Why Croatia “Joined” Operation Barbarossa

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 506

  • @HistoryHustle
    @HistoryHustle  Год назад +23

    Why the Germans were OUTRAGED by the violence of the Croatians in WW2:

    • @marcoskehl
      @marcoskehl Год назад +2

      ✅ 👍

    • @osa-mv4iv
      @osa-mv4iv Год назад

      Haha the germans you said they fuck all yougoslav pepole and traw them in hell youn wrot obaut NDH but you know nothimg how war wage in yugoslavia .
      Partizans simpatize ustasha movment to julay 22 and operation barbarosa then after that they go in ustase uniforme in serbs vilige and kill serbs then they go in chetniks uniforme and kill same croats .
      Before 10 of april 1941 250000 italian soldiers with arms land on croatian shore Pavelić has no army so he agree for Rome agremet .All time italians suport chetniks and laiter parizans so Pavelić send volontera to russaia front to gain exspirience and he think that germans would help him to trow italians i sea.
      Also Jure Francetić comandant of Black Legion go on meeting with dalmatian partizans to jojn fught agienst italian fasict but they sabotage his plane .
      If you wont know real story obaut croation legion go read Croation legion 369 reinforced infatry regiment by Jason D Mark.

    • @danijelhrup9715
      @danijelhrup9715 Год назад +3

      Dude... Again with bullshit talking!!!
      Where did you got those info.
      Just like you did in the last video, from Yugoslavian and Serbian forums and books

    • @oomgawie9175
      @oomgawie9175 Год назад

      No more rubbish ruzzki commie crap

    • @daviddoran3673
      @daviddoran3673 Год назад

      Please tell me you aren't still accusing the evil Russians of every war crime in history??????

  • @afewminutesofhistory
    @afewminutesofhistory Год назад +11

    Superb as always.

  • @misicnikola
    @misicnikola Год назад +7

    Wow! The effort and sincerity you put in here are amazing! Great work!

  • @nadiaandkofi
    @nadiaandkofi Год назад +7

    Thank you for another amazing video!

  • @dafeafalla-wl5mq
    @dafeafalla-wl5mq Год назад +43

    Meanwhile in serbia:
    on every corner grafitti of ratko mladic (butcherer of balkan)
    on every corner "peaceful" slogans like:
    "srebrenica will come again"
    "kll, slghter until albanians will not exist anymore..."
    current serbian president who shouted they will k for 1 serb 100 muslims...
    yes serbs are really peaceful people and not hateful or genocidal at all...

    • @nikolamajkic303
      @nikolamajkic303 8 месяцев назад +1

      Кме кме

    • @laganobrate3208
      @laganobrate3208 7 месяцев назад +1

      Хммм а да није можда та мржња због Козаре,Јама,Јасеновачког логора,или масакра у Стабанџи над Србима ,и зато што сте требали Србе са вековних огњишта да би ви направили ваше државе и онда ћутите и спомињете само оно што вама одговара.🙂Плачете по Европи и глумите жртве А подизали руку Хитлеру плус сте бацали у јаме децу,жене,старе итд... Само зато што су Срби ,проговори мало опширније и о'узроку ,шта Срби треба да вам тапшу док су вас Срби 1918 ослобађали ви сте за узврат узвратили са пактом и то са Нацистима и исте Србе стрељали и свакакве гадости радили .... А рат деведесетих је био државни рат ,грађански где ви нападате опет Србе и тражите помоћ од НАТО Алијансе уз лажи и обмане 4 милиона Срба је побијено и побацано у јаме у реке итд... И ти причаш неком нешто дволични дупљаку ... Сва срећа постоје записи,новински,књижевни,фотографије као и видео записи као и извештаји Немачких и Италијанских војника како у'животу нису видели такве звери и злодела да ли је вама било жао не'напротив ви би то и сада поновили ви сте дупелисци и Слуге и идете тамо где је актуелно некада је то Била Хитлерова Немачка па Југославија данас је То НАТО и ЕУ ! Али полако платићете ви у натури и то не од нас него од оних истих од којих вас је Србин ослобађао 1918 🙂 Све они имају записано и карте где и како Чак се то и данас прича у Мађарском и Италијанском парламенту тако да само полако...

    • @SLqB11
      @SLqB11 5 месяцев назад

      not compared to Croats and muslims

    • @nikolamajkic303
      @nikolamajkic303 5 месяцев назад

      @@SLqB11 ма то је неки мошњак или курват.боранија пилићарска

    • @SDluka
      @SDluka 4 месяца назад


  • @Artur_M.
    @Artur_M. Год назад +41

    I can't think of anything insightful to write, but I'll leave a comment anyway as a sign of appreciation of your work and for the algorithm.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +7


    • @mirquellasantos2716
      @mirquellasantos2716 Год назад +3

      You won't be disappointed cause this channel is great. I was not fun of history in high school but now I can't wait for new episodes.

    • @Artur_M.
      @Artur_M. Год назад +2

      @@mirquellasantos2716 I know, have been subscribed for years! 😁

  • @carlospargamendez4784
    @carlospargamendez4784 Год назад +17

    The francoist División Azul fought in german uniform, as well.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +5


    • @oomgawie9175
      @oomgawie9175 Год назад

      Against the commie crap

    • @zedarmisted2821
      @zedarmisted2821 5 месяцев назад

      ​​@@HistoryHustleIt is interesting that a large number of captured members of the 369th legionary regiment later fought on the side of the Red Army under the name 1st Yugoslav Brigade. I think you have material for a new video there.

    • @JozaJoza-en3hk
      @JozaJoza-en3hk 2 месяца назад

      ​​@@zedarmisted2821 veliki broj sta baljezgas vecina ih se ostala boriti do smrti cuj veliki broj

  • @OlsenLlapri
    @OlsenLlapri 7 месяцев назад +2

    Respect for Croatian soldiers bravery during WW2. If you wanna know why they were brutal. Because we as croatians bosnians Albanians and slovenes suffered from serbs chetniks.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  7 месяцев назад


    • @CROJERO
      @CROJERO 6 дней назад

      ​@@HistoryHustleI think that you are biased towards Serbia and Serbs.

  • @MarioBekes
    @MarioBekes Год назад +7

    Mate,I do have question, who wrote this script for you? Serbian Academy of Science ( SANU ) ?! Or did you collected those info while visiting Belgrade !?

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +3

      Nope. See sources below the video.

    • @nikolamajkic303
      @nikolamajkic303 8 месяцев назад

      Марио можеш да попушиш ону ствар.пиз.д.о

    • @nadacalo9289
      @nadacalo9289 8 месяцев назад

      Maybe you tell us the truth😂😂😂Everything is clear.

  • @giacomo.rotondo
    @giacomo.rotondo 6 месяцев назад +1

    Stefan, thanks for nice video. I think NDH never officially declared war on the USSR. And that was the reason why they went as members of the German and Italian armies. The Soviets secretly visited Pavelić in Zagreb at the beginning of the war, but that's another story...

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  6 месяцев назад +1

      Interesting to read. Thanks for sharing.

  • @marionapoleoni4502
    @marionapoleoni4502 Год назад +9

    New subscriber as of 30 min ago! Love your insight (particularly on these Croatian vids) on an unfortunately overlooked yet massively important sector of the war. Looking forward to all your vids (past, present & future). ~ Maz

  • @sirdarklust
    @sirdarklust Год назад +2

    Another good video. I was glad to hear the ding dong at 2:10. I have been missing it during your travel videos. It's a busy Saturday for me, so I'll just say take care, and enjoy your weekend.

  • @unlimitedcosmicspeed
    @unlimitedcosmicspeed Год назад +10

    The Ustasha is a great embarrassment and shame for the nation of Croatian and its largely great history, smh. But, a fascinating video nonetheless.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +1

      Thanks for watching.

    • @Mateo-mh6jd
      @Mateo-mh6jd Год назад

      I think more that 70% Croats are proud of Ustasa movement....partisans maked a lot of lies(a lot of stories about Jasenovac are lies)and how many Croats did partisans have killed during 45-48

    • @powderskier5547
      @powderskier5547 6 месяцев назад +4

      No it's not, it was a proper army not like the bush serbian chetniks and the partizans who were bands of murderous bandits roaming around the forests

    • @unlimitedcosmicspeed
      @unlimitedcosmicspeed 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@powderskier5547 I am Hrvatski and know the history very very well and I am not afraid to say I embarrassed and ashamed. Ustasa do NOT represent Croatian people. Deflecting blame to others does not justify or make what they did acceptable. What they did at Jasenovac was horrific. You say 'proper army'......killing and torture of 'unarmed' men, women and children for a stupid and ignorant ideology ? How brave and heroic, smh. They allied and collaborated with the Nazi's FFS. Perhaps you should educate yourself to their dark deeds, they were sub-human at best.

    • @unlimitedcosmicspeed
      @unlimitedcosmicspeed 6 месяцев назад

      @@powderskier5547 Your reply doesn't make sense or have relevance to my original statement. BTW, I am Croatian.

  • @josiprakonca2185
    @josiprakonca2185 Год назад +11

    Regarding the always present specter of mass murders by Ustasha state, just two things to mention:
    - why did Yugoslavia after the WW2 artificially inflated the number of WW2 casualties from 1.1 to 1.7 millions? Someone had to kill those non-existent victims.
    - compare the last pre-WW2 census with the first post-WW2 census, compare the ethnic maps before and after too, who was at loss after the war?

    • @BakitracinTugungu
      @BakitracinTugungu Год назад +3

      Ustasha and the Partisans were both created and run from the London.

    • @nashbridges-cu6dy
      @nashbridges-cu6dy Год назад +2

      ​@@BakitracinTugungupartisans yes, ustashe no, they are creation of vatican.

    • @BakitracinTugungu
      @BakitracinTugungu Год назад

      @@nashbridges-cu6dy That is what I thought. Serbian professor Smilja Avramov had found a document belonging to MI6. Ante Pavelic was on MI6 payroll. If it doesn't make sense, it simply means that they've sold us a lot of "history". There are documents pointing to Partisans and Ustasha having secret agreements. Even German high command does secret agreements with the Partisans. When Otto Scorzeny was asked to do paratrooper assault on Drvar. He went to study to Battle plans. When he realized that assault was not an actual attack but some strange historical stunt, he refused. We know this from his memoirs. See, that attack was staged to provide a historical backbone for heroic partisan movement. Since Partisans never fought anyone except Serb civilians. Dirty Freemason games.

    • @nadiaandkofi
      @nadiaandkofi Год назад

      @@nashbridges-cu6dycreation of the Vatican? Sorry this is the first time I heard something like that..

    • @nashbridges-cu6dy
      @nashbridges-cu6dy Год назад

      @@nadiaandkofi yeah couse serbs are born evel like russians they are treat to catholics couse they are real christians and needs to be exterminate from planet Earth. Thats why papa supported this genocide.. they are over a thousand croatian catholic priests who were directly envolved in genocide and converting christian children to catholics

  • @mirquellasantos2716
    @mirquellasantos2716 Год назад +23

    I was not fun of history back in high school but now I just can't wait for new episodes.

    • @krisfrederick5001
      @krisfrederick5001 Год назад +2

      I hope you are aware of Mark Felton Productions and World War 2 in Real Time and Reel History. They're amazing

    • @claudermiller
      @claudermiller Год назад +1

      I always loved history except the history of England. Didn't like them as a kid, don't like them 60 years later. 😅😂😅

    • @LarsonPetty
      @LarsonPetty Год назад +1

      It's the difference between being compelled to do something by force, and the conscious choice to do something by preference.

    • @oajajaj
      @oajajaj Год назад +1

      @@krisfrederick5001 Mark Felton although an actual academic historian plagiarises other people and a German tank museum did a response to his video correcting misinformation so I think personally it is better to look at his actual academic work instead of his videos

    • @tomislav6878
      @tomislav6878 11 месяцев назад +2

      Hahhaha, don’t you learn at this channel, not much to learn.
      It’s like I was learning in former Tito’s communist Yugoslavia, one sided history.

  • @simonkevnorris
    @simonkevnorris Год назад +1

    Thanks for another interesting video.

  • @gibraltersteamboatco888
    @gibraltersteamboatco888 Год назад +2

    Great video. Thank you. BZ

  • @drazenbicanic3590
    @drazenbicanic3590 Год назад +16

    In every occupied country, a certain number of inhabitants supported the Nazi occupiers.
    However, not all occupied countries are in the same position, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Estonians, even Croats were oppressed before the war and to a certain extent they welcomed the Germans as liberators. A better question would be: "Why did the French, Danes, Belgians and the like help the Germans?". The countries that stood by the Germans without occupation are a special story.
    People who didn't have much of a choice are always criticized more.

    • @informedtraveler3014
      @informedtraveler3014 Год назад +4

      The anti Soviet propaganda that was widely circulated throughout Europe probably had a lot to do with it. It is weird that the Western European collaborators don’t receive the same amount of criticism

    • @PreemL
      @PreemL Год назад +6

      They were not oppressed, especially not the Croats . Yugoslavia was a moderate kingdom

    • @drazenbicanic3590
      @drazenbicanic3590 Год назад +12

      @@PreemL Massacres known as: "Sibin victims, December victims, Senj victims", etc., assassination in the assembly, Laws that enabled electoral fraud, robbery during the conversion of Austro-Hungarian currency, state contracts only for Serbian companies, promotion in the army (the ratio of generals of various nations, etc etc...
      It really gives the impression of equality.

    • @hazzmati
      @hazzmati Год назад +1

      A war crime is a crime whether you were “opressed” or not

    • @VladimirTironi
      @VladimirTironi Год назад +1

      Communist said threy started rebillion against govrment (in 1941, and wars started in 1939...sic!) becouse opession. |And esspecially at the end of the war they commited war cromes. So, you're seaying theye are war criminals? @@hazzmati

  • @jonomobono3223
    @jonomobono3223 Год назад +43

    I saw a lot of CNN and BBC documentary about serbian genocide in bosnia and kosova...it mades my stomach sick...

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +21

      That is not what this video is about. Please stay on topic.

    • @nashbridges-cu6dy
      @nashbridges-cu6dy Год назад +8

      WTF it got to do with this video? Feeling shame so trying to not be the worst animal ever in history of Balkan??? Thats not how it works, it works on the way to write an apology comment. On your way you making the thing worse.

    • @jonomobono3223
      @jonomobono3223 Год назад +3

      @@yellowwasprakija2869 no but in serbian TV...

    • @TheWolf-xe2kz
      @TheWolf-xe2kz Год назад

      CNN is a garbage tv channel that made excuses to bomb my country of Serbia.
      Bill Clinton had those documentaries made,and then he made Monica orally please him when that shit was done.

    • @itsblitz4437
      @itsblitz4437 Год назад +8

      Serbian Genocide? Or do you mean Bosnian And Kosovar Genocide?

  • @KevinSullivanNYC
    @KevinSullivanNYC Год назад +1

    Love your videos!

  • @daveanderson3805
    @daveanderson3805 Год назад +6

    Excellent work as always 🎉

  • @jokodihaynes419
    @jokodihaynes419 Год назад +7

    `Great video mate Keep up the great work you doing i hope you do a video on what queen wilhelmina and the royal family and what they did during the war

  • @osa-mv4iv
    @osa-mv4iv Год назад +5

    For all of that wont know real history of Croation legion and not this misininformation go read book by Jason D Mark Croation Legion 369 reinforced infantry regiment

  • @JohnGeary-e9e
    @JohnGeary-e9e Год назад +6

    Thanks for this information regarding the Ustache as people need a memory jog

  • @AD-kz9uj
    @AD-kz9uj Год назад +3

    Not ideologically motivated but carrying flaggs with red stars?! 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @justincase9842
    @justincase9842 Год назад +7

    Nice video but I think it is ideologically biased. I suggest you to read book called 'Croatian Legion' by Amir Obhođaš and Jason D Mark. It gives nice overview why did Croatia send volunteers to eastern front. Also id gives nice inside about unit iteself and its tragic ending inside Stalingrad.

  • @CARL_093
    @CARL_093 Год назад +2

    its a long journey back home from them as i remember

  • @EL20078
    @EL20078 Год назад +10

    FIRST! Keep up the good work!

  • @i_am3629
    @i_am3629 8 месяцев назад +1

    My great grandfather on mothers side was Croat. He was from croatian Istria that was ocupied by Italians during WW2. He voluntered to partisans and fought against italians and germans. He was killed in a battle but his remains were never found. There were many Croats that fought against nazis but i guess majority joined Ustashe.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  8 месяцев назад +2

      Not at all. Most Croats were not with Ustasha. Many wanted to survive and tried not to pick a side unless forced.

    • @i_am3629
      @i_am3629 8 месяцев назад

      @@HistoryHustle I think there were two fractions. Domobrani was a bit softer one. Ustashe mostly the butchers.

  • @DRFelGood
    @DRFelGood Год назад +5

    Great review Stefan, thank you, Cheers ✌️🤟

  • @Oleg-b8d
    @Oleg-b8d Год назад +17

    Great video. I saw in Croatia that croatian state id doing a lot to hide and cover up traces of genocide in ww2.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +3

      Croatian nationalists for sure. Not sure to what extent the Croatian government. But for sure they are not selling it to the audience either.

    • @josipivanic6755
      @josipivanic6755 Год назад +5

      The Ustaše movement was founded in 1929 as a response to Serbian fascism and hegemony and as a response to the fascist dictatorship of the Serbian Karadjordjevic dynasty. Not everything is black and white as you want to falsely portray. The Ustaški movement is a reaction to Serbian fascism and hegemony during the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. When the Ustasha movement was founded, it was a nationalist and terrorist movement like the Irish Ira, the Basque Eta, or the Palestinian Plo. Since they had their cells in Italy, they connected with the Italian fascists because the Italians also had an interest in the destruction of the Yugoslav kingdom.

    • @ctd325
      @ctd325 Год назад +1

      Public display of ustasha support is punishable by prison or a 4000 euro fine. How can you then tell that the state is trying to cover it up? Can you name any examples?

    • @memetkasupovic4321
      @memetkasupovic4321 Год назад

      ​@@josipivanic6755what a brutal lies. Croatians weren't prosecuted or oporessed in Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Ustaša movement was psychopatic fascistic movement created to establish independent state of croatia even on the territory which werent historically croatian. Sure, serbs, jews and gypsies as organism -Orthodox Serbs were majority in many parts, specially in Bosnia- had to be removed and Croatians did that brutal way in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slavonia, Srem wether on their doorsteps in their villages or in concentrational camps. Aren't you ashamed? Dabogda da ti se najmilom krv u vodu pretvara kolko si ti u pravo, dabogda da te moja ciganska kletva usustigne i krv od moji cigani koja ste prosuli.

    • @Harahvaiti
      @Harahvaiti Год назад +1

      ​@@memetkasupovic4321 really? Croatians weren't prosecuted in first Yugoslavia. I guess Stjepan Radić killed himself then or Milan Sufflay who stood by Kosova Albanians even then and was beaten to death on the street... You're one that lies, but Serbian Roma always stood by Greater Serbian butchers, that is why you were all kicked out of Kosovo because where Serbs were doing the killing, Roma were doing the looting. Memete, jedeš govna, a burek jeftin.

  • @TheopolisQSmith
    @TheopolisQSmith Год назад +7

    I like how you cover the lesser known areas of history.

    @TGSSMC Год назад +19

    On the first day of operation Barbarossa, The First Sisak Partisan Detachment was formed by other Croats, as the first anti-nazi unit in Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia in Croatia, and it marked the beginning of the armed struggle for national liberation in Croatia. Imagine that, 78 Croats and one Serb woman Nada Dimic. That was more than a month before the uprising that was made official.

    • @EdMcF1
      @EdMcF1 Год назад +5

      Right up to the day of Barbarossa, the Communists did not oppose the Nazis.

    • @Pixonette
      @Pixonette Год назад

      Total lie. It was the Day when communists and Chetniks (Serbs) killed allmost all citizens in the village with enormous brutallity. The even put one Catholic priest on grill. Only Croatian (as victims) celebrate the Day of mass murders as national holiday. Serbian lies continues to Flow. But the truth will prevail.

    • @Pixonette
      @Pixonette Год назад

      Total lie. It was the Day when communists and Chetniks (Serbs) killed allmost all citizens in the village with enormous brutallity. The even put one Catholic priest on grill. Only Croatian (as victims) celebrate the Day of mass murders as national holiday. Serbian lies continues to Flow. But the truth will prevail.

    • @Knajsan
      @Knajsan Год назад

      They are same with different colours. I have family members killed 41, few days after italians arrived, way before any commie shit army existed. They tried to show them as commies, but no descendants joined the reds and most fled in 50-60-s. And didnt you notice this ape not mention Croats as victims for a single time. Hes a troll.

    • @koljemcetnikepovoljno9027
      @koljemcetnikepovoljno9027 Год назад

      ​@@EdMcF1so true!

  • @philbachmann6398
    @philbachmann6398 Год назад +5

    Great research and pictures Stefan. 🙏🇦🇺

  • @salsheikh4508
    @salsheikh4508 Год назад +7

    Awesome video

  • @domagojcelic3987
    @domagojcelic3987 Год назад +5

    Četnici collaborated with Germans, they were not resistance. They are the main reason Handžar divison was created. If they had not killed muslim Croats there would be no need for making Handžar division. And btw. Serbs made Belgrade first Judenfrei city in Europe. Serbs signed Tripartite pact on March 25th 1941 by the ethnic Serb Dragiša Cvetković who was accompanied by another ethnic Serb Aleksandar Cincar Marković.

  • @tomix19ny
    @tomix19ny 4 месяца назад

    My croatian neighbour from Bosnia was captured in Stalingrad, he came back 1950 and started a family .

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  4 месяца назад +1

      What did he tell about his experiences? Feel free to share.

  • @KnezBranimir879
    @KnezBranimir879 7 месяцев назад

    I have read that, given the winter months of 1941 were approaching and the supply of winter uniforms and equipment was not nearly as adequate, in order to withstand the severe Russian cold, the soldiers of the Croatian Legion had to resort to wearing items of the Soviet winter uniforms taken from the Soviet soldiers that they captured in battle.

  • @ΑλεξιοςΓεκτιδης

    Greeeeeeeeat job and highly effective respected sir.greetings from Greece salonika Alexander the Great hometown a...a...a....nd keep going looking forward and let yr hands and yr mouth going to move up more steps....i love what you doing brooo... beautiful

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад

      Glad you enjoyed it 👍

    • @ΑλεξιοςΓεκτιδης
      @ΑλεξιοςΓεκτιδης Год назад

      @@HistoryHustle it's unbelievable that y doing my best wishes for moremost greedy and hungry for your stuff and it's all my pleasure

    • @ΑλεξιοςΓεκτιδης
      @ΑλεξιοςΓεκτιδης Год назад +1

      @@HistoryHustle and me to you that y like love ot greetings from sparta Greece i hope wish to talk again and if y want every day

  • @djordjeprodanovic6292
    @djordjeprodanovic6292 Год назад +1

    Germans offered Dimitrije Ljotić to send one company from the serbian volunteer corps to the eastern front to fight against the soviets, but Ljotić refused, even though he was anti-communist himself.
    Source: "For the history of our times" by Boško Kostić, published in Lille, France in 1949.
    "During the winters of 1941 and 1942, the infamous German police general August Meyszner arrives in Belgrade with his service. Meyszner invites Dimitrije Ljotić to meet with him and asks him to send at least one company of Serbian volunteers to the Eastern Front with a flag as a symbol of the Serbian people's fight against the communists. He adds that the volunteers will benefit from this, as they won't be poorly fed anymore and won't have to wear worn-out and torn uniforms. Meyszner emphasizes that he wants the volunteers to be provided for and supported in the same way as the German SS formations.
    Ljotić responds, "We cannot send anyone to the Eastern Front because we are not your allies. On the contrary, we are your slaves. The Soviets are the allies of our allies, and thus, allies of our King and his government in London. Therefore, according to our stance, they are our allies against whom we cannot fight. I know that the Soviets are not sincere allies to Americans, British, or French, let alone to our King Peter and us. Their goal is to conquer Europe and the world. I am aware of this, but still, we cannot wage war against them. We will continue to fight against the communists in our country, whom we consider the main enemies of Christianity and humanity. We are for God, for the King, and for the homeland. However, the communists are against God, against the King, and against the homeland. Moreover, I draw your attention to the fact that the carrier of our policy and the head of the government is General Nedić, under whose command the volunteers operate. Therefore, discuss this matter with him." "

  • @szakachdekapolna4372
    @szakachdekapolna4372 Год назад +1

    It was also known as Teufel Division- Devil's Division. They were hell of the fighter at the Stalingrad battle and, they stayed there till the end with the Germans.

    • @tolotamankula7718
      @tolotamankula7718 Год назад +3

      @@petarn2204 Winston Chirchill about Serbs:
      The archieve peacefulness in europe its not just necessary to destroy german imperialism, rather its also necessary to destroy chauvinist imperialism of little serbia

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +3

      Hope to cover more on the Croatian legios on Eastern Front one day in the future.

    • @szakachdekapolna4372
      @szakachdekapolna4372 Год назад

      @@HistoryHustle Lorković-Vokić plot (Croatian: Urota Lorković-Vokić) was a mid-1944 attempt initiated by Interior Minister Mladen Lorković and Armed Forces Minister Ante Vokić to form a coalition government with the Croatian Peasant Party (HSS), abandon the Axis powers and align the Independent State of Croatia with the Allies with the help of the Croatian Home Guard. The plot originated from the HSS, which was also involved in the negotiations with the Allies. The plot ended with mass arrests and the execution of the major plotters, including Lorković and Vokić. I suggest this topic

    • @szakachdekapolna4372
      @szakachdekapolna4372 Год назад

      @@petarn2204 According to the British Historian" I didn't want to read the comment further for reasons of mental hygiene, he probably didn't address the crimes of his genocidal kingdom as a topic. I visited Dresden this year, I can't even imagine the horror the civilians went through being burned alive. So much for the British, the lying gentlemen's dogs and the parasitic thieves of the world.

    • @jonomobono3223
      @jonomobono3223 Год назад

      ​@@petarn2204 you actually talk about serbs?
      Just Tell us how many muslim civilians serbs killed in Sarajevo, prijedor, foca, visegrad, posavina, banja luka, bijeljina, kozarac, zvornik etc.
      But were brave serbian army were in 1995? Year i know on tractors because there is a real army right now and not unarmed women and children...serbs actually "fought" all the time...
      Only in prijedor serbs killed more people then serbs have died in whole oluja

  • @nikolamikulec7373
    @nikolamikulec7373 Год назад +5

    Good video about Croatia in WW2. I like how you try to pronounce Croatian words. You pronounced them well enough that I, as a Croat, understand what you are saying. I know that Slavic languages ​​are difficult for non-Slavic-speaking people. All the best from friendly Croatia. P.S. history is cool. Nikola

    • @osa-mv4iv
      @osa-mv4iv Год назад +3

      E moj Nikola čovik misli da zna nešto al je prikaza totalno krivo pa preporučam svima knjigu Hrvatska legija 369 pojačana pješačka pukovnija

    • @ZDS104
      @ZDS104 Год назад

      LoL this video (and his other video about Croatia) is literally a pile of lies made up by communists and serbs in order to shame your people into submission. Don't fall for it.

    • @glaonrielelsinoth7243
      @glaonrielelsinoth7243 Год назад +2

      Dear Nikola, there is nothing good about this video. Unfortunately, History Hustle has gone from knowing little about the area of Yugoslavia during WW2, but being very careful to not put outrageous claims which he can't prove, to still not fully grasping the history of the area, but with no restrain in making nonsensical claims which he continues to base on like 5 books of dubious authors who themselves know very little about the region, historical context and the motives of different groups. I mean to use clowns like Yeomans or Glenny as some serious sources is just farcical. I hope he does this more out of a lack of knowledge, but at least he should be more careful when making such unhistorical claims as "the most sadistic" "the most cruel" which are not the terms used by serious historians.

  • @zillsburyy1
    @zillsburyy1 Год назад +2

    were the the ones who carried out the SS mutiny?

  • @bigsarge2085
    @bigsarge2085 Год назад +3

    Fascinating at always.

  • @johnthomson6507
    @johnthomson6507 Год назад +1

    actually good troops shredded during blue and in the city itself. people forget how well croatian bosniak troops in austro hungarian army fought against the italians of the isonzo battles in ww1. i think hitler was hoping to get a few divisions for the eastern front however titos and mihailovich forces tied most of the available manpower don.

  • @Albert-Arthur-Wison225
    @Albert-Arthur-Wison225 Год назад +7

    A superb episode,..as is the usual, really. Yes, you’re absolutely correct about the brutality of the Ustasha. It obviously can’t be described in anything approaching detail on a platform such as RUclips. Needless to say, they garnered a series of horrified complaints to both Berlin and Rome from even the Gestapo and the Waffen SS ! Not to mention the Heer, of course. Very reminiscent of the SS members in Poland and Belarus who kept complaining ( to no avail, apparently ) about Oskar Direlwanger’s unspeakably vile gang of murderers, poachers, rapists, child molesters, and sundry ne’er do wells of every description. The so-called ‘ Black Hunters ‘, whose exploits saw an enraptured Hitler show a horrified Ion Antonescu photographs of their rampages in Warsaw..

    • @ivicazubcic8718
      @ivicazubcic8718 9 месяцев назад

      Što je nestalo psihomedikamenata u smrdulji

  • @someonethatwatchesyoutube2953
    @someonethatwatchesyoutube2953 Год назад +3

    When times turn bad due to economic reasons there’s always a group to find that you can blame for it all, whether true or partially true. Unfortunately most of those persecuted are probably innocent. This applies to every era throughout time. I just wish that modern folks who don’t know their history and believe that only ONE group was guilty of such heinous acts were by no means alone. Unfortunately, that ignorance will allow it to happen again and again and again.

    • @talpark8796
      @talpark8796 Год назад

      yah...just like the 'memory farting' regarding the Ukrainian Nazi contingents (250 000 men), and their current real legacy there.🙄

    • @johns3544
      @johns3544 Год назад +1

      Well rushia killed over 100m people and its still growing. Only Ukrain had the balls to go at them agin..

    • @samanabesci
      @samanabesci Год назад

      @@johns3544 M. Hess was JJJJ... Marx was JJJJ... Zinovieff, Kameneff, Rosenfeld, Kerensky, Trotzky was JJJJ... S.Z. Ginsburg was JJJJ... .... Lenin was half JJJ with wife JJJ... Stalin wife JJJJ, about 80% 90% of the soviet elite was JJJJ. Is biased to be against JJJJ. If shoot in Kremlin at random on 90% of cases you will hit a JJJJ.
      What do you think is russia today? Is putin , lol

    • @baloopa-sv9xr
      @baloopa-sv9xr Год назад

      @@johns3544 was not rushia but the ..... 90% of the kremlin was made of .... Even Marx is one, do you want a list? 90%, if understand numbers is a little bit high. Even Lenin was half ...

  • @afghaaj
    @afghaaj Год назад

    If I am not mistaken, Serbs and Greeks are only nations occupied by Nazis that didn't send a single soldier to fight against SSSR at Eastern front.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +1

      Neither did Poland, Luxembourg, nor the other Yugoslav countries except Croatia. Nor Albania.

  • @BokicaK1
    @BokicaK1 Год назад +1

    Correction: Home Guard wore old Austro-Hungarian uniforms, not Yugoslav. And, please, don't use Stevan K. Pavlovic as your only source. He is biased. Altough it is true that rebelions (espesially those failed from May) were not ideologically motivated, he would not acknoledge that Communists led the uprising from July 1941 and Partisans were the biggest resistance against NDH

    • @radomirratkovic9014
      @radomirratkovic9014 Год назад

      As someone who learned how to walk by the man I knew as a " dida" who fostered my ethnic German mum back in 1948. I was instructed into many family secrets from very tender age ...One day when I was three or four years old " baka" as always shared the colour photograph this time ..." Dida" was in blue uniform with coat of the arms desplayed..the cap was the German one...Later on he deserted and found his way from Germany down to Croatia ( he was on recovery in some hospital ) ...There was a whole Croat black marketing gang from Herzegovina helping his escape and they have also helped him in Zagreb where very certain NDH official helped him to get the new set of the documents and he was sent to serve into Croatian Homeguard without being betrayed to German authority inside Croatia.When asked by me about the equipment inside Homeguard " dida" answered that Homeguard wore mostly Royal Yugoslav uniforms that has been tailored back in 1930/40 s but alternated by new Croat state into different design when it comes to insignia and soldiers caps,hats ...all the rest was the same ...Most of the home guards helmets back in 1942/43. period were old Yugoslav ( French designed ones),rifles and machine guns, artillery,even planes and tanks were all coming from. Royal Yugoslav Army storehouses or from booty that Wermacht and Royal Italian Army handed down to Croats...Old man was a true survivor and didn't have an easy life.Didnt like Russians and the biggest puzzle from my childhood were those " babushka" dolls on the kitchen shelve just above the kitchen stove . .I always felt there was a great story behind those dolls.Logically it is a still kind of puzzle game that only those old and long gone people could answer.

  • @kpace8605
    @kpace8605 Год назад +1

    Fought at Stalingrad.Many died at Stalingrad.

  • @kernobil8162
    @kernobil8162 11 месяцев назад +1

    Nice pronunciations of Croat words. And very precise information, nice job!

  • @jonomobono3223
    @jonomobono3223 Год назад +23

    During the 1990s:
    - serbian rp over 50.000 croatian and bosniak children and mtltd there gntls in front of there parents

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +1

      Although Serbian soldier did horrible things in 1990s, killing many I am not sure about the numbers. And do notice also Serbian civilians became victim of Croatian and Bosniak violence. Yet, the Serbs in 1990s committed most atrocities. Yet, not all.

    • @jonomobono3223
      @jonomobono3223 Год назад +8

      ​@@petarn2204 funny when a serb calls someone nazis...dening serbian genocidal past...

    • @Oleg-b8d
      @Oleg-b8d Год назад +5

      @@jonomobono3223 when a croat calls someone"genocidal past".......... the Nuclear Apocalypse is logical outcome for humanity.

    • @vuk.505srb
      @vuk.505srb Год назад +1

      ​@@jonomobono3223Serbs gave at least 1 million lives for nazism to be defeated,Croatia was a nazi puppet state

    • @nashbridges-cu6dy
      @nashbridges-cu6dy Год назад

      @@jonomobono3223 50000 children killed and 16000 croats died, 60000 bosniaks and 32000 serbs total??? LMFAO at least stay quiet instead of embarrassing yourself in the name of Croatia on RUclips.

  • @maddocpax788
    @maddocpax788 Год назад +6

    Regarding some of the points.
    Presenting Serbs as the part of the greater threat from the East... well it may have been written into Ustaša ideological treatises (I don't know, I haven't read them) but, if so, it's smoke and mirrors, a justification for what they did. Serbs were seen as the erstwhile oppressors of the Croatian people (which for two decades they were) and the Ustašas decided to resolve that, once and for all, with genocide and assimilation of whoever's left. Jews were thrown in as an afterthought; antisemitism in Croatia, while present (just like in any other European country), was not particularly pronounced nor manifested beforehand (never to the point of riots, let alone pogroms), and it being embraced by the Ustaša movement was probably mostly a way of endearing themselves to their Nazi masters more than anything else. They had an enemy in their sights and it was the Serbs, not Jews; this is attested with German officers being dismayed on NDH camp system, which the Nazis helped build, being used predominantly on the Serbs and insufficiently (in Nazi eyes) on the Jews.
    Pavelić sending troops to USSR because he wanted to do their part... well the NDH was not entirely solid in its puppet "sovereignty"; Italy and Hungary had already taken parts of it, and there was a question whether the Axis had a need for such a country at all or if it should be divided up further. A Croatian legion in the USSR was a means of establishing legitimacy in the eyes of the one Axis power that mattered, the Third Reich. (The opinion by LTC Babić is entirely on point.)
    The Ustaša leadership were part genocidal criminals, part pragmatists, both parts ruthless to the core.
    One point not mentioned is that, after the fall of First Yugoslavia in early April 1941, Tito's partisans organized quickly, but they were held back - by Stalin, no less. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was still in effect and he wouldn't have his Yugoslavian lackeys (as he saw them at the time) disrupt it. Thus the partisan uprising started on June 22, hours after Barbarossa kicked off; over the course of the next four years it would gain tremendous momentum.
    Props for tackling the pronunciation of some difficult words.

  • @Yabuddy53
    @Yabuddy53 Год назад +3

    You deserve many more subscribers. Cheers from the US

  • @Michael-h1r4h
    @Michael-h1r4h Год назад +15

    Uundeniable facts:
    - During ww2, Croatia committed the biggest and most monstrous genocide of southeastern Europe history, 500 000+ civilians slaughtered with knives, axes, burned alive, mostly women and children. Even Gestapo was disgusted.
    - Yes, Croatia even held children concentration camps, for Serbian little children, where they were mass murdered.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +7

      I feel you have some political agenda with this. By stating just facts you omit history is not just facts. There is more to it. Now you put some facts, guess you haven't even seen the video at all, with what goal?

    • @domagojcelic3987
      @domagojcelic3987 Год назад +2

      You had it coming. I don't support genocide, but you had it coming. You killed many influential Croats in Kingdom of Yugoslavia as well as many common Croats. Stjepan Radić, Đuro Basariček, Milan Šufflay etc.

    • @MP-xi8uv
      @MP-xi8uv Год назад +1

      laži, srbsko komunistička propaganda!

    • @mirkotorca1950
      @mirkotorca1950 Год назад +2

      Servian mythomans are forgetting that Serbian government led by Nedic collaboratted with Nazis, committed some of the worst crimes and that Belgrade was officially first Judenfrei city in the southeastern Europe.

    • @Michael-h1r4h
      @Michael-h1r4h Год назад +1

      @@domagojcelic3987 So then Croats opened children concentration camps for thousands of innocent children.....and slaughtered 500 000 Serbs. For a killed politician in parliament? Is that your excuse?? Is that how you justify biggest and most monstrous genocide in Balkan history?
      Are you serious? It'c cannot be that Croatian nation is so sick even today...........

  • @vordag
    @vordag Год назад +5

    chetniks were resistance ha ha .. you are naive my friend

  • @draganmacesic182
    @draganmacesic182 Год назад

    Bravo 👋

  • @cuddlycatmurko8711
    @cuddlycatmurko8711 Год назад +2

    I loved Serb presenter trying to hide Serb accent and internet believes him;) Serb propaganda, full stop.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +1

      Lol. I am Dutch 🇳🇱

    • @Harahvaiti
      @Harahvaiti Год назад

      @@HistoryHustle this video would be far better if you gave an effort to show what happened to members of that Croatian legion after they were captured in centre of Stalingrad. Soviets included them into Yugoslav brigade formed by in USSR and they ended up in Yugoslavia, precisely Serbia in late 1944. fighting Germans as part of liberation of Serbia.
      Since they were mistrusted by Tito and their commanders, former legionaries were pushed into heaviest fighting.

    • @adeptusastartes3698
      @adeptusastartes3698 Год назад

      @@HistoryHustle He is right, torturers came back as liberators.

  • @tojosarkar4728
    @tojosarkar4728 Год назад

    Please, Stefan make a histoical video over the independence of USA and Canada.

  • @s.a.a.4853
    @s.a.a.4853 Год назад +1

    You are wrong ! On begining of the video you said '269 division'... it is 369...

  • @stephanottawa7890
    @stephanottawa7890 Год назад +5

    Thanks, Stefan....Interesting what you said about the first resistance to the ISC coming from Croatian priests and merchants...Would you consider an edition on this subject?

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +2

      I had this from Pavlowitz. Have to check it again I guess.

    • @RobFiles
      @RobFiles Год назад

      8:08 "Big and complicated topic" but this guy is soooo definitive about EVERYTHING else!

    • @warhund
      @warhund Год назад

      Nope, not croatian priests and merchants but from serbian ones. NDH took hold of a large chunk of teritory that included a lot of areas were serbians were the majority population, it also took over Bosnia were serbians had about 55-60 percent of the population. Furthermore even in Croatia capital, Zagreb, and all over Croatia, there was a significant percentage of serbian population, in some areas they even had the majority. All in total, even the core teritory of Croatia had about one third of serbian population.
      Their plan was to take the land and then just murder the serbians or drive them out so they can have the land and wealth for themselves.
      First targets were rich serbian individuals, like with jews in Germany, and they were killed and their wealth and property were taken over by the "state" but also by individuals. This was systematic. That is why they started to arm themselves.

  • @JDDC-tq7qm
    @JDDC-tq7qm 11 месяцев назад +1

    When most of Europe want to fight against Russia but still lose
    Slava Russia 🇷🇺💪

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  11 месяцев назад

      Most of Europe is nonsense. These were volunteers and draftees of countries either under direct nazi rule or influence.

  • @UrosNiksic
    @UrosNiksic Год назад +1

    Chetniks and Ustasha were collaborators while Tito's partisans were liberators, this is a truth that hurts the fascists even today

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +3

      There is some nuance. Ustasha collaborated, Chetniks started as resistance and then collaborated on and off. Partisans were full time resistance. Yet, they hunted down collaborators merciless and even hunted down people who were not guilty but seen as 'class enemies'. Read: educated and rich people.

    • @АлександарКузмановић
      @АлександарКузмановић Год назад

      @@HistoryHustle 100% correct explanation.🙏

    • @UrosNiksic
      @UrosNiksic 11 месяцев назад

      @@HistoryHustle The winner writes history, only because history is being falsified today in Serbia and in Croatia, and the Partisans and the Chetniks are equalized in Croatia as well. It was normal that they were class enemies with the Partisans, that it should be read, but it is a very complicated topic, but the clip is very good only continue like that :)

  • @oajajaj
    @oajajaj Год назад

    Can you make a video about the Green Cadres in Austria-Hungary?

  • @ZDS104
    @ZDS104 Год назад +1

    Jozo Tomasevich is hardly a credible source.

  • @mirola73
    @mirola73 Год назад +2

    Altijd interessant. Bedankt !

  • @ernestocro7013
    @ernestocro7013 11 месяцев назад +1

    Chetniks were German collaborators, not fighting against them. Ok, first couple of months they attacked Germans, kinda, but from the late 41 they were totally on german side. Fought against Partisans, killing many civilians and even colabotated with Ustase. Bad guys 👎

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  11 месяцев назад

      I recommend this video for you

  • @alexandartheserb7861
    @alexandartheserb7861 6 месяцев назад

    Biggest question was before WWII : Why in 1937. Serbian dynasty Karadjordjevic gave Bosnia to Croatia when Serbs were majority 44%? Also why gave Serbian parts of Dalmatia where Serbs were majority to alien bannate of Croatia? So Karadjordjevics betrayed Serbs west of Drina river and after them communist did even worst things: chopped south Serbia into Macedonia, divided very Serbia in 3 regions (made Kosovo territory first time in history), gave Boka Kotorska bay which entered Yugoaslavia as part of Kingdom Serbia to Montenegro, gave parts of Serbia (Leposavic) to Kosovo, divided Serbian church to Macedonian one.... war lasts till today and will continue...

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  6 месяцев назад

      War till today?

    • @alexandartheserb7861
      @alexandartheserb7861 6 месяцев назад

      @@HistoryHustle War is not over, Serbian lands are still under alien Croat occupation till today. In first geopolitical adequate moment Serbs will fight back and liberate their areas. Fair trade

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  6 месяцев назад

      War means fighting. There is none.

    • @alexandartheserb7861
      @alexandartheserb7861 6 месяцев назад

      @@HistoryHustle Not every moment in war is fighting. But is not Peace. For example, if one is on training in gym, he is maybe sitting between reps but he is still on training. Not war, peace is for example between Serbs and Romanians. Because bordering was done by approximate justice. But bordering between Serbs and Muslims, Croats, Albanians was total unjustice and fighting will continue...

  • @Mr.Croatia
    @Mr.Croatia Год назад +10

    Thank you that you make videos about Croatia! I like it. Please make more such videos.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +1

      Thanks for your reply. I already made a bunch and more will come. Please check:

    • @osa-mv4iv
      @osa-mv4iv Год назад +10

      Nema on pojma totalno je čovik ne informiran piše o nečemu o čem nema pojma pa sam mu preporučio knjig od Jason D Marka a zove se Hrvatska legija ,369 pojačana pješačka divizija i eto na njegovu sreću ima je i na engleskom

    • @nashbridges-cu6dy
      @nashbridges-cu6dy Год назад +3

      ​@@osa-mv4ivgdje ces cuko na medjeda?? 😂

    • @osa-mv4iv
      @osa-mv4iv Год назад +1

      @@nashbridges-cu6dy jebi ga išli mislili da je njemački polarni jak al jebi ga ruski mrki je to nije to lako oborit 😂😂😂😂😂.
      Dobro šalu na stranu da se nije uključila Amerika na strani saveznika sad bi svi pričali njemački od moskve do vladivostoka

    • @oomgawie9175
      @oomgawie9175 Год назад

      No more rubbish ruzzki commie clowns

  • @justanapple8510
    @justanapple8510 Год назад +4

    As usual a very interesting video!

  • @FilipMatacin
    @FilipMatacin Год назад +1

    Hi there man, as a croat I must say that you do realy well with this toung breaking words/names like DOMOBRANSTVO, or PAVELIC, KVATERNIK and so on..
    Don't know how much you know about our opinion or our feelings about NDH today.. I can only say that we croats today look back at that sad time and those mad people as they were never true croatians and never had true croat mindset.. They were just oportunists that were casted out from YU cause of their crazy ideas and then when the tide begun to change at the beggining of WWII then the were called back by those old "criminals" that remained in the state to prepare this ordeal..
    We could talk days and probably I would learn something new from you no matter my provenience, so keep the good work going man.. 🎉

  • @rahowherox1177
    @rahowherox1177 Год назад +1

    Part way in, but note religion being overlooked when it was a massive factor... Catholic Vs orthodox and Jew.

    • @rahowherox1177
      @rahowherox1177 Год назад

      @@damonmelendez856 unlike the ustasa. The govt. The army. The majority. Mainly Catholic with a Muslim minority whom also had issue with orthodox Christians.

    • @rahowherox1177
      @rahowherox1177 Год назад +1

      @@damonmelendez856 nowhere in my statement do I introduce anything bar religion.
      The German Nazis had Muslims and Jews too - eg Schicklegruber or Reinhardt. Doesn't change the religious - Catholic aspect to either countries, which as comment alludes... Is oft overlooked or ignored

    • @rahowherox1177
      @rahowherox1177 Год назад

      @@damonmelendez856 is English your 2nd language? At no point have I denied your input.
      My post is about religion being a major cause of the issue. And how it's conveniently ignored. You adding Islam to the mix hasn't changed thus.

    • @olafuragustgudmundsson4464
      @olafuragustgudmundsson4464 Год назад

      More Catholic than the pope

    • @rahowherox1177
      @rahowherox1177 Год назад

      @@damonmelendez856 I disagree... I'd guess you're catholic.

  • @JudasBenPesach
    @JudasBenPesach 8 месяцев назад

    The Ustase were heavily influenced by the ideas of the French Revolution, the so called, rights of man and the republicanism and formations of the Irish Republican Army. The Ustase formations were based on the IRA.

  • @chompriest
    @chompriest Год назад

    FYI Kingdom of Yugoslavia did not recognize USSR until 1940. So much for that brotherhood.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад

      That I did not know...

    • @chompriest
      @chompriest Год назад

      Things went South 8 years later as well.

    • @hazzmati
      @hazzmati Год назад +1

      Because it was anti communist which was the majority of europe before ww2

    • @nashbridges-cu6dy
      @nashbridges-cu6dy Год назад

      @@hazzmati correct.

  • @malimate2660
    @malimate2660 Год назад +1

    On June 22, the attack on the USSR (Barbarossa) begins. Every country allied to the Axis powers was obliged to send volunteers to the Germans on the eastern front, including Croatia. The departure was not forced, but voluntary, so by July 7, about 5,000 soldiers had signed up. , of which 4,000 were chosen. Ivan Markulj was chosen as commander. And so the 369th reinforced infantry regiment was created. While partisan sources portray it as marauding, undisciplined and unmotivated, Russian sources say that even the Germans admired them for their fighting spirit. .The first Croatian legionnaire awarded the 'Iron Cross' was Eduard Bakarec, first lieutenant, who was later wounded and awarded several times.
    Due to great successes, the 369th regiment became the only non-German unit that entered Stalingrad as part of the 100th fighter division in 1942. German Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus and his 6th Army were known as the most disciplined and experienced part of the German army, that's why the 369th was called. was a great recognition for the regiment. Sergeant Dragutin Podobnikje on his own, without waiting for orders on July 17. in the most famous battle for 'Red October', after huge losses with a dozen legionnaires, captured the factory. By October 21, the regiment was reduced to less than 1000 legionnaires, when on June 23 they were surrounded by the Soviet army from all sides, together with Paulus's 6th Army. Captain Madras and Colonel Pavicic refuse to fly to Croatia, and remain on the battlefield with their soldiers. December 17. The Volga freezes over and the Soviets launch a counterattack .
    The German army, together with the 369th regiment, retreats to the railway line, and Colonel Pavičić is replaced by Marko Mesić. At temperatures of -30, hungry and frozen, they decide to surrender. According to the report, about 700 Croatian legionnaires surrendered. according to the testimony of Marko Mesić, another 300 legionnaires died and disappeared.
    The Croatian legionnaires, who were offered to join the newly created 'Independent Yugoslav Brigade', as a way out of the Russian camps, partly accepted, but after returning to Yugoslavia they fled to the NDH army, which did not accept them, suspecting that they were communist spies. A very small part remained alive, because most of them were sentenced to death by the Yugoslav communists, under the suspicion of being spies of the Comintern.

  • @Oleg-b8d
    @Oleg-b8d Год назад +10

    Well, a hundreds of massacres were committed in villages across Independent State of Croatia, often committed by simple Croats......
    You should have in mind that many today's Catholic Croats , 150, or 200 years ago were not Croats.
    All Catholics of Balkan were assimilated to Croats. That's why Croatia has smallest DNA base in Europe. They are afraid of being tested.
    There is a centuries long national pathology there..... Jasenovac hasn't come from nowhere.

    • @historybalkans-dq5ig
      @historybalkans-dq5ig Год назад +3

      Serbian hate against Croats is pathological. Serbs commited much more crimes against Croats and Muslims, and you produced Jasenovac Myth. Serbs in WW2 mase much more war crimes than they made in 90-ies, like SREBRENICA for example

    • @historybalkans-dq5ig
      @historybalkans-dq5ig Год назад +3

      Chetnics massacres in Raška, Podrinje, Hercegovina, Dealmacija, Lika - in WW2. And you repeted evan worse crimes in 1990-ies: Srebrenica, Ovčara, Škabrnja, Bijeljina, Prijedor, etc, etc

    • @diktrejsi8214
      @diktrejsi8214 Год назад +1

      That's true, see just today's sure names of Croatians, Knoll, Gutvald, Sosa, Sessa, Stier, Rainer, Patvečka, Hrenek,Čiz, Nemet, Rojs, Deur, and so and so.... what's Croatian in that😂😂😂😂

    • @vikotofemelea-me2wl
      @vikotofemelea-me2wl Год назад +2

      @@diktrejsi8214 Gasi(c), Krasnic(i), Sulejmani, Bulut, Ulemek, Karadzic, Hadzic, Cakmak, Daci(c), Dzehverovic are clear "serbian" surnames...

    • @Harahvaiti
      @Harahvaiti Год назад +1

      Another Serb who forgot to take his anti-delusion pills.

  • @markanmarkanovic5827
    @markanmarkanovic5827 Год назад +1

    Not ALL OF US CROATIANS WERE FASCISTS !!!! Those who fought on the German side, are our biggest SHAME! Long live TITO and all croat partisans!!

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад

      It is true that not all Croats were pro-Axis. Indeed many fought on the Partisan side.

  • @leosharman8630
    @leosharman8630 Год назад

    Are there any cute Animes about the Ustače?

  • @headbangersworld
    @headbangersworld 6 месяцев назад

    The serbian Chetniks were royalist and not nationalists...

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  6 месяцев назад

      Comes down to the same.

    • @headbangersworld
      @headbangersworld 6 месяцев назад

      @@HistoryHustle Like in nationalists and communists. I see :D

  • @darkogalic5422
    @darkogalic5422 Год назад +9

    Netherland guy....it's funny how in centuries you concured Dutch east Indies and other parts of world along with French, British.
    But yet you love to preaching about Croatians, mass murders of Jews, Serbs, Gypsies etc,....
    Netherland soldiers were responsible for massacre in july 1995 in Srebrenica. 7000 Muslims were killed while you were ''protecting them''.
    Don't be hypocrite. Greetings from Croatia, town of Slavonski Brod.

    • @damyr
      @damyr Год назад +1

      He's not preaching. He was saying how it was. And there's no need to be ashamed. Those were the times of fascist regime, which majority of Croatians didn't approve. After all, most of Croatians were fighting against it. Croatian partisan divisions testify about that fight.
      Also, the first organized uprising in the whole Europe against occupiers and their fascist regime begun in Croatia, organized by Croatians.

    • @slavisaasus
      @slavisaasus Год назад


    • @darkogalic5422
      @darkogalic5422 Год назад +3

      Ustasha ''death squads'' ?! Did you see how this ''historian guy'' give us Croatian a ''lecture'' in history ?! Come on man.
      They were cruel centuries before we join the Germany cause in WW2.
      In every channel it's the same....the Croats were so cruel that they even astonished some German death squads etc....sorry but i'm really tired of that.

    • @damyr
      @damyr Год назад +1

      @@darkogalic5422 Well, that's kinda true. It was based on the report of a German officer stationed in Croatia (can't remember his name).
      Tho, that report is mentioned everywhere, even if it's based on subjective thoughts of that German officer. So, it's kinda overused and a bit exaggerated. Especially when we know Germans did much worse things during the war... and not only Germans, but pretty much everyone else.
      But that's expected, because most of people (out of Balkans) are basing their knowledge about Independent State of Croatia (NDH) in WW2 on only one book...
      As there are no many books written in English about the subject, anyway.
      Also, in reality, no one really cares about Croatia, nor about intricacies of Balkans and their people, whatsoever. For most foreigners, it's all just a total mess of the topic, and they rather want to avoid it.

    • @darkogalic5422
      @darkogalic5422 Год назад

      You're absolutely correct. Nobody cares about Croatia and we are very welcome topic when attrocities topic came along.

  • @DRFelGood
    @DRFelGood Год назад +4


    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +2

      Once again I am so grateful for your ongoing support. Have a good weekend!

  • @alswann2702
    @alswann2702 Год назад +3

    We're gonna be stacking Bolsheviks for sandbags here in the US soon.

  • @Mr.Zoomy.
    @Mr.Zoomy. Год назад +2

    A smoke and a pancake

  • @tomhenry897
    @tomhenry897 Год назад

    With the Soviets as your neighbor you join too
    Also 3 meals a day plus,pay

    • @oomgawie9175
      @oomgawie9175 Год назад

      No more rubbish ruzzki commie crap

  • @Josip9888
    @Josip9888 Год назад +1

    Well history repeats. Now Croatia as member of NATO is willing to take Russia down. I am strongly against this and I openly support Russian politics

  • @charlieclark5838
    @charlieclark5838 Год назад +2

    Interesting film Stefan ! Another part of the Balkan tragedy.

  • @anfrankogezamartincic1161
    @anfrankogezamartincic1161 Год назад +8

    As a Croatian citizen, i apologize for that (and others) history disaster. Shame included. There are still people who justify past actions of Croatian nazis. Not me.

    • @revert6417
      @revert6417 Год назад

      Serb here, my people aren't saints either.
      For that, I'm sincerely sorry for all the wrongs my people did to yours.
      Let's not be cursed to make the same mistakes from the past thst our ancestors did.

    • @anfrankogezamartincic1161
      @anfrankogezamartincic1161 Год назад

      @@revert6417 Brother/Sister, i wish you only peace and love. From Istra

  • @mammuchan8923
    @mammuchan8923 Год назад +2

    Another episode jam packed with interesting info as usual. Well done on the pronoumciation on some of those tongue twisters✌

  • @michaelhemphill8575
    @michaelhemphill8575 Год назад

    "Fine Review".."Instructor"..the brevity.. that you bring..to the "Major"..battles.. skirmishes..and also to the somewhat obscure conflicts..bring the content to life"!!

  • @CalebNorthNorman
    @CalebNorthNorman Год назад +1


  • @pranidhanaabhiyoga6485
    @pranidhanaabhiyoga6485 Год назад +1

    I get confused, were they ally/friends/co-belligerent with the serbian Chetniks, and Bosnian Handschar ?

    • @gumdeo
      @gumdeo Год назад +2

      They were mostly enemies of the Četnik movement, but occasionally worked with them to fight the Partisans.

    • @johnnymlad6527
      @johnnymlad6527 Год назад +1

      Depends on the area and region. .
      For example North Eastern Bosnia the Chetniks and Ustase established agreements very early after a few Ustasa raids didnt go exactly as planned. .
      Chetniks were very numerous and combat effective in places like the Majevica/Semberija Region.
      Majevica Corps alone had 10,000 registered Chetniks. . Excluding those who simply joined there cause as volunteers estimates could be anywhere between 20-25,000 in that region alone.
      Germans also established a agreement with them very early aswell, so that zone escaped much of the genocidal policy for much of the war.
      Ustase basically did 1 genocidal tour in that entire zone made up of small little raids on a few unprotected villages and that was it.
      More then half of the SS Handzar column about 9,000 of them who came over via Vinkovci into Bosnia had a pre-planned agreement via the Germans with those Chetniks late into the war.
      They committed crimes against Serbs along the way despite initially engaging the Partisans, but Serb non-communist affiliates were slaughtered in the process in which the Chetniks pretended they didn't know about those massacres, they organised a large scale ambush after engaging a Partisan group just north of Zvornik. . It all started momentarily afterwards!
      To the Chetniks it was like the Ustase in disguise, so they were already aware of what needed to be done.
      It was a absolute massacre from what the elders spoke of.
      All forest the lines, hills, most escape routes were covered.
      I'm assuming a signal was given by a Chetnik commander for everybody to begin and start killing them.
      Those that were trying to escape were getting shot at almost every turn they made.
      It was infact the Germans who tipped off the Chetniks about what SS Handzar did en route.
      There was some good relationships established between some of the Chetnik leadership in the zone with the Germans, because they didn't persecute the Serbs in that particular zone.
      Out of the 9,000 in that column about 200 managed to make it to Tuzla in which they defected to the Partisans were held it at the time.

    • @johnnymlad6527
      @johnnymlad6527 Год назад

      @@matelozancic, Chetniks couldn't join the Partisans by 1944 even if they wanted to.
      The Partisans killed more Serbs and Chetniks then the Ustase and Germans combined. . That was pure hatred on another level!
      The Chetniks that survived either left the country, were too young to be killed or imprisoned.
      Maybe this information was blocked over where your from!
      Communists would hang Chetniks infront of town centres, drag there dead bodies behind wagons for everybody to see .
      And you think the Chetniks would join the Communists?
      The Communists were assaulting and arresting Serbs who fought in the Kraljevska Vojska who returned from German POW camps.
      What do you think they did to Chetniks, especially those who they knew of.
      Our war didn't end in 1945. .

  • @mikro171
    @mikro171 Год назад

    It's not only about numbers of killed, but the way these killings were done using hammers, knives, this was the most brutal, sick, perverted way of killing Serbs, Jews and Gypsies.

  • @amonimac
    @amonimac Год назад +1

    NDH is not Croatia. It's part of occupied Yugoslavia that became nazi puppet state. NDH was not established by Croatian people. Croatian people had their own legal autonomy inside Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Croatian people legal leadership refused to collaborate with nazis, leader him self was imprisoned. If NDH is Croatia then Vichy France is France, Nedic Serbia is Serbia, Lokot Republic is Russia etc. etc. etc.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад

      I agree only a small portion of Croats were ustasha.

    • @amonimac
      @amonimac Год назад

      @@HistoryHustle Tnx for replay. It would be fair to make that distinction between NDH and Croatian people. When you say Croatia people assume that NDH is same thing as modern day democratic Croatia. Some people because political agenda really want that to make true, they even call modern Croatia NDH.
      Croatians because of puppet state NDH lost their legal nation state Banovina Hrvatska, it was not independent it was autonomy inside Yugoslavia.
      No one ever would say for Vichy France just France, in conversation people make that distinction. Tnx but that really bothers me and i had to react about it. Love your channel btw

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  Год назад +1

      I understand.

    • @glaonrielelsinoth7243
      @glaonrielelsinoth7243 Год назад +1

      Lmao. Vichy France was literally the legal continuation of the 3rd French Republic. The fact that it collaborated with Nazi Germany and that the French would like you to believe France was somehow the victorious power of WW2 while forgetting what the Vichy government did does not change the fact that it was so.
      The so called legal autonomy of the Banovina that you mention was a constitutional provision which was bound to be negated once the war was over. And yes, the NDH was established by the Croatian people, who else would have established it if not the Croats? You just sound silly, but that's probably why you love this channel.

  • @tomislavrancic2649
    @tomislavrancic2649 10 месяцев назад

    2:15 the NDH declared war on the UK and America. There was never declaration on the USSR. The Croatian persons that went on to fight Russia were volunteers not "Ordinary people" as you claim

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle  10 месяцев назад

      I NOWHERE claim these were ordinary people. Don't misquote me.

  • @90330
    @90330 Год назад

    You look like Lenin in this coat and this beard and haircut.

  • @mihajlozaric6957
    @mihajlozaric6957 Год назад

    A lot of them ended in partisans in end typicall yugoslavian😂

  • @tonnywildweasel8138
    @tonnywildweasel8138 Год назад +2

    👋, T.

  • @aidankitson7877
    @aidankitson7877 Год назад

    Thanks Stef.Every Saturday I look forward to your educational videos.I wonder did any Croats fight against Ustase Outside of Titos partisans?

  • @dsrse21
    @dsrse21 Год назад

    quoting rory yeomans LOL

  • @dadodier3591
    @dadodier3591 Год назад +1

    I will never understand serbian(chetnik) fiction of Croats or Croatia