每道菜都是一段故事 Every Dish Tells a Story:在舊金山品味廚師的夏日回憶 Tasting the Chefs' Summer Memories in SFO

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • (English audio/中文字幕)這家位於舊金山的小餐廳,只有兩位廚師,他們是一對夫婦,餐廳僅有8個座位,營造出私密且溫馨的氛圍。每當他們在廚房忙碌時,總會與客人輕鬆聊天,分享這些菜餚背後與他們生活故事的深厚連結。每一道菜,都蘊含著他們生活中的一段回憶,讓用餐者不僅能品嘗到食材的新鮮與美味,還能感受到其中的情感與故事。這是一場充滿人情味的夏日餐桌體驗。
    Ox & Tiger restaurant in San Francisco 舊金山的“牛與虎”餐廳 -
    每道菜都是一段故事 Every Dish Tells a Story:在舊金山品味廚師的夏日回憶 Tasting the Chefs' Summer Memories in SFO
    This small restaurant in San Francisco is run by only two chefs, a husband-and-wife duo, creating a cozy and intimate dining experience with just 8 seats. While busy in the kitchen, they engage in light-hearted conversations with the guests, sharing the deep connections between the dishes and their own life stories. Each dish carries a memory from their lives, offering diners not only fresh and delicious food but also an emotional and heartfelt experience. It’s a summer dining experience filled with warmth and human connection.
    The dishes here are more than just food; they are vessels of stories. Through ingredients, the couple shares moments of their summer days, blending inspiration from their travels and the warmth of their family into every plate. Whether it's a refreshing salad or a handcrafted entrée, each dish is infused with the essence of summer, as if taking you back to a warm afternoon, listening to stories while savoring life itself.
    舊金山/San Francisco/SFO dining experience/SFO restaurant/cooking in front of you/chef's talking/chefs' telling stories
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    我愛做菜,愛美食,更愛與朋友們分享生活中的大小經驗!雖說世上無完美之事,但我總是願意帶著一份喜悅和創新態度來豐富自己的生活。我從自己拍攝RUclips視頻以來,也都是自己做影片的剪接和配音。我為興趣而做,樂在其中!我選擇平衡的生活,所以我每一週到一週半會發布一部新的視頻,我不趕進度,不為保持流量而拍視頻。相信您也是應該是願意過著健康,平衡的生活吧!:) 感謝Gabe Van Sloun/陳帥全為我做優美的原創視頻鋼琴音樂。如果您喜歡我的視頻,請支持訂閱的我頻道!感謝您!
    I love cooking and I enjoy eating good & healthy homemade food! I make RUclips videos because I enjoy filming, editing and doing the audio by myself. Thanks to Gabe Van Sloun for composing beautiful original piano music for my videos.
    Please support and subscribe to my channel! Thank you!
    我爱做菜,爱美食,更爱与朋友们分享生活中的大小经验!虽说世上无完美之事,但我总是愿意带着一份喜悦和创新态度来丰富自己的生活。我从自己拍摄RUclips视频以来,也都是自己做影片的剪接和配音。我为兴趣而做,乐在其中!我选择平衡的生活,所以我每一周到一周半会发布一部新的视频。我不赶进度,不为保持流量而拍视频。相信您也是应该是愿意过着健康,平衡的生活吧! :) 感谢Gabe Van Sloun/陈帅全为我做优美的原创视频钢琴音乐。如果您喜欢我的视频,请支持订阅的我频道!感谢您!

Комментарии • 1

  • @PriscillasJoyfulKitchenNotes
    @PriscillasJoyfulKitchenNotes  17 часов назад

    在外三個月的旅行真的讓我吃了不少美食,不管是米其林的高檔餐飲或是在夜市裡的各式小吃,樣樣都是我的最愛!就算是三個月長的時間可以讓我大吃大喝一番,而且不用煮飯,但我還是覺得時間永遠不夠用。或許是由於夏天天氣太熱,而且每天往外跑,天天都在外吃飯,似乎也太集中了吧。哈哈!但我還是覺得自己很幸福,每年都能回台灣找尋和重溫自己最愛的人事物。真的是心存感激!Traveling for three months has really allowed me to indulge in a lot of delicious food. Whether it's high-end Michelin dining or various street foods from the Taiwan night markets, they're all my favorites! Even though three months gave me plenty of time to feast without having to cook, I still feel like there was never enough time. Maybe it’s also because the summer weather is too hot, and being out every day makes eating out feel a bit overwhelming. Haha! But I still feel very blessed to be able to return to Taiwan every year and rediscover and relive the things and people I love most. I am truly grateful for everything!