I Survived A Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
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  • @jimmydesir8452
    @jimmydesir8452 6 лет назад +83

    Thanks for this video , pray for my mom, she just came out of surgery and she’s just now opened her eyes. God is good!!

    • @albertmuhe5529
      @albertmuhe5529 6 лет назад

      Jimmy Desir II hope,you mother,is ok,after I had such terrible experience,last February,god,it is a specialty feeling. Keep you hope.

    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад +2

      Jimmy Desir Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

    • @AlbertFlores11
      @AlbertFlores11 5 лет назад +1

      Jimmy Desir All The Time

    • @debundan
      @debundan 5 лет назад

      so is your mum ..and god new this xx all my love

    • @jennylyncabatana477
      @jennylyncabatana477 4 года назад +2

      God is Good

  • @fureverlyricz2000
    @fureverlyricz2000 5 лет назад +7

    I’m 17 years old and my mom just had one 3 days ago. She was rushed to the nearest ER where they put a tube in her brain to take out excess fluid and blood in the brain. Then, after deciding to do a craniectomy, they rushed her to another hospital because the one she was at didn’t have the proper devices to conduct one. She had one and they shaved her hair off ( I was worried but she looked so beautiful ) and was put on life support because she wasn’t breathing on her own. The Dr said that the blood leakage impacted the brain stem so much that little to no meaningful recovery was possible and she passed away on the 19th. She was only 53. She was my best friend, mother, and even father all in one. Please please pray for her beautiful soul. Her name is Parveen Walia. My name is Affreen and I’m her daughter, we need all the prayers that we can get. I know God had a purpose in this because she was living a very hard life. Even though her life was so hard she always gave her best. Please pray for her soul and that she goes straight to her mother and father who departed years ago

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад

      Affreen, I am so sorry you lost your Mom! I will pray for you and those left behind. As for you mothers soul, Prayer can not change anything now. If she was a believer in Jesus Christ and she gave her life to him while she was alive, She is in Heaven with him now!

    • @fureverlyricz2000
      @fureverlyricz2000 5 лет назад +1

      Bob Kelly Thank you for the words. But I’m a little bit scared now, do you mean that prayers cannot change anything at all at this point? She had a wonderful heart and she devoted her life to helping her family, friends, and others. She wasn’t the most religious person though. Can God still have mercy on her?

    • @vivek24864
      @vivek24864 20 дней назад +1

      I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏

  • @pializares7664
    @pializares7664 6 лет назад +53

    SAH survivor here too! I'm 32. Had a ruptured MCA aneurysm February 2018. I had coiling 29 hours after the initial bleed. I'm blessed to have a flawless recovery. 😊 Stayed in the hospital for 5 days. Was throwing up for 3 days. Perfectly normal in a month. Miracles happen.

    • @tommynorton8973
      @tommynorton8973 5 лет назад +6

      Knowing you as my brother in christ and just serving the Lord with you at access church it is an honor to know you personally, but a greater honor to know that God had you in the palm of his hand. What a testimony and only God can do something of this magnitude. Bless you brother!!

    • @maherarai1899
      @maherarai1899 4 года назад +2

      Survivor of sah 2008

    • @kathleenetuazon699
      @kathleenetuazon699 Год назад +1

      Did the doctor surgery you

    • @infowazz
      @infowazz Год назад +2

      So scared right now. It's sucks having no control of this. Brain surgery is literally the worst thing i can imagine.
      I've had a sharp pain in my brain like 10 times in my life. The first few happened when i moved my body quick and in a weird position. I now know it's an aneurism. It even felt like a rope twisting if i tilted me head or jerked it really fast. A couple times i could feel (it has to be blood) liquid spreading. I didn't know what to do and just wanted it to go away and not worry about it. Obviously the worst thing i could have done. Especially when i had medical insurance. I was in the Army so i plan to go the VA.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  Год назад

      @@tommynorton8973 I just saw this… how are you Brother!? I miss seeing you and out Conversations!

  • @SomeBuddy777
    @SomeBuddy777 5 лет назад +13

    Brother, what a testimony! Praise God for allowing you to be able to share it!
    I suffered a ruptured aneurysm, (SAH) a subarachnoid hemorrhage in July of 2009. I had been out early to feed the animals and put water on some potted plants. We were in a heat wave and drought, 105° for about a week. I came back inside, had some iced tea, was sitting up in bed watching the morning news, and making my list of things to do for the day. My husband was getting ready for work, and he told me later that I hollered, "I have the worst headache!", and then went unconscious and stopped breathing. He called 9-1-1 and started mouth to mouth resuscitation.
    My heart rate had spiked to over 150 bpm, and was going into fibrillation, according to the ambulance reports. By the time they had gotten there, only 7 minutes later, I had gone into a coma. The lowest level on the Glasgow Coma Scale, 3. I was taken to the local hospital where a CT scan determined I had a hemorrhage, and LifeFlighted 75 miles to a larger hospital.
    An MRI was done, and revealed the SAH. Surgery was needed, but my brain had started swelling, hydrocephalus. They drilled a hole in my skull right above my forehead, raised the head of the bed to help with the drainage, and I was put on a hypothermic cooling mattress. I couldn't have surgery.
    During that time, I remained in a coma and they told my husband I probably wouldn't make it. And if I did, I would most likely be in a vegetative condition. They were preparing him for the worst.
    I had the coil embolism surgery, two actually, 4 days later. The first one didn't stop the bleeding. But I was still in a coma, on a respirator.
    The last thing I remember about the morning the rupture occured is writing my list. I have no memories of the ambulance, the hospital, the helicopter, the ice bed, the surgery for the drain hole, or the coil surgery. My first memories were very vague, they were voices of people I knew, family. Discussing things they shouldn't have even been thinking out loud. I had some form of lubricant ointment in my eyes, so I was only able to discern light, movement and colors. I was trying to talk to them, to say to them, "Hey! I'm here. I'm still here! I will take care of my own things!"
    28 days later they weaned me off of the respirator. I had developed a MRSA pneumonia and needed IV antibiotics.
    Soon I was moved to a physical rehabilitation center. I was paralyzed in both legs and my left arm. I still did not have very good cognition. Physical therapists were moving my arms and legs and I didn't know why. I wanted them to leave, for them to "go home", not realizing where I was. The Speech therapists had to feed me.
    After 8 weeks there, I got to come home. I used a walker for a short time, then used a cane. I had trouble with my balance and my left foot, but began driving again. I went to Walmart and used the buggies as walkers, and did my physical therapy there... It was a medical miracle, and only because of the amount of prayers of others for me!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад +3

      OH MY LORD JESUS HAS MOVED FOR YOU!! There is no doubt! He has given you life and you cannot afford to waste even 1 day ! share your faith, pray for the healing of others! Be The hands and feet of Jesus to those around you! WOW!!

    • @SomeBuddy777
      @SomeBuddy777 5 лет назад +3

      @@63m37 Yes, I truly believe that, and I know I have been given another opportunity to get it right. All my life, I thought I was a Christian, I had said the "Sinners Prayer" at a summer camp at age 16 and basically thought I had a "get out of hell free" card in my pocket. I never followed through in Baptism, I was attending a non-denominational church that didn't preach that. I didn't read my Bible, only went to church occasionally on Sunday mornings, and to teen programs like volleyball and bingo! For 30 years I struggled through life, living by my own code of "just how much I could get away with and still get into heaven". I was always trying to find a way to justify doing the things I knew in my heart were wrong, and hating on God because my life wasn't going as I wanted it to. My prayers were only SOS prayers, sent up in times of dire circumstances. They were "Dear Lord, PLEASE BLESS MY MESS!!!". And when He wouldn't, I got angry. I did not understand that He was telling me that because I had not asked His advice, or included Him in any part of my life, that He definitely wasn't going to bless any of the messes I had gotten my own self into. I was living a fake life, going ninety to nothing, spinning my wheels, digging my ditches, and going nowhere fast.
      What I didn't know was that I wasn't a Christian. I wasn't being truthful when I repeated that prayer at 16. I didn't even know what it meant. I wasn't asking with my heart. I believed I was a Christian only because I wasn't an atheist! I had a lot of people fooled, myself included, but not God. I called myself being a "Cardboard Christian". Showing up on Sundays, sitting propped up in a pew, singing along with the hymns, and wishing the preacher wouldn't run late with the message. I didn't know what Christ had done for me so I surely didn't appreciate it. And I did not have the Holy Spirit in me.
      Lying flat on my back during those weeks in the physical rehabilitation hospital, while staring at those ceiling tiles, I was listening to the American Family Radio station's programs. "It" started to sink in. God's love FOR ME. Christ's sacrifice FOR ME. His promise FOR ME of living eternally in Glory with Him. The knowledge that I came so close to leaving this world on that July day, and spending my eternity with the one I had been serving, and it wasn't God. I became aware that we are all just but One heartbeat away. One choice away. And this world is not our home! Our bodies are just what we walk around in. No matter how we dress it up, paint it up, adorn it with jewelry, it is no more than filthy rags in God's eyes. But He sees through and knows the color of our souls. He is colorblind, seeing only black or white.
      I asked Christ to come into my heart, to guide, guard and direct my every thought and action. I thank Him for the good AND the bad, and seek His wisdom in all matters. I truly felt the Holy Spirit had filled that God shaped hole I had in my heart.
      Years later I found my "List of Things to Do" that I had written on that morning in 2009. Guess what? None of it ever got done. And the world kept on going without me. But God gave me that opportunity to see clear, seek Him, and accept His Son. Sometimes He has to hit us stubborn ones upside the head, knock us down, so we will look Up! PRAISE GOD FOR HIS BLESSINGS UPON ME AND ALL WHO CALL UPON HIM!

    • @theodoretaylor5693
      @theodoretaylor5693 5 лет назад +1

      Mine experience was very similar to yours. Thank you for sharing your story. I was struggling to understand why this happened to me. Praise God Almighty

    • @SomeBuddy777
      @SomeBuddy777 5 лет назад +1

      @@theodoretaylor5693 Amen, Timmy. I know He has a purpose and reason for allowing us extra time here. I hope you have realized your reason. God bless you, friend 💜

  • @paleskin3240
    @paleskin3240 5 лет назад +14

    My dad had a spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage 13.04.19, he passed away as soon as it happened. You are so lucky, for my dad it was instant. He was at his best friends funeral and surrounded by people he grew up with, some of them are professionals and performed CPR straight away. His brain was dead but they got his body going again. My dad gave the gift of life (donated his organs) 14.04.19. I miss you so much dad I can’t believe it

  • @kristyrieser-howitt2302
    @kristyrieser-howitt2302 5 лет назад +14

    I am an ex-paramedic and the only SAH patients I ever saw were either unconscious or had altered consciousness and rarely survived.
    Last year I had a SAH with no neurological symptoms. I did not have an aneurysm, my SAH was spontaneous/idiopathic. I am one of the very few that have no lasting neurological effects. After spending 3 weeks in the neuro ward at PAH, I was then discharged from the neuro team a month after I returned home.
    Thank you for sharing your story, it is so good to see other people that have survived with no lasting effects.

  • @mirror17
    @mirror17 4 года назад +12

    I suffered a subarachnoid Haemorrhage back in 2013, and had a coil fitted to stop the bleed I spent the following year just recovering, it’s now 2020, life is good, I have memory issues, some have gone completely but hey I’m still here.
    Best wishes to,anyone who is reading this and has had some sort of brain injury. 🙏🏻🌹💋

    • @priyankayadav-hy1yb
      @priyankayadav-hy1yb 2 года назад +1

      My father also having memory prblm his before haemmarhge memory is perfectly bt now he has deficulty in memorizing new memory .can u tell me after how much time he wil be normal

    • @mirror17
      @mirror17 2 года назад +1

      @@priyankayadav-hy1yb Hello there,
      My brain injury was 10 years ago now, the first year was very difficult with not a lot of memory of past things, forgetting people’s names and faces, I had difficulty remembering to do things. As time passes things will get better for your father I’m sure, just be patient with him, some of my past memories have gone forever though. Present day and I remember daily most things, can have the odd slip up tbh.
      Wishing your father a speedy recovery best wishes to you both. 🙏🏻🌹💋

    • @kathleenetuazon699
      @kathleenetuazon699 Год назад

      Helo in your 1st m9nth of recovery are you dizzy and blured vision sometimes

    • @mirror17
      @mirror17 Год назад

      @@kathleenetuazon699 yes that was the case but it did stop as time went by. 🙏🏻👍🏻

  • @justinatchley8466
    @justinatchley8466 7 лет назад +84

    I am a survivor I am a 27 yr old woman who had a (SAH) I was on the hospital a total of 3 mths and a brain surgery,also had a bad lung also was in a coma and was on life support for a month I am back fully I have no debility I am the same as before the brain bleed .

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад

      Justin, That is truly amazing! Was your SAH due to an accident?

    • @t.nicoleseainc9160
      @t.nicoleseainc9160 6 лет назад +2

      God Be Glorified!

    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад

      Justin Atchley Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

    • @v.s.tonk.9748
      @v.s.tonk.9748 5 лет назад

      Can you tell me...i am from India. And..my mother Also have brain hemorrhage and 15 day spend in ICU on ventilater. Now 2 month spend...he take fluids and other ...but its left side in peralysis so...can u tell when he is fully recovered...?

    • @guesswho111
      @guesswho111 4 года назад

      My friend had SAH and died within 24 hours.

  • @jdoe9987
    @jdoe9987 4 года назад +11

    Thanks for your story. I survived SAH. Mine happened on 6th January this year. I was totally fine before, only symptom I had was deterioration of sight. Mine wasn't due to any anumeryms.. I'm 21, the doctors couldn't tell what caused the haemorrhage. I was hospitalized for 3 weeks, couldn't talk, get up and had poor sight for 2 weeks and surprisingly I started getting better drastically after hospitalization. The didn't operate on me as the doctor said the clot with scar tissues would block the weak spot of the vain where the leak came from and he said it's 50/50 chance instead of operating that, that would help cause haemorrhages happens sometimes in some cases like mine over time. He gave me a grace period of 3 months where I was constantly monitored and on drugs. It has been 10 months and I have fully recovered apart from my sight which can't go back to how it used to be, haven't gotten any headaches since October, but still can't do heavy work. All due to the grace of God.

  • @chanleyf.rogers9961
    @chanleyf.rogers9961 7 лет назад +49

    I survived a subarachnoid hemorrhage from a car wreck on New Years Eve. I was 20 years old at the time. It was the scariest thing, but I had the overwhelming sense of a calming nature. I knew it was God watching over me.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +2

      Chanley,Did you have the clipping procedure? I am so glad God watched over you! How are you now?

    • @chanleyf.rogers9961
      @chanleyf.rogers9961 7 лет назад +3

      I did not, actually. I did not have to have any procedure. It was a a small bleed and I was able to leave the hospital the next day after spending the night in the PCU of a neuro-trauma hospital. I am glad you are doing well!!

    • @prathy4u
      @prathy4u 7 лет назад

      Hi Chanley, hope this find you in the best of health and spirits. My wife had an SAH in June 2015 and took medicines for one year without undergoing any surgical procedure. Still she feels numbness sometime back portion of head. Are taking any medicines?

    • @chanleyf.rogers9961
      @chanleyf.rogers9961 7 лет назад +2

      I currently am not on any medication. I took anti-seizure medication for a week after I was released from the hospital. I still tend to have some numbness in that region, too, but it isn't too bad. My general doctor said that mine was an irritated pinched nerve. Glad that your wife is well!

    • @athenaathena77712
      @athenaathena77712 6 лет назад

      Don’t laugh but Charnley I bet we’re related my Fam is from there too and same name lol

  • @davidmcgimpsey9600
    @davidmcgimpsey9600 5 лет назад +12

    Thanks for the video. I had a SAH in my sleep 27 years ago. I have unusually thick blood which clotted quickly and saved my life. I was 17 years old at the time.
    When I woke up on October 19, 1992 I had a splitting headache and my body felt weaker than normal. I was in a state of confusion and focused on getting myself ready for work. I had a shower and left the house.
    Walking to the train station I could feel the right side of my body didn't feel normal, but it was okay. My condition got worse during the 50 minute train ride. Walking from the train station to work was significantly slower and more labored than after I'd left the house. I can't recall exactly but I think I was feeling a bit nauseous. I was reminded recently by an old friend that I had met her during that train ride and she said I looked terrible.
    I got to the office (I know, 17 is young to be working in an office but that's another story) and was deteriorating fast. I was bumping into things and tripping over things and this was the signal to me that I needed to go home. So after only about 30 minutes in the office I labored back to the station and made my way home.
    I remember calling my mother from the station near work and telling her something was wrong and I was coming home. I think I sounded pretty bad on the phone (from my mother's initial reaction I think I sounded like I was drunk, and potentially not making any sense).
    The train ride seemed to take forever. Walking back home from the train station was almost impossible. By this stage I was dragging my right leg behind me... it was supporting my weight, but wasn't functioning otherwise.
    In Australia, 17 is too young to drive so my mum put me in the car and we went to see the doctor. That first doctor (who was standing in for another doctor that day) examined me and came to the conclusion I had a gastrointestinal problem... Keep in mind my right side wasn't functioning and the right side of my face was drooping, and he reached the conclusion it was gastro! Anyway, we took his advice to rest, plenty of fluids, etc. and went home.
    By that evening my mother was getting nervous and I couldn't use a knife and fork so she bundled me into the car and we went to see another doctor. This doctor took one look at me and told my parents to get me to the hospital immediately. In his words, "It's his head. You don't have time to wait for an ambulance. Go!"
    We rushed to the hospital. They admitted me that evening and overnight I had CT scans. Sometime the morning of the next day the doctors came to see and explained what was wrong. A basilar artery aneurysm had burst and they needed to operate. They would clip the aneurysm. Because of the way the aneurysm had burst, or clotted, or the position (can't remember which) they told they would have to a heart bypass when they were operating. So not only would I end up with a scar on my head I would also get scars on my chest.
    They doctors explained they had some time before they needed to operate because the aneurysm had clotted (due to my unusually thick blood) so they would operate on a priority system. I was admitted to hospital and waited.
    I can' t remember how long it took between when I was admitted and when I had the operation but it was at least a few weeks. In between times I started getting tension headaches because of stressing about it.
    The morning finally came when they operated. After being wheeled away from my room to the operating theater I don't remember anything until I woke up on the other side. I remember realizing that the operation hadn't been successful before I woke up (In the process of coming out of the general anesthetic I could hear people talking around me).
    One thing that sticks with me from that time is a story my mum told me about when she first came to see me in ICU after the operation. A nurse stood behind her with a chair because she expected mum to faint - my head was so bruised I looked a million shades purple, with the scars and staples.
    The doctors explained that they had opened up my head only to find they couldn't reach the aneurysm. It couldn't be clipped! So they closed me back up without having to do the bypass surgery.
    So, of course, my first question was "What can we do to fix it then?"
    The neurosurgeon wasn't sure and said he would do some research and get back to us. Remember that all this is happening at a time before the internet, smartphones, etc.
    A few days later he came back and told us that there was an operation under research that might be able to help me. It was called GDC coiling. The Australian side of the research was being done at only one hospital in Australia, in Perth! I was living in Melbourne, so it meant going to other side of the country (similar distance as Chicago to Seattle).
    Fortunately Australia has a universal healthcare system and everything to that point had been paid- the CTs, the MRIs, the surgery, etc. but we worried that because this operation was being researched it wouldn't be covered. Fortunately it was covered, including the flights!
    So, we headed over to Perth to begin tests. We were lucky to have good friends over there who kindly let us stay with them (this allowed my mother to stay in Perth the whole time, even after I was admitted to hospital).
    So, I had a number of angiograms leading up to the operation to confirm the aneurysm was reachable. Everything looked good. A day or two before the coiling I met with the radiologist and he had me sign a "Consent to be a Research Subject" form.
    The operation went ahead and... Success!!! 27 Years later I can say I was one of the first people to get their aneurysm coiled.
    Thanks again for the video and listening to my story.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад +3

      Thats Unbelievable! You do know you are Probably in an even smaller group than I am right!? Probably like 2% worldwide! God Definitely Moved to save your Life!

    • @davidmcgimpsey9600
      @davidmcgimpsey9600 5 лет назад +1

      @@63m37​​ , Cheers :)

  • @pbaughan1231
    @pbaughan1231 4 года назад +5

    Thanks for the video. Back in 2007 when I was 45 I was at the gym working out and developed the worst headache of my life. Like you, I asked the front desk for a blood pressure monitor and they told me they did not have one. My son, who was 15 at the time was with me and had just gotten his learners permit. I had him take me to the hospital and fortunately they did a brain scan on me right away. Once they saw I was having a Subarachnoid brain hemorrhage they put me on a helicopter and flew me to Charlotte to a larger hospital. I was spared and today I continue to work in the Pharmaceutical Industry where I will soon retire. Your story brought back all of the gratitude I feel for the Lord sparing my life. Thank you.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  4 года назад

      Yes Stephen, God has preserved your life for a reason! All of us have work to do while it is still light! For the days of darkness will come when no man can work! Blessings Brother!

  • @caseybrown618
    @caseybrown618 5 лет назад +17

    I had the same thing, in 2018,GOD SAVED MY LIFE AND I THANK HIM.

  • @kenreid2230
    @kenreid2230 6 лет назад +9

    I too survived a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage,13 weeks ago.Again in my case coiling didn't work so a craniotomy was done. I am already playing golf 3 times a week on foot and walking an extra 20 Km. Like yourself I am one of the 5% with no adverse effects.I'm still not allowed to drive but hopefully that will change soon.I'm a 73 year old man and hope to get back to one of my passions, mountain walking, soon.I put my survival down to the skill of the neurosurgeon and wonderful care from the National Health Service in the UK

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад

      I am so Glad your Doing well ken. Its Clear you had a great Neuro Team working on you. However I your survival is Nothing Short of a Miracle and Jesus Christ was Responsible! Take a close look at your life and Realize you have been given a second shot at it! Trust your Life to Christ today if you haven't ever done so. In so doing you will Live forever in Heaven and Never Die!

  • @DebbiTehrani
    @DebbiTehrani 4 года назад +12

    Thank you for sharing your story. A month ago, my husband survived a subarachnoid hemorrhage from a burst aneurysm. He's still in the hospital after a month. I remember the day his aneurysm burst and I started freaking out when the doctor said the word "aneurysm," he said, "God's not done with me yet." I pray and pray that's true and that he will live to tell a story similar to yours.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  4 года назад +2

      Debbi Tehrani . What is your Husbands name/age? I will prey for His Complete Recovery!

    • @monasadh1001
      @monasadh1001 4 года назад +2

      My husband too had it 2 months back

  • @marnieoflynn
    @marnieoflynn 6 лет назад +9

    Bob, my mom just had a craniotomy 18 hours ago to clip an aneurism that had a 'slight' bleed. She had symptoms of the thunderclap headache, was taken to a local hospital then airlifted to a hospital 5 hours away. She is restless, completely exhausted, but she has all her faculties about her as of today - only thing she is off on is the date when asked (she thinks its July 8, not January 4) and a few names of things she gets mixed up - they say that can be from the swelling which will be peaking at 72 hours. Can you please pray for her. I am so scared. I know that this next week coming up will be crucial in her healing, and I am worrying about vasospasm & the possibility of neurological defects. Her name is Marion. Thank you so much, and thank you for giving so many hope.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад +1

      Marnie, I have been praying for your Mother.She is fortunate that she dident suffer a full rupture. She will be cloudy on some things for awhile and recovering form a Craniotomy will take some time. The Drs always warn of what "Can" go wrong but only God has the final say,NOT any man! Dont' be afraid,just in the lord our God and Remember fear is a decision and Not a reaction. Her life has been spared for a very special reason,Help he find out what it is! In the short term she will need those close to her more than ever before.Just Love on her,talk about things that she loves and make future plans to do things with her and be with her as much as possible,This alone will produce nothing short of Amazing results in her recovery! Blessings Bob

    • @marnieoflynn
      @marnieoflynn 6 лет назад +1

      Thanks Bob! We are one month post op today. My mom has made a miraculous recovery. She has all her faculties about her, and NO deficits!! She does have slight headaches here and there that only last for an hour or 2 and of course she is tired, but that is getting better and better everyday. She is able to sleep, but wakes up through the night, and in reading the comments below, that seems to have been a side effect you had as well Bob. Can you share how long that lasted for? Her operative report stated that when they did the craniotomy her brain was "an angry swollen mass filled with cerebralspinal fluid and hemmoraged blood" but the surgery was a success! The surgeon and nurses on the neuro ICU and her doctors back in our hometown told her she is at least a week to 10 days further along in recovery than most people that have gone through this, and that she is literally a walking miracle. She spent 8 days in the Neuro ICU, 3 days in the Neuro step down unit, then was flown home and spent 1 week on a ward in our hometown. I put calls into our prayer line at our church, and she had hundreds of people praying for her recovery. I am truly a believer that GOD was awakened and spared her her life. She is part of the 5%! Just wanted to give you an update and thank you for your prayers too!!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад +2

      Its Hard to say on the sleep. I was on sleeping pills for about 1 year,But finally Got off them. My sleep is just what i call different now. I fall asleep easily but small things wake me up. I have changed my diet to exclude sugar and this has helped alot. YES, it is Obvious God has moved for her! Subsequently,I find no place in the Bible that says its Not Gods will to heal! The Bible says HE gives life! And Satan steals life! so Happy she is recovering well.Please show her my video when you feel she's ready and Tell her I am Praying for her!

  • @crystaltucker4156
    @crystaltucker4156 6 лет назад +26

    I’m a survivor of a ruptured brain aneurysm April 5 2017. I was on life support for 3 days had mine clipped. My neurologist says he can’t believe I lived and I have no bad side effects from it only effected my memory some and sometimes stutter if I get excited and talk to fast. I was 37.

    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад +2

      crystal snell Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

    • @chesiel.1890
      @chesiel.1890 4 года назад

      Hi, you didn't had stroke? My BF is in hospital because it ruptured too, The doctor said he had a chance that he can coming home this week Because the aneurysm just heald and there is no complication. For now they are doing some test. I am worried though because he had stroke and he is also 37.

    • @kathleenetuazon699
      @kathleenetuazon699 Год назад

      Did the doctor surgery ur brain

  • @clark7402
    @clark7402 6 лет назад +10

    Bob, thanks for sharing your story. I’m a pastor in Goldsboro and I had an aneurysm rupture about 2 months after yours. I had coiling in 2015 but now I have to have it clipped. Watching your story was an encouragement to me. Thank you. God bless you!

  • @gordonsmom3861
    @gordonsmom3861 7 лет назад +23

    April 22nd 2017 will be my 5th year anniversary surviving a S. A. H. I have a few issues as my optic nerve was damaged. Short term memory and some speech issues remain but on the whole I am doing well. It is great to read about others experience. Thank you for sharing.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +5

      Wendy, I will pray for your complete healing and restoration!

    • @jdoe9987
      @jdoe9987 4 года назад

      Same side effects. Mine happened 6th January this year.

    • @SomeBuddy777
      @SomeBuddy777 4 года назад

      @@jdoe9987 Stay strong 🙏🏻

  • @shakobe682
    @shakobe682 7 лет назад +52

    I had a brain Hemorrhage when I was twelve I am a survivor and I'm 20 year old today ☺️

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +2

      Are you well now? what caused your bleed?

    • @shakobe682
      @shakobe682 7 лет назад +3

      Bob Kelly yep I'm 100% we'll now but I have trouble speaking sometimes. the clot was on the left side of my brain, we weren't sure how the bleed was caused though??

    • @laurasviland5775
      @laurasviland5775 6 лет назад +2


    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад +4

      Emil Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

    • @blackpeterose
      @blackpeterose 5 лет назад +1

      🙏🏿 God Blesd

  • @junelothamer9137
    @junelothamer9137 3 года назад +4

    My husband had an aneurysm 23 years ago. Unfortunately he remained in a coma for four months, required a shunt, a tracheotomy and suffers from seizures. At age 53, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. His surgery was over 13 hours! Thank you for sharing your story. God bless you.

  • @nancykirkland5152
    @nancykirkland5152 Год назад +2

    I had a SAH and blood clots in both lungs from Covid 19 in 2020 and by the Grace of God my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ a full recovery!!!!

  • @JohnHansenBeadle
    @JohnHansenBeadle Год назад +2

    Hi Bob. I was in tears listening to your account which virtually replicates mine. I had an SAH 20 years back- I watched the Twin Towers attack in ICU thinking it was somehow related to the explosion in my head. Strange times.. After learning to walk, and talk etc. etc. I went back to work with negligible effects apart from psycho-social ones related to my beliefs that I was somehow ‘damaged goods’. For me, fatigue has been the big issue, that I’ve managed with meditation they taught us in Rehab. My tears remind me that although it was a long time ago, in reality it’s still front and centre and I still need support. God bless you!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  Год назад

      God has preserved your life John! Like me he as purpose for you! My event has left me Forever changed! I don’t take 1 day for granted. Tears remind us we are still alive and we still have care and purpose ! So glad your ok 👍🏼

  • @phlash49
    @phlash49 7 лет назад +13

    I just returned from hospital yesterday. I just cried through the first couple minutes of your video. Because it was like reliving my experience all over again. I'm home after 12 days in intensive care. I now will take nothing for granted. And you are right, my whole perspective on life is totally different now. We are in a group of our own now. God bless!!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +2

      Mike, Did you have surgery? How are you now,as far as function? Just know this. God has left you here for a specific reason and finding and living out his plan for your life, will be the greatest joy of your life! Blessings bro!

    • @phlash49
      @phlash49 7 лет назад

      Bob Kelly No I didn't. I was so lucky! Time was apparently a major factor for me. From onset till I was admitted was at most 45min. And now, knowing the bullet we've dodged here. I'm cherishing every breath I take right now! Tty soon Bob.....

    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад

      Mike M. Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

  • @bennycanadyjr7264
    @bennycanadyjr7264 7 лет назад +18

    Whats up MY name is Benny One month ago Sept11. I had S.A.H LEFT SIDE..PLATINUM COIL...MAN. GOD IS SO GOOD ICU 15 days..just headaches while my brain is healing..anyway every day in home on short-term dis..I learn more and more how GOD keep me

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +1

      Thats Great Benny! I hope your recovery goes well.

    • @thuhadao2385
      @thuhadao2385 4 года назад +1

      Benny CanadyJR hi my name is Dao, 68 year old. I had thing exactly like you left side,and coil, and icu 13 days. It was on May 2019 and everything ok but I still feel weird in my head and lost my balance when walking. Are you good100%? Do you still follow up with the doctor? Let me know if you don’t mind.

  • @kirstywilliamson6016
    @kirstywilliamson6016 4 года назад +5

    Greetings from Australia Bob.
    Thankyou for your video.
    How are you doing today?
    I lost my mum in August 2000 to a
    subarrachnoid haemorrhage.
    She was 61yrs old.
    I found your story truly amazing.
    Thankyou once again.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  4 года назад +2

      I am so sorry you lost Your Mom. I am also Very Thankful for everyday! I no longer have bad days or take 1 day for granted!

  • @faaronrivas9526
    @faaronrivas9526 4 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! My mom has recently suffered from a ruptured brain aneurysm. I got her to the hospital right on time. Unfortunately I was not allowed to stay with her at the hospital due to Covid. She was really scared. I got a call a while after she was in the hospital saying she suffered a seizure. She had to be flown to another hospital but lost consciousness and went into a coma! Today make 20 days that she has been in a coma and the drs don’t have any hope for recovery for her! But God is so good and I truly have faith that he will wake my beautiful mom up and she will overcome this!!!!! Prayers work! To God be the Glory! I’ve been praying and talking to God non-stop! I’m still not able to be at the hospital with my mom because of Covid, but I zoom her everyday and I’m starting to see little movements! They say coma patients need to hear their loved ones voices and also feel their touch to help with recovery but zoom and prayers is all my family and I can do at the moment. I read the Bible to her every day and night and she always gives me some sort of reaction! So I will continue to do what I’m doing and leave this all in Gods hands! My mom has always had this miracle type of energy surrounding her and prayers and talking to God have really taken my fear away! ❤️

    • @63m37
      @63m37  4 года назад

      Your faith is strong God is moved by faith!! keep praying, I am believing with you for a Miracle !!

  • @L33LTR316
    @L33LTR316 6 лет назад +14

    Feeling blessed.. 27th january 1997 i had my (SAH) aged 27.. happy to be in the 5% of treatment and recovery.. thank you for your video, because even now sometimes i can't believe i have been through this.. keep well and stay blessed Bob..

  • @ambernecho
    @ambernecho 8 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for your testimony. My sister had a ruptured aneurysm a week ago and is still fighting for her life. Today she opened her eyes for first time. 🙏🏽

    • @63m37
      @63m37  8 месяцев назад

      Well praise the lord sister ! Tell your sister to just take 1 day at a time. God has kept her for a special reason….Time will tell what that is.

  • @katriz5442
    @katriz5442 6 лет назад +4

    I am a survivor of a subarachnoid hemorrhage as well. I suffered from a brain aneurysm rupture on July 18, 2016 and by the grace of God, the rupture happened in front of USC Medical Center after having a clinic appointment with a team of doctors. I was there to map out what the best form of treatment would be. I was having headaches and losing vision in my left eye due the aneurysm pressing on my optical nerve. On July 18th I had the worst headache I have ever had, grabbed the side of my head and passed out. I received immediate medical attention and had coiling of my aneurysm. I spent 2 1/2 weeks in ICU that time and went back in 2 months later to have a stent/pipeline placed over the opening of my aneurysm. I am happy to report that I have had two cerebral angiograms and several scans since and I am doing well! My neurologist at USC was fantastic. My vision in my left eye took a hit and has not returned but if that had not happened along with my severe headaches, I might not have pushed and kept telling the doctors that something was wrong. Thank you for sharing your story of recovery, we are truly one of the lucky ones and it was not our time. God apparently has a purpose of us and you are so right, it changes your perspective on life that others who have not gone through this do not understand.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад

      WOW!! Praise God you are alive!! I believe it is important to seek out the reason you feel God has spared your life and Live to serve Him in that! As you give to others you will be Honoring God literally with your life!

    • @katriz5442
      @katriz5442 6 лет назад

      Thank you for responding to my comment. Being in the 5% with other survivors is quite special and I do wonder quite often why I was spared, I am grateful everyday. I believe that God listened to the prayers of my family and friends. My mom claims she has a hotline directly to God. Take care Bob and I wish you continued good health.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад +1

      Thanks, To you as well! I believe every day is a gift,Thats why its called the present! Share your story and what you believe God has done for you as often as possible! This would be a good place to start.

  • @justinerobinson3600
    @justinerobinson3600 2 года назад +3

    This video has been so helpful. My husband has been in ICU for 3 weeks after his 2 SAH surgeries in 2 weeks.He has had days when he is himself (smiling, responding to our conversation,etc)and now he's not as alert and he's not. We are leaning on the Lord for strength and our faith says he will also be a survivor. Your story gave me even more faith.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  2 года назад

      YES!!! Praying for his complete recovery!

  • @katrinejaina
    @katrinejaina 8 лет назад +21

    My boyfriend who is 21y.o. is a survivor of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage too, in his left temporal lobe.. They did craniotomy to relieve the pressure in his brain. Just been almost 3 months since his stroke. He is doing better everyday but he has Aphasia now. I know deep in my heart God has huge plans for people like you and my boyfriend. Let's not stop praising Him everyday even in the midst of every struggle and suffering. Bless you, my friend.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  8 лет назад +4

      Thankyou Katrine! I believe God can and will move the help your boyfriend! This event has forever changed me for the better! My perspective is that i don't know what tomorrow holds and I live to serve God as if i had no tomorrow! I will be praying for your boyfriend, Whats his name? Did they put a clip on his aneurism?

    • @KaloiFernandez
      @KaloiFernandez 7 лет назад

      Hello! Just wan to ask how is he? What methods did you do for his aphasia recovery? My mom is the same condition as his. Hope to hear from you.

    • @pikmin5416
      @pikmin5416 6 лет назад +1

      Hi Katherine, I just to share with you that your story was inspiring. I am a stroke survivor and I too heard Gods voice. It’s been 3 years since my stroke April 24, 2015. I’m been given a second shot at life and everyday I thank God. We are not alone. Thank You.

    • @infamousctown651
      @infamousctown651 5 лет назад +1


    • @redbird5056
      @redbird5056 2 года назад

      @@KaloiFernandez this was a long time ago, but wondering how your mum recovered? My mum going through this now. Still has fluid in the brain and can't talk. I hope your mum is ok?

  • @laraymartin627
    @laraymartin627 6 лет назад +8

    Hi my mom had a rupture 2016 I found her on the floor sleep and snoring when I woke her up it’s like she could hear me but could not find me I called 911 she was rushed straight to ER she had a aneurysm rupture/massive stroke in the brain they did 6 hour surgery she was placed in a coma she lived thank god her down fall is she can’t speak correctly in her right side is weak she is able to walk with the help of a walker in she can write her name in do math problems she was a teacher for kindergarten kids I feel like her brain was still able to remember a lot of things because she recognize everyone just can’t talk in complete sentences I’m her caregiver been for 2years now I am just so happy to have her still here because your right your percent on living is low

    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад +1

      laray martin Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

  • @ItTolls4Thee
    @ItTolls4Thee 7 лет назад +16

    I'm a paramedic student, thank you for sharing your experience.

  • @theodoretaylor5693
    @theodoretaylor5693 5 лет назад +12

    Thanks for the video, I'm a survivor too. Had mine in July, and I'm walking and going to the gym. Don't give up the battle. I'm in the 5% also

  • @jmackster
    @jmackster 6 лет назад +21

    I know God had this guy in his loving arms!!! Amen

  • @tpat3309
    @tpat3309 5 лет назад +3

    I am a survivor of the (SAH). I was in a coma for 3 weeks, had brain surgery twice. I can walk but have slight paralysis on my left side. I am getting better. Thank You GOD for saving my life. Bob Kelly, thank you for sharing your story and surviving. GOD BLESS everyone here.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад

      T Pat, Praise God you are alive! Realize every day is a blessing and Live your life in service Of our king, You will Never Regret it!

  • @marjorienicholson5091
    @marjorienicholson5091 6 лет назад +8

    Thank you....I had a brain aneurysm in Feb 2012. It took time to recover but I have had the same outcome. I truly feel blessed!

  • @mjmcggolf
    @mjmcggolf 3 года назад +4

    Bob, thank you for this video. Feb 1st my wife had two aneurysms burst in her head. She is doing remarkably well and has already been released from her neurologist care. Mentally she gets tired very quickly and physically she is getting better. All of her doctors tell us she is a miracle and it looks like you are one too. Thanks again. Mike

    • @63m37
      @63m37  3 года назад

      WOW mike!! Your wife joins an even smaller group of 2 1/2 percent !! She is a COMPLETE miracle! Show her this and be encouraged! ITS not over until GOD says it is!!l

  • @combustication07
    @combustication07 6 лет назад +11

    I work on a neuro ward at the moment and I must say this story was very moving. Thank you for giving hope to people!

  • @shelbyday9487
    @shelbyday9487 6 лет назад +14

    Thank you for sharing this and giving me hope. Thank you also for acknowledging God in your experience. Please keep my 61 year old sister in you prayers. She had this kind of stroke this morning and has a 50 / 50 chance of survival. Please pray that God will give her a miracle like he gave to you! God Bless!

  • @jc1608
    @jc1608 6 лет назад +6

    Hi Bill , glad you made it ok, I'm on here reviewing , as my brother suffered severe headache for two weeks straight , and 5 days ago he had a siezure , and his 17 yr old son called 911 , ambulance rushed him to hospital , catscan , blood on brain , then rushed to better hospital and hour south. And had imediate surgery , he has 60 plus Staples on right side of his head , and yesterday they did an MRI , not sure what they waited for , or why it took them so long to do mri , but they found an unruptured anurism , they put some dye in to pin point it I guess , and he had the coil surgery done via catheter ... Hes been asleep since Monday , and they'll keep him asleep for a few more days I think. We've had an entire family in tears praying for him. I'm praying he comes out of this with no issues. And To top my week off , my wife's father fell Monday , and fractured his skull and neck, and got rushed to same hospital , and while hes there they said he's going to need open heart surgery for his artery from heart to brain . And , my wife and I and our 3 toddlers got into a car accident two weeks ago , and nearly totalled my truck , some pot head kid playing w his phone nailed us as we were turning , , and i thank God no one got hurt. 5100 in damage on my truck. My left side of my body hurts as I took the hit , leg, elbow , hip and lower back, and still haven't had time for doctor's to be checked out , I just wanted to share how much stuff I've been dealing with in last two weeks. Now Just have to figure out how to survive financially , everyone's missed work, and I. Been helping my brothers family for past 3 weeks while he been sick , and helping out w his kids. Feel like God's testing me. I'm def going to look into preventative maintanance , as I'm only 6 years younger than my brother . Our father passed away due to brain cancer when I was only 11 . He was only 40 . And I've been working full time Since. Anyway , I have to get back to reality , say a prayer for my brother , and father-in-law. Thanks Bill , God bless you and yours.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад +1

      Praying Now for your Family Bill! God May be allowing Satan to test you But God Himself dosen't Test. The Bible says the rain falls on the just and the unjust. I believe its all just part of living in this fallen sin filled world. God is not Moved by need, If he was there woulden't be 1 starving child, Beaten Wife or Abused person ! God is moved By Faith and Prayer! Keep Praring, Trusting, Loving And Serving Him and You will begin to see his hand in all these things. He will Exchange Beauty For ashes and What satan Intended for evil He will make good!

    • @jc1608
      @jc1608 6 лет назад +1

      Bob Kelly , amen brother ! I understand that , let me share my testimony , Jesus has never let me down. When I was 6 years old , I fell off a table , and belly first hit the concrete , I screamed and cried , my mother didn't t know , she thought I was running around, tripped and may have knock the wind out of myself. I wouldn't stop crying , so she gave me a bath , and took me to the hospital and said my son fell and he's complaining about his stomach. They took me in , gave me an x-ray , and I had a ruptured spleen , and internal bleeding , my belly was 3/4 full of blood , I can taste the blood coming up my throat , they stuck tubes up my nose down to my stomach , and stuck me w iv s , and put me in the waiting room for imediate surgery , and while I was in the room waiting crying in pain , there was this green lounge chair next to my bedside , and Jesus Christ was holding me , and he said my dear child , you have nothing to be frightened of , your going to be just fine , and he healed me , he told me to tell the doctor's , that he healed me and I did not need the surgery , the doctor's had no choice but to believe me as my vitals stabilized , they gave me another x-ray , and it showed I was healed , the doctors notes state there findings and what happened, and states my abdominal findings subsided , aka I was healed. I still have the doctor's reports , On this same day , my father was in the same hospital , 7 rooms down from me getting brain surgery , on his cancerous brain tumor. It also states this on my docs report . That my father was also a patient , my father was diagnosed when I was 3 , I grew up watching him deteriorate , one day he dropped in our drive way having a grand mal seizure when I was 9 , I ran over and broke a branch off a tree, and I stuck it in his mouth to hold his tongue back , so he wouldn't swallow it or bite it off. And ambulance came , We took care of my father until I was about 11 , until he was crippled , he was wheel chair , and only had use of one arm , couldn't talk . It got so bad we had to put him in nursing home. I just joined little league , and got a new battery, glove, ball , I went to see him , and i wheeled him outside , it was sunny , grass was green . I put the glove on his good hand , and took 3 steps back and tossed him the ball and he caught it , then I took the glove and gave him the ball. He tossed it to me , and I caught it. That day , I seen the peace and glory in his eye , that he knew that he would be in peace soon. The sparkle in his eyes , the smile in his face. That was the first and last time I played catch with my dad , he past away the very next morning . And I have been working full time since , to help support the house hold. It's been a rough life just getting by , now I have 3 beautiful children , my son Elijah , was also healed , while he was in the womb , they found a spot on his brain , meaning he could be born with problems , so they scheduled us to see a specialist two weeks later , I took up my crucifix and I prayed my heart out in tears for two weeks straight , I had every good heart I knew praying for my boy , and we went to see the specialist, and while she was in there , the spot disappeared , Jesus answered my prayers that day and our boy is healthy and normal , I thank him daily for our lives. And the past week ive been praying for my brother. I prayed Jesus would visit him , And guess what , he woke up today , and he is himself , same sense of humor , his left side isn't as strong , but he's been sleeping since Monday. He's not 100% but I know he is going to be just fine. I'm taking my kids to go see him for the first time tomorrow. I have a few questions to ask him. I can't wait for the answer. God is great , Jesus loves us. Faith I have , only takes the faith of a mustard seed to move mountains. I wanted to be an architect , but had to work and pay bills , I'm a carpenter like jesus , a pro builder. I just have better tools for building, Lol ...
      Thanks for reading , thanks for the prayers Bill , God bless you and yours !!

    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад

      JC #1 Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

  • @janiceklepitch6383
    @janiceklepitch6383 Год назад +3

    I just saw your video from 6 years ago. Tomorrow marks the 26 year anniversary of my ruptured aneurysm. So many similarities. My neurosurgeon was running the Chicago marathon the next day. I was stable so my family okayed the surgery for the next day. It was a weekend and on Monday he had his full surgery team. I had a clipping. My results were amazing according to friends and family. God is good.

  • @spaceballs44
    @spaceballs44 5 лет назад +9

    I’m an AVM Survivor. I was 24 at the time I’m thankful to be alive.

  • @mirandafinch9806
    @mirandafinch9806 5 лет назад +6

    Thank you for this video. I had heard of this condition and last week my friend passed because of this this video helped me to better understand this and praise God almighty for sparing you, I pray for a total and complete healing for you and please continue to share your testimony with others, its remarkable grace and mercy.
    Bless you and your family

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад +2

      I'm Sorry for your loss. Thank you, God is so Good.

  • @jonathanscott1070
    @jonathanscott1070 Год назад +3

    Great inspiration Bob, just had a small rupture in my lower left lobe brain. Got rushed to the emergency room, where they check blood pressure, arteries, veins and couldn’t find it. So had to spend a week with blood in my head to absorb by itself, lucky not enough pressure to be in surgery. Even 6 weeks later they asked for MRI and are trying to figure what happened that caused a mild stroke, but are still trying to figure it out, but are glad the blood build up is looking smaller. So just doing rehabilitation to make sure I have recovery to go back to work. But hearing your story really helps me see hope in these type of situations. Thank you and god bless you for sharing this story.

  • @jaridshaw5883
    @jaridshaw5883 7 лет назад +7

    I just had an SAH 12 days ago. I'm am just finding out how serious it is. The statistics are scary! Watching your video made it that more real and brought me to tears.
    I only spent 9 days in the hospital. I didn't have surgery. CT scans, MRI's and an angiogram. I stayed in ICU for 7 of the 9 days basically being monitored and medicated. The blood has settled in the base of my spine which has caused me a great deal of pain. I am currently typing this in my recliner because laying completely flat in bad seems to intensify the pain. Makes it so hard to walk or sit or put pants on etc. doctor says it could last for months but said I am in the small percentage that don't have a disability.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад

      Jarid,So Glad you are ok! If no surgery how did they treat you?

    • @jaridshaw5883
      @jaridshaw5883 7 лет назад

      Bob Kelly with a lot of medication. They said they caught it in enough time even though they never found the source of the bleeding.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +3

      Thats what would worry me,Not finding the source of the bleed. So I'm assuming you did not have an aneurism? I have no idea how you stop bleeding inside the brain and keep it stopped with medication?! I would push for more definite answers or get another opinion. It sounds to me like a bandaid fix and not something i would trust permanently. Just my opinion

    • @jaridshaw5883
      @jaridshaw5883 7 лет назад

      Bob Kelly yeah it was non aneurysm subarachnoid hemorrhage. I've done some research and it kinda varies from person to person. The meds they gave me can stop the bleeding Of the blood vessels cause of their small size but an aneurysm is a ruptured artery as you know and is much larger and can only be stopped with surgery.
      I do go for a follow up in another month. I'll have a CT and MRI to make sure it has healed.

    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад

      Jarid Shaw Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

  • @sandycrowder8794
    @sandycrowder8794 5 лет назад +4

    Your video was inspirational. You gave me hope. My love of my life had a rupture 8 days ago and his recovery has been amazing and doctor said he has a great chance of a full recovery. He has been having sessions of coiling but will eventually need to have open surgery. To know you have had the surgery and have fully recovery gaves me great hope. Thank you for sharing you story. God bless

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад +1

      There is 1 thing for sure I know well. Brain Surgery is no joke! If the surgery does happen,recovery depends on many factors. General Health Condition,Age, body chemistry, Just to name a few.Having loved ones around to help thru the recovery process is huge. Praying for a Miraculous outcome!

  • @Michelle39516
    @Michelle39516 Год назад +2

    Another survivor here. Thank you so much for making this video. Your memory of it is so sharp and your retelling is so articulate. I can't remember much of anything including much of my stay in the ICU. So glad you not only survived it but are thriving. 💞

    • @63m37
      @63m37  Год назад +2

      Hey Thanks. This was my hope..to bring hope! How are you doing now?

    • @MsBeachboxer
      @MsBeachboxer Год назад


    • @Michelle39516
      @Michelle39516 Год назад

      Much better. Thank you so much!

  • @jowoodfield4245
    @jowoodfield4245 2 года назад +2

    Thank you, Bob. Inspiring.
    I am certainly one of those lucky ones having suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage; bled into the right hemisphere and miraculously here I am (with no speech movement cognition difficulties)
    All my faculties together - so how blessed am I??
    Thank you for sharing and for your hopeful sentiments…
    Just taking it one day at a time …it’s a slow road back right?
    But I’m literally smelling those roses now!
    Perth Australia

    • @63m37
      @63m37  2 года назад

      Thank the lord jo! Isn’t it wonderful to value every moment like never before in life!? In 5 days on the 8th, will be 7 years since my event. Forever changed and Thankful!! Blessings From North Carolina!

  • @Gloriazumba10
    @Gloriazumba10 6 лет назад +7

    Thank you, my grandmother is currently undergoing her craniotomy. You gave me more reassurance. Prayers welcomed.

  • @josephriddle1365
    @josephriddle1365 6 лет назад +7

    You have an amazing story! I'm from Fletcher, NC so it was cool to hear you're from Asheville. I live in Baltimore now. My wife had a ruptured aneurysm 2 months ago and got clips. She had another aneurysm rupture a week later and got the coil. She'll be out of the rehab facility at the end of the month. I am going to show her your video and when we're back down in Asheville I'd love for her to meet you. Physically she is recovering at an amazing pace. The cognitive will be the struggle but she's a tough girl and she'll get there! Thank you so much for this video!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад

      Joseph, I would love to meet you and your wife when you are in town! what is your wife's name? I would like to add her name to my prayer list! She will need her loved ones now more than ever. Please let me know if there is anything specific you/her need prayer for. Blessings, Bob . my cell # is 828-231-0966

  • @minakshisharma3586
    @minakshisharma3586 4 года назад +6

    Your story really touched my heart. I am so glad you survived, thank you for sharing your miraculous experience. My uncle suffered a Subarachnoid hemorrhage last night and had some kind of procedure. I am so scared for him. The doctors say that the next 3 weeks are really critical. Your story gives me some hope.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  4 года назад +1

      Wonderful! This was my intention in making this video!

  • @mariekelly191
    @mariekelly191 8 лет назад +4

    We are eternally thankful for your healing son and for those who took care of you. We are so blessed. Love you

  • @yaulandaf
    @yaulandaf 4 года назад +6

    Thank you, your words are very encouraging. I had my brain accident 6 weeks ago. Its been tough.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  4 года назад

      Perfect, Once again why I made this video!

  • @briancomolli4387
    @briancomolli4387 8 лет назад +8

    absolutely incredible testimony God bless you my friend

  • @novaxqf6399
    @novaxqf6399 7 лет назад +8

    my mother has subdural hemorrhage caused by mva last dec 1 2015. She had gone craniotomy and tracheostomy. She’s been in coma for about 3 months. Today almost 2 years since accident she’s still bed ridden, not able to get up and speak but she can move her extremities. Idk how long it will take for her to become normal again. But I trust God He will help her and us.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +1

      Thats a tough deal! I am confident however that God can and will move for her.
      What is her name? i will pray for her.

    • @novaxqf6399
      @novaxqf6399 7 лет назад

      +Bob Kelly Elma ronco. Thank you so much.

    • @juscelinocarmo8564
      @juscelinocarmo8564 6 лет назад


  • @WelcomeTooo
    @WelcomeTooo 6 лет назад +6

    I’ve had 2 clipped brain aneurysms(first one ruptured) back in 1988...... I’ve been fine ever since thanks to my quick thinking local doctor who bent my head forward while laying down and it caused so much pain he knew it was an aneurysm. Thanks for sharing your story 👍🏼

    • @breannedixon9712
      @breannedixon9712 2 года назад

      Three years late but my mom had signs of aneurysm but the doctors took it more serious than she did.
      She went home and it ruptured. Somehow luck would have it my Grandpa was staying over, and heard her fall so she was immediately treated
      Not sure about prognosis yet but doctor doesn’t think it’s fatal. She’s stable after less than 24 hours now which is a good sign but who knows

  • @gusserone1865
    @gusserone1865 5 лет назад +4

    Thank you very much for the video my mother died on November 30, 2018 of a subarachnoid hemorrhage, she was also at work and died within two hours of the event. God bless you

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад +1

      I'm so sorry you lost your Mom. These events are very serious

  • @marijaxoxx
    @marijaxoxx 5 лет назад +7

    Thank you for sharing your story, I'm very glad to hear you're doing well

  • @shaunna6673
    @shaunna6673 7 лет назад +8

    Amazing story of hope and recovery. Thank you so much for sharing!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks! Your comment is exactly why i made this video!

  • @maureenjanousek9088
    @maureenjanousek9088 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for your story...it helped explain alot...I had a ruptured aneurism w coil repair and a hemorragic stroke in March 2019...2.5 months in the hospital. I also have gone through a deeply spiritual total change. Still healing but doing pretty good. Best wishes to you!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  4 года назад

      maureen janousek when you say spiritual change, what do you mean?

  • @athenaathena77712
    @athenaathena77712 6 лет назад +18

    Praise God for this miracle thank God ! Phew! God is good amen!

  • @groovygrapegramma7161
    @groovygrapegramma7161 5 лет назад +1

    I am a Survivor of 2 Brain Aneurysms. Just got out of a 2week stay at @Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary. I am home now. One ruptured, but got them clipped in time to Save My Life. Thanks Goodness for My Son for calling the Ambulance. I am on the mend now. Luv YOU guys. The ✌My Surgery was Dec.31,2018.

  • @pkaboo7832
    @pkaboo7832 7 лет назад +3

    Actually, I'm really glad you made this video! I am one of those extremely rare people that had it as bad as it was, but still ends up surviving. I have had specialists shrug and say they didn't know what to do for me next. currently I am under no Doctors Care. I have been feeling the pressure increase daily with no way to reprieve it, and I just watched your video, and I am going to call on Monday. You said something about the stiffening neck that nobody has talked to me about. The tough thing was, I didn't get to hear any of what happened. I didn't find out until after, that my husband (at the time), had a firm belief that he would not tell me what had happened; so the doctors told him, and he wouldn't tell me. So I have had no idea what happened. I have ordered my med/hospital papers, and I will try and go over them again. My initial bleed was May 24th of 2010. So I am coming upon the 7th anniversary. I have never met another person who has undergone what I did.
    I read what you commented. Mine is a titanium clip. It was a spontaneous bleed.
    Sorry, this is scattered, I'm suddenly very thoughtful. I just want to say thank you for what you've made.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +2

      Pamela, Praise God you are ok! There is a special reason you are still with us! If you would like to communicate more you can email me at fladeepdiver66@yahoo.com

    • @pkaboo7832
      @pkaboo7832 7 лет назад +1

      Thank you!

  • @LilaSatori
    @LilaSatori 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing! 🙏
    Also a survivor here (40 yo). Aneurysm raptured this september (2021/9/8).
    I had extreme and sudden headache and stiff neck like you and my forehead was sweating like crazy, but I could still walk normally.
    I went home thinking it will pass, but that night I realized I can't pronounce some words and got really scared.
    I went to the emergency, but they sent me home saying that it's all because of high blood pressure, gave me some pills and refused to scan my head.
    I was at home enduring this for four days and then went to the emergency again. This time I somehow managed to make them scan my brain and the bleeding was descovered.
    I had a surgery the next day (they transfered me to another hospital), craniotomy/clipping procedure.
    Right now I'm still healing, but have no side effects. 🙏
    Feeling very, very grateful!
    Someone was definitely watching over me. Thank you guardian angels! 💗

    • @breannedixon9712
      @breannedixon9712 2 года назад

      My mother is going through this right now
      We’re in the beginning stages so not sure if it’s a full recovery yet (it happened 10/26/21 around 6:00AM)
      Doctors say she’ll be awake it a couple days

    • @LilaSatori
      @LilaSatori 2 года назад

      @@breannedixon9712 So sorry to hear that. At least you know that surgery went well and without complications (judging by your comment). Be brave and hang in there, now her body needs time to heal. I hope everything will be ok! Sending you and your mother a big hug and lots of love. 🙏💗

  • @gerihester264
    @gerihester264 7 лет назад +2

    I too am a survivor of a four-vessel hemorrhage that was followed by a stroke in 2015. Today, I am finally seeing some light at the end of tomorrow's tunnel. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me...may God continue to bless you, my brother in Christ!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +1

      Geri, I am so Glad God moved for you! Let this event change you in ways you never thought possible! Be His hands and feet everywhere you go!

  • @jacobhawkinsmusic
    @jacobhawkinsmusic 7 лет назад +7

    I have a friend who was hospitalized yesterday after suffering from an brain aneyurism. This video helped me :)

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +6

      Jacob, Do you believe in the power of prayer to The creator God? He can do amazing things to help your friend

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +3

      Jacob, How is your friend now?

    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад +2

      Jacob Hawkins Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

  • @Chuchutrain806
    @Chuchutrain806 2 года назад +2

    I am so happy to see recovery stories like this. 🙏🙏🙏 My 25 year old brother had a SH after his Pfizer vaccine.. 4 weeks in ICU after his life saving operation, then got another bleed and had another life saving surgery.. now two weeks on, doctors can’t explain the bleed and the SH, they refuse to investigate Pfizer link but can’t say what else caused it… he’s so young hurts so much to see him not be able to stand, breathe or eat. He still has a tracea for breathing and feeding tube. Praying he recovers. He is still in ICU. He is so young and was such a fit kid always playing sports, it’s so sad. I cry everyday. Please send prayers.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  2 года назад

      I am so sorry about your Brother! What is his name , I will pray for him? The jab is pure poison and evil by demonic influence!

    • @Chuchutrain806
      @Chuchutrain806 2 года назад

      @@63m37 his name is Tim. Thank you 🙏

    • @redbird5056
      @redbird5056 2 года назад

      @@Chuchutrain806 how is Tim now? 🙏 that he is in recovery.

    • @soyaa5817
      @soyaa5817 2 года назад

      @@Chuchutrain806 How 's he is now ?

    • @Chuchutrain806
      @Chuchutrain806 2 года назад

      @@redbird5056 he is still in ICU

  • @melissasilva7181
    @melissasilva7181 6 лет назад +5

    I was diagnosed with 2 aneurysm at the same time, thankfully I was diagnosed on time only because I knew something was wrong with my balances and my headaches. No ruptured but yes coiling , I still have one more left in my brain and I constantly live stress free because I know I only have 1 life

  •  4 месяца назад

    Thank you for sharing. My wife had an aneurysm ruptured, a coil was put in. She still in icu. They are treating her for vacospasms. She hasn't had one in a couple days. I have been worried sick about her recovery and you have given me some hope

  • @ОлексійПроцайло
    @ОлексійПроцайло 2 года назад +1

    Thank you is not enough. Simple, direct and honest language. With love and respect from Ukraine .)

  • @Lovelee2105
    @Lovelee2105 7 лет назад +12

    Hey heeey...LeeAnna Kelley here....12/2/16 i had a brain aneurysm rupture as well. It wasn't my time either. 32 yrs old. Single parent of an 11 yr old girl. Lemme tell u brother, prayer changes things!! God bless u

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +3

      How are you now,fully recovered? Yes Prayer does change things! Blessings

    • @Lovelee2105
      @Lovelee2105 7 лет назад +1

      Bob Kelly for the most part I'm all better. A little problems with memory and other small head issues but I'm alive. ALWAYS room for improvement ☺ Shoot me an email so we can chat. I have some questions....if you don't mind. lovelee2105@gmail.com

    • @pializares7664
      @pializares7664 6 лет назад

      I just turned 33. Survived a ruptured MCA aneurysm Feb 2018. Miracles happen!

    • @TobeyKai
      @TobeyKai 6 лет назад

      leeanna k Tenya Iida I’m so sorry to hear that. I survived, barely but I did. Subarachnoid haemorrhage January 2018. And now I make music to raise awareness and funds to help people. I’d love to share my music with you, have a listen on my channel and let me know what you think. I wrote “who are you” for people like you and me. 💜. Love.

  • @thevegansons1713
    @thevegansons1713 3 года назад +1

    I had a ruptured brain aneurysm June 2020. I had the coil and it was successful. However I'm still on siezures meds. I have an MRI and brain scans next month. I'm so happy to be alive even with my difficulties. I'm 37 with a 4 year old son.

    • @soyaa5817
      @soyaa5817 2 года назад

      may god bless u n ur son

  • @KristyW72
    @KristyW72 3 года назад +1

    I thank you again for sharing your story. I told you mine months ago. But was needing support tonight badly. I have no one to talk too but always return to your vid when in need of a reminder of just how truly blessed we are. Thank you Brother and GOD BLESS. I pray all is well your way.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  3 года назад

      Good to hear from you. Sorry, just saw this. Praying for you this afternoon.YES we are blessed! I am well thanks. Feel free to call me if you fee compelled. Bob 828-231-0966

  • @chris4883-e9f
    @chris4883-e9f 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for sharing. My wife went in for the very same symptoms as you had, but it was 2am in bed. She's currently recovering from the coil(it took) , and they are prepping her for a shunt early next week to offset the fluid build up as the catheter currently in her head the flow has not abated nor cleared up. The biggest thing right now is we have beat the odds, she has zero deficit,. We still have a long road as she's recovering from this latest event and and full knee replacement that was performed in June 2019. Thankfully, they have brought in a PT for her knee four days a week. I'm just humbled by all the support and love we have received from our circle of friends. God bless you, and pray for her and that she recovers without incident.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад

      I will pray. What is Her Name?

  • @kismypencek6185
    @kismypencek6185 3 года назад +1

    Good to hear your experience. Thanks for the pep talk support. The powers knew I was struggling today and needed this!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  3 года назад +1

      GOD, Jesus and The Holy Spirit are the only power you need to know about and the only one's with any Actual power! Thanks For the comment!

  • @oniquestubbs8087
    @oniquestubbs8087 6 лет назад +1

    I am onique was 21 year old pregnant when a stroke, I remember I went to see my baby doctor but she never check my blood pressure so I went home then had a bad headache. Went to the hospital and 1st hospital couldn't help me than take my child before I die since they told me that the vessel/vein not working and that gave a stroke or death. After 1st hospital took my baby, they had to get a elecaptor to take take me to a better hospital. I spend 6 months in the hospital after I getting a stroke and a shunt in my head keeping me a life, seizures from the stroke I had. My son is not healthy but we are happy to be alive and well

  • @moristhetiger
    @moristhetiger 4 года назад +4

    Thanks for the story Bob sir. Certainly made me more aware of this thing. I am studying to become a doctor.

  • @caraknapp910
    @caraknapp910 4 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for sharing your story, and for giving God the glory! Our God is marvelous!

  • @daisyvickers4271
    @daisyvickers4271 6 лет назад +2

    My dad was one of the unlucky ones he recently passed due to a SAH on the 31st July 2018. He went to hospital on the 28th and had a second bleed unfortunately that night which made him 100% worse-he didn’t wake up once and relied on the breathing tube the whole time. The doctors said he won’t have felt anything after falling on the floor at home and being rushed to hospital. May he rest in peace❤️

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад +2

      I'm truly sorry for your Loss Daisy.

  • @zetteg5413
    @zetteg5413 6 лет назад +2

    Thank you for sharing your experience..
    My sister had brain aneurysm ..she's 57...she was operated (2 clips)..but still in Coma...she had another operation to decrease the Swelling, and tracheostomy last week... it's been 2 weeks now that she is Not awake...please pray for her.

    • @zetteg5413
      @zetteg5413 4 года назад

      she passed away a few weeks after i wrote here..😔.. Oct 19 was her 2nd death anniversary..

  • @bettekavalec1454
    @bettekavalec1454 5 месяцев назад +1

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS!! May God continue to bless you on your journey!❤️✝️🌷🕊️

  • @mrsmcdowell02
    @mrsmcdowell02 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for your video, my mother, is in the ICU after having a SAH two weeks ago. It is a horrible roller coaster, but we place our hope and trust in Him and are praying for complete recovery.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  4 года назад

      What is her Name? I will join with you in prayer for her complete Recovery!

    • @mrsmcdowell02
      @mrsmcdowell02 4 года назад +1

      Bob Kelly Genie. Thank you. Finally out of the ICU, but still not fully alert.

    • @jacobbalfour3793
      @jacobbalfour3793 2 года назад

      @@mrsmcdowell02 how is she doing to this day? My mother is in hospital right now recovering

    • @mrsmcdowell02
      @mrsmcdowell02 2 года назад

      She is doing very well! You honestly wouldn’t know anything happened to her if you didn’t know this happened. She has no real lasting effects. She spent a total of 9 weeks in the hospital (she only remembers the last 2 weeks) and it was awful at the time and we were told she wouldn’t survive at one point. We give God the credit for healing her. I am sorry to hear about your mom and will be praying for total recovery for her as well.

    • @jacobbalfour3793
      @jacobbalfour3793 2 года назад

      @@mrsmcdowell02 thank you

  • @mssoliman465
    @mssoliman465 4 года назад +2

    Godbless, I survived the SAH/ craniotomy clipping too this June 2020, made me stronger in faith and appreciative of the bonus years alive 🙏

  • @morpius-nwo7385
    @morpius-nwo7385 2 года назад

    I am a 5% er , I developed a terrible pain in my stomach and I beleive this caused the aneurysm, I drove myself to the ER and was given morphine that killed the pain, but upon entering the ER I passed out in the lobby scraping my cheek bone so the doctor ordered a scan and from there all hell seemed to break loose I was then transported to University of Colorado hospital and was given a coil the next day ...I had no headache and zero effects from the bleed which had filled my entire brain ...the doctor said I was a walking talking mirical ...its been 6 weeks and I am home just after 21 days ..I believe God kept me here for a reason. thank you for your video !! I go for a look at the area Wednesday the 25th going in through my groin prayers would be appreciated and thanks again .

  • @annemiller561
    @annemiller561 5 лет назад +3

    God Bless You !! I am in the 5% !! I am so blessed the 5 % is so blessed !!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад

      YES YOU ARE !!!

  • @Ai_humThong
    @Ai_humThong 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you for your positive words

  • @ronoreel9025
    @ronoreel9025 7 лет назад +1

    Praise God! He is good!!!
    I just watched your video. May 8th, 2012 was my SAH. Hit me in the shower. Severe Pain, Neck lock and a call out to the Lord. Took a few hours for my wife to talk me into the hospital visit. Like you, getting sick made the pain worse. The local hospital immediately had life-flight take me to Vanderbilt. 17 days in Neuro-surgical intensive care. Scans and a couple of angioplasty procedures and no damage found and no residual effects. The blood showing in the scans vanished. Prayers went up across this country for me and my family. Like I mentioned, He is Good. I was released directly from NSICU to go home. I am now on a 2 year cycle for a follow-up scan and they continue to be clear. Even my headaches are far fewer than from before the event. I too, have turned my faith life up and seek Him daily. May God continue to bless you as you share His glory through your story.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад

      YES praise him !! I am so glad your ok Ron! God will continue to use this event in your life to draw others close to himself! I am so glad you found this video and that it brought you some encouragement!

  • @JennapherLawson
    @JennapherLawson 6 лет назад +4

    I had one on Memorial day 2006. I just had an incredibly intense headache. I went to lay down and try to rest it away, and apparently slipped into a coma. I was there for several hours until my husband noticed I was stiffening and called 911. I remember nothing until July 4th that same year. Sometimes I honestly feel as if I have fully recovered, sometimes not. LOL Great job on your recovery.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад

      Wow!! You had a miracle for sure! Did you Have the clipping procedure done/ How do you feel/function now?

    • @JennapherLawson
      @JennapherLawson 6 лет назад +1

      The vessel was a tiny protusion of the choroidal artery that was fortunately heading away from my brain, so they were able to find it and clip and cauterize it pretty quickly once they found it. It took me nine years to ride a two-wheeled bike, but I did it. ;-) Mostly now I have memory problems, some issues with hearing, vision and attention. I deal more with emotional issues and exhaustion than anything else these days.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад +1

      I Am sorry to hear that< But at least you survived! I will Pray for your complete Restoration!

    • @JennapherLawson
      @JennapherLawson 6 лет назад

      And I for you!!!

  • @bluehaze516
    @bluehaze516 7 лет назад +3

    To God be the glory!! So glad to have watched your story.

  • @anitaparker6213
    @anitaparker6213 6 лет назад +3

    Thank You so much for sharing your story.

  • @IIoveasl10
    @IIoveasl10 6 лет назад

    I had two surabchnoid hemmorhage at the age of 5 in 1969. in Los Angeles. I was 5 years old. I cannot remember anything....to this day.I had a2 ruptured aneurysms. I was clipped. I listen to hese RUclips videos. I am fascinated to know that you people can remember. As you say, I was lucky! I am physically handicappedon the right side/ left hemisphere...and you know what? I live indepedently, and do everything by myself. Good continuation, David

    • @63m37
      @63m37  6 лет назад

      Good for you!

  • @sherbearb.1593
    @sherbearb.1593 5 лет назад

    I had an aneurysm on my 58th birthday, Dec. 2018. I also had to get a clip. I was in the hospital for 18 days and exactly one week after I got home, my mother passed away from liver cancer. It has been two weeks since I came home, and I am having an extremely hard time coping with the loss of my mother, (my best friend), but also coping with what has happened to me. I do not remember the event itself, but feel lucky as I do not have any slurring of words, am able to walk and use my hands. I do get tired easily, and some confusion. I cry all the time and have no interest in much of anything. I do feel God has plans for me and I praise Him and thank Him for sparing me, but yet the depression seems to be swallowing me whole. I don't know how to cope and I so want to feel "normal" again. I want to thank you for your sharing of your story. It gives me hope. Hope that all will get better and that there is a tomorrow for me.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад

      Sherbear B, You are Correct in saying God moved for you! I say I'm Blessed,Instead of lucky,as I feel luck is simply when preperation meets chance. Welcome to the 5% club,We are a small crowd!! As far as your recovery, give it some time. You are already Way ahead of most people in your recovery! God made your body to heal, However after disturbance of brain tissue the process is a bit slow.Getting tired and some degree of confusion is normal after such a traumatic event.Remember the enemy will come against us in the time of our greatest weakness. God for certain has Big plans for your life!Trust in him and read your bible daily,listen to praise music when you feel down.Call a friend and ask them to come over and bring you lunch, or jut have coffee. DON"T isolate yourself! I had my own struggle with this. I am sorry for the loss of your Mother and Best friend,Both of my parents have passed since my event And Losing a loved one is never easy, especially after such an event. Think about this. God had an answer, before we ever had a problem! There is a tomorrow for you and God has planned it!! Blessings!

  • @tallywhistler
    @tallywhistler 7 лет назад +5

    Bob, thanks so much for sharing your story. You have done so well in such a short timescale I'm sure you'll give hope to others. Well done.

  • @CatsRule2024
    @CatsRule2024 6 лет назад +2

    I'm glad you're ok. God is good. 💙

  • @lindaott1860
    @lindaott1860 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for sharing! I have no memory of my event, but the coil worked for me. I still struggle with endurance and pain in my ear. Otherwise doing okay! God is good!!

    • @63m37
      @63m37  4 года назад

      I'm Glad your ok Linda! how long ago was your event?

    • @faaronrivas9526
      @faaronrivas9526 4 года назад

      Make sure u follow up either every 6 months or every year to have that coil checked. Stay blessed

  • @isesise2658
    @isesise2658 5 лет назад +1

    Please pray for my mom if you don't mind. Her name is Gloria. She had a aneurysm that burst and is currently in a stage they call the "locked in syndrome," where she is fully aware, but can't move her body voluntarily, but will move with pain stimulation and when touched firmly. Her eyes are opening more, but she can only see you if you stand in the direction she is facing in.
    If you don't mind, sir, please pray for her.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  5 лет назад

      Praying for Her right now! Update us on how she is doing.

    • @isesise2658
      @isesise2658 5 лет назад

      Bob Kelly - May The Most High God bless you, and I will keep you updated!

    • @isesise2658
      @isesise2658 2 года назад

      @@soyaa5817 - Man...this brings back the feelings I had writing this post.
      My mom actually passed August 14th 2019.
      She did wake up from the coma and improved each week, but the aneurysm left her with a lot of complications, which eventually led to her passing. She survived 9 months after the aneurysm.
      Thank you for asking!

    • @soyaa5817
      @soyaa5817 2 года назад

      @@isesise2658 I'm sorry ...she had surgery ?
      I've also lost my mom due to Aneurysm brust ....it's so much hurting me ..I'm only 15 year old not able to tolerate this Pain 😭

    • @isesise2658
      @isesise2658 2 года назад

      @@soyaa5817 - Yes she had brain surgery. The surgeon did a good job, but it wasnt enough....After all the surgeries, the feeding tube, the trachea, a tube in her head to drain excess brain fluid, and another tube they had coming from her stomach...I believe it was too much on her body.
      I'm glad I had a chance to care for and spend time with my mom for a few more months before she passed.
      I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Tears is coming to my eyes as I type this because I know the pain, but I know your pain have to be a lot worst than mines because I was 29 when my mom passed. I was well into adulthood already.
      Your still a child, so I know how you feel have to be greater.
      When did your mom pass?

  • @ronaldchampagne8455
    @ronaldchampagne8455 7 лет назад +12

    I'm part of that 5% also.An aneurysm on the branch of the left vertebral artery burst.When it burst it was like phhhhttt in my head.I felt a liquid flush across my brain.That was in 1989.Today is 2017. The only side effect I had that lasted about 8 years was that I couldn't stand the sound of water splashing around.For example:I couldn't stand the sound of how water splashes around when doing dishes.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад

      That is amazing Ronald! Did you have there clipping procedure?

    • @ronaldchampagne8455
      @ronaldchampagne8455 7 лет назад +2

      Bob Kelly yes.My wife told me that they let me lay in a stretcher from 6pm to 8 am without doing anything to me.They were actually waiting to see if I would die.
      I finally was taken into surgery and the aneurysm was clipped.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +1

      oh my goodness! that doesn't sound good! Thank God your alive!

    • @ronaldchampagne8455
      @ronaldchampagne8455 7 лет назад +3

      Bob Kelly I'm happy for you as well.
      Did you suffer any I'll effects? I remember waking up in a multi patient room.They were either mumbling incoherently or swearing all the time.
      As for myself,I went through a short period of about 1 or 2 days when I wanted to say something but ended up saying something else.Eg.I remember trying to say thank you to my nurse and instead saying fuck you."
      I would ask her why the hell did I say that.? She always showed compassion and explained I was healing.She had a good sense of humour.
      What I found the hardest to deal with was the stigma attached to having brain surgery.
      I found myself having to explain to friends,aquaintainces,etc.that I wasn't brain damaged.

    • @63m37
      @63m37  7 лет назад +6

      i have no ill effects from the event or surgery. I did kind of loose my motivation while i sat at home healing,and sleep was a problem for awhile. But i am completely recovered. People who haven't seen me for awhile say Im the same old guy. I too have to tell people I am fine. Sometimes people who know about the event speak loud and slow to me… I just laugh and do it right back and tell them I al 100% and there was 0 damage !

  • @latricepreston9060
    @latricepreston9060 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you Sir this gives us hope , were thankful. My son n law had surgery for a brain hemorrhage last night and he’s still a sleep, there waking him up slowly today this was very encouraging.

    • @chipurBillWhite
      @chipurBillWhite 4 года назад

      Latrice Preston Hoping he’s done well.