores, Cross-Species Social Interactions, Exhibit Enrichment Toys/Interactives) I'm fine if they don't add any new animals if it means we get all these park-building options in our Park Sim.
So glad you asked. Before watching the video, here is what I think: -“flowing water” or water, instead of sitting in level pools, can move downhill. Possible application with waterfalls -smarter predation behavior: predators need cover in order to have a more successful hunt via ambush. Ex: in a wide open space, a T. rex would have difficulty getting close to a gallimimus flock, but if there is a layer of trees, it could stalk from the tree line, get close, and ambush. -Baby dinosaurs (duh). Though this can potentially expand with picking a dinosaur’s sex (which would influence some behaviors and sometimes physical attributes in some cases) and the creation of nests. Possible “life found a way” game setting where dinosaurs can change sex in single sex environment? -more rides, including but not limited to a boat tour -natural lagoons and water depth control (for both marine and semi aquatic creatures)
They could also reduce the price a bit. It sucks waiting to buy the jwe games because they’re just so expensive! They’re about £45 where i live which is just too much!
They could also add pyroraptors and spinosaurus swimming in open lagoons or aviary animals hunting inside lagoons. It would feel so much more immersive to have a pyroraptor copying what happened from dominion (could possibly add areas of land for seperate biomes as well) or a quetzalcoatlus hunting a fish inside of a lagoon.
- Bridges, waterfalls and deeper water. - Guest height fences. - Kiosks and placeable vending machines, not necessarily functional. - Customizable viewing galleries, towers, and tour and more customization in general for restaurants and shops. - More decorations; make them customizable. Just some improvements that I thought of partway through the video. The game still has some things that keep it from feeling like authentic parks for guests and these small details/extra variations are what I think is needed in a third game to really say that it was worth the switch.
Good suggestions but "Kiosks and vending machines not necessarily functional"? Why not? I like to see the guests using every thing i place in the park. I am sick of decorative items with no function. Its the year 2024 how hard can that be to implement when even Rollercoaster Tycoon a decade ago could do it?
Same! We need that for a long time now, i needed since i say little bumpy, t rex junior and baby tricerstops! I wanna see cute baby dinos roam around with their parents with cute animations!😍
Hatcheries don’t feel natural enough and it takes a while to helicopter dinosaurs in. We should be able to fly in or release 2 dinosaurs of a species and they can replicate. It doesn’t need the complex breeding system of planet zoo, with inbreeding and albinos and leucistic animals. We just need the ability for dinosaurs to make a herd if you have 2 or more and it can increase in size or split off. It would also be cool if the hybrids could asexually reproduce as seen with the scorpius rex in camp cretaceous
@@Papaya_penetrator372 i Hope so, even if jwe3 will be in the most like the same like the other two games they can add many new features, apart of reproduction there can add the carcass of dinos loose meat while a dino eats from it and leaves only bones or that more of one dino can eat at the dame time depending of the carcass size
You listed a few things that are cool but there are 4 things that I really want. 1) Distinct shopping buildings. I liked in JE1 how each shopping building was very distinct. At quick glance I can tell the difference between a restaurant and a bowling alley. Yes I know you can customize but all the buildings look the same. Instead of all shopping buildings the same, make it so restaurants have a few choices, shops have completely different choices, etc... 2) A Better campaign. I actually liked JW1 campaign, a nice series of unique maps with different challenges that you eventually unlock things to make it better, and then you can go back to previous locations with your new unlocks. (challenge mode doesnt do that, it feels like sandbox to me with limits) 3) Recognizing that Park employees ARE NOT GUEST. I dont want to see my security guards riding tour trucks (I dont pay you to go on rides) or Guest walking into Ranger Outpost. 4) and less important but I would love it, babies. Enough said.
The improved campaign is a must for me because the JWE campaign was great, and it took like 20-40 hours for me to complete it casually, not including the expansions, while the JWE2 campaign took me 2 hours not including the 2 campaign DLC's
For real! Also, i loved completing the hwe campaign because as i went back through the islands i saw how my build style improved from having the power station and food right next to each other connected by some random paths, to having guest plazas and designated industrial zones!
Yeah it definitely needs to be an actual campaign like it was on JWE1 instead of a glorified tutorial. The expansions do remedy it but the biosyn one ended abruptly too.
Having more terrain tools just means they can add concrete moats, maybe even large exhibit drop off points for exhibits. Maybe a dam for marine exhibits..
100% agree with your points. I just got planet zoo console edition and I love it and keep thinking "oh I wish Jwe2 did this/had this" and think that a sequel would benefit from merging jwe2 with some of the things from planet zoo. I'd also add to your list walking animations for pterosaurs are essential. Make smaller animals better, like being able to zoom in more (which would also help with decorations), do away with the helicopter airlifting a single tiny compy - it looks really silly, shorter fences (as you said) and smaller feeders for them. I'd also rather like custom signs, or at the very least more choice of signs like "no entry", "danger" and "quiet please".
My Laundry list (in no particular order) - New Biomes including Wetlands - Deepwater mechanics (Proper lakes and rivers etc.) - Deep water behaviors for existing dinosaurs (ie swimming) - New tour type: River Cruise - Cow feeder - Dino-Soars/JPOG Hot Air Balloon Tour type - Petting Zoo - Dinosaur Breeding - New Lost World Sorna Map - New Skins for Parasauralophus and Triceratops (I want a 93 model for the former and the ability to change the color and pattern on the existing 93 model for the latter) - Azores Island Map (proposed location of Jurassic Park Europe) - Yemen Map (I believe this was the filming location for the Dominion prologue and it looked amazing) - Adjustable terrain height for aviaries and lagoons - Sauropods defending themselves - Social interactions for flying reptiles - Missing Biosyn themed buildings including lagoon, aviary and tour - Biosyn research facility available as a placeable building - Some new Decorative Items including: • Kayla’s Crashed Plane • JP3 Boat • JP3 Crashed Plane • Eric’s Hideout • The LW RV • High Hide • Lost World Boneyard • Overturned Jeep • Fossilized Raptor - Tylosaurus using the Shark Feeder - Guests actually interacting with benches, trash bins etc. - Improved terrain management - Improved hitboxes My Personal Picks for New Species 1. Ornithomimus 2. Diabloceratops 3. Lambeosaurus 4. Edmontonia 5. Camptosaurus 6. Plateosaurus 7. Rhamphorhynchus 8. Protoceratops 9. Sarcosuchus/Deinosuchus 10. Othnelia 11. Hadrosaurus 12. Ammonites 13. Nothronychus 14. Microraptor 15. Epidexipteryx 16. Stegouros 17. Thalassomedon
some things i personally would really like are : 1. being able to make dinosaurs eat with out them starving cause i really like the eating animations but i dont want my dinos to die imidiatley because they forgot where the food is 2. having something like "plot armor" where you can give this trait to a dinosaur and they are going to win every fight 3. aquatic animals being able to attack things out of the lagoon for example when a helicopter flys above the lagoon a mosasaurus jumps out and pulls it into the water 4:having more attack behaviorsif dinosaurs escape , what i mean are things like climbing buildings , jumping on low flying helicopters and of course attacking you in 1st person mode also it would be good if you can defend yourself in 1st person mode like shooting the dinosaurs with tranqualizer darts
I think I would like a sort of online mode. Not like multiplayer or anything too crazy, but people can publish their parks globally. Additionally, people can "like" a park, comment on a park, and they can download the park so they can interpret that park in their own way (however, there is a risk of people plagiarizing their parks and not give them credit). I really want this feature because you are basically exploring like a tourist and also gaining inspiration like great park builders like you.
A way bigger focus on cohabitation. Better pack and hunting mechanics. But most of all, less of a barrier between lagoons, land and sky. Have creatures be able to walk on land, then take off, or dive into a lagoon
Miniature attractions would be awesome like Zoo Tycoon has. Could have mini enclosures for smaller animals/infants or have park staff give lectures w a small cart like you might see at a zoo or aquarium
I have some ideas for the next game. - - If we don't get modular building like in Planet Zoo, I hope we get more creative options for buildings. Like wood, brick, and other stuff like that. I would love to make a hotel that looks like a huge log cabin. - I wouldn't mind a breeding system as long as we get some optional birth control. - Obviously more decorations like statues, fountains, lights, skeletons, walls, tables, chairs, and such. I would also love some decorative buildings like an empty dome when can put over plazas. Or even some empty building shells like Planet Zoo has. Maybe some natural decorations like ponds and waterfalls could work too. - Instead of being decorations, trash cans and benches could be used for guest comfort. Too much trash in one area? Add a few trash cans. Guests getting tired on long pathways? Add some benches. - A water depth tool would be nice too. So we can get a swimming Spinosaurus like in JP3. Same goes for any other species that need a lot of water for comfort. - Lagoons and aviaries definitely need some more love. Mostly some decorations. Would be funny to see a pirate skeleton in a lagoon. - The ability to turn pathways into elevated bridges and walkways like in Planet Zoo would be incredible. - More animations for flying and aquatic species. Mostly social interactions for the flyers and breaching for the swimmers. - As for the aquatic species, it would be nice if species were compatible with each other or liked each other. And not just for food. Also if a species can eat from a shark feeder, it should be in its comfort requirements instead of fish. - Attractions like bars and clubs should be added for some diversity. And vending machines or food carts and stalls can be added for areas where you cannot put in a full restaurant. Same for merchandise stands. - Enclosures for the smaller species. Like pens, miniature aviaries and lagoons, and aquariums. Like you can still add the small species into the larger habitats but you can also release them in these smaller exhibits. And they would work the the current aviaries and lagoons where you can make them bigger by adding more of the same building. - A special feeder system for carnivores. Like when an animal dies of old age, you can choose to process the carcass to feed your carnivores. And by eating certain meat, carnivores become healthier and get a small rating boost. EX: A T-Rex eats some Edmonto meat and it's rating goes up about 10 to 20%. - And obviously, more diverse species. Cenozoic animals, prehistoric reptiles and amphibians, insects from the Carboniferous Period, ancient sea-dwelling invertebrates like sea scorpions, ammonites, and orthocones, and even some highly requested hybrids. But essentially more breathtaking species of dinos, flyers, and marine animals. And that's all I can think of right now.
I feel they should add JW2015 Raptor Paddock, Trex Kingdom decoration, more decoration we can create more accurate JW2015 as I believe JP1993 can still somewhat be created, add new guest buildings like Amusement park/water slides/park and as you said paddling/canoeing. Also if we could get back herbivores feeder back like JWE1. If we can multiple aviary in geometric shape like a hexagon it could turn into one giant aviary with a single dome.
something ive ALWAYS wanted is an improved ACU. Jurassic Worlds ground troops were so cool, it could add risk and excitement to hunting escaped dinosaurs, as our guys could die if not properly equiped. I know its unrealistic, but gosh itd be cool!!
I really hope that they keep the concept of variants in the next game and not just replace in-game dinosaur with their film/show counterparts. It adds a good level of variation which gives players options to pick ones that fit their preferences. It also adds another element to park management with guest maybe preferring certain versions of species
Here’s what I’m thinking: - baby dinosaurs - more Triassic species - more Permian species - more Cenozoic species - more polar dinosaurs - give pterosaurs walking & social animations - Give sauropods the ability to battle predators - give all small creatures (ie Compy, Moros, Lystro, etc) the ability to fight each other - more marine creatures than can use rock platforms - Sky Gondola from Camp Cretaceous - All canon dinosaur skin patterns & variants.
@@stevenrichens1585 it has never, in the history of gaming been possible for everyone to upgrade. We didn’t keep developing N64 games to work on SNES because we had new technology, which meant new possibilities, and yes, not everyone upgraded, that is a fact. When adjusted for inflation, the cost to upgrade systems used to be about $1000 in today’s money, so it also used to be even more expensive. Spending money sucks, I understand that, but this has been the cycle of gaming ever since the medium has existed.
I NEED low fences along with paths actually having a guest viewing range so your enclosures aren't invisible to guests from the path. Even though I only play sandbox I really like knowing that the guests can legit "see" the animals in-game but I obviously don't like giving every single habitat a viewing attraction of some sort.
If they do add baby dinosaurs, I hope there would be a setting that allows you to make it where the dinosaurs can be born adults or for them to be born baby’s and they stay baby’s forever. Also I love the idea of being able to change the water height, because it would be so cool to see spinosaurus with it’s giant spine peaking out of the water while swimming, and also that would be a great chance for Dinosuchus to come into the game (either way I’m 100% going to get Jurassic World evolution 3 when it/if comes out)
One feature I think they need to add, dinosaurs don't panic. You can make it so dinosaurs won't attack each other but certain dinosaurs still panic when placed in the same enclosure regardless and they panic running around until they starve. Or if you have dinosaurs don't starve on they just run around almost looking like the dinosaur version of judgmental joggers. "Like what you don't jog, I'm way healthier than you."
Things I need to see before I get it: Waterfalls Cliffs Water depth manipulation Animation ideas: Swimming for dinosaurs Pterosaurs walking Dinosaurs can be pushed off cliffs when in combat Sauropods and some hadrosaurs can FIGHT BACK Dinosaurs are able to travel in big herds to look for water or making it so you can make a herd of dinosaurs walk towards the same direction
If i was Frontier I would definitely make a better site B mode or even a mode where people can make ecosystems. If they did that then we could make Mezesoic ecosystems.
All I would like is amphibian creatures in the game, I would love to have a koolasuchas or sarcasuchas, It would be cool if there was a shallow water and a deep water brush and both amphibians and fish eater(such as spino, baryonx and suchamimus)
Here is what i'd add that you didn't say: For Attractions: Tree-top Hotel the first one you place is the one you connect a path to then you can sprawl them out and be connected with bridges, for a jw exclusive holograms, and museums. For New Themes: Site B (a mixture of lwjp and jp3) with new decorations, National Park all log cabins, Ranch since the dinosaurs are on the mainland why can't a guy with a farm make a park. Minor Changes: Other ways to get in the park (car, plane, boat), being able to get rid of building of jp tour cars, going into buildings with guest pov, tunnels and caves, 4th wall break DLC: adds decorations and a new build theme based of the jurassic sections of both universal studios.(i just want the orlando jp visitor center)
I don't know. Me who spended alot of money on dlc's Well as long it has everything that jwe2 has im happy. And something that would be really is if like example the scorpios rex could climb decoration trees and stuff like that
I don’t know if I have it in me to do this a third time which is why I am prepared to watch you make some awesome parks and here is what I would like to see. I would love to see a lot of the Planet zoo functions moved into this game. - a combination of simple and modular buildings with some inside customization -better environment design like water depths, waterfalls, bridges, layered or elevated paths stairways, -more biome types and effects like fog, flooding -better hit boxes on structure and decoration including a merging system or custom decor build. -tons of decorations -netter Aquarium building options not just lagoons. More lagoon decor and design -cave building options -more carnivore and pescatarian options much like the herbivore feeding process. -absolutely more attractions -knowledge boards and signs for each creature in game to add to park. -small assest attractions for like bugs and other tiny creatures -a better avian system and attractions builder. -more eras for sure like that old Jurassic builder app that let you aquatic and mammals I am sure I could think of more stuff -
Wait I’ve got it, the first dlc idea for Jurassic world evolution 3, an Early Cretaceous dlc, for this dlc, I would add Saltasaurus, Tyrannotitan, Irritator and the Australian herbivore itself, Atlascopcosaurus.
I agree with a lot of this, especially regarding terrain tools and full modular building. I love watching or even collecting some pretty creations on steam workshop, and have the utmost respect for custom and creative builders out there. But honestly, the main pull for me to build animal park that mostly house dinosaurs is that I want to spend the majority of my park building time watching variety of dinosaurs roaming around (or maybe snacking guests around) my park. The overhauled aviary/lagoon though? YES, and additional suggestion: pretty please Frontier, try replaying Zoo Tycoon 2, see how that game implements aquatic tank, and implement it on lagoon/aviary. This also applied for revamped terrain tools.
So glad you feel the same way about modular building! I could never get into Planet Zoo or Prehistoric Kingdom because the amount of options was overwhelming. I'd like slightly more complicated and varied building options though!
For more creative builds they could make the ability to have 2 entries on large buildings like the large food building but only have 1 entry on medium and small buildings
I would like them to fix the lagoons after fifteen marine reptiles are in the lagoon they stop hunting fish and end up getting stuck also ,baby Dinos waterfalls, bridges,BETTER AI , natural lagoons someway to combine lagoons and land paddocks, enrichment items more paths , not paying for dinosaurs we already paid for previously, an actual way to put land Dinos and marine reptiles in aviaries with out glitches
I would love more Jurassic and Triassic species. We could use some sauropodomorphs. A river cruise, waterfalls, the ability to make cliffs, vending machines and food carts and more attractions would be a start. Plus more intense terrain tools
Idk. I just started playing PZ as it came to console finally. I would enjoy having the freedom that modular building brings, but I would also want the existing buildings to be available to place as blueprints. The movie buildings at the very least. I also understand why people don’t want that. Modular building can be daunting, but man I want to walk around the Site B Worker Village with raptors in first person camera mode
I got my list :) List: - way way more species - baby dinosaurs - being able to combine buildings like a restaurant and a hotel - Sauropods fighting back - more exhibit types - new evolved dinosaur types like an Evolved Roberta (I know it's not Canon but would be like Godzilla from Godzilla X Kong) - new themes like Japanese, German, ETC - more decorations - more Hybrids
I'd like to suggest a variety of dinosaur animations (fighting, socializing, others..) Also, what about sauropods fighting back? Y'know.... they're criminally underrated in JP games.
My excitement for this game is through the roof! I 100% agree with you on the points you made, from baby dinosaurs to the game being released on current gen consoles (because yes, the last gen consoles def did hold the game back). We need a current gen to really give us all of those dreamy requests (if not, most or at least half) in order for this to be something new and fresh. All previous species should be included, as stated, plus the addition of Cenozoic animals could def set it apart from the first two games. Who knows? maybe the next Jurassic film will also be the first to have Cenozoic animals in the franchise as well. Also, as a completionist, I hope they add EVERY single variation of the movie animals as well (93 Para, 97 Pteranodon, male Nasuto, Microceratus, etc). I AM SO EXCITED!! I can't wait to see what you build and I'm really thinking about becoming a streamer myself, inspired by you of course.
I agree with you 100% about older gen consoles. Having the new game be constrained to PS4, XBox One limits, holds the game back and at that point why even bother with JWE3? I want to see what Frontier can do for the JWE franchise moving forward on next gen consoles. Like bigger map terrains, or whole islands like you suggested. The ability to make waterfalls and mountains. And on that note my wish list item I would love to see. Would be the ability to take control of dinosaurs like how we can take control of jeeps and tour vehicles. Can you imagine how fun it would be if you move the cursor over any dino and there is button to click on and boom you're a T-Rex now. Can you escape your own enclosures and reek havoc on your own park? There needs to be something like that, that can separate the 3rd installment from the past 2 and sell the game.
Bought (heavily discounted) JWE2 a few days ago. My son loves the fact that it has dinosaurs, but coming from Planet Zoo, I _cannot believe_ the amount of dumbing down that went into paths, decorations and especially lagoons/bodies of water. So far, it feels like a free browser game when compared to Planet Zoo, although the many amazing species almost makes it worth it. Hope to see some more complex building options in the next installment; especially for aquatic and aviary exhibits! Glad you mentioned those.
If there will be a third game, I want "Decrative Fences" what I mean is fences that add more pop than the standard electric (ex. Glass fences with rock bases, fossil fences)
Love your videos Evo! As for JWE3 I think the biggest selling point of the game (if Frontier does this) would be if you could create your own dinosaurs by splicing genes from different dinos, just as Dr Wu does. So you could create something fairly simple by combining 2 species, which would be easy to manage, (like a Stegoceratops) to going full Frankenstein like and start creating your own monsters (like a Scorpius Rex) in your park by combining multi genes of "dangerous" dinosaur species which are "unpredictable" and thus more challenging/almost impossible to manage (due to a short life span). This could create endless possibilities for park managers and avid fans of the game. What do you think?
The problem for me is that some new games aren’t coming out on ps4 and when jwe3 comes out I’m worried it won’t come out on ps4 and right now I can’t afford a ps5 so I’m gonna have to seriously save up
Theme park rides besides the attraction buildings. In Camp Cretaceous' interactive episode we see that there was a rollercoaster at Jurassic World. So, it is canon that JW had theme park rides. Things like boat rides and other such rides would also be cool. Improving the store system. In many theme parks and zoos there are many stores, restaurants, and random street vendors everywhere. Have a system in place where if you did a main plaza then you can have tons of stores all over the plaza without being in the negatives. Maybe, a bonus towards customer happiness if there are a ton of variety in stores in an area. I would love the modular building from the Planet Coaster/Zoo games but still give us already built buildings like we have now in JWE: 1 & 2. However, you cannot make fences using the modular building pieces since they are indestructible which defeats the theme of the series which is dinos breaks out of their enclosures and wrecks havoc. More park management elements. Like more staff when it makes sense. Obviously no keepers since they would probably get eaten or trampled. The ability to do tours where guests follow a staff member around the park. No researching dinos first in order to gain access to their fossils at dig sites. It doesn't make sense that I must research t-rex first before I can find their fossils at sites I know have t-rex fossils. I agree that enrichment and shelter should be available within reason. Sauropods shouldn't have shelters since it would take a extremely tall shelter to house them. I think that enrichment items should be required for enclosures and that if an animal has enough enrichment items then it lowers their aggression and vise versa if you don't have enough enrichment. I also would like it if you had to research enrichments items to unlock them which keeps the beginning interesting until you can unlock them. Planet Zoo requires you to research each individual species to unlock their enrichment items and better quality food. I think that is bogus. So, instead you research like herbivore 1 enrichment and one of the enrichments items it unlocks is like a block of salt and most herbivores likes the salt as their enrichment item but since it is only the first tier item it doesn't add too many percentage points towards the enclosure's enrichment. Also, make it where you can only place so many of each enrichment item per enclosure so you cannot spam low tier enrichment items to get 100% enrichment. I think that the territory mechanic needs to be changed. I like having large herbivore enclosures where many different species coexist. However, there is always at least 1 animal from each species that will leave their herd and go into a section of the enclosure that isn't 100% perfect for them. Then they get stressed out from not being in a perfect environment and also from being away from their herd. I literally have to knock them out and move them like a small distance away near the rest of their species and they will be okay then. But it happens so often that it can get annoying.
I'd love for more mechanics to lead to a natural ecosystem in sandbox, a park is fun but I really enjoy creating a wildlife reserve almost and watching how the herds and territories interact id love more mechanics for the dinosaurs to work both in captivity and without captivity, kind of like watching ur own mini dino documentary or like a aquarium u watch (so the hatchling to old age life cycle wud be essential as well as proper semi aquatics and not only lagoons but natural pools too as well as flyers interacting on the ground etc and a more realistic interaction between herbis and carnivores esp in pack hunting) but for movie stuff i defo think they shud expand on the poacher mechanic as well esp since that'll prolly be a big theme in the next movie so moving away but not entirely divorcing from a park builder but instead a natural reserve is a good direction
One personal wishlist of mine is that, like the Site B mode, I'd love a mode where it's just dedicated to make a research station without having to worry about guest appeal and that sort of thing, as the only humans there would be researchers and scientists, and with that, you could have research stations be as big or as small as you'd prefer, whether it'd be with the trailers and cars from The Lost World, or even something like the worker village from that as well
14:45 I would love this. I've been trying to make a park based on fallout, and it's hard to get that scrapped look, so I just throw decorations at some buildings and see what happens
I'd love to see better environment management tool. As in having the ability to build waterfalls, mountains and cliffs, and allowing paths and buildings to better interact with those things. Also, dinosaur visibility from paths would add a whole new layer of creativity.
Agreed with all these points, though I wouldn't hate it if modular building was a solution to some of these, so long as we can save a re-use buildings we've already put the time into. I'd love it if the first person mode would be improved to be more immersive. So, instead of walking up to a building and then teleporting to a fixed view point, have an interior we can walk into and move around in. It could be very basic with lots of reused assets, while still not breaking that immersion with the teleport and then restricted movement. Also actually being inside a monorail car instead of just a camera on a track, or walking down the tunnel to get to the underwater dome.
im studying game development and a reason which is most likely and common to make a new ip is that they might have ideas and systems they plan or wish to implement which is just not possible or is very difficult in the older ip for example in destiny 1 devs wanted to add mantling in the game but couldnt due to the engine therefore destiny 2 was put into work. what frontier want to add idk but thought i should share
1. Decorative vehicles from all areas. It would be cool to have a maintenance team station in a park or research and ranger vehicles camped out in a dinosaur sanctuary. 2. A river tour or small boat ride. 3. Better looking hotels. When you look at resorts today the hotels in the current game are just not believable. Look at the large jurassic park hotel and explain how 100 people are expected to stay there? 4. Petting zoo 5. Unique buildings for restaurants and shops. 6. Bring back all the decorative signs and trees from jwe1
All the improvements for JWE3 we want are ... - Taking control animals just like vehicles. - Improved animation. -Walking pterosaurs -Improving physics (not passing through). - paleozoic and cenozoic species -semiaquatic species like prehistoric crocs. -Swimming land animals.
about the whole adding JWE 2 dlc overtime for free. Theirs a login to frontier account but in game so their should/could be a way to confirm you bought those DLCs already. This way the DLC can be for JWE 2 and 3
I think a soft modular system could work. Not as complex and vital to the Game as in PZ or PK but a nice addition to the Game in case you want to build more complex stuff from time to time. Keeping the old premade building system but giving you the POSIBILITY of modular build your own or to modify the existing ones would be the best case scenario in my opinion
One of my top wants for the next game is the ability to create a sandbox map that isnt exactly a park. As a big fan of Dino Crisis 2, its been my goal to build the map of the main island and populate the island with empty buildings, swamplands, jungles, and of course, dinosaurs. I would really enjoy watching a select group of humans trying to survive on the island I built. Maybe it could be a custom game mode that implements sandbox elements? Aside from this, heres my wishlist: - Full dino roster from JWE2. No exceptions! - Expanded terrain modification. Cliffs, waterfalls, tunnels, new foliage, and new terrains are a must. I'll also include deep water and swimming animations to go along with those. - New exhibit fences and gates, as well as full exhibits for smaller animals. Lets include new feeders in here, as well as customizable prey items. So for example, t-rex likes goats but giganotosaurus likes white-tailed deer prey. One feeder, different prey, similar to JPOG. - Pond or lake fauna, fish, and decorations. I would love to create a huge lake with a spinosaurus in the exhibit. And have fish freely roam for it to hunt. - Hybridized lagoons with different options for height, depth, and colorization. Open them up so semiaquatics have their own space or they can enter from outside of the lagoon. - Dinosaur breeding is a must! Its now a common feature in the movies and has been for almost 30 years now. How is it no Jurassic Park or Jurassic World game has had breeding yet? - More human structures, both used and abandoned structures to add depth, intrigue, and mystery to our islands. Imagine starting a campaign mission but a part of the island is blocked off with abandoned structures behind the red tape. I think it would be wild to suspect a possible disaster of some sort having occurred. - More company vehicles and vehicular decorations. I use mods for this but so many are outdated that it would be nice to have official decorations. - New animations and interactions between all the different dinosaur species. It would be great to have group hunting, coordination between animals, and more defense options for herbivores. It just needs to feel alive! Thats my list for the time being, but I may edit it again to add to it!
Honestly terrain tools more in line with planet zoo or planet coaster is the top of my list. Second is fixing the building contstraints so that i can place buildings and fences wherever i want. I made this comment before the video was complete. Your comment about water depth makes me think it should be more like Zoo Tycoon 2
Good list and I agree with much of it. In regards to the consoles holding it back, you'll be pleased to know that Frontier is going to be using a PC for all the game's specs. Unfortunately, that PC is an Amiga. :)
Things that the next game MUST have to even be worth me considering buying it are, - Dino breeding - REAL terrain tools (water depth, rivers, waterfalls, mountains, canyons, etc) - Expanded customization for Lagoons - Expanded animations/behaviors for each species of dinos (not lazy recycling) Things I would LIKE to be added are, - More/better decorations for parks - Ability to follow individual guests like in JPOG - A true site b mode - Ability for me control a guest and have them get eaten >:)
I just want more prehistoric diversity and further ecology interactivity. If JWE3 wants to impress, taking creatures for the Triassic and The second half of the paleozoic(Devonian-Carboniferous-Permian) would be needed. About interactivity, advanced pack hunting, inter species interactions, more sociability, more variable animations and Land-Sea Incidents are a must have.
I hope some challenges to the management part of JWE because i find it to “easy” more ways the dinosaurs can break out. Dynamic and learns when the doors opening and trys to open them. Real peoples that are working on things not just cars. Better system for the shops. Like to hire employees for selling stuff and janitors and so on… it is way to easy to get money. Maybe more difficulty settings. More things that we need an eye on.
I personally think a partial modular building system could work; (i.e. having pre-built buildings with more styles and optional add-on decorations) plus a modular bridge system. Baby dinosaurs are 50/50. It'd be a massive undertaking to design new models for over 100 species of dinosaur, a compromise could be dinosaurs could be larger or smaller (10-20%) to be more unique. But having deep water, half land/lagoon options, maybe a fish spawner feeder, planet zoo terrain tools, heck maybe a fog maker. Would be amazing
To be honest, as much as people want it, I don't want a modular building system like in PZ. I like how we currently have both PK and JWE that both focus on different things. If they make JWE 3 more similar to PZ we'll lose that diversity
I personally love your idea about terrain tools but what if some kid is opening up JWE3 and wants to change the terrain and is met with a bunch of confusing terrain tool variations like I understand but I can almost guarantee that there are some kids who want this but don’t want it to be so confusing
Something else would be cool would be caves and I like the breeding because it would be cool for dinosaurs to build nests with eggs and watching the eggs hatch and a dlc that would be cool would be a realistic dlc were it would give skins for example a realistic T. rex and the sound would be realistic too.
What I need from JWE3: Baby dinosaurs- maybe even dinosaur breeding. Custom hybrids. A working petting zoo More decorations The ability to snap an object to a grid. Grid size can be changed. Terrain stuff. This includes caves/tunnels, deeper water options with the ability to put marine dinosaurs there, higher and lower terrain editions, waterfalls, etc. I might add more in an edit. A no collision mode. The allowance to use all terrain paints depending on sandbox rules. Better transport options. More customization options on everything (E.G coloring decoration objects, resizing them, etc.). Maybe some real animals? More dinosaur skins. Species viewer is accessible within the main game. Better combat animations. You can modify each egg to be a different skin. Bring back herbivore feeders. Add skins that match the real life recreations when the genome is maxed Finally, Dinosaur species. Please, I need these. -Hatzegopteryx -Shunosaurus -Argentinosaurus -Lore accurate velociraptor -Irritator -Gorgosaurus -Kaprosuchus -Deinosuchus -Sarcosuchus -Eocarcharia
There are many things I want to see in JWE 3, but these are a must for me to get to the next game. - Novel Carnotaur would be dope. - First, all current creatures in the game should be there in the base game. And also amphibians and mammals. - I would like to see more gore and blood in the game. - hybrids. not a lot of them, but some of the recognizable hybrids, like the Ultimasaurus Rex, Carnoraptor, Stegoceratops, Cerazinosaurus, Chromaspinus and more. Note: I know not everyone likes hybrids, but I really enjoy them, so I want to see more of them. - Water depth and semiaquatic behaviors/swimming for all dinos. - Lagoon improvements like better collisions and interactions, the ability to change the depth of the sea floor, more aquatic creatures, the ability to connect lagoons with the land, and lastly, land and aquatic interactions. - More interaction between park goers and the creatures, like interaction between non-dangerous dinosaurs interacting with the guests, and more than 1 kill animation (not just with the parkgoers but also with other creatures), because right now once you've seen the kill animation, you've seen it all. - Difference between the creatures, like height and body build. Some are bulky, some are fat, and some are skinny. - Better terrain tools and remove terrain constraints.
Have an "undo" feature for when you make a placement/deletion mistake. Let us name and personalize guests (VIPs), make placing paths easier. Be able to control selected dinosaurs. And make it easier to feed them people!
I played like 500 hours of JWE1 and very few of JWE2. I found JWE2 just not as fun to play. Id like to see them revamp a lot of core gameplay. I really like the competing contracts in the first one, and I think it adds a lot of personality to the game. I didnt care for all the micro manage clicking that you have to do in 2. I am a bit worried because of the short development time frame to launch date to have such revisions....worried that it will just be a reskinned JWE2. Anyway thanks for the video!
They can do a lot to make the game way better than we have. I'm very passionate about this game. I have a big long list; but I can't post all that here, The top one is Shop management; Types of Shops that sell more than just one item instead of a shop that just sells "Root Beer" seemed very lacking to me. JW1 had the better setup with number of staff - Just have fast food that sells what you would expect from a real fast food joint. Change the building theme, decoration and name, even import an image for this building. The same example for other types of shops like Gifts, General store, Internet Cafe, Eletrical Store to Kids Toys and Clothing. Information, Centre, Lost and Found, Medical Centre / Chemist or Small hospital, an Education Center to Petting Zoo. I know this game isn't Simcity but adding to the realism utility buildings for other types of park workers. Water, Power, Repairs and Waste management. Other people have asked for animals that fall into any deep lakes or lagoons get eaten by what ever happens to be swimming around. Adjustable height monorail, More range of footpaths and better adjustable snap tools, Guest / Feeder/ Worker Tunnel Network and Bridges over lagoons that guests can use. The biggest problem that annoyed me was the hit boxes around some buildings like the Monorail station building, add a hit box setting for None, Limited or Full area collision for all possible buildings. I could go on here, and I think some have been addressed in the video. :)
I enjoyed the Malta campaign being able to jump between seperate smaller parks. A larger version of this would be cool, being able to build multiple parks across the world in one playthrough and being able to alter the aesthetic of each park drastically depending on the country its in
I agree quite a lot with this list, but I'd also add on the fact that I'd like to see remodels for animals with less admirable appearances (such as camarasaurus) / alternate variants for certain animals that have appearances which not everyone likes (such as liopleurodon). This is maybe a less likely change, but it can add diversity to what animals are available to use without needing to make completely new ones.
The possibility of joining 2 monorails and being able to make bridges with the paths would be really cool. Not to mention a feature with a kind of "aviary" for Cenozoic dinosaurs in the manner of Jurassic World the game. I would really like that. ❤
I would be happiest if they just added better terrain options and buildings which mesh with the terrain. Cliffs, tunnels, deep water, bridges, natural lagoons, waterfalls, ect.
My biggest wants: (mainly so I can recreate mesozoic ecosystems in sandbox LOL) •Fully custom sandbox mode (build your own island, no more weird janky terrain border) •Dinosaur nesting and sexual dimorphism • better terrain editing and terrain constraint, cliffs, waterfalls, mountains, etc • more plant options, natural features and scenery • Deeper water that dinosaurs swim in rather than just walk through • No biome restrictions for plants, theres a setting that says "foliage biome: all" but it changes nothing.
I can understand not wanting to overcomplicate JWE3 with modular building, but at the same time going to some real-life zoos for the first time for a while helped me see how silly all enclosures being fencing/aviaries/lagoons is. I'm not saying that we have to build things down to the blueprint, but being able to put smaller dinos/land animals into simpler enclosures (normal fences/gates, nbot the giants ones we see in every game), inside housing (like how many zoos have a hall of reptiles or some building meant for some part of the world and its wildlife) or putting the samller aquatic animals into tanks in an aquarium building would ass some nice variety as opposed to a nothosaurus being in a lsgoon enclosure like a mosasaur or a dryosaur being held inside a fenced off pen like a T. Rex.
1. Fix the AI driving. I know it's never gonna be a priority, but when my Med Unit or Rangers need to go somewhere it would be nice if they did it in a way that didn't make them look like drunk stunt drivers. 2. Staff only gates/paths/sign posts. While I know this is possible in JWE2 to a point, when I make sandbox stuff I like to hide my power plant and other stuff away from prying eyes. Having a vehicle or pedestrian staff gates & placable signs would really help with that idea. (Yes even though I usually turn off the need for power stations I still plant one and just imagine all the power cables are underground) 3. Planning guides. I would like the ability to have a UI guide tools so you can plan out changes to a park without making actual changes. A nice little overlay that you can paint potential changes on to see if it would work/how it looks/if you have room with different colour options to help differentiate between paths, exhibits, and buildings. 4. Breeding AND/OR ability to make baby dinos. 5. Lagoon building. Rather than having a set shape why not allow us to build a lagoon the same way we do fences? Build it like a wall, allow feeders and hatching facilities the same way fenced enclosures work. We could even use the terrain tools to allow for different depths.
It would need better campaign missions for one as they were pretty quick to get through in the second one. The Chaos Theory mode needs more excitement as well. The San Diego park was the only real highlight where as the rest were just building or rebuilding the parks. The Jurassic Park 3 mission just had Masrani do what Hammond did to repopulate Nublar but they could have shown how Hammond first started creating dinosaurs on Sorna and we could find out how the Spinosaurus was made. Maybe they could have you make a park without fences and come up with ways to keep the guests from getting eaten or maybe you have to fix and take over parks that were set up by when the Dinosaurs were released into the world to make a quick buck.
I'm just going to put the list of attractions I'd like to have, as everything else would be a novella. -Camp Cretaceous Treehouse as a Hotel-type building -Pteratops Lodge as a Hotel-type building specifically for the Aviary -Hidden Adventure Roller Coaster -Hot-Air Balloon Ride -Cretaceous Cruise -Petting Zoo -placeable cages with preset creatures like Meganeura, Arthropleura, other ancient insects and arthropods, small amphibians, etc that work on loops like the JWE1 Aviary -Feeding Stations, both ground and the elevated Sauropod Station seen in the JW concept art -Shark Tunnel and the JP:TG Underwater Observatory -Underwater Hotel for the Lagoon
I love what they did with Jurassic World Evolution 2. Wonderful game. I have no complaints. One thing that would be really cool in J.W.E. 3 is having an avatar and a guest / employee mode to explore and tour your parks. One of the big things with the Jurassic Park series is that survivor / thriller vibe. Other than that, I'm honestly not sure how they can make the game better than it already is.
JWE is a park simulation game, but the development in tourists and constructions is very shallow. Park evaluations need to be based on visitors' opinions and not based on the buildings, it's as if visitors were ghosts and are walking around the park, but at the same time they don't exist. In the Jurassic Park Operation Genesis game, visitors have their own opinions, tastes and criticisms of the park. JPOG, despite its age, shows off in JWE 2 and this makes me discouraged from playing, JW has graphics but is shallow.
I would love if they added “deeper rivers”. It would be awesome and you could have a river tour to go along side it. It opens the door for swimming animations and epic creatures like Deinosuchus, Sharkasuchus and maybe even the Titanoboa.
05:30 Looking at this image makes me indeed think that a Planet Jurassic would be a great idea. Zoo Tycoon did that around two decades ago if not longer and it opened up a lot of oppurtunities for park and zoo building. I would go for a zoo starting at the beginning of life and ending on today, maybe even further if there will be a speculative zoology pack later down the line if this idea stands.
I love all the ideas put into this video. And I have an idea for how to make dlcs slightly better (if you like hybrids). The first dlc comes out and it is 1 hybrid species the Diabolus rex (pre design of the Indominus), this dlc however cost barely anything almost free and adds a new function to dlcs. Each dlc holds 4 species, but if you buy a dlc and you have this hybrid dlc then you get an extra hybrid bonus.
Oh and one more thing: no more dinosaur clipping! 😅 what's your JWE3 wishlist?
More decor and missing species
the exeverything that you want and also a abondon tool that make your buildings look old
Basically all the things you mentioned, but also, for the love of God, please give us *view radius on paths*.
Make it matter that guests can see through the fences from the walkways, not just from observation platforms.
Custom hybridization
The game itself NEEDS TO CHANGE as much as I love that frontier adds stuff to the game. They add it to already pre-existing features. Give us something NEW. Water level depths, Dino’s swimming, baby Dino’s, cliffs (because anytime you try to make one it becomes a hill.) There’s so much more I can say but you get the idea. What evolution 3 needs to do better is the game itself. Not just adding more and more and more. It needs change. The fact that we even make our own wishlists is insane when these things should be in the game at launch.
then it would mean most of the content from 1&2 would not be there on launch, you are right tho
remember gallery and caves
@@lunathekuduruk1311 true but I want quality over quantity. Keep the stuff everyone loves. Add stuff the game needs.
@@lunathekuduruk1311 why not?
Basically planet zoo but with dinosaurs!
Things I want to see in JWE3
-Baby dinosaurs
-Paleo-botany building/feeders return
-JWE1 UI progression return (honeycomb unlocks rather than linear)
-All las sinco muertes return
-The ability to have multiple digsites again
-lagoon and terrestrial combination with beaches or shores
-the ability to use jeeps to move smaller creatures rather than only helecopters
-swimming animals
-indoor enclosures for really small animals
-food stands so you dont have to make a whole new building
-paths having fixed angles with supports like wood walls and cutouts in the hills to make them more realistic
-bridges to put over exibits
-river rides with the addition of deeper water
-boat cruise in the lagoons
-species viewer in game not in menu
-underwater tunnels for guests
-tunnels that can go through mountains for paths and monorails
-ability to sell dinosaur fossils again
-JWE progression from the saftey, science, and entertainment divisions again
-supplies coming in from ships/ supply warehouses
-scientists being changed to a group being lead by a specific person
-paleomedical building healing animals indoors rather than in a courtyard out in the open
-QOL inprovements, seeing your jeep people being eaten when the jeep is destroyed
-weather affecting digsites
-newly discovered dinosaurs
-paths becoming dirty like jpog and needing cleaners and more overall workers
And dinos that need a certain ground level
I think overlapping things like tours can go through shallowest water (but not other depths if they add that) and also buildings/paths if there is empty space or something
Honestly I just want baby dinos the most and a petting zoo and the last 2 thing is more land animals except for dinos like the saber tooth cat and more spiches
nest for dinosaur and flying reptile baby's .
So, I agree with everything you listed except 2 things:
- You can still sell dinosaur fossils in JWE2 if you enable the black market. You can purchase genomes from there and if you have 100% genome, getting the fossils for said dinosaur will let you sell the fossils. I get what you mean though.
- I disagree on the weather affecting the digsites. We have enough of a challenge getting genomes to 100%, so having yet another obstacle will annoy me to no end.
-More Attractions. (Petting Zoo, Guest herbivore feeding stations, River cruise, Lagoon Tour Boats, Ground-Level Trains, etc.)
-More Building Options (Modular Building(For those who can build), Building File Sharing(Downloadable pre-made Buildings), Bridges)
-More Terrain Customizations (90-degree cliffs, Waterfalls, Trenches, Canyons, Deeper Water)
-More Animal Behaviors (Breeding, Self-Defensive Herbivores, Cross-Species Social Interactions, Exhibit Enrichment Toys/Interactives)
I'm fine if they don't add any new animals if it means we get all these park-building options in our Park Sim.
Personally I would love a more in depth fight system.
I agree with this
@dogecursor5190 I also agree with you.
Honestly yeah we need more rides hell they can just steal stuff from the mobile park builders
Roller coaster and water park for both Jurassic Park era and Jurassic world era.
So glad you asked. Before watching the video, here is what I think:
-“flowing water” or water, instead of sitting in level pools, can move downhill. Possible application with waterfalls
-smarter predation behavior: predators need cover in order to have a more successful hunt via ambush. Ex: in a wide open space, a T. rex would have difficulty getting close to a gallimimus flock, but if there is a layer of trees, it could stalk from the tree line, get close, and ambush.
-Baby dinosaurs (duh). Though this can potentially expand with picking a dinosaur’s sex (which would influence some behaviors and sometimes physical attributes in some cases) and the creation of nests. Possible “life found a way” game setting where dinosaurs can change sex in single sex environment?
-more rides, including but not limited to a boat tour
-natural lagoons and water depth control (for both marine and semi aquatic creatures)
They could also reduce the price a bit. It sucks waiting to buy the jwe games because they’re just so expensive! They’re about £45 where i live which is just too much!
They could also add pyroraptors and spinosaurus swimming in open lagoons or aviary animals hunting inside lagoons. It would feel so much more immersive to have a pyroraptor copying what happened from dominion (could possibly add areas of land for seperate biomes as well) or a quetzalcoatlus hunting a fish inside of a lagoon.
@paleofolk survival stuff?
oh yeh, herbivores should be able to escape hunts waaay easier. A raptor shouldnt have the same stamina as a galli for instance.
- Bridges, waterfalls and deeper water.
- Guest height fences.
- Kiosks and placeable vending machines, not necessarily functional.
- Customizable viewing galleries, towers, and tour and more customization in general for restaurants and shops.
- More decorations; make them customizable.
Just some improvements that I thought of partway through the video. The game still has some things that keep it from feeling like authentic parks for guests and these small details/extra variations are what I think is needed in a third game to really say that it was worth the switch.
Good suggestions but "Kiosks and vending machines not necessarily functional"? Why not? I like to see the guests using every thing i place in the park. I am sick of decorative items with no function. Its the year 2024 how hard can that be to implement when even Rollercoaster Tycoon a decade ago could do it?
A Site B mode with self-reproducing dinosaurs would be dope!
I would absolutely buy the game exclusively for that.
Same! We need that for a long time now, i needed since i say little bumpy, t rex junior and baby tricerstops!
I wanna see cute baby dinos roam around with their parents with cute animations!😍
Frontiers should make in jwe3 or in new jwe2 update reproducing update where dinosaurs can reproduce so I dont need to clone dinosaurs in a row
Hatcheries don’t feel natural enough and it takes a while to helicopter dinosaurs in. We should be able to fly in or release 2 dinosaurs of a species and they can replicate. It doesn’t need the complex breeding system of planet zoo, with inbreeding and albinos and leucistic animals. We just need the ability for dinosaurs to make a herd if you have 2 or more and it can increase in size or split off. It would also be cool if the hybrids could asexually reproduce as seen with the scorpius rex in camp cretaceous
@@Papaya_penetrator372 i Hope so, even if jwe3 will be in the most like the same like the other two games they can add many new features, apart of reproduction there can add the carcass of dinos loose meat while a dino eats from it and leaves only bones or that more of one dino can eat at the dame time depending of the carcass size
You listed a few things that are cool but there are 4 things that I really want.
1) Distinct shopping buildings. I liked in JE1 how each shopping building was very distinct. At quick glance I can tell the difference between a restaurant and a bowling alley. Yes I know you can customize but all the buildings look the same. Instead of all shopping buildings the same, make it so restaurants have a few choices, shops have completely different choices, etc...
2) A Better campaign. I actually liked JW1 campaign, a nice series of unique maps with different challenges that you eventually unlock things to make it better, and then you can go back to previous locations with your new unlocks. (challenge mode doesnt do that, it feels like sandbox to me with limits)
3) Recognizing that Park employees ARE NOT GUEST. I dont want to see my security guards riding tour trucks (I dont pay you to go on rides) or Guest walking into Ranger Outpost.
4) and less important but I would love it, babies. Enough said.
The improved campaign is a must for me because the JWE campaign was great, and it took like 20-40 hours for me to complete it casually, not including the expansions, while the JWE2 campaign took me 2 hours not including the 2 campaign DLC's
For real! Also, i loved completing the hwe campaign because as i went back through the islands i saw how my build style improved from having the power station and food right next to each other connected by some random paths, to having guest plazas and designated industrial zones!
Yeah it definitely needs to be an actual campaign like it was on JWE1 instead of a glorified tutorial. The expansions do remedy it but the biosyn one ended abruptly too.
Having more terrain tools just means they can add concrete moats, maybe even large exhibit drop off points for exhibits. Maybe a dam for marine exhibits..
oooohhhh moats! Yeah, we definitely need moats
I just want the sunset lighting back. They shouldn't of change the dawn in JWE2
100% agree with your points. I just got planet zoo console edition and I love it and keep thinking "oh I wish Jwe2 did this/had this" and think that a sequel would benefit from merging jwe2 with some of the things from planet zoo. I'd also add to your list walking animations for pterosaurs are essential. Make smaller animals better, like being able to zoom in more (which would also help with decorations), do away with the helicopter airlifting a single tiny compy - it looks really silly, shorter fences (as you said) and smaller feeders for them. I'd also rather like custom signs, or at the very least more choice of signs like "no entry", "danger" and "quiet please".
My Laundry list (in no particular order)
- New Biomes including Wetlands
- Deepwater mechanics (Proper lakes and rivers etc.)
- Deep water behaviors for existing dinosaurs (ie swimming)
- New tour type: River Cruise
- Cow feeder
- Dino-Soars/JPOG Hot Air Balloon Tour type
- Petting Zoo
- Dinosaur Breeding
- New Lost World Sorna Map
- New Skins for Parasauralophus and Triceratops (I want a 93 model for the former and the ability to change the color and pattern on the existing 93 model for the latter)
- Azores Island Map (proposed location of Jurassic Park Europe)
- Yemen Map (I believe this was the filming location for the Dominion prologue and it looked amazing)
- Adjustable terrain height for aviaries and lagoons
- Sauropods defending themselves
- Social interactions for flying reptiles
- Missing Biosyn themed buildings including lagoon, aviary and tour
- Biosyn research facility available as a placeable building
- Some new Decorative Items including:
• Kayla’s Crashed Plane
• JP3 Boat
• JP3 Crashed Plane
• Eric’s Hideout
• The LW RV
• High Hide
• Lost World Boneyard
• Overturned Jeep
• Fossilized Raptor
- Tylosaurus using the Shark Feeder
- Guests actually interacting with benches, trash bins etc.
- Improved terrain management
- Improved hitboxes
My Personal Picks for New Species
1. Ornithomimus
2. Diabloceratops
3. Lambeosaurus
4. Edmontonia
5. Camptosaurus
6. Plateosaurus
7. Rhamphorhynchus
8. Protoceratops
9. Sarcosuchus/Deinosuchus
10. Othnelia
11. Hadrosaurus
12. Ammonites
13. Nothronychus
14. Microraptor
15. Epidexipteryx
16. Stegouros
17. Thalassomedon
some things i personally would really like are :
1. being able to make dinosaurs eat with out them starving cause i really like the eating animations but i dont want my dinos to die imidiatley because they forgot where the food is
2. having something like "plot armor" where you can give this trait to a dinosaur and they are going to win every fight
3. aquatic animals being able to attack things out of the lagoon for example when a helicopter flys above the lagoon a mosasaurus jumps out and pulls it into the water
4:having more attack behaviorsif dinosaurs escape , what i mean are things like climbing buildings , jumping on low flying helicopters and of course attacking you in 1st person mode also it would be good if you can defend yourself in 1st person mode like shooting the dinosaurs with tranqualizer darts
I think I would like a sort of online mode. Not like multiplayer or anything too crazy, but people can publish their parks globally. Additionally, people can "like" a park, comment on a park, and they can download the park so they can interpret that park in their own way (however, there is a risk of people plagiarizing their parks and not give them credit). I really want this feature because you are basically exploring like a tourist and also gaining inspiration like great park builders like you.
Thats a good fuckin idea!
A way bigger focus on cohabitation. Better pack and hunting mechanics. But most of all, less of a barrier between lagoons, land and sky. Have creatures be able to walk on land, then take off, or dive into a lagoon
Miniature attractions would be awesome like Zoo Tycoon has. Could have mini enclosures for smaller animals/infants or have park staff give lectures w a small cart like you might see at a zoo or aquarium
I have some ideas for the next game. -
- If we don't get modular building like in Planet Zoo, I hope we get more creative options for buildings. Like wood, brick, and other stuff like that. I would love to make a hotel that looks like a huge log cabin.
- I wouldn't mind a breeding system as long as we get some optional birth control.
- Obviously more decorations like statues, fountains, lights, skeletons, walls, tables, chairs, and such. I would also love some decorative buildings like an empty dome when can put over plazas. Or even some empty building shells like Planet Zoo has. Maybe some natural decorations like ponds and waterfalls could work too.
- Instead of being decorations, trash cans and benches could be used for guest comfort. Too much trash in one area? Add a few trash cans. Guests getting tired on long pathways? Add some benches.
- A water depth tool would be nice too. So we can get a swimming Spinosaurus like in JP3. Same goes for any other species that need a lot of water for comfort.
- Lagoons and aviaries definitely need some more love. Mostly some decorations. Would be funny to see a pirate skeleton in a lagoon.
- The ability to turn pathways into elevated bridges and walkways like in Planet Zoo would be incredible.
- More animations for flying and aquatic species. Mostly social interactions for the flyers and breaching for the swimmers.
- As for the aquatic species, it would be nice if species were compatible with each other or liked each other. And not just for food. Also if a species can eat from a shark feeder, it should be in its comfort requirements instead of fish.
- Attractions like bars and clubs should be added for some diversity. And vending machines or food carts and stalls can be added for areas where you cannot put in a full restaurant. Same for merchandise stands.
- Enclosures for the smaller species. Like pens, miniature aviaries and lagoons, and aquariums. Like you can still add the small species into the larger habitats but you can also release them in these smaller exhibits. And they would work the the current aviaries and lagoons where you can make them bigger by adding more of the same building.
- A special feeder system for carnivores. Like when an animal dies of old age, you can choose to process the carcass to feed your carnivores. And by eating certain meat, carnivores become healthier and get a small rating boost. EX: A T-Rex eats some Edmonto meat and it's rating goes up about 10 to 20%.
- And obviously, more diverse species. Cenozoic animals, prehistoric reptiles and amphibians, insects from the Carboniferous Period, ancient sea-dwelling invertebrates like sea scorpions, ammonites, and orthocones, and even some highly requested hybrids. But essentially more breathtaking species of dinos, flyers, and marine animals.
And that's all I can think of right now.
I feel they should add JW2015 Raptor Paddock, Trex Kingdom decoration, more decoration we can create more accurate JW2015 as I believe JP1993 can still somewhat be created, add new guest buildings like Amusement park/water slides/park and as you said paddling/canoeing. Also if we could get back herbivores feeder back like JWE1. If we can multiple aviary in geometric shape like a hexagon it could turn into one giant aviary with a single dome.
I don't know about anyone else, but I really hope they get the rights back to use the screen-accurate vehicles again so we don't have to mod them in.
something ive ALWAYS wanted is an improved ACU. Jurassic Worlds ground troops were so cool, it could add risk and excitement to hunting escaped dinosaurs, as our guys could die if not properly equiped. I know its unrealistic, but gosh itd be cool!!
I really hope that they keep the concept of variants in the next game and not just replace in-game dinosaur with their film/show counterparts. It adds a good level of variation which gives players options to pick ones that fit their preferences. It also adds another element to park management with guest maybe preferring certain versions of species
Here’s what I’m thinking:
- baby dinosaurs
- more Triassic species
- more Permian species
- more Cenozoic species
- more polar dinosaurs
- give pterosaurs walking & social animations
- Give sauropods the ability to battle predators
- give all small creatures (ie Compy, Moros, Lystro, etc) the ability to fight each other
- more marine creatures than can use rock platforms
- Sky Gondola from Camp Cretaceous
- All canon dinosaur skin patterns & variants.
Taking control dinosaurs.
You hit the nail on the head with the platforms point! If we don’t upgrade our tech ever, then our games are limited with how they can innovate!
Not everyone can upgrade... Pure elitism
@@stevenrichens1585 it has never, in the history of gaming been possible for everyone to upgrade. We didn’t keep developing N64 games to work on SNES because we had new technology, which meant new possibilities, and yes, not everyone upgraded, that is a fact. When adjusted for inflation, the cost to upgrade systems used to be about $1000 in today’s money, so it also used to be even more expensive. Spending money sucks, I understand that, but this has been the cycle of gaming ever since the medium has existed.
It also needs VR support for the first person modes.. How cool would the gryo-shpere tour be in VR??
damn that would be cool
I want a proper built 93 Nublar and a VR tour in the ford explorer!
Please bring back the option of building on The Five Deaths! I miss them dearly!
I NEED low fences along with paths actually having a guest viewing range so your enclosures aren't invisible to guests from the path. Even though I only play sandbox I really like knowing that the guests can legit "see" the animals in-game but I obviously don't like giving every single habitat a viewing attraction of some sort.
i want proper theme park attractions like those big swings and roller costars and water slides and that
If they do add baby dinosaurs, I hope there would be a setting that allows you to make it where the dinosaurs can be born adults or for them to be born baby’s and they stay baby’s forever. Also I love the idea of being able to change the water height, because it would be so cool to see spinosaurus with it’s giant spine peaking out of the water while swimming, and also that would be a great chance for Dinosuchus to come into the game
(either way I’m 100% going to get Jurassic World evolution 3 when it/if comes out)
One feature I think they need to add, dinosaurs don't panic. You can make it so dinosaurs won't attack each other but certain dinosaurs still panic when placed in the same enclosure regardless and they panic running around until they starve. Or if you have dinosaurs don't starve on they just run around almost looking like the dinosaur version of judgmental joggers. "Like what you don't jog, I'm way healthier than you."
Things I need to see before I get it:
Water depth manipulation
Animation ideas:
Swimming for dinosaurs
Pterosaurs walking
Dinosaurs can be pushed off cliffs when in combat
Sauropods and some hadrosaurs can FIGHT BACK
Dinosaurs are able to travel in big herds to look for water or making it so you can make a herd of dinosaurs walk towards the same direction
Frl, that’s the only way I would buy a 3rd game of this😂
If i was Frontier I would definitely make a better site B mode or even a mode where people can make ecosystems. If they did that then we could make Mezesoic ecosystems.
All I would like is amphibian creatures in the game, I would love to have a koolasuchas or sarcasuchas, It would be cool if there was a shallow water and a deep water brush and both amphibians and fish eater(such as spino, baryonx and suchamimus)
Here is what i'd add that you didn't say:
For Attractions: Tree-top Hotel the first one you place is the one you connect a path to then you can sprawl them out and be connected with bridges, for a jw exclusive holograms, and museums.
For New Themes: Site B (a mixture of lwjp and jp3) with new decorations, National Park all log cabins, Ranch since the dinosaurs are on the mainland why can't a guy with a farm make a park.
Minor Changes: Other ways to get in the park (car, plane, boat), being able to get rid of building of jp tour cars, going into buildings with guest pov, tunnels and caves,
4th wall break DLC: adds decorations and a new build theme based of the jurassic sections of both universal studios.(i just want the orlando jp visitor center)
I don't know. Me who spended alot of money on dlc's Well as long it has everything that jwe2 has im happy. And something that would be really is if like example the scorpios rex could climb decoration trees and stuff like that
I don’t know if I have it in me to do this a third time which is why I am prepared to watch you make some awesome parks and here is what I would like to see.
I would love to see a lot of the Planet zoo functions moved into this game.
- a combination of simple and modular buildings with some inside customization
-better environment design like water depths, waterfalls, bridges, layered or elevated paths stairways,
-more biome types and effects like fog, flooding
-better hit boxes on structure and decoration including a merging system or custom decor build.
-tons of decorations
-netter Aquarium building options not just lagoons. More lagoon decor and design
-cave building options
-more carnivore and pescatarian options much like the herbivore feeding process.
-absolutely more attractions
-knowledge boards and signs for each creature in game to add to park.
-small assest attractions for like bugs and other tiny creatures
-a better avian system and attractions builder.
-more eras for sure like that old Jurassic builder app that let you aquatic and mammals
I am sure I could think of more stuff
Thx for this I have slight changed my mind (another great vid and thx for the update)
Stackable aviaries! I would love to build a cliffside Aviary like JP3.
hey but one thing I learned was that they listen to us more than you'd think so don't worry about to much
Wait I’ve got it, the first dlc idea for Jurassic world evolution 3, an Early Cretaceous dlc, for this dlc, I would add Saltasaurus, Tyrannotitan, Irritator and the Australian herbivore itself, Atlascopcosaurus.
I agree with a lot of this, especially regarding terrain tools and full modular building. I love watching or even collecting some pretty creations on steam workshop, and have the utmost respect for custom and creative builders out there. But honestly, the main pull for me to build animal park that mostly house dinosaurs is that I want to spend the majority of my park building time watching variety of dinosaurs roaming around (or maybe snacking guests around) my park.
The overhauled aviary/lagoon though? YES, and additional suggestion: pretty please Frontier, try replaying Zoo Tycoon 2, see how that game implements aquatic tank, and implement it on lagoon/aviary. This also applied for revamped terrain tools.
So glad you feel the same way about modular building! I could never get into Planet Zoo or Prehistoric Kingdom because the amount of options was overwhelming. I'd like slightly more complicated and varied building options though!
For more creative builds they could make the ability to have 2 entries on large buildings like the large food building but only have 1 entry on medium and small buildings
I would like them to fix the lagoons after fifteen marine reptiles are in the lagoon they stop hunting fish and end up getting stuck also ,baby Dinos waterfalls, bridges,BETTER AI , natural lagoons someway to combine lagoons and land paddocks, enrichment items more paths , not paying for dinosaurs we already paid for previously, an actual way to put land Dinos and marine reptiles in aviaries with out glitches
I would love more Jurassic and Triassic species. We could use some sauropodomorphs. A river cruise, waterfalls, the ability to make cliffs, vending machines and food carts and more attractions would be a start. Plus more intense terrain tools
Idk. I just started playing PZ as it came to console finally.
I would enjoy having the freedom that modular building brings, but I would also want the existing buildings to be available to place as blueprints. The movie buildings at the very least.
I also understand why people don’t want that. Modular building can be daunting, but man I want to walk around the Site B Worker Village with raptors in first person camera mode
I got my list :)
- way way more species
- baby dinosaurs
- being able to combine buildings like a restaurant and a hotel
- Sauropods fighting back
- more exhibit types
- new evolved dinosaur types like an Evolved Roberta (I know it's not Canon but would be like Godzilla from Godzilla X Kong)
- new themes like Japanese, German, ETC
- more decorations
- more Hybrids
I'd like to suggest a variety of dinosaur animations (fighting, socializing, others..) Also, what about sauropods fighting back? Y'know.... they're criminally underrated in JP games.
My excitement for this game is through the roof! I 100% agree with you on the points you made, from baby dinosaurs to the game being released on current gen consoles (because yes, the last gen consoles def did hold the game back). We need a current gen to really give us all of those dreamy requests (if not, most or at least half) in order for this to be something new and fresh. All previous species should be included, as stated, plus the addition of Cenozoic animals could def set it apart from the first two games. Who knows? maybe the next Jurassic film will also be the first to have Cenozoic animals in the franchise as well. Also, as a completionist, I hope they add EVERY single variation of the movie animals as well (93 Para, 97 Pteranodon, male Nasuto, Microceratus, etc). I AM SO EXCITED!! I can't wait to see what you build and I'm really thinking about becoming a streamer myself, inspired by you of course.
I agree with you 100% about older gen consoles. Having the new game be constrained to PS4, XBox One limits, holds the game back and at that point why even bother with JWE3? I want to see what Frontier can do for the JWE franchise moving forward on next gen consoles. Like bigger map terrains, or whole islands like you suggested. The ability to make waterfalls and mountains. And on that note my wish list item I would love to see. Would be the ability to take control of dinosaurs like how we can take control of jeeps and tour vehicles. Can you imagine how fun it would be if you move the cursor over any dino and there is button to click on and boom you're a T-Rex now. Can you escape your own enclosures and reek havoc on your own park? There needs to be something like that, that can separate the 3rd installment from the past 2 and sell the game.
Bought (heavily discounted) JWE2 a few days ago. My son loves the fact that it has dinosaurs, but coming from Planet Zoo, I _cannot believe_ the amount of dumbing down that went into paths, decorations and especially lagoons/bodies of water. So far, it feels like a free browser game when compared to Planet Zoo, although the many amazing species almost makes it worth it.
Hope to see some more complex building options in the next installment; especially for aquatic and aviary exhibits! Glad you mentioned those.
I would love procedural generated animation because it would get rid on dinosaurs moonwalking for animations + get rid of clipping
If there will be a third game, I want "Decrative Fences" what I mean is fences that add more pop than the standard electric (ex. Glass fences with rock bases, fossil fences)
Love your videos Evo! As for JWE3 I think the biggest selling point of the game (if Frontier does this) would be if you could create your own dinosaurs by splicing genes from different dinos, just as Dr Wu does. So you could create something fairly simple by combining 2 species, which would be easy to manage, (like a Stegoceratops) to going full Frankenstein like and start creating your own monsters (like a Scorpius Rex) in your park by combining multi genes of "dangerous" dinosaur species which are "unpredictable" and thus more challenging/almost impossible to manage (due to a short life span). This could create endless possibilities for park managers and avid fans of the game. What do you think?
The problem for me is that some new games aren’t coming out on ps4 and when jwe3 comes out I’m worried it won’t come out on ps4 and right now I can’t afford a ps5 so I’m gonna have to seriously save up
Theme park rides besides the attraction buildings. In Camp Cretaceous' interactive episode we see that there was a rollercoaster at Jurassic World. So, it is canon that JW had theme park rides. Things like boat rides and other such rides would also be cool.
Improving the store system. In many theme parks and zoos there are many stores, restaurants, and random street vendors everywhere. Have a system in place where if you did a main plaza then you can have tons of stores all over the plaza without being in the negatives. Maybe, a bonus towards customer happiness if there are a ton of variety in stores in an area.
I would love the modular building from the Planet Coaster/Zoo games but still give us already built buildings like we have now in JWE: 1 & 2. However, you cannot make fences using the modular building pieces since they are indestructible which defeats the theme of the series which is dinos breaks out of their enclosures and wrecks havoc.
More park management elements. Like more staff when it makes sense. Obviously no keepers since they would probably get eaten or trampled. The ability to do tours where guests follow a staff member around the park.
No researching dinos first in order to gain access to their fossils at dig sites. It doesn't make sense that I must research t-rex first before I can find their fossils at sites I know have t-rex fossils.
I agree that enrichment and shelter should be available within reason. Sauropods shouldn't have shelters since it would take a extremely tall shelter to house them. I think that enrichment items should be required for enclosures and that if an animal has enough enrichment items then it lowers their aggression and vise versa if you don't have enough enrichment.
I also would like it if you had to research enrichments items to unlock them which keeps the beginning interesting until you can unlock them. Planet Zoo requires you to research each individual species to unlock their enrichment items and better quality food. I think that is bogus. So, instead you research like herbivore 1 enrichment and one of the enrichments items it unlocks is like a block of salt and most herbivores likes the salt as their enrichment item but since it is only the first tier item it doesn't add too many percentage points towards the enclosure's enrichment. Also, make it where you can only place so many of each enrichment item per enclosure so you cannot spam low tier enrichment items to get 100% enrichment.
I think that the territory mechanic needs to be changed. I like having large herbivore enclosures where many different species coexist. However, there is always at least 1 animal from each species that will leave their herd and go into a section of the enclosure that isn't 100% perfect for them. Then they get stressed out from not being in a perfect environment and also from being away from their herd. I literally have to knock them out and move them like a small distance away near the rest of their species and they will be okay then. But it happens so often that it can get annoying.
Exactly what I was thinking yesterday!!! Awesome follow up video ☺️🦕🦖
Yeah same
I'd love for more mechanics to lead to a natural ecosystem in sandbox, a park is fun but I really enjoy creating a wildlife reserve almost and watching how the herds and territories interact id love more mechanics for the dinosaurs to work both in captivity and without captivity, kind of like watching ur own mini dino documentary or like a aquarium u watch (so the hatchling to old age life cycle wud be essential as well as proper semi aquatics and not only lagoons but natural pools too as well as flyers interacting on the ground etc and a more realistic interaction between herbis and carnivores esp in pack hunting) but for movie stuff i defo think they shud expand on the poacher mechanic as well esp since that'll prolly be a big theme in the next movie so moving away but not entirely divorcing from a park builder but instead a natural reserve is a good direction
One personal wishlist of mine is that, like the Site B mode, I'd love a mode where it's just dedicated to make a research station without having to worry about guest appeal and that sort of thing, as the only humans there would be researchers and scientists, and with that, you could have research stations be as big or as small as you'd prefer, whether it'd be with the trailers and cars from The Lost World, or even something like the worker village from that as well
14:45 I would love this. I've been trying to make a park based on fallout, and it's hard to get that scrapped look, so I just throw decorations at some buildings and see what happens
I'd love to see better environment management tool. As in having the ability to build waterfalls, mountains and cliffs, and allowing paths and buildings to better interact with those things. Also, dinosaur visibility from paths would add a whole new layer of creativity.
Agreed with all these points, though I wouldn't hate it if modular building was a solution to some of these, so long as we can save a re-use buildings we've already put the time into.
I'd love it if the first person mode would be improved to be more immersive. So, instead of walking up to a building and then teleporting to a fixed view point, have an interior we can walk into and move around in. It could be very basic with lots of reused assets, while still not breaking that immersion with the teleport and then restricted movement. Also actually being inside a monorail car instead of just a camera on a track, or walking down the tunnel to get to the underwater dome.
im studying game development and a reason which is most likely and common to make a new ip is that they might have ideas and systems they plan or wish to implement which is just not possible or is very difficult in the older ip for example in destiny 1 devs wanted to add mantling in the game but couldnt due to the engine therefore destiny 2 was put into work. what frontier want to add idk but thought i should share
interesting and funny ive heard about that from a bungie dev
1. Decorative vehicles from all areas. It would be cool to have a maintenance team station in a park or research and ranger vehicles camped out in a dinosaur sanctuary.
2. A river tour or small boat ride.
3. Better looking hotels. When you look at resorts today the hotels in the current game are just not believable. Look at the large jurassic park hotel and explain how 100 people are expected to stay there?
4. Petting zoo
5. Unique buildings for restaurants and shops.
6. Bring back all the decorative signs and trees from jwe1
All the improvements for JWE3 we want are ...
- Taking control animals just like vehicles.
- Improved animation.
-Walking pterosaurs
-Improving physics (not passing through).
- paleozoic and cenozoic species
-semiaquatic species like prehistoric crocs.
-Swimming land animals.
about the whole adding JWE 2 dlc overtime for free.
Theirs a login to frontier account but in game so their should/could be a way to confirm you bought those DLCs already. This way the DLC can be for JWE 2 and 3
I think a soft modular system could work. Not as complex and vital to the Game as in PZ or PK but a nice addition to the Game in case you want to build more complex stuff from time to time.
Keeping the old premade building system but giving you the POSIBILITY of modular build your own or to modify the existing ones would be the best case scenario in my opinion
One of my top wants for the next game is the ability to create a sandbox map that isnt exactly a park. As a big fan of Dino Crisis 2, its been my goal to build the map of the main island and populate the island with empty buildings, swamplands, jungles, and of course, dinosaurs. I would really enjoy watching a select group of humans trying to survive on the island I built. Maybe it could be a custom game mode that implements sandbox elements?
Aside from this, heres my wishlist:
- Full dino roster from JWE2. No exceptions!
- Expanded terrain modification. Cliffs, waterfalls, tunnels, new foliage, and new terrains are a must. I'll also include deep water and swimming animations to go along with those.
- New exhibit fences and gates, as well as full exhibits for smaller animals. Lets include new feeders in here, as well as customizable prey items. So for example, t-rex likes goats but giganotosaurus likes white-tailed deer prey. One feeder, different prey, similar to JPOG.
- Pond or lake fauna, fish, and decorations. I would love to create a huge lake with a spinosaurus in the exhibit. And have fish freely roam for it to hunt.
- Hybridized lagoons with different options for height, depth, and colorization. Open them up so semiaquatics have their own space or they can enter from outside of the lagoon.
- Dinosaur breeding is a must! Its now a common feature in the movies and has been for almost 30 years now. How is it no Jurassic Park or Jurassic World game has had breeding yet?
- More human structures, both used and abandoned structures to add depth, intrigue, and mystery to our islands. Imagine starting a campaign mission but a part of the island is blocked off with abandoned structures behind the red tape. I think it would be wild to suspect a possible disaster of some sort having occurred.
- More company vehicles and vehicular decorations. I use mods for this but so many are outdated that it would be nice to have official decorations.
- New animations and interactions between all the different dinosaur species. It would be great to have group hunting, coordination between animals, and more defense options for herbivores. It just needs to feel alive!
Thats my list for the time being, but I may edit it again to add to it!
Honestly terrain tools more in line with planet zoo or planet coaster is the top of my list. Second is fixing the building contstraints so that i can place buildings and fences wherever i want.
I made this comment before the video was complete. Your comment about water depth makes me think it should be more like Zoo Tycoon 2
Good list and I agree with much of it.
In regards to the consoles holding it back, you'll be pleased to know that Frontier is going to be using a PC for all the game's specs. Unfortunately, that PC is an Amiga. :)
Things that the next game MUST have to even be worth me considering buying it are,
- Dino breeding
- REAL terrain tools (water depth, rivers, waterfalls, mountains, canyons, etc)
- Expanded customization for Lagoons
- Expanded animations/behaviors for each species of dinos (not lazy recycling)
Things I would LIKE to be added are,
- More/better decorations for parks
- Ability to follow individual guests like in JPOG
- A true site b mode
- Ability for me control a guest and have them get eaten >:)
I just want more prehistoric diversity and further ecology interactivity. If JWE3 wants to impress, taking creatures for the Triassic and The second half of the paleozoic(Devonian-Carboniferous-Permian) would be needed. About interactivity, advanced pack hunting, inter species interactions, more sociability, more variable animations and Land-Sea Incidents are a must have.
I hope some challenges to the management part of JWE because i find it to “easy” more ways the dinosaurs can break out. Dynamic and learns when the doors opening and trys to open them. Real peoples that are working on things not just cars. Better system for the shops. Like to hire employees for selling stuff and janitors and so on… it is way to easy to get money. Maybe more difficulty settings. More things that we need an eye on.
I personally think a partial modular building system could work; (i.e. having pre-built buildings with more styles and optional add-on decorations) plus a modular bridge system.
Baby dinosaurs are 50/50. It'd be a massive undertaking to design new models for over 100 species of dinosaur, a compromise could be dinosaurs could be larger or smaller (10-20%) to be more unique.
But having deep water, half land/lagoon options, maybe a fish spawner feeder, planet zoo terrain tools, heck maybe a fog maker. Would be amazing
To be honest, as much as people want it, I don't want a modular building system like in PZ. I like how we currently have both PK and JWE that both focus on different things. If they make JWE 3 more similar to PZ we'll lose that diversity
I personally love your idea about terrain tools but what if some kid is opening up JWE3 and wants to change the terrain and is met with a bunch of confusing terrain tool variations like I understand but I can almost guarantee that there are some kids who want this but don’t want it to be so confusing
Something else would be cool would be caves and I like the breeding because it would be cool for dinosaurs to build nests with eggs and watching the eggs hatch and a dlc that would be cool would be a realistic dlc were it would give skins for example a realistic T. rex and the sound would be realistic too.
we need dinosaurs actually looking at each other when they fight
What I need from JWE3:
Baby dinosaurs- maybe even dinosaur breeding.
Custom hybrids.
A working petting zoo
More decorations
The ability to snap an object to a grid. Grid size can be changed.
Terrain stuff. This includes caves/tunnels, deeper water options with the ability to put marine dinosaurs there, higher and lower terrain editions, waterfalls, etc. I might add more in an edit.
A no collision mode.
The allowance to use all terrain paints depending on sandbox rules.
Better transport options.
More customization options on everything (E.G coloring decoration objects, resizing them, etc.).
Maybe some real animals?
More dinosaur skins.
Species viewer is accessible within the main game.
Better combat animations.
You can modify each egg to be a different skin.
Bring back herbivore feeders.
Add skins that match the real life recreations when the genome is maxed
Finally, Dinosaur species. Please, I need these.
-Lore accurate velociraptor
We need like a "sharing" option where we can share our parks and custom builds with other people through a "Creation Club" option in the main menu
There are many things I want to see in JWE 3, but these are a must for me to get to the next game.
- Novel Carnotaur would be dope.
- First, all current creatures in the game should be there in the base game. And also amphibians and mammals.
- I would like to see more gore and blood in the game.
- hybrids. not a lot of them, but some of the recognizable hybrids, like the Ultimasaurus Rex, Carnoraptor, Stegoceratops, Cerazinosaurus, Chromaspinus and more.
Note: I know not everyone likes hybrids, but I really enjoy them, so I want to see more of them.
- Water depth and semiaquatic behaviors/swimming for all dinos.
- Lagoon improvements like better collisions and interactions, the ability to change the depth of the sea floor, more aquatic creatures, the ability to connect lagoons with the land, and lastly, land and aquatic interactions.
- More interaction between park goers and the creatures, like interaction between non-dangerous dinosaurs interacting with the guests, and more than 1 kill animation (not just with the parkgoers but also with other creatures), because right now once you've seen the kill animation, you've seen it all.
- Difference between the creatures, like height and body build. Some are bulky, some are fat, and some are skinny.
- Better terrain tools and remove terrain constraints.
Have an "undo" feature for when you make a placement/deletion mistake. Let us name and personalize guests (VIPs), make placing paths easier. Be able to control selected dinosaurs. And make it easier to feed them people!
I played like 500 hours of JWE1 and very few of JWE2. I found JWE2 just not as fun to play. Id like to see them revamp a lot of core gameplay. I really like the competing contracts in the first one, and I think it adds a lot of personality to the game. I didnt care for all the micro manage clicking that you have to do in 2. I am a bit worried because of the short development time frame to launch date to have such revisions....worried that it will just be a reskinned JWE2. Anyway thanks for the video!
They can do a lot to make the game way better than we have. I'm very passionate about this game.
I have a big long list; but I can't post all that here, The top one is Shop management;
Types of Shops that sell more than just one item instead of a shop that just sells "Root Beer" seemed very lacking to me.
JW1 had the better setup with number of staff - Just have fast food that sells what you would expect from a real fast food joint.
Change the building theme, decoration and name, even import an image for this building.
The same example for other types of shops like Gifts, General store, Internet Cafe, Eletrical Store to Kids Toys and Clothing.
Information, Centre, Lost and Found, Medical Centre / Chemist or Small hospital, an Education Center to Petting Zoo.
I know this game isn't Simcity but adding to the realism utility buildings for other types of park workers. Water, Power, Repairs and Waste management.
Other people have asked for animals that fall into any deep lakes or lagoons get eaten by what ever happens to be swimming around.
Adjustable height monorail, More range of footpaths and better adjustable snap tools, Guest / Feeder/ Worker Tunnel Network and Bridges over lagoons that guests can use.
The biggest problem that annoyed me was the hit boxes around some buildings like the Monorail station building, add a hit box setting for None, Limited or Full area collision for all possible buildings.
I could go on here, and I think some have been addressed in the video. :)
I enjoyed the Malta campaign being able to jump between seperate smaller parks. A larger version of this would be cool, being able to build multiple parks across the world in one playthrough and being able to alter the aesthetic of each park drastically depending on the country its in
I agree quite a lot with this list, but I'd also add on the fact that I'd like to see remodels for animals with less admirable appearances (such as camarasaurus) / alternate variants for certain animals that have appearances which not everyone likes (such as liopleurodon). This is maybe a less likely change, but it can add diversity to what animals are available to use without needing to make completely new ones.
The possibility of joining 2 monorails and being able to make bridges with the paths would be really cool. Not to mention a feature with a kind of "aviary" for Cenozoic dinosaurs in the manner of Jurassic World the game. I would really like that. ❤
I would be happiest if they just added better terrain options and buildings which mesh with the terrain. Cliffs, tunnels, deep water, bridges, natural lagoons, waterfalls, ect.
Great, you've gotten my hopes up! Keep that up, Evo!
My biggest wants: (mainly so I can recreate mesozoic ecosystems in sandbox LOL)
•Fully custom sandbox mode (build your own island, no more weird janky terrain border)
•Dinosaur nesting and sexual dimorphism
• better terrain editing and terrain constraint, cliffs, waterfalls, mountains, etc
• more plant options, natural features and scenery
• Deeper water that dinosaurs swim in rather than just walk through
• No biome restrictions for plants, theres a setting that says "foliage biome: all" but it changes nothing.
I can understand not wanting to overcomplicate JWE3 with modular building, but at the same time going to some real-life zoos for the first time for a while helped me see how silly all enclosures being fencing/aviaries/lagoons is.
I'm not saying that we have to build things down to the blueprint, but being able to put smaller dinos/land animals into simpler enclosures (normal fences/gates, nbot the giants ones we see in every game), inside housing (like how many zoos have a hall of reptiles or some building meant for some part of the world and its wildlife) or putting the samller aquatic animals into tanks in an aquarium building would ass some nice variety as opposed to a nothosaurus being in a lsgoon enclosure like a mosasaur or a dryosaur being held inside a fenced off pen like a T. Rex.
1. Fix the AI driving. I know it's never gonna be a priority, but when my Med Unit or Rangers need to go somewhere it would be nice if they did it in a way that didn't make them look like drunk stunt drivers.
2. Staff only gates/paths/sign posts. While I know this is possible in JWE2 to a point, when I make sandbox stuff I like to hide my power plant and other stuff away from prying eyes. Having a vehicle or pedestrian staff gates & placable signs would really help with that idea. (Yes even though I usually turn off the need for power stations I still plant one and just imagine all the power cables are underground)
3. Planning guides. I would like the ability to have a UI guide tools so you can plan out changes to a park without making actual changes. A nice little overlay that you can paint potential changes on to see if it would work/how it looks/if you have room with different colour options to help differentiate between paths, exhibits, and buildings.
4. Breeding AND/OR ability to make baby dinos.
5. Lagoon building. Rather than having a set shape why not allow us to build a lagoon the same way we do fences? Build it like a wall, allow feeders and hatching facilities the same way fenced enclosures work. We could even use the terrain tools to allow for different depths.
If there are no Waterfalls. Theyre prolly becomming a dlc then
It would need better campaign missions for one as they were pretty quick to get through in the second one. The Chaos Theory mode needs more excitement as well. The San Diego park was the only real highlight where as the rest were just building or rebuilding the parks. The Jurassic Park 3 mission just had Masrani do what Hammond did to repopulate Nublar but they could have shown how Hammond first started creating dinosaurs on Sorna and we could find out how the Spinosaurus was made. Maybe they could have you make a park without fences and come up with ways to keep the guests from getting eaten or maybe you have to fix and take over parks that were set up by when the Dinosaurs were released into the world to make a quick buck.
I'm just going to put the list of attractions I'd like to have, as everything else would be a novella.
-Camp Cretaceous Treehouse as a Hotel-type building
-Pteratops Lodge as a Hotel-type building specifically for the Aviary
-Hidden Adventure Roller Coaster
-Hot-Air Balloon Ride
-Cretaceous Cruise
-Petting Zoo
-placeable cages with preset creatures like Meganeura, Arthropleura, other ancient insects and arthropods, small amphibians, etc that work on loops like the JWE1 Aviary
-Feeding Stations, both ground and the elevated Sauropod Station seen in the JW concept art
-Shark Tunnel and the JP:TG Underwater Observatory
-Underwater Hotel for the Lagoon
I love what they did with Jurassic World Evolution 2. Wonderful game. I have no complaints. One thing that would be really cool in J.W.E. 3 is having an avatar and a guest / employee mode to explore and tour your parks. One of the big things with the Jurassic Park series is that survivor / thriller vibe. Other than that, I'm honestly not sure how they can make the game better than it already is.
JWE is a park simulation game, but the development in tourists and constructions is very shallow. Park evaluations need to be based on visitors' opinions and not based on the buildings, it's as if visitors were ghosts and are walking around the park, but at the same time they don't exist. In the Jurassic Park Operation Genesis game, visitors have their own opinions, tastes and criticisms of the park. JPOG, despite its age, shows off in JWE 2 and this makes me discouraged from playing, JW has graphics but is shallow.
I would love if they added “deeper rivers”. It would be awesome and you could have a river tour to go along side it. It opens the door for swimming animations and epic creatures like Deinosuchus, Sharkasuchus and maybe even the Titanoboa.
05:30 Looking at this image makes me indeed think that a Planet Jurassic would be a great idea.
Zoo Tycoon did that around two decades ago if not longer and it opened up a lot of oppurtunities for park and zoo building. I would go for a zoo starting at the beginning of life and ending on today, maybe even further if there will be a speculative zoology pack later down the line if this idea stands.
I love all the ideas put into this video. And I have an idea for how to make dlcs slightly better (if you like hybrids). The first dlc comes out and it is 1 hybrid species the Diabolus rex (pre design of the Indominus), this dlc however cost barely anything almost free and adds a new function to dlcs. Each dlc holds 4 species, but if you buy a dlc and you have this hybrid dlc then you get an extra hybrid bonus.