I love the liturgy so much! It is purely and thoroughly Biblical, and so very beautiful! We do not have much liturgy at all in my Lutheran Church. I think we might've fallen for that idea that old things get stale. I don't feel that way. If one is really putting their focus on it, listening to the words, meditating on them, it is never old (not to me, anyway)!! Our bulletins have some liturgy(limited) that is spoken & it's ok, but I miss the MUSIC with the words. I have loved it all along! +pax+
Preface Proper Preface Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth...) Lord's Prayer Words of Institution Pax Domani (The Peace of the Lord...) Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) From TLH page 15 and/or LSB Divine Service 3.
Luther knew the spiritual power of strong congregational singing . . . such as this.
Thank you Lord for sending Martin Luther to reform the church.....
I agree. Old is the church and it never should change. Jesus is the same always! My Grandparents loved this.
I love the liturgy so much! It is purely and thoroughly Biblical, and so very beautiful! We do not have much liturgy at all in my Lutheran Church. I think we might've fallen for that idea that old things get stale. I don't feel that way. If one is really putting their focus on it, listening to the words, meditating on them, it is never old (not to me, anyway)!! Our bulletins have some liturgy(limited) that is spoken & it's ok, but I miss the MUSIC with the words. I have loved it all along! +pax+
amen, I agree with you, I love the traditional liturgy
hosanna in the highest been forever and ever amen
That was beautiful. ❤️
Proper Preface
Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth...)
Lord's Prayer
Words of Institution
Pax Domani (The Peace of the Lord...)
Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)
From TLH page 15 and/or LSB Divine Service 3.
The 1941 Hymnal rules!
just lookin for the zach hill sample impossible to find
boring organist