Obito vs Madara theories

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • This is a collection of the reasons why can be Obito or madara Tobi

Комментарии • 276

  • @sghost258
    @sghost258 12 лет назад

    personally i think tobi is a shadow clone casted by madara before he died, which would explain why kabuto summoned the real madara and would explain why tobi has never been hit, and would explain why tobi claims he doesn't want to be anybody.
    i think madara's sharingan is actually capable of keeping a shadow clone alive after death. honestly i've heard of the sharingan performing weirder things. and i think this is a plausible idea, i mean its madara we're talking about after all

  • @Eternitycomplex
    @Eternitycomplex 12 лет назад

    One quick response to the objection that Tobi had a sharingan in his left eye so it can't be Obito. There was also a manga in which Tobi is giving Sasuke Itachi's eyes. In that manga, Tobi is revealed to have HUNDREDS of sharingan eyes in his posession suspended in tanks full of fluid. And later he replaced his left eye sharingan with the Nagato's Rinnegan. That left eye could be ANYBODY's eye, But the right eye can warp space-time, just like Kakashi's eye that he took from OBITO!

  • @Eternitycomplex
    @Eternitycomplex 12 лет назад

    2. Kakashi's LEFT eye, with the mangekyo sharingan activated, can warp space-time. He got that eye from Obito when he "died". Now we meet with Tobi who reveals himself with a mask that only shows his RIGHT eye, a sharingan eye, that is ALSO capable of warping space-time.

  • @Eternitycomplex
    @Eternitycomplex 12 лет назад

    Here's an interesting theory. I'm not hugely obsessed but I like Naruto, so correct me if the Manga comics indicate otherwise. I think that Tobi is part Obito part Zetsu! My reason for this is:
    1. In the manga describing the battle between Tobi and Minato, Tobi's left arm was severely injured by Minato and subsequently turned into this ooze and fell apart, like Zetsu.

  • @Eternitycomplex
    @Eternitycomplex 12 лет назад

    @Eternitycomplex My theory is that Zetsu discovered Obito under the rubble and, either absorbed him and the two became one in a wierd fusion, or preserved Obito alive with the regenerative powers of his own body.

  • @ydocydoc12
    @ydocydoc12 13 лет назад

    And, it is also said that Tobi started the Akatsuki. The war must have affected him in such a way, that he wanted to create peace by capturing all of the Jinjuriki. And, as the owner stated, he doesn't want anyone seeing his face. ALSO, as you can see, his hair is SHORT, unlike Madara's. The only possibility could have been that he got a BIG hair cut, or isn't Madara. Madara must have given Obito his power somehow, and Obito probably used this as an excuse to use Madara's identity.

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  16 лет назад

    "the guy who helped That day to Itachi, It was me Uchiha Madara" by: Tobi. I think i will write here that HE IS MADARA if saw his face.

  • @ydocydoc12
    @ydocydoc12 13 лет назад

    Guys, I'm pretty sure Tobi is Obito. If you are up-to-date in the Manga, you probably have seen the scene with the coffins. Now, Kabuto says he won't tell anyone about what was in the coffin. Therefore, it MUST have been a great enough of a secret to blackmail Madara into letting Kabuto join him. It must have been the ORIGINAL Madara. Obviously Tobi is hiding his identity, for maybe protection reasons. And, if you saw the episode with Kakashi and Obito, they were in the war.

  • @goldenflames22
    @goldenflames22 15 лет назад

    that whole "Madara hair theory" is actually fairly accurate... ever heard of a "Haircut"?

  • @chasmozord
    @chasmozord 16 лет назад

    I think madara has developed an unseen and more powerful sharingan than itachi like amateratsu or susanoo, a fourth one, and he could bring back obito from death moments after the rock slide, but when tobi says he's madara, he is controlling obito via sharingan like a puppet or something like that

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  13 лет назад

    I Totally agree with you. As for the Mangekyou, the Madara fans are saying "Because he was seriously wounded in the fight against the 1st". Well ok, but let me remind you this: Kakashi freakin' died because he overused the mangekyou!!!! And he was not send back in time or anything, only he got back enough life force to come back to life, so if you can not loose the mangekyou after you DIED because you overused it, then no damage will make it disappear.

  • @VWFringe
    @VWFringe 12 лет назад

    Obito's Sharingan activated during the Kannabi bridge battle - that could be why Tobi said he got it at the bridge battle (maybe he meant he got it then, not that he took it). dunno

  • @LittleWolfRain
    @LittleWolfRain 13 лет назад

    New Theory: what if obito survived the rock slide and madara found him and like orichmaru tried to do with sasuke used obito as his veseil to stay young and assume the rold of Tobi(by the way madara has a crappy imagination for not changing his name better if this is true) in akasuki untill he could reveal himself.

  • @Quadraxis
    @Quadraxis 14 лет назад

    Major spoiler for those that haven't read the latest manga (minus a chapter or two)
    Madara cannot be Obito nor have his body because in a very recent chapter, he was shown to have both eyes intact with no scar or bruise or wound of any kind to the left eye.

  • @Inuyashapupped
    @Inuyashapupped 12 лет назад

    @Simmlex So true about the anbu lol, they're supposed to be the best of the best, but I've never once seen them (with the exception of main character anbu) do anything better than a normal ninja.

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  16 лет назад

    Ahoy my people :D, our little conversitation will be end in this week because in the next manga TOBI WILL UNMASK HIMSELF!!!!

  • @tanginakanaman77
    @tanginakanaman77 15 лет назад

    I think Tobi/Madara has Time space Jutsu or Teleportaion Jutsu coming from his Sharingan. He wasnt killed when Deidara blew himself up, He teleported to the land of Hidden Rain.
    Again, when he met naruto, Naruto's rasengan coming from behind just even went through Madara/Tobi's body.

  • @QuatreiZer0
    @QuatreiZer0 13 лет назад

    btw, tobi's eyes are revealed, they looked like madara's but looked more like tobi's

  • @tsukemaru1
    @tsukemaru1 14 лет назад

    Shishui's eyes where ripped out by Madara when Madara lost his vision. If shisui has teleportation jutsu, Tobi used it. Madara is still alive, Kakashi has possession of Obito's left eye. For Obito to obtain teleportation Jutsu, He would have to rip the eyes out of madara, Slim chance Obito would be able to defeat Madara, who controls the nine tails, with one under developed sharingon. Surviving thousands of pounds of rock is also very slim. In the late, 120s of shippuden, Tobi states he madara

  • @homiixide
    @homiixide 14 лет назад

    @Simmlex by the madara, if you hair cut all the long thingys the hair looks exact look up the mask and you will see the hair is exact only those long things

  • @Kushina87
    @Kushina87 15 лет назад

    On the subject that it's Madara in Obito's body..thinking about it, he'd have to use the same kind of reincarnation jutsu as Orochimaru right? And though Orochimaru looks like whomever's body he takes, he eventually goes back to looking like the orochimaru we know. So wouldn't Madara, even if he was in Obito's body, eventually look like madara again? Unless he used a permanent version of Ino's body/mind switch jutsu...i dunno what to think... :P Just can't wait until it's revealed!!

  • @VWFringe
    @VWFringe 12 лет назад

    in the manga 597 I believe Tobi pretty much admits he knows Kakashi very well, even says he's all words and no action - this guy is Obito, prolly driven insane by the murder of his clan, like Sasuke. Wow! Tobi is Obito, that's so effed up. (I hope I'm wrong)

  • @QuatreiZer0
    @QuatreiZer0 13 лет назад

    I have two assumptions:
    1. obito used madara's name (and fan)
    2. They are only 1 person (resurection or age or time space technique who knows)
    Although it confuses me which tobi is afraid of, the one kabuto is trying to ressurect
    I'm guessing the original rinnegan owner, real madara, madara's brother, or the 4th
    (the 1st is impossible)

  • @DaTwillightZone
    @DaTwillightZone 15 лет назад

    omg i laughed my ass of at 2:28 XD

  • @MrGarmot
    @MrGarmot 12 лет назад

    in the new scan, kakashi found that his kamui is linked to the tobi's teleportation jutsu. we're getting close to the "obito is tobi" theory. Just wait and see to confirm. excuse my english

  • @Scrax21
    @Scrax21 14 лет назад

    And another error, if obito gave him his left eye, the only eye that remains is the right, and if the right side of his body was crushed, his left eye must be completely destroyed, so should not be able to see and tobi supposed to be visible in his right eye, but the body of obito can not see anything

  • @VWFringe
    @VWFringe 12 лет назад

    Tobi = Obito
    * Same eye wavelength, it's probably Obito's Sharingan
    * Tobi is a natural with Kamui, I don't think the ninjas who were killed near the bridge could be as good with it, if the one young Kakashi
    594 "Kakashi, you always open your mouth so easily. It's no wonder you've lived a life of regret" to which Guy asks, "Just...who...are you?!"
    597 Kakashi asks Tobi where he got his Sharingan
    "the fight at Kannabi Bridge" and, later, Tobi adds, "It's too late to regret"

  • @narutoninjalove
    @narutoninjalove 12 лет назад

    OBITO, I cryed for you yet your evil and you were behind my pervy sages death :(

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  14 лет назад

    Acording to that Kabuto is making fun of him because he uses the name Madara, that he has an artificial right arm, do not have left eye, has the same ocular Jutsus as Kakashi(except he can transport himself to a different dimension, similar way as Itachi's left eye making amaterasu and the right is Tsukyomi), that he never used mangekyou while Madara has one, and the fact he was totally scared when kabuto resurrected someone unknown(most likely the real Madara) he is anyone but Madara

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  15 лет назад

    yea i know it already i just left the video on air because sometimes ppl make interesting comments, or talk about the news ;D
    Btw i loved the voice of konan, pain and madara-tobi. Too bad i tought konan is not this pale

  • @raven9112
    @raven9112 14 лет назад

    you also have to remember itachi saying madara is a shell of his former self.. so if madaras connected to obito and kisame recognized him than it would make sense same when tobis sayin my power..uchicha madaras power. same with the different voices. i think underneath that mask is obito and a very old madara sharing a body.

  • @mjsam18
    @mjsam18 13 лет назад

    The problem with you second theory now is that during "Madara's" fight with Konan, the manga revealed both eyes.

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  14 лет назад

    i agree, but Madara can't be much better shape after living 120 years and nearly killed by Harashima

  • @Devikvampire
    @Devikvampire 12 лет назад

    :O Maybe he is! Oh I hope he is. That'd be badass.

  • @MasterJP28
    @MasterJP28 14 лет назад

    With Naruto 509 you see more of Madara. He has a white head band and his eye looks just like Obito when he awoke his sharingan.

  • @TheLeaf1
    @TheLeaf1 13 лет назад

    @Simmlex He could've sealed part of himself prior into Zetsu and then, since Zetsu healed Tobi (right arm is white like Zetsu) part of him still could've resided in the real world.

  • @TheLeaf1
    @TheLeaf1 13 лет назад

    @Simmlex Actually, Madara's still very much a possibility. How does he know Nagato by name if he's shown to be revived? And if he GAVE Nagato the Rinnegan.... the newest chapter proves the point that it's very possible he did.... but yet he died prior to the First Shinobi War. He'd have to have someone give Nagato the Rinnegan for him... but that still leaves the question of him knowing Nagato by name. There's no way he should've known him unless he IS Tobi in an alternate body.

  • @Eternitycomplex
    @Eternitycomplex 12 лет назад

    @AtheismOwnsGod I don't know which part in the Manga series. I know that it hasn't come out as in episode (at least not on Hulu anyway), because Tobi hasn't done battle with Konan to get Nagato's Rinnegan yet.

  • @animalhuger
    @animalhuger 15 лет назад

    where did everyone think that?? i watch naruto and read naruto alot but i never thought about it until now...

  • @odd833
    @odd833 13 лет назад

    ok, here's my belief i do not believe tobi is obito, stated by tobi he said he is madara. but in the manga chapter when kabutomaru summons the six caskets, i believe the sixth casket was madaras original body. so what i believe is madara, is using obitos body while in the mean time trying to capture the beasts to restore his own body back.

  • @MrSilver497
    @MrSilver497 14 лет назад

    obito's right eye wasnt crush because try to put your palm at front of the then u see that ur not touching your eye so obito's right eye wasnt crushed.

  • @SpitAce
    @SpitAce 16 лет назад

    madara was blinded by the nine tailed fox in one eye thats why theres only one hole in the mask

  • @goldenflames22
    @goldenflames22 15 лет назад

    well, theres something between a picture of Tobi and a picture of Madara... simply look at a serious picture of Madara, and you can tell he's evil. Then look at a serious picture of Tobi. I don't know about you, but when I first saw Tobi, I felt that he was an extremely evil person before he was even wearing the robes of the Akatsuki.

  • @Nejisgirl10
    @Nejisgirl10 15 лет назад

    Ok people Tobi is obito he reveles it in: naruto chapter 397. Google it and read it

  • @LigerDeath546
    @LigerDeath546 13 лет назад

    Zetsu just prefers to call him Tobi =_____= Madara = Tobi. To those that says that Madara is using Obito's body because he has shorter hair, I say this to you, THATS JUST A HAIR CUT =_=

  • @raven9112
    @raven9112 14 лет назад

    ok i used to think danzo was tobi before it was popular but now im rethinking the whole thing since danzo cant be. i just rewatched the anime part 142 at around 11mins and if u pause it right when they show tobis face alittle it does look like obito. also kakashis uses time/dimension with his sharigan which would make sense cause tobi shifts time and dimension and tobi also doesnt use any signs. also what was in kabutos final casket that made him shocked.

  • @blkninja12
    @blkninja12 15 лет назад

    ...if his entire right half was completely smashed, then explain how he was still fucking alive with only half his body!? It's clear that it was still able to sustain life, JUST sustain, and nothing more. So who's to say that it couldn't have been made use of? And of course he's gonna say he's Madara, that who he is, he could be in Naruto's body, he's still gonna say he's Madara, Sasuke doesn't know who the fuck Obito is.

  • @Oscar_Dunbar
    @Oscar_Dunbar 16 лет назад

    some questions that people please answer: when does naruto even mention obito?/// and what is space time continium that yondaime uses???

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  16 лет назад

    rin? hmm that sounds interesting, i just thought that's nagato, but in the last chapter they said its a girl. Also Pein never said that he is Nagato, he just said "that name is familiar to me" or something like that. But he definetly not madara. Amm it looks like kakashi will die :'(

  • @TheMedhero
    @TheMedhero 12 лет назад

    @Celebhol assuming that he was resurrected by the sixth path of pain or orochimaro, and with his sharingan, he can definitely do it, If pain teaches him or orochimaru genetically modify him, he would be super.

  • @Mitcheeta
    @Mitcheeta 14 лет назад

    Considering how the other Sharingan is crushed under 2 kagillion rocks it isn't logical... The only purpous to Obito's existence was to show how Kakashi got the Sharingan. Also, the Space-Time jutsu that Madara uses isn't an MS move, he doesn't need to activate his MS to use it, while Kamui does for Kakashi. One last thing, what is the point of 'reviving' Obito? He is a crushed one eyed little fodder Uchiha.

  • @WSOJ3
    @WSOJ3 16 лет назад

    manga chapter 383, pain already confirmed that Tobi is Madara
    Pain said madara gave him the order to capture kyuubi

  • @Shinobi35103
    @Shinobi35103 12 лет назад

    Looks like everyone was wrong. He's neither Madara or Obito. Sure he might still be revealed as Obito, but if that happens I will lose all faith in the series as that would make no fucking sense and is impossible.

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  14 лет назад

    Can you tell me where did you seen the awesome mangekyou sharingan? All that happened is he used some sort of Sharingan tech on Konan.
    Oh and that line was said by Kabuto who said this before: "Hello Tobi! oh yeah you goes by Madara these days".
    But check the like i know: Zetsu: "Tobi what will you do, will you trust him?"
    Strange that Zetsu (likely the only person who knows exactly who Tobi is) still calls him Tobi isn't it?

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  16 лет назад

    when i uplodaded this video i never minded i will have gain more than 2000 watchers. THNX all of you who watched this wideo. If you think watch my other naruto based video. Just click on my name in my profile at top right and click at the Hidan video.

  • @World_of_KGZ
    @World_of_KGZ 13 лет назад

    there is a big but
    tobi was the one who attacked the 4th hokage for the 9 tailed fox
    and well... obito was really young at that time

  • @Alphadanielmon
    @Alphadanielmon 13 лет назад

    I'm a "Obito is Tobi guy" (Flame me)but your Proofs were ridiculous :'D

  • @odemar99
    @odemar99 12 лет назад

    Yall need to watch masses vs konan it clearly shows that masses has two eyes eliminating the initial theory

  • @JMW10o0o
    @JMW10o0o 12 лет назад

    my theroy: 1 obito lost his eye and we've only ever seen 1 of tobi's eyes and only when he got the rinnegan did we see the other eye . 2 obti and kakashi have similer powers kakashi can send things into another dimensions and obito can send himself into other dimensions.

  • @blkninja12
    @blkninja12 14 лет назад

    @T3M3T I can't figure that part, about his eye...They WANT ppl to think and come up with theories and stuff. They want cause turmoil between the fans to make it all the more interesting and exciting for when they do finally reveal his face and why it's been hidden. It's his eye being covered that makes me think he could possible be using Obito's body...I mean, THAT would explain his silly behavior at times. But after I saw that ep and Kisame said that, I've lost faith in that theory

  • @Kibasgirlxxx
    @Kibasgirlxxx 13 лет назад

    tobi is madara and obito died being crushed plus when people say that that's why he has only one hole in his mask it's true but if tobi is obito then the crushed eye is in the wrong side

  • @blkninja12
    @blkninja12 15 лет назад

    Yeah, but Madara has already revealed himself to be Tobi, AND that he's in control of Akatsuki. Madara is a genius, I mean, what better cover-up is there than to play as the idiot newbie, lol, never would've suspected him to be in control of Akatsuki, let alone to be Madara Uchiha....this anime is so fucking complex, it's trippy

  • @uwuloluwu
    @uwuloluwu 16 лет назад

    i think that orange mask guy is obito no doubt and kakashi took one of his eyes that which explains the one hole in the mask because no eye.

  • @yellowcorba1
    @yellowcorba1 13 лет назад

    and Madara was former akatsuki at the time Obito died. so they are not eachother because they were in two different places.

  • @World_of_KGZ
    @World_of_KGZ 13 лет назад

    but i think that the body that kabuto showed him was the real madara's body
    cause he told him that he don't want him as enemy...
    and i think he wasn't afraid from kabuto's power
    he was afraid from his own secret

  • @Scrax21
    @Scrax21 14 лет назад

    i think madara soul found obito`s body and he take it.
    And another error, if obito gave him his left eye, the only eye that remains is the right, and if the right side of his body was crushed, his left eye must be completely destroyed, so should not be able to see and tobi supposed to be visible in his right eye, but the body of obito can not see anything

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  14 лет назад

    I never said he is Obito but i am also sure he is not Madara eighter. Kisame is the only one who recognized him and called him Madara, Zetsu never called him Madara, nor Kisame after that. A while ago i thought as well that he is Obito yeah, but now all i can say is that, He is certainly not Madara.

  • @MacDaddy1224
    @MacDaddy1224 15 лет назад

    here's the issue guys. Madara was the leader of the goddamn uchihas for christ sakes. Ha, have you seen the eldervuchihas? they dont mess around, and what did obito do? he messed around unlike the other uchihas and acted childish. I feel like Obitos somewhat in partial control of madaras personality. There's something still left in there. To me it's not argument that's obitos body. Just read my info i wrote on my profile and it's solid proof to anyone.

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  15 лет назад

    Yes i laready noticed that too, little strange stuff i think that in one series he looks like this and in another like that. I wanted to write a comment about that but it will be also in the second video of this. Can u pls tell me what episode is that pic. in? i Cant find that one

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  17 лет назад

    opps guys i made a mistype that "holy in his mask" i mean "hole in his mask " sry for it

  • @ElectronicCalifornia
    @ElectronicCalifornia 13 лет назад

    It wouldnt make sense if Madara was the Sage. The Sage of Six Paths was the jinchuuriki of the ten tailed beast, why would he split the ten tailed beast into 9 demons only to later want to put them back together? It would be the biggest plot hole in manga history.

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  15 лет назад

    from the comments, i'm starting to think i uploaded this to proove obito is tobi, BUT i'm not, yes i'm personaly belive this (foolish me :D) but i uploaded this vid to collect some of the earlyer thoughts of u from youtube and from forums and to say what my option about those proofs not to proove obito is tobi. Also i'm thinking to do a 2nd vid about this vith updates of the last 1-2 years.

  • @Bistober
    @Bistober 15 лет назад

    tobi is obito since in the manga he said 'the true power of the sharigan madara uchias power' he refers madara as a third person and he looks more like obitoo so he could be a reincarnation of madara or somthing like that. intell he takes off the mask we can only geus. and madara is hardly ever talked about.

  • @Eternitycomplex
    @Eternitycomplex 12 лет назад

    @Shinobi35103 Tobi has HUNDREDS of sharingan eyes in stasis. He could use any one of them to use Izanagi and replace them at will, just like Danzo tried to do when he imbedded his right arm with several sharingan eyes for that very purpose.

  • @J_Aech
    @J_Aech 16 лет назад

    if anyone does not belive me the truth is that madara is obito in disguise pein is taking orders from him

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  16 лет назад

    i never tought there will be more than 5000 views, i just put up an interesting thing, and now i have 5385 visitors, thnx to all who watched my vid, and i hope u too laughed at Sasuke's new atomic eyes ^^

  • @Frznwhrlpll
    @Frznwhrlpll 13 лет назад

    madara had his left eye covered for a reason and he only showed it once he got the rinigan

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  15 лет назад

    I'm working on the 2nd round :D i will discuss some of the comment i liked in under this vid.

  • @jinjuuriki05
    @jinjuuriki05 13 лет назад

    obito is tobi,because he give her 1 eye to kakashi,but madara is have a 2 eyes,so that is the truth,common sense !

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  16 лет назад

    If you mean i dont know anything, then please realize that this video created far before tobi even said he is madara. Also the creators of this proofs isnt me, if watch the video inf. it says this is a COLLECTION, i found this stuff in other different vids in youtube, and collected the best ones they made then. The only thing that stops me from deleting the video is that, its a good place to chat about the news in the subject. And the madara in obito thing is stange to me XD.

  • @QuatreiZer0
    @QuatreiZer0 13 лет назад

    I say look at kakashi...
    they look like the same age as tobi, even when tobi fought the 4th, kakashi was shown with almost the same age as his
    His power... It's somewhat close to tobi's, they both control time and space which I'm guessing obito saw and copied/derived from the 4th hokage's technique
    Kakashi seems to know tobi when he first sees him.
    Also, tobi might've used madara's name since the fourth assumed that he is madara
    Tobi's pass through things technique saved obito

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  16 лет назад

    we know about tobi now he can become imvincible and attack just gone trough him, Maybe he learned it from Zetsu

  • @yellowcorba1
    @yellowcorba1 13 лет назад

    @IMTHEONLYONEful dude he used Izanagi something that he risked loosing his eye to. Even if a person has EMS they are still vulnerable to Izanagi and when zetsu said that its because he put Rinnigan in his body.

  • @aztecamop
    @aztecamop 14 лет назад

    is obito's body but the soul is madara.using Orochimaru's transfer technique he managed to transfer obito's body after the three World War when obito died sry for my english :))

  • @BuzZeration1
    @BuzZeration1 14 лет назад

    yes but in the anime episode 140 tobi told sauske that he was madara uchiha and that he took his brothers eyes to obtane the eternal mangekyo sharinghan watch it if you dont believe me

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  15 лет назад

    thnx for reading the commen in the, begining of teh video, and the description and the release date
    -well at least you heard a good song no? ;)

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  15 лет назад

    if u missed the last chaper i recommend u all :D. Soon Naruto will kick Pein's evill butt

  • @TheCursedMoonWolf
    @TheCursedMoonWolf 12 лет назад

    You sir, have a good mind

  • @Trunghuynh90
    @Trunghuynh90 13 лет назад

    I show proof instead of theories. Tobi eyes were crushed. His hair. Lets go back to manga 400 during the time he first met itachi he had long hair, and still wears a one eye mask and his suits up to now . The holes in the suit is for his amour. MARDARA is an actor. When he solique, he makes his power sounding important as if he was a 3rd person. Tobi personality is not similar to obito, tobi is a identity hider Obviously his long hair was a dead give alway.

  • @z0biC
    @z0biC 15 лет назад

    I think everyone is wrong...... I think is tsunade's brother...... He has the same hair. We never saw that he died or his dead body. Orochimaru can have killed someone because at that time Orochimaru was in the ataksuki. Maybe.

  • @raven9112
    @raven9112 14 лет назад

    @Simmlex just posted the samething lol my thoughts exactly. also how did kabuto get pains body and what rinnegan eyes was madara aboutto use

  • @Perrseus
    @Perrseus 13 лет назад

    @IMTHEONLYONEful remeber that tobi has a labortory filled with bodys and sharinganns...mabey he used them to get his other eye and mabey a mangekou sharingann

  • @zenraloc
    @zenraloc 14 лет назад

    Obito could still have become the mizukage at some point, same with madara.

  • @budingrafiuddin9552
    @budingrafiuddin9552 12 лет назад

    i like this and u are same..i think obito is madara...

  • @D3mm0n
    @D3mm0n 15 лет назад

    ok someone correct me if I am wrong because I have been toying with this in my head for a bit. Back during the Orochimaru vs.Sarutobi didn't he summon the souls of the first and Madara? So if Madara is still alive how was this possible? Or was it just another of Orochimaru's bullshit tactics? From the way the Anbu and Sarutobi were commenting it was a frbidden technique and very much the real deal so I am still sort of confused about that. Anyone have any input on that one?

  • @joaocbcneto
    @joaocbcneto 12 лет назад

    i saw the newest chapter of naruto and there is a chance that the next chapter will have tobi s face let s look forward for the next chapter you guys aleluia we will stop fighting about who is tobi wohoo who will be him obito madara s brother or another of the theories let s be happy when we see it and stop being angry with each other
    because tobi s face is gonna be revealed!

  • @4mellinger07
    @4mellinger07 16 лет назад

    tobi has split personalities one is clumsy and dumb like obito another is evil somewhat what weve heard of madara. My guess is that Obito and Madara are both tobi.

  • @xdarksaiyan13
    @xdarksaiyan13 13 лет назад

    @larry161989 i know why doesnt he ever use it or show it when he used his transportation mangekyo jutsu i think that jutsu is also the 1 that kakashi used so wft remember tobi wasnt effected by that jutsu

  • @Simmlex
    @Simmlex  16 лет назад

    this video s prety old guys, i read the chapter 400 too, i just cant understand now why he doest unmask himself? And ones more this video was made a half year ago, its not the question now what it shows

  • @aztecamop
    @aztecamop 14 лет назад

    body is obito but soul is madara using the tehnique of orochimaru madara finaly made to transfer his soul in obito after third war when obito die sory for my english but im from romania :))