I was there to watch him at G3. I can unequivocally say that his sermon was hands down the BEST sermon out of all of them and I loved Baucham, Beeke, and MacArthur, but Washer was powerful. You just had to be there. You could hear a pin drop and there was almost 7,000 people there! At ALL the other ones preaching, you could hear the babies and chatter during their sermons, but NOT during his sermon. I would say the Holy Spirit was at work. Like I said you just had to be there to understand what I’m saying. As a pastor just starting out, he convicted me of some things he said and I’ve made changes to how I use my time now in my day. Washer is definitely a pastor that is Treasure and a man I highly respect. I just thank God he has provided our generation with men like Washer, MacArthur, Baucham, Lawson, Beeke, and others.
Washer teaches a false gospel. The gospel means “good news”. The gospel is the proclamation of who Jesus is and what He did for His elect only. The entire Bible (Old testament and New Testament) foreshadows and proclaims who Jesus is and what He did for His elect only (John 5:39, Luke 24:44). Jesus is the Son of God (John 3:16), fully God and fully man (John 1:1 & 1:14) and second person in the Trinity (Matthew 3:16-17). The gospel is God’s testimony concerning Jesus as revealed in the Holy Scriptures by the Holy Spirit which proclaims how Jesus the Christ (John 1:41, Matthew 16:16) was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23) and born under the law to redeem His elect who were under the law and save His elect from their sins (Matthew 1:21, Galatians 4:4). God’s elect /sheep are the people past, present and future from every tribe, tongue and nation God actively chose to redeem/ justify/save based on Christ. God chose in Christ before the foundation of the world was laid according to the good pleasure of His will for His glory (Revelations 5:9, Ephesians 1:4-5). God actively created and chose a people from every tribe, tongue and nation before they were born for salvation whom God has always loved because of Christ and only Christ (Romans 8). God’s elect are vessels of mercy prepared beforehand for glory to make known the riches of His glory (Romans 9). God’s elect/sheep are God’s chosen vessels of mercy that are Jews and Gentiles because of Christ. (John 10, Romans 9:23-26, Hosea 2:23) God is Holy (Isaiah 6:3). God’s law is holy and good (Romans 7:12). The law of God demands perfection in word, thought, and deed at all times (James 2:10). The law was given through Moses (John 1:17). The law condemned all mankind and brought knowledge of sin (Romans 3:19-20). All people are under sin and none are righteous (Romans 3:9-18). Sin entered the world through Adam and death through sin and death spread to all mankind because all sinned. (Romans 5:12-13). Jesus Christ is the Passover lamb without blemish (1 Peter 1:19) for His elect by God’s sovereign grace (1 Corinthians 5:7). Just as the Israelites were released from Egypt after the death of the firstborn (Exodus 11-13) - Jesus Christ the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1:15) justified all His elect at the cross from the wrath of God(Romans 5:9-11). Jesus willingly went to the cross (Philippians 2:8) and offered one sacrifice for all time for His elect He sanctified (Hebrews 10:11-14) as their representative and High priest. Jesus was crucified for the elect’s sin and raised for their justification (Romans 4:25). It pleased God the Father to crush His only begotten Son( Isaiah 53:10) and God the Father accepted Jesus’ perfect sacrifice on behalf of His sheep( Acts 2:23) . Jesus paid His elect’s sin debt and there is now no condemnation for those who are married to Christ (Romans 7-8). By Christ’s knowledge He justified all His elect (Isaiah 53:11) and finished His mission (John 19:30). All of God’s sheep will believe God’s testimony concerning Christ because Jesus justified them by His perfect sacrifice on the cross. Not one sheep Jesus died for will perish. Jesus is the good shepherd. Faith(believing God’s testimony concerning Jesus) is the fruit of what Jesus accomplished for His sheep. God’s sheep are righteous before God by the imputed righteousness of Christ provided at the cross as prophesied in Psalm 32 and fulfilled in John 19. All Jesus died for are regenerated at God’s appointed time to believe God’s testimony concerning Christ on who Christ is and what He did at the cross( Acts 13:48).
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
@@biaktonsing8678 Brother Paul had just made the point of there sometimes being a 'bronze ceiling' above our heads when we pray, meaning sometimes it feels like our prayers are just not reaching God/being heard, and what he's saying by pray until we have prayed is we must push through in prayer until we have assurance that God has heard us. Just to note, we know God does hear all of our prayers, but it's just like with Jacob wrestling with the angel until daybreak in the book of Genesis, he wrestled until he 'prevailed'. I hope this helps brother 🙏🏿
Halfway through this message I fell to my knees in the kitchen in fear and reverence for Our Lord weeping and sobbing, my kids came over and asked if I was ok and I said yes kids, it’s my Jesus my Jesus my Jesus!
I wouldn’t say it was a supernatural experience for I am merely a man of flesh, i didn’t see an Angel or see Gods Glory that led me to fear. It was more that my flesh was submitted to his my spirit was surrendered at the time, I guess you could say…. I’ve listened to this sermon 8 times and am listening again! God has given me a hunger for His Word like I’ve never had in the last 13 years as a born again believer!
@@NLNC The Holy Spirit opens the Word to us, opens our minds and hearts to the Word, grows us in our love for Christ. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. If our minds are enlightened to understand God’s word as we’re reading it, this is the work of the Spirit. When we fall on our knees in love and reverence and adoration, that’s the Holy Spirit working. We shouldn’t think of the work of the HS as something ‘weird and wonderful’ in the Christian’s life, but an ongoing daily occurrence.
As an 18 year old female, this sermon (though preached to pastors) convicted me greatly. I fear one of my greatest struggles is prayer. There was a time when I made it a point to go into my closet and pray for the people and topics written on a list. But somehow along the way I grew distracted and that has been thrown on the side burner. I am reminded of a quote by a great theologian, "I have so much to do today that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer." Oh that the Holy Spirit would help cultivate this kind of heart in me. That I would remember that life is war, and this world is out for my soul, and one of the most valuable weapons against it is prayer. Forgive me Father.
Remove unnecessary distractions sister. That could be excessive time spent on social media, various forms of entertainment, and the like. You are half my age and I became a believer at 19. Along the way my zeal faded and I was weighed down by overindulgence, excessive time spent on social media, and entertaining my flesh "binge watching" whatever, and ungodly "Christian" influence . So much time wasted on things that will not profit for eternity, so much time spent on self. The Lord gives us all things including time, we must make the best use of it for His glory and our good. I pray dear sister that you would set Christ before you daily, and that you enjoy the sweetness of His fellowship. May you grow more in His likeness. May you be persuaded that He is worthy of all our affection and time. Be as devoted as you can be dear sister, His grace is sufficient for you and He will never leave nor forsake you for you are His dear daughter. Be blessed sister, trust in Him for everything! ❤️
Dear, Read Romans 8: 26-28. This will help you with prayer. Sit down at a r3gular time with yout Bible, and the LORD to teach you to pray. I started with ten minites per day many years ago. He will answer you. God bless you real well with all spiritual bkessings!
@@true1330 Jesus is God but when he came to earth he was fully man and fully God that’s why he was hungry or thirsty and could feel pain but also performed miracles
Sadly, my head has been bowed, but not in prayer. I have been asleep at God's alter, my hand close to my mobile phone, but so far away from the bible. I pray for a renewed 2022 in Christ. Amen
I’m afraid I can put my Amen to this. Like you, praying for renewal in my soul and a willingness to DO what’s right…. not a ‘waiting’ for God to mysteriously do something. I have the Scriptures; and I have Christ as my saviour. The lack of willingness is not on God’s part, but a terrible laziness on my own.
let us press on, we know the taste of mud as we've been there time and time again - face down in the mud. remember God told Joshua to "GET UP". He is calling us, treasure it
“Therefore also now, Saith The LORD, turn ye even to ME with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: and rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto The LORD your God: for HE is Gracious and Merciful, slow to anger, and of Great Kindness, and repenteth HIM of the evil.” Joel 2:12-13 KJV The more days pass the closer we are to The Second Coming Of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the more temptation and distractions of the world that satan is using to distract us, he’s job is to steal, kill and destroy us. In my opinion fasting is the best way to become less worldly and more Christ Like but only if you do it from the heart and when you do it don’t just say it’s for this time only and when it finishes i’ll go back to doing the old things, we should keep on fasting so we can keep on denying ourselves(flesh) carrying our cross and following Jesus . i’ve noticed that technology is becoming more addicting now, and the more we allow ourselves to use worldly things or do them the more worldly we become, just like Jesus Said The axe is on the root and every tree that does not bear good fruit will be hewn down and cast into the fire, you also need to seek The Lord and His Wisdom and ask Him to teach you and help you to start cutting off the worldly part in your life, cut off the part of the world that attaches to you, and replace it with God , His Commandments , His Word and His Ways. “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, That I might not sin against Thee.” Psalm 119:11 KJV . Things are getting harder, following God is hard but we have to always remember that God walks beside us and guides us always in all our ways. The more we fast the more we learn to deny our flesh, our desires and anything that doesn’t come from God , keep your hope and trust in God alone. God won’t ever forsake or leave us
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
“Compare your screen time with your prayer time..” wow.. praise God for speaking through Paul Washer! What a wake up call especially in this time. We need to pray!
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
I am a charasmatic and this is one of the most powerful sermons I have ever heard. I was on the floor, on my face before God.. OH God! please turn our faces back to you!! Please remove the appetite for anything else, but you!…In Jesus Holy Name, Amen
Not sure what being “charismatic” has to do with anything. The only thing worthy of proclaiming or boasting of being is in Christ. ❤ Jeremiah 9:24 ESV But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”
He looks worn. He looks like he has been laboring, breaking his back to do the work of God for the sheep. He looks like he has been emotionally worn in prayer. Yet he looks strong, he speak bold. And his face glows this: it is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me. It is not I who preach, but Christ who preaches through me.
Bismillah Dont Choose wrong path , we muslim also believe in Jesus as messenger of God , like messenger Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam . THINK ABOUT = > before jesus birth , people follow whom , before prophet jesus people follow prophet of that time like Adam , Moses , Noah , Joseph , Abraham etc . These were the messenger of Allah at their time on earth now last messenger is Muhammad , you should follow Muhammad now. So Jesus Was A Messenger Of Allah 1 ) ACCORDING TO CHRISTIANITY = > when people tryied to torture JESUS and want to beat him and kill him even they were thinking to hang on neils etc etc etc is it a quality of god that any one can beat him and to nail , jail and hang him , torture him. 2) Jesus Eat Food When He Was Hungry is it a quality of god ? ( Hungry God ) if he eat food then also do toilet for pee and poop at that time no toilet seat was there so they used to do that by hidden in grass and back of some trees and stones etc is it a quality of God ? No = > why some people wants to kill Jesus and want to hang on neils ? because Jesus called people towards Allah/God the creator of everything . so the ruler of that time thinking that jesus will destroy our rulings on people and can destroy our kingdom , bcz people wanted to follow of true path of the creator. = > Some people says JESUS DIE FOR OUR SINS This is totally wrong if someone rape your wife , sister , mother and murder your family . Then , will you say , he will be in heaven bcz Jesus died for his sins ? Jesus had ever say that "enjoy your life do whatever you want , kidnap a young girl and rape her and do robbery , do murder etc etc And I want to die for your sin then you will be in heaven , and hang me on Neil etc etc " NO don't make your on thoughts . THIS IS INJUSTICE this is your thought , and this thought is wrong . you should follow muhammad now . = > WE ARE NOT GODS CHILDREN , if we are children then Gods cant make hell fire . and pig, ant , dog , all animals , they will also think we are also son of God . This is not true , we are not son of God Allah says in Quran chapter 2 Ayatul kursi = > " Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining. Neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who could possibly intercede with Him without His permission? He ˹fully˺ knows what is ahead of them and what is behind them, but no one can grasp any of His knowledge-except what He wills ˹to reveal˺. His Seat encompasses the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of both does not tire Him. For He is the Most High, the Greatest.. " BISMILLAH try to understand i want you to not to be blind like others i am not forcing you i want you to take knowledge and make decision QUESTION FROM YOUR SIDE who we are ? we are running , Seeing , Hearing , THINKING ETC 1 ) some people says that we are made by our parents ( mainly mom ) if your mom made you then she should know that 1 ) how many hair in your head ? 2 ) how many and much veins , intestine , heart size , brain veins you have ? ANSWER 1 ) if any mom makes a child then she don't give birth to paralyse , dumb , and gay etc instead of it , she will gives birth to very handsome , smart and best child 2 ) your mom dad didn't make you and even a single hair of yours if you make yourself by your own , can you stop your heart , can you stop hearing , seeng , can you stop breathing , no it shows you are not creator of your self you cant stop from getting old or die RESULT your creator make you from weak little disdained liquid from ( your father mother ) and now we are thinking that we are immortal and enjoying life and forgot that who is our creator WHO ARE Adam , Noah , moses , jesus these are messenger like Last messenger muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam , = > IMPORTANT POINT 1 ->JESUS start talking after birth , jesus made clay bird and from the order of Allah that become original bird , 2 ->Moses have stick when he droped that it becomes a snake from the order of Allah , 3 3 ->NOAH MAKES a ship large ship from the order of Allah. 4 ->Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam split the moon from the order of Allah This is not jesus , moses , noah , Muhammad power , this is the power of creator that is Allah ALLAH is arabic word ISWAR is sanskrit word GOD is English word of creator = > Now ALLAH / GOD send his mesengers and his order ( now last book is quran in which ALLAH'S orders are written) to guide other people . so read Quran and follow right path WHO ARE MESSENGER God / Allah send messages to their messenger so that they tell to the people 2 ) we can't pray to messengers like jesus , Mohammad , adam , moses etc but we should pray to the creator ALLAH /GOD in way as last messenger told us . now last messenger is Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam 3 )ADAM , jesus , moses abraham were messengers of allah before muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam AND ADAM WAS FIRST MAN AND PROPHET Allah is only one God and prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam allah's Last messenger if you follow ALLAH'S ORDER then you will be in Jannah 1 . ) first order ( allah is only one God and prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam allah's last messenger ) 2 . ) second order ( salah / prayer ) according to muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam if you ignore these 5 times prayer then you will be sinful. if you do your own type prayers then this will be rejected bcz you have to follow messenger not created your own and obey Allah then you will be in jannah / heaven inshallah Islam is for everyone not only for Muslim bcz muslim means submit to one creator when you were child then you only submitted to your creator you were muslim = > it doesn't not matter who you are now . search my channel i added some quran chapter of prophets like noah etc check it plz so plz read learn quran ( message from god ) quran is as it is word of God what will happen after death with you ? if you obey allah's order or disobey. your whole life depend on what you choose bcz ALLAH the creator will ask you about this life after this life . and you can check my playlist full quran Check links about what is islam and who is ALLAH so plz minimum one time read Quran , it is a word of god , i promise you will know everything that you want.....,.,..,,...... 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@@deandalley3607 he is what I like to call the bottom 3% of self professing "Christians" that weasel their way around the internet and do the work of their father the devil. He can not bear to hear the truth that is why he says what he says.
I would never have imagined such a physically fit looking, dynamic preacher of the Gospel like Paul to have a knee & two hips replaced, pins to hold his wrist together, and a heart attack, let alone go through periods of despondency like he mentioned..Yet, he carries on, and is a perfect example of one who carries the treasure of the Gospel in a very earthy vessel....God bless you, Paul, and thank you!! We NEED you!!
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
I’ve heard him speak about the wear on his limbs to be from his journeys in the jungles and rugged terrain in South America. His faithfulness is an example for us all. 😌
The two times I've heard about Charo turning away guests, I have immediately been brought to tears. What an incredible wife. That is the support that all men should seek. Her role in his life can likely not be overstated.
I'm a woman who hungers for the kingdom of God and His righteousness daily since He redeemed me last year. God bless Pual Washer because even though rhis was mainly directed to teachers (men) in ministry... I was moved by his words and pray to be more obedient to Christ and His Word. I want to read more than just 30 minutes a day. I want to replace time on this phone with time in His Word. I have decided to keep my phone off on Sundays; and to limit my screen time not to exceed reading and prayer time. Thanks Paul Washer Praise God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 💓🙌💓
Sadly Paul Washer is a false teacher. He's great at manipulating people with his sad face, trembling voice and outbursts of "righteous anger." But when you sweep all the emotion aside, you are left with a works based false gospel. It is easy to guilt a people who are already sensitive about sin in their life and have a desire to please God. I would encourage you since you have stated you are new in the faith, to search the Scriptures out for yourself. False teachers and wolves come in all disguises, including reformed as well as charismatic and everything in between. I have been studying P. Washer this past month and he has actually mocked Christians who say they are saved by a decision or by faith alone. Yet, that is exactly how the Bible says we are saved. He cherry picks Scripture, and if you notice, seldom uses more than 2 or so for an hour long sermon. Eph. 2:8-9 "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast" John 6:29 "Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.” Rom. 4:5 "But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness," Yes, we need to stop sinning but salvation is for sinners. P Washer would make you think it is for the holy. Yet we cannot ever make ourselves holy by what we do. It is the love of God that constrains us. [2 Cor. 5:14, Rom. 2:4.] Not the fear of God. We are no longer sinners/servants. We are sons and daughters. We are made holy by our faith, not by our works, as tho we ever could. [Acts 15:9] Giving you a youtube link to a preacher that Washer would hate. Yet listen for yourself. He will give you more Scripture in 10 minutes than P Washer will in a whole hour. All the best... ruclips.net/video/nJv_SyKEZNE/видео.html
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
With the internet, you can have more like Paul Washer but you can have also more people to listen and watch the video, but first seek God, men are still men, they are never perfect, we learn from them but as we read the Bible, pray the Holy Spirit to teach us, the words of God will last forever
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
I was laying in bed on Good Friday through fentynol withdraw, by Easter morning the Holy Spirit came through my entire body and I slept. Woke up to a new life. I’m living in prayer and in the bible 2 months later and forever. God is soo good, He never left me. I was the one that left Him. God bless you all.
Powerful preaching. After hearing Paul's sermon, I know that I've been spending too much time on the Internet. I ask God to help me immerse myself in His Word and prayer
@@LibertyinChrist01 I guess no one is saved then because we all still sin periodically even after we are saved. It's a pervasive pattern of sinning that indicates not being saved
These three virtues will make us 💪 STRONG for the things of God. *PROCLAMING THE GOSPEL *INTERCESSORY PRAYER *GODLINESS/HOLINESS/SEPARATENESS *(Get rid of secret sin that weakens your boldness for the things of God. Secrets make you weak)
@@NT-fq8sk I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
Christ didn't become a "curse". He became accursed, in our place. That Gospel has just preached. (2 Corinthians 5:21 is a corrupt verse, Jesus never became sin) Ever
Surely this man is an apostle of Christ. His words show me Christ! He makes God so real for me. May God keep him safe and give him many years of teaching.
I've never heard preaching like this. It's soooo good!! All glory to God! Thank you Jesus, for using this man as a vessel to spread the Gospel. God bless Paul Washer...pray that God keeps this man humble and strong. Such powerful preaching!
Glad Paul Washer is holding up, through the Holy Spirit, after so much physical affliction and despondency. All glory to our Lord for all of this and for his servant Paul Washer! Cindy
I truly have been pierced to the heart after this message, and it will be a long time till I watch another. It is time to forgo RUclips for some time, and enter the Scriptures more for myself. Please pray for me.
I will pray for both of you now! I know it has been a while since you posted this but I will pray for your continuance in focusing on knowing The Father and studying His truth so you can tell others around you the Gospel of Jesus and plant seeds!
Paul Washer has Walked with the Father!! Paul’s sermons have cut through me like a double edged sword and shown me the unequivocally meaning of the Cross! For someone lost, like I was, it was painful at first! Now, Justified! His sermons are constant reminders of who I once was, but now I receive them with joy! Thank you Paul Washer! Jesus is King!
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
I'm challenged this afternoon after listening again this sermon for the third time. About my time in prayer and on other things, I'm failing on this. About brother Paul Washer, I barely have one night before listening to his sermons. And God has done amazing change in me and I've completely changed my desires. God bless this man of God. Sometimes I feel like I'm idolizing him, but then my motive is always pure to glorify God for him. His simple life makes me want to be more of God than of myself. Shalom.
I'm 22 and struggle with my life out there to keep my flame burning...often i slumber but God reawaken my dry bones through dear Brother's sermons though I've listened to it a many times
This message is from the pit of hell. Paul Washer is a child of the devil. He preaches a blasphemous sin gospel. He is committing the unpardonable sin.
@@josephdansereau265 state the reasons why you would say such a thing! Biblically with the scriptures, otherwise you are a like a gong being beaten and nothing becomes of the noise!
@@josephdansereau265 You, Sir, are a child of the Devil and will find yourself bowing before Christ under His wrath if you do not repent and fall upon Christ as your only hope of salvation.
Brother Paul had been given a gift from God to preach with urgency and to cut through the hearts of men . An ability to make a “call to arms “ like never before . May God rise up more men like him to carry on the Gospel of Christ .
Narrow road to Heaven. Bless your determined tribulations, same somewhat injuries, heart attack, followed stroke couldn't talk for 2 months slowly getting better, years ACL torn , work injury insulted prior surgery, I empathize your struggles Great service, wish I lived close, I need directions so service bring soul to Lord, I'm displinary so I can deny temptation, don't have a tv or dvd or computer working my demons pray about deliver filthy unpure thought, cigarette worse, dwindle stopping. Pray for Revival.
Wow, did I cry in gratitude. Why; because HE IS FAITHFUL. He raises up a voice in the wilderness that speaks in a very gloomy land. PRAISE THE LORD, HE IS WORTHY OF OUR SINCERE UNADULTERATED WORSHIP
The simplicity of vocabulary, no eloquently sounding speeches but just bold, true and honest emphasis on the scripture. Praise be the Lord almighty, may all of the ministers of the Word be strengthen by God.
Let us not forget what he told us at the beginning: "There are no great men of God, only small and weak men of a great God". Let's not look at him but at the one he invites us to look at. Christ and His Glory!
Paul Washer God bless you for your contribution to the kingdom in this generation. Your messages are powerful and truly your personality represents Jesus Christ. Indeed you have the name Paul.
Of all preachers I’ve listened to, P.Washer is the one that spoke of God in a way that I knew that the most importent in my life was knowing The Holiest of Holy: God , and His Son Jesus Christ !
This man knows the Lord. I walked into the Kingdom in 2020 after the Holy Spirit came over me, after surrendering my SELF and praying that the Lord take my fear. The Holy Spirit convicted me of my Sins and I found myself changing and growing in communion, finding myself in waters that I knew were serving to baptize me as I became Born anew. The Holy Bible became alive and reading it was something Ionged to do. Distractions of life held absolutely no pull any longer. I pray that anyone reading this may come to know the Living God and the Kingdom of Heaven that is within you. God is waiting for you.
By far the best sermon of G3. I took notes for all the rest, but when he started preaching I knew I just needed to sit and listen. So encouraging and one I will listen to many many times.
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
I wasn’t there but have been listening to RUclips. This is the second one. Heard Larson yesterday. Bugs me though when they say sorry I have taken so long. Blows me away when people in other countries say they at and listen to preaching for 6 hours or more. There should never be a time limit when hearing the word. Paul comes to mind when he would preach for hours.
-Keep on being truthful and faithful to the Lord, seek understanding and knowledge of the word of God. Be strong, have compassion and intimacy with the Lord. -God is with you, you do not have to fear. Pray, read your bible and let him work, he will never leave you, obey his words and talk to him. Seek Christ, seek the truth. Flee from sin and truly try. Jesus loves you.
I'm absolutely glad Paul is not one of those that fell away during this time. It seems so many are just drifting so far away from the truth of the gospel and switching it for a lie.
I was there to watch him at G3. I can unequivocally say that his sermon was hands down the BEST sermon out of all of them and I loved Baucham, Beeke, and MacArthur, but Washer was powerful. You just had to be there. You could hear a pin drop and there was almost 7,000 people there! At ALL the other ones preaching, you could hear the babies and chatter during their sermons, but NOT during his sermon. I would say the Holy Spirit was at work. Like I said you just had to be there to understand what I’m saying. As a pastor just starting out, he convicted me of some things he said and I’ve made changes to how I use my time now in my day. Washer is definitely a pastor that is Treasure and a man I highly respect. I just thank God he has provided our generation with men like Washer, MacArthur, Baucham, Lawson, Beeke, and others.
You are sadly deceived.
@@josephdansereau265 oh look, another person in the comment section bringing toxic subjective opinions.
Washer teaches a false gospel.
The gospel means “good news”. The gospel is the proclamation of who Jesus is and what He did for His elect only. The entire Bible (Old testament and New Testament) foreshadows and proclaims who Jesus is and what He did for His elect only (John 5:39, Luke 24:44).
Jesus is the Son of God (John 3:16), fully God and fully man (John 1:1 & 1:14) and second person in the Trinity (Matthew 3:16-17).
The gospel is God’s testimony concerning Jesus as revealed in the Holy Scriptures by the Holy Spirit which proclaims how Jesus the Christ (John 1:41, Matthew 16:16) was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23) and born under the law to redeem His elect who were under the law and save His elect from their sins (Matthew 1:21, Galatians 4:4).
God’s elect /sheep are the people past, present and future from every tribe, tongue and nation God actively chose to redeem/ justify/save based on Christ. God chose in Christ before the foundation of the world was laid according to the good pleasure of His will for His glory (Revelations 5:9, Ephesians 1:4-5). God actively created and chose a people from every tribe, tongue and nation before they were born for salvation whom God has always loved because of Christ and only Christ (Romans 8). God’s elect are vessels of mercy prepared beforehand for glory to make known the riches of His glory (Romans 9). God’s elect/sheep are God’s chosen vessels of mercy that are Jews and Gentiles because of Christ. (John 10, Romans 9:23-26, Hosea 2:23)
God is Holy (Isaiah 6:3). God’s law is holy and good (Romans 7:12). The law of God demands perfection in word, thought, and deed at all times (James 2:10). The law was given through Moses (John 1:17). The law condemned all mankind and brought knowledge of sin (Romans 3:19-20). All people are under sin and none are righteous (Romans 3:9-18). Sin entered the world through Adam and death through sin and death spread to all mankind because all sinned. (Romans 5:12-13).
Jesus Christ is the Passover lamb without blemish (1 Peter 1:19) for His elect by God’s sovereign grace (1 Corinthians 5:7). Just as the Israelites were released from Egypt after the death of the firstborn (Exodus 11-13) - Jesus Christ the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1:15) justified all His elect at the cross from the wrath of God(Romans 5:9-11). Jesus willingly went to the cross (Philippians 2:8) and offered one sacrifice for all time for His elect He sanctified (Hebrews 10:11-14) as their representative and High priest. Jesus was crucified for the elect’s sin and raised for their justification (Romans 4:25). It pleased God the Father to crush His only begotten Son( Isaiah 53:10) and God the Father accepted Jesus’ perfect sacrifice on behalf of His sheep( Acts 2:23) . Jesus paid His elect’s sin debt and there is now no condemnation for those who are married to Christ (Romans 7-8).
By Christ’s knowledge He justified all His elect (Isaiah 53:11) and finished His mission (John 19:30). All of God’s sheep will believe God’s testimony concerning Christ because Jesus justified them by His perfect sacrifice on the cross. Not one sheep Jesus died for will perish. Jesus is the good shepherd. Faith(believing God’s testimony concerning Jesus) is the fruit of what Jesus accomplished for His sheep. God’s sheep are righteous before God by the imputed righteousness of Christ provided at the cross as prophesied in Psalm 32 and fulfilled in John 19. All Jesus died for are regenerated at God’s appointed time to believe God’s testimony concerning Christ on who Christ is and what He did at the cross( Acts 13:48).
thx for sharing
You know this to be true...you bleed the Bible. O Lord thank you. Change me too.
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
Can u explain what he meant when he said "pray until you have prayed"?
@biaktonsing8678 it's rhetorical. But it's true.
@@biaktonsing8678 Brother Paul had just made the point of there sometimes being a 'bronze ceiling' above our heads when we pray, meaning sometimes it feels like our prayers are just not reaching God/being heard, and what he's saying by pray until we have prayed is we must push through in prayer until we have assurance that God has heard us.
Just to note, we know God does hear all of our prayers, but it's just like with Jacob wrestling with the angel until daybreak in the book of Genesis, he wrestled until he 'prevailed'.
I hope this helps brother 🙏🏿
Halfway through this message I fell to my knees in the kitchen in fear and reverence for Our Lord weeping and sobbing, my kids came over and asked if I was ok and I said yes kids, it’s my Jesus my Jesus my Jesus!
I wouldn’t say it was a supernatural experience for I am merely a man of flesh, i didn’t see an Angel or see Gods Glory that led me to fear. It was more that my flesh was submitted to his my spirit was surrendered at the time, I guess you could say…. I’ve listened to this sermon 8 times and am listening again! God has given me a hunger for His Word like I’ve never had in the last 13 years as a born again believer!
That's powerful!!
@@NLNC What is a supernatural experience :) ? As a Christian, when we feel the Holy Spirit, that can be considered natural, no?
@@NLNC The Holy Spirit opens the Word to us, opens our minds and hearts to the Word, grows us in our love for Christ. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. If our minds are enlightened to understand God’s word as we’re reading it, this is the work of the Spirit. When we fall on our knees in love and reverence and adoration, that’s the Holy Spirit working. We shouldn’t think of the work of the HS as something ‘weird and wonderful’ in the Christian’s life, but an ongoing daily occurrence.
As an 18 year old female, this sermon (though preached to pastors) convicted me greatly. I fear one of my greatest struggles is prayer. There was a time when I made it a point to go into my closet and pray for the people and topics written on a list. But somehow along the way I grew distracted and that has been thrown on the side burner. I am reminded of a quote by a great theologian, "I have so much to do today that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer." Oh that the Holy Spirit would help cultivate this kind of heart in me. That I would remember that life is war, and this world is out for my soul, and one of the most valuable weapons against it is prayer. Forgive me Father.
Remove unnecessary distractions sister. That could be excessive time spent on social media, various forms of entertainment, and the like. You are half my age and I became a believer at 19. Along the way my zeal faded and I was weighed down by overindulgence, excessive time spent on social media, and entertaining my flesh "binge watching" whatever, and ungodly "Christian" influence
. So much time wasted on things that will not profit for eternity, so much time spent on self. The Lord gives us all things including time, we must make the best use of it for His glory and our good. I pray dear sister that you would set Christ before you daily, and that you enjoy the sweetness of His fellowship. May you grow more in His likeness. May you be persuaded that He is worthy of all our affection and time. Be as devoted as you can be dear sister, His grace is sufficient for you and He will never leave nor forsake you for you are His dear daughter. Be blessed sister, trust in Him for everything! ❤️
This sermon
is directed to ALL believers!!!
Dear, Read Romans 8: 26-28. This will help you with prayer. Sit down at a r3gular time with yout Bible, and the LORD to teach you to pray. I started with ten minites per day many years ago. He will answer you. God bless you real well with all spiritual bkessings!
That theologian I think was Martin Luther. Cindy
@@true1330 Jesus is God but when he came to earth he was fully man and fully God that’s why he was hungry or thirsty and could feel pain but also performed miracles
Sadly, my head has been bowed, but not in prayer. I have been asleep at God's alter, my hand close to my mobile phone, but so far away from the bible. I pray for a renewed 2022 in Christ. Amen
I’m afraid I can put my Amen to this. Like you, praying for renewal in my soul and a willingness to DO what’s right…. not a ‘waiting’ for God to mysteriously do something. I have the Scriptures; and I have Christ as my saviour. The lack of willingness is not on God’s part, but a terrible laziness on my own.
let us press on, we know the taste of mud as we've been there time and time again - face down in the mud. remember God told Joshua to "GET UP". He is calling us, treasure it
“Therefore also now, Saith The LORD, turn ye even to ME with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: and rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto The LORD your God: for HE is Gracious and Merciful, slow to anger, and of Great Kindness, and repenteth HIM of the evil.”
Joel 2:12-13 KJV
The more days pass the closer we are to The Second Coming Of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the more temptation and distractions of the world that satan is using to distract us, he’s job is to steal, kill and destroy us. In my opinion fasting is the best way to become less worldly and more Christ Like but only if you do it from the heart and when you do it don’t just say it’s for this time only and when it finishes i’ll go back to doing the old things, we should keep on fasting so we can keep on denying ourselves(flesh) carrying our cross and following Jesus . i’ve noticed that technology is becoming more addicting now, and the more we allow ourselves to use worldly things or do them the more worldly we become, just like Jesus Said The axe is on the root and every tree that does not bear good fruit will be hewn down and cast into the fire, you also need to seek The Lord and His Wisdom and ask Him to teach you and help you to start cutting off the worldly part in your life, cut off the part of the world that attaches to you, and replace it with God , His Commandments , His Word and His Ways. “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, That I might not sin against Thee.”
Psalm 119:11 KJV . Things are getting harder, following God is hard but we have to always remember that God walks beside us and guides us always in all our ways. The more we fast the more we learn to deny our flesh, our desires and anything that doesn’t come from God , keep your hope and trust in God alone. God won’t ever forsake or leave us
@@Romans14-8-9KJV Amen brother
I love how he just preaches the Gospel truth hard for 17 mins then says “so now, before we begin” lol :-)
You know you love to hear it!!!
The simplicity of the Gospel. The Gospel is not hard.
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
“Compare your screen time with your prayer time..” wow.. praise God for speaking through Paul Washer! What a wake up call especially in this time. We need to pray!
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
This is the definition of what Paul says when he says "I dont come with lofty or eloquent speech, but come preaching Christ and Him crucified."
I am a charasmatic and this is one of the most powerful sermons I have ever heard. I was on the floor, on my face before God.. OH God! please turn our faces back to you!! Please remove the appetite for anything else, but you!…In Jesus Holy Name, Amen
Not sure what being “charismatic” has to do with anything. The only thing worthy of proclaiming or boasting of being is in Christ.
Jeremiah 9:24 ESV
But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”
He looks worn. He looks like he has been laboring, breaking his back to do the work of God for the sheep. He looks like he has been emotionally worn in prayer. Yet he looks strong, he speak bold. And his face glows this:
it is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me. It is not I who preach, but Christ who preaches through me.
He is sick , his has heart problems that I heard . Humble servant of Christ Jesus our Lord !!
Dont Choose wrong path , we muslim also believe in Jesus as messenger of God , like messenger Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam .
= > before jesus birth , people follow whom ,
before prophet jesus people follow prophet of that time like Adam , Moses , Noah , Joseph , Abraham etc .
These were the messenger of Allah at their time on earth now last messenger is Muhammad , you should follow Muhammad now.
So Jesus Was A Messenger Of Allah
= > when people tryied to torture JESUS
and want to beat him and kill him even they were thinking to hang on neils etc etc etc
is it a quality of god that any one can beat him and to nail , jail and hang him , torture him.
2) Jesus Eat Food When He Was Hungry
is it a quality of god ? ( Hungry God ) if he eat food then also do toilet for pee and poop
at that time no toilet seat was there so they used to do that by hidden in grass and back of some trees and stones etc
is it a quality of God ? No
= > why some people wants to kill Jesus and want to hang on neils ?
because Jesus called people towards Allah/God the creator of everything . so the ruler of that time thinking that jesus will destroy our rulings on people and can destroy our kingdom , bcz people wanted to follow of true path of the creator.
= > Some people says JESUS DIE FOR OUR SINS
This is totally wrong
if someone rape your wife , sister , mother and murder your family .
Then , will you say , he will be in heaven bcz Jesus died for his sins ?
Jesus had ever say that "enjoy your life do whatever you want , kidnap a young girl and rape her and do robbery , do murder etc etc
And I want to die for your sin then you will be in heaven , and hang me on Neil etc etc "
NO don't make your on thoughts .
this is your thought , and this thought is wrong .
you should follow muhammad now .
= > WE ARE NOT GODS CHILDREN , if we are children then Gods cant make hell fire .
and pig, ant , dog , all animals , they will also think we are also son of God . This is not true , we are not son of God
Allah says in Quran chapter 2 Ayatul kursi
= > " Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining. Neither drowsiness nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who could possibly intercede with Him without His permission? He ˹fully˺ knows what is ahead of them and what is behind them, but no one can grasp any of His knowledge-except what He wills ˹to reveal˺. His Seat encompasses the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of both does not tire Him. For He is the Most High, the Greatest.. "
try to understand
i want you to not to be blind like others i am not forcing you i want you to take knowledge and make decision
who we are ? we are running , Seeing , Hearing , THINKING ETC
1 ) some people says that we are made by our parents ( mainly mom ) if your mom made you then she should know that
1 ) how many hair in your head ?
2 ) how many and much veins , intestine , heart size , brain veins you have ?
1 ) if any mom makes a child then she don't give birth to paralyse , dumb , and gay etc
instead of it , she will gives birth to very handsome , smart and best child
2 ) your mom dad didn't make you and even a single hair of yours
if you make yourself by your own , can you stop your heart , can you stop hearing , seeng , can you stop breathing , no
it shows you are not creator of your self
you cant stop from getting old or die
your creator make you from weak little disdained liquid from ( your father mother )
and now we are thinking that we are immortal and enjoying life and forgot that who is our creator
Adam , Noah , moses , jesus these are messenger like Last messenger muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam ,
1 ->JESUS start talking after birth , jesus made clay bird and from the order of Allah that become original bird ,
2 ->Moses have stick when he droped that it becomes a snake from the order of Allah , 3 3 ->NOAH MAKES a ship large ship from the order of Allah.
4 ->Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam split the moon from the order of Allah
This is not jesus , moses , noah , Muhammad power , this is the power of creator that is Allah
ALLAH is arabic word
ISWAR is sanskrit word
GOD is English word of creator
= > Now ALLAH / GOD send his mesengers and his order ( now last book is quran in which ALLAH'S orders are written) to guide other people .
so read Quran and follow right path
God / Allah send messages to their messenger so that they tell to the people
2 ) we can't pray to messengers like jesus , Mohammad , adam , moses etc
but we should pray to the creator ALLAH /GOD in way as last messenger told us . now last messenger is Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
3 )ADAM , jesus , moses abraham were messengers of allah before muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam AND ADAM WAS FIRST MAN AND PROPHET
Allah is only one God and prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam allah's Last messenger
if you follow ALLAH'S ORDER then you will be in Jannah
1 . ) first order ( allah is only one God and prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam allah's last messenger )
2 . ) second order ( salah / prayer ) according to muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
if you ignore these 5 times prayer then you will be sinful.
if you do your own type prayers then this will be rejected bcz you have to follow messenger not created your own
and obey Allah then you will be in jannah / heaven inshallah
Islam is for everyone not only for Muslim bcz
muslim means submit to one creator
when you were child then you only submitted to your creator you were muslim
= > it doesn't not matter who you are now .
search my channel i added some quran chapter of prophets like noah etc check it plz
so plz read learn quran ( message from god )
quran is as it is word of God
what will happen after death with you ? if you obey allah's order or disobey.
your whole life depend on what you choose bcz ALLAH the creator will ask you about this life after this life .
and you can check my playlist full quran
Check links about what is islam and who is ALLAH
so plz minimum one time read Quran , it is a word of god , i promise you will know everything that you want.....,.,..,,......
@@true1330 you should check out David woods channel !!! You’d love it
He is getting older.
“Proclaim the gospel. And then stand to one side…and admire….as the gospel of Jesus Christ defends itself”
This is a blasphemous sin gospel.
@@josephdansereau265 what's your problem?
@@josephdansereau265 this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don’t know what Bible your reading…
@@deandalley3607 he is what I like to call the bottom 3% of self professing "Christians" that weasel their way around the internet and do the work of their father the devil. He can not bear to hear the truth that is why he says what he says.
Paul washer is the Charles Spurgeon of my generation.
I would never have imagined such a physically fit looking, dynamic preacher of the Gospel like Paul to have a knee & two hips replaced, pins to hold his wrist together, and a heart attack, let alone go through periods of despondency like he mentioned..Yet, he carries on, and is a perfect example of one who carries the treasure of the Gospel in a very earthy vessel....God bless you, Paul, and thank you!! We NEED you!!
And he also has his own missionary. Goes and spends time with the poor and needy, and sleeps on the ground. God keeps him going. Hallelujah 🔥
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
I’ve heard him speak about the wear on his limbs to be from his journeys in the jungles and rugged terrain in South America. His faithfulness is an example for us all. 😌
The two times I've heard about Charo turning away guests, I have immediately been brought to tears. What an incredible wife. That is the support that all men should seek. Her role in his life can likely not be overstated.
I'm a woman who hungers for the kingdom of God and His righteousness daily since He redeemed me last year. God bless Pual Washer because even though rhis was mainly directed to teachers (men) in ministry... I was moved by his words and pray to be more obedient to Christ and His Word. I want to read more than just 30 minutes a day. I want to replace time on this phone with time in His Word. I have decided to keep my phone off on Sundays; and to limit my screen time not to exceed reading and prayer time. Thanks Paul Washer
Praise God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 💓🙌💓
Sadly Paul Washer is a false teacher. He's great at manipulating people with his sad face, trembling voice and outbursts of "righteous anger." But when you sweep all the emotion aside, you are left with a works based false gospel. It is easy to guilt a people who are already sensitive about sin in their life and have a desire to please God. I would encourage you since you have stated you are new in the faith, to search the Scriptures out for yourself. False teachers and wolves come in all disguises, including reformed as well as charismatic and everything in between. I have been studying P. Washer this past month and he has actually mocked Christians who say they are saved by a decision or by faith alone. Yet, that is exactly how the Bible says we are saved. He cherry picks Scripture, and if you notice, seldom uses more than 2 or so for an hour long sermon. Eph. 2:8-9 "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast" John 6:29 "Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.” Rom. 4:5 "But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness," Yes, we need to stop sinning but salvation is for sinners. P Washer would make you think it is for the holy. Yet we cannot ever make ourselves holy by what we do. It is the love of God that constrains us. [2 Cor. 5:14, Rom. 2:4.] Not the fear of God. We are no longer sinners/servants. We are sons and daughters. We are made holy by our faith, not by our works, as tho we ever could. [Acts 15:9] Giving you a youtube link to a preacher that Washer would hate. Yet listen for yourself. He will give you more Scripture in 10 minutes than P Washer will in a whole hour. All the best... ruclips.net/video/nJv_SyKEZNE/видео.html
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
His sermons never really change, and I could care less. We need more like him. May God raise up more of such men, to be used by Him.
Amen 🙏
With the internet, you can have more like Paul Washer but you can have also more people to listen and watch the video, but first seek God, men are still men, they are never perfect, we learn from them but as we read the Bible, pray the Holy Spirit to teach us, the words of God will last forever
There's only one Message Christ! Amen
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
What stops you from being such men?
Why am I already crying and the message just started? This man truly knows the Lord.
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
I know same here . Sometimes just the look on his face brings me to conviction and tears
I was held at gun point 2 weeks ago and I had no fear of dieing .death has lost its sting amen
This Pastor is very humble and very Godly man, God Bless him and people listening to his Sermons!
He is not a pastor, its a preacherr
Have you heard his testimony of dying & visiting hell?
Very good!
& a pastor & preacher is one in the same....
@@Seek_Him Seriously? He died and went to hell? Uh, that sounds crazy.
So do you ....
Maybe you should look it up & listen to it, to give you an idea of what it may be like
He says he’s not an elder, but he is surrounded by elders… This man is the most qualified elder in God’s Church … listen to him!
I was laying in bed on Good Friday through fentynol withdraw, by Easter morning the Holy Spirit came through my entire body and I slept. Woke up to a new life. I’m living in prayer and in the bible 2 months later and forever. God is soo good, He never left me. I was the one that left Him. God bless you all.
Powerful preaching. After hearing Paul's sermon, I know that I've been spending too much time on the Internet. I ask God to help me immerse myself in His Word and prayer
Your not alone... Most of my free time is spent in it..
😔 me too. I repent to God & turn myself to Christ and His Word.
Im tell you my God it has to stop too much internet lord help me
If you still sin, your not saved.
@@LibertyinChrist01 I guess no one is saved then because we all still sin periodically even after we are saved. It's a pervasive pattern of sinning that indicates not being saved
These three virtues will make us 💪 STRONG for the things of God.
*(Get rid of secret sin that weakens your boldness for the things of God. Secrets make you weak)
@faith grace we do but we then must repent daily
@@NT-fq8sk I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
One of the most profoundly honest and beautiful sermons I have ever heard.
You are sadly deceived.
@@josephdansereau265 Can you biblically & civilly explain why you feel that way Joseph?
@@patrickc3419 he can’t
@@HolyJawbone Agreed.
I kind of assumed that, eventually, when he to respond.
Absolutely agree. He spoke the truth that the world is dying without. Praise God.
I honestly am blessed to have found Paul washer
In the words of Martyn Lloyd Jones “ This is preaching”.
I don't think you need a quote him, I think you can just say that!!
We were there when he preached this. It was amazing to say the least. Very in your face, this is what I need more than I even know 🤦🏼♀️
Christ didn't become a "curse".
He became accursed, in our place.
That Gospel has just preached. (2 Corinthians 5:21 is a corrupt verse, Jesus never became sin)
@@shadowlands8490 It's not corrupted, but it doesn't mean Jesus literal became sin haha..
Surely this man is an apostle of Christ. His words show me Christ! He makes God so real for me. May God keep him safe and give him many years of teaching.
Yes yes yes yes
One of my favorite Paul Washer sermons, such a blessing to experience God working through his preaching.
Paul Washer is a child of the devil.
@@josephdansereau265 Here we go…
Can you explain why you say that, or why you would watch a sermon of such a person you so dislike?
@@patrickc3419 he’s obviously just trying to get a rise out of people.
@@hawaiionell8351 I agree.
@@patrickc3419 its people like him that gives us a reason to get off the internet like Washer said. Utterly reject trolls like him.
I've never heard preaching like this. It's soooo good!! All glory to God! Thank you Jesus, for using this man as a vessel to spread the Gospel. God bless Paul Washer...pray that God keeps this man humble and strong. Such powerful preaching!
Watch his video called "Shocking Message".
Glad Paul Washer is holding up, through the Holy Spirit, after so much physical affliction and despondency. All glory to our Lord for all of this and for his servant Paul Washer! Cindy
I truly have been pierced to the heart after this message, and it will be a long time till I watch another. It is time to forgo RUclips for some time, and enter the Scriptures more for myself. Please pray for me.
Praying for you. And also that I too may keep close to the Lord and the Scriptures. Cindy
I will pray for both of you now! I know it has been a while since you posted this but I will pray for your continuance in focusing on knowing The Father and studying His truth so you can tell others around you the Gospel of Jesus and plant seeds!
Paul Washer has Walked with the Father!! Paul’s sermons have cut through me like a double edged sword and shown me the unequivocally meaning of the Cross! For someone lost, like I was, it was painful at first! Now, Justified! His sermons are constant reminders of who I once was, but now I receive them with joy! Thank you Paul Washer! Jesus is King!
I tell you the truth if you think you have to repent to go to heaven you have been deceived it’s faith in Christ dying for our sins that save us tell me this where does Jesus say repent of your sins as matter of fact tell me where the apostles say it I tell you the truth a whore is closer to the kingdom of heaven than anybody who abides in any of there teachings the cross is to show the mercy of god on us through Jesus Christ so do you believe he died for you? If so why do you think you have to repent to get into heaven did Christ not say who ever believes in the son hast eternal life? This man is a false prophet trying to say look at me look how good of a man I am I’m not like these other filthy sinners do you not know the parable of the pharisee and tax collector? If you have faith in Christ you will never lose your salvation you can sin as much as you want although not recommend but in this way you understand there’s NOTHING you can do to save yourself that’s why we have faith in Christ, Christ did not come for those who think they are righteous but SINNERS like you and I.
I'm challenged this afternoon after listening again this sermon for the third time. About my time in prayer and on other things, I'm failing on this.
About brother Paul Washer, I barely have one night before listening to his sermons. And God has done amazing change in me and I've completely changed my desires.
God bless this man of God. Sometimes I feel like I'm idolizing him, but then my motive is always pure to glorify God for him.
His simple life makes me want to be more of God than of myself.
I'm 22 and struggle with my life out there to keep my flame burning...often i slumber but God reawaken my dry bones through dear Brother's sermons though I've listened to it a many times
I never thought I would marathon God's ministries.
Thank you, Paul Washer.
Jesus is King.
Glad this msg was made available to us!
This message is from the pit of hell. Paul Washer is a child of the devil. He preaches a blasphemous sin gospel. He is committing the unpardonable sin.
@@josephdansereau265 you have no idea what the unpardonable sin is !
@@josephdansereau265 state the reasons why you would say such a thing! Biblically with the scriptures, otherwise you are a like a gong being beaten and nothing becomes of the noise!
@@josephdansereau265 You, Sir, are a child of the Devil and will find yourself bowing before Christ under His wrath if you do not repent and fall upon Christ as your only hope of salvation.
@@peterloewen7732 he must be a troll
Such a blessing to all who hear and who will be edified by those who have heard and taken up their charge.
Paul Washer is a true humble servant of GOD. God bless your ministry more n more pastor Paul 🙏🙏
Such a convicting message 👋 God bless! ✝️
You are sadly deceived.
@@josuezunigafl I was wondering the same thing..I have a funny feeling you will go down on some looooong rabbit trails.
Brother Paul had been given a gift from God to preach with urgency and to cut through the hearts of men . An ability to make a “call to arms “ like never before . May God rise up more men like him to carry on the Gospel of Christ .
Narrow road to Heaven.
Bless your determined tribulations, same somewhat injuries, heart attack, followed stroke couldn't talk for 2 months slowly getting better, years ACL torn , work injury insulted prior surgery, I empathize your struggles Great service, wish I lived close, I need directions so service bring soul to Lord, I'm displinary so I can deny temptation, don't have a tv or dvd or computer working my demons pray about deliver filthy unpure thought, cigarette worse, dwindle stopping.
Pray for Revival.
I praise God for this sermon, this is a blessing, and a rebuke. All glory be to Christ our Lord!
Wow, did I cry in gratitude. Why; because HE IS FAITHFUL. He raises up a voice in the wilderness that speaks in a very gloomy land. PRAISE THE LORD, HE IS WORTHY OF OUR SINCERE UNADULTERATED WORSHIP
The simplicity of vocabulary, no eloquently sounding speeches but just bold, true and honest emphasis on the scripture.
Praise be the Lord almighty, may all of the ministers of the Word be strengthen by God.
Amen and Amen 🙏 🙏
Let us not forget what he told us at the beginning: "There are no great men of God, only small and weak men of a great God". Let's not look at him but at the one he invites us to look at. Christ and His Glory!
I'm weak 😔
Paul Washer God bless you for your contribution to the kingdom in this generation. Your messages are powerful and truly your personality represents Jesus Christ. Indeed you have the name Paul.
God bless you and may the grace of God be with you
Of all preachers I’ve listened to, P.Washer is the one that spoke of God in a way that I knew that the most importent in my life was knowing The Holiest of Holy: God , and His Son Jesus Christ !
This man knows the Lord. I walked into the Kingdom in 2020 after the Holy Spirit came over me, after surrendering my SELF and praying that the Lord take my fear. The Holy Spirit convicted me of my Sins and I found myself changing and growing in communion, finding myself in waters that I knew were serving to baptize me as I became Born anew. The Holy Bible became alive and reading it was something Ionged to do. Distractions of life held absolutely no pull any longer. I pray that anyone reading this may come to know the Living God and the Kingdom of Heaven that is within you. God is waiting for you.
Raw, Pragmatic, and Celestial Truth. Amen. Amen. Amen.✝️🙏🏽
Conviction and encouragement. Thank you brother Paul.
Glory to God for this. I will die to my flesh daily and COMMUNE with HIM!
Thankyou Paul Washer, for the pure lifting up our Glorious Lord Jesus Christ without compromise!
You are sadly deceived.
Thank you Paul Washer 🙏
This man plays a big part in my road to repentance 💯
Heart Cry. So thankful and blessed to have found g3. Deceivers all over the World caused me confusion.
I use to get mad at you Paul but through Christ bless God im being saved....
Love this man , respect his boldness
One of my favorite preachers. Great job Pastor Paul!
Very powerful sermon. God bless you pastor Paul Washer. To God be all the glory🙏🙏🙏🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️
Thanks brother Paul for the exhortation and encouragement thanks G3 it's a blessing .
his sermon is so powerful and thorough. I had to watch it many times and more
Oh! I have been so blessed and uplifted by this sermon. Amen.
I receive this in Jesus Name amen
This is one of the most powerful sermon 🙌
By far the best sermon of G3. I took notes for all the rest, but when he started preaching I knew I just needed to sit and listen. So encouraging and one I will listen to many many times.
My hearts cry! To the Lord of glory!
I hear you, Paul! Thank you for being a voice in the Body.
I would give anything if it be GODS WILL to sit at the feet of brother Paul and be discipled🙏🏽♥️👑🕊
Let's go!!!
Praise God. A real example of the power of the gospel. Nothing added
I love the sermons ,moving back to town ,might start going again..been 30 years since went to church...
I’ll pray for you that you go to a church .
Dear Lord, may I constantly keep my gaze on You.
Oh Brother Paul, how the power of God has and is using you through this sermon. How I am confounded by it.
Glory to God.
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”
2 Corinthians 11:14-15
True man of God. Praise Gods word and His glory. Jesus the anointed one, we praise and worship you.
Jesus Christ is My Lord and Savior! Thank You Father GOD! ❤
Praise God and all glory to Him alone. Thank you Pastor Paul God bless you and your ministry.
Paul Washer is a child of the devil. He preaches a blasphemous sin gospel. He is committing the unpardonable sin.
@@josephdansereau265 Other than making empty accusations, can you back them up with facts. For as far as now all he does is to preach the gospel.
@@josephdansereau265 REPENT for your slander.
Here I am, Lord. I will go.
I thank the Triune God for brother Paul Washer. He preaches from the Scripture what I need to hear, and what the Church needs to hear.
And all God's people said Amen!
May God continue to flourish the church using these faithful preachers. It's a great privilege to listen to this message
God Bless you Paul Washer....l pray for your health....📜💕✝️
Thank you pastor Paul blessed! Thanking God for your life in Prayer😇
I like Paul Washer's sermon, very in-depth, and inspiring, God bless his work in the Lord, and God bless me, for I wish the same, but better.
I felt Holy Spirit working in him and fullfill.
I can't stop the tears
I wasn’t there but have been listening to RUclips. This is the second one. Heard Larson yesterday.
Bugs me though when they say sorry I have taken so long. Blows me away when people in other countries say they at and listen to preaching for 6 hours or more. There should never be a time limit when hearing the word. Paul comes to mind when he would preach for hours.
-Keep on being truthful and faithful to the Lord, seek understanding and knowledge of the word of God. Be strong, have compassion and intimacy with the Lord. -God is with you, you do not have to fear. Pray, read your bible and let him work, he will never leave you, obey his words and talk to him. Seek Christ, seek the truth. Flee from sin and truly try. Jesus loves you.
Very much looking forward to this. Thank you sir!
Thank you Pastor, all Glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ !❤
I'm absolutely glad Paul is not one of those that fell away during this time.
It seems so many are just drifting so far away from the truth of the gospel and switching it for a lie.
Praise God.
Glory to God ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
His humility is contagious.