My pony has 2 front feet that are very clubbed. I have had her for 8 years and she has never had a lameness issue. However, about 6 months ago, after a trim, she became completely lame. I noticed that she had been trimmed way down and I attributed that to her lameness. It continued. My vet took xrays and said because she was born with club feet, her coffin bone was already rotated to a certain degree and the trim changed her angle and put more pressure on her toes. Still all this time later, she is lame. I have gone long periods and not trimmed her hoping she would grow more hoof wall. Not happening. I tried glue on shoes, but she has so little hoof wall, they would not stay on. I've tried boots with padding and they helped for a while, but lately, she seems to be hurting even with those on. I have noticed that she is leaning way in on one side and her knees looked puffy so I've been giving her bute for that. It's a day to day struggle to make her comfortable. I'm wondering if casting (suggested by someone with a foundered horse) would help. Your thoughts? I hate seeing her in pain. She already has to stay in a bare paddock because she's allergic to the grass molds. She is such a sweet little girl, I hate to put her down but hate seeing her hurt too!!!
My pony has 2 front feet that are very clubbed. I have had her for 8 years and she has never had a lameness issue. However, about 6 months ago, after a trim, she became completely lame. I noticed that she had been trimmed way down and I attributed that to her lameness. It continued. My vet took xrays and said because she was born with club feet, her coffin bone was already rotated to a certain degree and the trim changed her angle and put more pressure on her toes. Still all this time later, she is lame. I have gone long periods and not trimmed her hoping she would grow more hoof wall. Not happening. I tried glue on shoes, but she has so little hoof wall, they would not stay on. I've tried boots with padding and they helped for a while, but lately, she seems to be hurting even with those on. I have noticed that she is leaning way in on one side and her knees looked puffy so I've been giving her bute for that. It's a day to day struggle to make her comfortable. I'm wondering if casting (suggested by someone with a foundered horse) would help. Your thoughts? I hate seeing her in pain. She already has to stay in a bare paddock because she's allergic to the grass molds. She is such a sweet little girl, I hate to put her down but hate seeing her hurt too!!!
Good diagrams, would have liked a few more examples. Compensation injuries to look out for probably a whole other video! Thanks.
My pony has 2 severely clubbed feet in her front. Thankyou