Road to Covenant: More Than Just a Bride

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 92

  • @Honeyluvssteph
    @Honeyluvssteph 10 лет назад +6

    Well God just revealed to me from this video that even in my singleness I can still serve my future husband... God knew us all before he formed us in the womb so he knew my husband and me as his wife so I have a calling to serve my mate even before I meet him and I am referring to prayer! I can be attentive to his needs through prayer even before we are led to each other!! Thank you Sheretta!!!

  • @Fabulosity84
    @Fabulosity84 10 лет назад +10

    During my (long) season of preparation, God had been calling me to surrender the pen of my love story to him and to flee from fornication and sexual immortality. I would feel crazy convicted when I would read blogs or posts on waiting on God's perfect timing when he presents a mate. To stop having sex and doing other sexually immoral things that did not honor Christ. I used to be the woman that didnt believe that a Godly man can pursue her heart and love her as Christ loves the church. That a man would want to court me and have us honor God together. God led me to your videos (which led me to others) and through your obedience, you've shown me that it is absolutely worth the wait. You guys have gave me hope that there is a man who desires marriage and wants to be obedient to Christ and not only court with the purpose of marriage but who will honor God with me. Thank you for your ministry. It has truly blessed me.

  • @roseennin1149
    @roseennin1149 10 лет назад +2

    Hello Sheretta and Brandon, love your channel and what you all stand for.
    This week I began to go back over Proverbs 31 in my devotionals. The verse that stuck out to me was vs 13. Lesson learnt: learn to develop raw materials into amazing master piece. Sometimes you ask God for financial blessings but He gives you an idea instead. Work it out with your hands.

  • @JuvyG
    @JuvyG 10 лет назад +5

    I've been going through a really anxious season in my life now. My little sister is constantly getting back and breaking up with her abusive boyfriend who is too old for her, I'm having a lot of family and financial issues, and most days/weeks I am so sad and too depressed to get up from bed. I have no close Christian friends or family and am unable to be plugged into a church until I finally get my license this winter break, so God has been pressing me harder to go deeper with Him and showing me how me I need to spend time with Him every day. I know that's an obvious Christian thing to know, but sometimes we slack off and are blind to how Christ is our air to survive this life. Thanks for the videos, God bless! :)

  • @uknowuwannalaugh5031
    @uknowuwannalaugh5031 10 лет назад +3

    Recently, God has revealed to me this simple principle: discovering your purpose is absolutely essential before deciding to choose a mate. This made a lot of sense to me... if you are a man who is supposed to be leading the family with no vision/direction/purpose, the relationship is already starting off as a disaster. And also, if a woman doesn't know who she is/her gifts/purpose, how does she know what man she will be able to be an effective helpmate to? Bottom line, before entering into a relationship, both the man and woman must be two individuals who have a clear understanding of and are actively working on God's purpose for their lives!

  • @reeses2377
    @reeses2377 10 лет назад +5

    God has revealed to me that I need to submit and trust in him wholeheartedly! I think i am but every aspect of my life isnt surrendered to him, he is also showing me the beauty of contentment and being still where i am and not comparing myself to others or trying to move ahead to fast. I need to learn and do what it is he wants me to complete in this season of my life before I move to the next one.

  • @tonesa-monaemunnings5885
    @tonesa-monaemunnings5885 10 лет назад +1

    Hey guys, as usual this video was awesome. In this season God has taught me so many things that have literally wrecked me!. Firstly, I've been saved for over 6 years and this year God showed me that I spent most of those years having a relationship with the church rather than with Him.I was a part of every ministry in my church, serving consistently. But when the praise team stopped, the sermon was done and the church doors closed, there end my relationship with God for the week until the following Sunday or Wednesday service. This year God told me that he's after more than my talents he's after my heart. He told me that he needs me to minister to people and change lives but I can't do that if I don't know Him and by knowing Him I must know his word. For the past few months I've been praying for God to give me a burning desire to seek him in every way possible, and my prayer was indeed answered. My desire for getting to know God and his word has totally surprised me. My outlook on life and my purpose in my life has drastically changed. I've grown to a place where anything that is not of God brings a bitter taste to my spirit. He's truly changing me, even now He's using various persons in my life to test me and mold into the person God needs me to be so that I can reach his people. My prayer life has also changed its no longer a routine things, its now a time of intimacy for me and God. I'm just amazed at what God has done in my life and the persons I've come into contact this year. The thought of next year startles me because I know that He's got more up His sleeves! ....You guys have been very instrumental in my process of change, although the series was based on courtship you guys also make verrrryyyyy valid points about what the lifestyle of a Christian should be like!...Love you guys, I'm praying that God continues to bless this union.
    -YourBahamianSubbie (:

  • @jamiesaintpaul1877
    @jamiesaintpaul1877 10 лет назад +4

    God has revealed to me the importance of letting Him be in control in every aspect of my life. I used to try to set up situations that would allow certain things to happen without even asking God I it was His will. I now know that God will allow everything to fall into place if and when He has called things to happen.
    Btw I loooooooove your videos they've been such a blessing and I've learned so much about what to look for when I eventually enter a relationship.

  • @MrsBreonnaJBaker
    @MrsBreonnaJBaker 9 лет назад +1

    The Lord has really been working on me for these past six months. I recently parted ways with a four year relationship and it took a lot for me to get to a content place with being single. God really revealed me to myself over the summer. I really had to get back to a solid foundation with him. This timeframe has shown me to trust in God and I cannot put all my trust in people. I'm just blessed to know that I am not the same person I was four years ago and I'm definitely not the same person I was at the beginning of this year to now. I can truly say I have been changed and God is bringing me to a higher place of praise. I'm getting back to that place of living for him and not self.

  • @klarielizgrubb7596
    @klarielizgrubb7596 10 лет назад +12

    He's been telling me to wait and not look for anybody, it gets lonely at times specially if youve been single for awhile and never have been in a real relationship with someone, I know God has awesome plans for me! Because we've gone through a lot and he has been turning me into the masterpiece that he created me to be. ♡ i love you guys!!!! ♡

  • @TyBannister
    @TyBannister 10 лет назад +4

    God has revealed to me to trust Him in all things and follow Him. He's showing me that although things may be hard and I may not understand why at the moment, that he has greater plans for me and has my best interest at heart

  • @phdgirl2016
    @phdgirl2016 10 лет назад +2

    Thanks again for another great video! In my walk thus far, the biggest lesson I have learned is to give my all to God, not simply in word, but in action. It has been my "nature" to stress about school, finances, friendships and family. For most of my life, I would pray and feel calm, only a few hours to later to let stress overwhelm me again! Now, in order to myself in a position to receive the Spirit and give my worries to God, I try to spend more time in God's presence and completely shut down thoughts of the flesh, worries, concerns and stress when they come up. Galatians has helped me with this :)

  • @nneoma1027
    @nneoma1027 10 лет назад +3

    God has been teaching me how to wait on Him alone. Not exactly fun, but absolutely necessary.

  • @shaniibear12
    @shaniibear12 9 лет назад +3

    Recently, The Lord has revealed to me the power of faith. He's been testing my faith so much this whole month & it's been a struggle. Yet, I can feel my faith becoming stronger in him & I've really been believing the things that I read in his word. I can tell that he's preparing me for something great, but I have to increase my faith before I can receive it.
    I'm so sorry this is so long, but thank you for the opportunity to share this with you all! You two are such an inspiration to me! God bless! ❤️

  • @yeboahm5
    @yeboahm5 10 лет назад +1

    God has been showing me to fully trust him with every aspect of my life. There have been numerous occasion where life get hard with little to no hope, but each time I go down on my knees and pray to God shows his abundant mercy and favor to me. God has been teaching me to acknowledge him in all my ways from the little to big issues and also to hope in him. He gave me the grace to leave my ungodly toxic relationship, and he is preparing me to be satisfy in him whiles he prepare me to be a godly woman.

  • @linasmith8784
    @linasmith8784 10 лет назад +1

    God has been revealing to me the importance of being grateful and discipline within these last couple of weeks. Learning to lean on him and trust him more and more.
    Love you both! Such an inspiration and you have really helped to shape my outlook on christian dating !

  • @ChannieLaBelle
    @ChannieLaBelle 10 лет назад +4

    Lately, God has been showing me that contrary to my belief, I am good enough, I am valuable & deserving of that true love of the man of God that He has for me. I've been learning that though I don't have the material things, I have much substance to offer my future spouse and to those around me. Im learning to embrace the fact that I am who He says I am!
    Thank you for sharing your light as always! Grace x Peace.

  • @ChinyereVictorious
    @ChinyereVictorious 9 лет назад +4

    I've been watching your videos from the beginning because I wanted my next relationship to be a Christian relationship. However, the more I spend t time with the Lord and watched your videos. It revealed to me that my relationship was the opposite of a Christian one.. I thank God that evening he led me to your channel. Continue these videos, and congrats again on your engagement 😊😊😊

  • @Rumbabaaa
    @Rumbabaaa 9 лет назад +2

    This week God has revealed to me that I need Him every hour. He has shown me that dying to self every day is important in order to effectively serve and represent Him everyday

  • @phoebe100100
    @phoebe100100 10 лет назад +1

    Well, I'm nearing graduation ( 3 days!) and upon reflecting on the past few years, I'm learning that God has a unique path for each one of us and that that path is not always what we expect. On hindsight, I'm glad He's the one who forges my path because it couldn't have been better. So essentially, I'm learning to trust him in all my plans and to realize that comparison is futile because my path is unique.

  • @TheCourt2000
    @TheCourt2000 10 лет назад +1

    I recently learned to trust and wait on God wholeheartedly. Instead of worrying.. Pray when that feeling arises. I have learned to catch myself .. And just trust. Also communicating more with God and building my relationship with him.
    It also has been revealed that when God is talking to you listen. I had to make decision based on faith at work & I know I had to trust God. Then a couple months later, I received confirmation on my decision. I was thankful and grateful that I had the courage to make that decision.
    Overall I just learned to trust God & not worry what others may think or say.

  • @deena-kaytomlinson7802
    @deena-kaytomlinson7802 10 лет назад +1

    Heeyy! Yes. The Lord has been teaching me a whole lot about courtship, marriage and just platonic relationships lately. I've had pretty bad examples of marriage when i was younger but i am realizing that 1) marriage was created by God 2) Love is not just a feeling but a commitment and a choice, which makes it a covenant. It may seem simple but maaaann that has been an eye opener this past year and a blessing!!
    God bless you guys :)

  • @nnelson4557
    @nnelson4557 10 лет назад +2

    really insightful. i think a lot of women are afraid of the idea of serving their husband. but if you see it in the biblical way, of serving your fellow brother in Christ, it means so much more than the earthly idea of servitude . great video
    God has been instructing me to prepare myself for marriage. i have never seen myself as a woman who would be a wife and mother, but continually God is showing me not only that He would like me to take on that role, but that in order for me to do so, i have to prepare myself. He has shown me to respect the process. to be patient and diligent in my personal preparation, as well as the bible study and prayer with my boyfriend. He's working on me and has been showing me that i need to move out of my own way, get out of my own head and allow Him to show me the woman He wants me to be

  • @VoOnitha
    @VoOnitha 10 лет назад +1

    First of all I want to say Thank you!!! You guys truly are an inspiration, especially to people like me who hope to one day be married but truly wish to do it in a way that honors God. I am so grateful for this past year in particular, God has always knocked on my door but it was until this year that I realized how much I truly need Him in every aspect of my life. I have made a commitment to serve Him the best I can, now that I am single I want to be more involved in the church, with my friends and and family. Back to answering the question:
    Upon deciding that I wanted to trust God with every aspect of my life, I was still a bit nervous about the future, my future spouse to be precise. I really pray that He sends my way a man that truly loves Him and has a true desire to serve, honor and grow through Him. One day I was home alone and I started thinking. How would I know when he came my way? All of the sudden I got worried, I started thinking about my church and how I don't see men my age (early 20's) and I don't see anyone I find attractive. I know that's not the most important part but it worried me. I calmed down and told myself that I wasn't ready for marriage right now either way. But going to bed, once again I had that thought in mind.. "Most of the men you find attractive aren't believers, when was the last time you saw a handsome guy at church?" I prayed and went to sleep. Then in my dream, I was walking down this narrow road when I saw a book on the ground on the top it said "SAMUEL" I kept walking but it stuck to me. The following morning I decided to go back and re-read Samuel, I believe God communicates in every way possible to get us to understand. It took me a few days to finally get to the part that put all my worries to rest. There, both Saul and David were chosen by God and both were described as beautiful. My bible is in spanish, not sure if the translation in english is any different. But to me, it meant so much. Especially when I re-read that men see the outward appearance but God sees the heart. I know that God truly loves me, I feel it every time I pray and He sends me peace that fills my voids and worries. I know God will come through when the time is right, and that His best for me will be better than I can possibly dream of. I see you guys, handsome Brandon and beautiful Sheretta, and the part that makes you both more beautiful is your dedication to the Lord. It assures me that God is perfect in every aspect and so dedicated to our lives. I no longer worry about it, right now I am focusing on growing in my faith, becoming a Godly woman, and I ask God to mold me into the best woman I can be. Each and everyday I know He is working on me and I am so grateful for it.
    Once again Thank you for your videos! For going against the gradient of this crazy-modern world and to be an inspiration for us who at times thought it would be impossible to find people who are willing to love you through Christ and honor you so. I am still taking baby steps in my faith but I am excited for the day where I'll look back and see how it was all well worth it! :) God bless you both!

  • @ChOsEn7VeSSeL
    @ChOsEn7VeSSeL 9 лет назад +1

    Love the videos!! Such a blessing!
    Thank you!
    God is teaching me to trust His perfect timing and is revealing His sovereignty.

  • @steveescott9408
    @steveescott9408 10 лет назад +3

    I truly enjoy watching all of the videos. May God continue to use the both of you!😊 One thing God has revealed to me on my journey so far is that He has me hidden for a season. In this season, He is preparing me for His work, will, and way. In this season, He is purging me from things that can't go into the next chapter in my life. I'm enjoying the experience and trusting Him for He is my life planner.

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      Stevee Scott Hey!! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing with us. Your name has been randomly selected as a giveaway winner (!!) so please email us at so that we can mail the book to you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) Be blessed!

    • @steveescott9408
      @steveescott9408 9 лет назад

      Yay! Praise God. Will do😊

  • @katelinparks9536
    @katelinparks9536 10 лет назад +1

    God has revealed to me recently that I just need to believe and keep on fighting. I am going through a rough patch, so it is good to know that He is still there and I'm not in this by myself.

  • @pamzah4Christ
    @pamzah4Christ 10 лет назад +3

    Hi guys, great insights Sheretta!
    God has been showing me how important it is to be and feel complete with just myself and HIM. I have been learning that if I go into marriage expecting my spouse to complete me I might be disappointed, expecting a lot from my spouse and being unfair to him. He is human too saved by grace. My saviour is Chris and He alone can fulfil the desires of my heart. If I don't let him do that I wont be able to appreciate my spouse for the gift that he will be because I will constantly be wanting him to be the saviour. God alone completes and it is in my completeness that I will be a blessing to my spouse. Truth is you cant give what you don't have. Marriage is not a loneliness cure, its ministry and just like any other ministry one has to prepare for it. After salvation, a choice of spouse or who you get married to is the most important decision and it has to be made from the right place; with understand, contentment and right expectations. The question is will I be 'okay' if God does not give me a husband!!! I am learning!!
    Thank you guys for your transparency, keep on being vessels for the King!

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      Pam Mol Hey!! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing with us. Your name has been randomly selected as a giveaway winner (!!) so please email us at so that we can mail the book to you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) Be blessed!

    • @pamzah4Christ
      @pamzah4Christ 9 лет назад

      Worth The Wait Yippie, Thank you guys so much. I just emailed you! I hope I am not late!!
      Stay Blessed!!

  • @preciousgem021
    @preciousgem021 9 лет назад +2

    You both are a blessing. I stumbled upon one of your videos last year as I had just started courting and had some questions . The book you recommended had been such a blessing to my relationship and our understanding of Gods purpose for our courtship and soon to be marriage;). Continue to allow God to use it because it truly gives God the glory and helps others who are moving in the same direction or desire to do so

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      +preciousgem021 Hi! Wow I’m so thankful you were led to our channel and you’ve found it to be a blessing and helpful resource. Congratulations on your soon to be marriage!! :) May the Lord be with you both as you are preparing for this holy covenant and we pray you may experience all the love, joy and peace that God has for His children!

  • @gdlovesme3168
    @gdlovesme3168 10 лет назад +1

    Good morning to the both of you! It's funny that you guys chose to ask that question for the giveaway. I just finished sending a text to my sister about God revealing something to me. Right now, God is showing me that I need to increase my compassion. I never really sat down and analyzed that aspect of my life. I've created a small circle of people that I am compassionate towards. That's great, but I'm starting to realize that that is not what Jesus did nor is it what he calls us to do. This morning a thought came to my mind. Imagine how different things would be if God was only compassionate towards a small circle of people. Imagine how different our lives would be. Starting now, I am aiming to increase my compassion towards everyone not just my family. Thank you for your videos. I'm not quite sure how I came across your channel, but I truly feel that I've been blessed by watching you two. Thank you again!

  • @amoreexcellentway6773
    @amoreexcellentway6773 7 лет назад +1

    My wife told me about your channel and it has been refreshing to hear your insight. I have not watched many of your videos yet, but I look forward to watching them all. We are working on doing more to help address the biblical role of marriage and how to thrive in marriage from a biblical perspective. It would be cool if we could all link up in the future.

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  7 лет назад

      Hi James! Thanks for supporting the channel. We'd enjoy connecting with you all as well. Feel free to send us an e-mail at and we'll work something out. Take care and God bless!

  • @oliviamillet7998
    @oliviamillet7998 10 лет назад +1

    I love the videos you all post, so first I just wanted to thank you two. Second, after watching and praying, God has revealed to me that I need to seek Him first and foremost before I even think about a romantic relationship and that who He has for me won't pursue me until I am grow more in Christ.
    God bless!

  • @Missyay18
    @Missyay18 9 лет назад +1

    I love how transparent you two are. I follow you two on here and IG. I think you two are apart of an amazing movement. I just want to say thanks for sharing your lives with us all. I have been in my Singleness for almost two years now. I have learned that God did this for a great reason. I must say in my past I did identify myself by who I was attached to. So I see that God has been getting rid of unGodly soul-ties and making me a new creation in Christ. I am happy to say that I'm in a better place and so full with joy to see what I will be learning from God each day of my life. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you two. I pray that you two not only stay on this path that God has for you but also that you two continue to share your lives with us. I enjoy seeing people who aren't trying to be like this world and not afraid to stand out. God bless you two.

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад +1

      yahtru1ne Hey!! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing with us. Your name has been randomly selected as a giveaway winner (!!) so please email us at so that we can mail the book to you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) Be blessed!

  • @mariabalogun
    @mariabalogun 10 лет назад +1

    Hey I watch these videos because it helps me aswell as my partner grow together and individually, in Christ. He has revealed soo much to me however what stood out to me the most was his lesson on being a virtuous woman. I have learnt that in order to have the best relationship with your partner you need to have a great relationship with the father. I once heard a story of a man, who is now a pastor, who's wife always attended bible study during the week and Sunday service. He was not a believer of Christ however she always prayed for God to touch his heart. One day she was going to getting ready to go to bible study but her husband stood before her and demanded that she does not leave, she said to him that she loves him but she is going to bible study. Then he replied, if you leave this house I will lock the door. she repeated what she had previously said and left.
    When she returned that night the door was locked so she slept outside by the foot of the door. When her husband woke up. He opened the door to see his wife outside. She rose up, kissed him on the cheek and asked him what he wanted for breakfast lol. This changed him forever.
    See it is only God that changes the hearts of men and we just need to give our lifes to him so he can use us. Her prayers were answered because she seeked first the kingdom of God and trusted him with her life and marriage. This also goes hand in hand with having the spirit of gentleness. Our response to things matters and as women/ children of God having this attribute is si significant.
    I am currently reading a book called 'The proverbs 31 woman'.

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      maria balogun Hey!! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing with us. Your name has been randomly selected as a giveaway winner (!!) so please email us at so that we can mail the book to you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) Be blessed!

  • @Lizzyw2
    @Lizzyw2 10 лет назад +2

    These videos have been a amazing! God has been revealing that his plan for me is good.

  • @taj2962
    @taj2962 10 лет назад +1

    Watching this channel from the beginning has really helped me through my journey of singleness. Throughout my life I always had someone to keep me company even when I knew the relationship wasn't healthy. Right now I am doing what I can to clean my self up in my singleness. I'm currently reading another book that you guys suggested called "when God writes your love letter". This is a really interesting book and although I'm not currently in a relationship it's helping me to prepare until that time of courting. I really appreciate the videos that you guys make and I pray you guys prosper in your engagement and in your marriage.

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      Tiffany Johnson Hey!! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing with us. Your name has been randomly selected as a giveaway winner (!!) so please email us at so that we can mail the book to you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) Be blessed!

    • @taj2962
      @taj2962 9 лет назад

      Thank you so much. I sent an email

  • @KianaMcKenzie
    @KianaMcKenzie 10 лет назад +1

    Thank you for the opportunity. One thing God has revealed to me in my walk is that his time is the best time.... I use to be in such a hurry for everything... but I have learnt that being patient and trusting in his perfect timing is less of a burden than sitting miserably worrying. now I just place it all in his hands and I wait on him. its definitely worth the wait when you let go and let god

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад +1

      Kiana McKenzie Hey!! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing with us. Your name has been randomly selected as a giveaway winner (!!) so please email us at so that we can mail the book to you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) Be blessed!

    • @KianaMcKenzie
      @KianaMcKenzie 9 лет назад

      Worth The Wait Thanks guys... I sent you an email! *happy dance*

  • @buutifuleyes
    @buutifuleyes 9 лет назад +1

    This message is veryyyy important. Thank you for sharing these valuable and often forgotten content. It was a blessing added to my faves. This vid is my 3rd vid viewing your channel and I happily subbed. #helloBlessing

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      buutifuleyes Yay for a new subbie!! Welcome to our channel and we truly appreciate your support :) God bless you!

  • @feliciamichelle7669
    @feliciamichelle7669 10 лет назад +1

    I have learned to truly show love to others and to be patient in any situation. Patience is still a big one for me but I'm learning everyday to rest in God's timing.

  • @katherinegayle3338
    @katherinegayle3338 9 лет назад +2

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I hope you guys have a long and prosperous marriage. I have watched all of your videos and love how much love you guys have for the Lord. I just wish for you all to continue the word of god and inspire others how you have inspired me. From Kat live you'll!

  • @mbei522
    @mbei522 9 лет назад +1

    Love your videos. Thank you both for sharing what the Lord is teaching you. It is a blessing to me and have loved watching your videos since I found your channel yesterday. Lately the Lord has been opening my eyes and giving me understanding on what marriage really is and the purpose of it and understanding how to have a godly relationship. For now I am enjoying my singleness and this season of growing and learning until the Lord wills for the season to change. God bless y'all.

  • @valerie5365
    @valerie5365 9 лет назад +1

    God is definitely revealing to me that as I'm on this journey with school and other areas of my life, that I must be patient and trust Him. I get caught up in trying to figure things out and wanting to do things myself, but God never intended for me to lead myself! And in seeking Him and want He wants me to do, I have to be intentional about spending time with Him and building our relationship. I love Jeremiah 29:11 but this morning I kept reading until verse 14. He lets us find Him when we search with our whole hearts. So I want to be adamant about seeking God with all of me. And that's when He will reveal His plans, etc. to me.

  • @edots53
    @edots53 10 лет назад +1

    God has been showing me what it means to fully surrender and how to trust Him. Its been hard but I know He knows what is best for me . God bless you both :)

  • @leratomatlhebegoane2318
    @leratomatlhebegoane2318 10 лет назад +2

    I believe that God is teaching me to trust in His plans for me; and not to compare myself with others. He is teaching me to look to Him; and to rest in the knowledge that He is my loving Heavenly Father, even when I have no idea what the near future holds on important aspects of my life...and to trust that His timing is perfect. More than that, I believe that God is teaching to be joyous and hopeful as I wait (and not to wait impatiently). And that the mandate on us to love and serve does not go away when we are going through things. Like most believers, I have a good theoretical understanding of all of this, but it has been hard to faithfully practice all that this through the struggles I'm currently going through.
    I get very anxious; and get panic attacks sometimes. And the Lord is also teaching me not to be anxious, but to cast all my worries onto Him by praying - continuously, fervently, honestly, about everything.
    Ps: Thank you sooo much for your channel! I woke up and got a phone notification that you guys had uploaded a video and I can straaaight here before doing anything else. lol! You are both such an encouragement to us single folks :) Hehe. You're both in my prayers as you prepare for marriage. Love you guys xx
    - Lerato, ALL the way in South Africa!

  • @Elleohlo
    @Elleohlo 10 лет назад +2

    In my journey with the lord, I'm learning to lean on Him and trust Him instead of running to people

  • @CreationOfTheCreator
    @CreationOfTheCreator 10 лет назад +1

    I can say that the Holy Spirit has been telling me that I need to pray for my bf more instead telling him certain things. I have to pray, trust, and focus on God and allow Him to change some things up instead of me going to my bf and waiting on him to make a change based off my discontent request.

  • @cassandragibbs7237
    @cassandragibbs7237 9 лет назад +2

    Hi both of you guys...i bless God for u because God is showing me wat i can have if i just waot on God and get closer to God...God is teaching me threw you on how to wait in my singleness...God is preparing me for my MAN of God he has just for me..its very encouraging to see young couples keeping God FIRST in everything..GOD should be the most important priority in our life...i know one day i will have my just enjoying watchn how God is working in ur blessed keep living for JESUS..THANK u for making videos on courtship i really needed to see this...

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      Cassandra Gibbs Hi Cassandra!! Thanks so much for watching and encouraging us! It’s truly a testament to God just providing an opportunity to share what He’s done in our lives with others. We praise Him that you understand that your worth is not in a relationship, but rather in Christ alone. We encourage you to remain patient as God prepares the way for whatever it is that He has in store for you. You will be in our prayers sis! May God bless and keep you!

  • @dvntsmh
    @dvntsmh 10 лет назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us! God bless you both :)) God has been showing me how helpless I am without Him and that He is the reason for all good that may be in me! There cannot be any boasting in myself because Im hopelessly sinful apart from His grace! Alsoo, He's been showing me what affection really is and what is most important when finding a mate. He's showed me that charm is deceptive and beauty produces no results but character is what really matters, someone who's heart is fixed on God! He's awesome wooh. Have a wonderful day!

  • @arinthomas321
    @arinthomas321 10 лет назад +1

    God is showing me in my life now that my life is bigger than myself. For example, me and my boyfriend have been courting for a year and 3 months but we dated 5 months before and with us being close to graduation and a lot of our friends are getting engaged and married, I feel like we are "behind in life" and I have been getting really impatient and discontent with my season. However, God is revealing to me that marriage is about more than us. It takes a lot of trust, dependence and responsibility which I need a lot of growth and work on in those areas. Its about living for Him and not just pleasing my selfish desires. It's about living for Him and glorifying His name through my individual life as I am still "single" and individually and collectively with my future husband. Thank you both for your great example!

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      Arin Thomas Hey!! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing with us. Your name has been randomly selected as a giveaway winner (!!) so please email us at so that we can mail the book to you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) Be blessed!

    • @drenicapinckney8564
      @drenicapinckney8564 9 лет назад

      I want a bookkkkk!! haha

  • @anandamelae4832
    @anandamelae4832 9 лет назад +1

    The thing I have really learned is to date with a purpose and to not be afraid to express my love for God in a relationship

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      Ananda Willingham Hi Ananda! Amen - we’re so thankful that you’re learning and growing in Christ. At times, we may feel pressured into not making God a “big deal” in a relationship but we know that God is so personal and loving that He really desires to be involved. Stay encouraged and not afraid to keep Him at the center! We’re praying for you :)

  • @brittanyboone485
    @brittanyboone485 10 лет назад +1

    Hi Sheretta, It seems like you all were just engaged! You and Brandon are wonderful and I love your relationship. Through these videos I see that it is possible to be faithful to God and be committed to someone else. So often we hear about Godly women but society typically states that those women will have to either compromise to have a relationship or they will be single for the rest of their lives. I've been single for years now and I am okay with it because I know that He has a plan for me and He knows the desires of my heart but every now and then I wonder if it will ever happen for me and if and when it does will I be ready for it. My prayer has been for Him to prepare me to be a fit wife and mother, deserving of one of His sons. Lately, He's reminded me that my life and times are in His hands and to not despise small beginnings.

  • @chitubechi
    @chitubechi 9 лет назад +1

    This is the first time I am commenting on a video lol anywho lol I truly feel God is leading me to learn more about being a Godly woman in and out of a relationship. I've been single for a few years now and I thank God everyday for my contentment in this season. Truly have learned so much about about everything in me and round me. RUclips recommended me to watch Dating with Purpose which then lead me to you guys and it all has been a blessing. I love how you guys are a real Godly couple, with real issues and real test and real breakthroughs. Its really been such a blessing watching you guys. I pray Our Heavenly Father continues blessing and building you both together and individually.

  • @karenhall4087
    @karenhall4087 9 лет назад

    Sorry to have missed your giveaway... I have managed to get my hands on three of the books that you both recommended - The Purpose Driven Life (own), I, Isaac, take thee Rebekah and The 5 Love Languages (borrowed), but I haven't yet found this one...
    My Lesson: I have always wondered about how to be in a Christian relationship, and what that would look like, and was so pleased to come across your Worth the Wait series, which I've been enjoying and really feel blessed to have found this 2015!

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      Karen Hall We're sorry you missed it too! By God’s grace we’ll have more in the future! Have you tried searching on Amazon? That’s where we’ve always ordered it from in the past. Thank you for sharing what God is revealing in your life. We love hearing the many, powerful stories of how God continues to work in others’ lives. We're simply blessed to even be able to share these stories so we're really touched that you've found them helpful. God bless you!

  • @DeborahM116
    @DeborahM116 10 лет назад +1

    God is revealing to me that I need to grow in my capacity/willingness to be transparent. Hes challenging me to be more honest and open with people, especially those most close to me. My reluctance to do so strips God of the glory that he deserves, when I fail to be real about my struggles, difficulties etc. I fail to show people his redemptive power over my life.

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад +1

      Deborah M Hey!! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing with us. Your name has been randomly selected as a giveaway winner (!!) so please email us at so that we can mail the book to you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) Be blessed!

    • @DeborahM116
      @DeborahM116 9 лет назад

      What great news! I'll email you all right away! Happy new year :)

  • @BeauTCravez
    @BeauTCravez 9 лет назад

    such a GREAT refreshing truthful video. I am also engaged and I can relate to you in so many ways.. PLEASE continue to make more informative videos such as this. youre blessed sis

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      ***** Congratulations on your engagement!! And thank you for watching :) I’m so thankful it was a blessing to you! I will keep you in prayer that God may continue to shower you with wisdom and favor as you prepare to become a wife! Enjoy this journey - xoxo

  • @ZadayStyle
    @ZadayStyle 9 лет назад +1

    great channel, is very good to me , thanks.

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад

      Zaday Style Hi there!! We’re so glad to hear that. It’s all for the glory of God. Thank you for your support!

  • @yayraa.6047
    @yayraa.6047 10 лет назад +3

    I love your videos !! I have been reminded lately that life is not a joke and I must pick a side and stay on it 100%. We are either following Christ or we are against Him. Those who are against Him. are missing out on this earth and beyond. But if we decide to follow Him, we must follow Him 100% , even 90% will not do. In the end , Christ is the only one who matters , not people. not career , not reputation or whatever else that takes my focus away from Him. Christ deserves my 100% and nothing else.

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад +1

      Yaba Amen Hey!! Thanks so much for commenting and sharing with us. Your name has been randomly selected as a giveaway winner (!!) so please email us at so that we can mail the book to you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) Be blessed!

  • @loisemat98
    @loisemat98 10 лет назад +2

    God has been revealing to me that it is more blessed to give than it is to receive, you are more fulfilled and satisfied when you give in acts of kindness :)

  • @kwabeaadu-poku155
    @kwabeaadu-poku155 10 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for your videos!! They have been a source of inspiration and encouragement for me, and I believe God led me to this channel because He is teaching me something in this season (yet to find out, but I'm believing nonetheless). Anyways, what I believe God is teaching me now is to believe in Him and not in what I want, but in Him. I'm still praying and waiting on the Holy Spirit to help me determine what that means practically and how I can implement this in my walk. Nevertheless, I know my steps are ordered and that God is directing me in the way I should go. There's a song that's speaking into my life right now by Anita Wilson called "It's Done". I pray it speaks to you guys as you continue on your journey towards marriage. The lyrics are as follows:
    It's done
    What I shall be I already am
    It's done
    God has worked it out on my behalf
    My eyes may not see it
    By faith I receive it
    It will manifest
    It's already done.
    Stay blessed. Your ministry is spreading out its tentacles and touching lives in such a divine way. God bless you!

  • @christianeast5793
    @christianeast5793 9 лет назад

    God had really loved me and my family and Santa Clauss!

  • @sassytaf
    @sassytaf 7 лет назад

    truly helpful...especially on serving the body. my bf and I have been dating for 2 months now,we get so caught up in our individual lives so much that we forget how to be helpful to one another.. would you mind getting in touch via email?

    • @sassytaf
      @sassytaf 7 лет назад

      what God has been showing me through your journey in the few videos I've watched is how God is central in all areas of a believers life.with that how to honor Him in this season of courting remembering that that in itself is worship & that our chief end is to make much of Jesus (now as a single brother & sister in Christ dating intentionally).you have both been helpful in sharing practical ways we can both be abiding in Christ together and making his glory the goal

  • @DeborahMsK
    @DeborahMsK 9 лет назад

    What books would you recommend for those that are courting?

    • @WorthTheWait
      @WorthTheWait  9 лет назад +1

      Susan Deborahs Hi Susan! Here are some books that we personally read (either together or individually) before and during our courtship. Hope this helps! 1.) Holding Hands Holding Hearts by Sharon and Richard Phillips ; 2.) Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship by Joshua Harris ; 3.) When God Writes your Love Story by Eric & Leslie Ludy ; 4.) I, Isaac Take Thee Rebekah by Ravi Zacharias ; 5.) The Purpose Driven Life by RIck Warren (we read 1 chapter a day together and discussed) ; 6.) Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman (we read this after we were sure that God was calling us to be married to one another)

  • @Rkrkrkyu
    @Rkrkrkyu 7 лет назад

    good things comes to those who wait on the lord where relationships. is concern.

  • @DevineLoved
    @DevineLoved 6 лет назад

    If u don’t always agree how did u know he was your husband then?