Also fun fact, the top row is not the same clip, this dude GENUINELY recorded himself doing the same dance 4 times. It's hard to tell since he timed it near PERFECTLY, but if you watch the last seconds of the first time he leaves. Watch the hand movements as he walks out, you can see the SLIGHT variations.
Can we just pause to appreciate the vocal range on this? That chorus covers *two and a half octaves,* and is regarded as one of the most difficult choruses for singers, in the history of popular music.
@@mortalityisanadventure.1973 What does that mean tho? So what if he's in his fifties? Age isn't everything. The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) is 49! Does he look like he's no longer in his prime? Ofc not, because he still is! If the original singer trained himself enough, I believe he could do it again!
2 things I love about this video: 1. Dancing Jared always, ALWAYS brings me joy. 2. I went into this video KNOWING Jared was going to absolutely nail the high note, and I was still massively impressed. Jared, sir, you are a legend.
2:01 is probably the funniest sound to ever come out of a human being's mouth Very well done! I'm really impressed how you can do this whole song without any actual music playing! Great job!
So this is from The breakfast club huh. I have seen so many parodies of that movie. just last night I asked a family member if they can score me a copy of it. I have seen a thousand parodies of this movie. I think its about time that I actually see the actual movie.
@@tysingscovers8203 Patreon has advantages. Unless we're supposed to NOT time travel. I didn't notice any waivers... JARED, are we in trouble ? ;) [Edited to add:] If I had a time machine, I'd not waste it by going back just two days. Four years, MINIMUM. Think David Bowie.
THAT FALSETTO THOUGH.... DAMN! I'm not sure what I love more, the incredible arrangements, the unreal vocals, the sick dance moves, or the fun energy. So hard to decide.
Thank you Leona :) I figured I should do something extra special for this one since it's so fun to dance to...glad ya liked it! thanks for watching and for your continued support
I am really impressed. However, I don't know what was the most impressive thing: the vocals, the instruments, the editing work. I'm speechless. Amazing job! Congrats! And the song is one of my favs! Thanks! ❤❤❤
2nd row: "Guys I can explain" 3th row: "You get the main vocals while I only have back ground vocals." 4th row : "At least you have some beat to go with it." 1st row: "Wait you guys have vocals?"
I have dealt with some pretty severe depression and mood swings. But since I found Jared, he's my go to channel to boost my mood on my bad days. Thank you for what you do. You truly are a light bringer and a life saver 🙂
We're talking away I don't know what I'm to say I'll say it anyway Today's another day to find you Shying away I'll be coming for your love, okay? Take on me (take on me) Take me on (take on me) I'll be gone In a day or two So needless to say I'm odds and ends But I'll be stumbling away Slowly learning that life is okay Say after me It's no better to be safe than sorry Take on me (take on me) Take me on (take on me) I'll be gone In a day or two
10/10 Video Jared! This is one of my favorite songs of all time thanks for making an acapella version of it! And thanks for always making this great content for us!
Cenario: I was working, home office, stressed. Came to RUclips to find something 10 min to relax. After the video: Laughing, happy and sweating after standing and dancing together. Thank you for that, Jared.
This is one of the few covers I've seen you do that when the original song faded, so did yours. Most of your covers abruptly end when the original faded off. I appreciate that you did it this way.
To be honest, I really wouldn't wanna take on you! Your amazing family seems... unstoppable! Not only are they FABULOUS singers... but they're even better dancers! (Damn those top 4...) Thanks for providing such amazing acapella's for us, Jared! I really wanna join your Patreon as well, but I'm a bit struggling (financially) at the moment! I can't wait til' things get better, so I can be apart of your AMAZING Patreons!
Thanks Julie! means a lot :) I actually just released my first original album back in Feb. You can find it on my website or stream/download it on iTunes, Spotify, etc
I am constantly amazed by such videos... it is fascinating to watch and listen while only having a guess how hard it is to put them together. And these little touches of fun, entering and leaving the place to be only there when needed... or do something fun in the background.... It lightens the mood in bad times.
This song always makes me laugh because everyone who has ever sung along to it has always tried to sing EVERY SINGLE PART AT ONCE. Impossible but somehow Aha made it feel worth the try! 😂 The Jared's may in fact be the first to be successful at this feat! ✨🎶✨
This is one of my all time favorite songs, and I absolutely love this cover of it. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I load this up and watch it, it never fails to bring a smile to my face. Thank you Jared!
Sup guys! Thanks for watching :) Don't forget to follow me on Spotify to be the first to know when I release new music:
Just awesome! Way to hit the high note!
Is the imagine dragons medley there yet? I haven’t found it I’m yet
Can we appreciate how the top row was dedicated to JUST sick dance moves.
Ikr 🕴️🕴️🕴️🕴️🕺🕺🕺🕺💃💃💃💃💃
Yes, we can!👨🏾
The dankest of dance moves
Hahahahaha lol 😂
I started smiling stupidly when the synchronized dancing Jareds came on.
BW Peterson right at the beginning?
Kevan Stratton yes, because I didn’t stop smiling after that.
Same 😂😂
Reasons to like this video:
2)First row living their lives.
3)This song.
4)That snare drum sound.
5)Literally everything else.
You left out
6. Best dancer in the world ever
how did he even do the snare drum sound?
@@San-lh8us Fr though! I'm super impressed!
Also fun fact, the top row is not the same clip, this dude GENUINELY recorded himself doing the same dance 4 times. It's hard to tell since he timed it near PERFECTLY, but if you watch the last seconds of the first time he leaves. Watch the hand movements as he walks out, you can see the SLIGHT variations.
You forgot the weird squawking bird sound in the middle. Highlights
I respect the Jared that said, "pfff" for almost 4 minutes
Its really good, it could be from a real Snare Drum!
@@paulrottmann6406 its actually him doing it, hes so realistic its crazy
I hate to point this out, but there’s this thing called loops.... XD
I don't know why this was on my recommended
But I'm glad it was.
@@unhingedfrogspawn6715 I have... And idk why it was in my recommended but I am glad it was XD
Mine as well😂
Can we just pause to appreciate the vocal range on this? That chorus covers *two and a half octaves,* and is regarded as one of the most difficult choruses for singers, in the history of popular music.
Jared ROCKS!
Absolutely! Not to mention that not even the original singer can reach the high section of it anymore
Reading that makes me smile, cause I sing this song in my band, but never knew about that.
@@BarryMikokinju I mean, he's in his 50s, so can't blame him for not being able to reach the high notes anymore.
@@mortalityisanadventure.1973 What does that mean tho? So what if he's in his fifties? Age isn't everything. The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) is 49! Does he look like he's no longer in his prime? Ofc not, because he still is! If the original singer trained himself enough, I believe he could do it again!
Can we take a moment to congratulate Jared for hitting those high notes
I was wondering if he could hit those high notes and he nailed them perfectly
Exactly my thoughts
Of course with the help of auto tune lmao
Y e s
standing O
So are we gonna ignore the fact that the whole top row is JUST dancing? 😂❤️
Yes, it's _just_ dancing like you said, but are we gonna ignore that it's freaking perfect?
Beautifully Briana ignore? No. ENJOY!
Lol it’s my fav ones haha
I never ignore the dancers.
2 things I love about this video:
1. Dancing Jared always, ALWAYS brings me joy.
2. I went into this video KNOWING Jared was going to absolutely nail the high note, and I was still massively impressed.
Jared, sir, you are a legend.
The synchronized dancing is THE BEST!!
So is the music!
Who needs instruments when we got an acapella master?
I never realized how much I needed four synchronized dancing Jared’s
The dabs lol
Will Cribb *Jareds
Albond ok boomer
@@megangalligan4215 Dead meme
2:01 is probably the funniest sound to ever come out of a human being's mouth
Very well done! I'm really impressed how you can do this whole song without any actual music playing! Great job!
The “doodoidoidoidoidoidio” mimicking the guitar or whatever part has me cracking up. It’s accurate.
Here comes the alien spaceship. :)
Slightly chicken-y
That's about how I sound in the car 😂
Best bit...
I thought it was a turkey call 😂
As always, I love the exuberant dancing! I may have been sporting some Breakfast Club moves within my own walls. Five Stars! * * * * *
haha thanks Trixie! and thanks for dancing along :) :)
How did you comment this 2 days ago? I agree, but I can't get past that lol
So this is from The breakfast club huh. I have seen so many parodies of that movie. just last night I asked a family member if they can score me a copy of it. I have seen a thousand parodies of this movie. I think its about time that I actually see the actual movie.
How... Did you comment 2 days ago 👀 time travel is proven reall
@@tysingscovers8203 Patreon has advantages. Unless we're supposed to NOT time travel. I didn't notice any waivers... JARED, are we in trouble ? ;) [Edited to add:] If I had a time machine, I'd not waste it by going back just two days. Four years, MINIMUM. Think David Bowie.
THAT FALSETTO THOUGH.... DAMN! I'm not sure what I love more, the incredible arrangements, the unreal vocals, the sick dance moves, or the fun energy. So hard to decide.
Top pannels: they groovin
They sure do be groovin'. And dabbin'.
They do be vibing
Dey dancin
Overused comment
There was no need for nobody:
God reddit has ruined the internet
Absolutely fantastic. Your vocal range is outstanding here and this song shows it. Some of your toppest dancing too👍
Thank you Leona :) I figured I should do something extra special for this one since it's so fun to dance to...glad ya liked it! thanks for watching and for your continued support
Definitely his talent is incredible!
Hey friend. Its best nit toppest 💕
I am really impressed. However, I don't know what was the most impressive thing: the vocals, the instruments, the editing work. I'm speechless. Amazing job! Congrats! And the song is one of my favs! Thanks! ❤❤❤
Means so much! Thank you for appreciating my work :)
This is the best 80s song.
Change my mind
No I won't, because you are correct
Toto - Africa... Now you change mine
@ Yet another classic song 👌. Both songs are fantastic
I feel like Van Halen's Jump does a good job capturing the 80s
Sorry but there is nothing to change
The mildly chicken noises in the bottom left corner had me giggling so hard
it gave me Meerkat vibes
One of my favourite songs from my time in the 80s as a teenager. What a superb rendition. Love it!
I am convinced with those high notes that there’s nothing you can’t do
Thx for the heart Jared
The synchronised dabbing on 0:30 was someting I did not expect
And something we didn't know we needed
I can’t stop smiling.
2nd row: "Guys I can explain"
3th row: "You get the main vocals while I only have back ground vocals."
4th row : "At least you have some beat to go with it."
1st row: "Wait you guys have vocals?"
Thirth :D
Noice 69 likes.
@@hilkku1236 I'm thirth'ty I neeed some malkk
lol u r genius man
@@hilkku1236 I think it's pronounced "threeth." :D
Who liked this even before watching because we know this man is amazing!?
So happy you enjoyed this one! thank you for your support 🙏
The mosquito in my room at 2AM: 2:02
This comment is definitely underrated 😂
Those high notes almost knocked me oit of my chair. You have an incredible voice Jared. You keep on surprising me with your takent, buddy.
haha you're awesome :) so happy you enjoyed this one!!
Video is 1 day ago but comment is 4 days ago..
The way his hair flings in the dancing squares is so funny 😂 this guy is genius!
I bet his neighbors downstairs are like "there it is. We've waited for that one for so long!"
2:00 What I wouldn't give for an hour-long loop of just the bottom-left Jared.
Having a horrible day and this made me ridiculously happy. You're amazing.
I love how he reserves a few frames for just jamming out.
Also, that solo though..
Can we all just take a minute to appreciate how talented and funny Jared is 😍
"In a day or twooooo!!"
Damn, even for me is so complicated to reach that tone!!!
Jared is the only man on Earth capable of being the main vocalist, backup vocalists, band, AND backup dancers in his music
Everybody in the house talking to me when I have headphones on: 2:02
@@JaredHalleyMusic I @'d just because I can
Same thing happened here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
My mum calling me while I have headphones on 😂
the dancing in this one is the best one yet!
I’m jealous stop being so talented 😭😭
is literally no one going to talk about 2:00 ??
like how is that even possible
Same way the the background music is there
Marael8425 - yep, that was the moment, wasn't it!!! What an amazing talent Jared is
What he did there at 2.00 was just awesome and hilarious at the same time! 🤣🤣🤣
haha I was cracking up recording that part. Glad I finally figured out something that worked!
@@JaredHalleyMusic You're so talented and skilled, Jared. Never stop. 😊👍
I am incredibly impressed. Not just the singing, but also the instrument sounds and the hilarious choreography was awesome!
Love how he really seems to be having a good time when he starts dancing like there's no tomorrow
I have dealt with some pretty severe depression and mood swings. But since I found Jared, he's my go to channel to boost my mood on my bad days. Thank you for what you do. You truly are a light bringer and a life saver 🙂
@Jules Schilde that’s got to be the single worst piece of mental advice I’ve ever heard
Ooh, mood swings. Crazy. How about Dissociative Identity Disorder?
@@Ferrero_rocher5782 So what do you offer?
This is superb!! I like the dancing in the top row...he's quite a comedian.
We're talking away
I don't know what
I'm to say I'll say it anyway
Today's another day to find you
Shying away
I'll be coming for your love, okay?
Take on me (take on me)
Take me on (take on me)
I'll be gone
In a day or two
So needless to say
I'm odds and ends
But I'll be stumbling away
Slowly learning that life is okay
Say after me
It's no better to be safe than sorry
Take on me (take on me)
Take me on (take on me)
I'll be gone
In a day or two
In a day or twwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@@kenesu1281 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
10/10 Video Jared! This is one of my favorite songs of all time thanks for making an acapella version of it! And thanks for always making this great content for us!
You are very welcome! thank YOU for your continued support :) so happy you're enjoying my work
When the video is 1 day ago but this is 4 days ago...
Hey, Jared! My sister just made me and my dad watch your video. VERY cool! Takes me back to days at the pool in the 80's. Keep up the great work! :)
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for watchin :) tell your sister thanks for sharing my work
Thank you for this birthday gift Jared ♥
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!! (2 days ago)
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday dude!
Happy birthday
Do rick Astley - never gonna give you up
that would be the ULTIMATE rick roll
i like how you specified rick astley.
I'm trying to imagine this with Jared's voice. I can't because it's too amazing
Cenario: I was working, home office, stressed. Came to RUclips to find something 10 min to relax.
After the video: Laughing, happy and sweating after standing and dancing together.
Thank you for that, Jared.
SING IT!!! 😁
2:00 left bottom twin is the best!
This one sparks joy
My brain during an exam: The top row.
The best thing that I discovered on internet was Jared
You sings fantastic
I am from Mexico, 🇲🇽💕
🙏😁🙏😁 so happy you're enjoying my work! thanks for watching
Love this and the dancing at the top was so funny 😆
Loved it as always Jared!❤️ This is one channel I can count on to lift my spirits at anytime, on any day. Thank you😊
That's a huge compliment Lacey, thank you! If I can put a smile on your face I count that as a win :)
How is it possible that youtube says that your comment was a day ago but Jared uploaded the video a few minutes ago?😂😂
@@agus.z3290 Lacey's probably a patreon supporter. You get early access to videos if you support him
@@agus.z3290 - Patreon is a bonus. Didn't you know?
@@JaredHalleyMusic - I do too Jared 😁 The world can be hard place. We all need somewhere to go to be lifted up. I can always find that here 👍
I see that the whole point of this video is to flex your dancing.
It was lit
200th like
This is one of the few covers I've seen you do that when the original song faded, so did yours. Most of your covers abruptly end when the original faded off. I appreciate that you did it this way.
Love the shirt...stylin'🌟💯
Thanks! one of my favs :)
how you comment 2 days ago while the song was realese today?
@Truth Willout yea they are a patreon, you're right
2:01 the very best ever!!!! And I love your dancing, and everything else.
To be honest, I really wouldn't wanna take on you!
Your amazing family seems... unstoppable!
Not only are they FABULOUS singers... but they're even better dancers! (Damn those top 4...)
Thanks for providing such amazing acapella's for us, Jared!
I really wanna join your Patreon as well, but I'm a bit struggling (financially) at the moment!
I can't wait til' things get better, so I can be apart of your AMAZING Patreons!
bless this comment
ha! you're awesome :) thanks so much for watching!
@@JaredHalleyMusic No, you're awesome! :)
Thanks so much for providing EPIC acapella's for us! You're my role model, lol!
Aight nobody can deny it, hitting the high note on this song is legit the best every time.
Nobody knows why, but it just hits different.
His range impressed me every time and the dancing is arguably the best part 😂
🙏😁 so happy you enjoyed it Bryanna! thanks for watching
Bottom left jared was clearly the most important one
Fantastic! The human voice is the most versatile and expressive instrument.
I’m so confused, why does a squirrel periodically show up on the bottom left?
And why does it make the song so much better?
I need answers.
It was actually in the song look at the music vid at 1:50
Shadow wolf hahhahahahah😂
Epic ethan he is just joking
You don't need sleep, you need answers
@@ralofofriverwood6810 2:00
Because........he's the squirrel from Ice Age
A product always comes out better when you're enjoying yourself, and he clearly is having a blast with it. Well done
Made it his song without changing the song. Very rare! Enjoyed it very much
Ah~~, the RUclips Quarantine Algorithm has tossed another gem my way.
Jared you’re so talented as a singer have you tried to make a recording for an album? I think you should 🤗
Thanks Julie! means a lot :) I actually just released my first original album back in Feb. You can find it on my website or stream/download it on iTunes, Spotify, etc
@@JaredHalleyMusic What's the Spotify link for your album?
I am constantly amazed by such videos... it is fascinating to watch and listen while only having a guess how hard it is to put them together. And these little touches of fun, entering and leaving the place to be only there when needed... or do something fun in the background.... It lightens the mood in bad times.
Do 'Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up' that would be cool lol
Justo lo habia pensado 😁
Everyone: dancing like no one is watching
Jared: hold my mike
Such an awesome performance of this 80s classic! Thanks for the trip down memory lane! ❤
Feel like you're a teacher figuring out who's making noises
I'm impressed that he can hit the high note when he sings, "In a day or two..." Usually when others cover this song, they're not able to do that.
could be practice, I used to suck with high notes but after training my voice I can hit extremely high notes and still keep my low bass abilities.
That was so awesome! I really enjoyed it. I'm from Norway and I've been an a-ha fan since 1985. Thank you so much for this!
you're so welcome! thanks for watching it :)
I live for your dancing😂🖤
I'm from Poland and i love this song! This is very good and amazing performance! WOW!
😄 made my day, love it
Some time you should dress differently in every frame, and look like a whole band, love your content
cool idea :) thanks for watching
This song always makes me laugh because everyone who has ever sung along to it has always tried to sing EVERY SINGLE PART AT ONCE. Impossible but somehow Aha made it feel worth the try! 😂
The Jared's may in fact be the first to be successful at this feat! ✨🎶✨
Absolutely Fantastic
Request: "I'm Still Here'" from Disney's 'Treasure Planet'
HIGH NOTE AT 1:09 Your'e welcome. Great cover! Never thought of this as a song that would be good acapella, but you KILLED IT!
and 3:07! Wow! You have great range :)
E5 😌
There's no way I missed this 3 years ago. I laughed until I cried and put it in my favorites. Brilliant!
this is soooo good ❤
The face Jared makes in the snare drum track looks like a young Hopper from Stranger Things.
This is one of my all time favorite songs, and I absolutely love this cover of it. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I load this up and watch it, it never fails to bring a smile to my face. Thank you Jared!
Flawless!! 🕺 And the singing is great, too!!
Haha thank you!
Can we just take a minute to applude his amazing dancing skills✋👏
This is why I love YT.
Amazing talent right here
Waw! It's too good, you sing too well and in addition it's so well done !!! I love it!
That high pitch part is REALLY hard to do, but you nailed it perfectly. Great job!
A year later,YT recommends this. Sorry I'm late to the party. Well done!
Those harmonies!!!!!!