3/3/19 i had a 4x CABG at 48yo lived thru a heart attack. Had surgery on a monday morning and Wes released 2 1/2 days later on Wednesday evening. Went back to work in 3 weeks and never looked back. God is great !
I had a heart attack with 41, a month later 5 bypass surgery, I went back to work 40 days later, 17 years already passed since my heart surgery! Thank you God!!!
@@ferozemalik7171 I am feeling great! I am 60 years old now! I will be celebrating my 19 anniversary in September 20th, I go to the gym from Monday-Friday, doing mostly cardio exercises! I can’t lie to you I haven’t followed a strict diet, but the fact that I workout every day allow me to waste those extra calories, also I have taken in almost 19 years 6,500 Lipitor pills. So my cholesterol levels it has been in the range of 120-140. I never smoked, drink alcohol, or coffee in my life, that could helped me!
I underwent bypass surgery in 2012 for 3 blockages and i am alright now. I walk minimum 5 km per day , my food intake is specially vegetables and fruits . Luckily do not have BP and diabetics , no fast foods but every morning small pieces of crushe garlic , ginger , lemon, cardamom powder mixed in honey , this is my daily routine , presently I am quite healthy and my age 66.
Had cabgx4 in Feb its now Sept I feel great! Stronger ,healthier....treadmill and walking improved my health. Lost weight, heart beating under less stress,yeah!!!. Back to work (physical) in 5 months. Eating well now too! Didn't realise how sick I had become from clogged arteries. Exercise is great now! I'm a new person, I have many people to thank for it ,especially my loving wife. My sons came through for me God bless them both! I thank my right leg for saving my heart too! My doctors and nurses were the best. My insurance company (Aetna) paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars . They came through too! I only wish is that I had more money for my bills while I was out of work! I enjoyed this video and much of it I agree with!
My husband, 82, was being watched by his doctor for AF . On our regular visit, my husband told the doctor he saw illusionary, playful cats in the evening when he was tired. The doctor ordered tests and found my husband had a mini stroke. The doctor team did more tests and decided on the need of open heart surgery for a pig's valve. During surgery it was decided to do two bypasses also. All went well, thank God, and a year later my husband is functional with basics..... good personal hygiene, drives, does his desk work, likes to cook, but still very sedentary, (lots of TV and RUclips), hates walking, & relies on my care taking and encouragement to lift downcast feelings from the surgery. This last week, from out of the blue, he got walking pneumonia. He finished his antibiotics for it, but continues to cough a lot. He is improving. We treat each day as a blessing and try to make it as close to heaven like as possible. It is now Nov. 2, 2019 and we take it, day by day , in enjoying our time together..... that God blessed us with. .
The importance of the INCENTIVE SPIROMETER was not given emphasis to me till my friend and fellow church member gave me strong advice to use it DILIGENTLY to prevent pneumonia from setting in due to my fleural effusion and atelectasis on my left lung. This contributed to my CHF that led to the pitting edema to my right leg where they harvested the Great Saphenous vein.
Due to my collapsed lung and compressed to only 1/5 of its normal size, water and insterstitial fluid colored like blood went to push my lung upward and not able to allow me to breath more OXYGEN. After Troracentesis procedure was done 2x on two different days was done, I felt relief and able to expand my diapragm better but slowly and about after 3 days.
No one told me about my secondary disgnoses as the discharge note given by the nurse was incomplete till I went to follow up with my heart surgeon and requested the comprehensive discharge summary which I learned of 9 more secondary diagnoses. I wondered why I cannot talk normally but a forceful talk was noticed by me. I had dyspnea ( shortness of breath ) and tachypnea ( rapid shallow breathing episodes ) and orthopnea i.e. difficulty to breath unless in an upright Fowler's sitting position or standing. PND is paroxismal nocturnal dyspnea was observed at day 3 to day 7 at the hospital bed. This is after been asleep for 1 to 2 hour my sleep was interrupted by 2 to 3x gasping for OXYGEN or air then awoke me. It's not sleep apnea. But a different phenomenon! Atrial Fibrillation or 'Afib' was expected and experienced by me at day 4 and about 20% to 30% of CABG patients will have Afib post surgery which was a brief run of 2 to 3 minutes only. It was neutralized by AMIODARONE drug taken 2x after it occured. This will be stopped later upon going to consult my Cardiologist and to follow up with my Cardio-thoracic surgeon later.
I feel these early numbers are high. I had six way bypass on a Friday, sitting up that night, walking the next day and climbing stairs three days later. I was on my way home Tuesday. Take your meds and eat as healthy as possible! Be patient!!! Don’t be lazy, you can do this.
I just had my bypass surgery on 30 Oct 2020, discharged from Singapore General Hospital after a week (5 Nov 2020). Frankly, i monitor my heart condition through angiogram 9 years ago, total 3 angiogram done so far. The last angiogram was done one month before the bypass surgery. Of course i did watch up on the frequency of my chest pain. Hence there is nothing to fear about as the bypass surgery is anticipated by me. After discharged and stay at home, usually don't have good appetite and feel quite exhausted. Anyway, i don't expect more from God, because i am already at the age of 66, maybe give me another 4 more years, than i will be more than happy.
Had a cabx4 just 2 weeks ago. Never went to ER till 4 days later thinking it was something else so I feel blessed. Surgery went well but very painful afterwards. I also am a type 1 diabetic so I have to watch my diabetes, eat heart healthy and get some exercise. I smoked for almost 50 years and of course quit after surgery. I don't plan on smoking any more. I'm on God's borrowed time as it is
My husband is recovering from bypass surgery. He had 8 bypasses artificial aorta & pacemaker. Been home for 2 weeks now. Was in ICU 17 days. He’s weak & has not much stamina right now no appetite but despite that I’m seeing improvement every day.
Every story is unique, just as we are. Glad I had insurance. Grateful for a little more grace. Given more time to make the world a better place. It can certainly change you for the better if you allow it to. Love Your Heart❤️
five months now have my tripple bypass surgery.thank GOD he gave me a second life back.was a heavy smoker have quit smoking since january 2018 one week after being admitted for my heart attack..am still recovering slowly ,have no hurry ,am taking my time to heal...REMEMBER ONE THING ALL WHO HAVE BYPASS THAT (GOD IS ALWAYS KEEPING HIS EYES ON US)....
I am Mohammad Mohsin, my bypass was complete on date, 23/ 02/2019 in Bangalur, India. now I feel good, I pray for you, you pray for me. for good healt.
When having my tachypnea and dyspnea, I learned and discovered that Deep Purse Lip breathing was the anti-dote to slowdown my rapid, shallow and inefficient breathing with coughing!
People seeing this video and reading the comments should learn from people’s bad choices smoking,overweight,bad diet and lack of exercise leads to health problems,”it’s that simple”
Just had heart valve replacement 2 weeks ago and not a long scar after all. This helps out a lot. I do my walking inside the house now. I will give it time because that's all I have.
Orthopnea; Tachypnea; Dyspnea; PND =Paroxismal Nocturnal Dyspnea and plus Atrial Fibrilation and Coughing were my complications that I needed to be at the ER and to be re-admitted back for Thoracentesis 2x . This delayed my recovery but upon removal of the more than 1-1/3 liter of bloody interstitial fluid in my left lung my recovery was do fast!. My left lung was compressed to only 1/4 the normal size. My RN at day one gave me her dedicated time almost every minute. Water need to be controlled as I need only to sip and wet my dry throat to make myself comfy. Drinking water at a normal manner made me cough more! The night prior to my CABG surgery, I was told to take a sip of water and NOT a glass of water. This was the purpose why AFTER my surgery, water was restricted to 1,500 ml per 24 HR period to prevent further OEDEMA on my Right lower leg. Pitting oedema was noted and had accumulated on my right lower leg and foot.
My triple by pass was Jun 1, 2017 released on Jun 6th 2017 and back to work (office job) on June 12th, 2017. I never needed pain meds. One tip I was given, thankfully, was to get a recliner chair. I could not sleep flat on my back for three months. Also, I could not sleep on my side for about a year. I suspect it took that long for my breast bone to totally heal. I was 58.
@@pjost6643 I know about 8 of my friends that have now had the CABG, everone seems to heal at different rates. I have been told I was very lucky. I wish you well.
Had aortic valve replacement and one bypass seven years ago. In the hospital a total of four days. Started walking the day I got home. Within four weeks was walking four miles a day. Everyone's experience will be different.
I had a quad on 12/11/20. A week and a half later I caught a cold. Not COVID, just a run of the mill, ordinary winter time cold. I wanted to die. It was horrible. The coughing was the worst. Thank God for Motrin. The hospitals and docs are not giving pain meds like the old days. Take this advice- limit family and friends visiting. Your body just took a major hit. The immune system is already working full tilt. Friends and family are carrying bugs. They may not be sick but the bug is being passed to you.
I had a quad over 20 years ago playing golf 2 times a week no problems recovery went extremely well normal life afterwards thank you so muck Mr Alan Bryan of Bristol uk 😊
CABGx3 March 2, 2020 Ouch. I'm BORED!!!!! Always been very active and I'm REALLY wanting to go walking, cut the grass, paint a bedroom, etc. I do sleep more than I used to sleep. Haven't needed a pain killer yet. Raring to go! And it's only been 2.5 weeks. Ugh.
I underwent CABG X 1 and AOV replacement in mid-May 2022. I’m still off work. Recovery was hell. I have a physical job and only now, I’m starting to be able to do some of the lifting. I wouldn’t wish this process on my worst enemy and I’m a cancer survivor. I don’t know if it was worse to have this or cancer.
Aortic valve replacement (on-x) and three bypasses Jan 2022 home in 6 days, week later terrible cough lasted 3 weeks stayed off work 8 weeks, HVAC technician, August while working felt a pop in my chest and breast bones I believe able to move independently x ray showed wires had broken holding sternum together, second surgery to put titanium plate across but didn’t put any wires back,so of course this failed just getting out of bed, they called it hardware failure,x-ray showed most of screws had pulled out laying in a pile, went back in for third surgery this time new titanium plates plus wires to hold against lateral flex stayed off work for eighteen weeks then lite duty work, employer assigned a apprentice to do all lifting, A year later now doing fine but stamina down tired after a days work and the heat bothers me more than before surgeries, my sternum finally feels fully healed thank goodness
@shaun king , exactly 4 weeks ago I had quadruple bypass in US, had insurance seems to cove everything (most of it). 3 bypasses were clogged and went back, they put stents, now it seems ok.
@shaun king , Stents were put in original arteries, bypass veins are now clogged, 3 of them, hopefully I will get much more mobile and looks ok for now.
i'll be going in for bypass surgery on my LAD artery. not going to give up coffee, and i'm sure not going to be eating a lot of starches, sticking with lean meat, vegetables and salads,
going on 2 years still hurts when I cough breathing also quit smoking after 50 years had an upper gi and colonoscopy had some kind leak had 4 tubes coming out my stomach so was in the hospital for just over a month this was just when COVID started
After CABG with 4 grafts, one year completed. For the past one year I have chest tightness could not sleep. Could not turn. Tightness/ pressure is more till now suffering.
I had bypass surgery on a Thursday, i was sent home on Saturday and I went to the beach and walked 7 km along the beach on the Monday. I do not see where they say 12 weeks in this video.
Don't be afraid dear! Be brave. I had open heart surgery on 3rd sep 2018 I continued my college after 40days Don't be afraid all you need will be will power "YOU CAN DO THIS" my prayers are with you ❤ Lots of love from Pakistan. 💕
I have been working hard enough to break a heavy sweat (30 min-3 hours) every other day for two weeks. How much is too much? yesterday, I was trying to push a regular mower through grass (I had run out of fuel) uphill, and had to stop and crawl on my knees, pushing thde mower the last 50 feet. i had trouble shanding- is that too much??
I had 6 heart back to back and had a quad bypass two and half months ago I just went bk to work this week it still hurts time to time.. and I'm only 31 and al most die 10 time b4 my cabge thank god I'm here but still dont know y I'm here
@@Eternal_Life69 They tried to get me to walk after surgery(quadruple bypass)..I fainted..next thing I knew I was being rushed back to theater because one of grafts sprung a leak. They removed 1 litre of clotted blood from my chest cavity. Then I suffered delerium, medicated with clonidel(anti-psychotic)..I wasnt asked to walk for about a week after that. All ok eventually though. And ,cos Im british, living in England..I didnt have to pay anything(I'm retired so dont pay NHS contributions)..all done under NHS.
metafis I was so medicated and dizzy. I would not do this again very painful. I also had fluid drained from my chest cavity I’m just wanting to heal NOW
@Robert Williamson I paid national insurance my whole working life...I've already paid much more than the treatment cost...now IM retired I dont have to pay any more NI...
3/3/19 i had a 4x CABG at 48yo lived thru a heart attack. Had surgery on a monday morning and Wes released 2 1/2 days later on Wednesday evening. Went back to work in 3 weeks and never looked back. God is great !
Amen God is great!🤚
Could I possibly ask for your opinion on a few questions for my husband who had 5x CABG Surgery 4days ago, and is home now?
Inside desk job not everyone has that luckily the kept your spot
I had a heart attack with 41, a month later 5 bypass surgery, I went back to work 40 days later, 17 years already passed since my heart surgery! Thank you God!!!
Why do have to tell
@Toby Fernandez how are you feeling now?
Thanks for sharing.
@@ferozemalik7171 I am feeling great! I am 60 years old now! I will be celebrating my 19 anniversary in September 20th, I go to the gym from Monday-Friday, doing mostly cardio exercises! I can’t lie to you I haven’t followed a strict diet, but the fact that I workout every day allow me to waste those extra calories, also I have taken in almost 19 years 6,500 Lipitor pills. So my cholesterol levels it has been in the range of 120-140. I never smoked, drink alcohol, or coffee in my life, that could helped me!
I underwent bypass surgery in 2012 for 3 blockages and i am alright now. I walk minimum 5 km per day , my food intake is specially vegetables and fruits . Luckily do not have BP and diabetics , no fast foods but every morning small pieces of crushe garlic , ginger , lemon, cardamom powder mixed in honey , this is my daily routine , presently I am quite healthy and my age 66.
Had cabgx4 in Feb its now Sept I feel great! Stronger ,healthier....treadmill and walking improved my health. Lost weight, heart beating under less stress,yeah!!!. Back to work (physical) in 5 months. Eating well now too! Didn't realise how sick I had become from clogged arteries. Exercise is great now! I'm a new person, I have many people to thank for it ,especially my loving wife. My sons came through for me God bless them both! I thank my right leg for saving my heart too! My doctors and nurses were the best. My insurance company (Aetna) paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars . They came through too! I only wish is that I had more money for my bills while I was out of work! I enjoyed this video and much of it I agree with!
Can I possibly ask for your advice for my husband?
Have questions but I want answers from someone who has physically been through this.
@@candacechisholm6419 if there is a question on his health see a doctor immediately.
My husband, 82, was being watched by his doctor for AF . On our regular visit, my husband told the doctor he saw illusionary, playful cats in the evening when he was tired. The doctor ordered tests and found my husband had a mini stroke. The doctor team did more tests and decided on the need of open heart surgery for a pig's valve. During surgery it was decided to do two bypasses also. All went well, thank God, and a year later my husband is functional with basics..... good personal hygiene, drives, does his desk work, likes to cook, but still very sedentary,
(lots of TV and RUclips), hates walking, & relies on my care taking and encouragement to lift downcast feelings from the surgery. This last week, from out of the blue, he got walking pneumonia. He finished his antibiotics for it, but continues to cough a lot. He is improving. We treat each day as a blessing and try to make it as close to heaven like as possible. It is now Nov. 2, 2019 and we take it, day by day , in enjoying our time together..... that God blessed us with. .
How is he now ma'am?
The importance of the INCENTIVE SPIROMETER was not given emphasis to me till my friend and fellow church member gave me strong advice to use it DILIGENTLY to prevent pneumonia from setting in due to my fleural effusion and atelectasis on my left lung. This contributed to my CHF that led to the pitting edema to my right leg where they harvested the Great Saphenous vein.
Due to my collapsed lung and compressed to only 1/5 of its normal size, water and insterstitial fluid colored like blood went to push my lung upward and not able to allow me to breath more OXYGEN. After Troracentesis procedure was done 2x on two different days was done, I felt relief and able to expand my diapragm better but slowly and about after 3 days.
No one told me about my secondary disgnoses as the discharge note given by the nurse was incomplete till I went to follow up with my heart surgeon and requested the comprehensive discharge summary which I learned of 9 more secondary diagnoses. I wondered why I cannot talk normally but a forceful talk was noticed by me. I had dyspnea ( shortness of breath ) and tachypnea ( rapid shallow breathing episodes ) and orthopnea i.e. difficulty to breath unless in an upright Fowler's sitting position or standing. PND is paroxismal nocturnal dyspnea was observed at day 3 to day 7 at the hospital bed. This is after been asleep for 1 to 2 hour my sleep was interrupted by 2 to 3x gasping for OXYGEN or air then awoke me. It's not sleep apnea. But a different phenomenon! Atrial Fibrillation or 'Afib' was expected and experienced by me at day 4 and about 20% to 30% of CABG patients will have Afib post surgery which was a brief run of 2 to 3 minutes only. It was neutralized by AMIODARONE drug taken 2x after it occured. This will be stopped later upon going to consult my Cardiologist and to follow up with my Cardio-thoracic surgeon later.
It's been 3 weeks since by-pass surgery and so far so good !
I feel these early numbers are high. I had six way bypass on a Friday, sitting up that night, walking the next day and climbing stairs three days later. I was on my way home Tuesday. Take your meds and eat as healthy as possible! Be patient!!! Don’t be lazy, you can do this.
six way bypass bollox only quadruple is possible
I’m sorry but all I can do is repeat what my surgeon and GP told me. If you Google, sextuple bypass, you will find it does exist.
It has been 3 years since my LIMA and I'm still exhausted. But I thank God every day I had a great surgeon and I have extra time on Earth.
I just had my bypass surgery on 30 Oct 2020, discharged from Singapore General Hospital after a week (5 Nov 2020). Frankly, i monitor my heart condition through angiogram 9 years ago, total 3 angiogram done so far. The last angiogram was done one month before the bypass surgery. Of course i did watch up on the frequency of my chest pain. Hence there is nothing to fear about as the bypass surgery is anticipated by me.
After discharged and stay at home, usually don't have good appetite and feel quite exhausted. Anyway, i don't expect more from God, because i am already at the age of 66, maybe give me another 4 more years, than i will be more than happy.
Had a cabx4 just 2 weeks ago. Never went to ER till 4 days later thinking it was something else so I feel blessed. Surgery went well but very painful afterwards. I also am a type 1 diabetic so I have to watch my diabetes, eat heart healthy and get some exercise. I smoked for almost 50 years and of course quit after surgery. I don't plan on smoking any more. I'm on God's borrowed time as it is
My husband is recovering from bypass surgery. He had 8 bypasses artificial aorta & pacemaker. Been home for 2 weeks now.
Was in ICU 17 days. He’s weak & has not much stamina right now no appetite but despite that I’m seeing improvement every day.
Hope he has recovered completely. God bless him.
@Marsha Hamann how is your husband now?
ay God bless you two ! Wish him good luck to recover smoothly !
My husband will have a triple bypass surgery next month , at 65 !
Have been crying since morning this is what my hubby is going through in Netherlands I hope they are done with him now he's on ICU
Every story is unique, just as we are. Glad I had insurance. Grateful for a little more grace. Given more time to make the world a better place. It can certainly change you for the better if you allow it to. Love Your Heart❤️
five months now have my tripple bypass surgery.thank GOD he gave me a second life back.was a heavy smoker have quit smoking since january 2018 one week after being admitted for my heart attack..am still recovering slowly ,have no hurry ,am taking my time to heal...REMEMBER ONE THING ALL WHO HAVE BYPASS THAT (GOD IS ALWAYS KEEPING HIS EYES ON US)....
I am Mohammad Mohsin, my bypass was complete on date, 23/ 02/2019 in Bangalur, India. now I feel good, I pray for you, you pray for me. for good healt.
When having my tachypnea and dyspnea, I learned and discovered that Deep Purse Lip breathing was the anti-dote to slowdown my rapid, shallow and inefficient breathing with coughing!
People seeing this video and reading the comments should learn from people’s bad choices smoking,overweight,bad diet and lack of exercise leads to health problems,”it’s that simple”
It’s not that simple...Genetics is undefeated
Mine was a very strong family history. Otherwise I'm healthy as a horse.
Just had heart valve replacement 2 weeks ago and not a long scar after all. This helps out a lot. I do my walking inside the house now. I will give it time because that's all I have.
Antonio Smith. I'm in stage4 .I need a aortic valve repkacement. what can you tell me.
Orthopnea; Tachypnea; Dyspnea; PND =Paroxismal Nocturnal Dyspnea and plus Atrial Fibrilation and Coughing were my complications that I needed to be at the ER and to be re-admitted back for Thoracentesis 2x . This delayed my recovery but upon removal of the more than 1-1/3 liter of bloody interstitial fluid in my left lung my recovery was do fast!. My left lung was compressed to only 1/4 the normal size. My RN at day one gave me her dedicated time almost every minute. Water need to be controlled as I need only to sip and wet my dry throat to make myself comfy. Drinking water at a normal manner made me cough more! The night prior to my CABG surgery, I was told to take a sip of water and NOT a glass of water. This was the purpose why AFTER my surgery, water was restricted to 1,500 ml per 24 HR period to prevent further OEDEMA on my Right lower leg. Pitting oedema was noted and had accumulated on my right lower leg and foot.
My triple by pass was Jun 1, 2017 released on Jun 6th 2017 and back to work (office job) on June 12th, 2017. I never needed pain meds. One tip I was given, thankfully, was to get a recliner chair. I could not sleep flat on my back for three months. Also, I could not sleep on my side for about a year. I suspect it took that long for my breast bone to totally heal. I was 58.
I had CABG x3 still have incision pain and it's been 6 weeks? Does it get better?
It was almost 2 years for me to be able to sleep on my side comfortably. Even more than three years later I still have issues sometimes.
@@pjost6643 I know about 8 of my friends that have now had the CABG, everone seems to heal at different rates. I have been told I was very lucky. I wish you well.
Had aortic valve replacement and one bypass seven years ago. In the hospital a total of four days. Started walking the day I got home. Within four weeks was walking four miles a day. Everyone's experience will be different.
I've got to have the same as you, waiting for a date. UK
Yes my experience was much different than yours. Almost a year post op for same procedures and I still can’t walk 5k.
I had a quad on 12/11/20. A week and a half later I caught a cold. Not COVID, just a run of the mill, ordinary winter time cold. I wanted to die. It was horrible. The coughing was the worst. Thank God for Motrin. The hospitals and docs are not giving pain meds like the old days. Take this advice- limit family and friends visiting. Your body just took a major hit. The immune system is already working full tilt. Friends and family are carrying bugs. They may not be sick but the bug is being passed to you.
I had a quad over 20 years ago playing golf 2 times a week no problems recovery went extremely well normal life afterwards
thank you so muck Mr Alan Bryan of Bristol uk 😊
CABGx3 March 2, 2020
I'm BORED!!!!!
Always been very active and I'm REALLY wanting to go walking, cut the grass, paint a bedroom, etc.
I do sleep more than I used to sleep. Haven't needed a pain killer yet. Raring to go! And it's only been 2.5 weeks. Ugh.
I underwent CABG X 1 and AOV replacement in mid-May 2022. I’m still off work. Recovery was hell. I have a physical job and only now, I’m starting to be able to do some of the lifting. I wouldn’t wish this process on my worst enemy and I’m a cancer survivor. I don’t know if it was worse to have this or cancer.
Aortic valve replacement (on-x) and three bypasses Jan 2022 home in 6 days, week later terrible cough lasted 3 weeks stayed off work 8 weeks, HVAC technician, August while working felt a pop in my chest and breast bones I believe able to move independently x ray showed wires had broken holding sternum together, second surgery to put titanium plate across but didn’t put any wires back,so of course this failed just getting out of bed, they called it hardware failure,x-ray showed most of screws had pulled out laying in a pile, went back in for third surgery this time new titanium plates plus wires to hold against lateral flex stayed off work for eighteen weeks then lite duty work, employer assigned a apprentice to do all lifting, A year later now doing fine but stamina down tired after a days work and the heat bothers me more than before surgeries, my sternum finally feels fully healed thank goodness
Had quadruple bypass 8/14/2006. That’s 12 years ago. Doing fine. Dr said they last 10, maybe 15 years.
god bless you😘😘
@James king how are you now?
@James King how are you now?
I had a quadruple bypass on Jan11. I was released to go home on Jan 14. I'm 47 and in decent shape though.
Me too buddy.
@shaun king , exactly 4 weeks ago I had quadruple bypass in US, had insurance seems to cove everything (most of it).
3 bypasses were clogged and went back, they put stents, now it seems ok.
@shaun king , Stents were put in original arteries, bypass veins are now clogged, 3 of them, hopefully I will get much more mobile and looks ok for now.
i'll be going in for bypass surgery on my LAD artery. not going to give up coffee, and i'm sure not going to be eating a lot of starches, sticking with lean meat, vegetables and salads,
going on 2 years still hurts when I cough breathing also quit smoking after 50 years had an upper gi and colonoscopy had some kind leak had 4 tubes coming out my stomach so was in the hospital for just over a month this was just when COVID started
I had two bypass heart surgeries when I was younger at the age of 3
Quadruple bypass surgery for my 47 year old daughter, it's been 4 months and she feels awful
After CABG with 4 grafts, one year completed. For the past one year I have chest tightness could not sleep. Could not turn. Tightness/ pressure is more till now suffering.
I had bypass surgery on a Thursday, i was sent home on Saturday and I went to the beach and walked 7 km along the beach on the Monday. I do not see where they say 12 weeks in this video.
Every person is different. My mom had triple bypass surgery yesterday and she's 70 so we'll see how long her recovery road will be
My heart disease is rare can't find any videos about open heart surgery chronic pericarditis it's been 3 weeks now of recovery after surgery
It’s been a year since my bypass but I get exhausted and fatigued if I’m doing something.
A year for me to feel completely normal. Also I was told not to lift weights above my head at all.
Tony Little yeah it's good you do to recover fast
If you need to lift anything above head level, you need to do both hands instead of only 1 hand. To avoid stressing the sternum.
I’m having triple bypass next week honestly I’m somewhat scared.
Don't be afraid dear! Be brave.
I had open heart surgery on 3rd sep 2018
I continued my college after 40days
Don't be afraid all you need will be will power
my prayers are with you ❤
Lots of love from Pakistan. 💕
Mairu Aadeez thank you very
It's scary, some people never wake up.
I'm having triple bypass in 1 hour. I hope you're doing well
concretero1 it’s been two weeks now and I’m very sore. I don’t know if I would had I’d done very painful
I have been working hard enough to break a heavy sweat (30 min-3 hours) every other day for two weeks. How much is too much? yesterday, I was trying to push a regular mower through grass (I had run out of fuel) uphill, and had to stop and crawl on my knees, pushing thde mower the last 50 feet. i had trouble shanding- is that too much??
YES. slow down, relax. These small day to day tasks arent more important than a longer and healthier life.
Took two years in my experience.
Yes, possible.
It is almost three years and I still feel very depressed
I had 6 heart back to back and had a quad bypass two and half months ago I just went bk to work this week it still hurts time to time.. and I'm only 31 and al most die 10 time b4 my cabge thank god I'm here but still dont know y I'm here
Bro... Did u perform open heart surgery ? Nd does the bones take joints after surgery ?
@@hanifchoudhury8839 thy do heal but it hurt like mf when u seize and cough that y thy give u a heart pillow to hold pressure on ur chest
@@kevinterres9827 this hurting during coughing or sneezing is for lifetime or until and unless u get recover ?
@@hanifchoudhury8839 just when u recovering it still hurts a lil for a few sec but gose away it worst when u recovering and it fresh cut
@Kevin Terres how are you feeling now?
They had me walking next day after surgery it was hard.
Calvin Ellis me too boy was it painful. I’m on day 10 I’m still sore
@@Eternal_Life69 They tried to get me to walk after surgery(quadruple bypass)..I fainted..next thing I knew I was being rushed back to theater because one of grafts sprung a leak. They removed 1 litre of clotted blood from my chest cavity. Then I suffered delerium, medicated with clonidel(anti-psychotic)..I wasnt asked to walk for about a week after that. All ok eventually though. And ,cos Im british, living in England..I didnt have to pay anything(I'm retired so dont pay NHS contributions)..all done under NHS.
metafis I was so medicated and dizzy. I would not do this again very painful. I also had fluid drained from my chest cavity I’m just wanting to heal NOW
First couple days is SO hard. Chest tubes are so uncomfortable
@Robert Williamson I paid national insurance my whole working life...I've already paid much more than the treatment cost...now IM retired I dont have to pay any more NI...
This video was very informative but it was extremely blurry. Couldn't read any of the information.very annoying!
I got glassware
2016 Ouch !!!
You lost me when you recommended food reach in starch. That’s a recipe for heart attack all over again
Get me in hindi