Everyday Ergo 'What is Divergent Ergonomics Thinking '

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Hi friends, it's your buddy Matt, the global ergonomist here for "Everyday Ergo." Today, I'm riding my bike along the Intercoastal Waterway near my home in North Florida, and we're going to discuss Divergent Thinking in ergonomics.
    So, what do we mean by Divergent Thinking? For decades, our education system has emphasized convergent thinking, where the answer is always in front of you, like in true/false or multiple-choice questions. This type of thinking rewards finding the single correct answer, but in the working world, we often face more complex challenges that require a different approach. Relying solely on convergent thinking can limit our thought processes and make us look for quick fixes or "silver bullets," which are rare in ergonomics. Instead, we need a multivariant, combinatorial, and integrated approach to address workplace challenges effectively.
    When I teach ergonomics, I emphasize the hierarchy of controls. This involves five levels: elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Let me explain how I approach this. If I had an unlimited budget and time, I would start by considering how to eliminate the risk entirely. If elimination isn't possible, the next step is to think about what I could substitute to mitigate the risk. With some restrictions, what could I replace the hazard with? If substitution isn't feasible, I then look at engineering controls. How can I isolate the risk so fewer people come into contact with it? Moving down the hierarchy, I consider administrative controls. What policies, procedures, or processes can minimize the risk further? Finally, I think about how people can personally protect themselves from the risk using PPE.
    Divergent Thinking in ergonomics means exploring solutions at each level of the hierarchy and implementing them over time. This layered approach allows us to start with the least expensive options, like PPE, and gradually work towards more complex solutions like engineering controls. Each step buys us time and budget to implement further measures if needed. Often, by addressing risks cumulatively through PPE, administrative, and engineering controls, we solve the problem without needing to resort to elimination or substitution. These incremental changes can make a significant difference over time and lead to cultural shifts in how we approach ergonomics.
    I hope you find this approach to Divergent Thinking in ergonomics interesting. We'll explore this concept further in future episodes. Until next time, this is Matt, your global ergonomist, reminding you to do good work, get outside and play, and ask yourself every day, "What are you working on?" See you next time, everybody. Bye-bye!
    #Ergonomics #DivergentThinking #EverydayErgo #WorkplaceSafety #HierarchyOfControls #Elimination #Substitution #EngineeringControls #AdministrativeControls #PPE #RiskManagement #ErgonomicTraining #BackSafety #WorkplaceHealth #ErgonomicSolutions #Ergonomist #TuMekeErgonomics #NorthFlorida #IntercoastalWaterway #BikeRide #ErgonomicEducation #InjuryPrevention #HealthyWorkplace #ErgonomicTips #MattJeffs #ErgonomicApproach

Комментарии • 4

  • @globalergoguy
    @globalergoguy  Месяц назад

    Have you ever used personal protective equipment (PPE) at work? How effective was it in reducing risk?
    What are some ergonomic challenges specific to your industry, and how do you address them?
    How does your workplace handle the implementation of new safety protocols or ergonomic solutions?

  • @globalergoguy
    @globalergoguy  Месяц назад

    Can you share an example of a time when divergent thinking helped you solve a complex problem?
    What are some simple ergonomic changes you've made that had a big impact on your comfort or safety?
    How do you balance the need for quick fixes with long-term ergonomic solutions?

  • @globalergoguy
    @globalergoguy  Месяц назад

    Have you tried the hierarchy of controls in your workplace? Which level did you find most effective?
    What are some common misconceptions about ergonomics that you’ve encountered?
    How do you encourage your team to think outside the box when solving problems?

  • @globalergoguy
    @globalergoguy  Месяц назад

    Have you ever faced a challenge at work that required a creative solution? How did you approach it?
    What do you think is the most important aspect of ergonomic training in the workplace?
    How do you implement ergonomic principles in your daily life?