Andreas Trobollowitsch: hybrid #1 - ⥀18
- Опубликовано: 27 ноя 2024
- "hybrid #1 - ⥀18" is a composition/sound installation consisting of nine mechanical turntables, eighteen flutes and eighteen balloons.
The flutes are played by the air flowing back from the balloons and are set in rotation by means of the turntables. During this process the sound will be modified in various ways: constantly, due to decreasing air pressure (including a change in intensity and timbre); and abruptly (including a change in pitch), when the play mode switches from „blown over“ to „normal“ play. In addition, the three turntables rotate at different speeds, whereby the overall sound will be successively recomposed. Based on composition the ensemble interacts with the installation focusing on the expansion/variation of the timbres and dynamics.
Uraufführung am 29.5.2023 - Wiener Konzerthaus - Mozart Saal
im Rahmen des Zyklus PHACE | Nouvelles Aventures
Doris Nicoletti, Flöte
Reinhard Zmölnig, Horn
Reinhold Brunner, Klarinette
Berndt Thurner, Lotusflöte
Jacobo Hernández Enríquez, Violine
Victor Lowrie Tafoya, Viola
Roland Schueler, Cello
Alexandra Dienz, Kontrabass
hybrid #1 - ⥀18 wurde realisiert mit Unterstützung des Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport (BMKÖS) im Rahmen eines Projektbudgets zur Förderung von Maßnahmen zur Publikumsgewinnung und -bindung 2021-2023
Camera David Višnjić
Sound Recording Fredi Reiter
Sound Mastering Markus Wallner