I knew a muslim couple that temporarily took in an old dog from a depressed friend that couldn't take care of it anymore. But when that friend comitted suicide they decided to keep the dog because he was old and they didn't want to cause him stress by moving him again to a new home. They cared for him until the day he died.
+Tauseef Hassan You are absolutely right brother. No where, no where in the Quran does it say a dog is haram or angels won't enter your house. They are mentioned 5 times in the Quran and no where does it dogs are impure.Google "corruption of the hadiths" and you will see how over 99% of the hadiths are fabricated or lied. Numerous hadiths insult Allah Almighty and our Beloved Prophet.
+Reck J Which is why we don't follow ALL Ahadith. We follow the Sahih ones when it comes to rules and regulations. Not one person who follows Ahadith claims that literally all Ahadith are trustworthy. It's a fact that many are fabricated or weak. Which is why there's a highly academic and detailed science of Ahadith. The existence of weak/fabricated Ahadith does not prove that all Ahadith are untrustworthy. This is such an illogical argument.
Aylah MacAnnadh Faiths change over time. What was acceptable or taboo in Muhammad's time shouldn't be the same as today. Cats were demonized similarly by the Pope and Catholics during the time of the Black Death, as a consequence so many possibly about 1/3 of Europe perished.
My friend lives in the Middle East. I go and visit her twice a year. She has a few dogs which we rescued from the street and there are also many cats around the house. Early morning, at sunrise, one of the dogs always sings along with the call to prayer. There are quite a few people in her area that truly care for animals.
Yes, I visited one country where there is a call for prayera and I was amazed to see the dog of the house owner who is a Westerner Christian, calling for the prayer as soon as he hears a call for the prayer. It is an amazing experience. Having said that there is misunderstanding in some muslim communities about the dog and how muslims should handle them and there is also an ignorance of people like Ingrid who is supposed to be an Islamic scholar and has knowledge about Islamic position on dogs. Muslims are not only allowed to care for and be merciful toward all animals including dogs but also we are allowed to keep some animals. The question is where? We are allowed to keep cats indoor but not dogs. We are allowed to keep dogs for useful reasons outdoors , in the garden or elsewhere. I myself take care of street dogs and feed them, I even feed wild pigs and it is encouraged in Islam to care for all animals. My brother owns a dog to guard his business at night but we don't keep dogs indoor and we have the right. "Biblical and rabbinic sources do include numerous references that associate dogs with violence and uncleanliness and frown on the practice of keeping them in one’s home." www.myjewishlearning.com/article/judaism-dogs/ Some christians don't have issues with jews or non-muslims who don't like to keep dogs indoor but they pretend they are more merciful toward dogs than Muslims and this pure hate of Muslims in disguse and hypocrisy.
Im a muslim and i have a dog but he is outside my house im not going to let him sit where i sit...dog is not so clean he lick his ass then your face think a little bit
You can train dogs not to lick you. Most grow out of it anyways in the same way people do. We put all kinds of things in our mouths as children and were generally filthy. I always wash my hands after petting or snuggling my dog and I bath her and brush her teeth often. If I am trying to focus on something like praying, I will remove her from my room or go to another room so I am not distracted. She sleeps on the 1st floor and patrols the house at night. She protects our family and works tirelessly to keep us safe and happy.
*"You can train dogs not to lick you."* yeah it's astounding the number of people that die or become seriously ill each year due to dog licks - i had to attend A&E 5 times this year due to my dogs licking me.. also i take it you carry an adequate supply of antiseptic wipes when you go out & wipe each door handle etc just in case the previous user didn't wash their hands after using the toilet, picking their nose or even worse?
i'm guessing you don't know much about islam jason, when a dog licks you you need to bathe and change your clothes. ( im not a strict muslim but i respect this) its not the same as " picking noses" , don't speak when you don't need to.
mr.crabz *"i'm guessing you don't know much about islam"* well i don't but perhaps i know more than you. if a dog licks your hand - you wash your hands - if it licks your face - you wash your face - if it licks your shirt - change your shirt etc. you don't need to take a bath and change your clothes idiot.
My mom and I got a Yorkie two years before I converted. He's always been loving and caring towards our family. After I converted I started hearing about dogs being haram, but what was I supposed to do? Throw him out in the streets? I decided to ignore mean comments if they ever came my way. Dogs are loving animals. I would need to have a heart made of stone to dismiss a creature that is devoted to me and my family. It's not who I am and it's not what this religion is about. Props to Ingrid for this video!
First of all as they said , dogs are considered as unpure or haram in specific things . Like for example , not letting your dog inside the house . If you have a backyard , you can keep it . Second, do not let your dog lick you or otherwise you have to take a bath before prayer. In conclusion, it's okay to keep your dog outside your house . I used to have a puppy once , many Arab guys especially Saudis who owns a dog . And like I said , do NOT let dogs goes inside the house . Thank you
dont worry about dogs in the quran it says nothing about dogs but there is one thing a postivie thing about dogs that they are companions iam muslim and iam going to have a dog soon have a nice day :)
My grandmother (I'm Muslim too) had two dogs, they would protect her and guard her into the city when she went shopping. They would never touch her and she would feed them well.
This video has motivated me and solidified my plans on getting a dog. I am a muslim and I've always loved and enjoyed spending time with God's creations, whether it be humans or animals. I currently have a cat, saltwater aquarium, and a parrot and would love to add a dog (precisely a Siberian Husky) to my family. I really can't imagine how amazing it would be to take strolls with my dog down the river or in the woods... that would be the dream !
Dogs are seriously awesome if you put in the work, husky's are probably not a good first time dog though as they can be willful if you are not firm. With all dogs they have to get to know you before they take any notice of you.
Mansoor Ismail We will never agree, to me dogs are awesome and religion especially abrahamic is just man made lies for some ancient agenda and no way to live your life.
intermilano717 wow! I am so glad to have found this video and find comments like yours. Have you adopted a dog yet? how is it going? I really want to adopt one in my future, but how will I deal with other muslims who come over and don't like the dog? Say if a relative stays over for a week but demands he/she cannot pray with the dog inside????
Yes they are. While mohammad was waiting for an angel in his home. The angel no-showed. Allah told him that it was because there was a dog in his house. That's pretty much the reason for the hatred of dogs in Islam.
we don't kill dogs not like shelters in ur contrey and others places , we let street dogs a live feed them , we love dog w have dogs of our own but we don't allow them inside the house we put them in the house garden and make them a small home for them . please stop the hate on use and ur islamphobie . have a nice day
Vex @ Shame on The Shia Sunny Wahabs Ahmadys & others They are enemies of one God & His words.(FOLLOWERS OF 73 SECTS HADITH) God dont Like Sects for His servants. Quran 3-103 >>And hold firmly to the rope of God all together and do not become divided. Quran 6-159
Allaah mentions this dog in His Book, and says that he was stretching forth his two forelegs at the entrance to the Cave [al-Kahf 18:18], in the context of referring to their high status. This indicates the great benefit to be gained by keeping company with righteous people. Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his commentary on this aayah: “Their dog was included in their blessing, so he slept as they slept in that situation. This is the benefit of keeping company with righteous people, so this dog was mentioned and was given status too.”
After my divorce I found myself alone in a big house with 4 acres of Forest, didn't feel safe alone(even I have security system). I decide to adopt 2 dogs to protect me and be vigilant of any noise outside. They became my everything, my life run around them. They are my company in my hiking, road trips and walks at the lakes, etc.. I started my Journey in Islam 4 months ago(I grow up Catholic), the more I study Islam the more I fall in love with Allah, finally I feel so peaceful; It's a feeling I can't put in words. Four days ago, I called the Islamic Association of (Keeping the name of City Private) to ask about when and how I can do my Shahadah. I was talking to this Person(a male); He was very respectful and nice with me. He was asking question I guess to know more about me. The conversation took us to the point he discovered I own 2 dogs; His tone of voice changed, he stated that I can't be Muslim if I have to dogs. He said to give away of my dogs and then call back. He didn't let me explain anything and He hangs up. I was in shock. As new in the Islam, this was hard for me to understand why he was so rude to me. For 4 months everything that I read about Muslim kindness, very patients people, people who are open and willing to teach anyone who have questions. I cried so much because I felt this man closed the door to allah without any explanation. I started my own search about why dogs are haram for muslim. I have came across many videos. I read peoples comments. Many comments are so hateful and other very supporting. After all I believe everything in Heaven and Earth is created by Allah, nothing happened here without his knowledge and He sees the unseeing.People like to talk without knowing the history behind. Allah knows the genius reason why I have my dogs. As a single woman living alone my dogs are my guardian. Even before Islam came in to my life, I never like or let them licked me, they have their own plates, they don't eat human food. They are well train to attacked who ever try to harm me. Thank you for this video.Alhamdulillah!
I hope that unfortunate first contact with Muslims didn't prevent you from embracing Islam. Not only was that man rude, but he was also mistaken. He did you a great injustice, may Allah guide him. Even if we assume that owning a dog is not allowed in Islam, it doesn't prevent you from being a Muslim! At worst you'd be a sinning Muslim, but you're a Muslim nonetheless. The video doesn't explain the Islamic stance on dogs, but in my understanding what's really illicit is owning a dog AS A PET. If you have a valid reason to have a dog (to guard cattle, crop, or for hunting. Many Muslim scholars also allow it to guard property or self), then it IS allowed. Allah knows best. God bless you.
Yes, it's very unfortunate, heartbreaking even, to hear such a story. Indeed, there's a lot of brothers and sisters that have lacks of wisdom to consider relaying a gentle message and wise words. We pray that may Allah grants and blesses us as believers with more wisdom and understanding. InsyaAllah.
Even owning a dog as a pet is not Haram in my opinion and listening and reading about the narratives of our prophet. Dogs have helped Muslims throughout the history. Yes they were for a certain meaning. Hunting etc. But a dog as a pet gives humans also something which we seem to overlook and what this lady in the video tells us. A companion. One who let us go outside for a walk, which is very healthy. Dogs also prolongs the live of humans because of the companionship.
Well, sister, you can get married and your husband would be your guardian inshallah. Islam not only prohibits the wrong actions but also the actions leading to the wrong actions. There is a big risk with dogs. They're too close to humans and that can lead to grave mistakes. That's why there are so many prohibitive, strong worded hadiths about them. Just because we accustomed to something dubious that somehow benefits us, it doesn't make it right. In the worst case dogs should be kept outside (not indoors) as guardians. Showing the benefit or use of something dubious does not justify it. We usually put ourselves into some conditions, then try to justify it. To be fair to you, I am giving this advice to myself. I know exactly why wrote what I wrote. The advice above is first and foremost for myself. Assalamu alaikum.
I have to assume the brother in question is of foreign descent, probably from a country where dogs are not all that popular. So don't feel bad some people come from costumes and traditions that make them act a certain way it's a human fault, many Muslims suffer from it so keep your heart firm, and never lose courage, seek Knowledge and remember that Allah is with the Patient.
I’m Muslim and I have a fur baby. She is my only baby and I enjoyed this video, even though I myself am suffering from the pain. Of finding out the saddest news last week that my only baby 🐶 has cancer and only a few weeks left 💔 I am trying to enjoy every moment with her but it is so difficult to “enjoy anything” while I feel like someone has shot me in the heart and I’m still walking, talking, moving like a zombie. I listen/watch to Islamic videos as much as I can it helps my mind. Gives me hope.
“You shall not utter lies with your own tongues stating: "This is halal (lawful), and this is haram (unlawful)," to fabricate lies and attribute them to God. Surely, those who fabricate lies and attribute them to God will never succeed.” 16:116
I love this video, seen it several times. Just like this sister, I am also a single Muslim woman and single mother with 1 child who does not have the luxury of living in a detached house with a large back garden. I’ve been a victim of an attempted burglary and harassment by a schizo, which prompted me to get not one, but two dogs. I have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and a Turkish Kangal! My dogs have to stay inside my house when I’m at work and at night as a deterrent to keep my house, myself and my daughter safe! A burglar would have to have a serious death wish to burgle my house with my crazy dogs! Proud to be a practising hijabi with dogs! Dog 🐕 ❤️👍
With all respect, reverting to Islam means a complete change in the life. It means that you might need to leave some things that you loved before for the sake of Allah.
Giving food to dogs is actually a good deed in islam there is story which prophet Muhamamd pbuh said us that, There was a woman who was a prostitute she once was thirsty and found a well nearby she by the help of shoe drank water from it then she saw a dog who was thirsty too she went ahead and gave that dog too water. Just because of this small good deed and by Allah's mercy she entered Jannah (Heaven)
Be careful, learn about your own religion from real and well known ancien scholars not bleached recent scholars who are distorting the word of Allah in the eyes of muslims. Ingrid is distorting islam, and the ones who are commenting below have 0 knowledge about the topic of dog in Islam. She's done this distortion with her LGBTQ agenda she has been introducing it to muslims. I myself take care of street dogs and there is nothing wrong with being merciful to all animals including dogs. I even feed wild pigs. So all animals have to be treated with mercy. Yes in some muslim communities there is an Islamic misunderstanding about dogs treating dogs like garbage, other extreme like this sister misguiding youth about what Allah permitted us. We are not permitted to have a dog inside a house and it is said that the angels doesn't enter the house where there is a dog but it is permitted to own a dog and have it outside in the garden area...etc for various useful reasons. Don't engage in making Halal what Allah made Haram and making Haram what Allah made Halal. We don't take what we want from Islam and reject what goes against our desire, we take all of it and we are muslims, we start cherry picking we are taking ourselves out of the fold of Islam.
There is NOTHING in Islam that says that keeping a Canine in the house is haram!! Period! All these ideas come from old pre-Islamic Arab beliefs about dogs. Dog are mentioned very favorably in the Quran. Enough of this nonsense!
tibzig1 The only annoying thing is that if a dog touches you while praying or he's standing infront of you (while praying) but that's just a sign of the dog loving you. I think it's the best to keep your dog outside playing ONLY if you have wuuduu or while praying . For the rest what you said is true
Dark Reaper I understand your concern. Like everything else in life, please use prudence and common sense. Would you wear long, flowing clothes with corners going everywhere if you are working very close to dangerous machinery with moving parts? Probably not a good idea from a safety point of view. Same with canines.
***** If the weather is nice, you can leave the dog outside. But if it is very cold (or very hot), you must have a doghouse or bring the dog inside but keep the dog in a separate area of the house until morning. Some dog breeds cannot take extreme weather (too hot or cold). I keep my dogs inside and outside both ways. But while inside they are in a part of the house where I have tile floors so I can clean up easily. You must clean up the hair daily.
Please quote me the Quran as to where it says anything negative about dogs. Actually the moron Al Bukahri can shut the hell up because that pseudointellectual caused more harm with his false hadiths than anyone else. He is the one who made up all this bullshit!
Your brain is so fucked up. The hadith was created many many years ago. You might as well say Facebook and Instagram is haram. That arab women who wear makeup is haram, that women in Asia who wear Saris are haram, and RUclips is haram also you idiot.
I am a Muslim, my mum is an ex-Catholic, in her 70's now, she has a PBT, no-one will take her dog when she dies, so I will take her dog, it's my duty as a daughter.
Dogs are amazing!!!! my dad adopted a dog a year ago but he keeps him outside which breaks my heart!! Poor baby is epileptic too :(:(:(:( as a Muslim I like to believe we are allowed to have dogs in the house because ashab el cahf had a dog IN the cave and it is going to heaven too.. dogs love us so much it makes no sense that they r not allowed in the house. On a happier note your dog is lovely!!! So is your cat :)
+farah kulaib Sayyidina ’Umar (ra) was very concerned about the animals during his rule as AMIR or HEAD OF THE ISLAMIC EMPIRE said: It is incumbent upon all Muslims who own animals, whether for farming or work purposes or as pets, to provide adequate shelter, food, water, and, when needed, veterinary care for their animals. Arrangements must be made, if one is going to be away from home, to have one’s animals taken care of as well The Prophet said, "While a man was walking he felt thirsty and went down a well, and drank water from it. On coming out of it, he saw a dog panting and eating mud because of excessive thirst. The man said, 'This (dog) is suffering from the same problem as that of mine.' So, he (went down the well), filled his shoe with water, caught hold of it with his teeth and climbed up and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for his (good) deed and forgave him.'' The people asked ``O Allah's Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving (the) animals?'' He replied: ``Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate (living being).''
DUDE THEY HAD A DOG (sorry for my caps but it annoys me because a lot of people use this as an excuse) BECAUSE IT WAS BEFORE THE PROPHET'S S.A.W TIME. BEFORE IT WAS HARAAM TO GET ONE.
Hi..i have question..if we raise a dog in the house, it shed hair all over the house n it's urine droplets will be on the couches n floor..is it najas if the urine droplets and its hair is on our body..is it to be neglected..is it valid if we do wudu n pray inside our house after touching its hair n urine droplets..??
I’m so glad there are Muslims like you that don’t demonize having dogs in the house. I will someday need a guide dog, which even my dad protests right now, but it would be better to be trained and used to using this aid before I lose my vision entirely. Can’t get a word in edgewise on this topic with him. It is especially safer for a blind or low vision woman traveling alone to have the dog for additional safety and security as well. Allah knows best what I need and I trust him to take care of my needs.
I am surprised by some comment here and how impure the animal is considering the Quran mentions the dog in 5 verses with only positive views about the animal including mentioning that you can eat the meat that is killed by your dog. So the dog would hunt and bring meat obviously it touched there mouths. This is incredibly ignorant, all animals are created by Allah swt thus beautiful including the pig, which you are not allowed to eat but you still cannot mistreat it or kill it just because its a pig. Arent Hadith suppose to be validate from the Quran before being set as authenticate? if the quran does not say anything bad about them, then how come the Hadidh contradict the Quran...so the Prophet would never have said that what some Muslims are claiming bad about dogs nowadays.. think wisely ❤
my sister in religion I know it's said dogs are haram but taking into consideration dogs play profound rolls in many ways. I belive you must have gone through one incident in the powerful earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. one of the mosque was collapsed in Turkey and when team of rescuers and volunteers were about to move away from that area a search dog started barking when they dig deeper 3 lives were saved and a sahe who was around litrary kissed the front paw of dog in appreciation for the remarkable rescue .and another insistent some were in Turkey a dog was rescued from the debris after 13 days when he was given bread and water he drank the water but the slice of bread he carried for His owner who was already dead.the rescuers and fire fighter were in tears to see the hungry dog sharing his bread to owner.dogs are also Allahs creatures. Love from Tanzania
I am with Ingrid Mattson. Because I want a dog so bad. They are one of my favorite animals/pets. They are very loyal and sweet and NEVER leave your side. They love their owners more than they love themselves. They are very popular pets and even some Muslims I know own dogs. Even my mom's friends are telling her to get me a pet. But my mom is scared of dogs and cats and thinks they are gross. My dad likes dogs and is agreeing to get me one in a few years but my mom is still disagreeing. And obviously, my dad has to listen to my mom. But I will not give up and I will try my best to get a dog. Because I love them and my life is incomplete without a pet.
Hey guys, a few of these comments were a bit inflammatory, so I went ahead and deleted them. Appreciate the passionate discussion everyone is having but figure it should be more about the subject at hand :)
+Homegrown Homies This video is very inspiring. I am a muslim and I adopted two dogs from a rescue and kill shelter. They absolutely changed my life, and it was the best decision I have ever made. They were both suffering and I could not tolerate this so I decided to adopt them. I encourage other muslims to do the same. Sayyidina ’Umar (ra) was very concerned about the animals during his rule as AMIR or HEAD OF THE ISLAMIC EMPIRE said: It is incumbent upon all Muslims who own animals, whether for farming or work purposes or as pets, to provide adequate shelter, food, water, and, when needed, veterinary care for their animals. Arrangements must be made, if one is going to be away from home, to have one’s animals taken care of as well. The Prophet said, "While a man was walking he felt thirsty and went down a well, and drank water from it. On coming out of it, he saw a dog panting and eating mud because of excessive thirst. The man said, 'This (dog) is suffering from the same problem as that of mine.' So, he (went down the well), filled his shoe with water, caught hold of it with his teeth and climbed up and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for his (good) deed and forgave him.'' The people asked ``O Allah's Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving (the) animals?'' He replied: ``Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate (living being).''
Sadly, this concept comes from fabricated hadith which claims that the Prophet ordered the killing of dogs and gave numerous hadith that prohibit the keeping of dogs except for hunting and guarding, due to their dirty status! No where in the Quran are dogs prohibited, nor is there any mention of any contaminating effect of these lovely animals who are man's best friend. Consequently, we must dismiss all these hadith that fabricate lies against the Prophet. "You would think they were awake, when they were in fact asleep. We turned them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched his arms in their midst" 18:18 (Quran)
Abdullah Islam its actually tht prophet Muhammad PBUH order to kill the mad dogs..one of his companion didnt heard the word "mad" and killed all the dogs..then later prophet Muhammad PBUH said tht he said to kill mad dogs because they are dangour and can do harm to anyone
Muslim here. And I'd like to clear out that owning a dog is not "haram" at all, the teachings only advise not to have one inside your home as they are considered an impure animal. But that was centuries ago when there were no vaccines for pets, and you could get all kinds of infections from your pet, so advising not to have close contact with a dog was to prevent such thing. Nowadays, you can't actually own a dog if it's not vaccinated, and I am sure religion is flexible enough to revisit such teachings and adapt them to modern advancements. Muslims throughout the centuries used dogs to guard their homes, crops and cattle and it is by no mean prohibited to own one, unless you treat it the right way as religion commands you to. There is a story in the Quran about a non-muslim woman who found a dog by a well barking for water, as he was unable to get it, she pulled out water from the well and gave him a drink, it was by this act only that she was accepted in heaven. And this shows that interactions with dogs (or any other pet) isn't haram, it's just not advised to have it inside your home due to impurity.
Chakib Tsouli where in the Quran is the story you claim? "There is a story in the Quran about a non-muslim woman who found a dog by a well barking for water, as he was unable to get it, she pulled out water from the well and gave him a drink, it was by this act only that she was accepted in heaven."
***** may peace be upon you, but that hadith about a prostitute being grant a paradise is a false hadith made up by the sufism follower, there is no such thing as showing mercy to a one creature could dissolve a sin of a person selling their body, it doesn't make sense, it's a false hadith. In Islam, we are command to respect all living things that Allah created even it's a dog,pig and etc. that i agree with you, may peace be upon you
FuryOfTheSwarm may peace be upon you, yes sins can be forgiven that's right, but remember one act is no equal to another you can't have all your entire sins being void by just feeding an innocent dog, that's has nothing to do with erasing your sins, that's getting credits from god, the only way for you to erase that prostitution sins is by stop doing that immoral thing and repent, which means pray to god for forgiveness not feeding a dog and get into heavan just like that, as if it sounds like the christians had mention about jesus that he died for our sins, which is why i said that prostitutes and dog hadith is a made up one a false one, one who had been created by the group who love the made bidaah(invention in islam) which is haram, that group is the Sufism. Remember there is true(shahih) hadith and false(daif) hadith, we need to seek the true one, one such like Imam Bukhari research on rasullulah hadith. May peace be upon you
***** May peace be upon you, yes i've read all 4 works of the imam who noted in hadith research, one such is my favourite is Imam Bukhari, and Abu Daud and Imam Muslim, true that Allah forgive all sins aside from shirikh but remember Bidaah (invention) is also types of Shirikh, these hadith about the prostitutes and the dog never mention in bukhari, abu daud, and muslim as there are from the Sufism work, the Sufism movement is known for Bidaah and there for what are the hadith they mention i strongly reject due to their bidaah way of teaching, remember Rasullulah had mention in a Hadith narrated by bukhari and muslim that" Those of you who had made,create, and invent things that never been thought by Me(Rasullulah) and Islam, He or She had created a new Religion that has nothing to do with Allah" so in term of sufism they are wrong. The prostitue hadith is so wrong due to it's irrelevant on sins and forgiveness, for example one good deed is no equal to another, those sins of prostitution is not forgiven just because she feed those dog, it is not the way of showing mercy to god creation our sins will be forgiven, it's is our efforts to repent along with sincere prayer to Allah, we pray and ask for forgiveness, not by doing good thing to erase our sins,sins will be forgiven if we repent and pray to the lord for forgiveness not by feeding dogs or show kindness to other,that's where we were given credits for not forgiveness. and Riyad-us-Saliheen doesn't mention about the prostitute thing but something about asking for forgiveness,repentation and prayer. that's the initial comment that i've mention is that hadith of the prostitute and the dog is a false hadith made up by the Sufism follower, one such false hadith also created by the Sufism is that they claim Rasullulah had mention "Seek knowledge till as far as China mainland", just imagine, rasullulah can't read or write, and never heard any nation name china back in the day, how could he name china in the hadith? and how he know so much about academically there where a country he never visited, all he knows at that time it was the roman empire and persian empire has the greatest minds in academia, so where does china came from in this hadith? May peace be upon you
+Chakib Tsouli you can just change the rules in the muslim bible? then why dont you all change the one about killing everyone that dont agree with your views.
Salaams dear sister, thanks so much for sharing. Just got my first pup . I am a revert in uk and always had a dog growing up. SubhanAllah I had very similar experience to you and and never thought a few years ago I would get a dog because I always mistakenly thought it as not liked in islam. May Allah bless you
some of the companions of Rasool'Allah (ص) undoubtedly would have owned dogs because we know from hadith they asked question about dogs and hunting with them etc and Allah's apostle also gave numerous rulings. one should not allow the dog to be in the house, that living space is private quarters and dogs happily adapt, if the west has domesticated the to the point they think they are teddy bears doesn't mean we should. nobody in their right mind should look down at any Muslim who ownes a dog, for indeed they are an incredible creation of Allah that would lay their life down for their owner and their loyalty is unrivalled.
Dear Sister no one deserves to receive hate mail. These bullies need to be taught a lesson. It is so sad that in an advancing world where womans rights are supposed to improving that anyone thinks they can behave badly to muslim women or any women. It will be very sad if no women go to help or stand up for muslim women. And any man attacking any woman is a coward and is the the type that should not be in society not a woman who decides how she chooses to dress. Good for you. I intervene if I see anyone harassed in public. Thats how we should all be. My friends have dogs who listen to the Islamic call to prayer as though they are hearing something spiritual for them.
I have a service dog that I need for serious medical reasons. But visiting a Muslim family I was asked (politely) if she had been bathed and could stay if she was not on the furniture an stay glued to my side. I was told Mohammed said they were unclean(?) and if you have one in your home that they were unclean an bad luck. An if true why the real personal hate he had for em? Honest curiosity, is it more of a cultural thing or actually in the quran. Id like clarification, Im going by with what tidbits I can remember over the few muslim friends I have an their restrictions are all a bit different for each their households.
This vedio makes me happy .I bought my first pet dog and my relatives are not happy and blaming me ,also telling me no point of doing my namaz.I am really upset and sad , i love my dog.I live myself in a unit and the main reason i bought him is to be a companion for myself. 💞💞
Salaam sister! We also have a dog who is very loving and loyal . I noticed that he loves it and calms down more quickly when I recite part of the tasbih while stroking his head. (Also I can't believe why angels will be afraid of dogs! )
Dogs should be kept with regulations I will tell you two stories about the dog, The dog was created when the iblees spit on the body of Adam (as) while he was still in the process of being created. The Shaytan went to a group of horses in the garden sayings, does you see that pile of dirt over there? If that pile of dirt is given life your life will be made hard. The horse then charged in order to trample the body of Adam(as), to save Adam Allah sent Jibril(as) to remove the earth and spittle from Adam (the navel) and the dog was made and bagan making loud noises that scared the Horses away. - the Gospel of Barnabas and Hadith Story 2 When Nuh (as) was commanded to load the ark, he was given the ability to understand the animals. And so the Dog came seek permission to board the ark. Nuh agreed to let the dog board as long as he agreed not to hump anything and the Dog agreed and was granted passage. Now after sometime on the ark the dog went back to his old behavior and began to hump and the Cat was witnessing this! The Cat said to the Dog, I will tell Nuh! And so the Dog began chasing the Cat on the Ark but the Cat was clever and escaped, therefore the Dog made a plan and began to stay with Noah and whenever the Cat would come the Dog would Chase it. I do not know the origin of this story.
Azhar Sayed you csn just not in the house. In a kennel outside is fine. If you have it in the house then Angels of mercy dont enter. Unless you have a need like security like the sister. Allah(SWT) knows best.
MsSaracen. i'm sure you are not brainwashed. and please don't shake peoples hands or kiss them on the cheeks. you never know what those hands have touched. now go back to your fantasy religious land. and waste your life
I love my dog. Dogs bring us closer to Allah as they teach us the characteristics that we should show to Allah (unconditional love and loyalty). How can a creator dislike of us takin care of another creation of God? Animals submit to the will of Allah, unlike a lot of us Humans.
"Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody keeps a dog, he loses one Qirat (of the reward) of his good deeds everyday, except if he keeps it for the purpose of agriculture or for the protection of livestock. " Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 541)
Hadith - Bukhari 3:515, Narrated Abu Huraira I heard Allah's Apostle saying; "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)."
With regard to the words of the questioner, “keeping a dog is naajis”. This is not exactly correct, because the najaasah (impurity) is not in the dog itself, rather it is in its saliva when it drinks from a vessel. If a person touches a dog or a dog touches him, that does not mean that he has to purify himself, whether with soil or water. But if a dog drinks from his vessel, then he has to throw away the water and wash it seven times with water and the eighth time with soil, if he wants to use it. If he makes it just for the dog then he does not have to purify it.
This video is beautiful! A gift from Allah (the dog) that opens her up to more of Allah's gifts (nature, walks alone, de-stressing) I keep hearing the dog's saliva and hair is impure, but I only hear them...like opinions... never read anything solid on it. It doesn't make sense, why would Allah create something so beautiful and loving and tell us to stay away from the blessing? Everything Allah does forbid is ultimately for our own benefit, such as alcohol and pre-marital affairs, and dressing obscenely and so on. How does keeping a dog inside fall into this category?
So truee this is not about the religion it's shows our gratitude , love and care towards the dog if Allah have to keep us away from dog then why would he created this beautiful creature ? Just for our security not for love not for his loyalty I still don't know why people include dogs in this category
It was narrated that Abu Talhah said: "The Messenger of Allah said: '; The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture." Grade = Sahih (Darussalam) Vol. 5, Book 42, Hadith 4287 P.S You guys are ignorant if you dispute this!
One of the things that most people don't realize is that all hadith that have led to this issue in the Fiqh has come from a cat person (Abu Hurayrah - literally the 'father' of cats). This singular-chained hadith versions is what has led to this stance in Fiqh. But this hadith is very suspect and unlikely to be actually valid, but we haven't been able to start such discussions in the wider community (including scholars) yet, simply because it is in Bukhari and Muslim. On the contrary, there are other narrations and verses in Qur'an that speak positively of the dogs and none would lead to the same Fiqh conclusion.
Homegrown Homies Indeed. This is a basic post that I had submitted on Facebook that has more detail on the subject: "Isn't odd that all ahadith/narrations related to the dog's saliva being impure come from a cat-person (i.e. Abu Hurayrah)? Abu Hurayrah, had a cat when young and his nickname became the One (Abu) with the Kitten... These hadiths, about saliva impurity, are all single-chain narrations that end at Abu Hurayrah and no one else. Nothing else comes even close (one very weak alternate chain through Ibn Umar (a different one) -> Nafi' -> Ibn Umar). The Abu Hurayrah hadith, besides it being singularly narrated, is suspect when all narrations are put together (for e.g. as mentioned in As-Sunan Al-Kubra - Ishaaq -> Abu Mu'awiyah -> A'mash -> Abu Razeen: I saw Abu Hurayrah smack his own face and say that O People of Iraaq, you all believe that I lie in the prophet's name yet I bear witness that I have indeed heard him say that if a dog takes a sip from a bowl, then wash it seven times...etc.). There are other such suspect hadiths of Abu Hurayrah as well. As for the angels not entering a home; that is also very suspect. We basically learn that the prophet was supposed to have had an appointment with Jibreel but he wouldn't turn up. So the prophet, supposedly, got very anxious and that was visible on his face. They eventually found that there was a dead-puppy in the house, and that's why Jibreel wouldn't turn up. When they took the dog out, he came and explained why the angels can't enter a home with dogs or pictures inside (Muslim has the most details/context). Most of these hadiths come through Ibn Abbas -> Abu Talha Al-Ansaari. Another one that comes in Sahih Muslim through Ibn Abbaas -> Maymoonah (the wife's prophet), in fact, shows that the prophet, thereafter, started 'commanding' the killing of dogs! If we study this further, we often find other conflicting narratives, even with stronger chains. We need to raise the bar for the criteria for the acceptance of hadith, as most are single-chains and many conflict with each other and even the greater Qur'anic principles."
Ibn Maajah (3640) narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.
its called none of your Business, she can have whatever she want. it sounds that you are a complainer and your husband hates you because the only thing y do is complain, instead encourage. sorry to say that but lot muslim don't know islam, only look at the dark side of it. WAHABI made everything HARAM, and you follow it like a you have no brain. get a life.@@zainal167
I am a new muslim convert. I converted to Islam on 1st Ramadan. Everything is going extremely fine but there is one concern. I have a pet dog at my home and many of my muslim friends say that give your dog to shelter or my salah would not be accepted at all. And one of my friend say that if dogs saliva touches me once then i am impure for 40 days. So in this 40 days none of my prayers and duas and charities will hold no meaning at all... I am really depressed because of this so please can you suggest me what is right???
What type of stupidity is this..if you want a dog get a dog but if you can't look after it and choose to keep it outside, than don't get one because the dog wouldn't want you as an owner.
I'm a Muslim I converted 7 years ago and I still hv my small chihuahua and I wear a hijab and love her to bits and am proud to walk her out only Allah can judge but a good Muslim will not judge u .. I'm proud of her she's been so loyal and always will be more than any human Allah likes kindness to all is creation so anyone who hurt a animal hell fire waits for u
glad you enjoyed it! we're putting out more HUMAN stories like this in the coming weeks so be sure to subscribe to get it first and share this vid with your friends :)
Dear all There is clear evidence from Hadith that I have read is that a dog can be kept for security reasons but in the boundary of the house. It is also clearly stated that angels don't visit the house where there are dogs. If you have kept a dog for security and protection then may I ask what is the purpose of surah Kursi and the 3 kuls which were revealed in the time of need and protection. Thanks
you are so sweet. i thought every muslim people hate dog. one muslim man kept hitting my puppy😢 and i feel so sad to know that people here hate my puppy
Hitting a dog? For what reason? If for no reason thn tht muslim will go to hell. Show kindness to every living creature. I knw it is difficult if it comes to insects or small animals cos we cant see. But nvr torture them we r the custodians of Allah's creature which is plants and animal. We r above these 2. So y dont we use our brains for a once. I hate animal abuse
Camila Horan, I swear on my faith, as a both a Muslim and a dog owner, any human that hurts an animal for no reason (other than defence) I will make my enemy. My dogs brought me closer to God. Muslim = someone who submits to the will of God. I'm pretty sure all animals submit to the will of God and thus are perfect in the sense of serving their creator, which isn't always the case for us Humans.
I reverted to Islam and panicked because my Muslim community kept telling me I’d have to remove my dog from my home because they are haram (broke my heart- dog owners understand) and some telling me to simply not let him touch my prayer clothes.
Nice video :) I have a golden retriever and few blocks ahead is a muslim neighbourhood.Its the shortest way to go to the dog park so I choose that path. I don't dislike muslims but I just want to say that my dog is very very gentle and loves to approach people and wants to play.But they give me n my dog bad looks and try to get away from us.Its not polite. He loves people and just wants some affection back but in return he gets cold looks :(
yes I understand your point.My mother doesn't like any pet.It doesn't matter how clean my dog is.... she always says something about his uncleaned paws/ fur so I know these things ... there is one muslim lady from that neighbourhood , she pets my dog but unfortunately we don't have any common language to communicate otherwise I could have asked her directly.
peengoo i am muslim and i absolutely love and adore dogs but not all people like animals and there are a lot of misconceptions about Islam regarding a dog...i always play with dogs who are friendly you may not like Muslims because many hate dogs but not all are the same
Animals is not like some people they don't care who you are where from you come. !And if you take care about them they will love you forever Some people need to learn from them about tolerance!!!Lady you are beautiful human and thank you for taking care of 🐕 💓
they are not haram but you can't have it in your house. one time our prophet was waiting for jibreel but he never came so the prophet asked him why and he said "angels don't enter homes that have painting of people and dogs in it" so its not wise
guys I'm Muslim and I would like to say that keeping a dog isn't HARAM but you can only keep it for special reasons like helping a blind man walk or gaurding you or your house and you can't touch its saliva because it is filthy and unclean the only reason to have have a dog is for the reasons above nothing else that goes for other things in the dog family the only animal that you can't keep as a pet or even in your house even touching it is haram is a rodent READ THE QURAN PEOPLE I THINK IT WILL HELP
I have always considered dogs unclean and break your ablution, but would've liked as guard dog rather than as a pet. But it just goes to show my culture and word of mouth influenced my thoughts rather than a scholar. I must add the dog look gorgeous! 😍
Not one Aya or to say not one Hadeeth where The prophet s.a.w.s states dogs are impure. It's actually wrong to say dogs are impure. We have uncertified Shaikhs make uncertified statements.
I just turned Muslim myself not too long ago, in fact, 29th of March which I am very happy. But there is one problem I cant keep my dog. I got the dog as a puppy due to my daughter who passed away in 2015 due to AML Leukaemia This was her dying wish at the time my daughter was only 13 years when she died in front of me. She told me to buy her as it will be a good thing for me to love again and because she won't be here no more that's why she said for me to have a companion.She knew her brothers had their own life but she also knew i would be alone.What can you advice me coz i cannot really let her go.
This is just another Example of us Muslims following the Non-Muslims in their Traditions, Culture and Religion, wanting to water down and change Islam to what suits them. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “He who keeps a dog, will lose out of his good deeds equal to one Qirat every day, except one who keeps it for guarding the fields or the herd.” The Messenger of Allah (salallahu 'alayhi wa salam) is reported to have said: “He who keeps a dog for any reason other than to guard his property (lands) or his flock of sheep, his good deeds equal to two Qirat will be deducted every day.” The Prophet (salallahu 'alayhi wa salam) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.”
YES, girl!! Dogs are awesome. I had a German Shepherd when I was a little girl and when people would ring the doorbell she would bark and bear her teeth and we would tell her it was OK and she would calm down. We also had a sign on the door that said: BEWARE OF DOG.
Guys let me clear things up. The prophet s.a.w said you cannot own dog unless it is for hunting or farming. Dog must be kept outside the house and you can help the dog if it needs help in the streets and take it to a shelter. But you cannot just adopt unnecessarily
I am aldo against people who claim to be Muslims and they say the hadith says it is wrong to keep dogs. They have yet to defend this ruling using the Quran. The hadith agnowledg Islam as a religion. For some reason they dont want to follow this part.
Dog is allowed in Islam. But keep it in it's place. Not in the bed room. There are many reasons of hygiene and contracted diseases and their saliva . Give It's own place of work for which he is been created.
Dogs are as clean as long as they are kept clean. I bath my dogs every week, have them vaccinated and get them regularly checked. Cats on the other hand carry toxoplasmosis, a virus that alters the brain 🧠🦠
I live in a muslim community. We had a dog once and it was quite difficult as most of our muslim neighbors are uncomfortable or afraid of dogs. His name was KIKI and we raised him as a puppy. We saved him from starvation underneath our house as the mother ( a stray) was shot by the municipal authorities. There were 3 puppies. One died, the other died after several days but kiki survived. we reared him as a pet for 2 years and then gave him away to a non muslim friend as a guard dog. Our relationship with kiki was of love but also with numerous problems. We do not know how to train him and so he messes the house often and sometimes harasses the neighbors. Dogs unlike other pets need good training. My advice.....get an already trained dog. That way he can assimilate much better in a home while at the same time follow restrictions like not eating food on the table or lick visitors etc.
Hi..i have question..if we raise a dog in the house, it shed hair all over the house n it's urine droplets will be on the couches n floor..is it najas if the urine droplets and its hair is on our body..is it to be neglected..is it valid if we do wudu n pray inside our house after touching its hair n urine droplets..??
In the early times of islam people had dogs either for herding/guarding/work OR people had dogs in the house to use for religious rituals or black magic. In the Persian empire and around, it was common to have a "housedog". This was a dog used for black magic. That is why islam has hadiths saying you can't have a dog in the house other than herding/ guarding/ work. These text not allowing dogs are about black magic. You can't keep a dog for black magic and rituals. That is what it means. The reason they did not specify "dog for black magic" was because that was the obvious. Why else did people have a "dog of the house" other then black magic? People do not specify what is common knowledge. And common knowledge was that dogs in the house meant black magic and superstition. So they only specified the only other reasons that a minority of people had dogs: "Oh right, some people have a dog for guarding, herding or work in fields. Ok, that is allowed". There is nothing against dogs in the house. The problem is with black magic. Second, about the saliva, saliva is not considered impure acording to islam. Only: if a dog licks your plates or cups (that you eat of) then wash it 7 times. This has nothing to do with "impurity" it is just hygene especially in a time where there were stray/ wild dogs who could have rabiës. The Quran talks very positive about a dog who is one of the just youth. They hide together in a cave. In the time of the first muslims, dogs walked in and out of the mosque, nobody cleaned where the dogs had been, and people prayed when they were around. There are hadiths saying the people caring for stray dogs earned paradise only by that single act of kindness. So you can keep any dog, just don't do black magic.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: With regard to dogs, there are three views among the scholars: 1 - That they are taahir (pure), even their saliva. This is the view of Maalik. 2 - That they are naajis (impure), even their hair. This is the view of al-Shaafa’i and is one of the two views narrated from Ahmad. 3 - Their hair is taahir but their saliva is naajis. This is the view of Abu Haneefah and of Ahmad in the other report narrated from him. This is the most correct view. So if the wetness of the dog’s hair gets onto one’s garment or body, that does not make it naajis. End quote.
I’m a Muslim and I want a puppy so bad but my mum hates dogs I asked my dad he said yes but my mum said no😢All I ever wanted was a dog but I never got one😢I get so sad every time I hear the word dog how do I convince my mum?
I knew a muslim couple that temporarily took in an old dog from a depressed friend that couldn't take care of it anymore. But when that friend comitted suicide they decided to keep the dog because he was old and they didn't want to cause him stress by moving him again to a new home. They cared for him until the day he died.
phillip is making stupid fake statement
❤️ such human beings.
@@abdulqayyum5956 you are fake. Probably a Jew u r. What a Fox news.
@@englishteacher3145 why did you have to say jew lmao. Be racist somewhere else.
a Dog is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Kahf(18) as a loyal companion to the young men in the cave, not described as unclean at all.
+Tauseef Hassan You are absolutely right brother. No where, no where in the Quran does it say a dog is haram or angels won't enter your house. They are mentioned 5 times in the Quran and no where does it dogs are impure.Google "corruption of the hadiths" and you will see how over 99% of the hadiths are fabricated or lied. Numerous hadiths insult Allah Almighty and our Beloved Prophet.
+Reck J Which is why we don't follow ALL Ahadith. We follow the Sahih ones when it comes to rules and regulations. Not one person who follows Ahadith claims that literally all Ahadith are trustworthy. It's a fact that many are fabricated or weak. Which is why there's a highly academic and detailed science of Ahadith.
The existence of weak/fabricated Ahadith does not prove that all Ahadith are untrustworthy. This is such an illogical argument.
Aylah MacAnnadh Faiths change over time. What was acceptable or taboo in Muhammad's time shouldn't be the same as today. Cats were demonized similarly by the Pope and Catholics during the time of the Black Death, as a consequence so many possibly about 1/3 of Europe perished.
there were over 700 000 hadiths. Less than 2% are considered authentic. Google the corruption of the hadiths.
Abdullah Mahdd 4 million hadiths. Not 700k.
My friend lives in the Middle East. I go and visit her twice a year. She has a few dogs which we rescued from the street and there are also many cats around the house. Early morning, at sunrise, one of the dogs always sings along with the call to prayer. There are quite a few people in her area that truly care for animals.
So Quran is garbage?
Yes, I visited one country where there is a call for prayera and I was amazed to see the dog of the house owner who is a Westerner Christian, calling for the prayer as soon as he hears a call for the prayer. It is an amazing experience.
Having said that there is misunderstanding in some muslim communities about the dog and how muslims should handle them and there is also an ignorance of people like Ingrid who is supposed to be an Islamic scholar and has knowledge about Islamic position on dogs.
Muslims are not only allowed to care for and be merciful toward all animals including dogs but also we are allowed to keep some animals. The question is where? We are allowed to keep cats indoor but not dogs. We are allowed to keep dogs for useful reasons outdoors , in the garden or elsewhere.
I myself take care of street dogs and feed them, I even feed wild pigs and it is encouraged in Islam to care for all animals. My brother owns a dog to guard his business at night but we don't keep dogs indoor and we have the right.
"Biblical and rabbinic sources do include numerous references that associate dogs with violence and uncleanliness and frown on the practice of keeping them in one’s home."
Some christians don't have issues with jews or non-muslims who don't like to keep dogs indoor but they pretend they are more merciful toward dogs than Muslims and this pure hate of Muslims in disguse and hypocrisy.
I'm sure Allah swt loves people who loves his creation including animal.
And every living thing is worth the kindness
Now this is wisdom..
Im a muslim and i have a dog but he is outside my house im not going to let him sit where i sit...dog is not so clean he lick his ass then your face think a little bit
@@A46648 cats do the same
@@anasyaseen6935 cats saliva is pure
@@A46648 cats do that to tho
You can train dogs not to lick you. Most grow out of it anyways in the same way people do. We put all kinds of things in our mouths as children and were generally filthy. I always wash my hands after petting or snuggling my dog and I bath her and brush her teeth often. If I am trying to focus on something like praying, I will remove her from my room or go to another room so I am not distracted. She sleeps on the 1st floor and patrols the house at night. She protects our family and works tirelessly to keep us safe and happy.
Ya u can train dogs not to lick
*"You can train dogs not to lick you."*
yeah it's astounding the number of people that die or become seriously ill each year due to dog licks - i had to attend A&E 5 times this year due to my dogs licking me..
also i take it you carry an adequate supply of antiseptic wipes when you go out & wipe each door handle etc just in case the previous user didn't wash their hands after using the toilet, picking their nose or even worse?
beachballer they can lick u because they dont give diseases these days because of vaccines
i'm guessing you don't know much about islam jason, when a dog licks you you need to bathe and change your clothes. ( im not a strict muslim but i respect this) its not the same as " picking noses" , don't speak when you don't need to.
*"i'm guessing you don't know much about islam"*
well i don't but perhaps i know more than you.
if a dog licks your hand - you wash your hands - if it licks your face - you wash your face - if it licks your shirt - change your shirt etc.
you don't need to take a bath and change your clothes idiot.
My mom and I got a Yorkie two years before I converted. He's always been loving and caring towards our family. After I converted I started hearing about dogs being haram, but what was I supposed to do? Throw him out in the streets?
I decided to ignore mean comments if they ever came my way. Dogs are loving animals. I would need to have a heart made of stone to dismiss a creature that is devoted to me and my family. It's not who I am and it's not what this religion is about. Props to Ingrid for this video!
thank you for sharing your story! so sorry you had to deal with that ignorance but I'm delighted you ignored it!
A Latin Muslimah you sicko
First of all as they said , dogs are considered as unpure or haram in specific things . Like for example , not letting your dog inside the house . If you have a backyard , you can keep it . Second, do not let your dog lick you or otherwise you have to take a bath before prayer. In conclusion, it's okay to keep your dog outside your house . I used to have a puppy once , many Arab guys especially Saudis who owns a dog . And like I said , do NOT let dogs goes inside the house . Thank you
shit comment
@A Latin Muslimah: keeping dog with certain limitation might be allowed. and caring a dog is somewhat a good deed thats wat i can say.
a prostitute offered a dog water she went to heaven islam loves dogs
dont worry about dogs in the quran it says nothing about dogs but there is one thing a postivie thing about dogs that they are companions iam muslim and iam going to have a dog soon have a nice day :)
I don’t think Allah will send us to hell fire for having a dog...
@@Mikescluelessplatform He won't at all ,but ig some retards dont get that but its wtv
But the prophet Muhammad said that angels will not enter your house and each day you have a dog the more you lose your good deeds
@@clipzz7868 same with pictures but most moslims have portraits at home
@@nxxxlooo5726 I dont
My grandmother (I'm Muslim too) had two dogs, they would protect her and guard her into the city when she went shopping. They would never touch her and she would feed them well.
Did she keep him in the house?
@@FatimahNoor-m8ono,she didnt reply your comment its mean no
This video has motivated me and solidified my plans on getting a dog. I am a muslim and I've always loved and enjoyed spending time with God's creations, whether it be humans or animals. I currently have a cat, saltwater aquarium, and a parrot and would love to add a dog (precisely a Siberian Husky) to my family. I really can't imagine how amazing it would be to take strolls with my dog down the river or in the woods... that would be the dream !
It's a decision you will LOVE! I don't have a dog (yet!) but just spending the day with Dr. Mattson and Ziggy made me want to get one BADLY
Dogs are seriously awesome if you put in the work, husky's are probably not a good first time dog though as they can be willful if you are not firm.
With all dogs they have to get to know you before they take any notice of you.
Mansoor Ismail
the human dog bond is one of the reasons we now have civilization.
Mansoor Ismail
We will never agree, to me dogs are awesome and religion especially abrahamic is just man made lies for some ancient agenda and no way to live your life.
intermilano717 wow! I am so glad to have found this video and find comments like yours.
Have you adopted a dog yet? how is it going?
I really want to adopt one in my future, but how will I deal with other muslims who come over and don't like the dog?
Say if a relative stays over for a week but demands he/she cannot pray with the dog inside????
This is soooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!! May Allah protect her and her pets :)
Amena Abbas get rid of that damn animal
+jerry stubbs please don't reproduce
jerry stubbs shut it you jealous brat
pabby she"s not from Afghanistan and who the fuck are you to say that you ignorant brainwashed sheep from Fox News ?
oh gosh, dogs are not haram, wahabis make everything haram
Yes they are. While mohammad was waiting for an angel in his home. The angel no-showed. Allah told him that it was because there was a dog in his house. That's pretty much the reason for the hatred of dogs in Islam.
Just stop denying it. Dogs in Islam are not tolerated. How dumb can you be do not listen to your own scriptures ? Go read the hadiths
we don't kill dogs not like shelters in ur contrey and others places , we let street dogs a live feed them , we love dog w have dogs of our own but we don't allow them inside the house we put them in the house garden and make them a small home for them . please stop the hate on use and ur islamphobie . have a nice day
Do you realize how ridiculous it sounds to hate an animal?
Vex @
Shame on The Shia Sunny Wahabs Ahmadys & others They are enemies of one God & His words.(FOLLOWERS OF 73 SECTS HADITH)
God dont Like Sects for His servants.
Quran 3-103 >>And hold firmly to the rope of God all together and do not become divided.
Quran 6-159
Allaah mentions this dog in His Book, and says that he was stretching forth his two forelegs at the entrance to the Cave [al-Kahf 18:18], in the context of referring to their high status. This indicates the great benefit to be gained by keeping company with righteous people. Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his commentary on this aayah:
“Their dog was included in their blessing, so he slept as they slept in that situation. This is the benefit of keeping company with righteous people, so this dog was mentioned and was given status too.”
After my divorce I found myself alone in a big house with 4 acres of Forest, didn't feel safe alone(even I have security system). I decide to adopt 2 dogs to protect me and be vigilant of any noise outside. They became my everything, my life run around them. They are my company in my hiking, road trips and walks at the lakes, etc.. I started my Journey in Islam 4 months ago(I grow up Catholic), the more I study Islam the more I fall in love with Allah, finally I feel so peaceful; It's a feeling I can't put in words. Four days ago, I called the Islamic Association of (Keeping the name of City Private) to ask about when and how I can do my Shahadah. I was talking to this Person(a male); He was very respectful and nice with me. He was asking question I guess to know more about me. The conversation took us to the point he discovered I own 2 dogs; His tone of voice changed, he stated that I can't be Muslim if I have to dogs. He said to give away of my dogs and then call back. He didn't let me explain anything and He hangs up. I was in shock. As new in the Islam, this was hard for me to understand why he was so rude to me. For 4 months everything that I read about Muslim kindness, very patients people, people who are open and willing to teach anyone who have questions. I cried so much because I felt this man closed the door to allah without any explanation. I started my own search about why dogs are haram for muslim. I have came across many videos. I read peoples comments. Many comments are so hateful and other very supporting. After all I believe everything in Heaven and Earth is created by Allah, nothing happened here without his knowledge and He sees the unseeing.People like to talk without knowing the history behind. Allah knows the genius reason why I have my dogs. As a single woman living alone my dogs are my guardian. Even before Islam came in to my life, I never like or let them licked me, they have their own plates, they don't eat human food. They are well train to attacked who ever try to harm me. Thank you for this video.Alhamdulillah!
I hope that unfortunate first contact with Muslims didn't prevent you from embracing Islam. Not only was that man rude, but he was also mistaken. He did you a great injustice, may Allah guide him. Even if we assume that owning a dog is not allowed in Islam, it doesn't prevent you from being a Muslim! At worst you'd be a sinning Muslim, but you're a Muslim nonetheless.
The video doesn't explain the Islamic stance on dogs, but in my understanding what's really illicit is owning a dog AS A PET. If you have a valid reason to have a dog (to guard cattle, crop, or for hunting. Many Muslim scholars also allow it to guard property or self), then it IS allowed. Allah knows best.
God bless you.
Yes, it's very unfortunate, heartbreaking even, to hear such a story. Indeed, there's a lot of brothers and sisters that have lacks of wisdom to consider relaying a gentle message and wise words. We pray that may Allah grants and blesses us as believers with more wisdom and understanding. InsyaAllah.
Even owning a dog as a pet is not Haram in my opinion and listening and reading about the narratives of our prophet. Dogs have helped Muslims throughout the history. Yes they were for a certain meaning. Hunting etc. But a dog as a pet gives humans also something which we seem to overlook and what this lady in the video tells us. A companion. One who let us go outside for a walk, which is very healthy. Dogs also prolongs the live of humans because of the companionship.
Well, sister, you can get married and your husband would be your guardian inshallah. Islam not only prohibits the wrong actions but also the actions leading to the wrong actions. There is a big risk with dogs. They're too close to humans and that can lead to grave mistakes. That's why there are so many prohibitive, strong worded hadiths about them. Just because we accustomed to something dubious that somehow benefits us, it doesn't make it right. In the worst case dogs should be kept outside (not indoors) as guardians. Showing the benefit or use of something dubious does not justify it. We usually put ourselves into some conditions, then try to justify it.
To be fair to you, I am giving this advice to myself. I know exactly why wrote what I wrote. The advice above is first and foremost for myself. Assalamu alaikum.
I have to assume the brother in question is of foreign descent, probably from a country where dogs are not all that popular. So don't feel bad some people come from costumes and traditions that make them act a certain way it's a human fault, many Muslims suffer from it so keep your heart firm, and never lose courage, seek Knowledge and remember that Allah is with the Patient.
I am moslem from Indonesia and i have a dog.. My family love him
I’m Muslim and I have a fur baby. She is my only baby and I enjoyed this video, even though I myself am suffering from the pain. Of finding out the saddest news last week that my only baby 🐶 has cancer and only a few weeks left 💔 I am trying to enjoy every moment with her but it is so difficult to “enjoy anything” while I feel like someone has shot me in the heart and I’m still walking, talking, moving like a zombie. I listen/watch to Islamic videos as much as I can it helps my mind. Gives me hope.
“You shall not utter lies with your own tongues stating: "This is halal (lawful), and this is haram (unlawful)," to fabricate lies and attribute them to God. Surely, those who fabricate lies and attribute them to God will never succeed.” 16:116
I love this video, seen it several times. Just like this sister, I am also a single Muslim woman and single mother with 1 child who does not have the luxury of living in a detached house with a large back garden. I’ve been a victim of an attempted burglary and harassment by a schizo, which prompted me to get not one, but two dogs. I have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and a Turkish Kangal! My dogs have to stay inside my house when I’m at work and at night as a deterrent to keep my house, myself and my daughter safe! A burglar would have to have a serious death wish to burgle my house with my crazy dogs! Proud to be a practising hijabi with dogs! Dog 🐕 ❤️👍
I have a dog. I’ve had her before reverting. She’s my friend, she helps me with my anxiety
With all respect, reverting to Islam means a complete change in the life.
It means that you might need to leave some things that you loved before for the sake of Allah.
@@CintAAllah22 that doesn't mean getting ride of her dog, you guys are sick creeps.
Please keep your best friend. If you follow some if these people and let her go, you will regret it.
Mashallah, I loved this video. This is one of the hardest things for me as a Muslim. I love dogs. I even give to dog charities..
Giving food to dogs is actually a good deed in islam there is story which prophet Muhamamd pbuh said us that,
There was a woman who was a prostitute she once was thirsty and found a well nearby she by the help of shoe drank water from it then she saw a dog who was thirsty too she went ahead and gave that dog too water. Just because of this small good deed and by Allah's mercy she entered Jannah (Heaven)
Be careful, learn about your own religion from real and well known ancien scholars not bleached recent scholars who are distorting the word of Allah in the eyes of muslims.
Ingrid is distorting islam, and the ones who are commenting below have 0 knowledge about the topic of dog in Islam. She's done this distortion with her LGBTQ agenda she has been introducing it to muslims. I myself take care of street dogs and there is nothing wrong with being merciful to all animals including dogs. I even feed wild pigs. So all animals have to be treated with mercy.
Yes in some muslim communities there is an Islamic misunderstanding about dogs treating dogs like garbage, other extreme like this sister misguiding youth about what Allah permitted us. We are not permitted to have a dog inside a house and it is said that the angels doesn't enter the house where there is a dog but it is permitted to own a dog and have it outside in the garden area...etc for various useful reasons.
Don't engage in making Halal what Allah made Haram and making Haram what Allah made Halal. We don't take what we want from Islam and reject what goes against our desire, we take all of it and we are muslims, we start cherry picking we are taking ourselves out of the fold of Islam.
There is NOTHING in Islam that says that keeping a Canine in the house is haram!! Period! All these ideas come from old pre-Islamic Arab beliefs about dogs. Dog are mentioned very favorably in the Quran. Enough of this nonsense!
tibzig1 The only annoying thing is that if a dog touches you while praying or he's standing infront of you (while praying) but that's just a sign of the dog loving you. I think it's the best to keep your dog outside playing ONLY if you have wuuduu or while praying . For the rest what you said is true
Dark Reaper I understand your concern. Like everything else in life, please use prudence and common sense. Would you wear long, flowing clothes with corners going everywhere if you are working very close to dangerous machinery with moving parts? Probably not a good idea from a safety point of view. Same with canines.
***** If the weather is nice, you can leave the dog outside. But if it is very cold (or very hot), you must have a doghouse or bring the dog inside but keep the dog in a separate area of the house until morning. Some dog breeds cannot take extreme weather (too hot or cold). I keep my dogs inside and outside both ways. But while inside they are in a part of the house where I have tile floors so I can clean up easily. You must clean up the hair daily.
Most Muslims lie about Islam so lets not blame the Arab. The Prophet of Islam was Arab.
Please quote me the Quran as to where it says anything negative about dogs. Actually the moron Al Bukahri can shut the hell up because that pseudointellectual caused more harm with his false hadiths than anyone else. He is the one who made up all this bullshit!
when you get a dog you owe it a whole live....even when he's old.....you owe it a whole life
Having a dog is not haram, the saliva is.
Your brain is so fucked up. The hadith was created many many years ago. You might as well say Facebook and Instagram is haram. That arab women who wear makeup is haram, that women in Asia who wear Saris are haram, and RUclips is haram also you idiot.
How is the saliva haram? Got proof of what you say?.
Monty Kay i hope you're joking lmfao i respect muslims but you're talking like an idiot . I am white and also anti war and government so fuck off.
Deen Walid how can saliva of a dog be haram and not saliva of a cat? ridiculous. if a dog licks you just wash your hands? why deprive a dog of a home?
Monty Kay bahahaha crazy asshole
I am a Muslim, my mum is an ex-Catholic, in her 70's now, she has a PBT, no-one will take her dog when she dies, so I will take her dog, it's my duty as a daughter.
Dogs are amazing!!!! my dad adopted a dog a year ago but he keeps him outside which breaks my heart!! Poor baby is epileptic too :(:(:(:( as a Muslim I like to believe we are allowed to have dogs in the house because ashab el cahf had a dog IN the cave and it is going to heaven too.. dogs love us so much it makes no sense that they r not allowed in the house.
On a happier note your dog is lovely!!! So is your cat :)
farah kulaib you are a damn fool
+farah kulaib Sayyidina ’Umar (ra) was very concerned about the animals during his rule as AMIR or HEAD OF THE ISLAMIC EMPIRE said:
It is incumbent upon all Muslims who own animals, whether for farming or work purposes or as pets, to provide adequate shelter, food, water, and, when needed, veterinary care for their animals. Arrangements must be made, if one is going to be away from home, to have one’s animals taken care of as well
The Prophet said, "While a man was walking he felt thirsty and went down a well, and drank water from it. On coming out of it, he saw a dog panting and eating mud because of excessive thirst. The man said, 'This (dog) is suffering from the same problem as that of mine.' So, he (went down the well), filled his shoe with water, caught hold of it with his teeth and climbed up and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for his (good) deed and forgave him.'' The people asked ``O Allah's Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving (the) animals?'' He replied: ``Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate (living being).''
farah kulaib older people has different view but young ones need to be civilised
DUDE THEY HAD A DOG (sorry for my caps but it annoys me because a lot of people use this as an excuse) BECAUSE IT WAS BEFORE THE PROPHET'S S.A.W TIME. BEFORE IT WAS HARAAM TO GET ONE.
Hi..i have question..if we raise a dog in the house, it shed hair all over the house n it's urine droplets will be on the couches n floor..is it najas if the urine droplets and its hair is on our body..is it to be neglected..is it valid if we do wudu n pray inside our house after touching its hair n urine droplets..??
God bless you sister ... there is nothing haram where there is love for a living being. Dogs are just awesome friend.
Prophet Muhammed SAW? Don’t you read hadiths?
@@yargi5811 Hadiths are basically bogus ... most of them. Anything contradictory to Quran ... I don't believe. Thanks 😊
@@yargi5811 maliki madhhab allowed to pet dog
@@yargi5811 Where does it say dogs are Haram?
Dog is not our friend but books are.
Dogs are so beautiful, cute, loyal, and they make great pets❤
I’m so glad there are Muslims like you that don’t demonize having dogs in the house. I will someday need a guide dog, which even my dad protests right now, but it would be better to be trained and used to using this aid before I lose my vision entirely. Can’t get a word in edgewise on this topic with him. It is especially safer for a blind or low vision woman traveling alone to have the dog for additional safety and security as well. Allah knows best what I need and I trust him to take care of my needs.
2:08 Beautiful image of the dog and cat looking out the window.
This video never gets old to me. I appreciate it!
I am surprised by some comment here and how impure the animal is considering the Quran mentions the dog in 5 verses with only positive views about the animal including mentioning that you can eat the meat that is killed by your dog. So the dog would hunt and bring meat obviously it touched there mouths. This is incredibly ignorant, all animals are created by Allah swt thus beautiful including the pig, which you are not allowed to eat but you still cannot mistreat it or kill it just because its a pig. Arent Hadith suppose to be validate from the Quran before being set as authenticate? if the quran does not say anything bad about them, then how come the Hadidh contradict the Quran...so the Prophet would never have said that what some Muslims are claiming bad about dogs nowadays.. think wisely ❤
Real muslims do not believe in Al-bukhari book but believe in the Quran.
I am a muslim and I cant wait to get a dog in a couple years! great video
my sister in religion I know it's said dogs are haram but taking into consideration dogs play profound rolls in many ways. I belive you must have gone through one incident in the powerful earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. one of the mosque was collapsed in Turkey and when team of rescuers and volunteers were about to move away from that area a search dog started barking when they dig deeper 3 lives were saved and a sahe who was around litrary kissed the front paw of dog in appreciation for the remarkable rescue .and another insistent some were in Turkey a dog was rescued from the debris after 13 days when he was given bread and water he drank the water but the slice of bread he carried for His owner who was already dead.the rescuers and fire fighter were in tears to see the hungry dog sharing his bread to owner.dogs are also Allahs creatures. Love from Tanzania
I am with Ingrid Mattson. Because I want a dog so bad. They are one of my favorite animals/pets. They are very loyal and sweet and NEVER leave your side. They love their owners more than they love themselves. They are very popular pets and even some Muslims I know own dogs. Even my mom's friends are telling her to get me a pet. But my mom is scared of dogs and cats and thinks they are gross. My dad likes dogs and is agreeing to get me one in a few years but my mom is still disagreeing. And obviously, my dad has to listen to my mom. But I will not give up and I will try my best to get a dog. Because I love them and my life is incomplete without a pet.
Mishal A Good Luck!
Hey guys, a few of these comments were a bit inflammatory, so I went ahead and deleted them. Appreciate the passionate discussion everyone is having but figure it should be more about the subject at hand :)
+Homegrown Homies This video is very inspiring. I am a muslim and I adopted two dogs from a rescue and kill shelter. They absolutely changed my life, and it was the best decision I have ever made. They were both suffering and I could not tolerate this so I decided to adopt them. I encourage other muslims to do the same.
Sayyidina ’Umar (ra) was very concerned about the animals during his rule as AMIR or HEAD OF THE ISLAMIC EMPIRE said:
It is incumbent upon all Muslims who own animals, whether for farming or work purposes or as pets, to provide adequate shelter, food, water, and, when needed, veterinary care for their animals. Arrangements must be made, if one is going to be away from home, to have one’s animals taken care of as well.
The Prophet said, "While a man was walking he felt thirsty and went down a well, and drank water from it. On coming out of it, he saw a dog panting and eating mud because of excessive thirst. The man said, 'This (dog) is suffering from the same problem as that of mine.' So, he (went down the well), filled his shoe with water, caught hold of it with his teeth and climbed up and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for his (good) deed and forgave him.'' The people asked ``O Allah's Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving (the) animals?'' He replied: ``Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate (living being).''
thank you. I don't want to see anything that doesn't add value but hate. I wish all youtubr clips had moderators
Homegrown Homies so are we allowed to keep a dog in house and is it permissible to keep it as a pet
Sadly, this concept comes from fabricated hadith which claims that the Prophet ordered the killing of dogs and gave numerous hadith that prohibit the keeping of dogs except for hunting and guarding, due to their dirty status!
No where in the Quran are dogs prohibited, nor is there any mention of any contaminating effect of these lovely animals who are man's best friend. Consequently, we must dismiss all these hadith that fabricate lies against the Prophet.
"You would think they were awake, when they were in fact asleep. We turned them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched his arms in their midst"
18:18 (Quran)
Abdullah Islam its actually tht prophet Muhammad PBUH order to kill the mad dogs..one of his companion didnt heard the word "mad" and killed all the dogs..then later prophet Muhammad PBUH said tht he said to kill mad dogs because they are dangour and can do harm to anyone
The most loyal and best friend of human that cant be compared at all
Muslim here. And I'd like to clear out that owning a dog is not "haram" at all, the teachings only advise not to have one inside your home as they are considered an impure animal. But that was centuries ago when there were no vaccines for pets, and you could get all kinds of infections from your pet, so advising not to have close contact with a dog was to prevent such thing. Nowadays, you can't actually own a dog if it's not vaccinated, and I am sure religion is flexible enough to revisit such teachings and adapt them to modern advancements.
Muslims throughout the centuries used dogs to guard their homes, crops and cattle and it is by no mean prohibited to own one, unless you treat it the right way as religion commands you to. There is a story in the Quran about a non-muslim woman who found a dog by a well barking for water, as he was unable to get it, she pulled out water from the well and gave him a drink, it was by this act only that she was accepted in heaven. And this shows that interactions with dogs (or any other pet) isn't haram, it's just not advised to have it inside your home due to impurity.
Chakib Tsouli
where in the Quran is the story you claim?
"There is a story in the Quran about a non-muslim woman who found a dog by
a well barking for water, as he was unable to get it, she pulled out
water from the well and gave him a drink, it was by this act only that
she was accepted in heaven."
***** may peace be upon you, but that hadith about a prostitute being grant a paradise is a false hadith made up by the sufism follower, there is no such thing as showing mercy to a one creature could dissolve a sin of a person selling their body, it doesn't make sense, it's a false hadith. In Islam, we are command to respect all living things that Allah created even it's a dog,pig and etc. that i agree with you,
may peace be upon you
may peace be upon you, yes sins can be forgiven that's right, but remember one act is no equal to another you can't have all your entire sins being void by just feeding an innocent dog, that's has nothing to do with erasing your sins, that's getting credits from god, the only way for you to erase that prostitution sins is by stop doing that immoral thing and repent, which means pray to god for forgiveness not feeding a dog and get into heavan just like that, as if it sounds like the christians had mention about jesus that he died for our sins, which is why i said that prostitutes and dog hadith is a made up one a false one, one who had been created by the group who love the made bidaah(invention in islam) which is haram, that group is the Sufism. Remember there is true(shahih) hadith and false(daif) hadith, we need to seek the true one, one such like Imam Bukhari research on rasullulah hadith.
May peace be upon you
May peace be upon you, yes i've read all 4 works of the imam who noted in hadith research, one such is my favourite is Imam Bukhari, and Abu Daud and Imam Muslim, true that Allah forgive all sins aside from shirikh but remember Bidaah (invention) is also types of Shirikh, these hadith about the prostitutes and the dog never mention in bukhari, abu daud, and muslim as there are from the Sufism work, the Sufism movement is known for Bidaah and there for what are the hadith they mention i strongly reject due to their bidaah way of teaching, remember Rasullulah had mention in a Hadith narrated by bukhari and muslim that" Those of you who had made,create, and invent things that never been thought by Me(Rasullulah) and Islam, He or She had created a new Religion that has nothing to do with Allah" so in term of sufism they are wrong. The prostitue hadith is so wrong due to it's irrelevant on sins and forgiveness, for example one good deed is no equal to another, those sins of prostitution is not forgiven just because she feed those dog, it is not the way of showing mercy to god creation our sins will be forgiven, it's is our efforts to repent along with sincere prayer to Allah, we pray and ask for forgiveness, not by doing good thing to erase our sins,sins will be forgiven if we repent and pray to the lord for forgiveness not by feeding dogs or show kindness to other,that's where we were given credits for not forgiveness. and Riyad-us-Saliheen doesn't mention about the prostitute thing but something about asking for forgiveness,repentation and prayer. that's the initial comment that i've mention is that hadith of the prostitute and the dog is a false hadith made up by the Sufism follower, one such false hadith also created by the Sufism is that they claim Rasullulah had mention "Seek knowledge till as far as China mainland", just imagine, rasullulah can't read or write, and never heard any nation name china back in the day, how could he name china in the hadith? and how he know so much about academically there where a country he never visited, all he knows at that time it was the roman empire and persian empire has the greatest minds in academia, so where does china came from in this hadith?
May peace be upon you
+Chakib Tsouli you can just change the rules in the muslim bible? then why dont you all change the one about killing everyone that dont agree with your views.
I want a dog to protect me and my family and of course I want to love them but I am afraid about what people think.
Don't think about them..
Ignore what they say! Let's make a change. I'll get a dog one day :D
Society are always messed up....don't think about them....only think allah❤️
Hey guys I want to get a female shiba inu one day and I also want to play with him and make him happy is it haram to play with the dog
Why?why afraid?he is your guard,he will protect you no matter what happen,why you afraid?
I have 3 myself. But guidelines follows love n respect it n keep it apart from house. N its duty is to herd sheep or guard
Salaams dear sister, thanks so much for sharing. Just got my first pup . I am a revert in uk and always had a dog growing up. SubhanAllah I had very similar experience to you and and never thought a few years ago I would get a dog because I always mistakenly thought it as not liked in islam. May Allah bless you
some of the companions of Rasool'Allah (ص) undoubtedly would have owned dogs because we know from hadith they asked question about dogs and hunting with them etc and Allah's apostle also gave numerous rulings. one should not allow the dog to be in the house, that living space is private quarters and dogs happily adapt, if the west has domesticated the to the point they think they are teddy bears doesn't mean we should. nobody in their right mind should look down at any Muslim who ownes a dog, for indeed they are an incredible creation of Allah that would lay their life down for their owner and their loyalty is unrivalled.
Dear Sister no one deserves to receive hate mail. These bullies need to be taught a lesson. It is so sad that in an advancing world where womans rights are supposed to improving that anyone thinks they can behave badly to muslim women or any women. It will be very sad if no women go to help or stand up for muslim women. And any man attacking any woman is a coward and is the the type that should not be in society not a woman who decides how she chooses to dress. Good for you. I intervene if I see anyone harassed in public. Thats how we should all be. My friends have dogs who listen to the Islamic call to prayer as though they are hearing something spiritual for them.
All beings need to be loved. Thanks for your video.
I have a service dog that I need for serious medical reasons. But visiting a Muslim family I was asked (politely) if she had been bathed and could stay if she was not on the furniture an stay glued to my side.
I was told Mohammed said they were unclean(?) and if you have one in your home that they were unclean an bad luck. An if true why the real personal hate he had for em?
Honest curiosity, is it more of a cultural thing or actually in the quran. Id like clarification, Im going by with what tidbits I can remember over the few muslim friends I have an their restrictions are all a bit different for each their households.
This vedio makes me happy .I bought my first pet dog and my relatives are not happy and blaming me ,also telling me no point of doing my namaz.I am really upset and sad , i love my dog.I live myself in a unit and the main reason i bought him is to be a companion for myself. 💞💞
Don't think about them the important on this world is your kindness ...
Salaam sister! We also have a dog who is very loving and loyal . I noticed that he loves it and calms down more quickly when I recite part of the tasbih while stroking his head. (Also I can't believe why angels will be afraid of dogs! )
Dogs should be kept with regulations
I will tell you two stories about the dog,
The dog was created when the iblees spit on the body of Adam (as) while he was still in the process of being created. The Shaytan went to a group of horses in the garden sayings, does you see that pile of dirt over there? If that pile of dirt is given life your life will be made hard.
The horse then charged in order to trample the body of Adam(as), to save Adam Allah sent Jibril(as) to remove the earth and spittle from Adam (the navel) and the dog was made and bagan making loud noises that scared the Horses away.
- the Gospel of Barnabas and Hadith
Story 2
When Nuh (as) was commanded to load the ark, he was given the ability to understand the animals.
And so the Dog came seek permission to board the ark.
Nuh agreed to let the dog board as long as he agreed not to hump anything and the Dog agreed and was granted passage.
Now after sometime on the ark the dog went back to his old behavior and began to hump and the Cat was witnessing this! The Cat said to the Dog, I will tell Nuh! And so the Dog began chasing the Cat on the Ark but the Cat was clever and escaped, therefore the Dog made a plan and began to stay with Noah and whenever the Cat would come the Dog would Chase it.
I do not know the origin of this story.
That might be why angels avoid dogs and Allah knows best.
In Islam u can have a dog but it is not allowed to keep dog at home
strange religion
Azhar Sayed you csn just not in the house. In a kennel outside is fine. If you have it in the house then Angels of mercy dont enter. Unless you have a need like security like the sister. Allah(SWT) knows best.
MsSaracen. i'm sure you are not brainwashed. and please don't shake peoples hands or kiss them on the cheeks. you never know what those hands have touched. now go back to your fantasy religious land. and waste your life
We Muslim can eat meat that were caught by a hunting dog. We only need to clean and wash it. We just don't keep the dog at home.
I love my dog. Dogs bring us closer to Allah as they teach us the characteristics that we should show to Allah (unconditional love and loyalty). How can a creator dislike of us takin care of another creation of God? Animals submit to the will of Allah, unlike a lot of us Humans.
"Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody keeps a dog, he loses one Qirat (of the reward) of his good deeds everyday, except if he keeps it for the purpose of agriculture or for the protection of livestock. "
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 541)
i want a dog too. they are mentioned in surah Kahf in a good way!
Hadith - Bukhari 3:515, Narrated Abu Huraira
I heard Allah's Apostle saying; "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)."
With regard to the words of the questioner, “keeping a dog is naajis”. This is not exactly correct, because the najaasah (impurity) is not in the dog itself, rather it is in its saliva when it drinks from a vessel. If a person touches a dog or a dog touches him, that does not mean that he has to purify himself, whether with soil or water. But if a dog drinks from his vessel, then he has to throw away the water and wash it seven times with water and the eighth time with soil, if he wants to use it. If he makes it just for the dog then he does not have to purify it.
Everyone could leave you but your dog will stay beside you as long as they live.they are gifts from God. A protector and a loyal friend.
This video is beautiful! A gift from Allah (the dog) that opens her up to more of Allah's gifts (nature, walks alone, de-stressing)
I keep hearing the dog's saliva and hair is impure, but I only hear them...like opinions... never read anything solid on it.
It doesn't make sense, why would Allah create something so beautiful and loving and tell us to stay away from the blessing?
Everything Allah does forbid is ultimately for our own benefit, such as alcohol and pre-marital affairs, and dressing obscenely and so on. How does keeping a dog inside fall into this category?
So truee this is not about the religion it's shows our gratitude , love and care towards the dog if Allah have to keep us away from dog then why would he created this beautiful creature ? Just for our security not for love not for his loyalty I still don't know why people include dogs in this category
Well.. Our holy quran never said dogs are haram quran is the only islamic way of life you dont have to follow man made book aka hadith to be muslims
Thank you Dr. Mattson for this insightful video. Your background and position will being about greater awareness and acceptance of man's best friend.
I was never able to get a dog but I really want one, how do I convince my parents to get me one?
Leave islam because they won’t allow you
@@vladimirvladimirovichputin1352 yeah and go to hell you wont be saying that fuk you
Do not leave Islam, if you want to go to Paradise but, if you want to go to hellfire then ok its your choice
@@vladimirvladimirovichputin1352 why would he leave Islam?, Islam is the right path, imagine leaving your reiligon just for a dog
If your parents don't allow you, wait until your older and have your own spot and get one, it's really cool!
It was narrated that Abu Talhah said:
"The Messenger of Allah said: '; The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture."
Grade = Sahih (Darussalam)
Vol. 5, Book 42, Hadith 4287
P.S You guys are ignorant if you dispute this!
One of the things that most people don't realize is that all hadith that have led to this issue in the Fiqh has come from a cat person (Abu Hurayrah - literally the 'father' of cats). This singular-chained hadith versions is what has led to this stance in Fiqh.
But this hadith is very suspect and unlikely to be actually valid, but we haven't been able to start such discussions in the wider community (including scholars) yet, simply because it is in Bukhari and Muslim.
On the contrary, there are other narrations and verses in Qur'an that speak positively of the dogs and none would lead to the same Fiqh conclusion.
Wow that's really interesting! Thank you for sharing that! Hopefully we all can continue to have nuanced conversations on subjects like this
Homegrown Homies Indeed. This is a basic post that I had submitted on Facebook that has more detail on the subject:
"Isn't odd that all ahadith/narrations related to the dog's saliva being impure come from a cat-person (i.e. Abu Hurayrah)? Abu Hurayrah, had a cat when young and his nickname became the One (Abu) with the Kitten...
These hadiths, about saliva impurity, are all single-chain narrations that end at Abu Hurayrah and no one else. Nothing else comes even close (one very weak alternate chain through Ibn Umar (a different one) -> Nafi' -> Ibn Umar).
The Abu Hurayrah hadith, besides it being singularly narrated, is suspect when all narrations are put together (for e.g. as mentioned in As-Sunan Al-Kubra - Ishaaq -> Abu Mu'awiyah -> A'mash -> Abu Razeen: I saw Abu Hurayrah smack his own face and say that O People of Iraaq, you all believe that I lie in the prophet's name yet I bear witness that I have indeed heard him say that if a dog takes a sip from a bowl, then wash it seven times...etc.). There are other such suspect hadiths of Abu Hurayrah as well.
As for the angels not entering a home; that is also very suspect. We basically learn that the prophet was supposed to have had an appointment with Jibreel but he wouldn't turn up. So the prophet, supposedly, got very anxious and that was visible on his face. They eventually found that there was a dead-puppy in the house, and that's why Jibreel wouldn't turn up. When they took the dog out, he came and explained why the angels can't enter a home with dogs or pictures inside (Muslim has the most details/context).
Most of these hadiths come through Ibn Abbas -> Abu Talha Al-Ansaari. Another one that comes in Sahih Muslim through Ibn Abbaas -> Maymoonah (the wife's prophet), in fact, shows that the prophet, thereafter, started 'commanding' the killing of dogs!
If we study this further, we often find other conflicting narratives, even with stronger chains. We need to raise the bar for the criteria for the acceptance of hadith, as most are single-chains and many conflict with each other and even the greater Qur'anic principles."
You are absolutely correct.
Ibn Maajah (3640) narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.
Ingrid, kudos to you and Amer!
So many closed minded people thinking dogs are unclean. It’s views like this that give Muslims a bad name
dogs in islam for guarding only..... u can put ur dogs outdoor
Isn't she marry ? If not why don't she get a husband that can do more than a dog, to love and protect her for the rest of her life.
its called none of your Business, she can have whatever she want. it sounds that you are a complainer and your husband hates you because the only thing y do is complain, instead encourage. sorry to say that but lot muslim don't know islam, only look at the dark side of it. WAHABI made everything HARAM, and you follow it like a you have no brain. get a life.@@zainal167
I rather put you outside 😂
How come a muslim from Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia can't touch dogs? Can someone tell me?
love this !! God bless ❤❤
I am a new muslim convert. I converted to Islam on 1st Ramadan. Everything is going extremely fine but there is one concern. I have a pet dog at my home and many of my muslim friends say that give your dog to shelter or my salah would not be accepted at all. And one of my friend say that if dogs saliva touches me once then i am impure for 40 days. So in this 40 days none of my prayers and duas and charities will hold no meaning at all... I am really depressed because of this so please can you suggest me what is right???
thank you for everything u did,may Allah bless u
What type of stupidity is this..if you want a dog get a dog but if you can't look after it and choose to keep it outside, than don't get one because the dog wouldn't want you as an owner.
I'm a Muslim I converted 7 years ago and I still hv my small chihuahua and I wear a hijab and love her to bits and am proud to walk her out only Allah can judge but a good Muslim will not judge u .. I'm proud of her she's been so loyal and always will be more than any human Allah likes kindness to all is creation so anyone who hurt a animal hell fire waits for u
Great video!
glad you enjoyed it! we're putting out more HUMAN stories like this in the coming weeks so be sure to subscribe to get it first and share this vid with your friends :)
Dogs are gods creatures their loyal unlike humans.
Loyal? They show unconditional loyalty, love, protection and friendship. A dog has all the characteristics that are rare amongst humans.....
Dear all
There is clear evidence from Hadith that I have read is that a dog can be kept for security reasons but in the boundary of the house. It is also clearly stated that angels don't visit the house where there are dogs.
If you have kept a dog for security and protection then may I ask what is the purpose of surah Kursi and the 3 kuls which were revealed in the time of need and protection.
you are so sweet. i thought every muslim people hate dog. one muslim man kept hitting my puppy😢 and i feel so sad to know that people here hate my puppy
camila horan kick him in his nuts
Hitting a dog? For what reason? If for no reason thn tht muslim will go to hell. Show kindness to every living creature. I knw it is difficult if it comes to insects or small animals cos we cant see. But nvr torture them we r the custodians of Allah's creature which is plants and animal. We r above these 2. So y dont we use our brains for a once. I hate animal abuse
Camila Horan, I swear on my faith, as a both a Muslim and a dog owner, any human that hurts an animal for no reason (other than defence) I will make my enemy. My dogs brought me closer to God. Muslim = someone who submits to the will of God. I'm pretty sure all animals submit to the will of God and thus are perfect in the sense of serving their creator, which isn't always the case for us Humans.
Dallas Gillas lol wish i could
sg boii glad to know that. Guess many people here dont know their religion :)
I reverted to Islam and panicked because my Muslim community kept telling me I’d have to remove my dog from my home because they are haram (broke my heart- dog owners understand) and some telling me to simply not let him touch my prayer clothes.
Nice video :) I have a golden retriever and few blocks ahead is a muslim neighbourhood.Its the shortest way to go to the dog park so I choose that path.
I don't dislike muslims but I just want to say that my dog is very very gentle and loves to approach people and wants to play.But they give me n my dog bad looks and try to get away from us.Its not polite. He loves people and just wants some affection back but in return he gets cold looks :(
yes I understand your point.My mother doesn't like any pet.It doesn't matter how clean my dog is.... she always says something about his uncleaned paws/ fur so I know these things ... there is one muslim lady from that neighbourhood , she pets my dog but unfortunately we don't have any common language to communicate otherwise I could have asked her directly.
I would trust my dog more than human.Period.
peengoo i am muslim and i absolutely love and adore dogs but not all people like animals and there are a lot of misconceptions about Islam regarding a dog...i always play with dogs who are friendly you may not like Muslims because many hate dogs but not all are the same
peengoo is happened to him when we pass with my pincher amont arabs ,she is small but they took away their children hahah
AFAIK, dog is considered clean in Maliki madhab. That should not be an issue. I am wondering doesn't she have a family?
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ soo cute!
Animals is not like some people they don't care who you are where from you come. !And if you take care about them they will love you forever Some people need to learn from them about tolerance!!!Lady you are beautiful human and thank you for taking care of 🐕 💓
Cats are the best pets for muslim houses.
Please provide Arabic captions so that we can share this around. ♥️ Very helpful & lovely.
Dog is not haram. This is the most mismatch
they are not haram but you can't have it in your house.
one time our prophet was waiting for jibreel but he never came so the prophet asked him why and he said "angels don't enter homes that have painting of people and dogs in it" so its not wise
Sex out of marriage is haram and Muslims do that all the time!
@@kalid474quran never said that, you dont have to follow bukhari's hadith to be muslims
guys I'm Muslim and I would like to say that keeping a dog isn't HARAM
but you can only keep it for special reasons like helping a blind man walk or gaurding you or your house and you can't touch its saliva because it is filthy and unclean
the only reason to have have a dog is for the reasons above nothing else that goes for other things in the dog family
the only animal that you can't keep as a pet or even in your house even touching it is haram is a rodent
Rehabe Abcde Nothing in the quran says that a dog isnt allowed.
George Bush i know right
George Bush It can be found in the hadith not the quran
That means everyone can have a dog for guarding purposes...
I have always considered dogs unclean and break your ablution, but would've liked as guard dog rather than as a pet. But it just goes to show my culture and word of mouth influenced my thoughts rather than a scholar. I must add the dog look gorgeous! 😍
I have a fear of dogs but yet I seem to love them bcos of their loyalty
good story . good person. good dog
Not one Aya or to say not one Hadeeth where The prophet s.a.w.s states dogs are impure. It's actually wrong to say dogs are impure. We have uncertified Shaikhs make uncertified statements.
I asked my dog today what he thought of Muslims. Through gritted teeth he said no comment.
Ahahaha that one made me smile :) merry christmas dave
S. G. Glad it tickled your funny bone haha. Merry Christmas to you too :-)
I just turned Muslim myself not too long ago, in fact, 29th of March which I am very happy. But there is one problem I cant keep my dog. I got the dog as a puppy due to my daughter who passed away in 2015 due to AML Leukaemia This was her dying wish at the time my daughter was only 13 years when she died in front of me. She told me to buy her as it will be a good thing for me to love again and because she won't be here no more that's why she said for me to have a companion.She knew her brothers had their own life but she also knew i would be alone.What can you advice me coz i cannot really let her go.
Assalamualaikum sister I hope u still have the dog... Caring for the dog is saddaqah... Allah is the ultimate judge
This is just another Example of us Muslims following the Non-Muslims in their Traditions, Culture and Religion, wanting to water down and change Islam to what suits them. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “He who keeps a dog, will lose out of his good deeds equal to one Qirat every day, except one who keeps it for guarding the fields or the herd.”
The Messenger of Allah (salallahu 'alayhi wa salam) is reported to have said: “He who keeps a dog for any reason other than to guard his property (lands) or his flock of sheep, his good deeds equal to two Qirat will be deducted every day.”
The Prophet (salallahu 'alayhi wa salam) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.”
I totally agree with you.
if you are a real muslim and pray every day . god protects you
There are some conditions attached to keeping dogs. You need to ask the learned scholars.
YES, girl!! Dogs are awesome. I had a German Shepherd when I was a little girl and when people would ring the doorbell she would bark and bear her teeth and we would tell her it was OK and she would calm down. We also had a sign on the door that said: BEWARE OF DOG.
Guys let me clear things up.
The prophet s.a.w said you cannot own dog unless it is for hunting or farming. Dog must be kept outside the house and you can help the dog if it needs help in the streets and take it to a shelter. But you cannot just adopt unnecessarily
I am aldo against people who claim to be Muslims and they say the hadith says it is wrong to keep dogs. They have yet to defend this ruling using the Quran. The hadith agnowledg Islam as a religion. For some reason they dont want to follow this part.
Dog is allowed in Islam. But keep it in it's place. Not in the bed room. There are many reasons of hygiene and contracted diseases and their saliva . Give It's own place of work for which he is been created.
Like every other animal that isn’t properly taken care of 😂
Dogs are as clean as long as they are kept clean. I bath my dogs every week, have them vaccinated and get them regularly checked. Cats on the other hand carry toxoplasmosis, a virus that alters the brain 🧠🦠
I live in a muslim community. We had a dog once and it was quite difficult as most of our muslim neighbors are uncomfortable or afraid of dogs. His name was KIKI and we raised him as a puppy. We saved him from starvation underneath our house as the mother ( a stray) was shot by the municipal authorities. There were 3 puppies. One died, the other died after several days but kiki survived. we reared him as a pet for 2 years and then gave him away to a non muslim friend as a guard dog.
Our relationship with kiki was of love but also with numerous problems. We do not know how to train him and so he messes the house often and sometimes harasses the neighbors. Dogs unlike other pets need good training. My advice.....get an already trained dog. That way he can assimilate much better in a home while at the same time follow restrictions like not eating food on the table or lick visitors etc.
Hi..i have question..if we raise a dog in the house, it shed hair all over the house n it's urine droplets will be on the couches n floor..is it najas if the urine droplets and its hair is on our body..is it to be neglected..is it valid if we do wudu n pray inside our house after touching its hair n urine droplets..??
I have dogs and cats. It is impossible for me to beleive that God, who created all, wouldn't love his creatures. I don't care what people say...
In the early times of islam people had dogs either for herding/guarding/work OR people had dogs in the house to use for religious rituals or black magic. In the Persian empire and around, it was common to have a "housedog". This was a dog used for black magic. That is why islam has hadiths saying you can't have a dog in the house other than herding/ guarding/ work. These text not allowing dogs are about black magic. You can't keep a dog for black magic and rituals. That is what it means. The reason they did not specify "dog for black magic" was because that was the obvious. Why else did people have a "dog of the house" other then black magic? People do not specify what is common knowledge. And common knowledge was that dogs in the house meant black magic and superstition. So they only specified the only other reasons that a minority of people had dogs: "Oh right, some people have a dog for guarding, herding or work in fields. Ok, that is allowed". There is nothing against dogs in the house. The problem is with black magic.
Second, about the saliva, saliva is not considered impure acording to islam. Only: if a dog licks your plates or cups (that you eat of) then wash it 7 times. This has nothing to do with "impurity" it is just hygene especially in a time where there were stray/ wild dogs who could have rabiës.
The Quran talks very positive about a dog who is one of the just youth. They hide together in a cave.
In the time of the first muslims, dogs walked in and out of the mosque, nobody cleaned where the dogs had been, and people prayed when they were around.
There are hadiths saying the people caring for stray dogs earned paradise only by that single act of kindness.
So you can keep any dog, just don't do black magic.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
With regard to dogs, there are three views among the scholars:
1 - That they are taahir (pure), even their saliva. This is the view of Maalik.
2 - That they are naajis (impure), even their hair. This is the view of al-Shaafa’i and is one of the two views narrated from Ahmad.
3 - Their hair is taahir but their saliva is naajis. This is the view of Abu Haneefah and of Ahmad in the other report narrated from him.
This is the most correct view. So if the wetness of the dog’s hair gets onto one’s garment or body, that does not make it naajis. End quote.
Guys, all of you have no right to judge her. May Allah guide us
I’m a Muslim and I want a puppy so bad but my mum hates dogs I asked my dad he said yes but my mum said no😢All I ever wanted was a dog but I never got one😢I get so sad every time I hear the word dog how do I convince my mum?
As a Muslim I love my dog more then my life... Her name tussy 🐕🐕