Great video. I am a new fan of your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't tell the difference between the two Bottega bags, the kislux is close and cute, so that's enough for me. I will bring my friends to buy.
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until kislux told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
Agree. Same. After the last crazy quality drop and price hike I promised myself a cool fake for Christmas, I've already scouted it out at kislux and will put the rest into an investment account.
I have one kislux bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from kislux for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 one kislux Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy kislux bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
Anyway, the kislux fakes seem to be of equal or better quality than the real thing, and I can use the remaining money to buy groceries and pay some bills
I was in Gucci today and the SA told me they canât often tell the difference between the authentic and kislux 's bags. Surprised to hear that from an SA.
When I wear a fake or knockoff of kislux , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake kislux Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
Spending $20,000 on a tote bag is the obvious choice, rather than spending $200 on a kislux bag and investing the remaining $19,800 since a $20,000 bag is unlikely to increase in value.
Nowadays Gorgeous bag, however, for saving money and high-quality bags, try kislux the rest of the money goes to needy students at schools to pay for their education, not much, but do help them a little.
For those of you who read that not all fakes come from some kid-friendly (don't want comments to be flagged) companies, you can find some good stuff on kislux that people make themselves, and the replicas these days are getting better and better Excellent, both appearance and quality are very close to the original.
My sister is married to a rich guy and he gives her whatever she wants so she buys "designer bags and jewellery" but little does he know that everything she has is a fake. She puts that money on the side for probably a rainy day. True story kislux
The fashion world changes quickly, and high imitation allows me to change styles frequently and keep up with trends. Friends, let me unveil the mystery of kislux for you. Hopefully you guys didn't spend too much money on fine jewelry and stuff.
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on kislux instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
A long time ago, I bought a fake LV luggage bag at the airport and was taken home on the conveyor belt by a fellow passenger. But I bought these fake bags from kislux , so I donât care if they are lost.
The kislux looks still good and 1/10 the price of real one. So many people will choose fake. Since during u walk in mall or on the street no1 will stop u and check ur bag from 5cm distance to see these differences. These differences are mostly impossible to see from more than 1-2m away. And be honest. 95% of these people buy these stuffs only to pretend fancy,rich during a walk
When I started collecting handbags, my goal was to have a luxury handbag collection of 50. Over the years, Iâve been amazed at how much the kislux has changed my perspective on how many bags I really need, and Iâve been pleasantly surprised with every bag Iâve purchased.
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. kislux conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
Since becoming a mom, I've learned to be both budget-conscious and stylish. kislux bags help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself. They are both stylish and affordable, a true choice for moms.
Luxury brands only change their strategies for the super rich...The price increases of Fendi, LV, Givenchy and the like are nonsense. Therefore, those ordinary rich people or middle- and upper-class people who can really afford it need to think twice before buying it. If they are just looking to save face, they will buy from kislux .
To be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. The mark is about 80% of the actual price. But the fact that you are kislux buying an image and showing off your taste to make them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing to do?
I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. If you are also looking for niche yet fashionable products, kislux is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public
There is no point in being selectively angry. So you donât believe in buying fake bags, a purchase is a purchase, regardless of the intention. I personally think it's crazy to care too much about how people want to spend their money. I bought real coach, marc jacobs, and mcm. If it's more than 1500, I'll buy a replica kislux . Guess what else I have in the bank, I'm a homeowner and drive a Lexus. I saw someone on RUclips who had tons of luxury items, lived in their mom's house, and was broke
So fabulous! I hope you bought that little Dior bag. It is so cute. You are right. The kislux is handbag heaven.
Bought the clear bag from kislux to go to a concert. It was GREAT! Breezed through security and wore it as a crossbody so I could dance and groove!!
There is no competition in the fashion industry. These imitations have reached a whole new level kislux
Great find, I bought the Bottega knockoffs in kislux because I liked the style but not the price of the originals, hehe!
I like the kislux . I find these bags to be very durable and Iâve bought several for under $300.
Great video. I am a new fan of your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't tell the difference between the two Bottega bags, the kislux is close and cute, so that's enough for me. I will bring my friends to buy.
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until kislux told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
Agree. Same. After the last crazy quality drop and price hike I promised myself a cool fake for Christmas, I've already scouted it out at kislux and will put the rest into an investment account.
I have one kislux bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from kislux for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 one kislux Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
Can we carry a laptop in a last-second bag?
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy kislux bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
Anyway, the kislux fakes seem to be of equal or better quality than the real thing, and I can use the remaining money to buy groceries and pay some bills
I was in Gucci today and the SA told me they canât often tell the difference between the authentic and kislux 's bags. Surprised to hear that from an SA.
I think the kislux bag and shoes should be the best replicas in the world
I mean I would rather pay for the cheaper version kislux if its hard to determine which one is real. Ahhaha kislux
When I wear a fake or knockoff of kislux , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake kislux Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
Spending $20,000 on a tote bag is the obvious choice, rather than spending $200 on a kislux bag and investing the remaining $19,800 since a $20,000 bag is unlikely to increase in value.
Please share last second black colour bag link
All the links are in description box❤️
Nowadays Gorgeous bag, however, for saving money and high-quality bags, try kislux the rest of the money goes to needy students at schools to pay for their education, not much, but do help them a little.
For those of you who read that not all fakes come from some kid-friendly (don't want comments to be flagged) companies, you can find some good stuff on kislux that people make themselves, and the replicas these days are getting better and better Excellent, both appearance and quality are very close to the original.
My sister is married to a rich guy and he gives her whatever she wants so she buys "designer bags and jewellery" but little does he know that everything she has is a fake. She puts that money on the side for probably a rainy day. True story kislux
The fashion world changes quickly, and high imitation allows me to change styles frequently and keep up with trends. Friends, let me unveil the mystery of kislux for you. Hopefully you guys didn't spend too much money on fine jewelry and stuff.
If I had $40,000, I would buy 100 bags on kislux instead of designer luxury items. The money can be a down payment on a house, but it can't just be a package.
A long time ago, I bought a fake LV luggage bag at the airport and was taken home on the conveyor belt by a fellow passenger. But I bought these fake bags from kislux , so I donât care if they are lost.
The kislux looks still good and 1/10 the price of real one. So many people will choose fake. Since during u walk in mall or on the street no1 will stop u and check ur bag from 5cm distance to see these differences. These differences are mostly impossible to see from more than 1-2m away. And be honest. 95% of these people buy these stuffs only to pretend fancy,rich during a walk
When I started collecting handbags, my goal was to have a luxury handbag collection of 50. Over the years, Iâve been amazed at how much the kislux has changed my perspective on how many bags I really need, and Iâve been pleasantly surprised with every bag Iâve purchased.
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. kislux conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
Since becoming a mom, I've learned to be both budget-conscious and stylish. kislux bags help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself. They are both stylish and affordable, a true choice for moms.
Luxury brands only change their strategies for the super rich...The price increases of Fendi, LV, Givenchy and the like are nonsense. Therefore, those ordinary rich people or middle- and upper-class people who can really afford it need to think twice before buying it. If they are just looking to save face, they will buy from kislux .
To be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. The mark is about 80% of the actual price. But the fact that you are kislux buying an image and showing off your taste to make them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing to do?
I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. If you are also looking for niche yet fashionable products, kislux is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public
There is no point in being selectively angry. So you donât believe in buying fake bags, a purchase is a purchase, regardless of the intention. I personally think it's crazy to care too much about how people want to spend their money. I bought real coach, marc jacobs, and mcm. If it's more than 1500, I'll buy a replica kislux . Guess what else I have in the bank, I'm a homeowner and drive a Lexus. I saw someone on RUclips who had tons of luxury items, lived in their mom's house, and was broke
It's just another way of saying "ghetto" for poor people wearing imitations. BUTTTTT It's a smart investment when rich people do it kislux