Hello, What is the purpose of a slightly modified reply signature? I can't see what the difference is between your two, or why anyone would want them to be different.
Some people have a simplified signature on their reply, for example just their name and disclaimer (depending on the industry). Whereas on new emails they would have a full signature that would include everything that you would see on a physical business card (phone, email, website, address, maybe even a promotion of some sort).
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i am using web outlook, on the setting page there is no signature tab. How can i bring signature tab on the setting page?
Hi Amy,
How do you get the signature in a calendar invitation?
Ps: I use the new version.
Hello, What is the purpose of a slightly modified reply signature? I can't see what the difference is between your two, or why anyone would want them to be different.
Some people have a simplified signature on their reply, for example just their name and disclaimer (depending on the industry). Whereas on new emails they would have a full signature that would include everything that you would see on a physical business card (phone, email, website, address, maybe even a promotion of some sort).