  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • The Book of Life is often discussed but is little understood as part of God's plan. The Scriptures refer to it often:
    1. MOSES KNEW OF THE BOOK OF LIFE Exodus 32:32 "Yet now, if You will forgive their sin -- but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written." (NKJV)
    2. GOD ACKNOWLEDGES ITS EXISTENCE Exodus 32:33 And the LORD said to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book. (NKJV)
    3. IT SEEMS TO START WITH ALL WHO LIVE Psalm 69:28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, And not be written with the righteous. (NKJV)
    4. GOD HAS A PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Daniel 12:1-3 "At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands [watch] [ Jude; Rev 12] over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, [Matt 24; Mk 13; Rev 6] Such as never was since there was a nation, [Even] to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, [Zech. 12-14; Rom. 9-11] Everyone who is found written in the book. 2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, Some to everlasting life, Some to shame [and] everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever. (NKJV)
    5. CHRIST TAUGHT IT AS A CAUSE FOR SECURE REJOICING Luke 10:20 "Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven." (NKJV)
    6. PAUL ASSOCIATES IT WITH BELIEVERS IN THE CHURCH Philippians 4:3 And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names [are] in the Book of Life. (NKJV)
    7. CHRIST WARNS AND PROMISES IN RELATION TO THIS BOOK Revelation 3:5 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. (NKJV)
    There are four views. I believe the fourth is best:
    1. This is a poetic, figure of speech called litotes [li-to-tez] that means 'to affirm something by denying it's opposite'. [lenski, Morris, Swete, Alford]
    2. This is an allusion to a civic birth record erasing those who die. [Moffat]
    3. It refers to one losing their salvation. [Lange]
    4. It refers to a book containing all humanity who have possessed physical life, but are erased at death after having rejected Christ. Those who do receive Christ have their place confirmed by Him. [Walvoord]
    Thus this book of life is seen as a source of security for all true believers. In the city of Sardis, the locals would have understood the backdrop:
    Thus when you think of the Book of Life think of security.
    Look back at the text. There are three clear truths to take with us.
    1. We KNOW Satan is the Adversary. "out of the bottomless pit"
    2. We ARE Citizens of Heaven. "dwell on the Earth"
    3. We HAVE a Secure Salvation. "names were not..."
    Now, let us dig deep and learn truths that transform us.
    (FHA-66; 931114PM)
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Комментарии • 381

  • @johntrevett2944
    @johntrevett2944 Год назад +6

    Anyone that thinks they can lose salvation doesn't believe the gospel. I love how God gives people enough rope to twist passages out of context to their own demise.

  • @chanteldaley5074
    @chanteldaley5074 Год назад +26

    I love the Lord so much, I'm sorry for my sin O Lord😢 so sorry 😢 please forgive me😢

    • @jamesfloyd1864
      @jamesfloyd1864 Год назад +4

      Bless your humble heart. Jesus didn't come to save the righteous; He came to save the sinners who say to Him exactly what you just said and mean it and live it.

    • @colejackz
      @colejackz Год назад

      The bible says your looking for man’s attention and you got your reward.

    • @philfoster8789
      @philfoster8789 Год назад +1

      Chantel: I beg you not to believe any self-righteous modern Pharisee you may come across; instead, I hope you may find comfort in this scripture:
      Luke 18:9-14. (Beautiful - one of my favourites!)
      I think we're both more like the "publican" in our attitudes... and, surely, is that not what God responds to...?
      God bless you, sister,

    • @lindamacfarlane6817
      @lindamacfarlane6817 Год назад

      Sin is not the issue! Jesus took care of sin, past, present and future on the cross! The issue is what think you of Christ?

    • @lindamacfarlane6817
      @lindamacfarlane6817 Год назад

      Also 1 John 1:9 when you sin. Not repent, confess. Christianity is way off the mark these days. Confessing sin, acknowledging your sin and naming it without emotion puts you back in fellowship with God

  • @TheBibleExplorer
    @TheBibleExplorer Год назад +6

    This study from 1998 is still relevant 25yrs later... For the Lord and HIS scriptures never change...
    Thank you for reloading it...

  • @TROTS1
    @TROTS1 Год назад +64


    • @1969cmp
      @1969cmp Год назад +7

      ....but people can walk away from the faith or be decieved into a false gospel.

    • @briandewitt789
      @briandewitt789 Год назад +2

      Mhmm. Stay biblical, capslock.

    • @FaithAloneSavesForever
      @FaithAloneSavesForever Год назад +1

      @@briandewitt789 Eternal life by faith in Jesus Christ is biblical, unsaved devil.

    • @ericvogelsang7629
      @ericvogelsang7629 Год назад +4

      Satan believes........

    • @_familyMAN
      @_familyMAN Год назад +6

      @@ericvogelsang7629 does satan call on Christ as his savior??

  • @mattgarcia9687
    @mattgarcia9687 Год назад +5

    The issue has come up 4 times in the past few weeks. I am so grateful that my salvation IS reserved for me in Heaven!! Thank you Dear LORD Jesus!!!

  • @pedenmk
    @pedenmk Год назад +12

    I pray daily for our lords return. Your absolutely correct. The world is getting dark. Great episode Mr Barnett. Thank you.......

  • @shawnsturgeon1014
    @shawnsturgeon1014 Год назад +46

    You cannot lose your salvation because you cannot earn your salvation. If you think that you can lose it, you never had it. Once saved, always saved.

    • @colejackz
      @colejackz Год назад +9

      Hebrews 10:26
      For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins

    • @brucebarton8767
      @brucebarton8767 Год назад +6

      Matthew 7:21-27
      Not everyone that sayith unto me Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven...
      GOD wants OBEDIENCE.
      If you haven't changed your ways and asked for a new heart, understanding, compassion for others you may not be SAVED!

    • @Psalms144
      @Psalms144 Год назад +8

      ​@@colejackz that's true. Because Jesus Christ was the final offering for sin, we need no other.
      Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
      Isaiah 53:10‭-‬11 KJV

    • @thatswhatshesaid5419
      @thatswhatshesaid5419 Год назад +6

      Read Jude, how to keep yourself safe and not lead astray. And 1John. There are sins that lead to death and are unforgiveable, and sins which don't lead to death. The son of perdition will lead most astray. How can you be lead astray, if you aren't apart of it to begin with..?

    • @thatswhatshesaid5419
      @thatswhatshesaid5419 Год назад +10

      "Do not be deceived, lest you be lead astray"
      You can be deceived. You can be lead away from the way.

  • @ooshta
    @ooshta Год назад +11

    Thank you John. May God our heavenly father continue to bless you 🙏 ❤ ✝️🙂👍

  • @williamhanna5224
    @williamhanna5224 Год назад +8

    Good for you Olivia ! My wife and myself will be homeless after next month we are sure the Lord will take care of us as we have given our lives to Jesus.

    • @colejackz
      @colejackz Год назад

      Jesus says blessed are the poor and don’t forget Jesus himself was poor and homeless. You and your wife are coming into a blessing!

  • @Jerry-yc2gt
    @Jerry-yc2gt Год назад +8

    A SAVED person, who has their name written in the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE, can not be erased! Romans 8 : 38 and 39 makes it as clear as crystal! Forgo religion, accept the LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS THE CHRIST.

  • @Blokesy
    @Blokesy Год назад +1

    Oh lord how I pray everyday that I’m in your book and I pray that as many souls on this earth make their way into your book. Amen 🙏🏽

  • @rocketscientisttoo
    @rocketscientisttoo Год назад +9

    Praise God for His mercy revealed in this ministry to us, who deserve no mercy.

  • @judywilliams1928
    @judywilliams1928 Год назад +14

    AND...The Tribulation IS FOR THE Salvation OF THE Jewish Nation#! THEREFORE: Accept Jesus THE Christ NOW🙏🤲☦️🙏💙🇮🇱🏁

    • @Albert-hz6hu
      @Albert-hz6hu Год назад

      So… They will be subjected to another Holocaust …. But no one else will ? What is wrong with you people…. I’d like to hear why God doesn’t rapture or, hasn’t raptured the Christians in Nigeria , Kenya , Malaysia the Middle East in the Levant …. Let’s see the persecutions against Christians do not apply to American Christians because we’re exceptional is that correct ?… Great day in the morning… what kind of “pie in sky “ stories have y’all been listening to. No wonder the Churches of this nation are on board with the world and its business…

    • @msged2007
      @msged2007 Год назад

      That is a dangerous false doctrine you have there....

    • @judywilliams1928
      @judywilliams1928 Год назад

      @@msged2007 what makes you think so? It is when the Jewish ppl finally have their eyes opened to the Anti-christ, 3 1/2 yrs into the Tribulation, that they will understand that the One they have pierced was their TRUE LORD & KING; God Almighty, and be Saved!

    • @Albert-hz6hu
      @Albert-hz6hu Год назад +2

      @@msged2007 How so ?

  • @GiftofGrace88
    @GiftofGrace88 5 месяцев назад +1

    Ephesians 1
    13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
    14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

  • @pmd7771969
    @pmd7771969 Год назад +16

    No one can lose there salvation

  • @kittty2005
    @kittty2005 Год назад +1

    1day and 1 night, the day was a day like no other I was invited to go to the Star community bible school to study the bible and I went, we studied the gospel of john, then we prayed, then there was an alter call and I heard a voice not like the preachers asked me to go up and ask Jesus to be my Lord and Savior and to come into my heart to dwell for ever, I was 15 years old and I had just recently come out to the preacher that I was gay ,he gave me some pamphlets and he and his son invited me to the study, I'm 70 and I have never forgotten that day and Christ as I was typing this reminded me of the coming out, not in a way of condemnation but as an old friend helping me to remember the events surrounding his Salvation, I so Love Jesus and 4 years later I heard a teaching of the baptism of the Holy Spirit by some young people a singing group from Calvary united methodist Church in owosso, michigan that were called the challengers. And that sunday evening at the age of 19 I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I remember the faces like they were yesterday.

    • @Kirkee7
      @Kirkee7 5 месяцев назад

      Are you still a practicing homosexual ?

    • @kittty2005
      @kittty2005 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@Kirkee7 no.

  • @robinshepard4571
    @robinshepard4571 Год назад +2

    Thank you , again for all you do to teach us about are Lord Jesus Christ ✝️✝️✝️🕊️🙏🌎💫🇺🇸

  • @originalmamagrizzly2478
    @originalmamagrizzly2478 Год назад +1

    He really is what i truly long for, amen

  • @briantaylor625
    @briantaylor625 Год назад +3

    Good Message Dr. Barnett,,,, very Encouraging Message

  • @Tonetwisters
    @Tonetwisters Год назад +2

    King James Bible
    And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10:28

  • @joedhall3424
    @joedhall3424 Год назад +18

    For starters, the Book of Life is not a list of those who have received the gift of eternal life which is by grace and not by works...and is by faith in and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. To say that someone's name could be blotted out a list of those who are saved....flies in the face of...sealed by the Spirit....and "There is therefore now no condemnation (judgment) to them that are in Christ Jesus....." Romans 8 : 1, Any teaching, belief, or doctrine that is not in harmony with all Scripture cannot be marked as the truth of God! GOD IS LOVE AND GOD IS GOOD AND HIS MERCY ENDUERTH FOREVER AND EVER!

    • @thebookofrevelationreveale4722
      @thebookofrevelationreveale4722 Год назад +3

      Well said! Thank you!

    • @nosretep1960
      @nosretep1960 Год назад

      Conceivably pre Pentecost.

    • @daystar4058
      @daystar4058 Год назад +1

      Amen! 🙏

    • @salettamyers8845
      @salettamyers8845 Год назад +2

      Revelation 22:15- none of you even thought about ones like Bruce jenner & many others- This channel will teach you if you just put your stones down & open your ears!

    • @patriciagrenier9082
      @patriciagrenier9082 Год назад +4

      Yes, GOD IS LOVE. HE IS also the SOURCE of all JUSTICE that is overseen by HIS INFINITE MERCY. HE WILL NOT BE MOCKED. To believe in JESUS CHRIST will not get you into HEAVEN unless you ACT PERFECTLY! Jesus said be PERFECT as the FATHER IS PERFECT. Even the devils believe in JESUS CHRIST, but all their actions are evil! So, GOD IS about Faith in Action. 🙏❤️🙏
      Don’t pick and choose BIBLE verses and “make” them contradictory. In the context of the paragraph, the real story. GOD DOES NOT CHANGE. The GOD OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IS THE JESUS, Man-GOD, of the New Testament. And as Jesus said to see HIM IS to see the FATHER. Truly GOD DOES NOT need a Book, it is for us a warning, a suggestion to choose HIM with our FreeWill.🙏❤️🙏

  • @jeffreywatkins641
    @jeffreywatkins641 Год назад +1

    Well done pastor John,I really needed to here all of that today,Thank you GOD FOR EVERYTHING.AMEN.

  • @1969cmp
    @1969cmp Год назад +4

    Galatians should be a warning to us all. Having believed the The Gospel and salvation by grace through faith alone, a believer can be decieved by 'another' gospel which is no gospel at all, be decieving doctrines. Thats why we need to be in the word and mindful not to be fooled that we cant be decieved or lured by temptation. If temptation wasn't a problem, the Epistles would not need to warn us of these as well as false teachers and false doctrines.

  • @cathelinam9064
    @cathelinam9064 Год назад +13

    Amen. Hallelujah for the truth!

  • @lauriesuzanne8848
    @lauriesuzanne8848 Год назад

    Thank you, Dr. Barnett, for such valuable and deeply informative lessons in Christ. Humble prayers are for you and Bonnie as you travel the globe in mission to spread the Word.✝️

  • @johnsutton581
    @johnsutton581 Год назад

    We were created and saved for God's glory. To show all of creation His righteousness mercy. Thank you Lord for your Son Jesus and the seal of our salvation which is Your Holy Spirit. All you saints please continue with your sanctification and fight the enemy through faith and the Lord's power.

  • @MAT-244
    @MAT-244 Год назад +1

    Very true. Many famous and respected Christians will be be SHOCKED to find out that their names have been removed from the book of life of the Lamb. Wealth, fame, power and PRIDE, DESTROY many who have been called but failed to overcome.

    • @philfoster8789
      @philfoster8789 Год назад

      If it's down to works, nobody will be saved - all will fail to overcome. Result: Heaven will be empty. (I know I won't be there, for sure!)

    • @10000Rays
      @10000Rays Год назад

      @@philfoster8789 The salvation IS received by faith ALONE. At the same time it is written in I Peter 1:15-16,
      15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in ALL your CONDUCT,
      16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”
      To my understanding, the salvation is offered by grace. Once we receive it, we are to uphold Lord Jesus' commandments. It is true people will be tempted, backslide, and think and do things that are out of alignment with God. So we are to repent to God and beside studying the bible daily to have our mind transformed, we are also to obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit that our thoughts, feelings, and actions emulate the Lord, is that correct? Else it will make a mockery of repentence and God's forgiveness, right? Imagine someone apologises for being tardy, then after making the apology repeat it daily. Surely the apology is not license to repeat tardiness.

    • @philfoster8789
      @philfoster8789 Год назад

      @@10000Rays Hello, "Grace and Joy". Thanks for getting back to me.
      "Grace and Joy": I wish you just that! However... I find that the standard you feel scripture is asking me to uphold is unattainable. (For me, at any rate; you may feel you can, but I know I cannot.)
      Why is this?
      My first observation is an intuitive one: if my initial salvation comes by grace, why must I then work to keep it? (In other words, why not: "I must work to attain salvation; I must then work to maintain it," instead? Seems more logical...)
      Can I truly find my "grace and joy" by working to keep God's commandments? How do I know I have fully kept them? What happens if I die, suddenly, without having repented of a particular sin? Am I the doomed to Hell?(Surely, I am!)
      Looking at 1 Peter 1:15,16:
      If this means I must always be holy, I am surely doomed! Can I attain sinless perfection on Earth? Never! (And I am unaware of anyone that lives a perfect post-conversion life.) So, surely we must all keep repenting, again and again and again in order to make it to Heaven. (Honestly, under these rules I do, indeed, think Heaven will be empty!)
      No - under this interpretation, I think there are two possible dangers if we believe it:
      1) I become self-righteous: I think I'm so holy that I'll be okay, even if other people won't.
      2) I live a life of fear: I could die and go to Hell through not repenting of one sin in the future. Oh, no! (Must I pray every second of the day, begging for continued forgiveness?) Or... what if we repent of a sin, but then repeat it - your "tardy" example - does this doom me?
      I Peter, in context:
      The letter is addressed to "God's select": I have to ask myself: does this mean "Select... at this second"?
      Verse 3 mentions our '...new birth...'; verse 4, that our inheritance '...can never perish spoil or fade.' It is kept in Heaven for us; shielded, so that we may greatly rejoice. (That's the kind of "joy" I'm looking for!)
      And verse 9 says that we are receiving the end results of our faith: the salvation of ours souls!
      Verse 14 calls us '...obedient children...' ; it does not call us wayward ones.
      Verse 23 says we have been born again of seed that does not perish: I believe that!
      Given all these references, we are then asked to live like the saved people we are; not to live in sinless perfection in order to remain saved.
      Making a mockery of God...
      This, I feel, makes a mockery of God: to accept His gift of eternal life, but to then say, 'Now I have to work to keep it, for the death of Jesus only paid for my sin up to the very moment of my salvation.'
      Other Points:
      If someone is tardy, apologises for their tardiness, repeats it and apologises again, I may be tempted not to forgive them. ('You've had your chance, reprobate!') But God is God! Are we not asked to forgive others, just as we have been forgiven? Look... even starting with the Disciples, they kept slipping up! (Are they doomed, too?)
      Common denominator with pseudo-Christian cults: you can lose your salvation. (Ergo, works + grace.)
      But the Bible indicates otherwise; consider:
      1) John 6:28,29: I have fulfilled the "works of God" - by believing in Jesus.
      2) Romans 11:6: I know that grace and works are mutually exclusive.
      3) I John5:13: I can know that I have eternal life.
      4) Titus 3:5: I am not saved by my "works of righteousness"; rather, it is through God's mercy. (If this is the
      case initially...)
      Saved by grace; continue to be saved by grace: logical - and true!
      Although we may still disagree...
      God bless you, "Peace and Joy"!

    • @johntrevett2944
      @johntrevett2944 Год назад

      Don't waste your breath arguing with modern day Judiazers. Gods people know their secure and who's faithful. Its all God from start to finish. The "free will" crowd thinks they are in control of their salvation. They most likely do not know Him and have never experienced the new birth.
      Romans 8:30 And those He predestined, He also called; and those He called, He also justified; and those He justified, He also glorified.

    • @MAT-244
      @MAT-244 Год назад

      @@johntrevett2944 We need to keep warning them because the Lord does not want them to perish. Let's also keep praying the Holy Spirit will soften their hearts and remove the veil of pride from their eyes.

  • @user-sy3vv2qt8i
    @user-sy3vv2qt8i 10 месяцев назад

    praise Jesus.God bless everyone.

  • @ryanmcdonald403
    @ryanmcdonald403 Год назад +6

    Hmmm, seen this one before, I ask myself, how much money does this guy make with nearly 400,000 subscribers ? I looked and it's about $6,000 a month just on RUclips. I have a Christian channel for the Germans ( trying to do some work for the LORD ) but I will NEVER peddle the word of God EVER. Even though I'm a poor guy and really could use the money.
    God takes care of me, I have my basic needs like food, appt, etc oh and my cat who I love dearly.
    We cannot lose our salvation ever, once we are saved we sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption and when we sinn, and we all do and will continue to even though we don't want to, the Holy Spirit will HOUND us.
    Not having a guilty conscience probably means we were not saved.
    I feel sorry for weak Christians who suck in intermediate sermons like these cause it probably scares the Hell out of them.
    We as children of God should be trying to encourage and strengthen one another to do the work of the Kingdom each day especially in deceptive times like these.
    I guess we will see when our blessed hope comes true ( Tit 2:13 )
    If I am left behind, I will continue preaching the word of God until someone takes my head or otherwise.
    Brothers and Sisters, if you are truly saved then nothing or no-one can pluck you out of the Fathers hand. It's not a license to sin, we can only try our best to be good kids until Jesus comes to take us home to Dad.

    • @snowballington1153
      @snowballington1153 Год назад +3

      You can lose your salvation by dwelling in sin. Knowing you're sinning, failing to atone, and failing to ask God for help will eventually cost you your soul. A house divided will not stand. This is considered blaspheming the Holy Spirit, no?

    • @ryanmcdonald403
      @ryanmcdonald403 Год назад +2

      @@snowballington1153 Not one person in this World can stop sinning, nobody is or can be perfect, if one is not convicted by the Holy Spirit after sinning then they were not saved to begin with.

    • @kimwestwood8840
      @kimwestwood8840 Год назад +1

      amen brother

    • @snowballington1153
      @snowballington1153 Год назад +2

      @Ryan McDonald it's not just sinning. For example, a believer in Christ who has felt the spirit and knows the gospel. Let's say they use drugs or have some other addiction. When they accepted christ, the spirit helped them to overcome these things. Over time, they begin backsliding into their old ways. They know what they're doing is wrong, knowing that God can help them, but they fail to repent because they know they will continue doing it. This goes for anything you cling to like a drug. Nothing should be more important than God or even on the same level. Of course, everyone sins, but the continued resistance to atoning for them eventually hardens your heart, and the spirit will not coexist. Remember, a house divided will not stand. If you're truly living in the spirit and thus having salvation, the idea of sinning or offending God would serve as a deterant. I think a lot of people think that because Jesus died for your sins gives you some kind of free pass, but the scriptures do not support this idea. "My people will perish for lack of knowledge." "For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it, but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only few will find it."

  • @barryandrews8072
    @barryandrews8072 Год назад

    Great teaching of Gods word so much in-depth…love it!

  • @vondaberryman4477
    @vondaberryman4477 Год назад +2

    GOD BLESS EVERYONE 🙌 🙏 ❤️ 💖 😊💞👑

    • @10000Rays
      @10000Rays Год назад

      I sure have heard that preached. I have also heard that while no one can pluck believers out of God's love, the believers CAN jump out with free will. I have known 2 people who converted to hinduism, plenty to New Age. Online people can also see plenty who converted to other philosphies, including New Age. The Lord is a gentleman.
      Also, it is written in Matthew 12:31-32, NKJV:
      The Unpardonable Sin
      31 “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.

    • @vondaberryman4477
      @vondaberryman4477 Год назад

      @@10000Rays So you know for a fact your so called converted friends won't be pulled back by the power of the Holy Spirit.
      Evidently you have no idea what a mighty God we serve.
      He's the judge not us.

  • @jonnycarroll6676
    @jonnycarroll6676 Год назад +1

    All these CEO's that have sold their soul's for monetary gain at the detriment of good honest working folk have made this choice to remove themselves from the book of life. Thank you for preparing me year's ago to only fear my savior, truth love Jesus.

  • @originalmamagrizzly2478
    @originalmamagrizzly2478 Год назад

    Yes, it is scary to me how America has the most light and wealth and keeps snubbing God

  • @GiftofGrace88
    @GiftofGrace88 Год назад

    I John 2:19 NKJV
    They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.

  • @JoshuaLittle-gr1ro
    @JoshuaLittle-gr1ro Год назад

    That question or phrase is irrelevant. That's like saying once ur saved, u CAN lose ur salvation. U cannot lose ur salvation. So u CANNOT be removed from the book of life.

  • @johnpearce3714
    @johnpearce3714 Год назад +2

    ****** The WORDS of the LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST as re. SIN ---- Because they BELIEVE NOT on ME ---- John 16 V.9 ----

  • @Tess-he3qg
    @Tess-he3qg Год назад +15

    You can’t lose your salvation. If you walk away from God, you were never saved in the first place.

      @LOVEisACTIONABLE Год назад +1

      You must have re written the bible ? Maybe you need to repent quickly

      @LOVEisACTIONABLE Год назад

      It's clearly written in the Word of God that a great falling away will occur in these times plus other examples of leaving your salvation or rejecting it like ppl reject the Lord. How can you fall away from something you never were. If you retire or leave a career do ppl still not consider you a past engineer or carpenter. Repent and get into a real church. You are learning doctrines of devils!

    • @thebookofrevelationreveale4722
      @thebookofrevelationreveale4722 Год назад +4

      Repenting of SIN isn’t found in scripture!
      Look for yourself
      Amos 7:6
      1 Samuel 15:35
      Jeremiah 20:16
      Jeremiah 26:19
      Jonah 3:10
      Zachariah 8:14
      Psalm 135:14
      Obviously the Lord never repented OF SIN.
      The word Repent is rarely tied to sin in scripture..
      Repentance is to have a change of mind.
      The repentance unto salvation is repenting of our UNBELIEF.
      We “change our mind”. from UNBELIEVING to BELIEVING the gospel of Christ, that he died for our sins.

    • @daystar4058
      @daystar4058 Год назад +2

      ​@@thebookofrevelationreveale4722 Amen! 💯% agree 🙏

    • @Damtan01
      @Damtan01 Год назад +1

      @@LOVEisACTIONABLE no he is just rightly deviding the word. Many things Jesus spoke of are not meant for application on the church. For example:
      According to the message given to Paul by God for the gentiles, it is stated that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit for salvation (which is finished in the ressurection into our heavenly bodies).
      So now, how does being erased from the book of life fit with being sealed?
      Also we are predestined to be saved according to Pauls message. God knows who are his and will come out victorious in Jesus Christ berfore the foundation of this world.
      How does this verse fit in?
      There are also more verses Jesus said that are not applicatable to christians.
      For example:
      The 3 virgins, the lazy servant, the nation that are rejected by God.
      While you can take this verses as a spiritual and practical messages, the verses them self can´t apply to Christians.
      Jesus was sent by the Father to the lost houses of Israel. So is his message. Gods spirit in Jesus Words can be applied spiritually to all humans, but physicaly only to Israel.
      To explain this with the verses i mentioned above:
      God doesn´t like lazyness. However if you are a child of his, through the Holy Spirit, you will be rebukled and chasten by him.
      If you are just a servant, you will be cast out and killed. (erased form his book)
      A slave does not stay with a family forever, but a son belongs to the family forever.
      We are Christs body and through him Sons of the most high. We are not servants but his children.
      Furthermore, there is not one Christian that will have empty works when standing before the Lord. A real christian is walking according to the works the Father has layed out for us. You can´t resist them. Ever felt the burning in you that you need to share the Gospel with someone or help someone you just met? try to resist it, it is not possible. The love of Christ in us is stronger than our flesh. Remember Jesus words about so called christians:
      On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers'
      Those are the people that never had the Holy Spirit. They did the miracles they did through Jesus mighty name, but the things that they did were not after the works of the Father. They did it for selfgain and pride.
      But what happens to a Holy Spirit filled christian that sins and backslid?
      Paul also wrote about it. They are chasten by Lord to the point that they are even given over to the Devil. Their bodies will get punished, but their souls will be humbled to that:
      1It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate: A man is sleeping with his father’s wife.
      2 And you are proud! Shouldn’t you rather have gone into mourning and have put out of your fellowship the man who has been doing this?
      3 For my part, even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit. As one who is present with you in this way, I have already passed judgment in the name of our Lord Jesus on the one who has been doing this.
      4 So when you are assembled and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present,
      5 hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.
      They will lose on their rewards, but they can´t die the spirtual death.
      Here is also scriptures of Jesus talking of his Sheep:
      31When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
      32And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
      33And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
      34Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
      35For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
      36Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
      37Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
      38When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
      39Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
      40And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
      41Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
      42For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
      43I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
      44Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
      46And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
      The second group are those who Jesus sais depart from me.
      So devide the Word rightly. All scriptures are important for learning Gods ways and knowlegde. But not all scriptures can be applicable for everyone.

  • @warriorwatchmen478
    @warriorwatchmen478 Год назад

    Unfortunately, as I sit here and read comments, having become very confused as of late. I have found NO clarity among "beleivers". It seems nobody knows "the truth", only "opinion" on meaning on scripture. Leaving confused people even more confused and frustrated. Its sad

  • @jg7923
    @jg7923 Год назад +1

    If a person takes the mark of the beast, worship's the beast or blasphemes The Holy Spirit they absolutely can get their name erased from The Book of Life.

    • @briandewitt789
      @briandewitt789 7 месяцев назад

      The actual word that Jesus used was "blotted out" ... He doesn't erase it. He blots it out. That indicates that at one time, it WAS IN the book but now has been blotted out, rather than a blank space with no entry/erased. People who say you cannot lose salvation have never really listened to the words of Jesus in Revelation 3:5.
      But you can never preach a sermon based on one scripture, so just like every other cherry picked verse, Rev 3:5 has a deeper more different meaning than just the one I am referring to.
      God doesn't judge like man judges, He did give us a manual He uses to judge us with though. Don't let anyone tell you what to believe but search the Word of God.

  • @bronzewing1965
    @bronzewing1965 Год назад +1

    The new oil found is a great incentive to be allies of Israel.

  • @craigbrown6610
    @craigbrown6610 Год назад +1

    Minute 25 explains the question.

  • @Windows_95_Sans
    @Windows_95_Sans Год назад +6

    During the sermon I heard that basically if a person sees what Christ has to offer, and the person rejects Him, that person won't ever have another chance to accept Christ again in his/her lifetime. That didn't sound right. Can't people reject Him at one point in their life, but accept Him later?

    • @brucebarton8767
      @brucebarton8767 Год назад +1

      Forgiveness! That's what it's all about!
      Romans 5:8
      But GOD commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
      The last chance for salvation is right before you die!
      You may not have time!

    • @_familyMAN
      @_familyMAN Год назад +2

      @@brucebarton8767 it’s of faith alone….not obedience or works.
      Jonah 3
      10 And God saw their WORKS, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.

    • @stacystarnes2147
      @stacystarnes2147 Год назад +1

      @@_familyMAN it's by grace that we are saved through faith not by works so nobody can brag. It's all about Jesus.

    • @colejackz
      @colejackz Год назад

      @@_familyMAN james 2:17
      Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
      I have a feeling you dont actually read/study the bible you just listen to ear tickling “pastors”

    • @colejackz
      @colejackz Год назад

      Theres a difference when you know of God and when you actually know know. If God has revealed himself into someones life its a way different mindset than when you know of God. These people if they reject God, they still believe but choose to actively go against God to live in their sin. Its a big deal. Its not like an average person who rejects Christianity cause they don’t actually know any better.

  • @cynthiacantrell2037
    @cynthiacantrell2037 8 месяцев назад

    So people who suffer with addiction and stumble are doomed? No room for weakness? If you grew up feeling unloved this will bring utter hopelessness. Help me understand.

  • @justthink3375
    @justthink3375 Год назад

    I love your message but seriously the ads on this video are relentlessly ridiculous every time I lay my phone down I’ve got to pick it up and stop a stupid ridiculously long ad

  • @jodeedugger9807
    @jodeedugger9807 Год назад +1

    We have to compare what he is saying follows the word of God. I enjoy his videos but even the best and meaningful pastors make mistakes. There are a lot of man made rules from the Bible that aren’t sound doctrine to cause fear in people and make them feel hopeless and turn from God… We have to remember the thief on the cross and to always do our best to repent because we all have sinful nature none of us are not guilty of sin.
    My aunt always taught to pray for our unknown sins things we do without thinking about throughout the day when I was younger I didn’t understand because I couldn’t think of a time I miss behaved I thought I was minding my manners saying please and thank no thank you and doing what I was told but no we all sin … but we can’t continue to live in our sin and not change and that is what Jesus is for and repentance and continued pray and scripture is for to hold us accountable to remind us we aren’t perfect and we need God in our lives daily

  • @dispensationofgod
    @dispensationofgod Год назад

    Hebrews 6 says after reaching the 7th principle doctrine of the doctrine of Christ, which is perfection being made sinless and empowered by the Holy Spirit to overcome sin, that there is no longer repentance. And this because just as the angels knew God and knew his perfection and statutes, with the kind of intimacy of how a husband knows his wife, being made perfect and turning away from God like that is willful and puts Christ to open shame. The first two verses outlined the seven principle doctrines and verses four and five are the spiritual fruit and order results of each principle doctrine. What a blessing it is to do a study and receive understanding by the Spirit by what that chapter means!

  • @freddeyo6338
    @freddeyo6338 Год назад +3

    In my own experience, I can't wilfully or premeditatedly sin against God. Just can't bring myself to. I make a ton of mistakes in the moment and pray for forgiveness immediately, but the moment I think of doing something sinful, the Holy Spirit says "really?" I wonder if those that can wilfully sin are actually saved in the first place? It can't be just me that feels this way.

    • @kimwestwood8840
      @kimwestwood8840 Год назад +1

      Willful sin spoken of in Hebrews is about the willful sin of rejection. The book was written to Messianic Jews who had reverted to animal sacrifices.

  • @mistyblackfoot3848
    @mistyblackfoot3848 5 месяцев назад

    If He's talking to Daniel of his people, does that mean only isreal can be written in the book of life?

  • @fredmonsewicz5740
    @fredmonsewicz5740 Год назад

    I've so.many religious people that I figured they think they more then God dose so I said them if this is what God is about I'm out illtake my chances

  • @originalmamagrizzly2478
    @originalmamagrizzly2478 Год назад

    I don’t understand your interpretation of Moses’ prayer. Moses’ words do not sound like he is saying “you can send me to hell if these wicked ones can go to heaven.” His words were asking God to for give them and he is so passionate in asking that that he says if you don’t, wipe my name out of the book of life!” That is great love for sinners, it sounds like to me!

  • @originalmamagrizzly2478
    @originalmamagrizzly2478 Год назад

    Right… i like your wealthy friend… 👍

  • @Roseredeemed
    @Roseredeemed Год назад

    Jesus is the book of life.

  • @rhondahill4664
    @rhondahill4664 Год назад

    Yes you can lose your salvation in regards to ones comment, if you're true n live godly repent n don't backslide into sin, n do God's work then you will be a member of the church when Christ comes to get them, but you have to earn your salvation . He shed his blood in order to open the door to salvation for all n anyone who will ! But just cause it's offered by a severe Price does not mean one does not have to work at receiving it through ones repentance n walk with God. Yes it's given freely through Jesus death,but one just doesn't automatically accept or granted it without doing our part in earning salvation. Period

  • @kenfaulds8818
    @kenfaulds8818 Год назад

    Too many adverts:(

  • @budscott1257
    @budscott1257 Год назад +5

    That means that person was never saved

    • @jamesfloyd1864
      @jamesfloyd1864 Год назад +2

      New International Version
      They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.

    • @vondaberryman4477
      @vondaberryman4477 Год назад

      Exactly 💯

  • @cieramist1
    @cieramist1 Год назад

    I could have sworn that the Bible also teaches us that whoever BELIEVES ON HIM, also BELIEVES ON THE FATHER, and would have eternal LIFE with him. I mean....isn't that what the CROSS WAS FOR???? So now, am I to understand that even though I BELIEVE WITH ALL MY HEART AND ALL MY MIND AND ALL MY SOUL, in THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, that if I mess up and don't even really realize that I just messed up, that I'm going to LOSE MY ETERNAL LIFE????? So, I ask again....WHAT WAS THE CROSS FOR? When Jesus was on that cross, one man next to him was laughing at him and criticizing him, but the other man, who was a thief, asked Jesus that when he gets to Heaven, would he ask the Father for FORGIVENESS for him, and Jesus told him that he would be in PARADISE THAT DAY! Not because of any "works" that he had done, or didn't do, BUT BECAUSE HE BELIEVED IN HIM. right??

  • @knatsomitab7376
    @knatsomitab7376 Год назад

    You are of God. He knows your heart better than you. Ask Him, He's calling you Brother... listen to His voice.

  • @manda6619
    @manda6619 Год назад

    So if someone told me about Jesus long ago and I said no theres no hope? 😢

    • @10000Rays
      @10000Rays Год назад +1

      Oh, if you have changed you mind you certainly can accept salvation offered by God now. God is merciful and just. And I propose you read New Testament of the bible so you have FIRST hand understanding of what is written and in context.
      The misunderstanding is that believers can make mistakes a staple diet then repent and all will be well. That will be making a mockery of God's mercies.
      May you enjoy the grace of God lovingly offered.

  • @lonniejones8487
    @lonniejones8487 Год назад

    This is the most confusing sermon I have ever listened to. I feel that I know less now than I thought I knew before. I don’t mean this as an insult, with all the going back and forth in scriptures it was confusing and connection of his point for me was lost and I feel that he never really got to the resolve of how your name can be removed from the book of life.

    • @vondaberryman4477
      @vondaberryman4477 Год назад

      Not if you are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
      God has foreknowledge all created were written only true believers are in the book those who were rejected Christ are not written in the book of life guys ask Jesus for wisdom not look for it in man they will confuse you man makes salvation complicated cause they received another spirit.
      Read the book of GALATIANS asking Jesus for wisdom and clear this up over 200 scriptures speaking of eternal security for all true believers.
      See those who receive the spirit by the works of the law and not by hearing of the word by faith are not saved they are under the law and no one can follow the law only Jesus is the perfect sacrificial Lamb.
      One can not save themselves why do you think Jesus died horrible death to save us.
      EPHESIANS 2:8-9 .
      God bless you ❤️ 🙏 🙌

  • @Vincent-we6wn
    @Vincent-we6wn Год назад +1

    The Oppressors will lick the boots of the Oppressed, Message Bible
    Isaiah 62

  • @joshuaarmendariz4967
    @joshuaarmendariz4967 Год назад +1

    The poor dude..his error&Foley is horrifying for him now I'm sure..

  • @joninsweet4561
    @joninsweet4561 Год назад


  • @Thirdday71906
    @Thirdday71906 Год назад

    Salvation is not earned by works. Why? Because if it were due to our works, then it becomes a deed that will be arrogantly boasted of. Also, Jesus's work on the Cross was in vain. Does that mean that a person could just live the same way that they did before their prayer for salvation? No! it does not mean that at all. After salvation we must put our FAITH in Christ, and we must be moved by the Holy Spirit. We must work out own salvation with fear and trembling. it is our faith in Christ that saves us. If anyone here does not know Jesus as your savior , you can know him now! Pray this prayer with me. "Lord Jesus; I come to you with all my faults and sin . I ask you to forgive me, and come into my heart, and I will follow you always. " In Jesus's name: AMEN! If you prayed that prayer with me, you are God's child now. Tell someone what you have done. They may be inspired to do the same. - John 03:16-17 God is love! 1 John 04:08

  • @mikelyons2831
    @mikelyons2831 Год назад

    Unfortunately, you seem to approach your conclusions & teachings from a Calvinistic perspective: The Elect are irresistibly put in Christ, consequently the non-elect are pre-doomed from eternity past & both eternal outcomes brings God glory to Himself.

  • @christopherevans9119
    @christopherevans9119 Год назад +9

    What would the sacrifice of the blood of Jesus even need to happen If you could lose your salvation, when Jesus took our sins & evilness upon himself he said father forgive them for they do not know what they do, & l he cried out… It Is finished, father I placed my life& spirit unto you father… Any preacher who teaches or preaches that anyone can lose Gods salvation Is blasphemous & teachings false doctrine to his church congregation & to a lost person surrendering to Gods salvation… That would mean Jesus would have to die repeatedly on the cross for all our sins…

    • @daystar4058
      @daystar4058 Год назад

      Amen! 💯% agree 🙏

    • @vondaberryman4477
      @vondaberryman4477 Год назад +2

      Exactly 💯

    • @joninsweet4561
      @joninsweet4561 Год назад

      Why does the Bible teach of BACKSLIDER’S. ?

    • @vondaberryman4477
      @vondaberryman4477 Год назад

      @@joninsweet4561 They do not heed to sound doctrine, they get a religious spirit.
      God bless you ❤️ 🙏 🙌

    • @vondaberryman4477
      @vondaberryman4477 Год назад +1

      @@joninsweet4561 Thing is Christians need the Gospel.
      I preach it to myself to not get any doubts of salvation. Over 200 scriptures teaches eternal security.
      Jesus preached eternal security.
      If I wasn't at an appointment at this time I would give you the scriptures
      Gregg Jackson is a wonderful teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
      God bless you I hope this helps.

  • @orlando9923
    @orlando9923 Год назад +2

    Calvinist teaching Doctrine of man as if it were Doctrine of God

    • @vondaberryman4477
      @vondaberryman4477 Год назад

      They are on my last nerves 7 yrs trying to get through the unbelieving Christ rejecting world.
      They think thier filthy rags will get them to heaven. Smh
      God bless you ❤️ 🙏 🙌

    • @johntrevett2944
      @johntrevett2944 Год назад

      Romans 8:30 And those He predestined, He also called; and those He called, He also justified; and those He justified, He also glorified.

  • @rwright3395
    @rwright3395 Год назад

    I'm not perfect by far I'm a sinner that's just a fact I remember the night when I was saved. But I guess it isn't good enough

    • @rachelcerny7399
      @rachelcerny7399 Год назад

      Saved by grace ? Free gift from our GOD ? What else do you want to add ?

    • @rwright3395
      @rwright3395 Год назад

      @Rachel Cerny I remember the night when I was saved. It was the longest shortest walk of my life , here lately I've been hearing all kinds of different stories. Like I said , I'm a sinner & I have a few bad habits which I'm trying to turn from from. It's a crazy world we are in , in the last 13 years I've seen a lot of crazy things. I've been down a bad road as well

    • @10000Rays
      @10000Rays Год назад

      @@rwright3395 No believers are perfect yet. You might like to read the New Testament, in whole, then consider writing down all the things you find out of alignment with Lord Jesus' commandments.
      Reserve time to be with God and repent of them. And ask God to guide, assist, and support you so you think, say, feel, and do according to His Word. It is written in
      Philippians 4:8-23, NKJV:
      Meditate on these things
      8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.
      There will be many interesting things happen, but the believers are to walk not by sight but by faith as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:7, NKJV:
      7 For we walk by faith, not by sight
      Many blessings to you.

  • @originalmamagrizzly2478
    @originalmamagrizzly2478 Год назад

    I would disagree that only a small number are tempted by licentiousness, occult, etc

  • @anthonyprice1743
    @anthonyprice1743 Год назад +1

    Ceaser Nero's name in English = 666
    Aramaic Hebrew = 616
    mind = blown

    • @Jesus_is_Lord_316
      @Jesus_is_Lord_316 Год назад

      There are quite famous people (historical and present) whose names = 666 in Germatria.
      the anti-christ was not Nero. the anti-christ is here today and he's soon to be revealed.

  • @willatwater1720
    @willatwater1720 Год назад

    Repent or perish

  • @rhondahill4664
    @rhondahill4664 Год назад

    To Freespeech19 Jesus died so that all sinners could be saved and forgiven! If you want it. We were all born of sin , but when you openly announce your sins to God and ask for forgiveness get baptized,and continue to leave all sinfully ways and walk with God until your passing then you will be with the Lord for ever.then give testimony to everyone you try to help come to the truth. God n you both will know if you're true or not . Pray every day have faith n read God's letter that's the Bible of course. For Jesus came to save the oppressed , the wicked who were decieved, the possessed etc. He wasn't worried about the already saved he wants the lost to come to repentance ,so just stay with him he loves you n will never forsake you if you love n believe in him , I love you n everyone one else who is lost n I will pray for you . just don't give up for he died for you n only you can choose where you want to be, for we can't have 2 masters and he gave us free will to make that choice.

  • @susanberube445
    @susanberube445 Год назад

    If you can lose your salvation you should be able to repent and get it back again.

  • @chazzface8562
    @chazzface8562 Год назад


  • @user-hy2du8fg6l
    @user-hy2du8fg6l 11 месяцев назад

    No "practicing" mason will EVER be allowed in Heaven. They have taken the MARK and refuse to give it up.

    • @user-hy2du8fg6l
      @user-hy2du8fg6l 11 месяцев назад

      Explaining the MARK and the BEAST Rev 13:18
      The BEAST is “666”. That is Gadreel the “snake” who tempted Eve.
      It Is also the number of a MAN. The MAN who carries the BEAST is the “666” by this very nature. No name or gematria needed.
      The MARK of the BEAST is the “right hand” sign of the “masons”. When given is gives mental or “forehead” support to Gadreel.
      ”Masons” are the Beast System.
      Rev 14:9-11 KJV
      And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
      The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
      And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
      Rev 15:2 KJV
      And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
      Enoch (Priest & Prophet)
      (Watchman for the Last Generation)

    • @user-hy2du8fg6l
      @user-hy2du8fg6l 11 месяцев назад

      Please copy my Prophecies before it gets removed like all the rest.

  • @Warongwee30
    @Warongwee30 Год назад

    10 Europe countrys and small horn is American 🤔

  • @anthonyprice1743
    @anthonyprice1743 Год назад


  • @Nicholasp81
    @Nicholasp81 Год назад +1


    • @Bijinstraightstudio
      @Bijinstraightstudio Год назад +1

      We ALL sin and cannot be redeemed without the blood of Jesus. If sin alone blots our name out, Christ died for nothing.
      It’s “un-atoned” sin that blots our name out. That’s how I understand it.
      We cannot ever stop sinning. We are fallible by nature and cannot resist without the grace of God.

    • @thebookofrevelationreveale4722
      @thebookofrevelationreveale4722 Год назад +2

      “Wherefore I say unto you, ALL manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy AGAINST the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12‬:‭31‬ ‭
      “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath HE removed our transgressions from us.”
      ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭103:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Romans‬ ‭8:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      All those who strive at law keeping are UNDER THE LAW and will be judged by the law, they’re walking after the FLESH .
      “For CHRIST IS THE END OF THE LAW for righteousness to every one that BELIEVES .”
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “knowing that a MAN IS NOT JUSTIFIED BY THE WORKS OF THE LAW but by the FAITH of JESUS CHRIST , even we have BELIEVED in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and NOT BY THE WORKS OF THE LAW: for by the works of the law SHALL NO FLESH BE JUSTIFIED .”
      ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭2‬:‭16‬ ‭
      “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall NO FLESH be justified in his sight: for by the law is the KNOWLEDGE OF SIN.”
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @Nicholasp81
    @Nicholasp81 Год назад

    Sun is how you get taken out

    • @ryanbeev
      @ryanbeev Год назад

      @Jason Bourne he typoed sin

    • @vondaberryman4477
      @vondaberryman4477 Год назад

      You are a sinner your not perfect like Jesus those who say they do not sin is a liar and the Father is not in him.
      We all fall short of the glory of God.
      Salvation is a gift of God EPHESIANS 2:8-9.
      People need to humble themselves to the Lord and come to the end of themselves and receive the gift of God.
      By believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ 1st CORINTHIANS 15-1-4.
      Unless you believe I'm vain.
      God bless you ❤️ 🙏 🙌

  • @Moonstorms
    @Moonstorms Год назад

    Are you ever going to talk about the plan for God’s Earth, or you gonna keep on tweeting about that you and all your followers are the 144,000 going to heaven…

    • @JustAnotherMatt420
      @JustAnotherMatt420 Год назад +2

      He’s never said that…I’m going to need a source. The 144,000 are already sealed.

    • @Eye2Sky4U
      @Eye2Sky4U Год назад

      I don't believe for a second that this great man of God said the things you testify.

    • @franksam6818
      @franksam6818 Год назад +1

      The 144,000 are clearly taken from the 12 tribes, who are sealed in order to preach throughout the world. Your question sounds more like the false doctrine of Jehovah witness belief.

  • @RustyCrawford-cc1zy
    @RustyCrawford-cc1zy Год назад

    It must get really tiring for God. To continuously Be erasing your name from the book of life. Then having to put it. Back in and then having to take it out again. Then having to put it back in over and over. So I guess you must have to get saved. I guess. You must have to get saved numerous numerous times. What that means is salvation is a cheap crummy gift that falls apart in your hands. It wasn't worth being given in the first place

    • @10000Rays
      @10000Rays Год назад

      Actually people are saved ONCE by grace. If and when they make mistake(s) and willing to repent, which means turn around and change the way, they will be forgiven. If they choose to get out and convert to other philosophies, including New Age, they have the free will to do so. God is a gentleman.
      The believers are not to make a mockery of God's mercies and grace by treating repentence as license to repeat mistakes or falling in and out. It is written in 1 Peter 1:15-16, NKJV:
      15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in ALL your CONDUCT,
      16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”
      God is merciful, patient, and just. He knows what believers are up against. It is human interpretation that can be in error. Perhaps you will be happy to know there is one unpardonable sin. It is written in Matthew 12:31-32, NKJV: The Unpardonable sin
      31 “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.
      32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.
      Many blessings to you.