I got a NS-10p. After messing around the connectors, it can warm a guitar sound nicely. The factory tube smooth out the high ends and are a little bass heavy and has not got enough pre to drive a passive signal to anything useful.. With an eq to push the tone, it is has a very nice tone effect on a guitar line signal, attenuating the sizzle out of the top end from a brightly distorted signal, and added no noticeable extra noise floor to an MXR saturation pedal. I don't think the op amp will let me push the valves to crumble. But for a phantom mic like the B-2 that's too bright for vocals, this might be gold. I will get back to you. I loved your review and thanks for the bonus tips about the alternative tubes.
It should be noted this little guy came with two vacuum tube types over the years. The early models used 6J9 nine pin tubes. About 2018-2019 a revised unit was released using seven pin 6J3 tubes. Before searching out tubes be sure they are compatible to the unit you own.
Unreal. The Behringer Heavy Metal, and the Heavy Distortion in combo with these is utterly amazing. The Heavy Distortion HD-300 can push much higher input into these pre amps and it gets nice and sloppy. I cant tell if the tube saturates due to the pedals distortion. But I had a blues sound going, just through a $50 set of cinema capable, secondhand, 2.1 PC speakers with a decent woofer, the Hi-fi has some grunt but is in mini form. With the distortion turned down to 9 o'clock the sound was melting like butter through these smallish speakers.
there where some changes to this device, so I don´t know Your version, best is to look up on google with Your installed tubes, which are the best substitutes. The russian tubes work very well, and You get them cheap.
I got a NS-10p. After messing around the connectors, it can warm a guitar sound nicely. The factory tube smooth out the high ends and are a little bass heavy and has not got enough pre to drive a passive signal to anything useful.. With an eq to push the tone, it is has a very nice tone effect on a guitar line signal, attenuating the sizzle out of the top end from a brightly distorted signal, and added no noticeable extra noise floor to an MXR saturation pedal. I don't think the op amp will let me push the valves to crumble. But for a phantom mic like the B-2 that's too bright for vocals, this might be gold. I will get back to you. I loved your review and thanks for the bonus tips about the alternative tubes.
It should be noted this little guy came with two vacuum tube types over the years. The early models used 6J9 nine pin tubes. About 2018-2019 a revised unit was released using seven pin 6J3 tubes. Before searching out tubes be sure they are compatible to the unit you own.
Thank You for Your great advice about this update! Mine is still the 9-pin 6J9...
Nice little piece to get acquainted with tubes! ; ) Smirnoff tubes :)
Unreal. The Behringer Heavy Metal, and the Heavy Distortion in combo with these is utterly amazing. The Heavy Distortion HD-300 can push much higher input into these pre amps and it gets nice and sloppy. I cant tell if the tube saturates due to the pedals distortion. But I had a blues sound going, just through a $50 set of cinema capable, secondhand, 2.1 PC speakers with a decent woofer, the Hi-fi has some grunt but is in mini form. With the distortion turned down to 9 o'clock the sound was melting like butter through these smallish speakers.
Find a similar one for use with a DAC and AMP.
Which DC cable are you using in the battery? there is 6V 2A!
What are the Russian military tubes?
there where some changes to this device, so I don´t know Your version, best is to look up on google with Your installed tubes, which are the best substitutes. The russian tubes work very well, and You get them cheap.