Brought me to tears….come on church we can do this . Time is short and many will parish if we don’t share Jesus. This can be done, don’t fear. Thank you Ray! ❤️❤️❤️❤️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🙏🏼🙏🏼🇨🇦
Unity ? Prove everything! Apostle Paul was on the road to Damascus, as a Pharisee who despised the people of the 'Way' even there approving of Stephen martyrdom , As a pharisee of the Pharisees under the tutelage of Gamaliel. And when folk of his change then his character was slain by what he had to suffer, until he and apostle Peter were martyred in Rome. Satan tactics are well known, Even Charles Darwin realised that the father of lies, despise the sacred text but Darwin was vexed by leaving his first love, and chose to obey what he observed in his studies, What happened to the Best Study Buddy? Praying without ceasing as Intelligencia imagine they were wiser than the devil's pursuit to destroy the fruit of the Spirit The humanists trust that when they die, that sound , but the hordes of demons have a structure too. Good luck with the Evolutionary Theorists That Queer The Pitch. By faith Noah built the Ark, By faith Samson brought to rubble the Philistines Temple. By faith Moses led the recalcitrant murmuring Hebrews Israelites outta Egyptian bondage then through 40 yrs in their wandering even though God supplied manna (what is it?) Also water from the Rock, there sandals didn't wear out but their patience was thin. What happened to their grin and smile? They changed it for chagrin and a Golden Calf. Them laughs became bittersweet. . . Tetelstai was Jesus joyful victory cry even as He died!
Amen we need to be bold for Christ and his kingdom we need to get out there and share the gospel with every opportunity that we have God bless you brothers and sisters❤
I am a US Army Combat Infantryman of the Paratrooper and Ranger variety and I am shedding tears of joy and happiness. God is amazing and I am so very grateful for His blessings, His mercy and His grace. Thank you Lord Jesus for forgiving a sinner like me..and for sending brother Ray to your sheep... Amen.
I'm sitting in my truck, eating a burrito on my lunch break, watching your video, brother Ray... Andt his one brought tears of joy to my eyes, and praise in my heart for our Lord and Saviour. Thank you for all you are doing for the Lord, brother. Keep on keeping on!!
Can't say I agree with your rebuttal to Ryan from needgod,net on this one Ray. I think it's unprofessional of you to leave out other parts of his definition of the word that were written at the bottom of his description and you didn't play the full clip of what was said. Ez 18:30 Repent "and" turn from all your transgressions, lest iniquity be your ruin. Grammar and context is key.
Im a 6'2" 378 pound guy crying like a child because I know God Is Good. After watching this I felt the Holy Spirit. I pray for them so they can stay in His Path. Amen
Amen! Also please look into Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition, which will help you lose weight in a healthy way, also check out "Food Revolution Summit Docuseries", which is starting today until the 27th!Also "Plantiful Kiki", "Healthy Vegan Eating", "Jill Dalton- Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show" and "Well Your World", all on here! God had me see this comment, I'm a health coach and future physician :) God bless you!
@@caryssa Act 2:1-4 KJV - 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Also, the Holy Spirit can bring 9 gifts with Him. Gifts of Revelation: 1-The Word of Wisdom: A supernatural revelation, or insight into the divine will and purpose, often given by the Spirit to solve perplexing problems and situations. 2-The Word of Knowledge: The Word of Knowledge is a supernatural revelation of Divine knowledge or insight in the Divine mind, will or plan, to know things that could not be known of oneself. 3-Discerning of Spirits: This is a supernatural revelation or insight into the realm of spirits to detect their presence and plans. Gifts of Inspiration: 4-Prophecy: Prophecy is the supernatural utterance in the native tongue. It is a miracle of divine utterance, not conceived by human thought or reasoning. It includes speaking unto men to edification, exhortation, and comfort. 5-Divers Kinds of Tongues: The supernatural utterance in other languages that are not known to the speaker. 6-The Interpretation of Tongues: The supernatural ability to interpret in the native tongue what is uttered in other languages not known by the one who interprets by the Spirit. Gifts of Power: 7-Gift of Faith: This is a supernatural ability to believe God without human doubt, unbelief, and reasonings. 8-The Gift of Healing: The healing of all manner of sickness by supernatural power, without human aid or medicine. 9-The Working of Miracles: Is supernatural power to intervene in the ordinary course of nature and to counteract natural laws. And other Bible Verses that mention the feeling of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:19 John 14:26 John 16:7-15 Romans 8:26 Of course you feel the Holy Spitit. Thats how you know God is With you. Because He was sent to us as a helper.
What a blessing that these three young men brought to me by their acceptance of God's Word, through Ray, and their honest and open hearts. May the Lord shield and protect them against the wiles of the devil and that they finish their race strong.
I uave watched so many of these videos and i tear up everytime someone repents and accepts Jesus as Christ their Saviour! These boys were so kind and humbled. Thank you, Lord!
I've been watching Ray for years now, and this must be the very first time I've seen someone respond to his prayer with a prayer of their own. May the Lord soften their heart so they would humble themselves before His throne. Thank you for your love for the lost, Ray!
I can't even tell you how many videos of Ray Comfort I have watched... None of them moved me to tears like this one. What a beautiful moment with a sincere and honest heart that was so receptive of God's Perfect love and grace. God bless these souls with more than they ever could ask or imagine.
3 fearfully and wonderfully made young guys, filled my heart, mind and soul with joy. Thank you Mr. Ray Comfort for leading many to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Metanoia is a consequence of the trust we have in Jesus. First comes the faith after that comes metanoia. It’s not we that transforms ourselves, it’s Jesus that transforms us.
I agree we can’t change by our own will/actions but of Jesus. Though having the understanding of the fact that you broke God’s law is what should get you to the point of asking forgiveness first and foremost then proceeding to the renewal of life done by Jesus Christ. Once again I agree their is no way we can change without God’s Spirit moving in us and being our refuge, but I know the law can make us see why we would need a Savior in the first place and why we can’t do it on our own because we broke His Law and we can’t earn our way into Heaven.
@@AntonioSaved do you have any evidence whatsoever to support the claim that we can't change through our own efforts? What trials have been done to show that no change or improvement is possible of our own effort? The Bible verses are just words until the claims can be demonstrated.
@@skippy675 "do you have any evidence whatsoever to support the claim that we can't change through our own efforts?" Isaiah 64:6/Romans 7/Ephesians 2:1/Romans 12:2/2 Cor 5:17/etc.
@@robmc120 i said evidence, claims are not evidence. Are prepared to tell us why you raped those teenage girls last night? That was so cruel and disturbing. Ten people witnessed you enter their house too. If you don't respond, it shows that your conscience is guilty and convicted!
This was so awesome! The way Luis replied/asked “really” was so humbling and beautiful! God do amazing things through Luis and the other 2 gentlemen! Send more Christians like Ray their way so they who’ll continue to grow in your word 🙏🏾❤️🙌🏾
Come on Tanisha, we've all got to do this! We're all called to the great commission, let's do it! I don't do enough evangelizing myself... Like Isaiah said, "here I am Lord, send me!"
I had TEARS in my eyes when those two fellows prayed, for Salvation, probably the first time they EVER prayed in their lives! THANK YOU for your dialogue that You use to guide a non-believer to Christ! IMPRESSIVE !!! Please Keep Doing It!
Yes! The Bible talks about a great falling away in the last days, which is unfortunately happening. But simultaneously, God says he will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh in the last days. I take that to mean that many who were never saved previously are getting saved, like in China and elsewhere, while so many in the backslidden West, full of its pride (when its prosperity and success actually came from God, not them), turns away.
Sure enough - brought me to tears near the end! And then some laughter of joy through the tears. Those who repented & accepted Christ in this video are our brothers now. Thank you Jesus! "Then he said to his disciples, “THE HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL, BUT THE WORKERS ARE FEW. ASK THE LORD of the harvest, therefore, TO SEND OUT WORKERS INTO HIS HARVEST FIELD.” (Matt 9: 37-38.) I have such a heart for sharing the gospel, too. Such precious souls are reached by the light of Christ. Thank you God & Yeshua/Jesus for those such as brother Comfort. ❤🔥✝
@@coltonlevi4385 I love what ray does, he doing a fantastic job but where he do say that Catholics water baptism is not part it. Ray does not know things about Catholic at this moment. He doesn't know that Catholics does what is called life in spirit seminar for six which is called spirit baptism. All the Catholics he interviews is as ignorant as anybody who says is Christian but does not know anything about it. Read John 3:5
This was something I asked them directly about awhile ago, I asked what they though repentance was. I then pointed to a video you made but they didn't seem to care much. Thankfully the Lord prevented me from changing my mind about it. But then you made this and now I'm more aware than ever on what repent means. Thank you so much Ray and praise God for that successful day out evangelizing!
Brother, out of love. “Repent of sins” isn’t apart of the gospel. Jesus did the work we could never do for we have all broke the commandments. Ray contradicts himself too many times. I love his videos but he misses the mark when it comes to Salvation.
If you are thinking repentance is turning from your sins and that turning from sins is necessary to go to heaven, you are still trusting in yourself to save you and not fully Jesus :/
Jesus paid for all sin. If you must repent of sin for salvation, then you must follow the law to be saved. Scripture speaks against law following for salvation. Galatians 2:21: I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. Jesus was the perfect sacrafice. If you must do anything more than believe on him then he didn't do enough.
Ray backed it up with Scripture, and sinners do not have eternal life. Repent or perish- Luke 13, Revelation 2-3 Repent or be left behind, Acts 3:19, 26 he gave and Ezekiel 18, check out Ezekiel 2-3 and 33, Hebrews 6 and 10, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-25, Psalm 1, 51...when you are getting born again you will repent and get a new heart.
@@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways Where does it say "sinners do not have eternal life"? Romans 3:23 rebukes you, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. 1 John 1:8 says "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." James 2:10-11: but if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. In Matthew 5 Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust, then you have already commited adultery with her, and called many other simple things "extreme" sin. I don't think you've stopped sinning. And even if you have, you've still been born into sin, and broken the law in one point, becoming guilty of all. Rather than "sinners don't have eternal life" scripture says: John 3:18: He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:36: He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. As for your verses Revelation 2 and 3 are not about eternal salvation from hell. Neither is Ezekiel. Neither are the Psalms you gave. Acts 3:19 Look at what repent actually means. Metanoia. To change your mind or to have a change of mind. Try reading that while inserting "Change your mind" Hebrews was written to Jews who joined the church to warn them not to go back to the Jewish sacrafice system. It is to show them that Jesus did in fact pay it all, and his blood sacrafice was the perfect sacrafice for our sins. Not about loss of salvation, but rather being wise unto salvation, and remaining in the faith, not salvation. As for irst 1 Corinthians and Galatians you forgot to read verse 11 of 1 Corinthians: And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. Also, it says inherit. Not enter. Christ's rightesnous must be imputed upon us, as we are sinners, and in no way capable of being right before God, because his standard is perfection since he's holy. Romans 3:21-24 explaines this, as well as adding to the fact that salvation is FREE, and all by grace and only by faith. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; 22 even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: 23 for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24 being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 4 also explains it. and being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. 22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. 23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; 24 but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. Jesus paid it all. You either trust that as enough, or you can try and buy what he's already paid for in full with his blood. Believe on the son, and you have everlasting life. If you don't, you won't see life. John 3:36. Hopefully you come to trust in Jesus alone.
I have grown up in religion just like the two young men. We were brought up just going through the motions and not really grasping the truth of the Good Word. I am happy that the two young men's eyes were opened to the truth. Thanks for continuing to spread the word to our youth .
Praise God, today my mom brought up how she sees the signs of the end times. After i got saved she definitely noticed how God was working in my life and she notices hes working in her life as well but i dont believe she has saving faith yet because she still struggles with anger and road rage. She told me that she is starting to read some of the bible which brings me joy because its been my prayer that she would be saved and all of my household. Please pray for her and for my little sister whos struggling with anxiety that they would come to faith in Jesus, thank you! 🙏😊
Ray was right. I cried when all 3 of them repented and put their trust in Christ. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the power of God into Salvation. It’s the BEST news of all time. Praise God. So simple a child can understand it.
Dear Ray, I watch your videos since several weeks now and I am blown away how God touches people through the way you talk to them, it's so effective! 😮 I started asking the Lord how I can do this kind of wittnessing ... I live in Mexico. People are so ready, the harvest is ripe! I am so drawn to your videos and I cry every time cause it touches me deeply when people open up to Jesus. God bless you mightily in your ministry and many Christians shall follow your example in sharing the gospel, I pray 🙌
If one truly has a change of mind about the Lord, they will have a change in action as well. One cannot truly repent in one's mind without repenting in our hearts as well..which will be shown by our fruits and actions.
I literally was thinking very hard about the word "repent" this week and if I was ever saved. The timing of this video has be that sign I was asking God for. The last decade has been very very hard on me, especially the last 1.5 years. I really hope this sinks in for me. You also talked to my brother Derrick who goes by Elizabeth in the last month. Jesus, I hope this sinks in for me, I really really do.
Like 15:10 - “There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” This was absolutely beautiful and I can only imagine the uproar in heaven from these two interactions.
thank you for this video I see some many people that claim to be a Christian and always argue with people in comments section of various youtube videos saying repentance is only a change of mind
Repentance must be followed with changing of our mind. We can mourn and have tears all night sorry for our wrongdoings, but without renewing our minds with the truth we still put on our old way.
Father, I pray that RUclips continues to play these videos despite the pressure from the outside world to stop God from performing miracles in peoples lives. In Jesus’ mighty name 🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏🏾
This video got me. 😭 I once was blind, but now I see! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I love watching these videos, because then I get to pray for each of the people Ray talks with. Welcome to the family of God gentlemen! 🎉🙌🏻 We are rejoicing in your salvation! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 When I wonder why Jesus hasn't returned yet to take us all home, it's videos like this one that remind me of His patience and His mercy, because it is not His will that any should perish. Thank you LORD! 🙌🏻 Let us all continue to pray for the lost, that they will be brought into the family of God. 🙏🏻💜✝️💜🙏🏻
Ray, James 4:8-9, which was quoted at 2:17, was from the letter of James addressed to believers, not unbelievers. Evidently, Christians still sin even after becoming believers.
Preach ❤ Ray conflates the two which is very sad for people to think they have to turn from their sin to be saved. He does so good with these videos until he puts his own twist on repentance.
I was in tears when I saw one of the boys looked like my sonZach, who I’ve been praying he would find the Lord! I continue to pray! BUT, FOR NOW WE PRAISE THE LORD FOR THESE THREE YOUNG MEN! HALLELUJAH! 🙌🙌🙌🙌 Welcome to the family! 😃
GLORY! The angels are rejoicing and our holy God is smiling! God bless you Ray, I pray that those young men will continue their journey with the one true God!!!
Wow, this even shucked me. It was intensed, Ray Wow, wow, no wonder Paul said the Gospel is the POWER of God unto salvation. No 12-step programme of psychology or motivational speaking can do this- change seamingly intelligent people's mind in such a serious subject as faith/religion in minutes ❤❤
So heart-touching. The young man's prayer of repentance was so beautiful. Loved it. To all 3 of the young men Read your bible daily which is God's truth.
What a beautiful day to see those young men accept Jesus! Praying the evil one doesn’t take away ever was sown, and the Lord leads them to a bible believing church!
Repent=change of mind=change of behavior. Two sides of the same coin. Paul struggled with sin in Romans 7 and Christians will too, but we need to keep fighting the battle until the Lord calls us home. (1 john1:9)
@2Timothy4.1.4 it's more correctly phrased. Repentence = fruit of repentence. It's not works based because God grants us faith. In other words, repentence natrually leads to fruit. It's not work, is a by product of it.
Sweet, sweet, Jesus! The power of the gospel to change hearts! I'm in tears. I'm praying these young men find a powerful new life as they walk with the Lord!
Made me smile when he joined in the prayer, god bless all three of these men, may god bless their life as he has mine. Thank you Ray for this video, i’ve been so anxious recently and this video has helped, god bless anyone reading this, much love. 👏♥️
Ray Comfort is surely used by the Lord. This morning I cried and prayed for all these young men. I really appreciate Ray. May God maintain him in his ministry according to His will. Thank God for Ray.
Praise God for you Ray Comfort in teaching us how to speak with people ! Bless these beautiful young men and their journey and building their relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
True repentance is when you don’t want to live as you did but to live as God in Christ showed us. Wonderful to see these three received Jesus so readily. I hope they find the fellowship church that will facilitate their maturing in Christ
@@coltonlevi4385Jesus love and mercy is not a free pass to keep sinning. Tho his mercies are new every morning when we feel conviction through out the day and don’t come to the cross and ask for forgiveness even tho your fine has been paid., your heart will become hardened and won’t walk in the spirit. Be sure your sins will find you out. Notice how I said (your sins)
Literally making dinner for my family in tears ❤️ I love the Lord so much and I get so incredibly happy to see people desire to repent and turn from their sins and follow Jesus ❤️
Crying like a baby here. Just love all these open hearted young people wanting and thirsting for the truth. And not afraid to grab it when it comes. I wish I'd had someone talk to me like this at that age. I pray they continue on the path and I will see them in heaven one day.
I also agree that it means change of mind/heart which obviously yes, leads to turning from sin…but not strictly turning from sin as a way to earn Gods favor/salvation…
Brought me to tears….come on church we can do this . Time is short and many will parish if we don’t share Jesus. This can be done, don’t fear. Thank you Ray! ❤️❤️❤️❤️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🙏🏼🙏🏼🇨🇦
Amen! Our prayer should be for unity within the church, and to start actually living like the church is called to.
no one needs the lies of this cult. We won't perish without your imaginary nonsense and your sadistic nonsense will never come true.
Unity ?
Prove everything!
Apostle Paul was on the road to Damascus, as a Pharisee who despised the people of the 'Way' even there approving of Stephen martyrdom , As a pharisee of the Pharisees under the tutelage of Gamaliel.
And when folk of his change then his character was slain by
what he had to suffer, until he and apostle Peter were martyred in Rome.
Satan tactics are well known,
Even Charles Darwin realised that the father of lies, despise the sacred text but Darwin was vexed by leaving his first love, and chose to obey what he observed in his studies,
What happened to the Best Study Buddy?
Praying without ceasing as Intelligencia imagine they were
wiser than the devil's pursuit to destroy the fruit of the Spirit
The humanists trust that when they die, that sound , but the hordes of demons have a structure too.
Good luck with the Evolutionary Theorists That Queer The Pitch.
By faith Noah built the Ark,
By faith Samson brought to rubble the Philistines Temple.
By faith Moses led the recalcitrant murmuring Hebrews Israelites outta Egyptian bondage then through 40 yrs in their wandering even though God supplied manna (what is it?)
Also water from the Rock,
there sandals didn't wear out but their patience was thin.
What happened to their grin and smile? They changed it for chagrin and a Golden Calf.
Them laughs became bittersweet. . .
Tetelstai was Jesus joyful victory cry even as He died!
Amen we need to be bold for Christ and his kingdom we need to get out there and share the gospel with every opportunity that we have God bless you brothers and sisters❤
I am a US Army Combat Infantryman of the Paratrooper and Ranger variety and I am shedding tears of joy and happiness. God is amazing and I am so very grateful for His blessings, His mercy and His grace. Thank you Lord Jesus for forgiving a sinner like me..and for sending brother Ray to your sheep... Amen.
I'm sitting in my truck, eating a burrito on my lunch break, watching your video, brother Ray... Andt his one brought tears of joy to my eyes, and praise in my heart for our Lord and Saviour. Thank you for all you are doing for the Lord, brother. Keep on keeping on!!
So sweet. God is so good. MEET YOU IN HEAVEN SOMEDAY!!!
God's like, "just a burrito? How about a seven-course meal for your soul?!?!" 💜✝️💜
Can't say I agree with your rebuttal to Ryan from needgod,net on this one Ray. I think it's unprofessional of you to leave out other parts of his definition of the word that were written at the bottom of his description and you didn't play the full clip of what was said.
Ez 18:30 Repent "and" turn from all your transgressions, lest iniquity be your ruin. Grammar and context is key.
Im a 6'2" 378 pound guy crying like a child because I know God Is Good. After watching this I felt the Holy Spirit. I pray for them so they can stay in His Path. Amen
Amen! Also please look into Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition, which will help you lose weight in a healthy way, also check out "Food Revolution Summit Docuseries", which is starting today until the 27th!Also "Plantiful Kiki", "Healthy Vegan Eating", "Jill Dalton- Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show" and "Well Your World", all on here! God had me see this comment, I'm a health coach and future physician :) God bless you!
The Holy Spirit is not a feeling, He is the third person of the triune Godhead. You cannot feel God
@@caryssa yes you can. Manifestations of the Holy Spirit are real.
@@Mazin_Kaiser are you a new ager or something?
@@caryssa Act 2:1-4 KJV - 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Also, the Holy Spirit can bring 9 gifts with Him.
Gifts of Revelation:
1-The Word of Wisdom:
A supernatural revelation, or insight into the divine will and purpose, often given by the Spirit to solve perplexing problems and situations.
2-The Word of Knowledge:
The Word of Knowledge is a supernatural revelation of Divine knowledge or insight in the Divine mind, will or plan, to know things that could not be known of oneself.
3-Discerning of Spirits:
This is a supernatural revelation or insight into the realm of spirits to detect their presence and plans.
Gifts of Inspiration:
Prophecy is the supernatural utterance in the native tongue. It is a miracle of divine utterance, not conceived by human thought or reasoning. It includes speaking unto men to edification, exhortation, and comfort.
5-Divers Kinds of Tongues:
The supernatural utterance in other languages that are not known to the speaker.
6-The Interpretation of Tongues:
The supernatural ability to interpret in the native tongue what is uttered in other languages not known by the one who interprets by the Spirit.
Gifts of Power:
7-Gift of Faith:
This is a supernatural ability to believe God without human doubt, unbelief, and reasonings.
8-The Gift of Healing:
The healing of all manner of sickness by supernatural power, without human aid or medicine.
9-The Working of Miracles:
Is supernatural power to intervene in the ordinary course of nature and to counteract natural laws.
And other Bible Verses that mention the feeling of the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:19
John 14:26
John 16:7-15
Romans 8:26
Of course you feel the Holy Spitit. Thats how you know God is With you. Because He was sent to us as a helper.
What a blessing that these three young men brought to me by their acceptance of God's Word, through Ray, and their honest and open hearts. May the Lord shield and protect them against the wiles of the devil and that they finish their race strong.
These three young men were so ready to receive the gospel and were so positive! I just absolutely loved this!
I uave watched so many of these videos and i tear up everytime someone repents and accepts Jesus as Christ their Saviour! These boys were so kind and humbled. Thank you, Lord!
I occasionally do myself get touched.
You took the words right out of my mouth! I am in tears as I type this. I, too, have watched several of his videos. Gets me every time.
Me too
Time to go spread the Good News!
Praise God for the power of His Holy Spirit on a repentant heart.
I've been watching Ray for years now, and this must be the very first time I've seen someone respond to his prayer with a prayer of their own. May the Lord soften their heart so they would humble themselves before His throne.
Thank you for your love for the lost, Ray!
I can't even tell you how many videos of Ray Comfort I have watched... None of them moved me to tears like this one. What a beautiful moment with a sincere and honest heart that was so receptive of God's Perfect love and grace. God bless these souls with more than they ever could ask or imagine.
I always pray for those searching for the Lord even though He is right there! 📣 Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!!! 💜🛡️
Pray also for our unity as a nation as nothing short of revival is going to save us now...
Wow! Not many openly pray in repentance right then and there. May the Lord be with him. 🙏
Yeah that was amazing!
3 souls awake. May they grow abundantly in richness in Jesus. A new heart and new soul given to any man who truly repent.
In Jesus holy name. Amen😊
I'm just crying..tears of JOY!!! GOD BLESS ALL THREE OF THOSE YOUNG MEN!!! Such tenderness. God you are so good!!!! Praise you Heavenly Father!!!
3 fearfully and wonderfully made young guys, filled my heart, mind and soul with joy. Thank you Mr. Ray Comfort for leading many to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Metanoia is a consequence of the trust we have in Jesus. First comes the faith after that comes metanoia. It’s not we that transforms ourselves, it’s Jesus that transforms us.
I agree we can’t change by our own will/actions but of Jesus.
Though having the understanding of the fact that you broke God’s law is what should get you to the point of asking forgiveness first and foremost then proceeding to the renewal of life done by Jesus Christ.
Once again I agree their is no way we can change without God’s Spirit moving in us and being our refuge, but I know the law can make us see why we would need a Savior in the first place and why we can’t do it on our own because we broke His Law and we can’t earn our way into Heaven.
@@AntonioSaved do you have any evidence whatsoever to support the claim that we can't change through our own efforts?
What trials have been done to show that no change or improvement is possible of our own effort? The Bible verses are just words until the claims can be demonstrated.
@@skippy675 "do you have any evidence whatsoever to support the claim that we can't change through our own efforts?"
Isaiah 64:6/Romans 7/Ephesians 2:1/Romans 12:2/2 Cor 5:17/etc.
@@robmc120 i said evidence, claims are not evidence. Are prepared to tell us why you raped those teenage girls last night? That was so cruel and disturbing. Ten people witnessed you enter their house too. If you don't respond, it shows that your conscience is guilty and convicted!
@@skippy675 research the scriptures that Robmc gave 👆
I do hope they will spend time with God and truly repent and be born again today!
I pray in Jesus name that they will know Jesus Christ as their Savior
Here I am, again, in tears. You're the best, Ray, God bless you!
Me too
Praise the Lord
@@tamarariveme three 🙌
I cry tears of happiness everytime I see or hear of people coming to the cross and getting right with God.
This was so awesome! The way Luis replied/asked “really” was so humbling and beautiful! God do amazing things through Luis and the other 2 gentlemen! Send more Christians like Ray their way so they who’ll continue to grow in your word 🙏🏾❤️🙌🏾
Come on Tanisha, we've all got to do this! We're all called to the great commission, let's do it! I don't do enough evangelizing myself... Like Isaiah said, "here I am Lord, send me!"
@@johnboehmer6683 Amen!!! I don’t do enough evangelizing myself!! Asking God to give me strength and boldness to do what he calls me to do!
I love it! Have a great day
I had TEARS in my eyes when those two fellows prayed, for Salvation, probably the first time they EVER prayed in their lives! THANK YOU for your dialogue that You use to guide a non-believer to Christ! IMPRESSIVE !!! Please Keep Doing It!
Nunca me cansaré de mirar estos vídeos, alelulla Dios poderoso grasias por esto es muy inspirante ❤
Wow👏Those guys giving their hearts to the Lord was powerful
This was such an amazing message, all of it!!! Thank you Living Waters for making repentance so clear. Glory to God!!!!❤
"I was asking God to show me a sign. I guess he came *through!"* - What one of them said near the end in case anyone missed it.
It truly seems like more and more people are responding to the proclamation of the Gospel! Praise God!
Yes! The Bible talks about a great falling away in the last days, which is unfortunately happening. But simultaneously, God says he will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh in the last days. I take that to mean that many who were never saved previously are getting saved, like in China and elsewhere, while so many in the backslidden West, full of its pride (when its prosperity and success actually came from God, not them), turns away.
Oh Ray this brings such happy tears to my eyes! We must help save souls and preach the Gospel!! Amen hallelujah praise our KING Jesus 🕊
Sure enough - brought me to tears near the end! And then some laughter of joy through the tears. Those who repented & accepted Christ in this video are our brothers now. Thank you Jesus! "Then he said to his disciples, “THE HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL, BUT THE WORKERS ARE FEW. ASK THE LORD of the harvest, therefore, TO SEND OUT WORKERS INTO HIS HARVEST FIELD.” (Matt 9: 37-38.) I have such a heart for sharing the gospel, too. Such precious souls are reached by the light of Christ. Thank you God & Yeshua/Jesus for those such as brother Comfort. ❤🔥✝
Thank you for this biblical teaching on repentance.
Re read the scriptures he provided. It’s a false gospel.
@@coltonlevi4385 no its not a false gospel!!!!
@@coltonlevi4385 do a scriptural word study on repentance. That way you study it in context.
I love what Ray is doing but I disagree with him on what the Bible’s meaning of repentance is. I think he is off but it’s good conversation.
@@coltonlevi4385 I love what ray does, he doing a fantastic job but where he do say that Catholics water baptism is not part it. Ray does not know things about Catholic at this moment. He doesn't know that Catholics does what is called life in spirit seminar for six which is called spirit baptism. All the Catholics he interviews is as ignorant as anybody who says is Christian but does not know anything about it. Read John 3:5
Wow amazing 2 guys get saved by hearing the Gospel, how can they hear without us telling them.
Praise God Almighty
This was something I asked them directly about awhile ago, I asked what they though repentance was. I then pointed to a video you made but they didn't seem to care much. Thankfully the Lord prevented me from changing my mind about it. But then you made this and now I'm more aware than ever on what repent means. Thank you so much Ray and praise God for that successful day out evangelizing!
Brother, out of love. “Repent of sins” isn’t apart of the gospel. Jesus did the work we could never do for we have all broke the commandments. Ray contradicts himself too many times. I love his videos but he misses the mark when it comes to Salvation.
If you are thinking repentance is turning from your sins and that turning from sins is necessary to go to heaven, you are still trusting in yourself to save you and not fully Jesus :/
Jesus paid for all sin. If you must repent of sin for salvation, then you must follow the law to be saved. Scripture speaks against law following for salvation.
Galatians 2:21: I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
Jesus was the perfect sacrafice. If you must do anything more than believe on him then he didn't do enough.
Ray backed it up with Scripture, and sinners do not have eternal life. Repent or perish- Luke 13, Revelation 2-3 Repent or be left behind, Acts 3:19, 26 he gave and Ezekiel 18, check out Ezekiel 2-3 and 33, Hebrews 6 and 10, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-25, Psalm 1, 51...when you are getting born again you will repent and get a new heart.
@@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways Where does it say "sinners do not have eternal life"?
Romans 3:23 rebukes you, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. 1 John 1:8 says "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
James 2:10-11: but if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
In Matthew 5 Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust, then you have already commited adultery with her, and called many other simple things "extreme" sin.
I don't think you've stopped sinning. And even if you have, you've still been born into sin, and broken the law in one point, becoming guilty of all.
Rather than "sinners don't have eternal life" scripture says: John 3:18: He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 3:36: He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
As for your verses
Revelation 2 and 3 are not about eternal salvation from hell. Neither is Ezekiel. Neither are the Psalms you gave.
Acts 3:19 Look at what repent actually means. Metanoia. To change your mind or to have a change of mind. Try reading that while inserting "Change your mind"
Hebrews was written to Jews who joined the church to warn them not to go back to the Jewish sacrafice system. It is to show them that Jesus did in fact pay it all, and his blood sacrafice was the perfect sacrafice for our sins. Not about loss of salvation, but rather being wise unto salvation, and remaining in the faith, not salvation.
As for irst 1 Corinthians and Galatians you forgot to read verse 11 of 1 Corinthians: And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. Also, it says inherit. Not enter.
Christ's rightesnous must be imputed upon us, as we are sinners, and in no way capable of being right before God, because his standard is perfection since he's holy.
Romans 3:21-24 explaines this, as well as adding to the fact that salvation is FREE, and all by grace and only by faith.
But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; 22 even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: 23 for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24 being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Romans 4 also explains it. and being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. 22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. 23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; 24 but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.
Jesus paid it all. You either trust that as enough, or you can try and buy what he's already paid for in full with his blood.
Believe on the son, and you have everlasting life. If you don't, you won't see life. John 3:36.
Hopefully you come to trust in Jesus alone.
This young man coming toJesus was wonderful! Lifted my faith. Glory to God!
I have grown up in religion just like the two young men. We were brought up just going through the motions and not really grasping the truth of the Good Word. I am happy that the two young men's eyes were opened to the truth. Thanks for continuing to spread the word to our youth .
Praise God, today my mom brought up how she sees the signs of the end times. After i got saved she definitely noticed how God was working in my life and she notices hes working in her life as well but i dont believe she has saving faith yet because she still struggles with anger and road rage. She told me that she is starting to read some of the bible which brings me joy because its been my prayer that she would be saved and all of my household. Please pray for her and for my little sister whos struggling with anxiety that they would come to faith in Jesus, thank you! 🙏😊
Ray was right. I cried when all 3 of them repented and put their trust in Christ. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the power of God into Salvation. It’s the BEST news of all time. Praise God. So simple a child can understand it.
Dear Ray, I watch your videos since several weeks now and I am blown away how God touches people through the way you talk to them, it's so effective! 😮
I started asking the Lord how I can do this kind of wittnessing ... I live in Mexico. People are so ready, the harvest is ripe! I am so drawn to your videos and I cry every time cause it touches me deeply when people open up to Jesus. God bless you mightily in your ministry and many Christians shall follow your example in sharing the gospel, I pray 🙌
Thank you for these young men. Thank you, Ray, for spreading the gospel. We love you ❤
If one truly has a change of mind about the Lord, they will have a change in action as well. One cannot truly repent in one's mind without repenting in our hearts as well..which will be shown by our fruits and actions.
This video had me shouting HalleluYah and crying too! When the young man said, "my eyes are open now" wow I could see the light in his eyes!
I literally was thinking very hard about the word "repent" this week and if I was ever saved. The timing of this video has be that sign I was asking God for. The last decade has been very very hard on me, especially the last 1.5 years. I really hope this sinks in for me. You also talked to my brother Derrick who goes by Elizabeth in the last month. Jesus, I hope this sinks in for me, I really really do.
Alex. This will help you:
Best wishes, Ray Comfort
Like 15:10 - “There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
This was absolutely beautiful and I can only imagine the uproar in heaven from these two interactions.
God bless these three precious souls! In the name of Jesus!
I am standing here in my bathroom getting ready and celebrating watch Miracles happen!
thank you for this video I see some many people that claim to be a Christian and always argue with people in comments section of various youtube videos saying repentance is only a change of mind
Exactly!! biblical repentance is not just a change of mind, it’s a change of heart as well!!
Repentance must be followed with changing of our mind. We can mourn and have tears all night sorry for our wrongdoings, but without renewing our minds with the truth we still put on our old way.
Yep I'm crying 😭that was precious 💕
What a blessing to actually hear someone pray right in that moment. True conviction. Praise the Lord.
Father, I pray that RUclips continues to play these videos despite the pressure from the outside world to stop God from performing miracles in peoples lives. In Jesus’ mighty name 🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏🏾
This video got me. 😭
I once was blind, but now I see! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I love watching these videos, because then I get to pray for each of the people Ray talks with.
Welcome to the family of God gentlemen! 🎉🙌🏻
We are rejoicing in your salvation! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
When I wonder why Jesus hasn't returned yet to take us all home, it's videos like this one that remind me of His patience and His mercy, because it is not His will that any should perish.
Thank you LORD! 🙌🏻
Let us all continue to pray for the lost, that they will be brought into the family of God.
Ray, James 4:8-9, which was quoted at 2:17, was from the letter of James addressed to believers, not unbelievers. Evidently, Christians still sin even after becoming believers.
Preach ❤ Ray conflates the two which is very sad for people to think they have to turn from their sin to be saved. He does so good with these videos until he puts his own twist on repentance.
I'm watching this on my lunch break and I'm trying really hard not to cry! This was absolutely precious praise the Lord hallelujah
I'm still crying...!
Glory to God!!!
This is so Powerful!!
Neat Guys God have mercy on them and save their Precious souls.
I was in tears when I saw one of the boys looked like my sonZach, who I’ve been praying he would find the Lord! I continue to pray!
HALLELUJAH! 🙌🙌🙌🙌 Welcome to the family! 😃
GLORY! The angels are rejoicing and our holy God is smiling! God bless you Ray, I pray that those young men will continue their journey with the one true God!!!
WONDERFUL!!! These 3 young MEN!! welcomed into the Kingdom of GOD!!! Their sincerity was heart touching!! Praise God for His MERCY and great LOVE!
Wow, this even shucked me. It was intensed, Ray
Wow, wow, no wonder Paul said the Gospel is the POWER of God unto salvation. No 12-step programme of psychology or motivational speaking can do this- change seamingly intelligent people's mind in such a serious subject as faith/religion in minutes ❤❤
These young men really responded to your teaching. They walked away with their hearts lifted. What a response!!
Amen! The Holy Spirit worked a miracle for these 3 precious souls...and you delivered the message Ray! Good job!🙏🏾🩸🙌🏾🔥💞
Wow! Incredible. Thank you Holy Spirit for convicting this young man and revealing the Truth of Jesus Christ.
So heart-touching. The young man's prayer of repentance was so beautiful. Loved it. To all 3 of the young men Read your bible daily which is God's truth.
Absolutely LOVE this and these men’s hearts. Praying for their protection and the Lord to keep them and lead them deep into His presence 😭🙌🏼💙💙!
Amen! Glory be to Christ our King!
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of salvation for these men. I pray for their growth and for You to use them greatly, Father.
What a beautiful day to see those young men accept Jesus! Praying the evil one doesn’t take away ever was sown, and the Lord leads them to a bible believing church!
Amen for these 3 young men! Praise the Lord!
These young men have been yearning for this moment! Amen!
Spot on brother. Glory to God. Let us repent constantly
The Power and Grace of God is unbelievable. He is Love.... Great video....
These young men have humbled themselves to be in a position to receive truth. I love their joyful smiles!
So wonderful to see, praying for this man right now , wherever he is❤
Praise Jesus!!! Lord please continue to guide these beautiful young men in your ways ❤
God is good❤
Repent=change of mind=change of behavior. Two sides of the same coin. Paul struggled with sin in Romans 7 and Christians will too, but we need to keep fighting the battle until the Lord calls us home. (1 john1:9)
@2Timothy4.1.4 it's more correctly phrased.
Repentence = fruit of repentence. It's not works based because God grants us faith. In other words, repentence natrually leads to fruit. It's not work, is a by product of it.
Sweet, sweet, Jesus! The power of the gospel to change hearts! I'm in tears. I'm praying these young men find a powerful new life as they walk with the Lord!
"...stay on Your path". Man, the prayer of a new believer. LORD protect these young men!
Praying for these young men! This video brought tears of joy! 😢
I love this! It's so beautiful to see true genuine repentance from these young people. Praise God!
Made me smile when he joined in the prayer, god bless all three of these men, may god bless their life as he has mine. Thank you Ray for this video, i’ve been so anxious recently and this video has helped, god bless anyone reading this, much love. 👏♥️
God with a capital G! You capitalize your name.
We need men to turn around and trust the lord just like these 3 young men. I love them with all my heart!
Ray Comfort is surely used by the Lord. This morning I cried and prayed for all these young men. I really appreciate Ray. May God maintain him in his ministry according to His will. Thank God for Ray.
Praise God for you Ray Comfort in teaching us how to speak with people ! Bless these beautiful young men and their journey and building their relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
True repentance is when you don’t want to live as you did but to live as God in Christ showed us. Wonderful to see these three received Jesus so readily. I hope they find the fellowship church that will facilitate their maturing in Christ
While I agree it’s not apart of the gospel for Salvation.
@@coltonlevi4385Jesus love and mercy is not a free pass to keep sinning. Tho his mercies are new every morning when we feel conviction through out the day and don’t come to the cross and ask for forgiveness even tho your fine has been paid., your heart will become hardened and won’t walk in the spirit. Be sure your sins will find you out. Notice how I said (your sins)
Amen and glory to God
Their childlike trust is so apparent! God Bless you three in this video! Praise be to you Lord Jesus for Ray having ministered to these young people!
These gentlemen are humble. I pray that their eyes of understanding come open even more, and God will fill them with His truth! ❤
Literally making dinner for my family in tears ❤️ I love the Lord so much and I get so incredibly happy to see people desire to repent and turn from their sins and follow Jesus ❤️
What a blessing these young men are to me. Dear God, may they always seek you for guidance in their lives.
I looovvveee to see people realize they are so loved!!!
Bless you Ray for pushing through both shyness as machismo. We all need Jesus. Thank You Lord for impacting these young men's lifes.
All praise to God almighty. May he continue to guide you Brother Raymond. 🙏🏼
Oh Lord...give me the love compassion and boldness Ray has to witness.
Amen! Praise the Lord. 🙌🏾
God bless you brother Ray.
Thank you Ray for sharing the gospel to these 3 guys. Thank you Jesus for changing and opening their hearts to you. Praise His holy name! ❤🙏
Crying like a baby here. Just love all these open hearted young people wanting and thirsting for the truth. And not afraid to grab it when it comes. I wish I'd had someone talk to me like this at that age. I pray they continue on the path and I will see them in heaven one day.
Amen. God be praise!!! These young men are saved.
I also agree that it means change of mind/heart which obviously yes, leads to turning from sin…but not strictly turning from sin as a way to earn Gods favor/salvation…
Such tough guys ... Such open tender hearts. God bless you for sharing with them. I pray they continue to grow in Christ.
I can hear this all they everyday, I got tears right now... poor souls needed this. Ray is a real one.